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I think Peach/Bowser is one of the only pairings I genuinely enjoy and think about. Hence why it's something of a go to whenever it's suggested lol. That being said I did try to differentiate this one a little bit. And going forward I will resist the temptation it offers so people can't game the system. But regardless of all that I hope y'all enjoy this latest iteration of that pairing!

Oh and this was based off an image you can find here!

Confetti rained down on the winner's podium as Peach raised her enormous golden trophy into the air, a triumphant grin lighting up her face. Celebratory music blared across the track as hundreds of citizens from the Mushroom Kingdom and beyond cheered for their Princess and everyone else that'd participated. After grueling, week long Grand Prix she'd finally emerged victorious. With the aid of a beautifully timed blue shell from Bowser, no doubt intended for her, she was able to speed past Daisy at the last possible second to seal her victory right at the end. It was the first time she'd ever won a tournament and she wasn't the least bit shy about celebrating despite the less than cheerful expressions of those she'd beaten. Even her long time friend was pouting as she held the vastly smaller silver trophy. Toad didn't seem to mind coming in third or brandishing his bronze cup as confetti cannons filled the air with brightly colored scraps and streaming ribbons. The only other person not glowering at her was Bowser himself, his expression strangely neutral as he watched from the very back of the crowd, his massive arms folded as he towered over the others. But Peach neither noticed nor cared about how everyone else felt. She'd won fair and square and there was no room for sore losers, especially not after years of coming in third, fourth, and even fifth place so consistently they might as well have been named after her!

Eventually all the confetti was used up, the cannons were powered down, and the music started to fade as the crowds dispersed. Some were heading home to rest a little before the real festivities began but everyone else was heading straight to the massive party that always followed any Grand Prix regardless of who actually won. Within a couple minutes the finish line was almost completely deserted and Peach stood alone beside her trusty motorcycle. Still a little too excited to start winding down quite yet she pulled on her helmet and zipped up her bright pink jumpsuit. After handing off her trophy to Toadsworth so he could bring it to the castle she sped off down the track alone, eager for one more go before it was time to relax.

And without any other racers to worry herself about she could go full throttle and stay there almost the entire time. Tearing around corners and flying off ramps with complete abandon she was a speed demon as she all but flew though the track faster than ever before. Any items she picked up along the way were tossed out with complete abandon as she focused entirely on going as fast as possible. Though it couldn't have taken her more than a minute to make a full lap, particularly when she hit every shortcut and blasted every mushroom the second she got it, and yet by the time she returned everyone was gone. The finish line was completely empty with one notable exception.

Standing by his own motorcycle with his arms still folded Bowser almost seemed to be waiting for her to come back. His mysterious grin certainly implied as much as she rolled up beside him and flipped her visor up, “Waiting for someone?”

“I was.” He replied.

Popping the kickstand and letting her bike lean to the side Peach removed her helmet and shook her luxurious blond locks free of the tousled clump they'd formed, “Oh yeah? Couldn't get enough of watching me during the race?”

Bowser chuckled at her remark and looked her up and down for a moment, “I just thought I'd give you the chance to thank me.”

“Thank you?” She dismounted her bike and set her helmet aside to stare up at him with an incredulous smile, “And why would I thank you.”

“Daisy had you beat without my blue shell.”

“The blue shell you threw at me.”

“The blue shell I threw at first place. Last I checked that was Daisy.”

“Because I saw you throwing it and knew to slow down!”

“Then it's a good thing I knew you were watching me.”

Peach couldn't help but scoff at him, amused and not at all surprised by his antics, “Are you seriously trying to take credit for my win?”

Rising up to his full, towering height Bowser grinned down at her and cheekily replied, “Of course not, you won fair and square.”

“Yes I did!”

“And you'd certainly win again if you had the chance.”


His smile widened even more and she met his amusement with a resolute look, “Then how about a little rematch? Since you're obviously so good you won't have any trouble beating me one on one.”

“I already beat you, why would I bother doing it again?”

“Fair enough.” Turning away from her and mounting his motorcycle Bowser revved the engine for a moment and added, “After all . . . you won fair and square the first time!”

Knowing full well what he was doing and try her best to resist his goading Peach watched him flip back his kickstand and get ready to speed off. But just as he was about to zip away she gave in to his childish but effective taunts, “If you wanna lose twice in a row then I'd be happy to oblige!”

With a roaring laugh even louder than his bike Bowser rolled up to the starting line, “First one around the track wins?”

“I'll see you there!” Peach replied, pulling on her helmet and pulling up beside him.

“On my count?” He asked. She nodded and he raised a hand, “Three . . . two . . . one . . . GO!”

With practiced ease both of them accelerated at the exact same moment, speeding off down the track so fast they were practically a blur. And for the first few seconds they were neck and neck. Her higher acceleration versus his top speed kept them so remarkably close it would be a photo finish. Peach drifted around the first turn in reckless burst while Bowser leveraged him weight to stay in total control with ease. But while she avoided the item boxes in favor of hitting a shortcut ramp he blasted through the double stacked pair for a mushroom and a red shell. He saw her looking back at him from a little ways up the track and the moment she did he sped forward, almost instantly bridging the gap between them, much to her dismay.

As soon as she noticed the color of the shell trailing behind him she veered off towards one of the approaching boxes only to get a banana peel. Bowser's roaring laughter filled the air as she put the item behind her just in case he tried his usual underhanded tricks. Peach barely had time to look back at the course ahead before her safety net was destroyed by a green shell. Shocked and thrown off balance she looked back at him just as they were approaching another sharp turn. She just barely managed to keep herself upright as she clumsily drifted around the ninety degree corner while he effortlessly followed. Gaining on her with every passing second she knew she had to fall back and hope for an item to clinch another victory. Maybe even two if he kept that shell behind him!

When he hit another shortcut just as she was about to turn towards it she pulled away, all but certain he'd hit her in midair and sent her plummeting into the water. And without a Lakitu around to help her out that would've been the entire race.  So she bit the bullet and took the long way round while he only seemed to increase the distance between them. A mushroom helped close the gap but it wasn't enough to get her there. And with the finishing line fast approaching she needed something big to beat him and keep any measure of her pride. Something like a double item box. With a second mushroom and a green shell she could close the gap and hurl her only attack down the lane in a desperate bid to knock him off balance. It ricocheted back and forth down the final stretch, gaining on him almost as fast as she did. Then at the last second he turned, drifting out of the way of the shell and skidding over the finish line a moment before she could. A moment that might as well have been an hour.

Both of them screeched to a halt a little ways past the checkered line. With an ear to ear grin Bowser dismounted his bike and swaggered towards Peach, “And I didn't even use my red shell!”

Taking off her helmet and glowering at him suddenly it was her turn to pout, “Fine! Maybe you helped me win!”

Chuckling at her humiliation and lumbering even closer he teasingly said, “What's that? I don't think I heard you . . .”

“I'm not saying it again.”

“Saying what again?”

“I won't.”

“Just one more time. For posterity.”

“No!” Folding her arms and glaring up at him Peach gave a little shrug while he laughed.

“That's all right, the first time was enough. It's just a shame I don't get a trophy too. I really oughta considering I beat the winner of the Grand Prix.”

“I'm not giving you my trophy.” She immediately replied.

“Why would I want your trophy? That's the trophy of a loser.”

Bristling at his comments despite knowing full well what he was doing she knew she should just speed off without another word. She knew leaving him in her dust and heading off to the big party was the smartest choice she could've made. But he always knew how to get under her skin and work her up until she couldn't think straight. If nothing else he was a master of pushing her buttons until she simply couldn't stop herself from giving in. And his latest efforts were no different. Letting her helmet fall to the ground she climbed off her back with hands on hips and an irritated glare lighting up her cute, blushing face. Not even his own lackeys had the courage to approach Bowser the way she did, stomping up to him and poking his scaly chest with one finger.

“Listen here you! I won fair and square! Maybe you helped a little, maybe you didn't! Beating me in a one on one doesn't prove anything! I won the Grand Prix fair and square!”

Jabbing him at the end of every sentence she was positively fuming as she spoke. And his gloating smile only made it worse. When she finally stopped he just continued to grin at her for a few seconds before slowly leaning down until he was at her eye level and saying, “I didn't know you were such a sore loser . . .”

Her eyes widened and her cheeks puffed out just a little bit more as she stared at him with a strange mix of irritation and amusement. Try as she might Peach couldn't resist his bait. She'd never been able to resist his taunting. Or the musky smell of his body when he was bearing down on her. His impossibly warm breath warmed her already hot face, little beads of sweat rolling down her skin while she struggled to hold back. All the while the source of her madness was completely silent. Bowser knew she would give in soon enough. He didn't have to say a word. Both of them knew she was only moments away from doing what she always did whenever he got her so worked up. Except this time it was ever so slightly different.

“I'm not gonna kiss you!” She insisted.

“But you want to.”

“No I don't.”

“Are you trying to convince me? Or yourself?”

“Nobody. It's not gonna happen. Not again.”

Leaning in a little closer and all but brushing his lips against hers Bowser said again, “Sore . . . loser . . .”

His final taunt hung in the air like a storm cloud as Peach stared into his eyes. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, stretching out forever yet only lasting a heartbeat while she panted. A split second later she jumped on him like  wild animal. Grabbing onto his horns and wrapping her plump legs around his hulking waist she smothered him in a passionate kiss. No matter what she did or how hard she tried to resist him Bowser always knew the right buttons to push. He always knew how to get her so worked up she couldn't resist pouncing on him. Ever since their unexpectedly incredibly tryst a few years back she was completely at his mercy. Nobody else knew what a rampant, uncontrollable slut she really was and she'd made sure to keep it that way when anyone else was around. But when it was just the two of them and he started needling her? Nothing had ever made her more frustrated or more horny than the towering monster that was her lifelong rival. And the moment she felt his scaly tongue push into her mouth as he smiled into her kiss she knew there was no going back. There never was.

His massive hands jumped to the wide, round contours of her ass, immediately groping her cheeks hard enough to make her whole body tremble. Even through the form fitting pink jumpsuit clinging to her body she could feel the rough texture of his fingers squeezing and fondling her cheeks. Thankfully she had more than enough for him to grab as she grinded against him and feverishly sucked on his long, writhing tongue. She'd only gotten chubbier over the years and within the last few her ass was just about exploding out of everything she wore. Peach had to get a new jumpsuit made for every Grand Prix, just to accommodate her deliciously buxom figure. Her downright massive breasts were no exception.

As massive as they'd been when she was younger time and an endless supply of rich meals had only enhanced her already considerable bust to such a degree she was practically bursting out of her suit as she pressed herself against him. Her zipper was straining like a dam about to burst with every ragged little breath and full body shudder to course down her spine. Not at all helped by the sheer ecstasy of feeling his hands on her ass and the rest of his enormous frame bearing down on her. Like he always did Bowser crushed Peach against him as he lumbered towards a more secluded spot for them to enjoy one another. Though she couldn't see it beneath her own tits, and with her lips pressed so tightly into his, she could feel the scales around his groin shifting.

With every moment she remained wrapped around him his positively enormous cock emerged from his hidden sheath. His massive, thorny member rubbed against her pussy as it continued to grow, slowly trailing along her stomach until it was snugly pushing up against the underside of her tits. The musky, cloying scent of his arousal clouded the air within seconds and alongside the strange taste of his spit as she all but deepthroated his tongue she was completely overwhelmed by pleasure. Her head was spinning and her whole body was aching for his dick again. She didn't care if he ravished her in the middle of the track or the middle of the party she was supposed to be attending. As long he plunged that barbed pillar of throbbing red meat into her everything else was completely unimportant.

Fortunately she was only moments away from getting her wish as Bowser carried her underneath the bleachers and mostly out of sight. She knew he was about to make his move when she felt his claws dig into her jumpsuit. Spreading apart her quivering cheeks and pushing his talons between her buttocks he instantly and completely split apart the resilient fabric. Snapping like a rubbed band wound too tightly her suit ripped open and her massive, jiggling ass spilled out into his hands. Peach couldn't help but moan at the roughness of his fingers against her skin, a sensation she knew all too well but one she simply couldn't get enough of. Especially when he kept pushing his fingers deeper between her plump cheeks to brush against her sopping wet pussy and tightly clenched asshole. His claws retracted and the massive tips of his digits pushed against her holes just hard enough to slip inside without plunging into her like she wanted. Because even when he had her at his mercy Bowser loved to tease and torment his mewling plaything until she couldn't take it.

More of her jumpsuit ripped open as her voluptuous figure exploded out of the restricting fabric, her entire lower half practically on full display within seconds. Only a few thin cords stretched out across her pale skin and digging into her chubby contours were left between her waist and her knees. The rest was completely naked, goosebump riddled skin just waiting to be caressed or groped or teased by his endlessly roaming hands. All the while a lurid combination of their spit was dripping down her comparatively dainty chin to pool across the massive shelf formed by her breasts as thick strands of precum smeared across the underside of her tits until she was soaked tip to bottom. And all of it before her feet even returned to the grass! By the time she was standing on her trembling legs Peach was too excited to think let alone speak even when Bowser pulled away to grin down at her. She just wrapped her gloved hands around his absurdly thick, deliciously long cock and started stroking, staring up at him with unabashed glee all the while.

“Turn around.”

Doing as she was told without question she pressed her fat ass against his cock instead. Rubbing her pussy and asshole against his barbed length and smothering as much of his shaft as she could with her soft cheeks Peach bit her lips and looked back at him. Or more accurately his throbbing dick as it leaked precum onto her cheeks. Twice as thick as one of her biceps and easily the length of her entire arm from shoulder to wrist his cock was and would always be her favorite. She might've fucked or been fucked by just about everything in the Mushroom Kingdom at one point or another but nobody compared to him in sheer size or girth. And especially not in the toe curling uniqueness that came with his barbed contours. Not to mention the flared head that tapered off into a fine point. He might not have any visible balls but that was a small price to pay for the ecstasy of being split open and completely ruined by such an enormous dick!

Yet instead of plunging his entire length inside her like he so often did Bowser took a moment to slowly unzip the front of her jumpsuit. Delicately grabbing her zipper between his thumb and forefinger he pulled it all the way down to her navel before it gave way completely. Her gigantic tits spilled out every bit as wildly as her ass and she immediately flattened a hand against the wall she was almost pressed against. Rubbing her ass against his dick a little harder she reached back to grab onto his wrist, looking up at him with unmitigated desperation as she waited for him to destroy her like both of them wanted. Panting with every ragged breath moaning little half formed thoughts and desires Peach couldn't take much more of his teasing. He was driving her absolutely wild and he knew it even without looking into her eyes. The pure desperation in her grinding told him everything and Bowser was too much of  a bastard to not relish in that a little longer. Of course he couldn't resist the allure of ravishing her for too long, regardless of how much he loved to tease and torture.

When his gigantic hand closed around her waist, effortlessly wrapping around her entire body, and one of his thick fingers pressed against her breast she knew he was finally giving in. Yet knowing what was about to happen and experiencing it weren't even in the same league! Pulling back and slamming his entire cock in her pussy with a single stroke Bowser plunged into her womb like a batter ram. Bursting through her cervix and messily distending her once flat belly with the sheer size of his prick he didn't stop and he didn't hold back until her fat ass was pressed tight against his waist and her eyes were rolling back in her head. A strangled moan erupted from her lips as the pain tinged ecstasy of being so completely destroyed in a single pump hit her all at once. A delirious smile spread across her face while her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she lost whatever composure she might've had. She was right where she belonged: a massive cock splitting her open and inflating her stomach so absurdly even the barbs were visible beneath her sweat soaked skin. And he hadn't even started moving yet!

His other hand jumped to her heaving tits while his hot, almost fiery breath tousled her already messy blonde locks. Cupping one of her jiggling breasts and groping it every bit as eagerly as he'd groped her ass Bowser let out a long, satisfied groan. Her pussy quivered around his dick so wildly and so tightly it took all of his willpower to not immediately start thrusting away. After a few seconds he wasn't even sure why he was holding back at all, though the sweet smell of her warmth as it gushed down her inner thighs and across his lower half certainly provided a small clue. As did the thoroughly exhilarating way she grinded against him with needy little moans. Before long she was even lurching back and forth along his prick entirely of her own accord. She might've only slid a couple inches forward only to come slamming back down onto his length but the sheer, mindless desire in her every slightest action never failed to excite him. Within fifteen seconds of burying his cock inside her pussy for the hundredth time Bowser was pulling right back out again.

Or more accurately he lifted her off his cock like the most realistic sex toy in the world. Because no matter how plump and vivacious Peach might be she was nothing more than a doll in Bowser's massive hands. A fact that never failed to send convulsions tearing through her body as his gigantic cock emerged from her pussy inch by toe curling inch. Slowly pulling her along his dick while she moaned in abject bliss she felt every single centimeter rubbing against her inner walls. Every barb and every thorn brushing against her most sensitive places. By the time he'd withdrawn from her womb and passed by her cervix she'd completely drenched both of them in messy torrents of arousal. Her legs were shaking so violently she couldn't have possibly stood up of her own accord and her vice like grip on his hand was so tight her knuckles were cracking. When he finally came to a stop with nothing but the tip of his shaft still inside her he bent down once again. His breath was hot in her ear and sent goosebumps spreading across her cheeks even before he asked the same infuriating question he always did.

“Fast or slow?”

“F-Fast! Y-You idiot!F-Fast!”

His gloating laughter filled the air like the boom of an approaching thunderstorm and yet Peach barely even heard it. Between the frustration of his momentary delay and the pleasure of his eagerly throbbing cock spraying more precum inside of her pussy anything else was meaningless. Then he slammed his prick back inside her again and everything but his enormous cock simply failed to exist. Ecstasy crashed through her body as she threw her head back and unleashed a throaty scream. But she barely had time to enjoy the bliss reverberating through her before he'd pulled out again. And in the time it took her to revel in the toe curling joy of his prick retreating she was tormented by another bestial thrust that sent her stomach bulging outward and her entire body lurching forward as his hips smacked into her ass. A delicious ripple spread through her cheeks while her tits bounced and every other part of her voluptuous body shuddered. Bowser was giving her everything she wanted and she couldn't have been happier about it!

Slamming her onto his cock and lifting her right back off again he stopped focused on anything other than completely breaking her. Both hands wrapped around her waist and held on tight while she squirmed and shuddered and moaned. He didn't pay attention to anything other than ravishing her tight cunt and destroying her overstuffed womb. No matter how loudly she screamed or how incoherently she babbled he just kept using her like a toy, sliding her back and forth along his prick as fast as he possibly could. So fast the lower half of her body was a sloppy blur as warmth gushed out of her pussy while the meaty slap of their colliding flesh echoed across the empty track. Had any of her subjects stumbled upon them they would've been completely stunned by the rapid distending of her belly as he plunged into her womb over and over and over again so quickly it was like some lewd optical illusion. Or they would've been hypnotized by the wild bouncing of her tits as he handled her like a toy and she clawed at the wall in a mindless delirium. No matter where they looked it would've been an absurd feast for the eyes and unlike anything they'd ever seen within the Mushroom Kingdom.

But for Peach it was nothing short of heaven. Everything she could ever want and a constant barrage of toe curling ecstasy so great it was nothing short of maddening. After a minute of being used like a toy by the one person in all the world he could drive her completely up the wall without even trying she was ready to explode. Within two her face was pressing against the wall as she lost all her strength and slumped forward like a deflating balloon figure. By the time three full minutes of pure, orgasmic madness had passed by she finally succumbed to her insatiable need. Groaning so deeply she could give Bowser a run for his money she sank into the churning sea of ecstasy threatening to swallow her up. For a split second her whole body tightened and her voice failed her. An instant later she was squealing like a maniac as warmth exploded out of her pussy in messy torrents while every inch of her shuddered uncontrollably. In those wonderfully indescribable moments she wasn't the Princess of a kingdom, she wasn't the winner of a Grand Prix, she wasn't even a rational being. She was a screaming mess of jiggling flesh and sweet ecstasy. A gasping wreck squirting all over a cock that was ferociously rearranging her cunt and pounding away without mercy no matter how hard she shuddered and convulsed.

If anything Bowser fucked her even harder while she was cumming all over his cock. Nothing excited him more than seeing and feeling her completely submitting to his dick. The heady smell of her pussy filled his nostrils while the intense spasming of her inner walls around his length all but spurred him into moving her faster than ever. Before long he was standing at his full height, lifting her off the ground entirely and pulling away from the wall so she was left to dangle off his prick. Looking more like a toy than ever Peach couldn't have straightened herself if she wanted to. Her eyes had disappeared into the back of her head while her arms and legs hung uselessly beneath her, bouncing and moving every bit as much as her massive tits and fat, jiggling ass. At some point he started thrusting forward in time with his other movements and his already ferociously moving cock plunged inside her even faster than before.

The already maddening pleasure setting fire to every fiber of her being grew even more unbearable as soon as reached that peak and would only continue to burn through her for what might as well have been hours on end. Because he never gave her a chance to come down from her bliss. To find any semblance of composure in the aftermath of her climax. Unlike every other lover she'd known Bowser always fucked her with relentless abandon until he reached his own limit.

No matter how much it might've destroyed her or how completely it broke her mind in the process. The moment he started fucking her properly she was well and truly his toy until he was satisfied. Her pleasure was little more than a side effect of everything else. An unintended consequence of his ferocity that kept her craving it like nothing else. And Peach absolutely loved it. When she was capable of loving anything. In the heat of the moment she was just a cross eyed, squirting wreck sliding along his dick and shaking like she was being electrocuted. Even when she felt the telltale signs of his impending ecstasy.

With no need to worry about holding back nor making sure his cock drunk companion was enjoying herself Bowser could simply let loose and thrust away to his heart's content. He could pound her sloppily quivering hole with complete freedom and never once think about anything else except the intense pleasure that was splitting open his rival. Splitting her open and reducing her to a moaning slut desperate for even more pleasure however she could get it.  No one else knew that was the real Peach lurking beneath the veer of respectability and class she'd put up. Only the fire breathing monster wrecking her pussy had glimpsed her true self and something about that excited both of them more than they could ever say. More than they even knew. It'd never once been acknowledged and yet it remained forever in the back of their minds during each illicit affair. Especially when she was left dangling on his cock and squirting like a broken pipe for minutes on end while he hurtled towards his own ecstasy. And when he finally reached it the ensuing mess that inevitably followed only helped reinforce that strange, unspoken bond.

Throwing his head back in a climactic roar Bowser unleashed a torrent of flame into the air as he plunged his cock inside Peach one more time. Nearly melting the metal and stone above him in his wild exultation he only managed to look back down at her a moment before cum exploded into the depths of her womb. And in that split second he unceremoniously flipped her over like a well done burger patty, spinning her around his cock so she was staring up at him with that delicious, glassy eyed look she always had when they fucked. His eyes darted from her face to her lewdly inflated stomach as his dick throbbed madly against her skin, distending it outwards in the second most perverted display they were capable of. The first arrived when a hot torrent of spunk gushed from his cock like a geyser.

Spraying into her in a single, continuous jet he instantly filled her womb with his seed. Long before she even realized he was cumming her innermost place was utterly drenched in his thick, almost painfully hot seed. And he still had so much more to pump inside her! Enough to send the rest of her belly stretching outward within a few seconds. In the blink of an eye the lewd distortion caused by his dick had started to disappear as her skin stretched and inflated around the ungodly amount of jizz exploding into her with every passing moment. By the time Peach actually processed what was going on Bowser's furiously throbbing prick wasn't even visible within the swelling mass that used to be her cute little stomach. In the time it took her to let out a throaty squeal her belly was so engorged with his cum she looked like she was several months pregnant at the very least! All without so much as a drop of his cum leaving her pussy. When the first glistening strands of jizz finally did emerge she looked like she was carrying twins or maybe even triplets! But of course he still wasn't finished with her.

Gooey streaks of jizz sputtered and squirted from her overflowing pussy in greater and greater quantities. Forced out by the sheer amount flooding her sex and the wild spasming of her inner walls as she continued to squirm in mindless ecstasy it didn't take long for the messy puddle of warmth already soaking the ground beneath them to get even more creamy. Soon enough to lurid mixture of their arousal was coating the grass and dripping across their bodies in a tawdry cascade. Beads of cum rolled down her fat cheeks and dripped off her quivering skin while rivulets of pussy juice trickled along his scaly legs to fall into the ever widening pool below.  All of it mixed with the other and all over it further clouding the already heady air until it was difficult to breath amidst the intoxicating aroma of pure sex.  And even when Bowser had finished emptying his balls into her cunt after well over a minute of spraying jizz inside her more kept gushing out in absurd quantities. All the while her inflated stomach somehow remained the distended messy he'd turned it into. Much to Peach's continuing, if mindless, delight.

Groaning in satisfaction he sank to his knees and lowered her into the mess they'd created, not the least bit concerned with letting her soak in the creamy aftermath as he said, “I'm glad I helped you win, this was a lot of fun!”

“I . . . won . . . on . . . my . . . own . . .” Peach gurgled, barely coherent enough to understand him let alone speak yet too stubborn to resist his bait.

“Of course you did.”

“I . . . did . . . you—ahhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

The rest of her insult disappeared into a breathless scream as Bowser suddenly pulled his cock out of her overflowing womb. Overwhelmed by the roughness of his retreat and enamored by the orgasmic feel of his jizz gushing out of her pussy she forgot all about his teasing. How could she not when a waterfall of cum poured out of her gaping cunt? As every last drop he'd emptied into her womb flooded right back out again almost as fast as it'd first arrived? It was one of her favorite things about their little trysts and she wasn't shy about reveling in the bliss as it washed over her. Even going as far as rubbing her clit with one hand and mindlessly pinching her swollen nipples with the other. She bucked her hips and thrashed about in the gooey puddle beneath her as her stomach rapidly deflated and the rest of her body was wracked with uncontrollable spasms for just a little longer. It wasn't enough to give her another orgasm but it was certainly enough to leave her so completely delirious she forgot all about the words he'd spoken only a few moments ago.

Standing up with a grin Bowser watched her twitch and shake for a few seconds before asking, “Think you can make it to the party?”

“I don't . . . need . . . your help . . .”

“Except to win the Grand Prix . . .”

“You're . . . a bastard . . .”

Turning away and walking off with a laugh he cheerfully called back, “See you at the party Princess!”

“Bastard!” Peach moaned, smiling despite herself and letting her eyes drift shut for just a few seconds, “Bastard . . .”



Hey, in my defense, it was really good art.


There's no need to defend yourself, it was a great picture and it's my weakness lol