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And here we have the second of two Veronica centric Christmas stories. Like I said in the first one this isn't a sequel to the other. They're just both centered around the holiday and the infamous matriarch of the Sweet family. I hope y'all enjoy this more romantic, and much longer, escapade!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays!

With only a few days left until Christmas the holiday cheer was almost at it's peak in the Sweet house, at least for Henry. While he was singing every carol that'd ever been written and bouncing around the kitchen preparing everything for the party later that evening Jack and Sarah were doing their best to ignore his embarrassing yet infectious cheer while Veronica was doing her best to go along with it all and not sour the moment too much. Only Teddy shared his good spirits as he returned home carrying a final bag of groceries laden with chips, dip, and everything else a good party needed. And the moment he set one furry foot inside their home his cheerfully out of tune voice joined Henry's and the caroling only intensified. Although his wife and children didn't participate unless dragged into it, usually whenever they were foolish enough to stray near the kitchen for even a moment, and they did their best to avoid him until the preparations were done none of them were outright annoyed by his antics. How could they be when he was in such a good mood all day long?

Really their apathy came more from the routine of it all than anything else. He might've enjoyed hosting the same people at the same party year after year without fail but the rest of the family had started to grow a little sick of the routine. Sarah and Jack especially. Ten years ago it'd been awesome. Five years ago it'd been fun. Now it was that strange combination of hokey, awkward, embarrassing, and sincere that only a parent could achieve. Compared to her kis Veronica and especially compared to her husband Veronica was practically a rain cloud. She'd attended every single one of his parties since they first started dating in high school, back when his mother and father threw them and Henry just helped out, and she could safely say they'd lost all their luster. Or perhaps more accurately the prospect of them had. Because walking into the kitchen to get a drink and finding the man she loved dancing around with Teddy to a slow song from the fifties never quite lost it's charm. Even when he inevitably spotted her trying to slink by and let go of his current dance partner to chase her down instead.

“Don't you dare!” Veronica shrieked, half joking and half serious as she darted away from him, “You can't make me dance with you again!”

Catching her hand as it trailed behind her while she fled Henry pulled his wife back to him with a laugh, sliding an arm around her waist and holding her close, “Can't I?”

“You're getting flour all over my pajamas!” She exclaimed, “I just washed these!”

“We can wash them again!” He said with an ear to ear smile.

Taking the bottle of juice from her hand and tossing it away he interlocked her fingers with his and took her around a scenic tour of the kitchen. Veronica rolled her eyes and scoffed every step of the way but made no effort to truly escape. And when he leaned in for a kiss she only pretended to fight him off before relinquishing. Their lips met in a burst of passion that she could pretend not to love. No matter how much she might've liked to. In fact after a few more seconds she was leaning in to his embrace and softly moaning as his tongue pushed into her mouth and her own coiled around his. As much as she liked to act annoyed and a bit put out by his unrelenting cheer there was something incredibly charming about him when he was so giddy. It reminded her of the pimple faced little dweeb she'd gone out with all those years ago. Except that awkward, bumbling nerd had turned into quite a handsome man since then, and quite a smooth one too. By the time that first song had finished she was more than ready for a second and perhaps even a third as long as it kept their bodies pressed tightly together and his cock rubbing against her through his slacks. Although that excitement didn't stop her from picking up the facade the instant he pulled away to grin at her.

“You're insufferable you know that?” The sparkle in her eyes betrayed her true feelings as surely as the way the corners of her mouth seemed to endlessly twitch upwards before she pushed them down into an exaggerated frown. “Absolutely insufferable! And you're getting worse every year!”

“You love it!” Henry laughed.

“I do not!”

“And you love me!”

“Once upon a time maybe!”

She struggled to keep up her scowl as Henry's pace quickened to match the temp of the song while Teddy happily took over cooking the last few dishes. After a minute or two Jack and Sarah walked in, foolishly believing it was safe with their mother distracting their father. “I think you mom needs a little help kids!” He laughed.

“She's not the only one!” Sarah remarked, glancing at her brother with a smirk.

“Is that so?” Dancing towards them both and Jack in particular Henry swept his son up in the festivities, effortlessly handing off his wife before sweeping up his daughter in the same enthusiastic cheer, “I think we could all use a little more fun right now! I'm seeing a lot of frowns!”

Sarah was forced to go along with her father's antics much the same as her mother had but Jack and Veronica were free to immediately stop. Though of the course the later was stifling a smile as she watched them dance. “Why does Dad always turn into Mary Poppins around this time of year?” Her son asked.

“Oh hush!” She said with a laugh, “Be grateful he's not like my parents! They're so grim and serious around this time you'd think it was a funeral!”

“Is that why they're never invited?”

“We invite them every year. But it's why they'll never show up. And it's why they only ever send those depressingly religious cards in lieu of gifts.”

“Less talking more merriment!” Henry exclaimed, “We only have a couple songs left in the playlist!”

“Oh thank God!” Sarah remarked.

“He'll just start the playlist over again darling.” Veronica chuckled, “There's no escaping it.”

“No there's not!” Her husband cheerfully replied.

As if to disprove his point the current song ended and Sarah was freed from her humiliation as her farther darted back towards her mother. Both she and Jack scurried out of the room while their parents started dancing again, neither eager to stick around and get caught up in the joviality. “Only a few more hours until the first guests arrive!”

“Don't remind me!”

Henry looked at her for a moment before bursting into laughter, unable to contain himself in the face of her endless pessimism. Veronica barely had time to scoff at his delight before she was wrapped up in another kiss as they swayed around the kitchen for another minute or two. Sadly their fun was interrupted by Teddy calling out from the stove, “Is it supposed to look like this?”

Immediately pulling away from his wife with an adoring yet apologetic look he rushed over to the stew and let out another chuckle, “Oh that's totally normal!”

“It is? I can't seem to find any sort of recipe for this—”

“It's all up here Teddy!” Henry said, tapping the side of his head with one finger as he bent over the pot to add a seemingly random mixture of additional ingredients. “It's my grandmother's famous Christmas stew! She never never told anyone else the recipe! Someday I'll teach it to Sarah and Jack so it does go to the grave with nana and I!”

Pinching her nose and approaching the stove Veronica peered into the bubbling mess that was Nana's famous Christmas stew. Shaking her head and kissing her man on the cheek she remarked, “Your grandmother might've been an a doddering old hag but she certainly knew how to make soup!”

“Yes she did!” Taking a sip and shivering in revulsion Henry's faced soured for just a moment only to immediately brighten, “It's almost done!”

“Thank God!”

“Remind me again when the smell will dissipate?” Teddy asked.

It shouldn't take more than a couple hours.” He paused for a moment then added, “Maybe we can open a window or two and let the house air out . . .”

“Yes please!” Sarah shouted from upstairs.

“It's twenty degrees outside!” Veronica shouted back, “Unless you want to pay the heating bill this month we're keeping the windows shut!” Folding her arms and smirking at her husband she said in a normal voice, “Our guests will have to deal with the smell.”

“I'm sure they won't mind!”

“I shall hang a few more garlands of mistletoe and holly.” Teddy said as he hopped down from the stool he'd been perched on.

“Please do. Our house doesn't look enough like the inside of Santa's wet dream yet!”

Dumping the last ingredients into the stew and vigorously stirring it with one hand Henry turned towards his wife and grinned at her, “What's the matter Mrs. Scrooge? Not feeling the holiday spirit?!”

“What did I tell you about calling me that?”

“It's worth the risk!”

“Is it now?” She moved closer to him with as dramatically serious a look as she could manage.

“Bring it on mama, you don't scare me!”

Veronica took another step closer but before she could do anything more than stare at him with a slowly widening smile he suddenly flicked the spoon he'd been stirring with at her. Flecks his grandmother's truly foul yet somehow insanely delicious soup streaked across the room and she was instantly sent recoiling, “HENRY!” She shrieked, once again torn between laughter and instinctive terror, “GODDAMMIT!”

Popping the spoon into his mouth and sucking off what little residue was left he watched her scurry away with another ear to ear smile plastered onto his face. The moment she turned her back to wipe off her face he hurried towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the back of her neck as he said, “Remember our first Christmas together after we got married?”

“I remember the mess you made and how long it took to clean up!”

“I don't remember being entirely alone in making that mess!”

Looking back at him with a knowing smirk Veronica stuck to her guns and said, “Well you were. You were entirely alone. And I spent the whole day cleaning up after you!”

“We both know you've never spent a whole day cleaning up after anyone! Not even yourself!”

“If this is your way of apologizing,” She remarked, covering his hands with hers and pulling them away to face him properly, “Then it's a miracle we've stayed together this long!”

“It is a miracle.” He agreed. “But how's this for an apology?”

Sliding his hands back around her waist and pulling her into another, passionate kiss he all but swept his wife off her feet as they started making out like teenagers. For a brief, wonderful moment they managed to forget about everything else in the world as a wave of nostalgia washed over them. All of a sudden they were back in their first apartment standing in the middle of the mess that was his very first attempt at making dinner. Not to mention everything they'd made so much worse during their flirting and childish antics. His hands glided across her back to hold her close, one cupping her pert bubble butt through her pajamas while the other moved to the small of her back. Her cupped his face and pulled him even deeper into their embrace while a soft moan spilled from her thoroughly occupied lips. Of all the things to genuinely enjoy about the holiday season a trip down memory lane and a little snogging for good measure ranked pretty high on her list. Certainly high enough for her to be quite annoyed when they were yet again interrupted. This time by a time going off as the final batch of homemade cookies were finished.

“To be continued, hot stuff!” Henry laughed. Giving her another quick kiss and a playful smack on the ass before turning away he rushed off to continue his endless list of preparations while she stood at the opposite end of the kitchen biting her lip and forming a plan.

“I'll be right back darling!”

“You will?”

She laughed at the genuine surprise in his voice as she hurried out of the room and up the stairs two at a time. Practically sprinting down the hall she arrived at Sarah's room and barged in without so much as a word of warning, Her daughter jerked awake at the sound of her door banging open, “Mom?! What the hell?!”

“I need you to run down to the store!”


“I need you to run down to the store! I need you and Jack and Teddy to run down to the store!”

Lured into the hallway by the ruckus Jack immediately groaned, “Why do we have to go too? Can't Teddy do it himself?”

“Didn't he already get everything we need?” Sarah added.

“No. I thought of something else we need and it's too big for Teddy to carry by himself. He'll need your help!” Making it up as she went along Veronica struggled to think of exactly what she could send them out to get at the last minute. And when her understandably, if annoyingly, confused children asked as much she almost didn't have an answer.

“What do we need to get?” Her son grumbled.

“And why's it so important?” Her daughter wondered.

“I'll text you the information.” Their mother stalled. “But you'll need to go to the mall to get it, Marv's Discount Appliances specifically. They're the only place that stocks it!”

“Why can't you tell us what 'it' is?”

“Oh come on the mall's on the other side of town!”

“Hang on,” Sarah said with a suspicious squint. Pulling on her glasses and sliding out of bed she looked at her mother for a moment or two, “I thought you said that place was for trailer trash hillbillies who'd sold all their good appliances for meth?”

“Yeah!” Jack agreed, rounding on his mother and folding his arms, “And that you'd disown us if we ever bought anything from that place!”

“Well I changed my mind!” Veronica replied. Fixing them both with her best glare she watched her kids recoil ever so slightly in the face of her withering look and fought down a smile, “Now get dressed and get going! They're sure to close soon!”

As much as they clearly wanted to argue with her bizarre, contradictory demands neither of her children were foolish enough to press the issue. They simply grumbled and groaned and muttered to both themselves and one another while she walked away with a mischievous smile. She hurried down the stairs to find Teddy only to nearly bowl him over as he came around the corner dragging a box of decorations behind him. “Watch out dearie!” He exclaimed, “I wouldn't want you to stub your toe on this infernal box!”

“Let me get that for you darling.” Veronica laughed. Quite easily picking up the container with one hand she asked, “Where do you want it?”

“In the dining room if you wouldn't mind!”

“Of course not!”

They traipsed through the first floor of the house while Henry continued to sing cheerfully. She set the box down on table and opened it up to find even more decorations lurking within. Another wave of nostalgia washed over her as she spotted some of the very first things they'd bought to decorate their tiny apartment. Including a worn out Santa Claus doll that Sarah had carried around with her just about every Christmas until she was thirteen. Smiling down at the heavily stitched, patchwork mess for a moment or two she looked at Teddy as he climbed onto the table, “Would you mind accompanying the kids on a trip across town?”

“Whatever for?” He asked.

For just a moment she considering lying to her fuzzy companion but quickly thought better of it. He'd always been able to figure out when she was lying if she tried it directly and she still had enough morals to feel guilty about it even when she managed to get away with more crafy explanations. “I was hoping to have a little alone time with Henry. Before the party.”

Teddy looked at her in confusion for a second or two, then a wide smile spread across his face, “Of course dearie! I'd be happy to distract Sarah and Jack for as long as you need!”

“Thank you Teddy. You don't have to keep them too long. Just an hour or two at the most.”

“Consider it done! What fabrication have you given them?”

“They're picking up something from Marv's Discount Appliances.”

“Wonderful!” He laughed, “Getting there should take us twenty minutes at least!”

“That was the plan.” Veronica smiled, “And when you get there pretend like I texted you what I want and keep them busy a little while.”

“I'm happy to be of service!” Teddy gave a little bow and hopped down off the table to hurry off and collect his things. She barely had a chance to grin at as his exuberance before he darted back around the corner to ask, “Should we pick up anything else while we're out? Since we'll be at the mall regardless?”

“No I think we're good for now. Thank you darling.”

“You're welcome Veronica! Enjoy your rendezvous!”

“Oh I will.” She said. As her companion left she quietly added to herself, “And so will Henry . . .”

They grumbled and groaned every step of the way but within a few minutes Jack and Sarah had been ushered out of the house and into the cold with Teddy in two and their mother acting about as normal as she could be. Too distracted with preparations and his own merriment to notice what was going on Henry was none the wiser. And his obliviousness only continued while Veronica made her way upstairs and changed into something a little more appropriate. Much as she loved her impossibly soft, amazingly comfortable pajamas they were hardly what she considered sexy. Despite knowing full well she could turn her husband on in damn near anything she slipped into a nice set of lingerie instead, something that would make his jaw drop and his eyes pop out of his head no matter how many times he laid eyes on it. The outfit she'd wanted to get as part of his present hadn't arrived in time soe she was stuck with something a bit older and a bit more classic but that would hardly matter. His real gift didn't need to be wrapped and she knew full well he'd love it regardless. In fact she was so confident of that she couldn't help but giggle a little as she let her hair down and put on some makeup. Just enough to turn her lips a bright shade of crimson and add a little shadow to her beautiful green eyes.

As soon as all that was taken care of she made her way back downstairs. After making sure her husband was still slaving away in the kitchen she found the nearest bough of mistletoe and plucked it from the doorway. Bringing it with her to attach to the frame between the kitchen and the dining room she struck a gorgeously seductive posy before saying, “Hey there big boy . . .”

Henry heard his wife speak and on some level noticed the husky tone of her voice but he was much too busy darting around the room finishing up the last bits of food prep to comprehend anything else. Let alone actually turn and look at her, “Just give me one more second sweetheart!”

Instantly dropping the sexy act to fold her arms and pout at him Veronica waited a few moments before calling out in a far less sultry voice, “Henry!”

“I promise I'll be done in just a moment!” He replied, still not looking back at her.

For just a moment she reconsidered her entire plan and what she was even doing. But her bout of wholly characteristic selfishness passed soon enough and she took a deep, calming breath. She managed to last almost a full minute before losing her cool again and exclaiming, Goddammit Henry Sweet! Look at me this instant!”

No distraction in the world could keep him from whirling around to face her as soon as he heard that tone of voice. But the moment he laid eyes on her any concern he might've felt vanished in spite of the very familiar sight of her standing there with hands on hips and a pouty look on her face, “Oh my God . . .”

Her silky brown hair was completely freed from it's usually bun, instead cascading around her face and across her shoulders in a truly stunning sight. Half of her irate face was hidden beneath those soft tresses and in spite of the annoyed look spread across her beautiful features the seductive look of only a single emerald eye peering out at him and only half of her plump lip pursing in a frown still made his heart skip a beat. The rest of her 'outfit' had much the same effect as he drank in the sight of her voluptuous body dressed in little more than a few dark green lacy scraps of cloth and a handful of straps. No matter how many times he saw her dressed up in lingerie of literally sort it never failed to make him weak at the knees. He all but swooned at the sight of her ample breasts spilling out of the woefully unprepared bra trying and failing to contain her incredible chest. The cords disappearing into her soft cleavage were pressed so tight against her softly tanned skin they looked about ready to snap under the pressure and every huffy breath she took saw them straining just a little bit more while her tits softly jiggled. Even through the floral print meant to teasingly hide her body Henry could see Veronica's soft pink nipples slowly stiffening with every passing moment. Yet as exhilarating as that was his eyes naturally drifted lower and lower to drink in the rest of her beautiful figure.

Like her incredibly smooth, always perfectly flat stomach ever so slightly trembling as goosebumps erupted all across her skin. Although the soft plane of skin was interrupted by a high waisted garter belt hugging her every bit as tightly as the rest of her apparel. It's straps trailed down her plump thighs and across her deliciously perky yet amazingly rounded ass only to be left dangling off her like little tassels. Some part of him was surprised to see them not connected to any kind of stockings stretching up her long, shapely legs and yet at the same time he truly couldn't bring himself to care. Not when she was wearing such a tiny little thong even the slightest movement would send it disappearing between the shaved lips of her puffy sex. And certainly not when he could see the neatly groomed tuft of brown hair above her pussy peeking out over the tip of her it while tow more cords held it against her wide hips every bit as tightly as her bra clung to her breasts. She might not have turned around to give him a full view of what she'd chosen but he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt those cords disappeared between her soft cheeks to leave every inch of her luscious, endlessly spankable ass completely exposed and yet technically covered in the most perfect way imaginable. Only after he'd taken in every inch of the lingerie she'd chosen did his eyes returned to her face to see her nostrils flaring and a blush creeping into her cheeks.

“That's more like it!” Veronica exclaimed. Her expression softened as she seductively pressed herself against the door frame, “Now get over here and kiss me under the mistletoe . . . Christmas came early this year!”

“Hopefully I won't do the same!” He joked. Pulling off his apron and rushing towards her so fast he almost tripped over his feet he wrapped his arms around her waist and added, “You look amazing babe!”

“I know!” She cooed. Draping her arms luxuriously around his shoulders pulling him in close she didn't kiss him like he expected, instead whispering into his ear, “Merry Christmas handsome . . .”

Planting a bright red kiss on his cheek and leaving an almost perfect lipstick mark she sank to her knees and let out a soft giggle at the sight of his cock throbbing beneath his slacks. Why he was even wearing them instead of pajamas she couldn't say but it hardly mattered. As effortlessly as she looked up at him with a sultry smile she unfastened his belt and yanked down both his pants and underwear. His deliciously hard cock sprang into view while she basked in the musky scent of his loins. Particularly the thick bead of precum dripping from the tip. Before it could fall away and go to waste she slid even lower, her tongue curling out of her mouth to cradle the head of his prick. Henry moaned in pleasure as he felt the all too familiar yet endlessly amazing softness of her touch. A moment later he was given an even better treat as her crimson lips wrapped around his dick. Rising up just enough to properly blow his mind and his cock she let out a long, trembling moan as the taste of his seed flooded her mouth. Just a bit more bitter than usual yet no less exhilarating in spite of that she gulped down his precum with a nice, loud swallow then giddily pushed forward. Like she'd done countless times before and would certainly do countless times again she inhaled every last inch of his dick with a single stroke. Almost too fast for him to follow her lips were planting another kiss on the base of his shaft, leaving a second red mark like  stamp of approval as her throat bulged outward and her whole body trembled.

Very deliberately and very noticeably sliding her hands across her body as she held herself at the base of his madly throbbing cock Veronica slid one hand into her sopping wet thong and cupped her massive, heaving tits with the other. Lightly pinching her nipple at the same moment she rubbed her clit she gave him a nice little show while her tongue darted out of her mouth. Tasting the salty contours of his balls and relishing in how musky they were she lavished his sack with all the attention she could give without pulling away for even a second. Keenly aware of how much he loved when she deepthroated his prick like a pornstar she kept eveyr last centimeter of his length exactly where it belonged for as long as she could get away. And the longer she did the harder his member strained against the tight, wet confines of her throat. Which in turn just made her rub her pussy and tease her nipples all the more. It wasn't long before the sweet smell of her arousal was filling his nostrils as long, gooey strands of pussy juice dripped down her thighs and onto floor. Within a few seconds a nice little puddle had formed and it was only getting wider as she continued to tremble and squirm on his dick. Eventually she was forced to pull back, her sloppy gurgle echoing throughout the dining room and a good portion of the house, but even that made his knees weak and his whole body shake. Retreated inch by tantalizing inch and sucking him so hard he just about wen cross eyed Veronica stared up at her husband with unabashed glee, well and truly delighted by every slightest tremble and quiver. By the time she'd reached the tip of his cock her cheeks had sunken in from the sheer force of her passion and he was bracing himself against the door frame with both hands. If he hadn't he definitely would've collapsed from the sheer ecstasy of his wife's oral skills. Because even with that support he was finding it harder and harder to keep himself upright.

Naturally she didn't make it any easier for him by sliding all the way back down to the base of his prick all over again and moving even faster the second time around. Though of course not before sucking and licking and teasing the head of his shaft for a little while. Just long enough ti milk out another mouthful of precum to messily gulp down. Henry listened to her swallowing his jizz and let out another moan. All the blood was rushing out of his knuckles as he gripped the wooden frame on either side and a pleasured grimace was spreading across his face. By the time her lips were comfortable kissing the bottom of his dick for a second time and her tongue was coating his balls in yet another layer of spit he was gasping for every breath. It hadn't been all that long since the last time he had sex but somehow his amazing lover made him feel like it was the very first time ever. Thankfully he wasn't anywhere near as quick on the draw now but there was no chance in hell he could stand up to the full force of her downright absurd oral skills. Especially not when she was looking up at him with those gorgeous green eyes and pleasuring herself the entire time. His libido took another hit when she pushed two fingers into her cunt with a soft, wet sound. Hearing that and feeling her shiver around him as pleasure washed over her was everything he could've wanted and more.

“This is amazing!” He groaned, “I can't believe I got you a stupid necklace!”

Completely unaware he'd just spoiled his gift Henry moaned even louder as Veronica sucked him so much harder. While he didn't realize what he'd done she was nothing short of elated by his little slip up, Veronica knew the exact necklace he was talking about and she couldn't be more excited that he'd managed to get it. And that he'd remembered what she wanted in the first place. Her surprise and delight quickly turned to adoration as she smiled up at him. While there wasn't much more she could do that didn't stop her from sucking his cock so hard he just about collapsed from the intensity of her soft lips. Lurching backwards so much faster than she'd originally planned all her previous intentions went right out the window. As much as she wanted to tease and toy with him until he was begging for release now she wanted something else even more. Something she'd always planned on giving him but something that'd suddenly taken priority over everything else. But first she had to suck every last drop of cum from his balls and get him back to full attention after he'd dumped a fat load in her belly. Which mean slobbering over every inch of his dick and throating him like it was the one and only thing she'd been made for. Pulling her hands away from her own body to slide them across his tightly clenched buttocks she grabbed hold of her man and held on tight. Henry felt the wonderfully familiar sensation of her nails digging into his skin and a bolt of adrenaline lanced through his body. Veronica had never been shy about going down on him and he'd never been shy about returning the favor but there'd always been a difference between giving him a blowjob and sucking his soul of his cock He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he was about to experience the latter and not even knowing that could save him from the ecstasy she was about to inflict.

Slowing down just long enough to shift into a slightly more comfortable squat Veronica launched into an absolute frenzy of slurping, sucking, and gurgling as she bounced back and forth on her husband's dick with every ounce of skill she'd developed over the years. Gooey strands of spit and precum dribbled from the corners of her mouth while the throaty squelches of a fat cock sliding down a tight little throat filled the entire house. Accompanied soon after by Henry's breathless groans as he struggled more than ever to stay upright. Veronica moaned every bit as loudly as him as she felt his dick straining against her throat, very nearly triggering her almost nonexistent gag reflex as it throbbed so wildly, but between the fat dick gliding in and out of her mouth and her deliberately and increasingly sloppy movements anything she did was thoroughly drowned out by all the rest. Not that either of them cared one bit about such trivial things. He was much too busy shaking and holding on to her head for dear life while she was lost in the thrill of making her man quiver like no one else could. She didn't even mind how hard he was gripping her hair nor the little twinges of pain as he pulled on her silky tresses without even realizing what he was doing. It all swirled together in a seemingly endlessly barrage of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm both of them. Particularly when she'd reached the peak of her movements.

Darting back and forth along his prick so quickly she was practically a blur of tousled hair and messily flying strands of spit Veronica gave her husband everything she had and a little more. Namely a single finger pushing between his tight little buns to find his even more tightly clenched asshole. Distracted as he was by the sights, sounds, and most importantly feeling of her truly incredible blowjob Henry had no idea what else she might be planning. Not until he felt the much less familiar but no less heavenly sensation of her finger pushing into his ass. In yet another testament to her peerless oral skills she found his prostate within seconds, immediately teasing it with just enough pressure to elevate her already amazing efforts into something next level. Something that made her man groan like a wild animal and thrust forward so hard she actually choked a little on his dick. Had her timing been a little worse she might've encouraged him to take over fuck her throat until he emptied his balls into her stomach. But had nothing if not impeccable timing and her husband could hardly work up the energy for a second thrust. Not when she was so viciously teasing his g-spot while sucking his cock like there was no tomorrow. In fact it was nothing short of a miracle he lasted more than a few seconds in the face of such ecstasy! A miracle and a testament to just how crazy his libido had grown over the years. Although the real proof of his occasionally out of control desires came about thirty seconds after she slid a finger into his ass. Right around the same time he did.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Henry groaned. His whole body stiffened and she felt his inner walls tighten around her finger at the same moment his cock swelled like never before. Or rather like it only did when he was on the verge of something big. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!”

Growling as much as shouting he held on to her so tightly a drowning man at sea clung to a life preserver with more gentleness. Slamming his cock balls deep into her throat with one last thrust and letting out a final cry he hunched over her as every muscle in his body tightened. Veronica choked just a little bit more around his dick as it swelled inside her throat, cutting off what little air she'd been getting and triggering her gag reflex for just a second. In the next second she was moaning loudly and passionately enough to drown out any sounds he made as a toe curling flood of cum erupted into her throat and stomach. With his balls pressed tight against her chin she could feel their every contraction and spasm as they pumped load after cream load inside her. It paired so beautifully with the wild pulsing of his dick and the violent shuddering tearing through the rest of his body she almost started pleasuring herself again. Only the quite uncharacteristic desire to focus solely and completely on him kept her hands where they were and her mind focused on the gooey fonts of jizz filling her belly. And for close to thirty uninterrupted seconds she sucked him completely dry, each and every drop he had to give ending up exactly where it belonged as she kept at it with an almost single minded zeal. Her eyes sparkled with pure delight as she took every single drop and her whole body shivered at the prospect of what would come next. Not to mention the exhilarating warmth of his cum filling her stomach and sending an oh so unique warmth radiating throughout her body. A warmth she wasn't ashamed to admit she'd come to enjoy far more than she every thought possible and a warmth that sent long strands of arousal dripping from her sex with every passing second.

But no matter how horny she was she couldn't do a damn thing until he was back to full attention and in a thoroughly mindless bid to get him there she just kept sucking his dick and tonguing his balls long after he'd finished draining them into her throat. After the mind blowing pleasure had finally come to an end and an almost painful discomfort took it's place, “Oh God!” He panted, squirming and shaking as she kept going despite everything, “Babe! Oh my God babe! Y-You gotta stop! You're gonna kill me if you keep going like this! You gotta stop!”

Veronica heard his words and came so close to ignoring them. It wouldn't be the first time he asked her to stop and she just didn't listen. Unless he said that silly little safe word they'd come up with a while back she never did. But this time around, in the spirit of Christmas, she didn't drive her husband completely up the wall with the power of her cocksucking. With a long, throaty gurgle she pulled herself off his dick to offer him a sloppy grin. What little makeup she'd put on was smeared across her spit and precum splattered face while several bright red rings of lipstick were visible across his half hard dick. She gave the tip of his shaft a little kiss as she locked eyes with him and even licked up a few errant strands of cum as they dribbled out. But she didn't keep sucking despite how badly she would've liked to. Instead she slowly stood up and made a little show of gulping down the jizz still in her mouth before turning away. Sauntering deeper into the dining room in a way that made her plump yet toned ass jiggle with every step and her hips sway like she was strutting down a runway she approached the table their family ate on at least twice a week. She pushed aside one of the chairs and climbed onto the polished mahogany surface. Then, after a sultry over the shoulder smile, she rolled onto her back and spread her legs open for him. Nearly doing the splits as she held on to her ankles and let out an impish giggle Veronica watched his jaw hit the floor all over again. When he didn't immediately pounce on her in a lust filled frenzy she added a bit more fuel to the fire already raging inside him.

“That was the first part of your present . . .” She said, licking her lips and shivering, “My tight little pussy is the second . . .”

It was clear from the look in his eyes and the smile on his face he was basking in the same swell of nostalgia that'd overtaken her, “You're so fucking beautiful!” He groaned. Rushing forward in two quick strides he grabbed her waist with both hands and pressed his rock hard dick against the tiny strip of cloth hiding her pussy, “I love you so much!”

“Mmmmmm I love you too darling.” Letting go of her ankles to cross them behind his back as she wrapped her legs around his waist she added, “But now it's time to fuck me like you don't . . .”

“I think I can manage that . . .”

“You'd better, we can't have anyone thinking I give bad gifts!”

They shared a little laugh as he pulled aside her thong to reveal her tight, neatly trimmed pussy in all it's sopping wet beauty. A wild shiver ran down his spine and he looked from her trembling cunt to her blushing face, “Are you—”

“Just fuck me already!” Veronica laughed.

An ear to ear grin lit up his face as those words washed over him and yet she was the one left quivering with barely contained excitement. Watching his entire demeanor change from the kind, gentle man she'd married to the sex crazed animal she teased out of him all those years ago never failed to send a chill down her spine. A moment later her whole body was shaking as he slammed every last inch of his madly throbbing cock balls deep inside her in a single stroke. The echoing slap of their colliding bodies was almost completely inaudible beneath his feverish groan and her delighted squeal. In the blink of an eye her back was arched so high only her head and madly quivering ass still touched the dining room table. Until her hands darted outwards to find the edges and hold on for dear life while his grip tightened and she felt his manhood swell inside her. Everything about the look on his face, the glint in his eyes, and the hunch of his shoulders made her so unimaginably horny she couldn't think straight. Of all the many things to adore about her man his ability to fuck like a wild animal and leave her a dazed, broken mess with just a little bit of teasing and foreplay ranked high on the list.

Higher than it probably should've but she wasn't about to apologize for loving her husband's cock and loving how ferociously he used it. Especially when it was sliding out of her pussy in a messy little shower of pussy juice spraying across the both of them and once again filling the air with the smell of sex. Veronica tried her best to watch and enjoy the pure physicality of his movements as he withdrew but when he suddenly, almost brutally, plunged his dick back inside her the wave of pleasure surging through her senses made that completely impossible. Her head fall back against the table before she could even think about stopping and another moan erupted from her lips to echo throughout the house. She barely had time to appreciate how roughly he'd thrusted before his hips were pulling backwards all over again and she had even more chances to bask in his ferocity. Henry might not have been a physically imposing man and he might not have been the most well endowed but when he got going he might as well have been.

The moment he starting pounding her with every ounce of his often pent up strength, jackhammering her pussy like he was trying to break it, Veronica couldn't tell the difference. Crying out in pleasure as her whole body bounced up and down with every frantic stroke she moaned his name with every ragged breath she took, her inner walls trembling around his dick and her increasingly strained voice only adding more fuel to the fire. Hearing just how much she loved his cock and seeing how hard she trembled after only a few seconds of pounding never failed to send him even deeper into that mindless state of lust she so affectionately referred to as 'caveman brain'. Watching her fat tits jiggle and heave inside her lingerie, every stroke making them bounce a little harder, was nothing short of hypnotic and he only had to look just a little higher to see her beautiful face.

To see her cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of red as one almost entirely closed while other just barely managed to stay open. Her lips parting wider and wider as she tried to catch what little breath she could only to send it all exploding out in another frantic moan. Those beautiful auburn tresses splayed out across the table beneath her like something out of a Renaissance painting. In the heat of the moment and with her tight little cunt wrapped so fiercely around his cock Henry adored every one of those details and more, even if he had no hope of ever processing any of it. To him every tiniest thing was just something else that made his cock throb and his hips move a little faster. One more reason to pound away until she begged him to stop or he couldn't go on for another second, whichever came first.

His nails dug into skin so deep she actually winced a little and yet that momentary flash of discomfort just made her ache that much more for his cock. It clarified the wave after wave of ecstasy his every stroke created and it brought her back to reality just long enough to look at his face and see his wild expression. His furrowed brow and a grimace that might've been ugly under any other circumstances. Witnessing that sent yet another squeal bursting from her lips as her head fell back against the wood and her eyes finally managed to close. She pulled a hand away from the edge of the table to slide it across her stomach and find the trembling little bud at the crest of her sopping wet pussy. For a moment or two she actually struggled to reach it as his balls slapping frenzy made her muscles spasm but in the tiniest moment of respite she pressed two fingers against her clit and started rubbing with all her rapidly draining strength.

The already toe curling pleasure that'd drenched her thighs and soaked his slacks increased ten fold as a bolt of ecstasy lanced through her body. A scream sharp enough to rattle the windows filled the air while every fiber of her being seemed to tighten all at once. Her pussy squeezed his cock harder than ever and Henry groaned in abject delight, faltering for just a moment in the wake of such an unexpectedly incredible sensation. Much, much too far gone to process anything she was doing he'd completely failed to notice her hand reaching towards her clit but in the wake of the uncontrollable shivering that tore through her body he was more than capable of capitalizing on the ecstasy flooding her senses. Mostly by continuing to slam his dick inside her as fast and as hard as humanly possible as his already rock hard shaft swelled just a little bit more. Guided by instincts as much as an insatiable need to feel her pussy tremble around him and dump another fat load inside her he matched the frantic pace of her fingers as best he could. As they moved in a blur across her clit he plunged in and out of her sec, every wild thrust arriving at the peak of her spasming and every frantic withdrawal hitting in that split second between bolts of ecstasy. Something he never could've accomplished when he was actually trying and something that made her scream until her voice finally died and only a final, strangled moan actually emerged from her lips.

After getting herself nice and worked up thinking about their first Christmas together then teasing herself like crazy while she was throating his cock Veronica was so unbelievably ready for the kind of ecstasy that made her see stars and almost pass out Henry barely had to do anything. Hell they probably could've fucked like a couple of sexually repressed Mormons and she still would've managed to cum all over his dick with enough time. Fortunately for her the man utterly ravishing her pussy in a frenzied barrage of movement that sent the table sliding back and the wood creaking in protest was about as far from sexually repressed as she could get. Hardly slowing down despite how fast he was moving and never giving her anything less than an absolutely ball slapping pounding he sent ecstasy crashing through her body faster and faster with each stroke of his cock. Within a minute or two she was shaking and squirming so hard against the table he actually had to pull her back onto his dick more than once as she subconsciously tried to squirm away from him. Which only made her shake that much harder each and every time he plunged her down onto his dick like she was his plaything.

Her mind might've been breaking apart at the seems with every passing second but what little remained couldn't get enough of that feeling. Of how he made her feel like some dainty little thing as he manhandled her however he saw fit and however best served his desires. She could barely find the wherewithal to keep rubbing her clit as he fucked her so forcefully each stroke sent a shockwave crashing through her senses. Of course she still managed it in spite of all that. Nothing could stop her from teasing her impossibly sensitive bud. Even if her entire family walked through the door and found them there she'd keep gasping for air and rubbing her cunt until the endlessly rising tide of pleasure within finally swallowed her up. There wasn't a damn thing she could do beyond that and even if there was she didn't care. Henry's cock felt amazing gliding in and out of her cunt at such a ferocious pace, all the rest of the world was completely irrelevant so long as she continued to enjoy that.

It only took five minutes for her to completely lose control and erupt like a broken water main. Five minutes of being pounded like the cheapest whore at the brothel by the father of her children for Veronica to explode. Suddenly finding her voice as the pressure inside her reached a breaking point she pulled her legs away from his waist and desperately screamed, “Pull out!”

Too far gone to process what she'd said but intimately familiar with what was about to happen regardless Henry followed her gasping command. His furiously twitching dick had barely slipped free of her pussy before her back arched, her hips bucked wildly into the air, and her entire body stiffened as if she'd been paralyzed. An massive jet of clear, sweet smelling juices erupted from her cunt like a fire hose. Spraying into the air to streak across the entire table and dining room she utterly drenched herself in her arousal with a single eruption and splattered everything else in droplets of pussy juice. For just a moment her body relaxed into fits of uncontrollable shiver only to immediately tense up again an instant later as another geyser squirted out of her slit. Over and over and over again she ejaculated all over her shuddering body, all but drowning in the flood of arousal streaking out of her with each and every spasmodic convulsion. And through it all her husband watched with a mixture of lust and amazement, his higher brain functions slowly coming back as he witnessed nothing short of a Christmas miracle right in front of him. At some point he started teasing her clit and rubbing his cock against her trembling outer folds but he hardly even noticed what he was doing. Henry was far too enamored with the beautiful mess that was his wife squirting all over herself like something out of a porno. Her ecstasy couldn't have lasted more than thirty seconds and yet by the time she was done gushing her pussy juice was dripping down the far wall, soaking into countless decorations throughout the dining room, and seeping into her matted tresses. Most of her sodden hair was plastered to her face like she'd just climbed out of the jacuzzi and everywhere he looked droplets of her warmth rolled down her amazingly flushed skin.

When her legs finally collapsed against the table as she went completely limp he gently pushed his cock back inside her pussy and bend down over his half comatose lover. Wrapping her up in a soft yet passionate kiss she could barely return he didn't pull away until he felt her tongue weakly pushing into his mouth and her hands clumsily try and wrap around his shoulders. He pulled just far enough back to look at her with a knowing smile “That was an amazing present . . .”

“That's not everything . . .” She whispered, “We still have a little while longer . . . you still have a little while longer . . .”

“To do what?”

“Anything you want . . .”

His cock twitched inside her at those words and Veronica let out a soft laugh while a shiver ran down her spine, “How much time do we have?” He asked.

“I dunno . . . it depends on how long Teddy keeps the kids busy . . .”

For a second time his dick pulsed inside her cunt and this time both of them trembled. “Then we'd better take advantage of every second.” Burying her in another kiss he slowly pulled back and for just a moment she thought he was about to start fucking her all over again. Then his prick slid free of her sex entirely and she was left confused. Until she felt it pushing against her tightly clenched asshole instead and she couldn't help but laugh.

“You're a naughty boy Henry Sweet!”

“And you love it!”

“Yes I fucking do!”

On the other side of town Jack and Sarah were just about ready to strangle Teddy as the three of them navigated the uncomfortably crowded aisles of Marv's Discount Appliances. “What are we even looking for?!” Sarah asked for the fifth or sixth time.

“I'll know it when I see it!” Teddy replied, glancing at his phone and pretending to read the text he'd never been sent. “Don't you worry young lady, we'll find it!”

“We might—hey watch it man—we might find it faster if you told us what we were looking for!” Jack insisted.

“Yeah why won't you say what it is?!”

Nowhere near as adept at fibbing as he thought he'd be and quickly running out of excuses Teddy didn't respond to them, instead looking around at the crowds of people for a moment before darting down a different aisle and saying, “I'm certain we'll find it here!”

“Can we just ditch him?” Jack whined. “He's got money for a cab! And a bus pass!”

“He's also got the keys!” Sarah grumbled.

Both of them heaved a dramatic sigh as they pushed their way through everyone to follow their furry companion. “Then let's just grab him and leave! He's just a teddy bear, it's not like he can stop us!”

“If we don't find this stupid appliance within the next five minutes—ow!” Recoiling as someone elbowed her in the chest Sarah scowled at the person in question, then looked at her brother, “In the next two minutes!”

They finally managed to catch up with him at the end of the aisle, just in time for Teddy to scurry off down the next saying, “It wasn't there but I have a good feeling about this one!” Sarah and Jack could only groan and d their best to follow, contemplating how best to snatch him up and flee the store with every step.


Keith Rogers

Always fun to see veronica have a nice romantic story


I couldn't agree more! It happens so infrequently it feels like a special little treat every time I get the chance to write it!


I was definitely going for cute so it's good to know I succeeded! Especially in the eyes of the person who made the characters lol