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Sorry this took so long to get out, I had an enormously difficult time actually settling on an idea. I think I started writing about four different stories before finally picking this one and sticking with it lol. Hopefully that indecision and it's relative brevity aren't too big an issue! Oh and anyone not a fan of futa/trans characters should give it a pass!

Beneath the pale blue light of a waning moon a long figure navigated the windswept dunes of the Kolvi Desert, marching ever onward towards the flickering orange light on the horizon. Shrouded by hood and cloak the mysterious stranger moved without hesitation no matter how often they stumbled or slid across the often treacherous sands. Even when the inviting warmth of their destination was hidden from view they pressed on. Thousands of glittering stars watched their passage in silence while the mournful whisper of distant winds filled the long solitude. What little was left of the day's warmth faded as the moon climbed ever higher into the sky. Plumes of misty breath emerged from beneath the figure's hood like jets of dragonfire as they clutched their cloak even tighter about themselves. Yet in spite of the discomfort and in spite of the distance they had left to travel the stranger never stopped for even a moment. Nor did they turn back towards the far larger glow of the vast city they'd come from. With a dogged determination few could claim they walked on, the glow they sought growing larger with every cresting dune.

Laughter and cheers rang out in the night as barrels of freshly plundered grog and newly purchased ale were opened. Shanks of meat sizzled over the open flame and mugs were handed out freely. And when there were none left the men and women of the infamous Kolvi Raiders happily drank straight from the source. In the wake of yet another successful mission and with all the loot such a success brought nothing could dampen their mood nor stand in the way of their celebration. Toasts were made to the companions lost in the battles that'd won them such glory and alcohol flowed liked rivers al throughout their small, tightly knit camp. Though sentries had been posted and the occasional wary gaze was cast outward it was near impossible to focus on anything but the celebration at hand. One by one the handful of guards meant to watch the ever shifting sands around them were pulled into the festivities until every last member of the band was half drunk and barely able to stand. Songs of valor and heroism filled the air as ever more drunken raiders sang of their own accomplishments alongside those of Raiders and even those of heroes long dead. Only their ever vigilant leader abstained from the wild tomfoolery of the night, hidden away in his tent meticulously counting the silver they'd earned and keeping it safe until their next visit to civilization. Until he was disturbed from his task by a commotion on the far side of the camp.

“Oi! Are you seein tha?!”

“I am! Who're you then?!”

“Who goes there?!”

“What's all the yellin about?!”

“Why'd ya stop singin?!”

“Where's me blade?!”

“Where's me axe?!”

“Where're me pants?!”

More and more voices joined the cacophony as the once jovial atmosphere turned to confusion and uncertainty. In the midst of their revelry a cloaked and hooded figure had appeared from the darkness to stand at the edge of the firelight. Although it said nothing and made no threatening moves the battle hardened warriors surrounding the stranger scrambled to ready themselves for a fight. But with dozens of empty barrels of grog and ale strewn about and many of their weapons lying half buried in the sand it was nothing short of pandemonium. Even as the newcomer continued to watch without action from beneath their hood. The longer that mysterious figure remained before them the more chaotic the Orcs confronted with it's presence became. Weapons were found and drunkenly raised into the air by those who could manage the feat while empty tankards, splintered hunks of firewood, and anything else that could strike a decent blow were hefted by all the rest. Yet in spite of their frantic pace and warrior instincts nobody charged the stranger. Those closest to them even stepped back for fear of some magical reprisal, nervously glancing at those around them as they waited for their leader to arrive and make some sense of the oddness that'd so rudely interrupted their merrymaking. The unmistakable quality of their finely embroidered garb only helped to further put them on edge as they looked upon a cloak more valuable than anything they'd ever owned.

Grortmaw emerged from his tent with a knowing smile, walking completely unarmed and unarmored towards the stranger while many of his friends and allies cried out. “What're ya doin?”

“Grab a weapn!”

“I got a spare tankard!”

“Grab a shield!”

“Take me axe!”

“Don't get too close!”

“They could be magic!”

But all the fears and protests fell on deaf ears and Grortmaw continued without fear, walking right up to the stranger to tower above them with a fearless grin. The hood concealing their face slowly fell back as they looked up at him and although no one else could hear it a soft laugh emerged from the darkness shrouding their face. After a moment or two of silently staring he reached out towards the fine silken garb hiding the figure's identity, slowly pushing their hood back to reveal the most beautiful Elven woman any of the Raiders had ever seen.  Her face was plump yet somehow angular and framed by an intricately braided cascade of golden locks. In the warmth of the firelight her deep blue skin seemed to glow with an almost supernatural hue. Adorning her brow was a circlet of moonstones laid into a interwoven band of silver and gold. Earrings of the same beautiful quality dangled from her long, pointed eats. She stared up at their leader with deep, unfathomable eyes of a dark purple, absent any pupils or indeed any white at all. Possessed of a much stronger nose than many an Elf they'd seen and with far more plump lips she was all at once breathtaking and mysterious in the most enticing way imaginable. Many an Orc dropped their weapon the moment they laid eyes upon her and many more stepped closer as they stared at her beauty. When their still grinning leader stepped aside to let them all see the stranger they'd been so afraid of the entire camp collectively sucked in a breath as their confusion turned to delight before they even knew her purpose there.

Though every last one of them stood head and shoulders above her she neither flinched nor shied away from their gaze. Indeed her grin only seemed to widen as she looked at the warriors gradually surrounding her while Grortmaw stood at her back. When he laid his hands upon her shoulders she cast a glance back at him and another soft laugh spilled from her lips. One that sent many a calloused heart fluttering. “What's goin on boss?” One of the warriors asked, “Who's she?”

“She . . .” Grortmaw said with a low chuckle, “Is Khaliri, Queen of Vallthir. And she's come a very long way to visit us . . .”

His words were met with stunned silence followed soon after by incredulous looks as many of his warriors glanced at one another then back at their leader as if waiting for him to tell the truth and reveal it was all a jest. But neither his nor Queen Khaliri's smile faltered for even a moment and before long another voice broke the quiet, “She—yer a Queen?”

“I am.” Her voice was soft yet commanding in a way almost exclusive to Elves and it left many of the Orcs around her all the more enamored.

“What're ya doin here?” Another warrior asked.

Queen Khaliri looked up at Grortmaw for a moment before giving him a small nod. He arched an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side but she just kept smiling at him. “She's here . . .” pausing for dramatic effect he slowly grabbed two fistfuls of her beautifully made cloak, “To be our plaything for a few years!”

His band scarcely had time to appreciate the meaning behind those words, let alone comprehend what they were hearing in the first place, before their leader ripped the cloak from Khaliri's body. Ripping the silken fabric to shreds and laying bare every inch of her unexpectedly naked form he took a step back and laughed at the stunned looks. The very definition of plump and voluptuous the Queen standing fearlessly before them was every bit as beautiful as expected. With wide, shapely hips and deliciously chubby thighs to match her full belly and quite enormous breasts she was exactly the kind of curvaceous picture of womanhood many an Orc lusted over. Had her ears been less angled and her skin a rich shade of green she would've been the perfect image of Kar'nokk, the Orcish Goddess of Sex and Fertility, a notion that only amplified her already incredible allure. Her round, thick rump sent many a jaw dropping while the large, dimpled areolas cresting her softly heaving heaving chest elicited even more desire. They watched her nipples slowly stiffen in the cool air as goosebumps dotted her beautifully soft looking skin. Yet surprisingly her nipples weren't the only thing hardening before their eyes. In a rather unexpected twist that none of them would've guessed yet all of them found somehow even more enticing the fat pussy they'd expected to see nestled between her legs, likely shrouded in a thicket of golden curls, was instead a modestly sized cock and equally modest sack. Neither were what any of her admirers might consider large but that hardly mattered. The former was perhaps five or six inches long and about as thick as two of her delicate fingers pressed together while the latter was a bit more full and round than expected. All of it topped by a neatly groomed tuft of hair just above her member.

Grortmaw's Raiders spent a good few moments staring at the vision of beauty standing before them before someone finally said, “I-I don't get it . . .”

Another voice chimed in with, “She's gonna be our . . . plaything?”

“Or your pet. If you'd prefer.” Queen Khaliri said, her cock twitching a little as she spoke and a bead of arousal leaking from her tip. “Truthfully I really don't mind how you classify it.”

“So long as you fuck her hard and fuck her often.” Grortmaw added. “She'll be traveling with us for as long as she likes. As long as you lot can keep satisfying her. So you'd best do a good job if you wanna keep her around!”

While many of the Orcs staring at them were beginning to understand, their posture slowly changing and their eyes lighting up, others were still struggling to grasp this unexpected surprise. “I still don't get it . . .”

“You want us to fuck you?”

“Like some kinda whore?”

“And yer just gonna travel with us?”

“And let us fuck you whenever we want?”

“Yes.” Queen Khaliri said with a bright yet tender grin. “I'm yours to use to your heart's content.”

More silence followed those words and Grortmaw soon filled it with a warning, “But if I hear any of you lot are mistreatin our plaything . . .” Chills ran down his companion's spines even without him finishing his threat, “As long as you don't do anything she doesn't like? We're good. Now then, Queen Khaliri is relyin on you lot to satisfy her needs. I told her you were up to the task.” Casually walking away from the Elven beauty he was standing behind and back towards his test he added, “Don't make a liar outta me!”

Some of his band watched him depart, their confusion only growing. The rest continued to stare at the breathtaking woman before them. “I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job!” She said with a breathless little smile, “And now that we've finished with introductions, who'd like to start?”

The answer, exactly as she'd hoped, was all of them. Surrounding her in a horde of groping fingers and hastily freed cocks they didn't hesitate to grope, fondle, and squeeze every inch of her plump body they could reach. At least three different, wonderfully calloused hands grabbed her ass, greedily spreading her cheeks and even pushing fingers into her tight yet well trained hole without so much as a moment's hesitation. Even more cupped her massive tits to bounce and jiggle them around. Some pinched her sensitive nipples until she cried out in pleasure, others rolled them between their rough digits, and others still ignored her buds altogether in favor of enjoying the softness of her tits. Though her ferociously hard cock and tightly clenched sack were a bit too small to be enjoyed by more than one Orc at a time the hand that slid beneath her balls to gently squeeze them while cradling her length was more than enough to send another gasp spilling from her lips. In the blink of an eye her legs had slid as far apart as she could manage while her own hands clumsily reached out towards those nearest to her in a mindless bid to reciprocate their affections.

One found a throbbing manhood as thick around as her bicep while the other found a small yet perky breast newly freed from it's tunic. Before she could enjoy either as much as she wanted another hand wrapped around her throat. Yet instead of choking her like she expected and indeed wanted it simply turned her head to the side so another Raider could smother her in an unexpectedly passionate kiss. The sort of kiss that left her knees weak and her whole body trembling within a few seconds. So fast she hardly had time to appreciate the tongue pushing into her mouth or the unique taste of grog and ale that came with it. She just stroked the dick throbbing away in her left hand and eagerly groped the tit in her right while countless others had their way with her for what could've been seconds or hours for all she knew. Their movements grew more and more enthusiastic by the moment as she gleefully responded to their every slightest touch with moans and shudders of pure delight. Thick beads of cum endlessly leaked from her cock as the pleasure continued to mount and it wasn't long before the enticing scent of Orcish loins clouded her nostrils. Both the silky sweet smell of pussy and the musky aroma of cock. Both were deliciously overwhelming all on their own but together they made her head spin and her body shake like few things could.

And as more and more of the band stripped naked around Queen Khaliri was further drowned in that toe curling bouquet, her mind thoroughly overcome in no time and her lust growing so fierce she was little more than a wild animal before them. Had there been even a few less hands hungrily pawing at her body she likely would've pounced on the nearest lover and rode them until one or both of them broke. Thankfully the multitude of Orcs surrounding her were every bit as eager as she was to start enjoying all the possibilities their leader had given and after less than a minute someone decided to lift her off the ground. Hoisted into the air like she weighed as much as a feather she was immediately lowered onto a massive, cock. Her tightly clenched asshole effortlessly spread open for the swollen tip pushing against it and in the blink of an eye she'd been lowered all the way down to the base. A long, breathless squeal erupted from her lips as she sank down that gorgeously thick shaft. It might not have been the longest but the sheer girth of it stretched her so deliciously wide she didn't even notice.

Spurts of arousal erupted from her cock to streak across her first lover's chest and only after messily decorating the Orc's dark grin skin did Queen Khaliri finally look at her companion properly. Finding the grinning face and freshly cum drenched tits of a battle scarred Orcish woman looking back at her was quite the enjoyable discovery to make. Especially as the woman lifted her right back up her fat dick and another, even more well endowed man stepped up to make use of her ass. Another dick was quite unceremoniously pushed balls deep into her already stuffed hole and she was lowered onto both of them simultaneously while a wave of ecstasy crashed down upon her. Crying out in abject delight she grabbed onto the woman before her and leaned back against man behind, thoroughly unable to do anything else while they started thrusted. The simple fact that neither of them started off slow and built to the frenetic cadence she truly wanted only amplified the pleasure of being stretched so amazingly wide. Enough to send her eyes rolling back in her head as she uttered what would be her final scream for quite some time.

Because as soon as they started thrusting in earnest she couldn't make so much as a peep. Not with waves of pleasure coursing through her body as one cock plunged balls deep into her madly quivering ass while the other glided right back out again. The toe curling warmth of their precum alone would've been enough to make her breathlessly squirm, let alone the amazing sensation of it smearing across her inner walls with ever pulse of their shafts. Of the many things she enjoyed about Orcish lovers the thickness and warmth of their seed was perhaps the most immediately gratifying. Within a minute of being ravished by her first pair of lovers the walls of her hole were so thoroughly drenched in their jizz thick strands of it were leaking out of her ass to slop onto the sand in gooey puddles. And that was only the beginning of the fun as their relentlessly pumping dicks churned up the seed left inside her so thoroughly it created an even more goopy mess.

One further exacerbated by their eventual orgasms just a couple minutes after they started. A couple minutes of the kind of dicking she'd long been denied in her home country and exactly the kind of dicking she'd come to the Kolvi Raiders to enjoy again and again and again. Had those first two been the only ones to ravish her that night she likely would've been disappointed by their lack of stamina. But with so many other cocks to satisfy she was actually glad to feel their pricks swelling as their bodies tightened. As both Orcs moved in closer and pinned her between them Queen Khaliri cast a wayward glance at the rest of the band eagerly waiting their turn with her whorish body. Seeing all those cocks and a handful of sopping went cunts sent a violent shiver coursing down her spine, one so perfectly timed it arrived just as both of her lovers slammed their pricks into her ass. While her unfathomably tight inner walls clamped down harder than ever around their shafts both of them growled in pleasure as the first gooey jets of cum erupted from their dicks.

By themselves each load would've been enough to paint her inner walls and send a beautifully erotic warmth flooding through her body but together they were simply heavenly. And when their lengths pulsed again and another fountain of jizz exploded into her body that truly incredible heat only grew more amazing. Almost unbearably so as they continued to dump truly impressive amounts of cum inside her for well over thirty seconds before finally stopping. Thirty seconds of being pumped so full of their seed it was gushing out of her long before they started to withdraw. Every slightest quiver of her out of control body only sent more gushing out while her trembling walls milked them dry. The sand beneath Queen Khaliri was absolutely soaked in Orc cum and huge streams of it were pouring from her madly quivering hole in a constant trickle. Even more so when those first two dicks were finally removed and she was handed off to the rest of the band like the plaything she'd so eagerly become.

But instead of mimicking what'd already been done the next group to make use of her plump, sexually voracious body took a different route. Lowering her onto the cock of an Orc lying flat on their back they pushed her legs into the air until her knees were pressed tight against her chest. A second dick was buried in her ass soon after and both of them, like their predecessors, wasted no time thrusting away to their hearts content. And for a few moments Queen Khaliri was left to enjoy the abject pleasure of being used like a common whore as they alternated their ferocious thrusts. Then she was given another treat when another joined in on the fun. Throwing a leg over her face to straddle her head and grab two fistfuls of her hair the newcomer smothered their pet's face in a hairy, soaking wet pussy. And exactly like all the rest she didn't hesitate to start grinding and gyrating against the Elven slut beneath her, before that same slut could even appreciate the deluge of sweet smelling and even sweet tasting warmth cascading down her cheeks.

Of course as soon as she realized what was happening she didn't think twice about plunging her tongue deep into the cunt pressed so tight against her lips. Nor did she hesitate in going absolutely wild, making full use of the literal decades of experience she had with all manner of sexual debauchery and perverse gratification. Immediately wrapping her arms around the Orc woman's thighs she pulled her even closer as she leaned in. Her tongue was an absolute frenzy both inside and out, darting across every inch of that delicious sex in a frenzy as unpredictable as it was overwhelming. While her newest partner had started off in a position of power after a few seconds she was very much on the back foot as the Elven minx beneath her let loose. Teasing and sucking on her clit only to pull away and lather every inch of her puffy vulva in attention before plunging her tongue back inside for another burst of frenzied motion her ministrations were the perfect mixture of wild and erratic. A constant barrage no sane being could predict yet perfectly calculated to leave her trembling and gasping from breath as her fluids absolutely drenched both of them. Not to mention the Orc lying beneath them. And all the while Queen Khaliri was being absolutely ravished by the cocks frantically slamming in and out of her ass. She was well and truly a sight to behold as she lay there, nobody could take their eyes off even if they'd wanted to.

An infatuation made all the more delicious when Queen Khaliri succumbed to her first, but certainly not last, orgasm of the night. As her many companions would quickly learn drowning in pussy juice as her ass was being split in half by monstrously thick cocks was exactly where their new plaything thrived the most. It was everything she could've wanted from them so perfectly encapsulated within a minute of being subjected to that ecstasy she was bucking her hips and trembling more violently than ever before. Her cock pulsed uncontrollably as it slapped against her lover's skin while a long, gurgling moan filled the air. Although nearly drowned out by the cacophony of other, much more lewd sounds around her nothing could hide how much she trembled nor the way she suddenly stiffened as all those beautifully cresting waves surging through her finally came crashing down at once. Her whole body tightened so sharply it was like she'd turned to stone. Every inch of her innermost walls tightened with such a dramatic force the Orcs enjoying her hole actually gasped in surprise. For just a moment she remained locked in that position. Only her tongue continued to move in it's mindless cadence across the pussy she'd been so generously offered. Then she descended into a wild fit of spasmodic shivers and wonderfully animalistic convulsions as ecstasy set fire to her very soul.

A fountain of almost clear yet strangely glittering cum exploded from her cock, streaking high into the air only come splashing back down upon the woman straddling her face. All the while Queen Khaliri continued to groan like a wild beast while the pair eagerly ravishing her ass did the same. Jet after messily unleashed jet gushed from her dick as it throbbed, many a load milked out by the even thicker shafts slamming into and gliding back out of her ass. Because the deeper she sank into that churning sea of pleasure the more furiously her trembling ring squeezed their dicks and the harder both her lovers thrusted. They could do nothing else when confronted by such an incredible experience. In much the same way the beauty straddling her face grinded even harder. Partly to compensate for the subtle slowing of their plaything's tongue but mostly to bring about her own ecstasy as she teetered so amazingly close to the edge. What'd already been an incredible deluge of delicious Orc arousal swiftly became a veritable flood as she hurtled towards her own ecstasy while the Elven whore beneath her mindlessly lapped at her cunt, drinking down every last drop she could as she continued to unleash a truly impressive amount of spunk. And in a rather lovely turn of events right around the time one woman was regaining her sanity the other was losing it as they quite sloppily traded. Followed not long after by the pair furiously enjoying her ass.

In the blink of an eye her face was dripping with fresh arousal as a geyser of delicious fluids erupted from the pussy she'd been so feverishly licking. The woman straddling her face stopped grinding altogether as her body descended into tight, spasmodic shivers that seemed to wrack her every muscle while she threw her head back and squealed. All the while Queen Khaliri did her best to continue her wild ministrations, while simultaneously gulping down mouthful after mouthful of pussy juice until she was about ready to drown in it. And then her other two lovers reached the limits of their endurance and she was given something even greater. For a handful of truly wonderful moments all three of her companions were caught in the throes of ecstasy while she reaped all the rewards. As cum flooded her already gooey ass and a deluge of warmth soaked her face and hair. She gulped down as much as she could while gleefully basking in every toe curling jet of hot Orc spunk filling her body, making the most of every second for as long as she could get away with. The ecstasy of being flooded with their pleasure from both ends was almost enough to send her softening cock back to full attention.

Between the adrenaline of nearly drowning beneath torrents of arousal and the simple pleasure of getting pumped full of jizz while doing so any exhaustion she might've felt in the post climax afterglow of her own release vanished. Indeed it vanished so quickly she scarcely had time to realize it'd been around, there was so much more joy to have. Even as the woman straddling her face stopped dousing her in those sweet fountains. With two fat cocks buried inside her ass and emptying their balls into her guts with complete abandon she didn't have anything to complain about. How could she? Life was as perfect as could be. A notion that only continued to be true throughout the entirety of their orgasms and well after they'd finally withdrawn. Feeling another cascade of thick Orcish spunk spilling out of her nicely gaped ass was the perfect end to that particular bout of fun. A perfect end and simultaneously a perfect beginning as she was once again passed off to another. This time so she could straddle a well hung woman while another stepped up to slide her cock down a Queen's throat. An enterprising man quickly knelt down behind her to double stuff her asshole and make sure she was well and truly being used to the greatest effect. Although that was only true after two others approached from either side to make liberal use of her previously neglected hands, eagerly wrapping her digits around their pricks and even stroking themselves with her momentarily unresponsive digits.

Fortunately it only took a few seconds for her instincts to kick in, even if her mind was still swimming in a haze of pleasure, and her hands to start gliding along those wonderfully turgid lengths. At the same time she started throating the cock already buried in her throat with just as much enthusiasm. Before her sloppy little gurgles were echoing throughout the camp as she effortlessly sucked off the lucky Orc standing before her. Alongside the soft squish of her enthusiastic stroking and the meaty slap of two cocks being slammed into her ass it was quite the cacophony of lewdness. The desert around them echoed with the sloppy sounds of the sluttiest Elf they'd ever seen passionately enjoying each and every cock available to her. Sucking so hard her cheeks inverted and moving so fast the frantic smack of balls against her quickly joined the other sounds there was no denying how much she enjoyed every last moment of being their plaything.

Not that anyone had any doubts after the second time she squealed and moaned in abject delight as two separate cocks simultaneously flooded her asshole with cum. By that point there wasn't any doubt in their minds what kind of woman she was. Which only made it that much easier for them to treat her exactly the way she wanted, their movements growing rougher as time went on and their groans becoming louder as they let their guard down and really enjoyed themselves. Perhaps a little too much in the case of the pair she was so enthusiastically stroking. Despite only feeling her soft, almost delicate touch and little else both Orcs were fast approaching their limits well before the rest. Before even the lucky woman being sucked off! In what was both a testament to her sexual prowess and a sign they definitely needed this as much as she did that first pair only lasted a couple minutes before hitting their limits. And the moment they loudly announced their impending ecstasy with identical moans Queen Khaliri pulled herself off the dick she was throating for just a moment. Just long enough to smile up at the pair on either side as she brought them to the height of pleasure.

Opening her mouth like a good little whore she closed her eyes and guided their cocks even closer just as the first gooey gets erupted across her blushing face. Her moans quickly joined there as the incredible warmth of their seed splashing across her cheeks and flooding her mouth sent a wave of pleasure coursing through her body. As she gulped down that first mouthful only to open her lips with a wet smack an instant later, all while load after toe curling load streaked across her face. Or soaked into her hair. Or dripped down her cheeks to roll across her tits. Knowing full well everyone was watching and enjoying the sight of her being such an unapologetic slut she made sure to get as much of that fresh, creamy seed across her flushed skin as possible. Despite wanting to gulp it all down like the oh so greedy Queen she was she gave them all the unique, though not for much longer, pleasure of watching an Elf drench herself in Orc cum. And by the time the pair were finished giving her everything they had, by the time she'd so thoroughly milked them dry it was a miracle they could even stand, everyone had gathered around to witness the show like it was the most amazing thing in the world. The cocks already inside her ass were throbbing harder than ever and when her lips returned to the one she'd neglected it too was pulsing so ferociously it nearly actived her long dormant gag reflex as she resumed her wild throating.

From that moment on the rest of the night progressed in a rather predictable, but no less amazing, fashion. At any given moment there was a cock in her mouth, two in her ass, and another two resting in either hand. Sometimes the position would change to better suit the whims of the Orcs beneath and behind her but no matter what else happened she was never without a minimum of five beautifully hard dicks at all times. Excluding the brief moments after one of her lovers had so graciously emptied their balls onto her face, into her ass, or down her throat. But with so many more to satisfy and many a previous lover returning after finding their second or third wind there was never any shortage of throbbing prick to enjoy. Nor any shortage of overwhelmingly hot cum to practically drown in. Either as she gulped it down straight from the source, deliberately guided load after load to splattered as much of her voluptuous body as possible, or simply encouraged them to use her now cavernous asshole to pump what felt like gallons of cum inside her. Every once in a while the small handful of women without cocks stepped up to enjoy her efforts, most often her mouth but occasionally her fingers as well, and their ensuing ecstasy washed away much of the spunk that'd soaked her skin. Which of course meant she had to milk out even more to make up for what was lost and further plaster herself in ever growing layers of jizz. Particularly in the wake of her own ecstasy.

Because whenever she managed to succumb to the sheer bliss of being a whore for an entire warband of lusty Orcs it never failed to light a certain fire within the Queen. To leave her so eager for more pleasure and more cum she was practically insatiable. So much so after her second climax of the night she ended up coaxing them into triple stuffing her asshole and gaping her so wide she could've fucked a centaur without struggling in the slightest. Though without a centaur handy to take up that charge she had to content herself with the many Orcish lovers surrounding her instead. Which was hardly a step down. Especially when it came time for those three cocks to pump her full of another flood of hot spunk so thick and so plentiful it was a surprising she didn't end up puking it all up! It certainly wasn't outside the realm of possibility as her belly subtly inflated, though seemingly unlikely as so much of that warmth drained right back out of her again soon after. Thankfully there was no shortage of cum available and no shortage of lovers eager to give it to her. To give it to her throughout the night and into the wee hours of the morning while she begged for more in every conceivable way. Even as they started dropping to the ground from exhaustion she just kept riding and sucking and stroking with complete abandon, never stopping until there physically weren't any more dicks to enjoy . . .

Grortmaw emerged from his tent just as the first golden rays of sunlight were shining across the horizon. Every last member of his band was strewn about the campsite as if some horrific yet bloodless battle had swept through while he was sleeping. The greatest concentration of sleeping bodies laying sprawled in ungainly heaps was around the smoldering embers of the bonfire. It was there most of the quite incapacitated yet foolishly grinning Orcs were located and it was there he found their newest guest. Laying in the center of a ring of bodies she sat up at the sound of his footsteps and slowly rose to her feet soon after. Every inch of her body was dripping with cum or splattered in slowly drying flakes, her hair plastered to her skin and her face so drenched it was a miracle she could see past the globs of still quite fresh seed dripping down her features. As she clumsily navigated past the many, many lovers around her Grortmaw watched thick beads of jizz cascade down her body. Rolling down her breasts and across her stomach they fell away from her in a endless shower. Some strands continued to dribble past her half hard cock and along her plump, trembling thighs but no matter how long they clung to her body every last droplet found it's way to the sand at her feet eventually. By the time she reached him the trail of gooey seed left in her wake was thick enough to hide anything splattered beneath it, including a few of his unwitting Raiders. Not that any of them seemed to mind as they snored contentedly in the aftermath of what'd been the first of many enthusiastic evening spent in the company of Queen Khaliri.

“How did they fare?” He asked of her.

“They did an admirable job.” She replied in a hoarse tone. Licking up the cum surrounding her lips and wiping away the puddles still clinging to her eyes she smiled at her friend, “I suspect they weren't prepared for my demands.”

“Of that I have no doubt!” Grortmaw laughed.

Queen Khaliri shared his mirth, continuing to grin up at him for a moment or two before suddenly turning her back to him. Although much of the attention she'd enjoyed had clearly focused on the front of her body there was still a hearty smattering of cum drizzled across her shoulders and around her oh so fat rump. She struck a little pose for him and softly giggled at his subtle yet unmistakable reaction, both of them knowing full well what came next. But since she just couldn't help herself after a moment of showing off she slowly reached back to cup her enormous buttocks. Eagerly spreading them apart to reveal just how enthusiastically his band had enjoyed her services she showed off the gaping chasm that used to be her tight little ass. It might not have been stretched as wide as it was the first time they'd met but seeing her fleshy pink inner walls dripping with cum and struggling to close shut as her quivering hole winked in the light of dawn remained a treat all the same. As did the lewd little sputter that came soon after as she pushed some of the cum still sloshing around inside her belly out, a thick jet squirting from her hole to spray across the ground and Grortmaw's feet. And when she could no longer push the gooey fountain turned into a trickle as her momentarily tightened hole returned to the sloppily widened cavern it'd become and all the seed within her continued dribbling out. Thick strands cascaded down her balls and across her now fully hard cock as she squeezed it between her thighs and smiled at him with the same lascivious look as before.

“Then I suppose it falls on me to finish what my band couldn't.”

“I suppose it does.” Queen Khaliri remarked as she turned around to face him. “Perhaps you can show them what it takes to satisfy an Elf?”

“Someday.” He answered, taking her hand and leading her back to his tent, “Today I'd rather have you all to myself!”

Biting her lip and smiling up at him she gleefully followed behind her companion, cheerfully saying, “I hoped you'd say that!” as they disappeared into his tent.


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