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Time for story number three! Somehow I didn't even realize two suggestions featured Princess Peach as a main character lol. Not that I'm complaining of course, I think I can pretty much always write about her and both stories are quite a bit different from each other. Speaking of which, all the usual warnings about futa and the like apply here!

Peach's castle was in complete disarray. Dozens of confused, hapless Toads were running around frantically trying to do a hundred different things at the behest of their three princesses. Preparations for the Halloween festival were more behind than ever as all three version of their beloved Princess argued over what was the best course of action. In certain parts of the palace little fiefdoms were being carved out as the two versions of Peach created by her overuse of Double Cherry vied for power.

And throughout it all the original was left scrambling to clean up her mess and salvage as much as she could before guests started to arrive. Princess Daisy was set to arrive any day now and Rosalina always seemed to show up when she was least expected. To say nothing of everyone else who'd been invited for the Mushroom Kingdom's now famous annual celebration. The castle was well and truly a madhouse, one that only seemed to devolve with ever disparate command. If the original Princess Peach didn't think of something soon she was in danger of losing complete control. But as far as any of her subjects knew she didn't have the slightest clue how to fix things. The peace council she'd called seemed like a last ditch effort to at least meet with her competitors and hopefully find some kind of peace. Though it was hard to imagine such a thing actually succeeding. Especially as the extra versions of her waited impatiently for her to arrive.

What's taking her so long?!” The Peach dressed in a blue gown demanded.

“I don't even know why I bothered coming here!” The Peach in a white gown added.

Both of them grumpily folded their arms and refused to look at one another as they sat at the furthest ends of the large table at the center of the chamber. A short, pouty silence followed their exclamations but just like all the others it didn't last long. “I'm not gonna waste any more time waiting for her!”

“Neither am I! No wonder she needed our help!”

“If she can't even show up to a meeting on time she doesn't deserve to be in charge!”


Finding some common ground for the first time since they were created both versions of Peach actually smiled at one another. But before they could join forces and foment a rebellion the doors to the chamber swung open with an echoing bang. Their momentary alliance disappeared in a flash as their irritation returned in full force. Both women rounded on the one who'd created them, neither quite noticing the half crazed smile and strange, uncharacteristic energy radiating from her as she loomed in the doorway.

“It's about time!”

“You're too late, we're leaving!”


Flashing them both a wicked grin that sent chills down their spine and all the color draining from their faces the real Peach took a step forward. Then another. Then another after that. A moment later she slammed the doors behind her and hunched over like she was in pain. Her counterparts couldn't even say why they were so intimidated by her manic energy but they were far too proud to admit such a thing even as they took a quick step back. When she took another step closer they suddenly realized the door behind her was their only way out. And neither of them wanted to try and slip past the feverishly grinning monster bearing down on them.

Especially when she said in a low, husky voice, “You're not going anywhere until we solve this!”

Before either of her counterparts could say a word the real Peach tore away her dress like it was nothing more than tissue paper. Tatters of silky pink fabric rained down like confetti on the three of them and yet as stunning as her ferocity might've been it was completely eclipsed by something else, by something neither of her companions possessed. Every facet of her slender yet curvaceous body was exactly the same, except for the thick, madly twitching cock hanging down between her thighs.

Too big to stand upright and sporting a truly massive pair of balls hanging behind it her dick was nothing short of jaw dropping. Both women recoiled at the sight of it and one even let out a shocked little squeak as she looked down at the monster throbbing away in front of her eyes. All their uncertainty and confusion quickly turned to surprise tinged with the barest hint of excitement as their eyes returned to the first Peach's face. As they realized what she had in mind and what she was planning to do. It hardly took a genius to figure out and while they still recoiled a little more neither of the other Peachs were afraid. If anything they were emboldened by her blatant challenge! By the lengths she was willing to go to conserve power.

“You can't take both of us!” One Peach laughed.

“Yeah! You might as well give up now!” The other added.

“Is that a challenge?” The original Peach asked, her voice thick with excitement.

For a split second both of her counterparts were ever so slightly worried about the sheer, unbridled eagerness in her voice. But after looking at one another for a moment they looked back at their naked creator and scoffed, “Of course it is!:”

“You can't beat us!”

“Oh we'll see about that!”

Lunging forward faster than either of her counterparts could follow the first Peach grabbed the front of their gowns and ripped their dresses away with the same ferocity that'd destroyed her own. In the time it took them to process what'd just happened and look down at their naked bodies their companion pounced on them. And only then did they begin to see the folly in their bravado. But of course it was far, far too late for them to do anything about.

One was thrown over the first Peach's shoulder like a sack of potatoes while the other was shoved onto the table they'd been seated around, both of them letting out a startled “Oh!” as they were completely manhandled.

Neither had a chance to react with anything more before feeling the full brunt of her ample negotiating skills. The one sprawled across the table squealed in abject pleasure as that fat, throbbing cock was buried in her asshole without so much as a moment's delay. As her tightly quivering ring was stretched so unfathomably wide it just about broke her brain then and there. Because while she certainly had all the same physical characteristics of the Princess she didn't have the years upon years of training and preparation. Her poor little virgin hole couldn't have been less prepared for the wild dicking it was about to receive.

The first peach didn't wast a moment absolutely pounding her stubborn rival. Her hips moved in a frenzy of sheer, unabashed excitement. Every stroke sent her cock plunging balls deep into her counterpart's ass only to pull out so incredibly far she nearly withdrew entirely. All the while that once tight little hole distended around her dick as torrents of precum sputtered and drooled from her madly quivering ring. Her inner walls were completely drenched in spunk and her eyes were rolling back in her head before she even had a chance to let out another moan. By the time she did her whole body was lurching upwards from the unbridled force of the next thrust, her perky tits bouncing like crazy while her back arched and she gritted her teeth. And throughout it all the second Peach was forced to listen to every lewd sound as her mind raced and her body trembled. At least until the woman about to completely destroy her finally made her next move.

In a feat of strength and skill neither of her companions would've expected the first Peach lifted the one slung over her shoulder into the air. But instead of tossing her onto the table she draped the other woman's legs over her shoulders, cupping her perky little ass and burying her face in her counterpart's pussy. The third Peach couldn't even make a sound as she was left perched atop the original with a tongue viciously lapping at her cunt and teasing her clit.

Though of course she found her voice quickly enough. How could she not when someone was so eagerly licking every centimeter of her pussy? When their tongue was swirling around her clit and their lips were kissing every inch of their sensitive lips? Despite her best efforts to pretend otherwise it felt absolutely amazing and she couldn't possibly stop herself from squealing in pleasure. Nor from grabbing the first Peach's tousled blonde locks with both hands and holding on for dear life. Within a few seconds she was even bucking and grinding and gyrating against the original's face as her body acted entirely without her mind. Before long both of the were completely overwhelmed by the newness of the pleasure they felt even as they tried to keep their minds clear and their thoughts focused.

But it was already abundantly obvious after just a few moments that neither of them could hope to match the fiend having her way with them. And not only because they were completely inexperienced with all things sexual. In a twist they truly should've seen coming the original Peach knew exactly what her counterparts liked. Exactly what made her own body tremble and squirm. Knowledge she wasn't the least bit afraid to use. Much to their shock, delight, and concern. They were completely powerless to stop her and if they were being entirely honest with themselves they didn't really want to try.

Or at least the one stretched out across the table didn't. She was far too busy clawing at the polished wood and bucking her hips in time with Peach's ferocious thrusts. Much like the very first time the original Princess enjoyed a fat cock in her ass the second one was completely overwhelmed by both the intensity and fullness of something so massive pounding such a tiny hole. By the pain tinged pleasure utterly tearing through her body and setting fire to every nerve. She'd never felt anything like it and couldn't even comprehend what she was feeling as pleasure ripped through her in never ending waves of sheer madness. If there was any fight left inside her it was buried so deep it couldn't possibly hope to escape so long as Peach's dick was buried in her ass. Even if her creator had completely stopped moving just having a fat prick stretching her open was enough to break her down. Her sanity was so completely drowning in pleasure there truly wasn't any hope of coming back. And her lover's downright animalistic ferocity all but guaranteed it!

The third member of their little threesome fared slightly better. In as much as she wasn't a complete wreck within a minute of being assailed by pleasure. Some parts of her admittedly frazzled mind stayed relatively lucid despite how well Peach moved her tongue. How effortlessly she lapped at her clit and gulped down all her warmth. Though she struggled every single time her companion slipped between her plump lips to push against her quivering entrance. Because much like her fellow clone she had zero sexual experience and the teasing she was made to endure came from years upon years of intimate knowledge. Every teasing flick of Peach's tongue and playful withdrawal just as her pleasure was reaching a boiling point left her even more desperate. Even more frazzled in ways she'd never dreamed possible.

And yet just enough of her consciousness remained for her to say, “Y-You'll have t-t-to do better than th-that!” through gritted teeth.

Her words were immediately punctuated by a feverish groan as one eye closed and the other lurched upward. Without missing a beat the original Peach slid her tongue into her counterpart's virgin sex, stretching her open just the tiniest bit before wildly swirling around her quivering entrance in an absolute flurry of movement. She pushed even deeper inside her while she was still recoiling from that first barrage and effortlessly found her g-spot, completely ravishing her companion while her brazen taunt was still hanging in the air. And by the time her words had completely faded the chamber was completely drowning in the cacophony of both Peachs crying out in ecstasy. To say nothing of the feverish slap of colliding flesh alongside the quieter but no less messy sound of rapacious cunnilingus.

But that was only the beginning of the madness. A prelude to the real perversity all three versions of Peach were capable of. As soon as the original started relentlessly teasing one's most sensitive spot with her tongue while ferociously slamming her cock upwards into the other both versions understood they were living on borrowed time. That it wasn't a matter of if she could make them cum but rather how long they could stubbornly hold out. Or in the case of the one on the table how long she could deliberately drag out her ecstasy in the mindless hope of making it last forever.

While the one straddling her face continued to fight back in every way she could the one taking her cock had already given in. Much like the original during her very first time with Bowser she just wanted cock in any way she could get it. She just wanted to be absolutely ravished in every imaginable way. To be turned inside out and split open and filled with cum. It was all she could 'think' about and all that mattered to her as the seconds turned to minutes.

And while the third member of their little menage a trois liked to act better than her counterparts she was ever bit as susceptible to the pleasure. Maybe even more so. Constantly holding back and fighting against her bliss was exhausting and the longer she tried the harder it was. The better every stroke of that unimaginably skilled tongue felt. At times even the meaty slap of colliding flesh behind and below her sent shudders down her spine. Jealousy flickered through her mind as surely as pleasure and it wasn't long before her hips were actively matching the original Peach's ministrations. Despite and even because of her best efforts. But it wasn't until her companion completely lost her mind and succumbed to all the pleasure flooding through her body that the third Peach finally started to lose herself too. Of course by then it was far, far too late.

A breathless, desperate scream erupted from the second Peach's lips as her body tensed. Her back arched higher than ever as she bared her teeth like a feral animal and shuddered against the woman to blame for her newfound madness. She wrapped her legs around the original Peach's waist and desperately tried to pull her even deeper inside. But her creator knew what she really wanted and happily slammed her prick inside her counterpart's ass only to immediately withdraw while she was still drowning in the throes of pent up desire. By the time her cock head was distending her lover's asshole and her entire prick was poised to slide completely free the slut on the table finally collapsed in a shuddering, convulsive heap. The first gooey jet of warmth erupted from her pussy just as her lover's cock plunged back into her ass and she unleashed another before she even had the strength to suck in a breath and scream all over again.

Her arousal streaked through the air to splash across both the original and third versions of Peach, splattering across their already goosebump riddled bodies in a messy shower. But while the one still so relentlessly fucking their companion knew what she was in for the third didn't have any idea. And the sudden deluge of warmth soaking her skin actually made her jump. Though any surprise she felt was quickly overcome by pleasure as she breathed in the sweetness of her counterpart's sex and unwittingly drowned in the lewdness of everything happening around her.

To say nothing of the continued pleasure of being so feverishly licked and teased her entire world was on the verge of crashing down around her. Somewhere deep down she was still trying her best to overcome her own instincts and prove herself superior but her efforts were so laughable meager she hardly made any difference at all.  Especially as her companion continued to moan in utter bliss while squirting all over the three of them. Feeling every messy jet splashing across her back and soaking into her hair while a tongue was furiously lapping at her cunt wrecked her more than she could even comprehend. More and more it felt like she was being swallowed up by the pleasure. As though some massive, churning sea of ecstasy was rising up all around her.

Every last one of her senses was overcome by it all and the longer she was left straddling her creator's shoulders the deeper she sank into her own lust. If she hadn't been constantly overwhelmed by the sound of her fellow clone being fucked she might've stood a better chance. If she hadn't been completely inexperienced she might have been able to resist. But just as the original Peach had planned neither of her counterparts had any hope of resisting all that bliss.

Let alone her fiendishly skillful efforts to deliver it. And before the second version of herself was even finished squirting all over them the third finally gave in. Or rather the swell of ecstasy finally rose high enough to completely submerge her in the kind of bliss nobody could resist for long. She let out the same throaty, animalistic cry as her head fell back and her whole body tightened simultaneously, her joy every bit as overwhelming as the other's.

Warmth erupted from her pussy in the same powerful jet as the rest of her body succumbed to the most visceral spasms and uncontrollable shaking imaginable. Only this time instead of streaking through the air in a lewd fountain her juices sprayed across the original Peach's face, utterly drenching her in arousal and soaking both of them within a heartbeat. A heartbeat after that her juices were trickling down the first Princess' body in glistening rivulets as she continued to squirt all over her. Nearly every thrust of her hips or stroke of the tongue against and inside her sent another torrent of ecstasy gushing from her depths. And within a few seconds she'd soaked her thighs and her lover's hair so thoroughly the former were coated and the latter was plastered to both their bodies. It was without a doubt the messiest thing either of them had ever known and the messiness only continued to grow as the seconds slipped by one after another and she continued to lose her mind in the throes of abject bliss.

Both versions of Peach spent nearly a full minute screaming in ecstasy and cumming so hard it just about broke their brains. And while their pleasure might've been staggered out a little bit more than the original Peach intended they were both lost in the afterglow of it all at the same time. They were both completely drowning in the simple joy of being so wholeheartedly lost in their pleasure that nothing else mattered.

The one laid out on the table collapsed into a trembling heap almost immediately, barely even whimpering as the fat cock buried in her ass finally withdrew. And what little sound she did make was entirely drowned out by the lewd pop of a fat dick emerging from her nicely wrecked hole. Her other companion fared ever so slightly better. At least for the handful of moments it took the original Peach to lift her up and lay her out on the table next to her fellow clone. As soon as she felt the comforting presence of something solid against her back she too slumped against the polished wood in a laughably crumpled heap. Neither of them had any hope of regaining control before their lover did something else to or with them but both were entirely fine with that fact. Particularly when they felt her hands roaming their bodies.

Though in spite of their acceptance it was still quite a shock when the second Peach was unceremoniously rolled onto the third. When both women felt the warmth and softness of each other's bodies as their perky little tits pressed together and their legs naturally intertwined. Alongside the sticky warmth still clinging to their skin was it quite a lovely experience even with the surprise still clouding their half functioning minds.



They stared at one another for a moment or two before looking back at their companion. But instead of providing any sort of explanation, or saying anything at all, she just arched an eyebrow while her glistening cock throbbing uncontrollably between her thighs. Her counterparts didn't entirely know what was expected of them but when they looked back at one another it wasn't too terribly difficult to figure out. Or maybe they were just too addled but lust and eager for more to think straight. Regardless of the reason as soon as they locked eyes and saw one another's pouty pink lips just waiting to be kissed instinct took over.

Sliding their arms around one another and softly moaning as they hugged each other close both women leaned in for a passionate kiss. Their lips met in a thoroughly mindless yet no less wonderful burst of passion. They didn't have any coherent idea what they were doing but the abject pleasure of feeling another woman's soft body against their own was more than enough to take over. Graced by the all the same sapphic instincts Peach had enjoyed during many a night with Daisy, Rosalina, and Toadette, and sometimes all three together, they sank ever deeper into their kiss. In no time at all their tongues were nervously emerging from their lips as their hips shyly grinded against one another. The on on the bottom happily wrapped her legs around the one above her as both of them grinded their still sopping wet cunts against one another's. And as soon as they felt the sheer ecstasy of rubbing their clits together they were every bit as addicted as their creator had been. Soft moans and pent up whimpers filled the chamber as they all but forgot about the reason why they were in such a position to begin with. At least until they heard the door creak open behind them.

Momentarily distracted from one another by the thought of their companion leaving both women comically looked up in unison. But instead of the original Peach leaving they watched someone else enter. Someone that filled them with even more shock, arousal, and disbelief, “B-Bowsette?!”

Flashing them a wicked grin all her own as she stood naked in the doorway, every inch of her buxom yet muscular figure laid bare for them to see, Bowsette leered at the pair and strutted closer, her absolutely massive cock bouncing between her toned thighs as she said, “What a lovely couple of Peachs!”

The two clones immediately looked from Bowsette to the original Peach, dumbfounded by what they were seeing and even more shocked to see her cock shrinking away to nothing, “What's going on?!”

“Where'd you cock go?!”

“Bowsette's special mushroom wore off.” She remarked.

“But I don't need any special mushrooms.” Bowsette added, stroking her dick with both hands.

Excitement and a healthy dose of nervousness flooded through her variants and the more level headed of the two was quick to exclaim, “You can't bring someone else in! I-it was just supposed to be you!”

“A real leader knows when to delegate.” Peach replied with a smile,. Looking at Bowsette and affectionately reaching up to par her arm she added, “Have fun sweetie.”

“Oh I will!” Bowsette cooed as her lover walked out of the room. “I will . . .”


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