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Now this story's a bit of an oddity for Patreon, for reasons that'll become clear once y'all start reading. But I think it skirts the line just well enough to not be an issue so I've decided to upload it and see what happens lol. If that makes you curious then read and check it out!

With all the grace and grandeur befitting a woman of her talents Dolores Sinclair arrived on set for her first day of filming. After three decades of stage and film she was finally enjoying her first dalliance into television. Even five years earlier she never would've agreed to play the mother on some toothless, family friendly sitcom but even a woman with her pedigree struggled to find challenging or even simply interesting roles after turning fifty. Now midway through her fifties and fast approaching obsolescence, at least as far as the industry was concerned, she really didn't have much choice. And if nothing else signing on to a show was her best chance at finding steady work now that her real passions were drifting out of reach. Her ego was the tiniest bit bruised by the knowledge that she wasn't anyone's first choice for the role. That she'd only been signed on because the previous actress had to step away for unspecified personal reasons broadly reported as a scheduling conflict. But unlike so many of her peers Dolores wasn't the type to dwell on such things.

Nor was she one to give anything but her absolute best regardless of the material. Admittedly that would be a touch more difficult with the quite uninspired, almost purposefully rote material she had to work with but she'd always loved a good challenge and playing Claudette Henderson seemed like the best she'd get for now. Perhaps in time she'd be able to exert a little more influence over things and take the story in a more intriguing direction but for now she was more than happy to meet with the director one last time before making her way to makeup and getting ready. All the while thinking about the costar she'd only met in passing but had heard no end of rumors about. Including a few from one of her friends who'd worked with him on other projects. The fact that the young man playing her son was supposed to be a legendary flirt and incorrigible prankster, alongside being old enough to actually be her child, made for quite an intriguing prospect. One she was all too happy to discuss with the stylists and makeup artists changing her glamorous appearance into something more appropriate to the Midwestern mother she was playing.

“Oh he's harmless!” One woman insisted.

“He'll flirt with anyone!” Another remarked.

“But it's all perfectly harmless!” The first replied, waving dismissively at her companion, “Don't pretend like you don't love it when he comes around every morning!”

“Of course I love it!” The second woman admitted with a laugh that all of her coworkers shared. Even Dolores smiled a little at their jovial attitude, “But his little 'jokes' get old quickly!”

“I think they're funny!” Another makeup artist interjected. “Like when he hid your brushes that one time and you just about blew a fuse? That was a riot!”

Several other women laughed and Dolores chuckled alongside them while the woman in question just scowled, “We'll see how you like it when he turns his sights on you! If this thing gets picked up there's no way he won't get to all of you eventually!”

“Sounds like I'll have to keep my eyes open!” Dolores remarked.

“If you know what's good for you!”

“Knock it off Cindy!” The first woman admonished, “You'll scare her off too!”

“Too? Is that why Jane Cavialli left?”

A momentary hush fell over the room as the stylists and artists around her exchanged knowing looks but before Dolores could repeat herself or say much of anything the woman applying her makeup said, “Don't worry about it dearie, Taylor Greenwald is a lovely young man! I'm sure you won't have any problems at all!”

“Yeah I'm sure!” Cindy scoffed.

The rest of her time in makeup was about as normal as could be but of course Dolores never stopped thinking about her costar and everything she'd heard about him. Except for a handful of moments immediately after changing into her outfit and catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Why wouldn't she when she'd been dressed in a frumpy gingham dress that completely hid her buxom curves and turned her into the very definition of a sitcom housewife? When her normally glamorous curly red hair was done up in an equally boring bun and much of the strikingly beautiful makeup adorning her face had been replaced with simple eye shadow and lipstick that did nothing to make her emerald green stare pop nor enhance her naturally vivacious lips? She looked so unlike her usual self she felt nigh unrecognizable!

Everything from her impressive bust to her plump ass was so downplayed and understated she was like a Mormon parody of herself. And in a strange way Dolores was actually rather pleased with the dramatic change. It seemed almost appropriate for her foray into the world of television sitcoms and she certainly understood why she couldn't appear as sultry and seductive as she liked to look normally. Sexual tension was a delight on stage or noir thrillers but in a family friendly show where most of her scenes involved her 'son'? Even she could understand why the network would insist on toning her down a bit. Although some part of her was the tiniest bit annoyed the rest eventually shrugged it all away and headed for the kitchen set. Most of the crew was already ready and waiting with only Mr. Greenwald and the director absent.

Fortunately both of them arrived before long and Dolores had a chance to see how her costar looked in his makeup and costume. A good six inches taller than she was and very much built like the high school athlete he was playing Taylor's boyish looks and sandy brown hair were about as convincing as could be. Anyone with any sense at all could tell he wasn't a junior in high school but it was remarkably easy to suspend disbelief and look at him. People might even be surprised to know he was actually twenty two years old. His 'mother' certainly had to remind herself of that fact as she sized him up in the handful of seconds they had together before filming started.

Of course he was sizing her up at the same time. But while she was focused almost entirely on how well he fit the part in spite of his age his attention was pulled in a much different direction. One exclusively centered around her altogether voluptuous figure. The wide swell of her hips, the impressive size of her bust, the buxom curvaceousness of her entire body, he admired all of it without a hint of shame or hesitation. Dolores could see him enjoying her womanly charms and feel his eyes roaming her body. And despite herself she enjoyed his undeniably lascivious gaze. She might've been playing his mother on television but he wasn't actually her son and that was more than enough to make his admiration enjoyable. Especially when his eyes moved to her softly angled face and his smile widened just the tiniest bit more. Even if the most she could offer was a knowing grin as both of them moved into position while everyone else readied themselves for the scene proper.

Before long the director had yelled action and Taylor, or rather Jimmy, was walking into the kitchen while Claudette washed dishes, “Hey mom! How's—”

“Don't even start.” She interrupted.

“Start what?” He innocently asked.

“You know what!” Setting down the dish she was holding and removing her gloves Claudette turned to face him with hands on hips, “You're father already warned me!”

“Oh come on!” Jimmy exclaimed. His innocent attitude melted away in an instant as he approached his mother, “I've already got one picked out and it's not that expensive! I just need you—”

“No!” Turning away from him and opening the refrigerator she pulled out a few leftovers and set them down on the counter, “We can't afford it right now! And even if we could you don't need a car!”

“What about getting to practice? And games? Or going out with my friends? Don't you guys hate giving me a ride everywhere? If I had my own care you'd never need to give me a ride again!”

“No but you'd be driving us straight to the poor house!”

“Awww come on ma, things aren't that bad and you know it!” Approaching her as she shut the fridge he stopped her from fussing with the food she'd grabbed, leaning up against the counter and smiling down at her with a cheery hopefulness.

“You're. Not. Getting. A. Car.” She replied. “Not unless you save up your own money and buy it yourself.”

His next line was supposed to be “But what if I did more chores around the house? Or ran errands for you guys? Or—” and then she was supposed to interrupt him. But the moment Dolores noticed his expression shift and an altogether inappropriate grin light up his face she knew she was about to be hit by some improv. But she never expected him to say in a thoroughly heady tone: “What'll it take mom? Name your price?”

Leaning in as he spoke and saying his lines with the kind of husky tone she'd expect from a romantic scene Taylor completely threw her off. But with thirty years of experience under her belt she was much too skilled to break character. Even as she assumed the scene was already a wash Dolores cracked a smile of her own as she decided to give him a little something back. At the very least it'd make a memorable blooper when she leaned back and casually replied, “Put that smart mouth to use and lick my pussy. Then you'll get your car.”

She felt the atmosphere on set shift as she spoke those words and had the unique pleasure of watching Taylor's expression falter. And for a moment or two she got to think she'd put her flirtatious brat of a coworker in his place without even trying. But the director didn't shout 'cut' and her 'son's' grin immediately widened. “Deal!”

Before she or anyone else on set could even think about reacting he'd dropped to his knees, thrown up her skirt, and disappeared between her plumply toned thighs. Dolores barely had time to react before her legs were draped across his shoulders as he effortlessly lifted her off the ground. Before the warmth of his breath was sending little tremors down her spine. Like the rest of the crew she was completely stunned by his actions and too overwhelmed by the insanity of it all to do anything sensible. Of course unlike the crew she was overwhelmed by a surge of pleasure as she felt his every gasp against her pussy. With nothing but a thin strip of cloth protecting her shamefully wet sex from his mouth she was more exposed than she'd ever been. She was completely at his mercy and she couldn't help but whimper at that fact.

Or at least that's what she told herself as she felt him leaning in even closer, her breath growing even hotter and his fingers squeezing her thighs as he spread them apart. Somehow both keenly aware of everyone watching and completely numb to the rest of the world Dolores could only stare down at the bump that was his head beneath her dress. Her eyes were opened as wide as could be while her mouth was shut tight in a vain attempt to stop from crying out. Although it'd only been a few seconds since he made his unexpected move it felt like an eternity. Like time had slowed to a crawl as she sat there with her back pressed against the fridge and her body supported by his broad shoulders while he leaned in for what seemed like hours. Then, all at once, reality came screaming back when he finally made contact with her already drenched panties.

Without so much as an ounce of hesitation or restraint Taylor softly kissed her pussy. His lips all but brushed against her own through her underwear and it still sent a wild spasm tearing through Dolores' entire body. She still cried out in shock as pleasure lanced through her, a wave of it crashing down upon her as surely as adrenaline flooded her veins. And while her voice was still echoing throughout the stunned set her 'son' found a way to make it even worse. Catching the little deluge of arousal seeping from her pussy in the aftermath of his kiss he teasingly dragged his tongue across the breadth of her oh so sensitive sex. From the bottom to the very top he didn't miss so much as a single centimeter with that first pass. Even if she'd wanted to Dolores couldn't possibly keep herself from crying out in ecstasy at his unexpectedly wonderful touch.

Some part of her wanted to hold back, to stay even the tiniest bit composed for the sake of her own propriety. But there was absolutely no chance of her doing anything of the sort. It didn't matter that she was surrounded by strangers. That she was being recorded. That she was still wearing panties. That single kiss and stroke of his tongue was already overwhelming her like nothing else had. In no small part because of all those factors. He probably could've stopped then and there and she would've begged him to continue. Would've demanded he keep going until she finally exploded. It'd been so agonizingly long since anyone buried their face between her thighs. Years at least. Maybe longer. And alongside everything else that simple fact left her so unbelievably vulnerable to his surprising talents she was entirely at his mercy long before he gave her pussy another kiss.

When she actually felt his lips press against her swollen clit she actually saw stars for a moment. When she felt his tongue darting across her pussy and pressing between her folds she couldn't help but cry out so loudly her voice reverberated throughout the sound stage. No matter how loudly the voice in the back of her head protested she ignored it. Indeed she barely even noticed it after a few more seconds of basking in his oral talents. Between the passion of his every movement and the teasing bliss of never knowing what he was going to do or where he might strike next Dolores was constantly kept on edge in the most exquisite way imaginable. There was nothing she could do except hold on for dear life and revel in the sheer insanity unfolding between her legs. Although she could certainly hold on to something a bit more satisfying than the fridge she was pressed up against.

Grabbing his head with both hands and hanging on for dear life she unleashed another throaty scream as a torrent of warmth erupted from her sex. His already soaked face was drenched in even more of her arousal while she cried out in pleasure and gripped his hair as tightly as she could through her now stained dress. For all of a second the urge to push him away joined the desire to simply hold on until he made her explode but thankfully the former went away just as soon as it'd arrived while the latter only increased in intensity. In no small part thanks to his wild tongue movements and relentlessly unpredictable kisses absolute assaulting her sanity and destroying and shred of coherence she might've had.

Beads of sweat rolled down her face, ruining her makeup and further soiling her already messy wardrobe as she baked under the studio lighting. Even without the heat of those blazing lights she still would've been reduced to a quivering puddle in no time at all but with them beaming down on her every inch of Dolores' flushed, goosebump riddled skin was positively glistening. Though nothing her coworkers could see even remotely compared to what her 'son' witnessed as she continued to drench him in her arousal. Continued to drench the both of them, her lacy black panties so thoroughly soaked in her warmth they were stretched across her puffy folds so tight he could practically see everything. Or at least he would've if he'd paused for even a second to admire the mess he was making. But like a good lover he just kept kissing and licking and tormenting her with a single minded fervor. Leaving his 'mother' to squeal and shudder against him in abject pleasure for what could've been minutes or days for all either of them knew.

And things only continued to get 'worse' as she mindlessly continued the improv he'd started, speaking without so much as a second thought, “Harder!” Dolores moaned, “Harder sweetie! You'll have to lick mommy harder if you want that car!”

Nothing had ever felt so unimaginably wrong yet indescribably right at the same time! She couldn't believe what she'd just said and she was completely stunned by his quiet yet no less amazing response, “I just want to make you feel good mommy!”

Hearing those breathlessly whispered words, feeling them against her pussy as he paused for a moment or two, was nothing short of heaven on earth. Her head fell back against the fridge with an audible thud and another moan erupted from her trembling lips. She had no idea if anyone else heard what he'd say but she honestly didn't care either way. Even while the feeble dregs of her self respect were praying someone would finally step in and end her humiliation before it went any further the rest of her mind, body, and soul were sinking deeper and deeper into the abject pleasure of her situation. Into the lasciviousness of everything she was doing, especially the near incestuousness of being tongued by the young man playing her son.

Though even without that extra lay of perversity she still reveled in his wild tongue and soft lips, in the way he just kept lapping up her arousal and teasing her like no other man had. All without even pulling aside her panties and touching her pussy directly! That alone defied comprehension and left her so incredibly stunned she struggled to make sense of it even as it continued happening. Of course she struggled to make sense of anything as she shuddered and squirmed against him. As she drenched both of them in messy jets of arousal so frequently her warmth was dripping down his shirt and onto the linoleum beneath her 'son's' feet.

At some point she even started grinding against his lips and gyrating against his tongue, all but abandoning any attempts to hide how much she was enjoying his ministrations. As if it wasn't already shockingly obvious to everyone around her. The longer he continued tormenting her with his efforts the quieter her resistance grew and the more desperately she craved him in every way she could. Within two or three minutes her voice was hoarse from all the moans and squealing and her eyes had completely disappeared into the back of her head. Her trembling fingers could barely hold on to him as he continued ravishing her pussy and yet at the same time they couldn't possibly let go. He was the only thing keeping her tethered to reality.

A life preserver in the ever more tumultuous sea of pleasure threatening to swallow her up. She'd all but forgotten about anything and everything else. From the crew looking on in shock to the set she was ruining with her impressively messy cunt nothing else in the world registered to her except his lips, his tongue, and his wonderfully heady breath. Dolores didn't even feel his hands squeezing her thighs and keeping her legs spread open! How could she when her 'son' was attacking her sanity so feverishly she was barely fit to be called a human? When her muscles were trembling so wildly she didn't have even the tiniest bit of control over herself anymore. Whatever passed for her mind had completely disappeared into the maelstrom of pleasure accompanying his relentless efforts and she had no hopes of getting it back.

Only one thing could return her to any kind of normal and she'd been craving it from the moment she felt his breath on her pussy. But no matter how much she craved her first real orgasm in years it never seemed to arrive. Instead she was tormented by the pleasure he sent tearing through her and left to ache and whimper and pant as she turned into a lewd parody of her former self. And all of it was made so much easier by the constant pressure of his movements. The simple fact that he never stopped, never relented, and never gave her a chance to catch so much as a single moment's respite. Without the slightest bit of effort Dolores could just keep sinking deeper and deeper into her own pleasure as she craved the explosion that just wouldn't come. A trend that only made even the tiniest deviation so much more incredible.

Like when her 'son' abruptly stood up. One moment she was grinding against his mouth and wordlessly begging him to continue with every frantic breath. The next she was teetering back and forth on his shoulders some sex feet off the ground, her head nearly brushing against the ceiling. For just a moment she was wracked with a sense of shock and vertigo as her stomach lurched and her eyes rolled into the front of her head. Staring down at the floor beneath them Dolores tried to say something coherent in the face of his sudden movement. Before she could get so much as a single syllable past her lips his arms slid around her waist and pulled her even more tightly against his mouth. He kissed her achingly sensitive clit and slid his tongue between her plump folds and she hurtled right back down into the sea of pleasure flooding her very soul.

That was all it took and she didn't have the chance to appreciate how easily she was destroyed by his ministrations. Nor the startled gasps and quiet reactions of the crew looking on in utter shock. It was the first time any of them had audibly reacted to the madness unfolding right in front of their eyes and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Even if they returned to stunned silence before long as Taylor resumed his sloppy tongue lashing and frantic kissing without any trouble at all.

If he had even a shred of difficulty holding a grown, and rather vivacious, woman in the air he didn't show it. No part of him buckled or reacted to the weight of her body resting upon his muscular shoulders and he certainly didn't seem fazed by her renewed grinding and gyrating. He didn't even shift as she clutched his head even tighter and rolled her hips in a veritable frenzy of mindless desperation. And while she was too far gone to consciously notice any of it Dolores couldn't miss how easily he matched her spasmodic movements.

The way he responded to her shuddering and panting and squealing with ever more vigorous strokes of his tongue. When he wasn't outright mirroring her shuddering and hitting all the spots she wanted so desperately for him to hit. Which in turn just made her grind that much harder against him as her breathless exultation reached even greater heights. Within a minute of his sudden shift she was so far gone she couldn't even make a sound, only ragged little gasps as she sucked in whatever air she could get.

Her cheeks were flushed a brilliant shade of crimson and her once neatly fastened bun was a completely mess, strands of hair falling down her face and half obscuring the pleasure addled expression lighting it up. Before long her tongue was hanging out of her mouth as slowly leaned back. The sheer pressure of what was building inside her needed to be released before she went absolutely mad but she was in no state to tell him what she needed. Let alone how badly she needed it. Thankfully she didn't have to. Her 'son' was more than happy to prove yet again how intimately familiar he was with absolutely ravishing a woman.

As casually and effortlessly as he'd done everything else Taylor peeled aside her clingy wet panties with his tongue, momentarily giving his 'mother' a taste of real pleasure as he did. Every inch of madly trembling body stiffened in shock at the simple ecstasy of his touch against her bare cunt. It couldn't have lasted more than a second before he'd pulled back but what followed after managed to be somehow even better! Slowly and deliberately exhaling he buffeted her naked sex with an unbearable heat. Caught more off guard than ever by the simple yet exquisite bliss that was his breath she only tightened further in the wake of his teasing.

Another deluge of warmth gushed from her unimaginably aching womanhood but the rest of her body remained completely paralyzed. She never thought something as simple as a sodden thong could make such a dramatic difference but feeling his breath against her pussy without it, feeling that first gust and every one after, made all the difference. Words couldn't describe the anguish she felt as she remained frozen in shock and lost in the anticipation of what he'd do next. No matter what it might've been she was so desperate to experience his attention it consumed her like a raging fire. Dolores couldn't even breath as she waited what felt like a century and only a few seconds for him to act again.

What was left of her mind raced with barely coherent speculation while her body subtly began to tremble once more. Tormented as she was by his restraint and his teasing she couldn't sit idly by and do nothing while she felt his every ragged breath. While she all but sensed his smug grin as he watched and felt her pussy quiver and ache as she awaited his lips like an addict awaiting their next fix. Nothing had ever felt so tortuous. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds between his skillful movement and his climactic masterstroke but that was more than enough time to send the woman straddling his shoulders into fits of wanton desire.

To leave her weakly grinding against him as best she could in a desperate attempt to feel his tongue against her bare cunt after so long. To feel anything that wasn't his breath. After a second or two she'd even clapped a hand over her mouth in some meaningless attempt to keep from screaming even louder. As if she had anything left to hide from the crowd of people watching her costar destroy her mind and wrack her body with pleasure. Her hand fell away from her mouth almost immediately after as her 'son' made his final move and she was finally overwhelmed by the ecstasy she'd been craving from the moment he disappeared under her skirt.

Sliding back the hood of her clit with his tongue and wrapping his lips around her woefully neglected Taylor unleashed a barrage of tongue lashes and soft yet indescribable suckling faster than his 'mom' could ever hope to react. In the span of a single heartbeat Dolores was so utterly, wholeheartedly overwhelmed by his assault any shred of composure was gone. Any hint of pretense disappeared as surely as a wave of incomprehensible bliss crashed down upon her. Every single nerve in her body was set alight simultaneously as she threw her head back and screamed like she'd never screamed in a long, storied lifetime of sexual debauchery. Warmth erupted from her sex like water from a fire hydrant, squirting all over her 'son's' face in such an incredible fountain it soaked her already damp dress and sent rivulets cascading to the floor. And that was only the beginning! Her initial reaction to the pleasure he'd foisted upon her so suddenly she'd never been more vulnerable in her life! What followed that first, downright shocking explosion was a series of eruptions so massive, so plentiful, it'd be a miracle if she didn't end up completely dehydrated by the time she was done cumming!

Humiliated beyond comprehension but too lost in her own pleasure to care she convulsed against Taylor's lips and squirted all over his face again and again and again for nearly a minute. Within a few seconds she'd been reduced to quivering wreck of her already uncontrollable self, everything below her waist completely drenched in pussy juice while her breasts were left heaving with every breath and spasms ripped through her limbs. How her 'son' managed to hold her aloft she couldn't say but no matter how wildly she bucked against him, how frantically she convulsed and shuddered and twitched, he never let go for even a second. And he never stopped sucking and teasing her clit. Effortlessly matching her every frantic movement like it was the simplest thing in the world he held her against his mouth no matter how wildly she tried to pull away from him. Or how messily she squirted all over both of them. Like no other lover she'd ever enjoyed he didn't stop for so much as a second and the abject pleasure of his unrelenting ferocity only climbed to greater and greater heights.

And even when her bliss started to fade as her muscles weakened and the once powerful geysers of warmth were reduced to little dribbles he somehow matched her body perfectly. Slowly relenting at the perfect pace to let her drift down from the clouds he lessened his movements and gently carried her to the nearby table. Somewhere in the back of her mind Dolores felt the cool comfort of a solid object against her back but she was far too lost in her madness to think about it. Or anything else. The afterglow of her orgasm had settled upon her almost as quickly as the ecstasy that'd caused it. As far as she was concerned she was floating naked in a sea of warm water, so utterly adrift in her own mind and so completely delirious in the wake of what'd happened she'd entirely forgotten her surroundings. Only the continued presence of her costar's tongue and lips on her pussy kept her anchored to reality and when it finally vanished she all but passed out on the table. Her body went limp, her head slumped to one side, and a throaty little moan spilled from her lips. All while the man responsible emerged from her dress to wipe his mouth.

Looking at the director with an unapologetic grin he casually said, “I think my mother needs a minute or two.” as he walked off the set. Nobody else responded to his remark. Nobody else could think of a response, they just watched him leave before staring at Dolores in stunned silence.



I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! This one was definitely a different kind of wild and it's always nice to see something like that being appreciated!