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Here's a (hopefully) fun little story a wrote a couple weeks back. It's about as short and sweet as can be and I hope y'all enjoy!

As far as anyone could tell, or cared to tell, nothing was out of sorts in the Windhelm market. A handful of travelers were speaking with the shopkeepers, several guards were haggling with the blacksmith, and all of it took place under the same dismal gray sky as usual. It was a scene that could've taken place at any time of the year. That'd repeated itself thousands, if not tens of thousands of times already and would only continue to repeat as the days wore on. But with a chill wind sweeping through the city as it always did and no one lingering for very long unless they absolutely had to any strangeness that might not go unnoticed in other cities was almost entirely hidden. Unlike the half frozen merchants who simply couldn't leave their wares anyone passing through Windhelm on their way to more hospitable climes never stayed long enough to notice much of anything.

They certainly didn't notice the dull flush creeping into Niranye's cheeks. Nor the way she stood almost paralyzed behind her stall, only her trembling lips and slowly curling fingers moving. They certainly wouldn't have noticed her glassy eyed stare as she looked off into the distance without any sort of purpose. If they had they might've thought she was soaring high on skooma or otherwise impaired. No one could've guessed the truth even when a soft whimper tumbled from her lips while her back subtly arched and she seemed to press herself against the stall she was leaning so heavily against. Though despite visibly moving forward the lower half of her body didn't actually touch the rough wood counter top nor anything behind it. All thanks to the Nord hidden from sight under her dress and happily lapping away at her soft golden sex.

With both hands gently spreading her trembling thighs and his tongue darting across every last inch of her sweet pussy he was doing everything in his power to make her cry out. To make her break and moan in earnest pleasure after minutes upon minutes of tortuously wonderful build up. Teasingly swirling around her quivering entrance only to shift away and caress her amazingly plump folds all the way up to her clit he was nothing if not eager to show off his talents and keep Niranye eternally guessing. And she could all but feel his smile as he did, as he downright viciously moved across her aching womanhood so feverishly it was a wonder she hadn't already collapsed from the waves of pleasure assailing her body.

Every stroke made her want to cry out in pleasure and the simple yet unending thrill of being surrounded by unwitting bystanders made that temptation all the more unbearable. She knew she was only one cry away from someone catching on. From someone approaching and seeing the rather unmistakable bump underneath her dress. Which of course only excited her that much more. Almost as much as convincing the Dragonborn that'd saved all of Skyrim to slide beneath her and eagerly lick her pussy like  a good little pet.

That alone would've been enough to make her tremble all on it's own but paired with everything else and Niranye was spending every ounce of self control she had keeping her voice down and her body still. Or at least the upper portions of her body. Nothing in the world could stop her from grinding against his face every time his movements quickened or he wrapped his lips around her clit. Especially when he wrapped his lips around her clit.

From the very beginning he'd pushed back the soft pink hood covering her pearl and while he didn't focus all his attention on the most sensitive part of her sex he returned often enough to constantly leave her fighting the urge to squeal in delight or grab onto his head and buck against him like a wild mare throwing off her rider. So she did the next best thing and subtly pinned him against her stall. She couldn't grab a fistful of his hair, wrench his head back, and stare into his eyes while her arousal soaked his face but she could certainly grind against him in small yet emphatic motions that sent even more pleasure cascading through her near overwhelmed body. Niranye could still dominate him in some small way, relenting whenever she wanted to and pressing forward again when the mood struck her. All while the man hidden behind her stall and between her legs continued his eager ministrations. He loved every moment just as much as she did and never was that more clear than in his increasingly wild efforts to make her scream with desire.

Keeping one hand on her thighs so her legs remained good and splayed he let the other drift across her goosebump riddled skin. Back towards her plumply toned buttocks. But he was quick to distract her with a particularly feverish assault on her senses as he did, absolutely overtaking her mind with a burst of ecstasy as he swirled his tongue around her clit before suckling on it so furiously she could hear the wet slurp of his efforts even of the din of the marketplace around them. It was more than enough to completely overshadow everything else in Niranye's mind. She barely even felt his fingers gliding across her rump and she certainly couldn't comprehend such a thing. Not until his slick digits had slipped between her cheeks to find her tight little ring. Of course by then it was far too late to do much of anything. Except subtly tense up and brace herself for another swell of ecstasy as he pushed inside her tightly clenched ass without any hesitation whatsoever.

Gently yet firmly gliding into her wonderfully sensitive entrance the Nord between her legs smiled even wider as a deluge of warmth cascaded across his face and down his chest. Of all the many, many, many ways to make his mistress cum nothing was faster nor more explosive than simple teasing, then filling her asshole. It was all he'd ever really needed but he simply couldn't help himself as he pulled away from her clit to bury his tongue inside her pussy at the same time. He was nothing if not an overachiever and his determination to make her lose what little was left of her mind couldn't have been more obvious. Nor more appreciated. Within seconds she was subtly grinding against both his mouth and his fingers, trembling around both and slowly hunching forward to rest her elbows against the top of her stall. It was the only way she could hide the pleasure cascading through her body, though she couldn't do anything about her increasingly stupefied expression!

Luckily for her nobody was paying Niranye much attention as she stood there shaking with greater and greater intensity. Everyone around them was far too preoccupied with their own busy to pay any attention to the High Elf woman blushing and breathing like she'd just finished a mad sprint all the way from Riften. Which of course suited her just fine as he pushed his tongue deeper into her pussy, as deep as he could possibly get, and pressed against her g-spot. As he slid his fingers just as deep into her ass and slowly curled them inwards.

After a few seconds he was mercilessly rubbing at the thin wall separating her most sensitive places and the sheer passion of his movements was nothing short of awe inspiring. She couldn't help but immediately and rather awkwardly stiffen as a bolt of pleasure lanced through her body and flooded her senses once again. And she certainly couldn't resist the urge to shove his head against her stall with even greater intensity, grinding against his face as quickly as she could get away with.

She had no idea how obvious she was being or if anyone around her had noticed what was going on but she was finding it harder and harder to care. Within a minute of him teasingly pushing his fingers in and out of her ass while absolutely ravishing her pussy Niranye couldn't resist the urge to grab hold of his head. Although she didn't lift up her dress and expose him to everyone purely so she could feel his fiery red tresses tangled up between her fingers she still clung to him with everything she had.

Completely unconcerned with how it might look or what anyone might say she still 'subtly' reached back to grab his hand and press his fingers just a little bit deeper into her asshole. All the while wrenching his head back and standing over him with an even greater intensity. He was forced to slide down just a little bit more as she practically mounted his face but he certainly didn't have any complaints. How could he when he was treated to another deliciously sweet torrent of arousal soaking his lips and drenching his tongue? To say nothing of all the incredible ways she shuddered and twitched and convulsed against or around him!

It was only a matter of time before she completely erupted. If she was lucky she might last another full minute before losing whatever self control she had and collapsing into a shuddering heap. But of course her ever wicked companion had absolutely no interest in letting her get even that far. She could practically sense his intentions before he'd moved so much as a muscle and by the time he was pushing a second finger into her ass Niranye knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what he was trying to do. His lips wrapped around her clit and his tongue lapped at the entirety of her pussy in a barrage of movement so tantalizing and so unpredictable she was forced to grab his head with both hands.

A long, breathy moan exploded from her lips while her back stiffened and she stared up at the heavens with a delirious grin. Somewhere in the back of her mind she could feel eyes turning towards her but it was such a distant, unimportant thought she truly couldn't bring herself to care. Not while her lover's fingers were gliding in and out of her ass in such a hypnotic rhythm. And certainly not while he was suckling so hard at her clit every second was driving her absolutely wild. Or at least that's what she thought before he started swirling his tongue across her amazingly sensitive bud. Before it started darting back and forth with all that delicious unpredictability while she was left to shudder and squeal in the wake of his merciless efforts.

More people noticed her by the second as she started grinding and gyrating against him in earnest, roughly guiding his efforts as best she could with her hands and completely losing herself in the sheer pleasure of it all. Part of her even reveled in the instinctive knowledge that she was being watched, that she was being ogled in such an intense moment of intimacy. It might've even helped send her over the edge a little faster! It was truly impossible to say and completely meaningless to speculate. Why would she when a wave of pleasure was crashing down upon her body, washing away her mind and sending her into a burst of spasmodic shuddering?

“Ohhhhhhhhhh by the Eight!”

Niranye's voice was strained, almost hoarse, from the ecstasy flooding her senses. Every inch of her slender body shook from the ecstasy of his tongue and fingers. Jet after jet of warmth gushed from her sex over and over again as she bucked and grinded against the man beneath her. All but drowning him in deluge she refused to let go of his head for so much as a second. Just as he refused to stop the ministrations that'd brought her to such a delirious state. Lapping up as much of her arousal as he could and teasing both her clit and asshole the rest of the time her lover was nothing if not persistent in his single minded urges. It was a persistence she adored and one she reveled in as the seconds continued to pass by and her ecstasy continued to roar through her body. It might've started to diminish after a minute or so and she might've sunk down into the heady afterglow within two but no matter what was happening Niranye was absolutely lost in her delight. Dead to the rest of the world and utterly enamored with her pleasure and the man causing it. At least until one of the guards that'd been watching approached.

“How many times do we need to do this Niranye?” He asked in a weary tone. “Release the Dragonborn and clean yourself up. Your cell is waiting for you.”

“I think I'll pay the fine this time . . .” She panted, smiling at him and making no move to release the man between her thighs, “How much was it again?”


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