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Here's another short, simple, and sweet commission I thought I'd share with ya'll. One of the few I can actually post on Patreon in fact. Anyone interested in a femboy mermaid should continue reading, anyone uninterested should look elsewhere for their smut needs lol

Berric couldn't stop grinning like a fool as he beached his meager excuse for a fishing boat on the shore of a tiny little island nobody cared about. To the dozens, or maybe even hundreds, of ships sailing past every year it wasn't much more than a tiny scrap of land dotted with a thicket of trees. A mild annoyance to be navigated around. Not at all worth visiting and certainly nothing worth thinking about for more than a moment. And yet despite that the barely mile wide atoll had been on Berric's mind for weeks. He'd been able to think of nothing else after his last visit and with every step he took towards the treeline his excitement only grew. Pausing just long enough to drag his dingy further onto the beach he all but sprinted towards the copse with unbridled enthusiasm.

Had anyone else been around to witness his glee they would've enjoyed the comical sight of a towering, ruddy skinned fisherman all but skipping across the sand. Anyone who knew him would've been shocked by his uncharacteristic burst of emotion and they would've been even more stunned by his reason for coming to such a meaningless place after a long day of backbreaking work. Nearly all of his peers were already making their way back to port as the sun drifted towards the horizon but he was pushing through the dense undergrowth with the exuberance of a child exploring some secret place. It was a path he'd trod more than a dozen times across the years and one he'd continue traipsing down until the day he died. Because what awaited him in the heart of the thicket, the vision of beauty he knew was lounging in the secret lagoon, was worth the effort. Corsina would always be worth the effort.

Bursting through the last few feet of the underbrush with an excited sigh he stepped into the peaceful clearing and stared out across the sparkling blue water. Stretched out upon a rock at the heart of the pool was his beautiful companion. Glittering golden locks framed his cute, girlish features, half obscuring one of his glittering green eyes. The rest of his richly bronzed chest was left completely bare in the fading sunlight. Countless droplets of water beaded across his skin and dolled down his smooth stomach or across his slender arms as he laid them across his belly. Warm pink nipples crested his ever so slightly muscular chest and even from a distance Berric could see them stiffening at the not so subtle sound of his arrival. A faint smile spread across Corsina's face as he slowly pushed himself upright to beam at his companion. His long, silvery blue tail splashed about in the water around him, playfully disturbing the once smooth surface as his excitement got the best of him. No mermaid had ever looked more beautiful than him as he awaited his lover's touch.

Without so much as a moment's hesitation Berric waded out into the lagoon, too eager to remove so much as a single boot. Corsina laughed at his exuberance but that amusement quickly turned to passion as his land dwelling mate reached him. Their lips met in a burst of delight as all the weeks they'd spent apart disappeared in an instant. A heartbeat later their tongues were coiled around one another while their arms followed suit soon after. Some of the shimmering scales just below his waist, just below where skin gave way to scales, started parting like the petals of a flower. A long, reddish cock emerged from within to slowly brush against Berric's stomach as they continued to hold one another close. Just about eight inches in length and deliciously thick at the base with a tapered head his length filled the already heady air around them with the alluring scent of sex. Thick spurts of pent up arousal exploded from his tip to splatter across his lover's clothes while the rest of his body trembled in anticipation. Soft moans escaped his lips and when Berric finally pulled away his blushing companion was positively squirming with lust.

“I missed you too.” He said in a husky voice.

But before Corsina could respond with anything more than a smile his ruggedly handsome mate laid him onto the rock he'd been lounging on. Berric's calloused hands drifted across his skin and up to his wonderfully sensitive nipples while his widely grinning lips drifted down towards his wildly throbbing member. His trembling lover barely had time to enjoy the warmth of his breath against his member before the overwhelming pleasure of his fingers and mouth washed over him. Lightly pinching his cute little buds and effortlessly throating every last inch of his pulsing manhood Berric instantly and completely overwhelmed his mermaid love. A beautifully girlish moan filled the air as Corsina's back arched and his entire body trembled. His hands jumped to his lover's head, his fingers tangling themselves in his wild mane of curly black hair. A split second later he cried out his mate's name and bucked his hips as the intense pressure of his mouth sent ripples of ecstasy coursing to the very tips of his fins. It was impossible to describe how much he'd missed his Human partner in the time they'd been apart and how glad he was to finally be reunited with him after so long apart.

“Berric!” He squealed, his voice even more high pitched and breathless.

He felt his lover's smile widen and his tongue move just a little bit faster around his cock. The rough yet gentle touch of his fingers pinching and teasing his nipples grew the tiniest bit more wild and all of it sent another wave of pleasure crashing through him. Before long he was staring up at the sky as his head fell back against the rock and his back curved ever higher. All the while Berric held himself against his beautiful companion's length, eagerly swallowing every last spurt of precum to erupt from his tip as he kissed the scales surrounding his member. When they'd first met he'd been quite put off by the thought of tasting another man's seed let alone swallowing his cock but now? Now he loved everything about it and the adorable way it made his lover squirm. To say nothing of how hard her trembled and how passionately he moaned at the slightest bit of attention to his nipples! That alone was more than enough to send his fingers dancing across those warm pink buds and the sensitive areola surrounding them. Which only gave him more uniquely bittersweet seed to enjoy as he finally started pulling back at a downright leisurely pace.

Unable to resist watching the amazing sight Corsina lifted his head and stared in amazement as his mate's lips slowly glided back up his length. Tormented by his deliberately slow pace and overwhelmed by the pleasure it sent flooding through his body he'd all but collapsed against the rock by the time his handsome partner had reached his madly pulsing tip. And when his lips disappeared entirely a few seconds later he couldn't help but let out an eager moan. Knowing full well what was about to happen next did nothing to diminish the utter bliss that struck him as soon as Berric planted a soft kiss on the underside of his member. As soon as he ran his tongue all the way from the base of his length to his oh so messy head in a long, smooth stroke. And all while his rough digits continued to tease and play with his nipples. Pulling on his tender buds and rolling them between his thumb and forefinger he was nothing short of a master at making Corsina cry out in ecstasy. Everything he did sent waves of ecstasy coursing through his mermaid lover's body and the longer he did it the more overwhelmed his beautiful companion was.

Within a minute of teasingly running his tongue across every inch of his partner's cock and licking up all the errant beads of cum rolling down his shaft Berric had turned his normally cool and composed mate into a shuddering mess. A constantly trembling wreck that couldn't so much as take a single breath without moaning in abject delight. And it was only getting worse with every knowing kiss on the tip of his cock. Every teasing flick of his tongue against Corsina's sensitive head. Every pinching twist and teasing shift of his fingers around and against his nipples. They'd only been together for a handful of moments and he was already at his wits end! Despite insisting to himself that he wouldn't erupt so quickly, that he could control himself and fight his mindless urges. But while he very well could've fought his own rampant desires he could do nothing to stop or stymie Berric's! Knowing just how eager he was and feeling the passion in his every slightest movement was far too much to handle. Ever since their very first kiss it'd been too much for him and after years of loving one another as often as they could it was more potent than ever!

When his lips finally closed around Corsina's member and he glided all the way down to the base of his cock once more Berric knew his lover was about to explode. As surely as he knew he wanted that more than anything else in the world. So naturally he started sliding up and down his pulsing length with complete abandon. Moving faster and faster with every pass he gleefully throated his lover's prick in a burst of movement so overwhelming his already dumbstruck mate couldn't even react. His voice caught in his throat and his whole body tightened at the swell of pleasure crashing through him even faster than before. And to make matters 'worse' his partner's fingers were nothing short of brutal in their teasing focus on his nipples. Pinching and squeezing and pulling even harder he pushed beyond simple playfulness and into the realms of sexual torture. His movements were nothing short of maddening all on their own and combined with the endless pleasure of his mouth and tongue wrapped around his unbearably hard cock it was downright cruel. Yet he didn't want to him to stop. Indeed he never wanted him to stop and the closer he came to his inevitable ecstasy the more desperate he was for all of it.

“Berric!” Corsina squealed, “Berric! I-I can't! I-I can't! BERRIC!”

His wonderfully frantic cries were punctuated by a final, spasmodic thrust as his entire body tightened and his eyes rolled back into his head. Without missing a beat his lover glided right back down to the base of his cock just as the first creamy jet of cum exploded from his tip. Corsina continued to moan and scream and fill the air with the desperate sounds of his bliss as he flooded his lover's stomach with a deluge of warm cum. Weeks and weeks of pent up lust and desperation were unleashed in a veritable torrent of warmth gushing into his belly and filling him with indescribable joy. Both of them were completely lost in their shared bliss as the already meaningless seconds slipped by one after another without the slightest bit of comprehension. They could've been there for minutes or days as far as either of them were concerned, the pleasure and intimacy of finally being together was simply divine. It never seemed to end and they weren't the least bit shy about basking in it for as long as they could. Neither of them had any idea when they'd be able to see each other again and they were eager to make sure they enjoyed every solitary moment they could steal away from the rest of the world.

And when Berric finally lifted himself off his lover's cock to smile at Corsina with a thin trickle of cum leaking from the corner of his mouth they both stared at one another with unabashed adoration. An instant later they were sharing a long, sloppy kiss as he slid off the rock to all but tackle his mate into the water. Somehow his hulking partner managed to stay upright, easily holding him aloft as they broke apart to smile at each other once more.

“How long can you stay?” Corsina asked.

Berric looked up at the sky for a moment, then back to his lover, “Maybe an hour . . .”

Disappointed but not at all surprised his lover smiled and said, “Then we best enjoy every minute we have left!”

“I'd love nothing more!” Their lips reunited and their passion reignited as they once again lost themselves in their joy, eager to spend every last second they could together. Nothing else mattered.


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