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And here we have another example of my indecisiveness being solved by literally rolling a die. So hopefully y'all were in the mood for some sweet sapphic romance this week! 

Oh and this story was based on an image you can find here!

Drakken's gloating laughter echoed through the escape tunnel as he sped away from his lab, once again abandoning Shego to deal with his arch nemesis while he made his escape. Kim tried to pursue like she had so many times before but no matter where she turned or what she tried her smugly grinning rival refused to let her pass. Everywhere she turned she was met with crackling green energy and no amount of evasion nor clever tricks could slip her past. And yet despite the countless opportunities she never pressed her advantage. With wholly uncharacteristic restraint she never seemed to attack, only defend her companion's retreat with unerring focus. Not even when Kim deliberately left herself open to retaliation after throwing a wide punch. Under any other circumstances she would've assumed Shego saw through her ploy but this time was different.

Something else was going on as her enemy simply shoved her away without seizing that golden opportunity. Especially as the sound of her boss' maniacal laughter began to fade and the smile lighting up her pale green face twisted into something her foe had never seen before. Almost like she was happy to be left alone with the woman she'd lost countless fights to over the years. That alone was enough to throw her mortal enemy off balance as she finally retreated for a moment to gather her bearings and assess the situation. The simple fact that she wasn't pursued deeper into Drakken's lab was cause for concern but it was that worrying smile that truly made her pause. Anything that made Shego grin so cheerfully had to be cause for alarm.

“What's your game?!” She demanded, raising her guard and watching her enemy like a hawk.

“There's no game.” Shego replied, lowering her guard to stand with one hand on her hip and the other hanging at her side.

“Like I could ever believe that!”

“Well you should. Now that Drakken's gone we don't have to pretend any longer.”

“What are you talking about?!” Her voice immediately rose in pitch despite her best efforts while the flush creeping into her skin further betrayed her.

Shego's smile widened as she brushed her silky black hair from her face, “Don't play dumb Kim . . . we both know what I'm talking about!”

Refusing to acknowledge what she was saying even as her cheeks turned a furious shade of red and her heart skipped a beat Kim sprinted towards her rival. Her first punch was effortlessly blocked. The second was dodged. And her sweeping kick was leapt over with ease. Before she could recover her foe knocked her back with a single kick to the chest. She rolled away from the blow and sprang to her feet still blushing, “Your games won't work on me!”

“No? They seemed to work on you a month ago!” For the first time since Kim arrived Shego actually pressed forward, lunging towards her with a glowing green strike followed by a flurry of blows her oh so distracted enemy barely managed to avoid. “When you kissed me on that mountain after we nearly—”

“Th-That wasn't anything!” Kim retaliated, launching into a wild assault of carelessly chosen attacks as her embarrassment got the better of her. “I-I wasn't thinking clearly! It was the a-adrenaline! I never meant to kiss y-you!”

“Is that what you've been telling yourself since it happened?” Letting her companion tire herself out with a flurry of blows that never came came close to landing Shego retreated until Kim was done, then immediately launched a counterattack. “I suppose I shouldn't be surprised!”

“What does that mean?!” She demanded, thoroughly unable to resist the obvious bait as she barely managed to block and dodge her foe's onslaught.

Leaping back fo fold her arms and coyly shrug Shego turned her head away and cheekily replied, “What does it matter? We're pretending that kiss never happened aren't we?”

“Of course not!” Pressing forward in a thoughtless attempt to capitalize on her enemy's relaxed stance Kim was quite easily rebuked as her emotions and uncertainty continued to get the better of her. “I just wish it hadn't!”

“Now you're just being cruel!” Shego laughed.

“Stop talking!” Kim replied in a flustered tone, “I know what you're trying to do!”

“Is that right?”

“You're trying to trick me! To throw me off so you can beat me!”

“Oh really?” Ducking a wildly thrown punch and knocking Kim to the ground with a sweeping kick Shego loomed over her with a smile, “Well if that was my plan I'd say it's working pretty well!”

Kicking at her foe with a handspring Kim finally managed to slip past Shego to find herself on the right side of lab with Drakken's escape tunnel nearby. Yet rather than pursuing him down it she recklessly focused all her efforts on her real foe, “Shut up! You won't trick me with these mind games!”

Her words were met with more infuriating laughter and despite some part of her knowing she was being goaded into overextending she couldn't help but do exactly that. The memories of that fateful encounter hadn't left her thoughts since it happened, no matter how hard she tried. Reliving them again now, with the woman she'd so thoughtlessly kissed, couldn't have been more conflicting. “What's the matter Kim? Afraid to acknowledge how you really feel?”

“Shut up!”

“Or maybe that was your first time kissing—”

“Shut up! You weren't my first kiss?”

“Of course not.” Dodging and turning away another flurry of attacks Shego grabbed Kim's wrist as she threw a wild punch and pulled her companion in. With their lips almost touching and their bodies pressed tightly together she spoke in a coaxing whisper, “But it was your first time kissing a woman . . . wasn't it?”

Somehow blushing even harder Kim pulled herself out of Shego's grasp and stumbled away from her, trying and failing to hide the truth as asked, “What are you trying to prove?!”

“I'm not trying to prove anything.” Her rival answered, once again folding her arms and smiling at her without the slightest hint of concern on her beautiful face, “I just want you to admit the truth?”

“Why do you care?!”

Shego's eyes seemed to sparkle and her smile took on an impishness that made Kim's stomach flip and her heart beat even faster. “Don't ask stupid questions.”

Kim sucked in a sharp breath and for just a moment dropped her combat stance entirely. Standing upright and looking at Shego as confusion and uncertainty swirled through her she was truly at a loss for words. But that didn't stop her from clumsily trying to speak anyways, “I don't . . . that's not . . . you can't . . . I . . . I . . .”

Fortunately she was spared from further embarrassment when her rival let out a chuckle and started sauntering towards her. Though she immediately dropped back into a battle ready stance, her fists raised into the air and adrenaline pumping through her veins, Kim wasn't met with the same response from her foe. If anything Shego seemed to completely ignore the obvious threat as she approached, her smile just about reaching her ears and her posture more relaxed than ever. Which only further disarmed her flustered companion as she was torn between launching into more fruitless attacks or lowering her guard in spite of all her instincts and training. Under any other circumstances she never would've considered the latter for even a moment but as she watched her long time rival approach with a complete lack of hostility it was difficult not to relent just the tiniest bit. Especially when a faint breeze swept through the lab and she caught a whiff of that same lavender scent she'd smelled while they were huddled together in a cave trying to outlast a deadly blizzard. Try as she might Kim couldn't help but drift back to that day, her heart pounding like it had when she looked into her rival's eyes. Her stomach filling with butterflies as she leaned forward without thinking. Her eyes slowly drifting shut as the woman beside her did the same and all that animosity melted away for just a moment. She'd thought about it so often since it happened slipping back to that memory was as easy as breathing. Which was exactly what Shego expected.

Restraining herself just long enough for Kim to completely drop her guard as a wistful twinkle filled her eyes she pounced the very moment her rival was at her most defenseless. By the time her foe realized what was happening she was already tumbling towards the floor. She slammed down hard against the cold metal beneath her feet, all the air rushing out of her lungs in a single gasp. Stars danced in her eyes and despite knowing she was in mortal danger, or rather assuming as much, she couldn't do anything but softly wheeze as Shego lay atop her. Nor could she bring herself to react as her navel baring black top was pushed even higher up her stomach. Though her heart skipped a beat and a whirlwind of conflicting emotions coursed through her it wasn't until she felt the warmth of Shego's breath against her stomach that she finally managed to react. Just as the perky contours of her breasts were being revealed she managed to find her voice and the tiniest flash of strength.

“Don't!” She groaned, knocking away her rival's gloved hands and grabbing her shoulders.

Before she could do anything more than that her own hands were knocked away as Shego grabbed her wrists and forced them down against the floor. Slowly leaning in and staring at her with an almost electrifying intensity she softly asked, “Why not?”

Kim truly couldn't think of an answer to that question. Not with the soft warmth of Shego's body pressing down upon her as she straddled her waist and pinned her arms to the ground. And certainly not with her soft green lips mere inches away and her silky black hair falling down her face in a luxurious cascade that framed her gorgeous features in the same femme fatale look that'd inspired their kiss the first time around. Yet in spite of all that her nervousness and uncertainty still got the better of her as she blurted out the first thing she could think of, “Because you're Drakken's henchwoman!”

“That didn't stop you the first time . . .” Shego moved in just a little bit closer and Kim blushed even deeper.

“W-We can't . . .”

“Why not?”


“That's not a reason . . .”

“Y-Yes it is!”

“No it isn't . . .  and unless you give me a good reason . . . unless you can actually tell me to stop . . . I'm gonna kiss you again . . . and this time I won't stop at just a kiss . . .”

Both terrified and elated by those words Kim struggled to comprehend her own feelings. She wanted to kiss Shego and she'd thought about doing more than kissing plenty of times. And yet her complete lack of experience with other women, not to mention her relatively tiny amount of experience with all things sexual, left her almost paralyzed with uncertainty. The fact that they were or at the very least had been mortal enemies for so long barely registered in her mind. She was far too busy fretting over the immediate cascade of feelings rushing through her too quickly to handle. And because she was so wrapped up in herself she failed to see the little flashes of nervousness within Shego's eyes. All those tiny signs that her outwardly confident companion was wracked with at least some of the same nervousness as her. In fact it never even occurred to Kim that she might be putting on a brave face and acting composed to hide her true feelings. That in spite of everything the woman above her was every bit as terrified as she was and quietly praying that her longtime rival wouldn't say no. That she wouldn't do the sensible thing and refuse to be a part of this strange, exhilarating new experience. But she did catch the tiniest glimpse of that uncharacteristic fear when she finally managed to speak again after what felt like an eternity of waiting with bated breath.

“I . . . I can't . . . I-I want . . .”

Certain she was about to be rejected Shego let go of her wrists and started to pull away. Suddenly fearful of losing her and the moment she wanted so desperately to share Kim let out a quiet gasp as she interlocked her fingers with her companion's and stopped her dead in her tracks. “Kim?”

“Shego . . .”

Something passed between them as they stared into each other's eyes. Both of them leaned towards each other like they had before, “You can still say no . . . if you want to . . .”

“I don't want to . . .”

“Good . . .”

Their lips reunited in a swell of passion that sent a bolt of pleasure coursing through their bodies. Time had not dulled the excitement of that first kiss. If anything  the exhilaration they felt was somehow even stronger than before. What'd been a silly little spur of the moment thing brought about by a rush of thoughtless hormones was suddenly planned. Suddenly deliberate. Suddenly real. Every second they spent kissing each other was another second spent basking in that new purpose. Kim had never expected things to go this far and despite her confident attitude neither had Shego. In a very real sense they were both in uncharted territory as their lips slowly parted and their tongues emerged only to find the other already waiting. Identical smiles lit up their faces as they instinctively retreated for a heartbeat or two only to immediately push forward again take things even further.

In the span of a few wonderfully exciting moments their tongues were coiled together as the rest of their bodies slowly but surely pressed together in the same way. Before either of them really knew what they were doing they'd wrapped their arms around the other, soft moans echoing throughout the empty lab. Although it sent nervous chills down her spine and an embarrassed flush creeping into her cheeks Kim timidly bucked her hips, pressing herself against the comforting warmth of Shego's body as she straddled her. It wasn't anything she consciously thought to do, just an unexpected little urge she couldn't help but fulfill in the heat of the moment. In much the same way her companion responded with a soft moan and a gentle, slow gyration. Grinding against her just long enough to let her know it was anything but unintentional she only stopped because their lips broke apart and their eyes fluttered open. Once more staring at each other as their soft gasps and breathy whimpers filled the air both of them were momentarily at a loss. But it didn't last long.

Shego moved in for another kiss her partner was all too happy to share but instead of simply holding her nervous lover close she took things a step further. A few steps further in fact. Kim scarcely had time to appreciate how amazing her partner's caress felt gliding across her stomach and along her sides, even through the body suit still covering her fingers, before she was treated to the unfamiliar sensation of someone else touching her breasts for the first time. The soft, gentle pressure of her strong fingers cupping and squeezing was unlike anything she'd ever known. It was a thousand times better than what little experience she had with herself. Feeling those gloved digits exploring every inch of her chest, slipping deeper beneath her top couldn't have been more thrilling. Moaning before she could help herself and arching her back even higher she pressed herself against her companion's hands as her toes curled and goosebumps erupted all across her skin. Although her first instinct was to shy away from such a bold and unexpected move her instincts won out against her still nerve wracked mind. And she was rewarded for that utter lack of thought when Shego's thumb and forefinger closed around her almost painfully stiff nipples.

Once more struck by another bolt of pleasure it was suddenly Kim's turn to break their kiss as she turned away from her partner, her eyes flaring open only to nervously shut again. She felt a soft breath against her neck a moment before Shego's lips planted a soft kiss just above her collarbone. Somehow her back curved even higher as she sucked in a sharp breath only to let it out in a long whimper. She felt a rush of cool air across her skin as her top was pushed up to reveal her gently heaving breasts. Yet another wave of embarrassment crashed down upon her as she realized her companion could see everything. That her her small, unimpressive chest was on full display for another person. Any more bashfulness she might've felt evaporated the second she felt her partner's lips planting another soft kiss on her newly bared chest. Her simultaneously unexpected yet not the least bit surprising affection was met with a sudden gasp and a full body shiver as the beautiful young woman beneath her squirmed in surprise and moaned in delight.

Shego gave her another kiss, just above her wonderfully puffy, beautifully oversized areola and relished in just how frantically Kim shook from so simple a touch. Knowing full well what the answer would be but too delighted by the prospect of hearing it to care she pulled away from her lover just a bit and asked, “Do you want me to stop?”

“No!” Kim moaned. Speaking before she'd fully comprehended the question and much too overwhelmed to be embarrassed by her eagerness she looked up at Shego with those gorgeous green eyes and her cute face glowing bright red, “Keep going . . . it feels . . . amazing!”

So much more aroused by those words than she expected Shego couldn't help but moan as she swooped in for another kiss. Teasingly pinching Kim's nipples and covering her breasts with each hand she pushed her tongue into her mouth and gleefully lost herself in the fun. To her delight and no small amount of surprise it didn't take long for her companion to follow suit. In her own way. She might not have had any practical experience but there was no pretending she didn't know what she wanted as she threw her arms around her partner's body. For a moment or two she was content to simple feel the muscular contours of her shoulders beneath her suit, to feel how they shifted with every subtle movement. Basking in that wonderful feeling as much as the waves of pleasure coursing through her with every movement of Shego's fingers and tongue Kim was once again guided by instinct and all the unrequited desires she'd harbored for years. One hand slid down her partner's subtly arched back to eventually find her amazingly toned yet still gorgeously soft ass while the other shifted even higher to feel her silky tresses. It was only as she grabbed a nervous handful of Shego's bubble butt that Kim had a rather obvious realization, one that immediately saw her fingers pulling away.

Her companion felt that abrupt retreat and smiled, assuming it was more nerves keeping her from doing what they both wanted. “What's the matter?”

“My gloves . . . they're in the way.”

“Why don't we fix that?” Reaching back to grab her wrist and pull it into view Shego playfully bit down on the fingertip of Kim's glove. Tugging it just far enough to loosen the fabric she switched to the next finger, then the next, the next until it was barely clinging to her hand. All the while her beautifully stunned lover just watched with a nervous smile. She pulled the entire thing off a moment later, with her teeth of course, and tossed it aside, “How's that?”

Immediately caressing Shego's face for the first time and slowly licking her lips Kim quietly replied, “So much better . . .”

Her companion leaned into that gentle touch without even thinking and even kissed her partner's thumb as it brushed across her lips. “Good . . . let's get the other one too . . .”

“What about your suit?”

“We should take care of that too.”

“C-Can I do it . . .”

Both of their hearts skipped a beat at those words and Shego immediately wrapped her up in another kiss before pulling back and saying, “I was hoping you'd say that!”

Although it seemed like the exact opposite thing either of them wanted Shego moved away from Kim and stood up. Her companion quickly followed, smiling at her and even moving in for another kiss after a moment or two. One her lover was more than happy to share. But before either of them could be swept away by the pleasure they broke apart and Shego wordlessly turned around. Pulling aside her jet black hair to reveal the zipper running from the nape of her neck all the way down to her buttocks she smiled at the red faced look on Kim's face. Thankfully she was tactful enough to avoid commenting on her trepidation. Instead she simply laughed as her partner reached out. Her hand was trembling so much it was a miracle she could grip the zipper let alone pull it down. Against all odds she managed both and within a few seconds the smooth, muscular contours of Shego's back were revealed to her inch by beautifully pale green inch. Every passing second saw both of their hearts beating a little faster and both of their chests heaving a little harder. By the time her hand came to a stop and the barest hint of her partner's taut buttocks were revealed they were visibly trembling with excitement and breathing as hard as they ever had. Not even their most furious battles had left them so labored!

And that was nothing compared to the rush of adrenaline they felt when Kim reached up to pull apart Shego's suit at the shoulders. Timidly yet deliberately sliding them down to reveal even more of her lithely muscled body she almost lost her nerve at least twice before the green and black fabric was hanging around her partner's waist. When her still lightly chuckling companion pulled her arms free of the sleeves and thus laid bare her entire upper body Kim sucked in another sharp breath. Half expecting Shego to turn around at any moment she continued nervously tugging at and pulling on her suit, all the while trying her best not to stare in spite of the circumstances. Of course she failed miserably the instant she laid eyes on her partner's shapely buttocks. Completely lacking any underwear at all every inch of those perfectly sculpted cheeks were on full display the moment the cloth hiding them fell away and she truly couldn't get enough. Neither could her partner, though she was considerably more quiet in her enjoyment as she basked in the adoration of the woman undressing her. While at the same time feeling an unexpected and uncharacteristic flash of shyness. Particularly when her suit slipped past her waist to all but fall down her legs. As it crumpled to the floor at her feet and she stepped out of it Shego couldn't help but let out a nervous little moan. The same nervous little moan Kim let out when the woman she'd once considered an enemy turned around to face her.

With a boldness she could never hope to match she revealed not only her small, perky breasts but the long, smooth stretch of stomach leading down to a neatly groomed tuft of black hair nestled above the single most beautiful thing Kim had ever seen. Half hidden between her muscular thighs Shego's gorgeously plump sex was simply mouth watering. Her outermost lips were so much thicker and more full than she expected while the dark green folds within were everything she'd fantasized about during many a lonely night by herself. Of course the rest of her body was nothing short of gorgeous as well, wonderfully muscular without being bulky. Shapely and curvaceous in all the ways that left her weak at the knees. No matter where she looked there was something to make her heart skip a beat and her head spin just a little bit faster. The urge to bend down and taste everything from the swollen bud at the crest of her pussy to her small, dark green nipples was almost overwhelming. She was only stopped by her utter lack of experience and the unfounded certainty that she wouldn't know what to do once she actually started doing it. Fortunately for her Shego was more than familiar with all those feelings and more than happy to help alleviate them.

“Don't think about it . . .” She whispered. Stepping closer and reaching out to cup her nervously smiling partner's face with both hands she added, “Just enjoy the moment and do what comes naturally . . . I promise it isn't hard!”

“Okay . . .”

A heartbeat later they were sharing another kiss as Kim shyly wrapped her arms around Shego's naked body for the first but hopefully not last time. Very much trying to do what came naturally, to point that she was almost overthinking her own desires, she slowly grabbed as much of her companion's ass as possible, squeezing and groping and fondling to her heart's content. Everything about the soft firmness of her rump and the supple way it quivered against her fingers was intoxicating. But getting to feel the rest of her lover's body shiver at her touch was something else entirely. Words really couldn't do it justice and while she might've tried to find them at first after a few more seconds of passionately kissing and clumsily pawing at the woman she'd come to adore all her thoughts faded away. The haze of pleasure and excitement clouding her mind only grew thicker with every second they spent standing there. Every second she spent enjoying the taste of Shego's tongue in her mouth. Or the incredibly soft warmth of her body pressed so tightly against her own. She didn't think twice about the fact that she wasn't naked nor did she give any thought to actually undressing. With her own breasts completely exposed and comfortably squished against her lover's that was about all the nudity she needed. And in a truly wonderful turn of events the woman she was holding seemed every bit as content as she was. At least regarding how much or little clothing either of them wore.

She was, however, insatiably eager to do more than simply kiss her companion and it didn't take long for that appetite to send her hand sliding into the waist band of Kim's pants. Barely five seconds in fact, just long enough for her to be completely taken aback by Shego's surprisingly soft fingers brushing against the tiny little strip of reddish brown hair above her sex. Enormously glad she'd taken the time to trim a few days ago while simultaneously wracked with uncertainty she was at something of a loss in the first few moments. Although she wanted everything that touch promised and more her nerves were absolutely out of control and her head was spinning so fast she felt like she was going to pass out. Her whole body trembled for a moment, them seemingly melted into her lover's as a timid little whimper spilled from her lips. All within the span of a moment or two and all before she felt the truly remarkable pleasure of another person's fingers gliding across her clit. As soon as she felt that amazing surge of ecstasy nearly all of her trepidation vanished. Tightening so quickly it was almost comical her once trembling muscles sent her entire body stiffening like she'd just been electrocuted as a wave of pure bliss surged through her.

No, it wasn't a wave. It was a lightning bolt. But even stronger. Once again like nothing she'd ever felt, not even when trying this very same thing on her own. With a single touch Shego had completely overwhelmed her senses and there was no doubt in eithe rof their minds that she'd stop at a single stroke of her delicately moving fingers. In the time it took Kim to have that though her lover had already started a slow, tender rhythm that sent even more pleasure coursing through her wildly unprepared body. Moving in small circular motions that never seemed to go too fast and never seemed to go too slow she all but perfectly matched the once timid yet now uncontrollable desire burning inside her lover's body. All through little more than instinct and the knowledge that her quite inexperienced partner likely couldn't handle anything more. Not that she had any qualms taking it slow and building up to something greater. Feeling the warm deluge of arousal coating her fingers with every stroke and hearing the soft little moans spilling from her companion's lips was without a doubt one of the most intoxicating thing s she'd ever known. So much so she hardly cared when they stopped kissing as the pleasure grew too great for her to bear within a minute.

Pressing her forehead against Shego's and softly whimpering her name as her labored breathing echoed throughout the quiet lab Kim was pushed closer and closer to the edge of something big. Something she could quite easily comprehend yet something that left her quite overwhelmed regardless, especially as she looked into her partner's eyes and saw the smile lighting up her face. Without really thinking about her actions or how embarrassing they were she clumsily unbuttoned the front of her pants with one hand. She might've used both had she not been clinging to her lover for dear life.  Yet in spite of awkward bumbling she managed to get them open soon enough and in no time at all they were sagging down her shapely hips and revealing the plain white panties she'd worn for the mission. Panties now so thoroughly drenched with her arousal they were all but completely transparent. A fact her lover was more than happy to enjoy as she looked down at Kim's trembling sex before staring back into her eyes with a soft laugh. But that mirth didn't last long as Shego was quickly swept up in another, almost desperate kiss as the woman barely standing before her was wracked with another full body shiver. One that sent her own hands roaming across her body in a mindless fit of desire. One that sent her left hand sliding between her companion's equally drenched thighs to find her completely untouched pussy to start rubbing it as fast and as eagerly as she could manage.

Guided entirely by and relying solely on how good it felt when she gave herself the same attention Kim was instantly amazed at how another woman's body felt. How different yet similar it was, how much adrenaline the simple act of touching sent through her, how wet both of them were, and how happy she was to finally be doing such a thing. Although that joy was hardly evident as she brought their kiss to an end to ask, “D-Does that feel good?”

“Yes . . .”


Her tone wasn't doubtful but rather surprised and more than a little elated. It made Shego laugh and put an even wider smile on her face. After giving her a quick kiss and caressing her face she said, “Yes . . . now stop worrying about . . . just enjoy the pleasure . . .”

“Okay . . .”



Doing her best to follow that undeniably good advice Kim was left to wonder and worry if she could even manage that much. For all of a few seconds. Because with near unrestricted access and absolutely no reason not to take full advantage of that fact Shego quickly and enthusiastically made her lover squirm as her fingers glided across not only her clit but the entirety of her cute little pussy. Moving just fast enough to leave her completely overcome by the pleasure yet just slow enough to not overwhelm her entirely she kept her companion in a constant state of surprised delight, her own pleasure fueling every movement just as much as her desire to satisfy her lover. She might've had more experience with this sort of thing but all the experience in the world couldn't change the emotional impact of finally enjoying the touch of someone she cared about. Someone she'd cared about for quite some time yet had only recently been able to acknowledge those feelings. With that little boost of pleasure added on top of everything else Kim could've been completely incompetent and her partner still would've moaned and whimpered as her own pleasure climbed ever higher.

Fortunately for both of them she was far from incompetent. Though she lacked confidence the gentle stroke of her fingers across her clit and the adorably nervous way she pushed into the depths of her sex without every fully committing was almost perfectly suited to the kind of teasing Shego had often enjoyed. Perfectly on the right side of frustrating that timidness sent arousal running down her thighs in ever greater quantities. Both of their hands were completely soaked afer a few seconds and the sweetly overwhelming scent of one another's arousal so completely clouded the air around them it was impossible not to breath it in with every breath. Neither of them even tried to avoid the intoxicating scent however. If anything they basked in it. Even the still quite unsure of herself Kim was able to close her eyes and suck in as deep a breath as she could as the toe curling fragrance of her lover's pussy filled her nostrils. Of course she didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Those soft green digits gliding across her pussy and so mercilessly teasing her clit were only getting faster with every passing second, none too subtly spurred on by her own fingers in ways she could all but control as she timidly responded in kind.

A more bold woman might've capitalized on that fact in some way or really done anything with that knowledge. But she was much too shy to think of anything like that. Instead she simply enjoyed how in tune they were with one another while simultaneously doing her best to remain upright as her pleasure rose to near unbearable heights. Her pants were all but completely soaked with her arousal after a couple minutes and with no end in sight, hopefully, there was no telling how much more of a mess there'd be. Looking down at seeing just what a sloppy wreck her clothes had become probably would have sent her cheeks flushing in embarrassment and her eyes darting away from the sight had she not caught a glimpse of both Shego's cutely quivering pussy and the ever growing puddle of warmth spreading between her feet. Seeing all the undeniable proof she was doing a good job and watching even more cascade down her muscular legs was both more thrilling than she could've expected and quite reassuring. So much so she actually managed to push her uncertainty even further away as she looked back into her companion's eyes and they shared a quiet little smile.

Seeing that now familiar sparkle in her lover's gaze and feeling her fingers moving even faster across her pussy certainly helped too. As did the sight of Shego's hand moving beneath her soaking wet panties, constantly shifting in an endlessly unpredictable frenzy that made it harder and harder to think with every passing second. Everything was still so unexpected, so spur of the moment, even the little things like that were enough to add to the haze clouding her thoughts and drowning her mind. And yet it was all the emotional pleasure coalescing with the physical that really sent her careening towards the edge of an orgasm unlike anything she'd ever felt. The intense and almost unbearable passion coursing through her as she finally did more than simply pine for the woman standing before her. As she moved in for another kiss and found her tenderness gladly reciprocated in a way she'd always fantasized about. Actually it was even better than her fantasies. In damn near every imaginable way. Her fantasies didn't smell so heavenly, didn't taste so good, didn't feel so soft, didn't sound so happy, didn't look so beautiful.

“Shego!” Kim whimpered, her body tensing even more and her voice sharply rising in pitch. “Shego!”

“I know . . .” Her companion replied. Moving in for another kiss and further overwhelming her in those last few moments before she was completely lost she only pulled back to softly whisper, “Cum for me!”

Hearing those words whispered with such enthusiasm, like something out of her wildest fantasies, was more than enough to send Kim right over the edge before they'd even finished echoing throughout the lab around them. Grabbing on to her lover with both hands and holding on for dear life she managed to cry out Shego's name one more time before succumbing to her ecstasy. Completely and wholeheartedly overwhelmed by the pleasure of her first orgasm with another person she buried her face in her lover's shoulder and moaned like never before. A deluge of warmth seeped from her pussy to drench her already soaking wet pants while her hips bucked and spasmed and gyrated in an uncontrollably frenzy of movement. Entirely consumed by instinct her spasmodic twitches were as uncontrollable as they were adorable and the constant pressure of her companion's fingers across her pussy never failed to see her shaking in truly mindless bursts.

The only thing keeping her upright as her knees buckled and her whole body shook was the strong yet gentle touch of the woman that'd brought her to such a mind blowing high. With one hand comfortable nestled between her tightly clenched thighs no matter how hard she pressed them together and the other cradling her back Kim wasn't going anywhere unless she actively tried to push her companion away. And with her own hands wrapped so tightly around her both of them were struggling to breath before long that wasn't happening. Nor could it happen for the better part of a minute as she was swept away in the ebb and flow of an ecstasy she'd only ever heard about from other people. Or seen in a very select few videos she had saved on her computer. The kind that made her toes curl so hard they cracked. Or her muscles spasm so ferociously it was a wonder Shego could hold on to her. All while simultaneously seeing her slumping against her partner in a barely functional heap between swells of ecstasy.

She was well and truly a slave to the pleasure setting fire to her nerves and clouding her mind. There was no telling how long it actually lasted in the heat of the moment and she couldn't possibly bring herself to care. Every frantic heartbeat spent writhing in pleasure with the woman she adored was better than the last. Even the slowly measured winding down that came after the absolute frenzy was nothing short of beautiful. Feeling the same fingers that'd made her scream gradually lessen their movements at the same moment the peaks and valleys of her ecstasy started to diminish was the most perfect ending to their first time. Kim honestly couldn't have pictured a better experience than that and although she couldn't begin to show that appreciation she could still plant soft, clumsy kisses all along her lover's neck. And eventually start whimpering her name when she managed to catch enough of her breath to speak again.

“Shego . . .” Finally pulling her fingers away from Kim's pussy to just hold her close and smile Shego didn't respond at first, genuinely unsure what to say or how to express her feelings. Thankfully the woman she was holding summed things up quite nicely. “That . . . that was . . . amazing . . .”

“Yes it was . . .”

Holding on just a little bit tighter for a moment before gathering enough strength to lift her head and meet her partner's eyes Kim's more nervous side returned in force, “But you didn't get to finish . . . I-I'm sorry I was so selfish . . . I didn't think—”

Interrupted by a kiss and swept away in the passion of that kiss she lost her train of thought almost immediately and it didn't return until they broke apart again, “Shut up.”


“I don't care if I didn't 'finish'.” Shego laughed. “This was everything I wanted. Everything I hoped it would be.”

“Oh . . .”

“Was it the same for you?” Although she already knew the answer a fit of uncertainty and nervousness still plagued her as she waited to hear it.

“Yes!” Kim replied without hesitation. “It was amazing!”

“Then who cares if I 'finished'? That's the least of my worries.”

Both of them leaned in for another lengthy kiss and when they pulled away from each other her shyly smiling partner couldn't help but nod, “Okay . . .”

“And if really means that much to you . . . we have more than enough time. Drakken's not coming back to this place . . .”

Kim's heart skipped a beat and her cheeks darkened. She looked around the lab for a moment or two before metting Shego's lascivious stare, “I-Is there a bed somewhere around here?”

“Of course.” Sweeping her lover off her feet and carrying her like a blushing bride away from the main floor and towards the small yet beautifully furnished bedroom she'd set up a few days earlier Shego kissed Kim yet again and said, “I hope you don't have anywhere to be tonight!”

“Not anymore!” She replied. “I'm all yours!”

“I love the sound of that!”

“Me too!”



Love how it turned out. So glad my submission was picked.


I'm thrilled you liked it! Although you'll have to thank my six sided die for your idea getting picked lol