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Fun Fact: This story was actually going to feature an entirely Japanese cast. But as I was writing it I realized I don't have the slightest clue how to emulate their culture and way of speaking without far more research than I was willing to put in. And I was worried it would come across as disingenuous or unrealistic if I continued. So I ended up making edits to give things a more generic setting. Hopefully I didn't miss anything in the process lol

Oh and this story was inspired by a picture you can find here!

Yuki had been staring at her phone for the better part of an hour, unable to actually send the picture she'd just taken and too proud of how it'd come out to delete it. The ropes she'd carefully tied around her breasts and chest were starting to dig into her skin as she squirmed and fidgeted on her bed and she knew her alarm was about to go off any minute. Her thumb had been trembling over the 'send' key for so long her finger was actually starting to get sore and little beads of sweat were rolling down her delicate features. She'd never sent so much a mildly lewd picture before, let alone a topless one of her all tied up in a shibari like some kind of pornstar! It was all at once thrilling and terrifying. Exactly the kind of thing she never imagined herself doing.

But as she sat there with the soft cords still hugging her pale skin and tightly squeezing her soft, perky breasts it was impossible to pretend she wasn't more exhilarated than anything else. That the panties and high waisted stockings she'd slipped on before deciding to take such a thoroughly perverted image weren't already soaked with arousal as she sat there stewing in her own excitement. No matter how mortifying the prospect might've been she couldn't stop herself from hitting send. After wasting her entire morning staring at a little picture of her own breasts all tied up she finally sent the message, content in the knowledge that enough of her face was hidden to protect her identity if the image ever leaked. Everything above her mouth was hidden and while her thick blonde hair might've given her away she was as confident as could be it wouldn't come back to haunt her in any meaningful way. So confident in fact she even typed out a quick greeting to go along with the surprise she'd sent to him.

“Good morning.”

With a giddy little smile and a newfound flush creeping into her cheeks Yuki set her phone down just as her alarm started ringing. After scrambling to shut it off again she finally stood up for the first time in an hour and went about getting ready for work. First by changing into a new pair of panties and stockings, then by putting on a nice, if a little short, black skirt with a matching white blouse. A blue striped sweater and long white lab coat finished off her ensemble quite nicely and she collected her briefcase before rushing out the door. Only to immediately double back and put on the heels she'd forgotten to wear along with a couple other accessories she needed to add.

By the time she was actually ready to leave Yuki was running ever so slightly late. If she couldn't make it to the train on time she'd be even more late than usual but it was hard to worry about that fact when her mind was still reeling from the picture she'd sent. The man she sent it to hadn't responded but she knew he'd seen it and she could guess what he thought of it. Which only sent her head spinning even faster as she sprinted out of her apartment and down to the train station. Even without knowing what was about to happen she could tell her day was only going to get more interesting.

As far as bosses went Mr. Cartwright was probably the best one any of his employees had ever had. Kind, personable, and smart enough to know he wasn't a scientist himself he was easily the best thing any researcher could hope for. He might've represented all the money minded suits that owned and funded their research but he wasn't like them at all. And on the rare occasions he had to be it was abundantly clear he didn't have any real choice in the matter. All things considered he was as good of a boss as any of them could hope for. The fact that he was almost distractingly handsome didn't hurt either.

Tall and always impeccably dressed his dark eyes were somehow both piercing and gentle. And whenever he smiled his delight always filled his eyes as surely as the rest of his face. Although he couldn't have been more than fifty years old at the very least his short, neatly groomed hair and beard already had streaks of gray running through it but like most men of his bearing it just made him look more distinguished and noble. His surprisingly broad shoulders and impressive physique didn't hurt either, for one of the 'suits' he was shockingly well built and probably would've been imposing if he hadn't been such a naturally cheerful man. To say nothing of how eager he was to learn about whatever projects caught his eye, a trait that never failed to endear him to the staff. Especially those inclined towards a handsome, if enigmatic, man like himself.

“And if everything goes according to plan,” Dr. Benjamin explained, “We should be able to start clinical trials in a few months.”

“Wonderful!” Mr. Cartwright exclaimed, clapping his hands together before patting his employee on the back and nearly making the slender woman buckle, “You continue to impress! I knew letting you finish your research was the right idea!”

“T-Thank you sir!” She replied, blushing a little at the sheer intensity of his radiant expression, “And th-thank you for insisting I be allowed to finish my work. I-I know you're the reason my funding wasn't pulled.”

Her boss smiled a little wider and chuckled, “You weren't supposed to know that! Did Dr. Nasser tell you I did that?”

“No . . . I just assumed it was you. I wasn't sure until just now . . .”

Mr. Cartwright stared at her for a few moments, like a pot of water about to boil over, before bursting into jovial laughter and clapping her on the back once more, “I should've known!” He continued to laugh and beam at her for a few more seconds before finally settling down enough to say, “My predictability aside, this is incredible work! Truly incredible work! I'll be sure to mention this to the rest of the board the next time we meet!”

“Thank you s-sir!”

“No, thank you!” Taking her hand and shaking it so vigorously he just about threw her all over the lab Mr. Cartwright only relented after Dr. Benjamin was certain he'd tear her arm right off, “I'll check back in soon but until I do, keep up the great work!”

“Thank you Mr. Cartwright! I-I will!”

He left Dr. Benjamin's lab with a characteristic grin, all but skipping down the stark white hallway towards his next employee. Catching himself after a few moments and deliberately slowing his pace to a more respectable stroll he made no effort to dampen his smile nor the sparkle in his eyes. Before he could get very far his phone started to ring and he stopped to answer it, “You've reached Mr. Cartwright!”

“Hello Mr. Cartwright it's Isabella, I—”

“Isabella!” He exclaimed, greeting his assistant like it'd been years since they last spoke despite her talking with him a few hours earlier, “What is it?”

“—I wanted to let you know Dr. Kimura has arrived sir.”

“She has?! That's wonderful!” Checking his watch for a moment before laughing he added, “And she's only an hour late!”

“Indeed. Would you like me to send her to your office?”

“No, let her go to her lab! She's finally ready to show me what she's been working on!”

“I'll send her to her lab sir. Was there anything else you needed?”

“Not right now Isabella, thank you very much! Have a lovely day!”

“You too sir.”

He could hear the smile on her face and the embarrassment in her voice but he didn't spend too much time worrying about either. He was much too busy turning around and hurrying down the hall towards Yuki's lab. After months and months of only vague hints and allusions to what she was working on he'd never been more excited to see a project. In no small part because it would help assuage any concerns the investors might have. But even if they'd been completely fine with her secrecy he was just personally excited to check out the cultures she'd no doubt cultivated after such a lengthy stretch of time without any oversight. And while he was absolutely confident in her abilities even he couldn't predict how well she'd prove herself.

“A-And that's the last of it sir!” Yuki finished, all but shaking with excitement as she showed him her findings.

For close to two hours she'd been guiding him through a lengthy slideshow she'd prepared while he sat in uncharacteristic silence. He'd asked a myriad of questions whenever she showed him the cultures directly but during her very carefully orchestrated presentation he was worryingly quiet. And when she'd finally finished he didn't leapt to his feet and clap or erupt into the kind of booming laughter that felt like it'd bring the entire building down around him. He simply rose to his feet, straightened his already perfectly straight tie, and clasped his hands behind his back. Yuki looked up at him with a mixture of apprehension and hope as she waited for him to react in any way. She told herself he was playing some sort of joke, that he was merely leading her on for the sake of a little teasing. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd done it to her specifically and it certainly wasn't the first time he'd done it in general. But when he approached her with an almost deathly seriousness that confidence started to fade just a little bit.

His expression was uncommonly stoic, perhaps even serious, as he looked down at her. A shadow fell across his brow as he leaned in and Yuki couldn't help but tremble as he laid his hands on her shoulders like he was about to deliver the most devastating news imaginable. She braced herself for the inevitable firing as he opened his mouth. “This . . . this is the single most amazing thing I've seen in all day. All week. Maybe even all month.”

His tone sent a chill through her body even as his words flooded her with relief, “W-Wha—really?”

Continuing to look at her with an expression so dramatic she could barely meet his gaze Mr. Cartwright nodded and said, “Words can't describe how impressed I am with you right now. I knew you wouldn't let me down and I'm still taken aback by what you've accomplished.”

Yuki's entire face turned a brilliant shade of red as she smiled at her boss. Finally looking away from his intense stare she gave a timid little nod and said, “Thank you . . .”

“No. Thank you. This is incredible. Your work is incredible. I can't say it enough and you can't possibly hear it enough. Thank you.”

Glancing back at him for a moment before looking away again she couldn't help but ask, “W-Why do you sound so serious?”

His hands finally fell away from her shoulders as he straightened. Clasping them behind his back once more he took a long, deep breath and replied, “Last week Isabella told me the other members of the board felt I was being too cheerful when I spoke to you and your peers. I believe she said 'I acted like the sun was shining out of my ass'. I'm not sure if that's what the other board members said or simply her summarization but the results are the same either way.”

“I-I see.”

His serious facade finally started to crack as a smile shone through and he beamed down at her in the handful of moments they spent in silence, “I truly am stunned by your work. I cannot stress that enough nor can express how glad I am that you've accomplished so much.”

“Thank you sir.” Yuki said, still unable to look at him.

“Was there anything else you wanted to show me?”

His tone made her heart skip a beat and a little bead of sweat roll down her cheek but in spite of that she quickly shook her head, “No sir, that's everything.”

“Wonderful!” His usual exuberance had all but returned as he held out a hand and grinned at her with all the intensity of the sun. She took his hand and was given the same wild jostling as Hikari until he let go before she lost her arm entirely. “Don't be surprised if I come back with the rest of the board! Once I tell them about this I'm sure they'll all want to see your work!”

“I-I'll make sure to keep my slideshow handy sir!”

“Excellent!” Mr. Cartwright laughed, “Excellent!” He turned away and walked towards the door with every intention of leaving only to be stopped by a nervous yet unmistakably bold call.

“Mr. Chairman?”

He turned around with a knowing smile and simply said, “Yes?”

Blushing more furiously than ever Yuki pushed her thick, rectangular glasses up a little higher and bit her lip. Every inch of her delicate face was glowing a furious shade of red as she clutched a stack of papers in one hand. The other nervously reached down towards the hem of her skirt as her nostrils flared and she half hid behind her silky blond hangs. Subtly tilting her head away from him without actually looking away she buried her cheek in her flowing tresses as she slowly lifted her skirt to reveal one of the little accessories she'd nearly forgotten that morning.

A little pink remote about the size of her thumb was hooked into a small band wrapped tightly around her plump thigh. A long, still crinkled cord extended from it and towards her visibly damp panties, disappearing beneath the edge right beside the unmistakable wet spot. Yuki's heart was pounding so hard she could barely stand as she continued to lift up her skirt and reveal more of her modest but ever so slightly lacy underwear to Mr. Cartwright. Her fingers were trembling near uncontrollably as she held on the corner of her skirt and stared at him with a shy yet overwhelming excitement. She never would've worn anything so skimpy under normal circumstances! Skirts with slits running all the way up the sides and barely reached midway down her thigh were nothing short of terrifying to her. And deliberately tucking the remote to her vibrating egg just above the hem, where it could be easily seen if even a light breeze wafted by, had left her nervous all day. But as her boss pulled out his phone she couldn't help but whimper in excitement.

Mr. Cartwright watched Yuki lick her lips and somehow flush an even deeper shade of red. Almost as if she could see his screen and see their conversation. See the topless shibari photo she'd sent him earlier that morning. But even if she didn't have any clue what he was looking at she knew exactly what app he was opening up as she revealed her little accessory to him. He didn't make any effort to hid his delight as he stared at her, easily navigating his phone without looking. But before he could turn on the egg that'd been sitting dormant in the depths of her pussy for what felt like hours she spoke again. She really didn't need to but both of them absolutely adored the game they'd been playing and every word out of her mouth send shivers down both of their spines.

“We have a very important reunion in you office . . . Chairman . . .”

“Yes we do.” He replied, activating the vibrator inside Yuki's pussy with a swipe of his thumb, “A very important performance review.”

Even knowing what was about to happen and how it felt when the egg was pressed tight against her g-spot Yuki was still completely overcome by the surge of pleasure assailing her senses. She couldn't possibly forget about that little bead stuffed in her cunt but she had managed to ignore fairly well throughout her commute and presentation. But there was no ignoring it now as it sent waves of toe curling pleasure flooding her senses faster than she could react. Crumpling the papers she was holding and dropping her skirt as she reached for nearest table Yuki didn't and couldn't keep herself from moaning in both surprise and pleasure. She stared up at Mr. Cartwright with open mouthed desire, her glassy eyed expression sending a shudder down his spine.

After a moment or two he increased the speed of the vibrations and Yuki cried out again. Her knees slammed together in some mindless, instinctive effort to control herself but she was already well beyond that point. Soaking her panties in a torrent of arousal as she slowly hunched over she tried and failed to steady herself in any way. To find some modicum of control as she looked away from him in a fit of abject embarrassment. When she eventually looked back, her eyes listlessly roaming the entire room, she glanced at the unmistakable bulge straining against his slacks. Although they'd both agreed they wouldn't have sex in her lab the urge to stagger closer and free his throbbing prick was so overwhelming she very nearly gave in. Had he not increased the vibration even more she might've gone through with it regardless. But luckily for both of them Mr. Cartwright knew her desires all too well and cut her off before she could act on them. Then he went a little bit further.

Absolutely wracked with pleasure and barely able to stand as the wet sound of the egg buzzing away in her pussy filled the room Yuki frantically moaned, “I-I can't! Please! T-Turn it d-d-down! I c-can't make it-it to your o-o-office like th-this!”

“I know.” Her boss laughed. Yet despite his words he turned the vibration up to it's max setting. Higher than he'd ever gone before and higher than she could bear.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Dropping her papers and clapping a hand over her mouth Yuki sank to her knees as spasms tore through her body. Bucking her hips and convulsing against that tiny little egg she couldn't bear to look at the man responsible. She couldn't even lift her head to look at him if she wanted to.

“Sorry,” Mr. Cartwright said after a few seconds of watching her squirm and whimper in pure ecstasy, “I couldn't help myself!”

Suddenly the vibration stopped and Yuki slumped against the leg of the table she was kneeling beside, barely able to move in the aftermath of his torment. Still gasping for breath and shuddering like she'd just been electrocuted she meekly said, “It's okay . . . It's okay . . .”

Her words were met with the soft sound of approaching footsteps. After a few seconds she found herself staring down at his glossy black shoes. When she lifted her head to look at him Yuki was met with one of his large hands extending down towards her instead. Taking it and whimpering softly at his touch she was instantly and effortlessly lifted to her feet. Lifted right into his chest. Sliding an arm around her waist and holding her against him like they were about to start ballroom dancing Mr. Cartwright let out a soft chuckle. Yuki shivered at the warmth of his breath and laid her head against his chest for a few moments. She listened to his heartbeat and smiled, content to simply remain there for as long as they could get away with it.

Though she did look up at him eventually and finally meeting his piercing stare after being cradled by him always sent the most visceral shivers through her body. Not at all helped by the gentle way he brushed some of her tousled hair out of her face and gently pushed her glasses up her nose. They stared into one another's eyes for quite some time as the anticipation continued to build between them. Even standing on the very tips of her toes she couldn't quite kiss him without help and the moment she felt his grip around her waist tighten she knew he was about to lift her off her feet. That he was about to give in to his own urges and take her right there in her lab just like he used to. And she couldn't have been happier. Until the piercing rhythm of his phone ringing shattered their private heaven and turned their attention away from one another.

Isabella drummed her fingers on her desk as the phone continued to ring. Mr. Cartwright rarely took more than a few seconds to respond but she wasn't altogether surprised by his tardiness. He had a habit of ignoring his phone whenever he was in a presentation and knowing how Dr. Kimura could drone on there was a good chance he wasn't anywhere near done with her yet. But with another member of the board standing in her office looking particularly cross it was hard not to feel a little bit annoyed. Mostly at Mrs. Ogawa but certainly at her boss and Dr. Kimura too. Especially when Mr. Cartwright didn't answer and she was met with his voicemail for the first time in several months. Rather than leave a message she hung up the phone and put on her best apologetic expression as she looked up at the woman glowering down at her.

“I believe Mr. Cartwright is still in a presentation. He should call back shortly.”

“When he does tell him I want to speak with him immediately.”

“Of course. Would you like me to deliver a specific message?”


Turning around without so much as a parting word Mrs. Ogawa left the room while Isabella continued to smile at her until she was absolutely sure she was gone. “Bitch.” She muttered under her breath, finally relaxing in her seat. After a few seconds she sat up again and said, “I'd better try Mr. Cartwright again.”

Dialing his number and glancing at the door in case Mrs. Ogawa came back she listened to the ring tone for a few seconds before her boss finally answered, “Isabella! How can I help you?!”

His tone seemed a little off but she didn't pay it much attention as she said, “Mrs. Ogawa wants to speak with you. It sounds quite urgent.”

“I see. Would you mind finding and delaying her for a little while? I don't have the files she needs yet and I could use a little more time to collect them.”

“I can gather everything she needs for you sir, just tell me what files you—”

“Oh that won't be necessary!” He cheerfully replied, “Besides, I'm not even entirely sure I have everything on hand! I'll be returning to my office shortly to make sure but while I do I need you to make sure Mrs. Ogawa won't come looking for me. Can you do that Isabella?”

Heaving a dramatic sigh but knowing full well she couldn't say no to him despite how unpleasant his fellow board member could be Isabella agreed with a rueful smile, “Of course I can. How long do you need?”

“No more than ten minutes.” There was a muffled sound followed by a bout of silence before Mr. Cartwright returned to say, “Better make it twenty. Just to be safe!”

“All right. I'll give her a tour of Dr. Cain's lab.”

“You'd have better luck with Dr. Fathi, she and Mrs. Ogawa get alone splendidly.”

“Right. Was there anything else sir?”

“No. Thank you so much Isabella! You're saving my life!”

“You're welcome sir. But you'd better hurry, I'm not sure how long I can keep Mrs. Ogawa distracted, I don't think she likes me very much.”

“Dr. Fathi's the only person I've seen her get along with!” He laughed. “And I'll keep that in mind, thank you again!”

“You're welcome sir. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye Isabella!”

At a glance neither Dr. Kimura nor Mr. Cartwright looked particularly out of sorts as they walked to his office. They might've been walking a bit more briskly than usual, her cheeks might've been a tiny bit more flushed, and his trademark smile might've been a bit wider but nobody passing by them gave either a second glance. If they had they might've noticed the way Yuki was fidgeting with her skirt and trying her absolutely best to keep her lips closed. They might've seen their boss glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, his hand moving quite suspiciously in the pocket of his slacks. And they undoubtedly would've noticed the very strained tones of their conversation. Or rather the strained tones of his words as he spoke to her while she simply nodded or made meek little sounds. But the arrival of Mrs. Ogawa and the fear that she might approach any one of them at any moment kept every one in the building so on edge they didn't have time to glance at their coworker or the Chairman of the Board overseeing their facility. Not that Yuki or Mr. Cartwright were complaining.

Knowing full well the most terrifying member of the Board wouldn't be anywhere near his office for a few minutes, at the very least, they hurried along as casually as they could. She did her best not to stumble or outright collapse as he mercilessly played with the vibrator pressed so snugly against her g-spot. Endlessly turning it up and rolling it back down until it was almost off he made it downright impossible for her to gather her wits or focus on anything other than the pleasure assailing her already overwhelmed senses. The simple fact that she could walk of her own accord was nothing short of a miracle! Especially when they needed to walk up a flight of stairs and finally noticed the little trail of arousal she'd left in her wake. She'd soaked through her panties before they'd even left the lab but Yuki never thought she'd soak through her stockings too! Wracked with both shame and arousal she started to wonder if she'd even be able to make it to his office! Right around the time they were walking through Isabella's and Mr. Cartwright was opening the door for her.

“Oh thank God!” She whimpered, staggering into his warmly lit, beautifully furnished office and dropping the papers she'd been holding for the sake pf appearances, “I didn't think I'd make—AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

Wickedly turning the vibrator back up to an unbearable intensity and smiling at her stunned reaction Mr. Cartwright pulled his phone from his pocket it and set it aside. Yuki was too busy stumbling towards his desk in a fit of pleasure addled delight to notice what he was doing. Or even think about anything other than the ecstasy assailing her body. In an instant she was knocking aside just about everything on his desk as her trembling hands flattened against the polished wooden surface. Her knees slammed together once more as her back arched and she bent over like some sort of hunchback, hardly able to keep herself upright but unable to collapse. Somewhere amidst her breathy moans and shuddering gasps she heard her companion lock the door behind him but she couldn't begin to fathom what he might be thinking. She was much too busy waiting for him to lower the intensity of her vibrator. To give some desperately needed reprieve before she went completely insane. Instead she was given even more pleasure as his large, gentle hands lifted up her skirt.

“W-W-What are-are y-you d-d-d-d-doing?!” Every word was a struggle to say as she looked back at him with a mixture of delight and apprehension.

His rakish smile made her heart skip a beat and the words he spoke immediately after nearly made Yuki collapse in pleasure, “I thought I'd do that special thing you told me about last time . . . if you're up for it . . .”


“Good. Because I haven't been able to get it out of my mind!”

A throaty squeal erupted from her lips as Yuki watched him turn her skirt into a belt before sliding both her stockings and panties down to her ankles, sinking to his knees as he did. There was a little bit of fumbling with the vibrator as the strap keeping the remote in place slipped down her thigh but it was solved easily enough. And she even got to feel his fingers sliding into her pussy as he pushed the egg back against her g-spot, a pleasure that immediately sent her into fits of quivering anticipation. When he spent a second or two teasingly pressing the egg into her most sensitive area, knowingly moving it in small circles while planting soft kissing all along her goosebump riddled skin, she just about screamed. Both from the toe curling delight and his absolutely maddening stalling. She knew exactly what he was doing and she'd never been so annoyed and thrilled by his torment. His hand was completely drenched in her arousal when he finally pulled away and she watched him slowly lick his fingers clean before he laid both hands on her perky cheeks.

“D-D-Don't h-hold b-b-b-b-back!” Yuki whimpered.

“I won't.” He promised.

Unable to see much more than his eyes as he spread apart her cheeks and completely lost in the pleasure of his breath against her skin she turned away from her lover before he could do much of anything. Her elbows hit his desk with an echoing thud as she collapsed forward just a little bit more, burying her face in her arms in the vain hope of staying quiet. But they both knew she couldn't keep her voice down. The moment she felt his lips against her tightly clenched, beautifully puckered asshole all bets were pretty much off! A long, desperate scream tumbled from her lips as he kissed her ring and ever so slightly brushed his tongue against her trembling entrance.

Her hips bucked and trembled while her back arched in uncontrollable spasms as the first swell of pent up ecstasy came crashing down like she'd always dreamed. After thirty one years of life, and around nineteen of them spent exploring herself and her desires, she was finally enjoying her first rimjob. Words couldn't describe how excited she was nor the adoration she felt for the man helping her experience that decade long kink. Though she didn't exactly have the wherewithal to think about all of that as he gave her trembling entrance another kiss before pushing his tongue against her with even greater force.

Vividly remembering every detail of the fantasy she'd told him Mr. Cartwright made sure his adorably lewd companion had the time of her life as he teased and tortured her with pleasure. His grip on her buttocks tightened as he leaned in just a little bit more. Every time she tried to shy away from him he was quick to bridge the gap and every time she pushed back against him he held his ground. All without ever actually plunging his tongue into her ass. He knew she wanted it more than she'd ever wanted anything in her life. That she was so desperate to feel his tongue swirling around in her asshole she would've done anything for it. Hell, he could feel the deluge of warmth gushing from her sex as it drenched his chest and likely ruined his entire suit. But he also knew she wanted him to take his time, no matter how anguished her moans might've sounded. So that's exactly what he did, laboring over every last action for what seemed like an eternity while Yuki squealed and bucked and grinded against him and her legs just about gave out from the sheer force of her spasms.

Practically losing her mind with every kiss and every gentle prodding of his tongue Yuki was beside herself with pleasure after a few seconds. Every single time he kissed her trembling entrance and teasingly pushed his tongue into her trembling ass only to pull back before entering her like she so desperately wanted it flooded her body with anticipation and sent another whimpering squeal erupting from her lips. Although she could feel him pushing deeper and deeper with every pass, as surely as she felt him smiling with every kiss, his pace was nothing short of infuriating. She cursed her past self for reveling in the thought of being tormented by the build up and encouraging her annoying considerate lover to follow those desires.

She'd never hated anything more, even while she was basking in that same build up more than anything else. Of course that didn't stop her from trying to push herself onto his tongue every time he sent it gliding across her asshole.  Or whenever he pushed the tip into her tightly puckered entrance and she felt a chill washing over her entire body. But in addition to being a wonderful, caring man Mr. Cartwright was also a ruthless bastard or refused to give up or relent. No matter how loudly she moaned or how desperately she whimpered he always withdrew before she could do much of anything. Often with a soft laugh and a tender little kiss that only made her shudder that much harder.

But even when he didn't immediately taunt her with how little control she had his frustrating pace and constant tenderness was almost too much for her to bear. He might've gripped her ass with a certain wonderful tightness but everything else he did was far too sweet and wholesome for her pleasure addled thoughts. Or at least the ones bouncing around inside her mind as his tongue slowly lathered her entrance in spit and she felt his heady breath against both her ass and pussy. The part of her that'd wanted him to take his time in the first place was still drowning in delight and the simple satisfaction of knowing she could trust him to do everything she wanted. Even if she found herself absolutely hating that quality in the heat of the moment!


All the shyness and embarrassment she felt about using his first name, despite how long they'd been together, vanished in the face of her incomprehensible desire. So unimaginably desperate to feel every inch of his tongue inside her ass she didn't even think twice about it Yuki continued to call out his name until there wasn't so much as a scrap of air left in her lungs. Knowing full well how much he loved hearing her say his first name and too horny to care about her unabashed manipulation she sucked in a ragged breath with every intention of calling out to him again. Especially as she felt his lips vanish from her asshole entirely. As frazzled and overwhelmed as her mind was a single, overriding through remained. And it probably would've remained far longer if he hadn't given her exactly what she wanted a second or two later.

Very much aware of what she was doing and beyond excited by it Levi needed a moment to gather his wits and brace himself. He stared at her quivering ring with unabashed glee and even looked at the back of her head for a few seconds. Then he lunged forward like a wild animal attacking it's prey, shoving his tongue into her ass and stretching her tight little hole open wide. And she couldn't even scream as he did. The sudden swell of pleasure flooding her body as she felt him inside of her, felt his ever skillful tongue pushing against her inner walls, was so much better than her fantasies. As simple as it was the warmth of his tongue, the feel of his spit soaking her depths, the intensity of his ever stroke, all of it was so utterly amazing she was completely frozen.

For what felt like minutes on end she stared unblinkingly at the curtains behind his desk. Warmth cascaded from her sex and her asshole quivered like mad around him but the rest of her was all but locked in place. Like she'd been paralyzed by the simple pleasure of having her ass eaten by her boss. Her momentary paralysis didn't last very long at all but Levi certainly didn't make it any better as he absolutely assaulted her quivering hole. Moving his tongue with the same intensity and passion that'd made her cum dozens of times when he was between her thighs he completely destroyed her exactly the way she'd wanted. Exactly like she'd dreamed and yet somehow even better! And when she finally found her voice again Yuki spoke in that same guttural, almost comically deep tone she always had whenever she was about to explode.


Moving in time with both her frantic moans and the increasingly wild bucking of her hips Levi held on for dear life as he viciously tongued Yuki's asshole. She might've been a foot shorter than him and half his weight but she always gave him a run for his money when she was in the throes of passion. He could barely keep his hands on her cheeks while she grinded against him and more than once the sheer tightness of her asshole quivering around his tongue actually stopped him from moving as fast or as hard as he wanted. Not that she seemed to mind as she drenched his suit and and carpet in torrents of arousal, her madly quivering pussy almost pushing the egg right out as she succumbed to the near two decades of build up that was someone finally rimming her. And he certainly didn't help matters whenever he pushed back against her frantic grinding. Every time he leaned in even harder between her cheeks and moved his tongue like sloppily licking every centimeter of her asshole was the key to eternal life. Once her twice he was even strong enough to not only match her wild pace but outright dominate her, pushing Yuki's entire body forward and making her scream his name even harder as the pleasure of it all flooded her senses.

Sadly her ecstasy didn't last anywhere near as long as she wanted it to. Although it felt like an eternity it wasn't much more than thirty seconds before she finally collapsed, her knees slamming into the floor as she slumped against the desk. Even if he'd wanted to Levi couldn't continue to tongue her asshole when she was clinging to his desk like it was the only life preserver in the ocean. Though he could sidle up next to his lover, wipe his mouth, and wrap an arm around her shoulder. And the moment she felt his touch she could slump against his chest in bleary eyed heap, a delirious smile lighting up her face as she buried it in his chest. Neither of them said a word for almost a full minute after that. They just held one another and basked in the afterglow of their newest foray into another sexually uncharted territory for one or both of them. But he did chuckle a little when the egg inside her pussy was finally pushed out and he had to lean over and shut it off manually as it buzzed against the floor. Beyond that they were perfectly content to share in one another's company until she finally broke the silence with a soft yet exhilarated remark.

“That was amazing . . .”

“It was . . . I think you ruined another suit . . .”

His tone was light and cheerful but hers was decidedly more somber as she felt the messy she'd made for the first time, patting his chest and quietly saying, “I'm sorry . . .”

“Don't be. I have too many suits as it is!”

“But it must have cost—”

“I don't care!” Levi laughed. “If ever there was a way to 'properly' ruin a suit that was it . . .”

“That's what you said when we tried watersports for the first time . . .”

“And I meant it then too!”

Yuki laughed at his remark and slid onto his lap as he sat down with his back to the desk. She still felt a little bad about what'd happened but she was getting better about letting those sorts of feelings ruin wonderful moments. So rather than dwelling on it she said, “I think—I can go again . . . i-if you want to.”

“I always want to.” He replied, comfortably draping his arms around her and making Yuki feel so tiny in his embrace, “But I don't think we have time . . .”

“Not even for a little anal>”

She felt his cock stiffen against her at that question and heard his heartbeat quicken, “We might have time for that . . .”

Leaning away from him and smiling as she looked into his eyes Yuki summoned every ounce of courage she had and said, “I want to ride you in your chair . . . I-I want you to fuck my ass while you're sitting behind y-your desk!”

A wild look filled his eyes as he remembered their first time together. Springing to his feet and carrying her like a blushing bride Levi hurried to his impressively comfy chair, sitting down and hastily unbuckling his belt while Yuki squatted above him. After watching and waiting for a few seconds she let out a soft moan and leaned in for a kiss. She couldn't help herself and neither could he. Their lips met in a burst of passion and his tongue slipped into her mouth not two seconds later. She shuddered at the taste of her own ass still clinging to his mouth and shuddered even harder when she felt his the head of his cock brushing against her asshole.

Lowering herself down onto his tip inch by inch and moaning in delight as he stretched her open she resisted the urge to slam down onto him right away. For all of two seconds. By the time she'd taken the entire head of his prick she was too horny to resist the temptation of riding him like there was no tomorrow. She'd wanted to mimic their first time together for a little longer but in the blink of an eye her cute little bubble but was smacking against his thighs as both of them groaned and shuddered in delight. She brought their kiss to an end as she leaned back and grabbed his shoulders, eagerly pulling her feet underneath her to squat above his dick. His hands quickly slid under her sweater and towards her breasts only to stop upon feeling the shibari she'd had on when she took her picture that morning.

“You're still wearing it?” He asked in an almost stunned tone.

She gave a quick nod and smiled, “I thought you'd like it . . .”

Instead of replying with words he just let out a sound somewhere between a moan and laugh as his hands completely enveloped her breasts. Suddenly he wasn't the only one moaning as she called out his name and lurched up his cock. Savoring every last inch of his prick as it retreated from her quivering ass she stopped just as the head was about to slip free. Holding herself there for a few seconds and absolutely delighting in both the creamy spurts of precum flooding her ass and the look on Levi's face as he smiled at her Yuki slammed herself down onto his prick as hard as she could.

Another heavy slap filled the room as she collided with his legs only to be immediately joined by more moaning as she glided right back up to the tip once again. Too horny to do anything else and keenly aware of how little time they likely had she didn't waste another second. Faster than either of them could truly appreciate she was bouncing up and down his wonderfully thick shaft with everything he had. Just big enough to really stretch her open and just long enough to give her plenty to work with his dick was about as perfect as could be. She'd always thought as much and she continued to think it as she rode him in a manic burst, the chair creaking beneath them with every pass and the meaty smack of their bodies colliding filling his entire office.

At some point she started kissing him again. At some point his hands moved to her ass after groping her tits for a while. At some point both of them forgot all about being caught or anything else they might've worried about. Losing themselves in the simple pleasure that was having sex they sank deeper and deeper into their satisfaction. After everything that'd happened Levi was so pent up and ready to explode he could feel himself slipping away with every slightest movement of Yuki's body. Every wild contraction and spasmodic shiver, to say nothing of her steadily increasing pace, made him squirm and groan even harder. With no reason to hold back and no chance of controlling himself he simply let the pleasure wash over him in greater and greater waves until it was too much to bear.


Breaking their kiss just long enough to warn her despite knowing full well what she wanted and loved Levi immediately kissed her again as she moaned into his lips. Riding him even faster and soaking even more of his suit in little spurts of arousal as she did his truly incredible lover didn't let up for so much as a second. Driving him absolutely wild as she did she bounced up and down his cock in a frenzy of toe curling movement until he was gasping and grunting and holding on to her for dear life, his whole body tensing up as he finally succumbed to his pleasure. But before he did she slid all the way down to the base of his cock one more time and wrapped herself around him in a burst of passion, mindlessly grinding against his dick as he unleashed torrents of warm cum into her ass.

His cock swelled even more as the first jet erupted from his tip and Yuki squealed in delight as his jizz splattered across her inner walls. Her heart skipped a beat like it always did and she descended into fits of madcap trembling as he continued to pump load after creamy load inside of her. Feeling every part of him tighten and shudder as he came, feeling him cling to her so desperately for fifteen wonderful seconds, never stopped being completely amazing. And she hoped it never would. Although it was hard to think of such things when she was gyrating against his dick and reveling in the absolutely amazing flood of warmth he pumped into her. Fifteen seconds had never felt longer as he utterly drenched her asshole and sent waves of satisfaction coursing through her body. Even before he'd finished thick beads of cum were bubbling out of her ass and by the time he was done she felt so full, so filled up, it was hard to think past her giddy contentment. Although she could still kiss and hold him with all the same passion even while he slumped against his seat in a trembling heap.

When their lips finally broke apart he stared at her with an almost dazed expression, a grin lighting up his face as he said, “Happy anniversary . . .”

“You remembered!” She whispered, knowing full well he wouldn't forget but still elated that he hadn't regardless. Leaning in for another kiss only to pull back after a few seconds and say, “Happy anniversary!”

She made no effort to slide off his still relatively hard cock and he didn't try and lift her off him, instead they just sat there enjoying one another for a while. “Since it's been four years already . . . I was thinking we might go public with our relationship. Fill out all the necessary forms and make it official.”

“Really?!” Her face lit up as he spoke and when he nodded she couldn't help but smother him in another kiss, “Should we tell Mrs. Ogawa?”

“We can let her find out on her own.” Levi chuckled, “Preferably when we're nowhere near her.”

“Oh . . . I was thinking we could tell her today!”

“Today?!” Torn between laughter and incredulity he looked up at her and joked, “Why don't we wait a few more minutes and she can find out for herself as soon as she walks in!”

Smiling at his remark even as she shuddered at the prospect of actually being discovered with his cock balls deep in her ass, especially by Mrs. Ogawa, Yuki could only nod and say, “Okay, I get what you mean. We'll wait. But I'm not sure I can!”

Excitement flooded her voice as she finished speaking and Levi was quick to wrap her up in another kiss. One they both shared for as long as they could get away with before he was forced to break it off and say, “You should probably leave now. Just to be safe.”

“What about the mess?”

“It's not the first time I've cleaned up one of your messes!”

Yuki blushed at his comment, unable to deny his teasing but very much able to slowly lift herself off his cock. With a wet little pop he slipped out of her ass and long strands of cum oozed from her sloppily gaped ring, “I'll see you tonight?” She asked as she gathered her stockings and panties, sliding into both despite the fresh jizz bubbling out of her ass.

“I made reservations at Yamamoto's.” He replied, standing up and tucking his dick back into his slacks, “For eight.”

Practically glowing with excitement Yuki couldn't resist darting in for another kiss before pulling away and saying, “That sounds perfect!”

Levi smiled at her and watched as she hurried out of his office, slowly shaking his head as he looked at the mess they'd made. With a wistful smile he started cleaning up, though not before quietly remarking to himself, “It really is.”


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