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I don't have a lot to say about this one beyond deciding to share it with y'all instead of throwing it up on HF lol. Hopefully you guys enjoy this short, simple burst of smuttiness!

The last of Shepard's clothing crumpled to the floor at the same moment Wrex's codpiece clattered onto the deck. Neither of them said anything as they admired one another's body. They didn't need to. No words were necessary. She'd said everything she needed to say as she walked in and he'd agreed to her request without an ounce of hesitation. Now they were both naked and hesitating just long enough to drink in the sight of each other. Or rather they were savoring the anticipation, the calm before the storm that was about to come.

Just as she'd always heard, and just as she hoped, Wrex's four massive balls were accompanied by two equally massive pricks. Shaped not unlike what might be found between a horse's legs back on Earth his members were nothing short of exquisite. And nearly the same size as a horse cock too, which made her all the more excited as she thought about the countless stories she'd heard. All the wild tales of Krogan loves absolutely breaking their lovers in bed. Asari, Human, Hanar, Volus, Elcor, it didn't seem to matter. If they were fucking a Krogan, if they were being fucked by a Krogan, they were in for the most wild ride of their lives. And she couldn't wait to see for herself how true that was. Indeed she was so excited little drops of arousal were cascading down her legs long before she'd fully removed her panties. Now that she was entirely naked he could see every last drop. Could smell her eagerness clouding the air as surely as he could see it.

Wrex had never been one for Humans but Shepard's taut, muscular body and combat prowess had more than won him over even before she'd approached him for some fun. Now that she was ready nothing in the galaxy could stop him from lunging forward with an eager, lusty growl. He rushed towards her at the same moment she hurtled towards him and they met after barely two steps. In the blink of an eye Shepard was straddling his massive dicks. Faster than either of them could react he'd buried those wonderfully swollen pricks into her hairy, unshaven pussy and tightly quivering asshole. By the time she was able to let out a throaty moan he was balls deep inside her ass and cunt simultaneously, stretching her out just like she liked and absolutely ravishing her with pleasure.

All four of his balls slapped against her firm yet soft ass simultaneously and the meaty impact of his loins against her flesh was second only to the moans and growls tumbling from their lips. Instantly and completely enamored with how tight her body was Wrex lumbered towards the nearest console and laid Shepard out across it without so much as a thought.

Stretching out across the cool metal and grabbing onto whatever she could get her fingers around Shepard smiled up at him as he grinned down at her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he let out another growl. Both of his cocks swelled inside her body and the already impressive bulges they created in her taut, muscular stomach swelled just a little bit more. Precum squirted out of both tips at the same time and she shuddered even harder as his warmth flooded her body. Every fiber of her being was braced for the pleasure she was about to enjoy and when his hands slid to her waist she couldn't help but let out a moan. His grip around her tightened and she tightened around him. For another moment or two they basked in the anticipation of what would come next.

But she brought that to a sudden, delicious end when she said, “Don't hold back.”

“I never do.” He replied.

What followed after that was the single greatest sexual experience of her life. As soon as he pulled back she knew all the rumors and stories were true. The sheer ferocity of his retreat alone sent pleasure crashing through her body. Some of it might've been the excitement of it all but there was no pretending it wasn't almost entirely him. How thick his cocks were and how completely they managed to fill her up. By themselves each one would've been enough to nearly break her but feeling them together? Feeling them rubbing against her inner walls and each other as he withdrew? Alongside the gooey trails of precum he left smeared across her pussy and ass?

Those were sensations she never in her life expected to feel simultaneously and by the time the heads of his pricks were about to slide free from her quivering holes Shepard was all but addicted. All the curly hairs surrounding her thoroughly overgrown pussy were completely matted down by her arousal and the warmth cascading from her deliciously overstuffed sex completely soaked both of his cocks. Even if the natural lubrication oozing from his pricks wasn't enough the sheer flood of arousal gushing from her sex would've kept him so thoroughly lubed up it wouldn't have mattered. Especially when he slammed his shafts balls deep inside of her so hard, so mercilessly, the console she stretched across actually tilted backwards. To say nothing of how hard her own body lurched and heaved from that single impact!

Shepard threw her head back and squealed in utter delight for all of a second before he suddenly withdrew again. Lurching backwards somehow even quicker than he'd thrusted he stole away her breath as he pulled out only to slam balls deep in her cunt and ass for a second time. To send her taut belly distending outwards as the rest of her was absolutely wracked with convulsive spasms and abject pleasure. Wrex didn't hesitate to start fucking Shepard faster than any Human ever had. Or ever could. Nor did he hesitate to use every ounce of his truly impressive strength as he all but turned her inside out in a frenzy of truly unimaginable pleasure.

Moving faster and faster with every stroke he was jackhammering her pussy and destroying her ass in less than a minute. By the time a full minute had passed Wrex was fucking Shepard so ferociously hard her eyes were rolling back in her head and her mind was going blank. She couldn't even find there wherewithal to comprehend how utterly relentless he managed to be, let alone how much pleasure he sent crashing through her again and again and again. Just about every stroke felt better than entire nights with lesser partners! Paired with the utter ferocity of his wild thrusts and it was a wonder how any creature other than Krogan female could stand up to their raw strength! Though of course Shepard didn't spend much time wondering about anything.

How could she when any thoughts she might've had were completely drowned in an ever rising sea of indescribable bliss? When he was hitting places inside her pussy and ass she'd never felt anyone touch before? From the sheer ferocity of his movements and the intensity of his rhythm she was ready to explode within two or three minutes. No one had ever brought her to such a height with such little easy and only the most advanced toys had come anywhere close. Yet somehow without even making it look hard Wrex had reduced his commander to a gasping, shuddering wreck. With every thrust he sent the most guttural sounds bursting from her lips whenever she had so much as a molecule of air in her lungs. And even when she wasn't able to scream and growl and act like a feral beast in heat the almost frantic movements of her now sweat soaked body spoke to the pleasure she felt. As did the mad convulsions of her inner walls around the cocks so ferociously pounding her.

More than once the frantic quivering of her amazingly tight ass and beautifully snug pussy was enough to make him groan too. Although he was nowhere near his limit yet and her endless shuddering only earned her even more ferocity. But the simple fact that her body could elicit such a visceral reaction from him was yet another testament to her capabilities. A testament that only served to make his cocks swell even more, much like his respect, and in turn make Shepard squirm and shake that much harder. Little did she realize her explosive ecstasy wasn't any sort of reprieve at all. Unlike every other time she'd cum.

It didn't matter how hard she convulsed against and around him. Or how wildly her hips bucked as she groaned like she'd never groaned before. Wrex never stopped his utterly devastating thrusts. Like the indomitable beast she'd heard all Krogans described as he just kept slamming away unabated while Shepard was left squirting all over them both in messy torrents of pure arousal. While her ass tightened so feverishly around him she just about turned inside out whenever he pulled out again. Even as he was admiring how tightly she gripped him and how strong her body truly was he continued to slam his pricks balls deep into her cunt and asshole with all the same wildness as before. There truly was no stopping him and Shepard reaped all the rewards as something truly incredible turned into something completely beyond her reckoning.

Ecstasy suffused every nerve in her body. All the rest of the universe faded into nothingness as she lost herself in the pleasure of his cock. Nothing else in existence mattered. Nothing else in existence was relevant. Only the fat, throbbing dicks plunging in and out of her body as she was battered by truly overwhelming bliss. She forgot her name, her mission, everything. For what seemed like an eternity of absolute pleasure she was lost in his ferocity and her own, unending joy.

Reality was far less dramatic yet somehow no less spectacular. For several minutes on end Shepard was nothing more than a complete and utter mess. Wrex continued fucking her throughout her ecstasy and his unrelentingly wild pace only prolonged the already incredible pleasure she felt. At times it was almost too much for her to handle but no matter how close she came to tapping out she could never give in completely. Something inside her always pushed her to continue and that desire was constantly rewarded by even more bliss over and over and over again. Indeed it was such a nonstop surge of unbridled excess she actually squirted all over herself, him, and everything within several feet twice over the course of her bliss. Her first eruption arrived just as she was succumbing and she unleashed jet after messy jet of sweet smelling arousal all over. Each fountain was a little more diminished than the last until it wasn't much more than a dribble and she seemed to settle down. Even if that sole difference was the only thing to change during her pleasure. And the only thing to return to normal when she suddenly let out a frantic scream as another geyser of arousal gushed from her sex to splash all over Wrex's chest and rain down on her trembling body.

But that was only the beginning of her time with him. A prelude to the true madness that awaited her as he continued to pound away with total abandon. If anything he was thrusting even harder after bathing in her ecstasy and drowning in the scent of her arousal for so long. His cocks certainly felt bigger as they glided in and out of her quivering, pleasure wracked body. Or maybe that was simply what remained of her barely coherent imagination as she lay sprawled across the console, her arms too weak to hold on to anything and near incomprehensible gibberish tumbling from her quivering lips.

Nearly all of the women she'd spoke to had uttered the phrase 'fucked silly' or some variation of it and she hadn't understood what that could possibly mean before. But now? Now it made all the sense in the world. Now it was the perfect phrase to describe her deteriorating mental state as she stared up at the Krogan still so happily breaking her mind and ravishing her body.

“D-Don't . . . s-s-s-stop . . .” She moaned through gritted teeth, “D-D-Don't . . . s-stop . . .”

“Of course not Shepard,” Wrex replied in an almost matter of fact tone, “We've barely started.”


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