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I went a little overboard with this one lol. Although it was actually by choice this time around. I also chose to add a few elements like futa despite them not really being in the reference image. So this one's definitely more of a departure than usual. That being said I hope y'all enjoy regardless!

Oh and you can find the picture this story was inspired by here!

Under the cover of a cloudy, moonless night two guards made their way through Hyrule Castle without a word. Although neither were officially trespassing as they ascended the stairs to Princess Zelda's bedchambers there was little justifiable reason for either of them to be there. Certainly none they could give to the King or their fellow guards if they were discovered. Had they been discovered it could've spelled disaster for both but by the grace of the Goddess they managed to hurry through the grand, silent halls without delay. By the time they stood before the ornate wooden door leading into her personal chambers their hearts were pounding and beads of sweat rolling down their faces. An inviting golden light spilled out from beneath the frame, casting a soft glow upon the entire hallway as the pair hesitated for just a moment. Looking at one another as if to make certain neither were about to feel they each nodded in turn before reaching out to knock in unison. Tapping out the quiet rhythm they'd been told to use and then stepping back the pair waited with pent up breath and the nervous squirming of two people more excited than words could describe. And after what felt like an eternity of uncertainty they were treated to the two most exhilarating words in the Hylian language.

“Come in.”

Time seemed to freeze for just a moment as they heard Zelda speak but their bodies refused to move so much as an inch. Then the guard nearest to the handle grabbed hold of it and everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. Suddenly they were standing shoulder to shoulder in the entryway, peering inside to find both their Princess and her Champion waiting. And both of them were nothing short of stunningly gorgeous. She was completely naked and standing before them without the slightest hint of shame, hands on hips and a blushing smile lighting up her face.

Every inch of her toned, curvaceous figure seemed to glow in the warm light and even from across the room they could see goosebumps dotting her pale skin. Rivulets of glistening arousal were already cascading down her soft thighs while the curly little tuft of hair above her womanhood was every so slightly matted by the same warmth. Her beautifully perky yet wonderfully ample breasts bounced with every excited breath and the puffy pink nipples at their center were already pert and waiting to be sucked. Altogether she was every bit as striking as usual yet despite how elegantly commanding her presence might be she couldn't outshine the adorable nervous man standing beside her.

Still dressed in his familiar blue tunic Link hadn't even removed his bracers or gloves. Though he had slipped out of his breeches and boots before their arrival, standing bottomless before their guests with an earnest shyness that was every bit as captivating as the boldness of his companion. With his thighs pressed tightly together and his throbbing, hairless cock just barely visible between them he couldn't have looked more cute nervously shifting from one foot to the other.

He had the same furious blush as their Princess but his eyes were left constantly darting around the room, unable to meet anyone's gaze no matter how long they all stood there. Yet all of them knew he didn't want to flee. That despite how nervous he seemed he was every bit as excited as Zelda. Perhaps even more so. His thighs and knees were already slick with precum and the not so subtle trembling of his muscles betrayed the exhilaration his face couldn't show. An exhilaration that seemed to fill the entire room as one of the guards shut the door behind them and both started undressing without saying a word.

Sidling up beside her Champion and comfortably draping an arm around his waist Zelda pulled Link in close and whispered, “Don't be nervous.”

He glanced at her and gave a little nod, a shudder coursing down his spine as he did. Her smile widened and she teasingly grabbed a handful of his plump ass, once again delighting in how soft and round his rump was. Often hidden beneath his breeches he had a delicious bubble butt she never got tired of seeing or feeling. Not so long ago she'd even been jealous of him, despite her own ass being every bit as perfectly sculpted, if ever so slightly smaller. A soft moan tumbled from his lips as she gently groped him. His whole body stiffened and his tightly pressed together thighs parted just enough to send his rather impressive cock leaping into the air. Easily as big as the throbbing members each guard was sporting he had a manhood more than capable of stacking up with just about anyone in Hyrule. Just shy of ten inches long and as thick around as her wrist his member was nothing short of lovely.

And Zelda never tired of seeing his rather fat and completely hairless balls tightening with every creamy strand of precum to leak from his swollen tip. Just as she never tired of seeing the same with her ebon skinned guards as they completely undressed only a few feet away. Both were tall, beautifully muscular, and remarkably good at keeping their mouths shut. Enough to become her regular lovers alongside her Champion and enough to be invited to join both of them on several amazing explorations into the realms of sexual pleasure. By sheer luck one of the gorgeously rugged guards happened to be a woman. A woman sporting a meaty cock and deliciously weighty balls but a woman nonetheless. Had she been a man like her companion there was little doubt in Zelda's mind Link would've been far less willing to experiment. He wasn't nearly confident enough to take that particular plunge but she knew it was only a matter of time. Fortunately for her, for all of them, she didn't have to wait that long. There was so much fun to have and ample time to enjoy it all.

“Where would you like us Princess?” The female guard asked.

“On the bed Cavvi.” Zelda replied. “And how many times must I tell you not to use any titles?” She added with a knowing smile.


Cavvi sat down on the edge of the small but lavish bed and Envir quickly joined her. “How long would you like us to stay tonight Pri—Zelda?”

Looking at the guards for a moment, then at Link she smiled even more brightly and said, “As long as it takes.”

Leaving that mysterious response hanging in the air for everyone to ponder she sauntered towards Envir with a sultry giggle, her hips swaying and another wave of goosebumps spreading across her soft skin. He sucked in a breath and slowly leaned back as she approached. His already madly throbbing cock twitched even harder as he watched her sink to her knees and lay her hands on his thighs. With a lascivious gleam in her eyes she pushed his legs even further apart before wrapping all ten fingers around his massive prick. Envir couldn't help but moan at the familiar touch nor could he stop himself from staring in amazement as the Princess of Hyrule lifted his shaft into the air.

Her plump, endlessly smiling lips enveloped his precum soaked tip an instant later and suddenly his moans were echoing throughout her bedchambers. Letting his head fall back as the pleasure of her tongue swirling around his sensitive manhood washed over him he forgot about everything else around him. Within a few seconds his entire world was limited to the toe curling joy of Zelda's mouth gradually taking more and more of his shaft with every passing second. Because no matter how much she enjoyed the bitter taste of his precum she always wanted more. She always wanted to feel his entire length buried in her throat while she struggled to breath.

It was a pleasure Link, Envir, and Cavvi had know countless times in the past and one they'd continue to know for as long as they kept their exploits secret. A small price to pay for the abject bliss that was her lips gliding down their pricks until they were wrapped around the base and her tongue was eagerly lapping at their balls. Not ten seconds after she'd started she was effortlessly throating his entire length and holding herself down on him as her neck bulged from the sheer size of his member. Even as she started to sputter and gurgle from the effort of stifling her not so dormant gag reflex and spit drooled from the corners of her mouth. Zelda loved sucking cock and she wasn't the least bit shy about showing that off.

A trait her Champion simply couldn't imitate. Despite how much he'd come to love sucking cock over the past month or so he was still trembling with abject uncertainty as he approached Cavvi. Had she not already known how much he enjoyed himself she might've wondered why he was even there to begin with with. Of course his eagerly twitching cock bouncing between his thighs and leaking precum all over the floor certainly proved his interest. As did the nervous yet unmistakable looks he continued giving her every step of the way. And while he certainly didn't sink to his knees with the same exuberance as their Princess the shyly eager way he licked his lips and took hold of her cock was more than enough to dispel any fears he didn't want to be there.

When he opened his mouth with a soft smack and leaned in to taste her throbbing cock head once again she sucked in a ragged breath and smiled at the endlessly wonderful sight. The moment she felt his warm mouth around her tip and his tongue eagerly darting back and forth as he collected every last drop of precum he could Cavvi mirrored her companion almost perfectly. Her head fell back as her moans quickly joined his in filling up the already noisy chambers. Between their pleasured cries and the sloppy sounds of Zelda deepthroating Envir's cock it was almost overwhelming! Had any other guards been nearby they would've heard the lewdness in an instant and perhaps even come to investigate.

But fortunately for all of them the Princess had seen fit to send away every nearby patrol so they'd have nothing but privacy. So her shy Champion could slowly work his way down the cock he'd come to know as well as his own without any fear of discovery. He was nowhere near as fast as Zelda and nowhere near as talented but that hardly mattered as he slid inch by toe curling inch down Cavvi's prick until he'd finally reached the base after what'd felt like fifteen minutes. And unlike the woman that'd helped him discover his innermost slut he didn't have much of a gag reflex at all. Which meant he could throat her entire shaft for as long as he wanted, or at least until he finally ran out of breath.

By pure happenstance both Link and Zelda started pulling back at nearly the exact same moment. But while he took his time and moved as nervously as ever she practically flew up the cock buried in her throat. In the time it took him to reach the midway point of Cavvi's prick she was already gurgling back down Envir's with a sloppy enthusiasm. Swirling her tongue even faster and sucking so hard her cheeks caved inwards she loudly gulped down his precum and smiled up at him with all the lewd passion they'd come to expect. Meanwhile her Champion had come to a stop at the eagerly pulsing tip filling up his mouth. Eagerly sucking on her sensitive head and enjoying every morsel of unexpectedly sweet arousal she gave him he looked at the woman he was pleasuring, an almost hopeful glimmer in his blue eyes. Knowing what he wanted and more than happy to give it Cavvi reached out to brush some of the tousled blonde locks from his face and tenderly caress his cheek.

From the very beginning she'd learned just how much he enjoyed a soft, caring touch and she was endlessly happy to provide. Seeing the look of joy flash across his face as he started sliding back down her prick once again never failed to send a shudder through her body. Though the sheer warmth and tightness of his mouth and throat certainly helped quite a bit. As did the lewd sounds of their Princess gliding up and down Envir's dick. It only took her a few seconds to reach her wildly enthusiastic rhythm and after years of sexual experimentation she didn't have any trouble keep it up for minutes on end. Even as her body shuddered and she started to convulse and retch as her throat tightened around his dick she just kept moving in that same, enthusiastic cadence. She just kept sucking with all her strength and moving her tongue with all the impressive skill she'd developed. Like everyone else she'd been with the man she was pleasuring collapsed against bed in no time. His hands jumped to her head to hold on for dear life soon after and the almost comical juxtaposition between the two couples grew even more pronounced.

Not that any of them really noticed or cared about such a difference. Somewhere in the backs of their minds they were aware of it but such things couldn't have been more trivial. Zelda undoubtedly enjoyed knowing her Champion was moving with such earnest yet timid strokes and Link always enjoyed hearing how loud and passionate his Princess could be. But beyond that they were more often than not in their own little worlds as they sucked those wonderfully turgid cocks. Especially when the guards they were pleasuring joined in on the pleasure. Be it Cavvi's gentle assurances and soft smiles or Envir's noisy groans and roughly clenching fingers. All four of them had spent a great deal of time together over the last month and the bond that'd built up between them because of it never failed to add a certain joy to everything that happened. No matter how small or mundane.

“That's a good boy!” Cavvi moaned, running her fingers through Link's hair and meeting his glassy eyed stare. “Just like that!”

“Oh Goddess!” Envir gasped, “Oh Goddess!”

Zelda shuddered in abject delight as his roughness and the pitch in his voice, knowing full well he wasn't too far from giving her a nice, gooey reward for her effort. At the same time Link was trembling harder than anyone as those soft reassurances and the almost unbearable tenderness of his lover washed over him. He knew she wasn't too far away from exploding into his throat and that knowledge excited him every bit as much. Little by little he let his instincts and desires take over, his hand sliding beneath her wonderfully heavy balls to gently cup and fondle them like he'd been taught. He was immediately rewarded with another thick load of precum to gulp down and a passionate moan tumbling from Cavvi's lips.

Beside him their Princess was enjoying the weighty girth of both Envir's sack and his shaft, enthusiastically stroking his manhood with one hand and massaging his balls with the other. All while continuing to glide up and down his shaft at the same wild rhythm. If anything she was moving a bit faster than before. She couldn't help it, knowing what came next was too exciting and the longer her gasping, groaning companion lasted the more exhilarated she felt. A sidelong glance at the first man she had ever been with only added more fuel to the fire raging inside of her. Watching him suck a fat cock never failed to excite her beyond words. She'd loved watching him learn and she loved seeing how much better he'd gotten in such a short time!

A sticky little puddle of arousal had already formed on the floor beneath her and every second she spent working Envir's cock and watching Link do the same for Cavvi only saw more of Zelda's arousal dripping down her thighs. Her softly mewling Champion was every bit as messy as she was, although most of his precum was smeared across his legs and coating his pale skin as his own cock twitched wildly against his body. Between them both the heady smell of sex was nothing short of overwhelming, it filled the room and clouded their every breath with one more layer of excitement on top of all the pthers. And neither of them could get enough. Indeed all of them were basking in the intoxicating scent as their breathing grew more labored and the pleasure coursing through them swelled. Link and Zelda might not be on the cusp of ecstasy but the thrill of bringing their lovers to such a state was always a heavenly experience.

Adrenaline pumped through them in greater and greater spikes as he slowly built up to the absolute fastest rhythm he was capable of while she bounced up and down her lover's cock and slobbered over every inch with abandon. Compared to how they'd started the difference was night and day for both of them and yet no matter how fast he moved her Champion couldn't hope to match the Princess. Maybe someday, once he'd fully embraced his budding sluttiness but for now a steady, every so slightly hasty back and forth was more than enough for him. It was more than enough for Cavvi too. With both hands cupping his face and her head finally resting against the bed she joined her fellow guard in completely ecstasy only a few seconds after he submitted. Her reaction might've been less over the top and less ferocious but the pleasure she felt was every bit as wonderful. The creamy fountain of pent up cum erupting from her cock was every bit as messy.

Rising to the very tip of their lover's madly twitching cocks Zelda and Link moaned in unison as cum flooded their mouths. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and watched in delight while gooey strands of jizz sputtered and leaked from his trembling lips. No matter how many times he enjoyed a throatful of cock her Champion always managed to be surprised by the amount Cavvi unleashed inside him. He swallowed as fast as he could and yet sloppy rivulets of spit and jizz rolled down her cock and splattered across his face with every twitch of her length. Their wonderfully slutty Princess managed to be every bit as messy as him, but not as a consequence of inexperience. Rather her sloppiness was born entirely from her love of being as messy and lewd as she could. A deep seated, long standing adoration of all things perverted that saw her spilling Envir's jizz all over herself and his throbbing member. She might've gulped down a belly full of his spunk but with so much to play with how could she not let dribble from her lips? It wouldn't been like asking a Zora not to swim!

All four of them spent close to thirty seconds lost in their shared bliss. Unsurprisingly the two guards were the most overwhelmed by it all, their hips thrusting in time with each new jet of warmth and their eyes closed tight as they basked in the overwhelming glee. But the pair responsible for their joy had almost as much to revel in as the seconds slipped by one after another. For what simultaneously felt like an eternity and no time at all Link and Zelda gulped down mouthful after mouthful of cum while even more smeared across their lips and soaked the cocks they'd been throating. Before long the tempting sight of their jizz splattered shafts was enough to send both Princess and Champion sliding back down to the base. Eagerly scooping up every last morsel they could with their tongues it only took a few moments for both ot completely swallow their partner's shafts. Much to Cavvi and Envir's delight. It was almost too much for them to bear as their lovers continued slurping and sucking and smiling long after they'd finished cum. Well into the afterglow when their pricks were more sensitive than ever and they could barely comprehend the sensations assailing their minds and bodies.

Thankfully their companions were nothing if not generous and they pulled back before either guard had a chance to feel anything other than blissful satisfaction. “That was amazing!” Zelda moaned, licking the cum from her lips and smiling at Link. He gave a shy little nod and wiped away the jizz clinging to his skin, sucking his fingers clean while all three of his partners watched. “Are you ready for me?”

Her blushing slut gave another nod while Cavvi said, “Of course.”

“Ready for what?” Envir asked with a look of confusion.

“You don't remember?” His fellow asked.

:”We talked about it two nights ago.” Zelda reminded him.

“After everything that happened two nights ago you're lucky I was even conscious!” He laughed.

Cavvi scoffed at him and rolled her eyes, “We're having sex again you dullard!” She explained with a smile.

“But didn't—oh! Oh you mean—”

“Yes. We're doing that.”

Zelda smiled at him while Link stared down at his lap, thoroughly unable to do anything more as his cheeks darkened and his cock throbbed like mad. “Right. Okay! That's great!” Sitting up a little only to lay back down Envir said, “I guess I don't really need to move do I?”

“Not at inch!” Zelda cooed. Standing up and looking at her Champion she said again, “Don't be nervous, I promise you'll love it even more!”

Link nodded and slowly stood up while Cavvi did the same. In an effort to assuage his nerves she took a moment to wrap him up in a long, tender kiss. Their bodies pressed together and his arms wrapped around her in an instant as he melted into her embrace. And while they were busy with one another Zelda joined Envir on the bed. Although she would've loved to give him the same pleasure her Champion was enjoying she had something special in mind. Something she'd been thinking about since she first start helping Link explore his interests.

So without any hesitation but a great deal of excited moans and breathy whimpers she climbed atop her lover and squatted down over his cock. Holding it aloft with one hand and bringing his tip to her tight little asshole she looked back at him with an ear to ear smile. He grinned right back at her and laid both hands on her waist. A second or two later the Princess of Hyrule was sliding down his cock once again. Without the slightest bit of difficulty her well trained ring stretched around his fat member, easily taking every last inch of him until her softly jiggling cheeks were pressing down against his hips. She let out a long, passionate moan as she felt him straining like mad inside her.

Just big enough to nearly split her in half but just small enough to keep her from feeling anything but ecstasy his dick had always been perfect for her asshole. Really all three of their dicks were perfect for any part of her body, a fact that would become so much more relevant as Cavvi and Link stopped kissing. Both of them reveled in the sight of Zelda squatting atop Envir's dick and loving every moment of it, especially the messy little torrent of warmth cascading from her pussy as she did. Of course watching very quickly turned to action. Neither could hope to resist their Princess no matter what she was doing but when she was grinning lasciviously at them? When she beckoned them over with a single, seductively curling finger? Nothing in the world could've stopped them from hurrying closer as fast as they could.

But while Link moved to the edge of the bed Cavvi held back at the last moment. With cock in hand and a delighted grin she watched him slide his length inside Zelda's pussy while she moaned louder than ever. Gasping for breath as his prick glided into her sex she grinded against both the men inside of her with an unbridled passion. Few things excited her mote than being stuffed full of two fat, throbbing dicks at the same time. In the handful of seconds it took her Champion to bury his manhood up to the hilt in her trembling cunt she all but completely lost what little composure she had left. She could barely keep herself upright as waves of pleasure coursed through her. Every pulse of their cocks sent another swell crashing through her senses and knowing what came next built the anticipation so much higher. There was no denying how excited Link was even if he wore that same shy, nervous expression he always had. The timid little glance he gave her before looking back at the fourth member of their group sent a wild shudder tearing through Zelda's body.

Her long, breathy moan was quickly joined by an eager little exhale as Cavvi finally stepped closer. Moving behind her adorable nervous lover she slid her still glistening cock between his plump cheeks without delay. A quite whimper spilled from his lips as soon as he felt her pressing against his tightly clenched ring, his cock twitching like made in the depths of their Princess' womanhood. Which only made her inner walls tighten and her back arch that might higher as she watched and waited for the big moment. Although she couldn't actually see her lover taking a fat dick for the third time in his life she could certainly watch his reaction. See the worry melt into pleasure as the woman standing behind him gently yet insistently pushed into his well trained ass with a long smooth stroke. As his wildly clenching asshole was spread open around a truly massive shaft and his gorgeously tight inner walls were assaulted by the pleasure that was being split in half inch by inch until all four of them were pressed together.

Crying out loudly enough to drown them all out Link's whole body stiffened as Cavvi's dick filled him up once again. Even more overwhelming than the previous times feeling her buried so deep inside his ass while Zelda's pussy was wrapped around his prick couldn't have been more incredible. It was everything she'd promised it would be and somehow more. He could barely stay upright as the most visceral shivers tore through him. Had the woman standing behind him not wrapped her arms around his body his wildly trembling knees would've buckled entirely.

Even with her strong, calloused hands keeping him upright he still melted into her within seconds as the ecstasy of such a simple yet wonderful idea continued to flood his senses. An ecstasy made even better by Envir suddenly and unexpectedly wrapping his own arms around Zelda's waist. Before any of them could react to his not so innocuous gesture he was teasingly rubbing her clit in small but furious motions. In the blink of an eye bolts of pleasure were lancing through her body faster than ever and her throaty squeals were echoing throughout her bedroom all over again. Her innermost walls tightened like mad around the cocks buried inside her, instantly making both of her lovers groan.

And the intensity of her spasms only continued to grow the longer her cheeky companion continued his assault. It hadn't been part of their initial plan but she certainly couldn't complain as she squirmed and gyrated and grinded against both her partners. All the while Cavvi was left groaning and panting just as hard. Link was already tighter than Zelda and tighter than anyone his towering partner had fucked before even without the added stimulation. With it he was nothing short of unbearable in the best way possible. The walls of his ferociously quivering hole were almost too much for her to bear. As much as she wanted to she couldn't stand idly by and let him convulse around her. Not without hitting her limit and exploding much, much, much sooner than any of them wanted!

Little did she realize the mewling slut she was stuffing full of her cock felt the exact same way. In fact all of them did! Between the thrill of finally being together in the most intense way yet and the simple ecstasy that came with that thrill it was more than any of them could bear. Envir was actually the first to move, even as he continued teasing her clit so fast his fingers were a blur. Cupping her soft buttocks with his free hand he lifted her off his dick just enough to lessen the absurd intensity assaulting his mind and drowning his body. And after a moment or two she followed suit. Lurching upwards as fast as her barely functioning limbs could manage Zelda moaned in abject pleasure as his cock slid free of her ass.

When she felt Link's doing the same a split second later her voice actually failed her and she was left to stare in open mouthed silence as her lover withdrew in a burst of shuddering movement. His face was a mask of pleasure and his hands had jumped to her waist without either of them realizing it. Just as Cavvi's had jumped to his so she could hold him a bit steady while she similarly pulled back. A veritable deluge of precum flooded his ass and both of their Princess' holes in the second or two it took everyone to retreat as far as they could manage.

Nobody moved enough to fully slide out of whatever madly quivering entrance they'd been filling, the heads of their pricks just barely inside despite how overwhelming it was. And for a couple of heartbeats all four of them remained in that position. Gasps and moans and whimpers filled the air as they tried and failed to recuperate. To wrap their minds around the unexpectedly intense barrage of feelings that'd hit them so fast and so hard. Of course there was no understanding any of it and it didn't take long for them to realize it. Even if it wasn't so much a conscious understanding as it was a desperate need to keep going and a complete, reckless abandonment of anything other than those desires. An insatiable need to just keep going until one or all of them broke completely.

Fittingly Zelda was the first one to move again after their momentary break. Slamming herself down onto Envir's dick and crying out in delight her voice rang out in the relative quiet that'd fallen over the four of them, “Oh Goddess!”

An instant later Link's cock was plunging back inside her cunt too, immediately sending her eyes rolling back in her head and even more frantic shudders coursing through her body. In no small part because her shyly moaning companion hadn't been the one to move. Instead it was the beautiful woman standing behind him plunging her length back into his ass with all the force she could muster. Her hips slammed into his plump bubble butt and sent his entire body lunging forward before he could even appreciate how amazing her dick felt. In the blink of an eye he was drowning in the ecstasy of her prick and Zelda's pussy while the rest of his lovers were similarly overcome.

Envir felt every ounce of enthusiasm coursing through their Princess' body as she convulsed around him while Cavvi relished the madcap trembling of her lover's ass as he was wracked by bliss from both sides. And of course the unabashed slut that'd brought them all together and led them down this lewdly wonderful path was left in a state of absolute glee as she felt both of her lovers throb and twitch and pulse in the depths of her cunt and asshole. The pleasure could only be greater with a third dick to wrap her lips around while she was basking in the other two. But even without that extra bit of ecstasy it was still more than enough to send her into fits of spasmodic shuddering.

To make her finally collapse against the man beneath her, clumsily reaching back to slide a hand beneath his head and pull him into a kiss. A gesture almost perfectly mirrored by her Champion as he looked up at the woman behind him with an expression of pure, mindless desperation. One she couldn't help but meet with a tender embrace the instant she saw his cute face. Within seconds the eager sounds of passionate kisses and barely contained moans had filled the bedchambers. Quickly joined by the deliciously lewd sounds of cocks sliding back out of sloppily filled holes because none of them could bear to stand still a moment longer. They couldn't form a coherent thought of comprehend their own names but they knew they had to keep moving and they had to do it now!

None of them could move anywhere near as fast as they might've wanted or as hard as they were capable of but that didn't matter in the slightest. Not as the pleasure swirling through them continued to build to even greater heights with every passing second. And certainly not as they quite effortlessly settled into their own, perfect rhythms. Envir couldn't do much more than rub his lover's clit and lightly fondle her breasts while she squirmed atop him but any chance he had to thrust upwards he took and he took with unbridled enthusiasm. All the while Zelda grinded and gyrated against both the dicks stuffing her so wonderfully deep. Sometimes she bounced up and down on the one in her ass, sometimes she rolled her hips against the one in her pussy, and sometimes she just let them both fuck her stupid while she held herself aloft. It all depended on what Link, or more accurately Cavvi was doing. Because no matter how much he might've wanted to participate her Champion was wholly incapable of acting on his own.

A slave to the pleasure of the pussy wrapped around his dick and the dick gliding in and out of his ass the most he could do was mindlessly spasm back and forth between both women, desperately clinging to the one behind him as he tried and failed to do more. Not that his tall, muscular lover minded. She was more than happy to guide him with every stroke of her cock, slamming him balls deep inside their Princess as she gave him the same pleasure and all four of them reaped the endless rewards of such a lewd combination. It didn't take long to find a comfortable rhythm that suited all of them nor to work out the few issues that arose from such a complex position. Or at least it certainly felt complex as the ecstasy just kept growing and their minds were further drowned in the churning seas of pleasure they were lost to. Zelda was the only one who'd ever done anything so wild and although she did her best to guide all of them anything more than gasping for breath and spasming against her lovers had become an impossible fever dream. Much to her continued delight.

Though no matter how exquisite the build up might've been the real ecstasy was still to come. But with every crashing wave and gooey jet of cum to flood her holes she could feel it creeping a little closer, feel it suffusing just a little bit more of her body. When she finally stopped kissing Envir to look up at her Champion she knew he felt the same even before he pulled away from Cavvi. Both of them grinned at one another as they gasped from breath and shuddered like they were being electrocuted.

She felt how excited he was with every twitch of his cock and saw the gratitude in his sparkling eyes even as he failed to understand it himself. More than anything else knowing she'd corrupted Link excited her beyond words. Knowing that she'd turned him from a naive, sexually inexperienced young man into a cock loving slut eager to take it any hole he could and still fuck her whenever she wanted couldn't have been more exhilarating. It was better than the passionate nights she'd spent among the Gerudo, Zora, and Gorons. Better than she could've ever expected.

Seeing an eager little smile spread across his face as a massive cock slammed into his ass and his own prick slammed into her pussy was divine. Only one thing could make it better and in a rare moment of initiative her Champion provided that extra little boost just as she was craving it. Pulling away from the woman ravishing his ass to bend down over the woman responsible for his awakening he suddenly and excitedly wrapped her up in a kiss. But it wasn't the timid little efforts he used to give or even something halfway between what she wanted and what he was capable of. It was a burst of delirious passion. The kind that instantly swept her away and sent shudders tearing through her body. The kind that saw their tongues coiling around each other and their muscles spasming in uncontrollable bursts. The kind that pushed her right up to the edge of pure bliss in a heartbeat. That pushed them both up to the edge as they frantically kissed one another while the two guards behind and beneath them groaned in delight.

While it took a few more thrusts of Cavvi's cock and a few more passes of Envir's fingers to send them both careening into the depths of ecstasy it might as well have been instant. Neither of them noticed such a tiny span of time while they were distracted by one another. As far as they knew one second they were kissing and the next they were holding on to each other for dear life as waves of toe curling ecstasy crashed through them. Link was the first to hit his limit and unleash a breathless squeal, breaking their kiss to bury his face in her breasts as a flood of cum exploded from his cock. Although it hadn't been more than a day since the last time he succumbed to his bliss the intensity of something so new and so wonderful couldn't have had a bigger effect on him. He might as well have saved up a week's worth of seed as he unleashed a veritable fountain of gorgeously hot spunk inside her.

With a single pulse he soaked Zelda's inner walls and flooded her womb so completely it actually stole her breath away. All the while his dick was throbbing uncontrollably against her most sensitive places and his asshole was tightening like made around the dick buried deep inside him. Even if she hadn't been on the edge of her own ecstasy such an amazing deluge of fresh jizz gushing into her sex would've pushed his companion right over the edge so fast. By the time he'd pumped a third load of cum into her depths she hugging him tight against her chest and all but screaming up at the ceiling. Her eyes rolled back in her head while her body convulsed harder than ever as she was destroyed by the endlessly surging waves of bliss hitting her. Arriving so fast they were overlapping and sending her into a state of mindless joy her pleasure was every bit as overwhelming as his. And made all the more wonderful by their shared glee.

Her already maddeningly tight pussy and ass squeezed the cocks inside her even harder, milking Link's and making Envir groan like a wild animal as he very nearly succumbed too. In fact both of the guards watching and basking in their ecstasy came shockingly close to joining the Princess and her Champion. Had they not cum just a short while ago they almost certainly would have but sadly they had just enough stamina to hold out without even trying. Not that they had any complaints about such a thing. Getting to witness their lovers most sincere and overwhelming pleasure, getting to feel it alongside them, never failed to be amazing.

Especially as her madly quivering pussy continued to milk him dry until a gooey mixture of their warmth was sputtering out of her sex with every uncontrollable shudder. The already incredible lewdness of what they were doing somehow managed to grow even more sloppy even while the peaks and valleys of their perfect orgasms started to level out. What'd only lasted a minute on it's own continued to stretch on two or three times as long when the afterglow settled upon them and they continued panting and shivering and clinging to each other for what felt like an eternity in the best way imaginable.

“That was amazing!” Zelda eventually managed to gasp. “It was . . . it was perfect!”

Still clinging to her and struggling to catch his breath Link gave a soft whimper and a quick little nod while their other companions agreed, “It was worth the wait.” Cavvi remarked.

“Sorry we didn't finish too.” Envir added.

“Don't be. We'll work on that next time.”

Everyone around her shivered a little at the thought of doing this again while Zelda giggled at their reactions. “What do we do now?” Cavvi asked.

“Now we keep going!” Their Princess replied, her tone almost incredulous, “We have the rest of the night to enjoy ourselves!”

“Of course!”

“Right!” Envir agreed.

Lifting up Link's head to give him another kiss she quietly said, “Unless you want to stop?” He looked into her eyes for a moment, then vehemently shook his head. A look of pure joy flashed across her already gleeful countenance, “You heard the man!” Zelda exclaimed, “Let's keep going!”


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