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Time for story number four! I don't have much to say about this one, I think it's pretty self explanatory. Hopefully in a good way lol

“Hmph! Not a real ghost hunter! I'll show them!” Andrea muttered under her breath, “I'll show all of them! We'll see who's not a real ghost hunter!”

Still tormented by the jeering laughter of her 'peers' she barely even thought about all the gear she was throwing together. It wasn't until she was dragging her massive, overloaded duffel bag out of the bed of her truck that she realized just how much equipment she'd packed. But she didn't care. As hard it was to lug around a bag that weighed more than she did, and was even a few inches taller than her to boot, sheer stubbornness kept pushing one foot in front of the other.

Knowing full well her diminutive stature, cute features, and all around 'girly' look was exactly what'd gotten her laughed out of the boy's club that was the local ghost hunting society Andrea was determined to show them all up. She'd driven out to the single most haunted place in all of #Washington. And unlike so many of the cowards who'd mocked her incessantly when she tried to join their stupid little gathering she'd even showed up night. On a full moon. Only a few days from Halloween. On the anniversary of Madame Antomia's being shutdown by the cops. By pure luck she'd even managed to arrive on the two hundredth anniversary of the elegant mansion that used to not so secretly double as an entirely sapphic brothel back in the day. Though it wouldn't matter much if she didn't actually find any ghosts but she wasn't really worried about that.

Instead she was more focused on the laborious task of setting everything up by herself. All the cameras, sound equipment, EMF readers, everything she'd thoughtlessly dragged into the decades abandoned whorehouse. It was a massive pain in the ass but she was too stubborn to give up. Even when it meant spending the better part of several hours just getting ready.

“I'll start my own ghost hunting society!” She muttered to herself, “Everyone will lining up to help me find more ghosts! Even those stupid jerks who laughed at me! And I'll just make them watch outside while I do all the fun stuff! While I get all the credit!”

It was such an appealing thought she sank even deeper into that fantasy as she put the finishing touches on her whole operation. Hell she continued to fantasize about humiliating her rivals even as she double and triple checked all the systems before finally going back downstairs to start hunting ghosts in earnest. She'd set up her base of operations in the living room, or more accurately the waiting area, and while it wasn't quite as spooky as the rest of the dark, creaking mansion it still sent an instinctive shiver down her spine as she sat down. Lit by nothing except the pale glow of the monitors she'd be staring at for however long it took the room was filled with long, twisting shadows. And all the other rooms of the brothel were even worse despite her night and heat vision cameras. If anything the eerie green glow of the former and the splotchy blue hues of the latter made it somehow more unsettling. Though she couldn't quite articulate why.

For the first time in what she hoped would be a long career Andrea actually felt a little nervous. At first she just assumed it was the aftermath of he righteous fury as self doubt kicked in and she worried about showing up the jerks who'd laughed at her. But as the minutes crept by and she spent even more time inside that whorehouse, even more time surrounded by rooms where women had been murdered, beaten, raped, or otherwise mistreated across the years, it wasn't hard to realize her trepidation was caused by something else. That all too familiar sense of being watched by something just outside of her periphery. Like being watched by a camera she hadn't consciously noticed yet. Except that she'd set up all the cameras. She knew where everything was and nothing was focused on her. Nothing technological at least.

“There are definitely ghosts here!” She muttered to herself, her breath erupting from her lips in a plume of warm air as the temperature continued to drop. “There are definitely ghosts here . . .”

Yet instead of being excited by that like she'd been every other time she came across ghosts Andrea was much more nervous. More than once she caught herself tapping her foot, drumming her fingers, or otherwise fidgeting without even realizing it. And while she chose not to openly acknowledge it she was starting to understand why: she'd never encountered more than one ghost at a time. All the places she'd been to and explored had only ever housed a single ghost. If they had anything at all. But now she was surrounded by them. Even if her machines weren't picking up more than a few traces here and there she could feel them around her. Could feel the stale air shifting on an unseen breeze. At times she could almost swear she heard the faint sound of voices in the distance.

But no matter how many times she tried to reassure herself by checking the video feeds, EMS readers, or anything else she'd set up it was all in vain. Those telltale flickers of unlife on the machines more or less proved what she already knew but for the first time that didn't make her feel better. Nor did she feel vindicated by what she'd discovered and the relatively conclusive evidence she had so far. Instead Andrea just continued to squirm and fidget as she unwittingly made herself the center of attention for minutes and minutes on end.

A less stubborn person probably would've accepted what they'd already found and left. A smarter person would've abandoned their gear for the night and come back in the morning. But as time wore on and she was left stewing in an uncertainty of her own making Andrea didn't even consider that. The thought never so much as crossed her mind and after close to an hour of chances she finally ran out of time.

Cold air rushed across the nape of her neck, ruffling her already tousled hair. She tried to tell herself it was just a draft or even her imagination. But she knew what it felt like when someone softly exhaled on her skin. She'd felt that exhilarating sensation enough to understand when it was happening. Even if her mind continued to insist it was something else. Especially when she cast a nervous little glance behind her and found nothing but the same long, twisting shadows as before.

Latching on to that fact as undeniable proof she was letting her thoughts get the best of her she turned back to the monitors and tried to swallow past the lump in her throat. But before she'd even finished that simple action Andrea was overwhelmed by another soft breath. This time against her cheek. As if someone was leaning in to whisper sweet nothings into her ear. A moment later someone brushed aside the curly black tresses framing her chubby face. Faster than she could even react her hair was pushed behind her ear and she was wracked by the faintest sensation of something caressing her skin. Like the tiniest hint of a hint of someone's fingers.

But not matter how ephemeral it might've been the feeling was enough to send her leaping to her feet in shock. Enough to send her heard absolutely racing as she looked around the room for any sign of the ghosts toying with her. But her naked eyes couldn't see anything and the monitors were still just showing all the same background signs as before. All the while that overwhelming feeling of being watched had grown even more oppressive. It felt for all the world like she was standing in the middle of a packed stadium!

Or maybe that was just her mind going absolutely wild as she struggled to rationalize what she was doing and what was happening. Though it was impossible to say and Andrea was in no position to think clearly as she spun around the room like a crazy person. But of course no matter where she looked she didn't see anything except the gear she'd set up and darkness cast by her monitors.

By the time she'd stopped fruitlessly turning in place her heart was beating so hard and her head was spinning so fast she actually struggled to stay on her feet. Something the ghosts around her seemed to realize as she was yet again assailed by their teasing. Another soft breath fell across the nape of her neck while even more fingers caressed her cheeks. Almost like someone cupping her face as they leaned in for a kiss she couldn't even see. And because that wasn't already torment enough even more hands glided across her hips; some holding her from behind, others holding her from the front, and others still working their way to her plump buttocks. Their strength of their touch was growing stronger and stronger with every passing moment. So much so she could look down and see her clothes reacting to their unseen touch.

“Oh my God . . .” She whispered, her voice a strange mixture of arousal and pure nervousness, “Oh my God . . .”

Although a very small part of her almost hoped the ghosts molesting her would say something she was relieved when they didn't. Especially as the hair covering her neck was gently pulled aside and a soft, unmistakable kiss was planted on her skin. No words could compare to the abject thrill of what she just felt and Andrea struggled to even think clearly as the softness of another person's lips caressed her goosebump riddled skin.

She tried to look back at the woman who'd kissed her neck but the invisible hands cupping her cheeks didn't let her. Instead they gently tilted her head to the side for a moment. A strange sense of anticipation swirled through Andrea as allowed herself to be moved and she didn't have to wait long for the impossibly wonderful payoff. Before she could let out the pent up breath she'd sucked in another pair of lips were pressed against her own. At the exact same moment the ones kissing her neck delivered another tender kiss. At the same moment what felt like a dozen different hands teasingly cupped her trembling buttocks just hard enough to steal her breath away.

In the blink of an eye Andrea was kissing the ghost back as her mind struggled to comprehend what on earth was going on. It felt so strange to be kissing someone with her eyes open, to say nothing of kissing a ghost in the first place, but she couldn't begin to shut them. Not as she felt the other woman's lips part and certainly not when her own followed suit. But the moment she felt the soft, all at once familiar yet impossible to comprehend touch of a tongue against her own she didn't have much choice in the matter. Her eyes started to drift shut entirely of their own accord and she leaned even deeper into that tender embrace. Reaching out with both hands in the vain hope of finding something, or someone, to cling to she was left with nothing but empty air. At least until more guiding hands closed around her wrists and pushed her arms above her head.

Another whimper tumbled from her mouth as she felt herself being restrained and yet Andrea made no attempt at all to escape their grasp. No matter how wildly her heart was racing she didn't want to. It was all such an amazing thrill she couldn't help but look forward to where it might go next. Even when all the rational parts of her brain were reeling from the sheer insanity the pleasure flooding her body at their gentle caress remained. If anything it was only growing more and more unbearable as all the softly moving hands continued to explore her figure.

Before long someone was cupping her small breasts from behind while she was left to wallow in the incredible joy of another woman's body pressed against her back. Of another woman's truly ample chest squishing against her body as the kissing continued. And before she could even enjoy that wonderfully familiar but unfortunately rare pleasure even more hands started roaming her belly. Some were content to stroke and caress her curves but others seemed unable to resist the temptation of sliding lower and lower with every passing moment. Though none actually slipped beneath her clothes it didn't matter one bit to Andrea. Her body was on fire all the same and the longer she stood there with what had to be a dozen amorous ghosts all around her the deeper she sank into her ecstasy.

And when some of those unflinchingly gentle fingers slipped between her thighs to press against her unimaginably sensitive pussy she had to break away from the woman she was kissing and breathlessly cry out again, “Oh my God!” Just like before her words echoed through the room alongside her breathless whimpers. Only this time they were punctuated by eager little giggles that certainly weren't her own.

Instantly tensing up as she heard their eager laughter Andrea tried to look around once more. As if the ghosts around her had suddenly revealed themselves. But she continued to find herself entirely alone, at least if her eyes were to be believed. Thankfully before she could waste too much time staring at nothing she was pulled back into another kiss. Though the moment she felt those soft lips against her own she knew it wasn't the first woman coming back for seconds. It was someone else.

Someone a bit more forceful in her embrace. Even while she remained amazingly gentle all the subtle ways she guided and controlled Andrea were a night and day difference. As well as being so incredibly exciting she was left moaning and shuddering with even greater enthusiasm than before. In no small part thanks to the fingers teasingly rubbing her pussy in ways she'd never felt with anyone else.

Somehow feeling like she wasn't wearing anything at all despite remaining endlessly aware of her own clothes Andrea squirmed and trembled harder than ever as so, so many women touched her pussy. At times it seemed like entire brothel was lovingly caressing her plump folds or teasing her swollen clit or even simply running their fingers up and down her thighs. It would've been truly impossible to keep track of how many women were touching her even if she'd tried and something about that was so unimaginably exciting. She'd never been with more than a single person at once and now to find herself all but surrounded by amorous women who seemed to know her body better than she did? That was the sort of thing she'd read about in trashy sapphic novels or online fanfiction. It didn't happen in real life and it certainly didn't happen to women like her!

Fortunately for her no amount of self doubt and halfhearted rationalizations could change what was really happening. Nor could it diminish the pleasure of multiple different hands squeezing her breasts and teasing her plump, swollen nipples. Alongside everything else they were already letting her experience the simple pleasure of them playing with her chest shouldn't have been anywhere near enough to notice. Not when she was lost so deep in a passionate kiss. Or when her own hips had started bucking and grinding against the fingers teasing her aching vulva. And yet she still managed to stay so incredibly aware of everything they did.

No matter where they did it or what it might've been if any ghostly hands were touching her body Andrea was so unimaginably aware of it. Even while her conscious mind was slipping ever deeper into a haze of incomprehensible pleasure. Hell, all those lewdly experienced hands were the reason she was losing all sense of time and place! Why her eyes were able to drift shut and roll back in her head with such laughable ease. It didn't matter if they were gliding down her legs, roaming the small of her back, or flat out teasing the most sensitive places on her body. Quite literally everything they did felt absolutely amazing and she sank ever deeper into the absolute bliss that was being the center of their attention.

More and more she moved against them. More and more she responded to their touch in the only way she possibly could. There was no rhyme or reason to her writhing and shuddering. No possible sense to anything she did. With so many women all around her it was impossible not be completely overwhelmed in every imaginable way. Half the time she looked like she was having a seizure as her hips clumsily jerked to and fro against the hands groping her ass and caressing her thighs. And whenever she bucked against the fingers rubbing her pussy the rest of her body was absolutely wracked with shivers right alongside it. Had anyone been there to witness her ecstasy they would've been met with quite the odd yet exhilarating sight. Particularly whenever she was able to cry out in abject pleasure as the woman kissing her pulled away only to be replaced by another. In those brief moments of both respite and madness Andrea was even more overcome than usual. Her normal high pitched voice was a low, almost guttural groan and the look in her eyes whenever they were visible was nothing short of animalistic. She wouldn't have even recognized herself if she could see what she looked like in the heat of the moment!

Her inner thighs were absolutely soaked with arousal after only a few minutes and her already tousled hair was a complete mess as she squirmed between them all. Beads of sweat rolled down her skin to further soak her messy clothes while goosebumps continued to erupt across every inch of her uncontrollably trembling body. She looked like a sex crazed parody of herself. Like someone's fantasy of how she normally came across. And best of all a small part of her knew it. Even if she couldn't actually see herself somewhere in the back of her mind she knew how wild she looked. As surely as she knew how wild she was being. It might not have been a conscious thought but it was one that excited her just like everything else. One that only added more fuel to the fire raging inside of her as she hurtled closer and closer to the kind of ecstasy she never imagined to feel. At least not at the hands of a brothel full of eager lesbian ghosts!

The fact that it'd all happened so fast and that they hadn't even taken her clothes off yet was almost as amazing as the pleasure itself. Indeed that was really the only thing she could think about as the ecstasy grew ever more intense. For whatever reason her increasingly frazzled mind focused on that simple, pointless face even while she melted into a muddle of quivering limbs and aching nerves. Like a strange anchor keeping her tethered to reality while the rest of her floated off into the heavens. But of course she wasn't any more of aware of it than she was anything else. All five of her senses were so thoroughly overloaded with pleasure there was no comprehension left to be found. And that was before she felt the undeniably pleasure of someone biting her earlobe.

Among everything else that'd happened and was still happening a ghost nibbling on ear shouldn't have mattered. And realistically it probably didn't. Not on it's own at least. But when it happened alongside so many other, wonderful experiences there was no differentiating it from all the rest. As soon as innumerable ghosts started kissing all down her neck, as soon as their fingers squeezed her ass hard enough to make her gasp, as soon as they pushed her tightly clenched thighs apart everything she was already inundated with came surging to the forefront. Or rather surging through her in a crashing wave of pure bliss. It was already well and truly at the forefront regardless!

Much too suddenly for her to properly handle and far too soon for her to recover from everything else they'd already done Andrea was ravished by a flurry of soft, tender kiss all over her sex. The ghosts she still couldn't see absolutely lavished her pussy with more attention than she could dream of. Perhaps even more than she'd ever felt in her entire life! Kissing and licking every inch of her through her clothes they destroyed any hope she had of staying coherent for even a minute longer. Especially when all the fingers relentlessly teasing her sex continued their tireless ministrations right alongside those newly added tongues and lips. Taking full advantage of their ethereal nature they did what no corporeal lovers could possibly manage and it was even more devastating that Andrea expected. Though of course she didn't expect any of what was happening so in truth it was just completely ruinous in every conceivable way.

Within a few seconds she'd so thoroughly soaked her panties and jeans in another layer of arousal little beads of warmth were falling away from her stained clothes. After a few more she was lurching back and forth so wildly she probably would've fallen over if not for the woman all around her. By the time fifteen seconds had passed Andrea was a half conscious wreck. Just about passing out from the pleasure of it all before she'd even cum she threw her head back in a frantic, almost anguished scream. Sounding like a ghost herself she cried out until her lungs were empty and her voice was hoarse, all the while the women surrounding her continued their fiendish efforts.

And everything finally came to a head less than half a minute after they'd played that final card. Not even thirty seconds after they truly overwhelmed her with ecstasy Andrea was sent tumbling into a sea of pure, unbridled pleasure. A bliss unlike anything she'd ever dreamed of flooded her senses, washing over her in wave after all consuming wave while her voice caught in her throat and her body convulsed more than ever.

She even managed to squirt for the first time in her life. After years and years of trying but only managing to make a comparatively smaller mess Andrea unleashed torrents of warmth with each and every spasm. Whenever her hips bucked and her whole body trembled a fountain of ecstasy sprayed from her sex to soak her already soaked clothes and drench the floor beneath her in arousal. The heady smell of her pleasure had completely overwhelmed everything else after a few bursts and what few breaths she took were so filled with the scent of sex it was even harder to breathe!

Andrea was so far gone she didn't even realize she'd completely collapsed. That the countless women around her had stopped her from dropping to the floor, instead guiding her down with all the same gentleness she'd come to expect. And without ever stopping what they were doing for even one moment. They only stopped when she was finally done convulsing. When she'd finished squirting like a broken hydrant and the madcap trembling tearing through her limbs had simmered down into sort, haphazard twitches. Only then did her countless lovers stop what they were doing and finally give her a chance to catch her breath.

Her eyes fluttered open to see the same room she'd been in for hours. All of her instruments were showing the same readings. There weren't any signs of ghosts on the monitors. As far as she could tell everything was exactly as it'd been before her supernatural encounter. Everything except the raucous, old timey music coming from the floor above her. And the light spilling in from beneath the doors around her. Andrea's heart skipped a beat as soon as she noticed it and she instinctively looked at her monitors again, hoping something might've changed. But they didn't show anything new even as laughter and voices joined the music filling the mansion.

She stood up without really knowing what she was doing and walked towards the nearest door. A little voice in the back of her mind was telling her to stop but a much, much louder voice from the other side was asking, “What are you waiting for Andrea? Join us! We've been waiting for you!”

Her heart was racing as she turned the knob and a wild smile lit up her face, “I'm coming . . .” She said, speaking without really thinking, “I'm sorry I kept you waiting . . .”


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