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Boy I sure hope you guys are in the mood for a long one. This story was supposed to be on the shorter side and I actually had a lot of trouble starting it at first (it was picked by rolling a die and I was too stubborn to go back on that sacred decision lol) but once I got going I just kept going. There's a whole lot of build up in this one so if that's not your thing I do not blame you for skipping it. That being said, I hope y'all enjoy this almost novella length story!

Also if anyone was at all curious about who the character is or what she's from here's a link to her wiki. I'm not sure how well known she is so it might be useful.

With a cocky grin and a can do attitude Ulala walked out of the airlock and into Klorvon Prime's orbital research base. All eyes were on her as she sauntered past scientists and security bots alike. Nobody even noticed the team following in her wake, they were far too busy staring in confusion, surprise, or outright desire at the cocky reporter strolling towards the first security checkpoint. Mostly because she didn't look anything like a reporter. With knee high stiletto boots and a tiny little mini skirt just long enough cover her rump she looked more like a dancer fresh out of the club! A midriff baring, high collared top lacking any sort of sleeves only further reinforced the comparison, as did a pair of elbow length gloves. Her entire ensemble was as striking as it was revealing, the stark white color both clashing and contrasting with her bright pink pigtails and warm blue eyes.

The silver trim running along the hem of what passed for her clothes matched the glossy metal headset she was wearing over her ears and the small jetpack strapped to her back. A bright blue Space Channel 5 branded tension blaster was strapped to her right thigh while the soles of her platform boots were a bright red, both adding a splash of extra color to contrast her relatively monochrome outfit. Of course her soft skin and undeniably shapely figure was already doing more than enough heavy lifting as far as many of her more enamored admirers were concerned. Between her softly toned thighs, smoothly muscled yet perfectly flat belly, and slender arms she made for quite the jaw dropping sight. To say nothing of the little glimpses of her tight bubble butt constantly being teased by her wonderfully revealing skirt.

And yet as alluring as those little flashes of her unsurprisingly white panties wrapped around yet disappearing between her buttocks might've been many of the aliens she passed were looking at her face more than anything or anywhere else. She had a charming bravado that perfectly accentuated her cuteness and it was near impossible not to stare. With a cute button nose and large, beautiful eyes complete with thick lashes she was undeniably adorable while a pair of full, pink lips curled upwards in a confident grin added more than enough intrigue. Alongside the bright pink bangs framing her face it was no wonder most of the sexually deprived scientists couldn't take her eyes off her. Even some of the more self aware robots she left in her wake were watching with no small amount of intrigue. Though admittedly all of them had a good reason to be so focused on sex and reproduction, as Ulala would soon find out.

“I'm here to interview your head scientist!” She announced upon reaching the security checkpoint, “I'm with Space Channel 5!”

The sole non robotic member of the team nodded at her and typed out a quick message across the holographic keyboard in front of them. After a second or two they looked up and said, “Kraxis Prett will be here shortly.”

“Great!” Turning towards her team and taking the microphone her produced was already in the process of handing her she faced the camera and struck a little pose.

“We're live in three . . . two . . . one . . . Go!”

As he mouthed the last three words she tossed her hair out of her face with a stylish flick of her wrist and cheerfully exclaimed, “Grooove evening, viewers! I'm here at the famous Klorvon Prime orbital research base where the lead scientist and researcher Kraxis Prett is about to give me the scoop on just what they've been doing up here for so long!”

By the time she finished talking the woman she was supposed to meet had arrived. Both of her reptilian heads looked exasperated by Ulala's cheer and the camera immediately panning over to her but she remained polite and composed as she approached the mic and said, “That's right. We're finally ready to unveil a project decades in the making.”

“If I may, why the need for so much secrecy up until now?”

“We wanted to ensure the utmost privacy for both our subjects and our researchers. What we're doing here is comparatively sensitive and we wanted to make the environment as comfortable as could be before going public. We also had a myriad of agreements with the companies funding us, so legally we couldn't have divulged anything until now.”

“I see.” Ulala replied, positively trembling with excitement, “And just what are you going to reveal to the galaxy?”

“Follow me and I'll show you.”

Turning away from them and leading the crew through the checkpoint Kraxis Prett guided them deeper into the facility while Ulala gave a little backstory, “As many of you know Klorvon Prime built their orbital research station almost thirty years ago but until now they've never let reporters or anyone else inside! We here at Space Channel 5 are thrilled to bring you this exclusive scoop and finally shed some light on this top secret program!”

Kraxis Prett stifled a laugh as she led them onto an elevator. She continued to say nothing at all while the exuberant reporter beside her filled what would've otherwise been dead air recounting the many conspiracy theories surrounding the station. When she was asked a question directly she answered but at all other times she was completely taciturn as she fought the urge to smile. It was difficult not to feel a bit giddy with every passing second as the thrill of finally revealing exactly what they were doing loomed larger and larger. But her enjoyment wasn't born of an interest in scientific discovery and the sharing of ideas. She'd already experienced that countless times while setting up the project and working out all the logistical issues. Now her glee was solely relegated to the childish knowledge that neither Ulala nor any of her viewers could possibly predict what'd actually been going on. So many beings were convinced they'd been developing galaxy destroying super weapons, extra galactic means of travel, and all other manner of absurd and impossible accomplishments the truth of the matter would no doubt come as quite the shock. And when the elevator finally came to a stop and they walked out into the viewing bay overlooking one of many, many floors Kraxis Prett finally let her facade slip and a smile light up her faces.

Approaching the floor to ceiling window and pressing a small button on the wall to turn the opaque surface transparent she grandly extended an arm and said, “Welcome to the Interstellar Breeding Program!”

Excitement instantly turned to shock as Ulala and her crew looked down  at the dozens, if not hundreds of enclosed spaces filled with aliens having wild, passionate sex. Their jaws just about hit the floor even as they moved in closer to watch the unbelievably shocking spectacle. None of them had imagined anything like in their wildest dreams and they simply couldn't look away from the downright insane reveal. Every single 'room' was made up of the same assortment of alien furniture and conformed to what looked like the same dimensions. The walls were entirely darkened but the ceilings looked to be see through. At least from their perspective. And every single one was occupied by a pair of wildly rutting creatures, yet only one was consistent across the floor. While every single space had a towering, fur covered male sporting four arms and a snarling, bestial face the females alongside them were seemingly plucked from every other sentient species across the galaxy. Everything from Humans to Klorvons to Morolians and more were mating with the unknown entities and all of them seemed to be enjoying themselves tremendously. Especially the ones enjoying the creatures shockingly explosive climax.

And whenever a pairing seemed to be finished the roof of their enclosure would open up and a done would fly in to carry them both away. Several more would immediately clean up the space and return it to what was likely it's default state, then another pair would arrive and sex would begin almost immediately. Some of the females took their time and enjoyed a little foreplay but many were clearly happy to just bend over, lie down, or otherwise offer themselves up to the massive alien pricks waiting to ravish them. Although she couldn't hear any of the undoubtedly lewd and messy noises Ulala didn't have any trouble imagining them as she stood there completely dumbstruck. For quite possibly the first time she was at a loss for words. Had her producer not cleared his throat after ten or fifteen seconds of dead air she probably would've kept watching in utter disbelief, entirely unconcerned with the broadcast she was supposed to be leading. Thankfully he was nothing if not professional even in the most absurd circumstances and she managed to snap back from her shock a split second later.

“S-So all this time you've been studying the breeding habits of a single alien species?” She asked, tilting her mic to the smiling scientist bside her.

“Oh no, we've been studying the breeding habits of thousands of alien species.” Kraxis Prett clarified, “This floor is dedicated to the Ultoovians. Every floor focuses on a different species. But we aren't simply studying their breeding habits. We're testing the genetic viability of interspecies breeding. Every one of our volunteers has agreed to be impregnated and monitored as they carry their offspring to term, or in many cases don't.”

Once again stunned by what she was hearing Ulala could only reply, “I see . . .” But after a few more seconds of dead air and a look from her producer she immediately snapped out of it, “A-Are you studying the viability of every  combination of alien species?”

“All the sentient ones yes. Not all the sample sizes are as large as the Ultoovians and their mates but as long as we have even a single specimen we can continue our research unabated.”

“How did you find so many willing candidates to participate in these experiments?”

“It's a very large galaxy and once we started recruiting it wasn't difficult to find males, females, and everything in between who were willing to participate. Many have even moved between floors as their pregnancies failed or were discovered to be entirely non viable from the beginning. We've had no shortage of Humans volunteering. Especially females, although we've had to turn away a fair few males too.”

Something about Kraxis Prett's tone and the look in her eyes made Ulala pause. After a second or two it made her blush and look away, her eyes darting to the camera as she said, “Well there you have it everybody! The big secret of Klorvon Prime's orbital research base finally revealed. We'll continue to investigate further but due to decency laws much of what we discover will have to be censored and edited down! So no more live footage for you! So stay tuned for the next groovy report! I'm Ulala and this is Space Channel 5!”

“And cut!” Her producer said.

Immediately turning to Kraxis Prett she exclaimed, “You could've warned me what you guys were doing here! We can't show this kind of stuff on the news! Not without a warning first!”

“I thought you'd appreciate a chance to react genuinely. You can't fake that kind of sincerity and I'm sure your viewers appreciated it.”

“I doubt they were paying much attention to Ulala!” The camerawoman remarked.

The crew chuckled while Ulala herself could only shake her head, a little too shocked to be amused by anything. “Can you take us to every floor?” She eventually asked.

“Of course. If you have a spare month to see them all.”

“Oh. Well how about some sort of master list? Maybe we can just feature the really interesting alien species? The ones that our viewers want to see most!”

“I think they already have more than enough access to that sort of material.” Her producer remarked, “They probably don't need our help finding more!”

Kraxis Prett and the rest of the crew laughed while Ulala could only smile and blush a little, “That might be the case but it's still our job to report on what's going on here! We owe it to our viewers and I'm not leaving until we have something real to leave with!”

“Well we'd be happy to show you a few floors and give you access to our data. Names and other personal information will remain private but the success rates and what we've learned thus far is yours to do with as you wish.”

“Thank you!” Looking at her crew for a moment Ulala turned back to Kraxis Prett and said, “Let's get footage first. We can go over the data after we have everything else.”

“Good idea.” Her producer remarked.

“Just tell me where aim the camera.” Her camerawoman added.

All of them looked to the two headed scientist standing beside them and after a moment she gave a small nod and said, “Right this way. We keep a Directory on every floor.”

She led them out of the viewing bay and into a long hall lined with doors. After walking past a dozen or so without slowing she suddenly stopped and turned into one. Ulala and the rest followed her inside to find a massive repository of digital archives. Shelves and shelves and shelves of files stretched out as far as the eye could see, towering high above them in imposing stacks of softly glowing storage. It was all at once awe inspiring and more than a little intimidating, especially as they were guided through the countless stacks towards a central computer that seemed connected to them all. Compared to everything else in hangar sized room the small, unassuming terminal sitting on an unremarkable desk was almost comically unimpressive. Even if it held a vast wealth of newly discovered knowledge ready to be accessed at a moment's notice.

“Is this all the data you have on the Interstellar Breeding Program?” Ulala asked as their guide sat down at the computer.

Kraxis Prett laughed and entered her security code followed by a retinal scan and a voice recognition phrase, “No.” She finally replied, turning to look at them, “This is what we've learned about the Ultoovians.”


“This is all one species?!”


“There are tens of thousands of sentient species in the galaxy. Maybe even more in the uncharted sectors. There's a lot of data to collect and a lot of variables to document. Speaking of which, here's a master list of every species we're currently testing. They're organized by quantity of subjects.”

Kraxis Prett stood up and Ulala took her place, immediately scrolling through the absurdly long list with a growing amazement. They could spend an entire special just covering a single floor and still not do it justice! It wasn't a question of getting B-roll so much as a question of where they should even start! “I think we might have to split up and scout out a few of these floors.” She finally remarked after scrolling for almost a minute straight and only recognizing a handful of names among the list, 'There's no way we can check all of these floors.”

“Not without an army of camera crews.”

“Yeah and I don't think Space Channel 5 will go for that!”

“Nope!” Ulala laughed, “So it's up to us to figure out the best places to grab some footage.” Turning to Kraxis Prett she asked, “Are there any floors with particularly interesting results? Places that could really grab headlines and make people sit up?”

“Quite a few. But off the top of my heads . . . I'd say the Polori, Zekkar, Quoling, Jie-Haare, and Xaxi Krawn have been the most promising thus far.”

“Great!” Ulala turned back to the computer and found each species one by one, reading aloud their floors and assigning one to each of her crew. After a moment of thought she remembered how the index was ordered and asked, “What's the species with the lowest number of subjects?”

“Currently that would be the Trengscala. We've only found a single entity thus far. All the rest are either hibernating or gone.”

“You have Trengscala?!” Unable to hide her amazement she turned to Kraxis Prett with open mouthed amazement, “H-How did you even find one?! And how did you convince it to join the Program?!”

“What's a Trengscala?”

Kraxis Prett opened her mouths to speak only for Ulala to interrupt her, “One of the oldies species in the galaxy! And one of the smartest! Each organism is the size of a small space ship at the very least and they can live for thousands of years without anything to eat once they start hibernation! And—”

“Sounds like you should be working here!” Her producer laughed.

“Indeed.” Kraxis Prett remarked, looking at Ulala with no small amount of amusement, “Since you're so interested in the species why don't you investigate it's floor? I'm sure you'll find plenty of useful information.”


“Of course. It agreed to be a part of all research and publications just like the rest of our specimens. I'm sure it won't mind your interest.”

Just about vibrating with excitement Ulala looked at her crew and said, “Then what are we waiting for?! You guys know where to go! I'm off to meet a real life Trengscala!”

She rushed off to the elevator before anyone else could say a word, happily leaving them in her dust without a second thought. “If any of you have questions feel free to ask one of my staff.” Kraxis Prett remarked, “I'll be on the main floor should you wish to continue the interview.”

“What about Ulala?” Her camerawoman asked.

“I'm sure she'll find one of us eventually. Though it may be a while.”

More excited than words could describe Ulala was all but bouncing off the walls as she rode the elevator down into the heart of the orbital station. It felt like she was going so unimaginably slow even as she watched floor numbers tick by so fast they were almost a blur. She'd learned about Trengscala when she was a teenager and ever since then she'd been completely fascinated by them. One of, if not the most mysterious creatures in the known galaxy she'd always wanted to interview even a single member of the species. It'd been one of her greatest ambitions but after years of working at Space Channel 5 without so much as a hint of a single entity she'd started to lose hope. How could she not after traveling millions of lightyears without any sign of one?

Most people she asked hadn't even heard of the species and her bosses certainly weren't interested in funding an expedition. But now? Now she finally had a chance to fulfill a decades long dream! By total happenstance! If she hadn't asked the right question at the right time she could've left the station without ever knowing a Trengscala was aboard and just waiting to be interviewed. It was a truly horrifying thought! She actually shuddered a little at the realization, though her disgust quickly melted back to excitement as the elevator finally stopped after an eternity and she stepped off.  Immediately finding herself in a viewing bay identical to the one she'd just left Ulala hurried up to the window and pressed the button to reveal the Trengscala below. What she found waiting for her did not disappoint.


Instead of a vast array of interchangeable rooms filled with subjects there was a single, massive enclosure filled to the brim with vibrant flora. More akin to a small, beautiful jungle than anything she expected to find aboard a space station it was absolutely amazing. Trees dozens of meters tall just about reached the ceiling while multicolored foliage so thick it obscured the ground stretched out in every direction. Had it not been for the cold metal roof hanging above it all Ulala might've convinced herself she was looking down on a lush, tropical habitat. It certainly looked like the scientists behind the project had simply plucked a kilometer wide stretch of land from the surface of some planet! And while she couldn't see the Trengscala among the vegetation she could certainly see countless other fauna roaming about. Avian and simian creatures alike alongside the occasional insect with even a few creatures that looked like mammals it was a biome all it's own and she couldn't help but gawk in utter amazement. Although her incredulity instantly turned to shock when something burst from the dense undergrowth to hurtle towards the viewing window.

“Are you my next partner?” A frighteningly deep voice boomed as a slick black tentacle drifted back and forth in front of her. “Interesting. They've yet to send a Human.”

Too busy staggering backwards and shrieking to answer the question Ulala just about jumped out of her skin. But she managed to find some measure of composure, her breathy gasps not withstanding, as soon as she recognized the tendril 'looking' at her, “You're-You're a Trengscala!” She exclaimed.


Once again elated beyond all reason she approached the window and excitedly said, “I've always wanted to meet a member of your species! I have so many questions for you! I-If you don't have any objections of course!”

“I don't.”

“Great! That's great! Thank you so much!”

“You're welcome. What's your first question?”

Instantly and completely at a loss as the thousands of questions she wanted to ask suddenly eluded her Ulala could only stare at the tentacle like a fool, her mouth hanging open and her eyes nervously darting back and forth. After a handful of seconds spend embarrassing herself she finally managed to think of quite possibly the most banal thing she could've asked. “W-What's your name?”

Immediately kicking herself for such a stupid question, especially considering the Trengscala didn't have names in the conventional sense she covered her face with both hands while the entity told her as much, “We don't have names in the way you're accustomed to. Among one another we have other means of identification. Among other species we're content being identified by your scientific name for us.”

“Right! Of course! I-I actually already knew that! I-I'm just nervous! Sorry!”

“I understand.”

“Good! That's good! Thank you! Uhm . . . okay . . . so . . . uhm . . .” Vehemently shaking her head and trying to get a grip Ulala forced herself to think of another question and luckily for her years of training as a reporter actually paid off as she abruptly said, “How did you join the Interstellar Breeding Program?”

“Upon hearing about the program and it's aims I contacted Kraxis Prett.”

“Really?! That's so cool!”

A deep, rumbling laugh filled the enclosure below and the Trengscala added, “She shared your enthusiasm. Unfortunately many of the partners they've sent have proven unwilling and unable to participate in the experiment.”

“They have? Why?”

“They're intimidated by the process of mating. And the aftermath. Nearly every time Kraxis Prett has outlined the entire sequence my fellow subjects have backed out almost immediately.”

“Wait, does that mean you haven't mated with a single partner?”

“Not in several solar years. We gathered enough data to build a preliminary framework but after those early successes no other species has agreed to the process.”

“That's crazy! Do they not understand how rare it is to meet an actual Trengscala?! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”

Another tremendous laugh filled the enclosure and Ulala rather quickly realized what she'd just said, her cheeks turning a furious shade of crimson while the entity below remarked, “Meeting me and mating with me are entirely different processes. But your enthusiasm is an intriguing variation of what I usually experience.”

“What do you usually experience?”

“Confusion, fear, uncertainty, revulsion, and derision. Though not always in that sequence. Some of my partners only experience a few of those reactions but many are inundated by all five. I believe most are or were expecting something more comprehensible when they joined the program. Something more akin to themselves and their physiology. Although even the more unique species balked at what Kraxis Prett described to them.”

Feeling oddly sorry for the Trengscala despite it's entirely curious tone Ulala could only shake her head as she listened to it speak. “That's crazy! I can't believe so many other species are afraid of you!”

“Have you been told what the mating process is like?”

“I read about your mating processes when I was in school.”

“Did your teachers detail the difference between a pair of Trengscala mating and a Trengscala mating with another species?”

“Well no, but my teachers didn't really cover much of anything. I learned almost everything I know from a series of reports by—”

“Glavanox Rexursis?”

“Yes! They were the only one with any published information about your species!”

“They did an exceptional job documenting our physiology and conducting interviews.”

“Did you speak with them?”

“No but my progenitors did. And I've seen the work they produced. It's quite comprehensive and respectably meticulous.”

“I know, I've read it all at least three times!”

“But it only details our mating practices when two Trengscala are involved. It makes no mention of what another species would experience.”

“That's true . . . but surely it can't be that different? All the processes are the same right?”

“Yes. But they're considerably more invasive and comprehensive. More so than most species are comfortable with. Although I have yet to hear a Human's thoughts on the matter.”

Everything about the lilt in his voice and the inquisitive way the tentacle 'looking' at her moved filled Ulala with a strange mix of embarrassment, elation, and nervousness. She truly didn't know how to respond and no matter how hard she tried to think of literally anything else what'd just been suggested, in so many words, was impossible to ignore, “I-I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask!” She eventually managed to say, “I'm not even part of this program!”


“What's interesting?”

“I expected a reporter to be more curious about such things. Especially one who's already interested in my species.”

“Of course I'm curious!” She admitted, speaking well before she thought about what she was saying. A moment later she realized how her words sounded, “I didn't mean—I'm not part of the program! I-It wouldn't be professional—th-that's not the kind of reporting I do!”

“I understand.”

“Good!” Letting out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding Ulala tried her best to move past the lewd thoughts bouncing through her head, “Good.”

“I'll simply describe the entire process from beginning to end. Unless you'd prefer to wait until you're camera crew has arrived so you can record what I say.”

“That won't be necessary!” She said in a high pitched voice.

“What won't be necessary?”

“Both! Either! A-Any of it! You don't need to describe any of it to me!”

“I see.”

It was impossible not to hear the disappointment in the Trengscala's voice, despite her best efforts to ignore it and focus on more pressing matters. Just as it was impossible to ignore the not so subtle droop of the tendril facing the window. “U-Unless you wanted to tell me about it! I-I wouldn't mind hearing whatever you have to say! It's just not appropriate for our viewers! We don't cover that sort of thing, or at least we didn't until now!”

The tentacle perked up almost immediately and she couldn't help but smile at the unmistakable enthusiasm. Even if her entire face was a brilliant shade of red and her knees were trembling so hard they were almost smacking together. “Well the process is slightly different depending on the species of our mate. So for the sake of convenience I'll use Humans as an example.”

“Oh that's really not—”

“It starts much the same as most mammalian reproduction, though we lack any sort of sperm to fertilize eggs. Instead we produce our own and use a host to incubate them for a short time. No more than a few hours on average. Because of this we don't need to mate solely with a female like many other species, we simply need the warmth of a living body and a small helping of genetic material to begin the hatching process. Which leads to the actual mating habits . . .”

What followed was the single most shockingly graphic yet amazingly informative description of a sexual act Ulala had ever heard. At times she struggled to comprehend the detail of what she was being told, her mind reeling and her body aflame with a myriad of different reactions. No publication could ever approach the level of detail in the Trengscala's recounting and no pornographic video could cover so comprehensively every slightest element. It was abundantly clear her interviewee was pulling from it's own experience as it spoke, a fact that made it all the more difficult to listen and be objective like she wanted. Part of her knew what it was doing as it described the way a humanoid reacted to the effects of the mating process. The lack of subtlety was equal parts blatant and comical. And shockingly effective, though she tried her best to pretend otherwise even while hearing about the pleasure a typical partner experienced.

Despite knowing full well she was being coaxed into joining the Trengscala as it's next partner Ulala couldn't help but listen to every word with unblinking excitement. Even when it was describing what happened in almost clinical detail her mind filled in the blanks. Picturing herself as she imagined the entire process beat for beat she was completely undermining her own efforts every step of the way. And in spite of it all she was glad to do it as her mysterious interviewee continued for what seemed like an hour straight. Though it couldn't have been talking for more than a few minutes at the very most hearing it describe what it did with only a few of it's many tentacles, how it deposited it's eggs, and all the effects those things had on it's partner was such an overwhelming experience. What'd started out as nervous yet giddy uncertainty had slowly turned into unabashed arousal as she stood there trying and failing to not get sucked in. Before long she had one hand pressed flat against the window to steady herself while the other wasn't endlessly tugging at the hem of her skirt.

Not long after that her thighs were pressed together and her every slightest breath was unbelievably labored. Soon she was struggling to look at the tendril 'watching' her and struggling even harder to continue standing as her overactive imagination got the better of her. Ulala couldn't even say what exactly was so exhilarating about it all. Between the mystery and excitement of meeting a Trengscala and her own wild sexual desires the one she was dealing with just seemed to hit every imaginable note she could've asked for. She couldn't remember a time she'd felt so excited. So eager. An unbearable heat had ignited in her stomach and it was only growing stronger while she stood there trembling and listening to what could so easily be her. She only had to give the word and stumble her way down to the enclosure and she could live out the experience she'd just been told! There was no better form of hands on journalism than that! She'd be leading expert on Trengscala mating habits. No one could question her authority when she spoke about it for the special. And of course there were certainly other benefits to consider . . .

“And that concludes the entire process.” Her unimaginably forward interviewee stated. “Did you have any questions?”

“No . . .” Ulala replied, shaking her head and clumsily pushing herself upright. She hadn't been able to look out the window since her companion started detailing the mating process and even after it was done she still struggled to look anywhere but at her feet. “No I think you covered everything I could possible ask about.”

“I aim to be as comprehensive as possible.”

“You succeeded.” She said with a small laugh. Her head was spinning and her whole body was covered in goosebumps as she stood unsteadily on her feet. “If that's what Kraxis Prett told your other partners then I can understand why they were intimidated!”

The first tendril 'looking' at her visibly perked up at her choice of words but Ulala was much too busy trying and failing to get a hold of herself. “Are you intimidated?”

She lifted her head to look at the tendril she'd been speaking with only to let out a startled gasp upon seeing at least a dozen more surrounding it. Every single one was 'watching' her in the same way and it was impossible not to be intimidated by the sight. Intimidated and more than a little exhilarated as her mind naturally returned to the thoughts she'd been halfheartedly fighting against for so long. “No . . . I'm not intimidated.” Ulala finally told it.

Every single tentacle looming just beyond the window seemed to swell and she heard an unmistakable note of excitement as her companion said, “If only my other partners shared your bravery.”

Ulala couldn't help but laugh at that sentiment. She'd noticed it's choice of words yet felt no urge to correct as she took a long, deep breath. Slowly but surely gathering what was left of her wits she managed to stand upright an control her trembling legs, “Thank you for describing your mating process to me. It was very informative.”

“I'm glad I could clarify the matter.” A short but weighty silence followed it's statement. Neither of them spoke for several seconds while a palpable sense of expectation filled the air. Eventually the calm was broken by a simple yet leading question, “Is there anything else you want to know?”

Her heart skipped a beat as she stared at the tendrils 'watching' her. A dozen different responses bounced around her mind. She knew what she wanted to say, what she should say, and what she could say. But as she stood there trying to figure out which to pick her true intentions came spilling out in the most innocuous manner, “Yes . . . How do I get into your enclosure?”

A minute or two later she was walking into the Trengscala's enclosure with the same confidence that'd carried her through all her crazy adventures. Her heart was racing and her thoughts were a wild jumble of incoherent urges and desires but none of that mattered as the doors opened and she boldly stepped into the humid jungle awaiting her. As crazy as her actions were when examined critically Ulala was in no position to think critically about what she was doing while she pushed through the undergrowth and towards the center of the room. She'd already made up her mind and now all that mattered was getting to her companion as quickly as possible. Not once did she think about what would happen if she was caught by any of the scientists on the floor or even her crew. In fact she'd all but forgotten her original reasons for coming to the orbital station in the first place.

The few coherent thoughts she had among the wild jumble bouncing around her head were filled with giddy speculation and rampant desire. With every step she came a little closer to fulfilling the wild fantasies that'd occupied her thoughts from the moment her enigmatic interviewee had begun talking. And the already insatiable curiosity flooding her senses with adrenaline and coaxing her forward was only fueled all the more by her first glimpses of the tendrils she'd seen earlier. Slithering along the ground and weaving between the foliage all around her the Trengscala was somehow everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. She could feel it watching her with every step and yet none of the countless tentacles had bothered to approach. None of them had fulfilled what'd now become a promise. Not until she stepped into a small clearing at the very heart of the enclosure.

By all outward appearance it wasn't much more than an anomalously open stretch of ground hidden among the dense foliage. Of course Ulala knew better. She knew the Trengscala's main body was buried beneath the ground only a few meters away. As surely as she felt her own heart beating wildly out of control she felt it's presence looming so incredibly close by. But unlike every other being to visit the mysterious entity she wasn't the slightest bit afraid of that near overwhelming presence. Nor the myriad of tentacles emerging from the growth all around. Even if she hadn't known what came next as those tendrils drifted towards her the simple, indescribable thrill of meeting such a fascinatingly complex alien was more than enough to send her walking to the center of the clearing. Though obviously knowing what was in store for her certainly helped. If nothing else that knowledge was the reason for her trembling legs and thoroughly soaked panties, to say nothing of the breathy little moans spilling from her lips with every passing second.

Adrenaline lanced through her body the moment she felt one of it's tentacles almost tenderly brush against her skin. Caressing her thigh and drifting up towards the hem of her skirt it left a long, gooey trail of warmth in it's wake. Simultaneously cold and warm at the same time the viscous fluid instantly sent shudders coursing through her like never before. Especially as she felt it seeping into her pores and flooding her already aroused body with even more endorphins. Though her companion hardly needed to bother she couldn't say she didn't enjoy the rush of a natural aphrodisiac flooding her system. She wasn't one for drugs of any kind but she could certainly understand the appeal if they felt anywhere near as good as what she was enjoying in those first few moments!

It was such a delicious yet exhilarating distraction she didn't even notice the other tendrils moving in to do the same thing. Not until her other leg was being caressed in the exact same manner, her tension blaster falling away as a smaller tentacle unhooked it. But she barely had time to notice it's loss or the swell of arousal crashing through her senses. Two more appendages had approached her while she was busy trembling. Sliding in from opposite sides they slipped beneath her mini skirt to glide across the already sodden fabric of her underwear. Suddenly that toe curling aphrodisiac was soaking into her pussy and coating her ass while she could only stand there like she'd been hit by a freeze ray. Staring off into the distance without a hint of comprehension she sucked in a ragged little breath and clumsily reached out for something to steady herself. Several more tentacles were already waiting for her trembling fingers and she scarcely had time to appreciate their presence before she was holding on to them for dear life. All the while the fluid coating them seeped through her gloves and into her skin through yet another avenue.

“Y-You weren't kidding!” Ulala moaned as an indescribable desire suffused her body. She could all but feel the hormones running wild inside her, slowly but surely flooding every last part of her until she was completely drowning in a truly insatiable lust. “This f-feels amazing!”

“That's only the beginning.” Her companion promised, “As you well know.”

Those words instantly sent a tremor tearing down her spine and in the time it took her to finish shuddering yet another tendril had emerged to touch her body. This time slithering across the back of her neck and around to her lips. Though only the width of two fingers it still managed to secrete a truly remarkable amount of fluid, absolutely coating every inch of her skin before it even started lathering her trembling lips. By the time she had a chance to taste the strange alien slime her head was spinning so fast she couldn't begin to think straight. She almost didn't appreciate how oddly sweet it's flavor was as the tip of the tendril slowly, teasingly drifted back and forth. Yet at the same time she instinctively held out her tongue the moment she had the chance. Even if she couldn't comprehend how unexpectedly sumptuous the Trengscala's secretions were the effect they had on her were impossible to ignore.

Flooded from head to toe with a truly mind altering amount of hormones Ulala was quickly and completely reduced to a quivering, ecstasy fueled mess. She wasn't a thinking, rational Human any longer. She was a living broodmare for the creature slowly enveloping her. An incubator for the coming flood of eggs it would deposit inside her body. And she couldn't even enjoy that notion like she had on the ride down to it's enclosure. Instead she was left enjoying the lascivious thrill of the tendril resting on her tongue sliding into her mouth and down her throat. Without so much as a hint of warning it disappeared into her gullet with a single, continuous thrust. Her slender neck bulged outward around the small yet still massive appendage and for a moment she actually choked on the sheer size of the tentacle slithering down into her belly. But as more of that heavenly aphrodisiac flooded her overloaded system her gag reflex relaxed and her arousal climbed even higher.

Her legs started to buckle long before that first tendril had stopped moving, the erotic thrill of it sliding so unfathomably deep making her trembling like nothing ever had. Warmth gushed from her impossibly aroused sex while every last one of her muscles started spasming uncontrollably. Had a thick tentacle not closed around her waist soon after she would've collapsed into the dirt as a pure and beautifully indescribable pleasure overwhelmed her. Her entire body went limp a few heartbeats later as her eyes rolled back in her head and a sloppy gurgle spilled from her lewdly parted lips. Another, even more passionate squelch would burst from her tendril stuffed throat when the tentacles that'd been teasingly rubbing against her pussy and ass finally made their move. Slipping beneath the soaked fabric of her panties to brush against her trembling holes neither appendage hesitated for even a second. In the time it took her body to process their unobstructed touch two more tentacles were gliding deep into her body just like the first.

In an instant her inner walls were stretched so deliciously wide by the soft yet unyielding contours of a Trengscala's prehensile tendrils. Large enough to completely fill her up yet small enough to only elicit pleasure and a profound, overwhelming longing they glided so unimaginably deep into her asshole and cunt. She didn't even realize the one filling her throat had stopped moving as the pleasure of it's fellows suddenly coursed through her. Another shower of warmth gushed from her sex, rivulets of her arousal seeping down the tentacle filling her pussy as surely as they rolled down her thighs. Yet no matter how wildly she convulsed around those gorgeously thick appendages they never seemed to slow or stop in their inexorable push towards the deepest reaches of her body.

The one filling her cunt inevitably reached the entrance to her womb before long but the one stretching open her ass like nothing ever had before just seemed to keep going and going and going. It felt for all the world like it was slithering into her bowels and might even reunited with the one currently buried in her stomach! Had she been capable of conscious thought Ulala would've loved that insanely perverse notion but as she was she could only bask in the strange exhilaration of something writhing in the very depths of her body, all the while filling her with even more of that wonderful aphrodisiac.

At some point the endlessly probing tentacle came to a stop, though she could hardly process that simple fact. Not when the one inside her pussy had begun pushing and rubbing against her cervix with an unmistakable insistence. Even in the state she'd been reduced to she knew what it wanted and what it would do as it absolutely coated the entrance to her womb in a creamy layer of slime. Thicker and more copious than ever before it suffused the most intimate part of her body and sent almost violent convulsions ripping through her muscles. Soaking not only her cervix but the rest of her cunt as she was practically overflowing it sent her into a state of abject madness. Turned her into a raving creature of pure lust and desire as she was drowned more and more in raging hormones completely beyond anything her body was capable of producing. Much like she'd been told before it wasn't a question of if the tendril would enter her womb, instead it was a question of how much longer her body would be able to hold out against it. To her abject delight and immense satisfaction she didn't last more than two minutes before her cervix finally opened and an alien tentacle glided into her most private place.

Just about succumbing to an orgasm from that alone Ulala spasmed and squirmed in a mindless fit of ecstasy, her back arching and throaty gurgles reverberating throughout the quiet enclosure. Her feet left the ground entirely as she was lifted into the air by her companion and held aloft by a myriad of tendrils coiling around her limbs. An enormously thick one even slid beneath her head to cradle her neck while she devolved into spasmodic twitching. And she couldn't comprehend any of it. Wholly and completely lost to the pleasure of being stuffed in every hole and suffused with an aphrodisiac she was utterly ignorant to anything beyond the churning sea of bliss inside her. The entire station could've been standing up in the gallery watching her writhe in pleasure and she would've been none the wiser. The sum total of her existence began and ended with the tentacles filling her throat, pussy, and ass. She was so far gone she didn't even realize how desperately she needed to draw breath after what must've been an eternity of swallowing a slimy tendril. Even that most basic need was beyond her while she drowned in pleasure.

Fortunately for her the alien responsible for her mindless stupor was very much aware of her most basic needs and it withdrew it's first tentacle well before she started suffocating. Of course the abject pleasure of a tendril slide back out of her throat only pushed her deeper into the maelstrom of pleasure cascading through her body. Spit and slime erupted from her trembling lips to splash across her blushing face and drip down her quivering cheeks as the entire appendage reemerged much, much faster than it'd entered. So fast she barely had time to appreciate it's withdrawal before she was gasping and panting like a winded animal. Yet even that was enough to leave her desperately craving more, to send her tongue extending outwards towards the tentacle hovering just out of reach while she weakly craned her neck and moaned. Too desperate to care what a comically absurd sight she was Ulala could only whimper and wordlessly plead for the tendril to return. For it to slide back inside her throat and continue flooding her with the pleasure she needed. After a handful of seconds she was given everything she wanted and more.

One tendril plunged back into her throat while two more immediately withdrew from her body. All three moved in perfect sync with one another and all three completely destroyed what was left of Ulala's mind as they did. The unparalleled ecstasy of a tentacle gliding out of her ass and pussy simultaneously would've been enough to make her scream. But alongside a third filling her throat and solidifying her new role as incubator? That was everything she could've wanted and more. Her pleasure wracked squeal might've been cut short by the thick appendage distending her neck and sliding back into her stomach but nothing could diminish the wave of ecstasy assaulting her senses. Setting fire to every last nerve within her convulsing body. As unfathomably close as she was to a desperately needed release it was nothing short of absurd that she didn't succumb the moment she was assaulted from every end by ecstasy. Had she not known what came next, had it not been explained in vivid detail only a short while ago, she likely would've lost herself in those moments. But the anticipation of what came next was impossible to deny even when she was a mindless husk fit only for being filled with the eggs of an enigmatic alien species.

And it was that same anticipation that left her completely wrecked when the tentacles filling her ass and pussy emerged in a shower of arousal and slime. Her sloppily gaped holes quivered uncontrollably in the aftermath of their departure, unable to close and messily squirting fluid all over herself, the ground, and every tentacle nearby. Suffused with an all consuming lust she gurgled around the sole remaining appendage inside of her and writhed with complete desperation. She wanted nothing more than to be completely and utterly filled once again. To have all three plunging inside her and destroying every last shred of coherence left in her entirely non functional mind. Which was exactly what she got after a handful of moments. After being made to wait just long enough to heighten her already indescribable need and further reduce her to a plaything. Both of the tendrils hovering so maddeningly close to her holes slammed back inside her even faster than before. They slithered into the depths of her womb and the depths of her guts in a burst of toe curling ecstasy and Ulala was simply beside herself with joy. Though it was only the beginning.

While the unspeakable ecstasy of being filled once again was still reverberating through her body all three tendrils started sliding out once more. Moving in perfect sync with one another they glided out of her trembling holes to leave her completely bereft of their toe curling girth. Yet she didn't have time to lament their absence or do more than draw a single breath before they'd slammed back into her body all over again, moving even faster as they did. The pleasure of being completely filled with slimy tendrils washed over her just long enough to make it all the more frustrating when she was once again wracked by the ecstasy and anguish of them retreating. Feeling three tentacles glided out of her holes simultaneously was beyond amazing and yet the desperation of them retreating entirely to leave her body trembling and her holes gaped wasn't. Or at least, that's how it felt when she'd been reduced to a slavering, pleasure addled mess. She had no comprehension of how much better each and every return felt after those momentary flashes of denial. She might've felt and indeed drowned in the toe curling bliss but her entire reality had been reduced to such a moment by moment existence it was impossible to understand the greater plan. Even as it sent greater and greater swells of ecstasy through her body in a wonderful ebb and flow.

Nothing she'd been told and nothing she'd imagined could've prepared her for what it felt like to be so perfectly and relentlessly ravished by a Trengscala's tendrils. Even if she'd somehow managed to remain completely lucid the sheer, devastating pleasure of being filled by three tentacles simultaneously was beyond description. Beyond her wildest dreams. Constantly left in a state of pleasure wracked angst and mindless desperation on top of the pleasure suffusing every fiber of her being she was a slave to the ecstasy filling her senses. A bouncing, quivering plaything being wracked with the kind of bliss that shouldn't be possible. It was so much more than what'd been described to her and she had no chance of appreciating that fact as she drowned in the joy of it all. The already tumultuous waves crashing down upon her only grew more violent and more incomprehensible as the three tentacles withdrew only to come slamming back inside with even greater force. There truly seemed to be no end to any of it and the longer she was subjected to that ceaseless barrage the more she came to crave it. The more she reveled in every part, even the frustration of feeling the tendrils slide free of her holes in gooey showers of pussy juice and slime. And through it all her body continued to absorb more and more of the aphrodisiac responsible for her madness. Her hormones were beyond out of control and the effect it had upon her convulsing, pleasure wracked body was truly remarkable.

Though time had lost all meaning the moment she stepped into the enclosure the utterly breathtaking speed of her ecstasy was nothing short of mind blowing. Even when her mind was all but gone regardless. Before the Trengscala no other companion had ever been able to make her cum in less than thirty minutes without exception. Yet somehow, in ten percent of that time, she was lost to the abject bliss of a full body orgasm. To an even greater pleasure than she'd ever felt before. Her eyes rolled back in her head until there was no hint of her beautiful blue gaze while every muscle in her body tightened at once. A moment later she descended into the most spasmodic shudders yet as every last atom of her being was consumed by pleasure. Warmth exploded from her pussy in a messy geyser while slime squirted from her asshole in a similar fountain. Spit and goo bubbled from the corners of her mouth as she retched and gagged around the tendril buried in her throat and a newfound strength returned to her previously limp hands.

Clinging to the tendrils around her and screaming so loudly her voice echoed throughout the room she lost herself in the pleasure. In the ferociously crashing waves hitting her one after another so quick it defied comprehension. She didn't even realize the tendrils plunging in and out of her body had stopped pulling out entirely with every retreat. That they'd begun pumping back and forth without ever leaving her bereft of their girth. Ulala simply drowned in the added of pleasure of never going without their writhing touch against her trembling holes as her bliss seemed to continue on forever. Trapped in an even greater ebb and flow she was well and truly lost to bliss suffusing her very soul. There seemed to be no end to it and if she'd been capable of wanting anything she wouldn't have wanted it any other way! Of course if it'd been her choice she wouldn't have changed a single thing about the unfathomable ecstasy that was being ravished by those undulating tendrils. And once again it was fortunate she wasn't left in charge of anything.

Alongside her name, profession, and literally everything else she'd ever known Ulala had completely forgotten about the Trengscala's true reason for bringing her to such a heady state. For utterly flooding her body in hormones and reducing her to a complete wreck of a 'Human'. But she was quickly and wonderfully reminded when she felt the first bulbous deformations within the tendrils endlessly fucking her mouth, pussy, and throat. Just as the highest peaks of her bliss were beginning to wane and some semblance of reality was beginning to creep back in she felt the tentacles inside her plunge into her quivering depths with unerring strength. A second or two later they started to swell and distend like never before, fist sized bulbous growths filling all three of them and further stretching out her already overloaded body.

Lacking the comprehension to look at the appendages around her and see the eggs being pushed through them in steady intervals it felt for all the world like the entire thing had simply started out of the blue. That one moment it'd been perfectly normal and the next she was drowning in an even greater and altogether unique ecstasy as countless, almost perfectly spherical orbs were worked through both the tendrils housing them and her shuddering body. Further straining her quivering holes and just about stretching her to the breaking point she had several unbroken seconds to feel the multitude of eggs about to fill her body. With only an inch or two between each one as they were pushed deeper and deeper into her holes she had more than enough time to comprehend what was about to happen well before the ends of the tentacles peeled open like the petals of a flower. And by the time she was aware of that small yet impossible to miss change it was much too late to do anything. Beyond gurgling in pleasure and gripping the other tentacles around her so tightly all the blood rushed from her knuckles.

Once again in perfect sync three eggs were deposited into the depths of her stomach, asshole, and pussy at the exact same time. She felt all three enter her body amidst a shower of incredibly gooey slime and the sheer insanity of such an indescribable sensation nearly sent her careening into another orgasm. It was so much more intimate and emotional than she imagined. The almost emotionless description she'd been given didn't prepare her for the rush of endorphins that flooded her mind as she was given the gift of life, albeit in a far more lewd way than normal. And as more eggs were pumped into her body the intense feeling of being filled with so many small, unborn entities was almost profound. Even if it came with a veritable deluge of ecstasy as her womb was slowly but surely filled to the brim with her guts and belly were similarly flooded in both goo and unhatched Trengscala young. But no matter how overwhelming the pleasure might've been the emotional toll it took upon her was every bit as incredible and every bit as potent. More often than not the two swirled together in an endless give and take while her belly swelled and her body was positively ravished by convulsions. Neither could drown out the other and both were so unfathomably exquisite they fueled another swell of utter bliss long before the alien beneath her was finished depositing it's eggs.

Once more completely overwhelmed by pleasure and reduced to a thrashing wreck Ulala gurgled and sputtered and moaned as an even greater bliss coursed through her. Warmth continued to gush from her pussy and her body continued to spasm in fits of mindless bliss but the underlying joy filling her senses was so much different. So much more potent and wonderful. Even alongside the lewd pleasure of every tendril inside her swelling to ensure no egg managed to escape and the impossible to fathom sensation of her belly continuing to inflate as her womb, ass, and stomach were filled. The number of eggs filling her body was already far beyond her comprehension and there still seemed to be no end in sight! Not that she had any complaints as she shuddered in abject bliss and clung to the tentacles beneath her hands.

The only time she felt anything even close to disappointment was when the relentlessly distorting tendrils finally stopped distending as the last few orbs were pushed into her thoroughly filled body after several uninterrupted minutes. After her once smooth tummy was so inflated she looked nine months pregnant with twins or perhaps even triplets. But it was only a momentary pang of disappointment as she realized, even in the state she was in, that the pleasure had come to an end. Or at least that's what she foolishly assumed. A goo so thick it was almost solid sprayed from the tendrils soon after they'd finished pumping her full of eggs. It filled every possible space left inside her holes while the tentacles slowly withdrew just far enough to ensure she was completely sealed off. With the sole exception of the one in her mouth. It pulled out entirely to allow her a chance at a proper breath for the first time since it started ovipositing in the first place.

“Now we let your body incubate the eggs.” Her companion helpfully explained. In a few hours the slime will loosen and you'll release the eggs as normal.”

“Hoo-ooray . . .” Ulala gurgled, barely able to comprehend what she was hearing.

“Would you like to continue mating until then? My last partner very much enjoyed it when I continued to mating with her.”

“Yes!” The word had left her mouth before she even thought about it, “Yes! D-Do that! Keep g-going!”

“As you wish.” It's tendril returned to her mouth and Ulala let out a throaty gurgle as it slithered back down her throat, “You only need to squeeze my tentacle twice in quick succession if you wish to stop.”

There was no conceivable reality where Ulala asked him to stop and she spent the next few hours in a fugue state, pleasure coursing through her in an unending stream while she sank deeper into herself until she was all but comatose. Occasionally she returned to reality in a fit of ecstasy when all the stimulation reached a peak but even those wonderful interludes couldn't bring her back for long. Within a couple minutes she invariably plummeted back into the incomprehensible bliss of being utterly ravished by three tentacles for literal hours on end. Though she was denied the satisfaction of it's slimy tendrils reaching into her womb or the depths of her ass or the bottom of her stomach being an incubator for so many eggs more than made up for any loss she might've felt.

At times it managed to be even better as they shifted around inside her and the gooey filling surrounding them sloshed about with every slightest movement. It was such a uniquely thrilling experience it never failed to send her into paroxysms of ecstasy every time she was able to comprehend the sheer lewdness of what'd been done to her. Of course if it was lewdness she wanted nothing could ever compare to what happened when she was finally ready to lay the eggs she'd been carrying. When the viscous slime plugging up her womb, stomach, and ass finally liquefied and all the tendrils inside her withdrew. Somewhere in her barely functional mind she felt the shift and felt the countless offspring within her start to move. But nothing could've prepared her for the sheer onslaught of debauchery that came shortly after she was returned to the ground for the first time in hours.

Gently laid on her hands and knees and left entirely alone by the creature responsible for her state Ulala was wracked by powerful convulsions as her muscles started to spasm. Activated by the same slime that'd kept her from releasing them too early her inner walls were sent into overdrive while she was left to retch and gag and sputter. Long strands of spit drooled from her mouth while pussy juice and the last remnants of aphrodisiac seeped from her cunt and asshole. Before long that especially thick goo was spewing from all three of her holes as her back constantly arched and her entire body shook. Though it started off as little more than a steady dribble as the wholly unbearable pressure of a hundred or more eggs pushing their way out continued to built so did the force of the mess she was expelling.

In no time at all it was erupting out of her in three massive geysers, her throaty gurgles and almost panicked moans completely lost amidst the lewd splashing of liquid across the earth. And for thirty uninterrupted seconds she was left to spray slime from every hole and shake more violently than she ever had in her life. She was left to claw at the ground and convulse in abject bliss even as her lungs cried out for air and tears streamed down her cheeks. All at once euphoric and devastated Ulala couldn't fathom anything else that might happen to her despite knowing full well what was next. She was once again reduced to a creature living solely in each and every moment as she squirted alien goo from her ass, pussy, and mouth like the most perverted fountain in the universe.

Then, just as suddenly as it'd started, the flow of slime gushing from her body stopped. Ulala had all of a moment to suck in a ragged little breath and appreciate the ocean of fluids gently lapping at her hands and knees as she sat there shuddering. A heartbeat later eggs were sputtering out of her holes like rounds from an old fashioned ballistic firearm. One after another they exploded from all three of her holes, each one moving so fast it was a blur of shimmering blue. Suddenly she was retching and gagging and heaving so violently she could barely hold herself upright. Dozens of eggs splashed into the mess she'd spewed forth with every passing second, each and every one stretching open her already wrecked holes as they passed and sending waves of pleasure crashing through her body as they did. It was beyond overwhelming in every conceivable way and in the blink of an eye she was wracked by one last orgasm as the sheer barrage of sensations assaulting her body pushed her right over the edge in an instant.

Her convulsions grew even more desperately unhinged as her inner walls spasmed even more ferociously and she squirted out eggs even faster. Writhing and squirming in a fit of abject madness Ulala finally collapsed into the mess she'd made, her arms giving out long before she was anywhere close to finished releasing all of the young she'd incubated. And as her entire body slammed into the earth and she landed hard on her belly the embryos still within her were sent exploding from her depths at truly impossible speeds. Emerging two or three at a time from her ass and pussy while two constantly erupted from her endlessly distending throat she hastened the entire process and shortened her own ecstasy without even meaning too. All the while wrecking her sanity just a little bit more and turning herself into an even more lewd spectacle.

The handful of scientists that'd gathered above to watch and document were nothing short of awestruck as they watched her spray Trengscala eggs from every hole. Some were even worried as they listened to the animalistic retching and heaving coming from her trembling lips. To say nothing of the wet squelching and even wetter popping as her thoroughly wrecked asshole and cunt were continuously evacuated. But there was little they could do to aid her, especially as she rapidly emptied her body of every last egg she'd been given over the course of a single minute. Only when the last few had dropped from her slackened holes to join the rest sitting in what amounted to the creamy afterbirth all around her did any of the scientists take action. And even then only after taking a few moments to stare in amazement and document Ulala's delirious state as she lay there in the aftermath, twitching and gurgling and all but completely incoherent.

Kraxis Prett was the first to arrive at the enclosure but while her fellow researchers went about collecting the Trengscala eggs and storing them for further incubation and hatching she was focused on the pleasure broken reporter laying amidst the mess, “I should've known it would convince you to take part in our research.”

“She was a willing partner.” The Trengscala remarked.

“I can see that.” The head scientist replied, one head smiling while the other pensively stroked her chin, “Hopefully she'll recover better than the last partners you had.”

“I have no doubt she will.”

“Well that makes one of us.” A rumbling laugh filled the enclosure as Kraxis Prett rolled Ulala onto her back and lifted her into a sitting position. “I'll have a hard enough time explaining this development to her companions even if she managed to regain her sanity.”

“I'd be happy to explain the situation to them.”

“You'll do no such thing!” She said, her stern tone undermined by her light chuckle. “I'm not sending a formerly healthy crew back to Space Channel 5 in a completely catatonic state. I'll explain the situation to them.”

“As you wish.”

A few medical personnel arrived to lift Ulala onto a stretcher and carry her away with Kraxis Prett following close behind. But before she left the enclosure she turned back to the Trengscala and added with another laugh, “I will, however, give them the entire truth. Should they wish to visit you of their own accord I won't stop them.”

“You have my gratitude.”

Both of her heads smirked at that sentiment and she left without another word. Accompanying her half conscious interviewer to the medical wing Kraxis Prett went through all the same procedures they'd employed on the previous Trengscala subjects. And while the effects were more immediately promising she remained skeptical. Eventually she was called away by a fellow researcher, the rest of Ulala's crew was looking for her and it was finally time to fill them in on what'd happened. It was a conversation she'd grown quite adept at since the station had become operational but one she was hardly fond of regardless. Her dour mood would've been considerably improved if she'd remained in the med bay just a little bit longer. Just long enough for their latest patient to regain some measure of coherence in spite of everything that'd happened to her.

Coming alive after what'd felt like an eternity of sleep Ulala grabbed the nearest doctor's arm and pulled them in close, “What . . . how . . . how . . . do I . . .”

“Don't try to speak.” The woman replied in a reassuring voice. “You need to rest and—”

“How . . . do I . . . sign up . . . for more . . . studies?”

Utterly floored by the question the scientist could only stare in disbelief and ask, “W-What?”

Looking more determined and lucid than she had any right to after what'd happened Ulala dazedly asked again, “How do I . . . sign up . . . for more studies? I want to . . . to help with more . . . research . . .”


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