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Here's a fun little commission on of my patrons came up with outside of Patreon and since it doesn't violate the rules I thought I'd share with y'all. I don't want to spoil anything that happens so be sure to read on and see for yourself what it's about lol

Though she'd all but written the book on modern psychiatry and taught countless brilliant minds during her four decades in the field Dr. Catalina Ramirez had never taken a protege. Many had sought her out as a mentor and yet none had ever passed her inscrutable tests. Most barely made it past their first conversation before they were politely turned away. Despite her many more considerable accomplishments that one quirk had given her no small amount of notoriety among her peers. So much so fewer and fewer students sought her out. Even fully fledged doctors in her field weren't foolish enough to waste their time just to have their egos bruised. The few who did were invariably given the same courteous yet devastating answer many others had received. Including several who'd done incredible things entirely on their own. For some it was almost a rite of passage, to others something of a good luck charm. If one had the courage to be turned down by a living legend. But no matter what peple thought one thing seemed absolutely certain: Dr. Ramirez would never take on a protege and she would never mentor anyone.

Until a bright eyed young student named Erica Roh. Though determined and intelligent she was far from the best in her class and certainly not the kind of person anyone expected to break what'd become a legendary trend. Yet not two weeks after starting Dr. Ramirez's class the two seemed all but inseparable. No one could figure out what'd happened or what she saw in the promising but not exemplary pupil she'd taken under her wing. Rumors and justifications of it all being some sort of odd joke or knowing acknowledgment of her own reputation filled the campus. Alongside more unsavory conjecture about their closeness. The shock hadn't worn off by the time the semester was over and with no explanations being given by either Dr. Ramirez or Erica Roh assumptions and speculation continued to run rampant. Not at all helped by the undeniable favoritism the latter was enjoying. Although it often skirted the line of being outright unfair it certainly raised many an eyebrow as time went on and their peers continued to speculate. Eventually reaching something of a tipping point when she brought her first and only protege into a session with one of the few clients she had. With the client's permission of course.

“Thank you again Dr. Ramirez!” Erica exclaimed, “I really can't thank you enough for this!”

“On that we'll have to disagree.” Her mentor replied with a smile. “If you persist any longer the words will lose all meaning.”

“Sorry . . . but I just can't help it! I never imagined I'd get to sit in on a session this quickly! Especially not one of yours! This is a dream come true!”

“Well I'm glad I could make your dreams come true.” She said as they came to a stop outside her private, off campus offices, “But you need to control yourself and remain professional. My patient has given their permission but I can and will revoke your right to be there if you act improperly. Are we understood?”

“Of course. I'm there to listen and observe. Nothing more.”

“Correct. And make sure you take ample notes. We'll be going over this session afterwards and I expect you to come out of it significantly more informed.”

With an eager nod and a wide smile Erica cheerfully replied, “I will!”

“Good.” Laying a hand on the door to her office Dr. Ramirez offered her own smile, “Our patient is waiting for us. I suggest you get all your excitement out of your system now.”

Cassie Anderson sat up as soon as she heard the doorknob turn. She'd been looking forward to this session for a while now. Pretty much since her doctor asked her if she was comfortable letting one of her students sit in and take notes. To her delight the newcomer was the first to enter, immediately introducing herself with an air of polite professionalism that couldn't quite hide her excitement. Maybe two or three years older than her the stranger was dressed in an altogether boring business suit complete with a white top, black blazer, a matching skirt and heels. Her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail while her round face was lightly dusted with makeup. Compared to the older and far more buxom Dr. Ramirez she was a perky little thing with a slender waist and small breasts. Cute in a band geek sort of way she was somehow both exactly what Cassie was expecting and yet entirely unexpected in both appearance and demeanor.

Her shrink on the other hand was everything she'd come to expect. Short and curvaceous no matter what she was wearing Dr. Ramirez was old enough to be her mother, maybe even her grandmother with some poor life choices. Her black hair was tied up in an elegant bun and her business attire was much softer and more approachable in it's colors. More pastel and warm while still being exactly the same as what her student was wearing. Of course no top or blazer could completely hide those absolutely massive tits. Just like not skirt could properly cover up her wide, round ass. All things considered she and her protege made for a pretty delicious contrast. In just about every way possible. As they sat down across from her Cassie didn't bother to hide her excitement. Or her amusement as she watched Erica look her up and down several times, barely hiding her surprise at how she was dressed. Dr. Ramirez might've been used to it but she certainly wasn't!

Because unlike the two of them Cassie was dressed about as provocatively as could be without breaking any indecency laws. Barely eighteen years old and dressed like a stripper or high end call girl she wasn't shy about showing off her tight bubble butt and nice round tits. Not to mention her long, smooth legs and taut belly. Her tube top left her shoulders completely bare while a tiny little skirt practically invited anyone to peek at her skimpy g-string. Add to that some deliberately eye catching makeup and plenty of gaudy jewelry rounded off with some stiletto heels and she looked like a hooker straight from some gritty crime drama. Had her shrink's protege looked inside her purse she would've found even more things to raise an eyebrow at but for the time being the contents of her bag remained a delicious little mystery. Hopefully not for long.

“Thank you for letting Erica sit in with us today.” Dr. Ramirez said after all the usual formalities were out of the way. “If at any point you feel uncomfortable about her presence please let me know.”

“Okay Doc.” Cassie replied. She smiled at her shrink, then at Erica and added, “I don't think that's gonna be a problem.”

“I'm glad to hear it. But as always the option is there. Don't be afraid to share your feelings.”

“Okie dokie.”

“Now,” Looking through her notes and giving her student a sidelong glance to make sure she was ready to take her own Dr. Ramirez shifted into a more comfortable position and said, “During our last sessions we were discussing your promiscuity and you were telling me about how you spent your eighteenth birthday.””

Erica's cheeks flushed a little at those words despite her knowing the broader details of Cassie's reason for being in therapy. The sluttily dressed teen across from her noticed that blush and smiled a little bit wider, “Yeah that's right. Do you want me to start from the beginning?”

“If you wouldn't mind?”

“Not at all!” Stretching out across the couch in a way that none too subtly showed off her panties and her shapely body as a whole she thought back to that fantastic night. “Well I wanted to do something big. I mean, you only turn eighteen once right? And I figured since I was finally legal I could stop fucking around with other highschoolers.”

“Which is why you went to a fraternity house.”

“Yeah it seemed like the best place to get some dick. Maybe eat a little pussy too. But I was mostly there to get fucked by some guys who actually knew what they were doing. Try out a real gangbang for once and really—is something wrong?”

Erica blushed a little deeper as Cassie looked at her, “N-No of course not! Please continue!” She said, glancing at Dr. Ramirez for a moment.

“All righty. Well the first guy I got to fuck me was hung like a horse! He just about broke my pussy for the night! I didn't even try sucking him off, I just let him bend me over the pool table and go completely crazy. He was so big he actually made me squirt without even trying! And by the time he was done I could barely walk! Thankfully the next guy just flipped me over and stuck it inside my pussy right after. I don't think he even noticed how much the first guy had cum! But I sure as hell did! I seriously don't know how he didn't get me pregnant, I mean he completely FILLED me with jizz by the time he was done. And the guy that went after him wasn't shy about adding even more! I'd only taken two dicks and I was pretty much bursting with cum. But obviously I wasn't anywhere close to finished for the night!”

“What did you hope to achieve with all the anonymous sex?” Dr. Ramirez asked. Her cheeks were blushing just a little bit as well, although she remained far more composed than her student.

“I wanted to get off?” Cassie said with a laugh. “And holy shit did I get off! Not from the first two guys though. They were just the appetizers. And so were the three others after them. When someone carried me upstairs to the real party though . . . that's what it all got crazy. I don't know if you've ever been fucked by six guys at once but it's pretty amazing. Having a cock in your ass, pussy, and mouth while you're jerking off two more and the last one is slapping your face is just . . . fuck! It's making me wet just thinking about it! And that was just the beginning! Those guys really knew how to treat a lady and as soon as they started double stuffing my ass and pussy . . . well let's just say that first round of squirting definitely wasn't the last! Especially when they started cumming too!”

“I-I see.” Dr. Ramirez stated while Erica turned a furious shade of red.

“Oh Doc I promise you you don't.” Cassie stated, smiling lasciviously at her companions, “You haven't lived until you've felt two or three cocks stuffed balls deep inside your asshole at once! Or two of the fattest dicks imaginable stretching your pussy so wide it feels like you're gonna die from cumming too hard. All while a bunch of other guys are jerking off and watching, just waiting for their turn to fill you full of cum after taking their turn . . . it's so fucking hot Doc . . . I'm soaking wet just remembering that night . . . and I haven't even gotten to the best part!”

Catalina and Erica moaned like pornstars as they grinded against the arm sized vibrator squeezed between their cunts. Both women were on all fours with the dildo jutting up between them and their asses pressed tightly together. Cassie was watching from the couch with a second toy shoved deep into her own pussy and a jeweled butt plug peeking out from between her cheeks. Neither of her companions had any idea how'd they'd found themselves in such a compromised position, their skirts rolled up to their waist and their panties laying discarded nearby, but that didn't matter. Not anymore at least. Certainly not as waves of pleasure crashed through their pent up bodies and they threw their heads back in pure exultation. The toy their nympho patient had offered up was nothing short of massive and the speed at which it buzzed against their shamefully wet pussies was absolutely maddening in the best possible way. And yet the longer they basked in the toe curling bliss the more desperately they craved it. The harder they rubbed their swollen clits and tightly clenched assholes against the full length of the cock between them.

Grinding up and down the entire length of the toy and whimpering with every gyration the pair had lost every last shred of professionalism or self control. They were little more than pleasure addicted sluts craving anything and everything they could get. Catalina's massive tits bounced wildly between her arms as she struggled to keep herself up, every slightest movement making them heave and shake in the most hypnotic ways. Cassie almost couldn't take her eyes off the sight as she furiously toyed her pussy and reveled in the delicious spectacle. At least until she glanced at Erica to see her much smaller breasts jiggling in ways her shrink's enormous rank just couldn't match. She even managed to pinch one of her rosy pink nipples as she gyrated against the vibrator making her lose her mind. Although her mentor was every bit as slutty as her tongue fell out of her open mouth and one of her eyes half closed while the other rolled back in her head. But no matter what they did both of them were acting like complete sluts as the seconds slipped by one after another and they lost more and more of themselves in the ecstasy of it all. And never was that more clear in the almost competitive way they slammed their asses into the toy between them.

Absolutely desperate to feel as much of the toy as they could against and between their trembling buttocks and sopping went cunts the two women were pushing and grinding and bucking against one another in a truly mindless frenzy. Catalina had something of an advantage thanks to her truly enormous ass and she wasn't shy about using it. Slamming into her much smaller, much more perky rival she pushed Erica away time and time again only for her young protege to come flying back in as soon as she could. And every time she did the most delicious ripple would spread through her mentor's fat cheeks while the rest of her body lurched forward. A ripple that never failed to spread to her endlessly swinging tits and making her whole body heave. Which invariably turned into another bout of wild grinding as the momentary denial of pleasure sent her into a bit of a frenzy. Indeed it sent both of them into a frenzy every time it happened. Then that mindless craving for pleasure would build and build until they were both hungry for so much more they started bumping against one another all over again.

Cassie loved every single moment of their slutty little competition and she wasn't the least but shy about letting them know. Not with words but rather with moans and the sloppy sounds of a dildo flying in and out of her amazingly wet pussy. And while her shrink couldn't bear to look at her and Erica was too distracted by pleasure neither of them could ignore the lewd Noises coming from the couch. From the unapologetic slut that'd somehow gotten them into this position in the first place. Noises that just made them even more jealous as time went on and they were continually denied the ecstasy of feeling a massive toy splitting them open the way they wanted. Knowing and indeed hearing their companion having the very pleasure they couldn't get was without a doubt the most maddening thing possible for the two whores. So much so the wildness of their movements and the frequency of their moans just kept climbing higher and higher. More than once already they'd thought they had reached some kind of peak. In the brief moments when such thoughts were even possible. But somehow Cassie always managed to coax out a little bit more from them. She always managed to make it just a little bit 'worse' in the best way.

Erica had never been so horny in her life. Everything she thought she knew about arousal had been completely redefined by the out of control teen that'd led her down this lascivious path. Just listening to her stories had awakened something inside of her and now that something had taken over as she reveled in her first lesbian experience. She'd never even thought of herself as bisexual and yet every single time she felt the soft contours of her mentor's ass against hers or the even softer folds of her pussy as they grinded against each other there was no denying it. Any time she had even the slightest moment of self awareness she balked at the lewdness of her actions and the absurdity of what she was doing. And yet no matter how long those flashes of rationality lasted she couldn't bring herself to do anything other than continue. She didn't want to stop and indeed she couldn't stop. Somehow just grinding against a dildo with her teacher was more wonderful than the best sex she'd ever had. Partly because of the sheer perversity, partly because of the insanity, and partly because she was just a whore deep down. A whore that needed another one to awaken that part of her and bring it to the forefront where it belonged. No part of her cared what would happen afterwards. Her mind was entirely in the moment and that's all that mattered.

Catalina was very much in the same state as her protege. But unlike her she was driven by the insatiable craving for a pleasure she hadn't felt in many, many years. No stranger to debauchery and all the bliss that came with it she'd denied herself those experiences for so long she'd all but turned into a recovering addict. One that'd finally been given a hit of the drug they needed more than life itself and one that couldn't fathom going back to what she'd known before. Everything from the pure shame of debasing herself in front of a patient to partaking in such a lewd act with her student sent uncontrollable shivers down her spine. Every passing second she remained on her hands and knees with a patient's vibrator buzzing away at her cunt was another second she sank deeper into her own lust. At times it was difficult to even remember what she'd been doing before this all started. At times she couldn't even recall her own name as ecstasy set fire to her nerves and she slammed back against the perky little slut getting in the way of her mounting the toy between them. Then her student would push back against her and their asses would smack together with an echoing slap that sent chills through her body. By the time she recovered it the unimaginable bliss she ached for had climbed even higher and she was compelled to do it all over again. She wanted to do it all over again. Because the more she did the faster she hurtled towards the climax she needed more than anything.

The three of them had only be going for a handful of minutes at the very most and yet all of them were pretty much at their wit's end long before the session was actually up. Erica and Catalina had completely soaked the carpet beneath them and splattered one another with enough pussy juice to leave their asses glistening and their thighs drenched. Every feverish impact of their bodies sent arousal splashing in every direction like a little fireworks display. Meanwhile Cassie had so thoroughly soaked the couch beneath her it was utterly ruined. So much of the fabric was stained with her ecstasy not even the most skilled cleaners could've gotten rid of the smell. Let alone the stains. And all of that was before any of them had actually started cumming! That was just the preamble to the real mess that'd arrive after ten or so minutes of pure lewdness It might've taken ten agonizing minutes for her two sluts to finally enjoy the pleasure they'd been craving but it'd only felt like a few seconds in the heat of the moment. Especially when they were teetering over the edge and ready to fall into the purest, most overwhelming bliss they could've wanted.

And in the perfect twist of fate Cassie was the one to set them both off as she hit her limit a few seconds before either of them. Crying out in pleasure and bucking her hips as she slammed her dildo as deep as she could she turned it up to max speed and let the ecstasy wash over her. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through her senses while she completely lost her mind. Every inch of her trembled while her breathless squeals rang out so loudly both of the women in front of her couldn't help looking in her direction for the first time in ages. As luck would have it they looked at her just as the first messy fountain of arousal squirted from her pussy. Which meant they had all the time in the world to watch her juices streak into the air and come raining down on them in a shower of lewdness that made for the perfect ending to their wild debauchery. Neither of them had every experienced something so perverted and by the time another fountain of warmth was drenching their bodies they didn't have any hope of stopping the tidal waves of pleasure crashing down upon them.

All they could do was grind harder against the dildo between them and join in the breathless moans filling Catalina's office as they succumbed to their own ecstasy. They were every bit as overwhelmed and mindlessly trapped as their already mewling companion and it didn't take long for the sheer intensity of their shared pleasure to reach similar heights. Despite neither of them having done so before within a few seconds both student and professor were frantically and explosively squirting all over themselves, the toy between them, and each other. All the while Cassie continued to gush like a broken water main. The already heady stench of sex was nearly overwhelming as the three woman convulsed and gasped and squirted for what felt like hours on end. In reality it was only a minute or so but to their ecstasy broken minds it was nothing short of an eternity. An eternity of messy convulsions, mindless squealing, and constantly crashing waves of bliss that arrived so fast they layered upon one another. It was simultaneously heaven on earth and the closest thing to madness they'd ever felt and when it finally came to a whimpering end the relief and disappointment they felt was palpable.

But while Cassie was able to shakily rise to her feet with a dildo still buried in her cunt and a butt plug half hanging out of her ass both Erica and Catalina had already collapsed. With near identical moans both women dropped onto the sopping wet carpet, the sloppy squish of their impact ringing out like a punctuation mark to the debauchery they'd just endured. They couldn't do much more than shudder and moan in the afterglow of their pleasure, their minds gone and their bodies still wracked with bluss.

“I think we made a lot of progress today.” Cassie said with a shit eating grin. Grabbing her favorite dildo and switching it off she cheerfully added, “We'll pick up where we left off next week.” Shoving her toy back in her purse, though not before licking some of the juices clinging to it, she hobbled towards the door and pulled it open. Stopping in the doorway she looked back at them one last time to cheekily remark, “See you soon!” before heading off to her next hookup. Both Catalina and Erica were left laying in their own shame, neither of them able to comprehend what they'd done yet slowly coming to the shocking realization as their minds recovered . . .


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