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And now it's time for a bit of a twist. This might be the first story I've written where a femboy was both the top and paired with a woman! If that interests you then please read on and hopefully enjoy! If not then you might wanna give this a pass lol

Compared to so, so many of his peers Alex Yu was quite the anomaly. Most teenage boys, especially eighteen year old teenage boys just about to finish high school, avoided anything that might hurt their fragile sense of masculinity. In front of their class and in general. But not Golden Hills High's first male cheerleader since the school was built nearly a hundred and fifty years prior. To anyone who didn't know him personally he seemed almost genetically designed to be completely at odds with every classic definitions of manly, masculine, or any variation of the word. More feminine than most of the girls on the team and more than happy to lean into that trait even further by dressing girly and wearing a bit of makeup when it suited him Alex couldn't have been more different from the other guys in senior year. And he'd been different from them for as long as anyone cared to remember. Once upon a time those differences might've bothered him and they certainly would've earned more than a fair share of teasing and condemnation from adults and students alike. But while the former still whispered behind their hands about him the latter stopped caring about his strangeness around the time he helped the cheerleading squad win a national competition in Los Angeles. Then when he and the rest of the cheerleaders accompanied the football team to State the very same year.

After those accomplishments, and nearly four uninterrupted years of being a cheerleader, his classmates quickly got used to how much of an oddity he really was while teachers and parents eventually came to the conclusion he was gay or trans or maybe even both. Which undoubtedly caused no small amount of issue among the more conservative and religious members of the gossip mongers but they were easy to ignore. Particularly in the last few months of his senior year when Alex and all his soon to graduate teammates were far too busy spending time with one another. And working their asses off to get to Nationals one more time for an truly unprecedented fours years in a row. With everything from college admissions to scholarships to finals added on top of that the judgmental looks and whispers of the people incapable of understanding him were laughably easy to ignore. So much so neither he nor the rest of the squad even spared a second thought to the shifty little glances and general atmosphere of awkwardness exhibited by the cheer captain's parents during their weekly sleepover. Except for Carrie Green of course. She always noticed her mother and father acting like weirdos whenever it was her turn to host the rest of her squad for a team building slumber party and she was never shy about calling them out.

“It's not the eighteen hundreds anymore!” She exclaimed, rolling her eyes at them as they watched Alex from the living room like they were looking at some strange alien creature beyond their understanding, “I can't believe you guys are still like this!”

Snapped out of their not so subtle staring her parents looked at her with an oddly comical mixture of defiance and guilt, “I'm sorry honey.” her father replied.

“But it's just so . . . odd.” Her mother added. “He's just so . . . odd. Do I even call him a he?”

“Ugh! I can't believe you two! If you're gonna be like this you need to go upstairs or something. I don't want you staring at him all night!”

“We won't stare at him all night!”

“Our show's almost over . . .”

“Good.” Shaking her head and walking away from them she casually added, “I can't believe you guys are still acting like this!”

Carrie rejoined her squad before her parents could say another word and the eight of them spent another hour or so hanging out in the dining room making decorations for a little party they planned on having in the school. Mostly for the rest of the cheerleaders who couldn't make the sleepover but also as a sort of going away bash for themselves. They only had a few more slumber parties left before almost all of them were headed off to different colleges across the country. A fact all of them were still struggling to accept even as they all talked about the places they'd applied and a few talked about the early acceptance letters they'd received. At times it was actually a bit of a downer as reality sank in and all of them were forced to acknowledge the truth of the matter. However briefly. Thankfully as soon as Carrie's parents went off to bed the group had free reign of the living room. Which meant all the mind rotting, child corrupting television and movies they could enjoy. Starting with a few over the top horror movies and neatly transitioning into some R rated comedies once the squeamish members of the group threatened to leave. Or vomit.

Even though most of them were old enough to see all of the movies they were watching in theaters they still felt like they were doing something sneaky and illicit thanks to how conservative their captain's parents were. A fact she was quick to remind them as the night wore on, “You guys have to keep it down!” She exclaimed, smiling every bit as widely as the rest of them despite her words, “I'm gonna have a real hard time explaining this if my parents come down here!”

As if to prove her point a completely naked woman walked onto screen, everything from her tits to her incredibly thick bush on full display, “There's no way that's not a merkin!” Tawna laughed.

“If it is they at least made an effort to match the drapes!” Desiree added.

“I'm more interested in her boob job!” Alex remarked.

“Oh of course you are!” Maria teased.

Everyone, including Carrie, burst into laughter only to immediately fall silent when her mother's voice echoed down from the second floor. “Is everything all right honey?”

“Yeah mom, we're just having a little fun!” She called back.

“Do you girls—do you all need anything?”

“No thank you Mrs. Green!” Alex answered before his friend could, “Do you want us to keep it down?”

“O-Oh it's totally fine dear, don't worry about it! You girls have fun!”

A pause fell over the squad as they waited for the telltale sound of the bedroom door closing. As soon as they heard it Desiree looked at Alex and childishly said, “She called you a girl!”

Everyone started laughing again and Carrie cheerfully added, “I swear Alex, every time you're around you just break her brain.”

“I'm just too complicated.” Alex stated, slowly leaning back and tossing his long hair out of his face like a runway model, “Too fabulous.”

“Yeah that must be it.”

“I can't think of any other explanation.” He said with an exaggeratedly haughty grin.

More laughter ensued and the conversation quickly turned back to the movie they'd been neglecting for the last few minutes. Once it was over they put on another raunchy comedy but the more weak willed members of the squad started nodding off before it was over. And despite knowing full well what would happen to them as soon as they fell asleep. But no matter how hard they tried Cindy, Tawna, and Maria just couldn't keep their eyes open. They were always the first three to pass out at just about every sleepover they'd ever been to and their friends were simply delighted by that consistency. Pretty much the moment their heads started dipping and their eyes started fluttering Alex and Carrie looked at one another with unrepentant glee. As the primary instigators of all the childish shenanigans about to go down they were easily the most excited  out of the group. But it didn't take long for their giddiness to spread to Desiree and the rest. Especially when Tawna finally slumped over and Cindy quietly disappeared behind the table she'd been leaning against. Maria was drooling on the couch soon after and all their so called friends pounced on them as soon as they heard snoring.

It didn't help that all three were incredibly heavy sleepers on top of being lightweights. With a combination like that how could their squadmates resist drawing all over their faces, putting their hands in warm water, and stealing their phones to change all the contact names? Really it was their fault for being so easily tormented. It'd be absurd not to take full advantage! Or at least that's what Alex said whenever anyone expressed a degree of discomfort with their harmless antics. Usually backed up by Carrie and Desiree but just as often standing alone as he spearheaded anything and everything they could possibly do in such a limited capacity. Since none of them had been drinking there was a limit to what they could do to their unconscious friends, no carrying them outside and letting them wake up in the most confusing and unexpected places, but by the time they'd finished it was safe to say they'd done their fair share of damage. And since he still had at least two more cheerleaders who hadn't fallen asleep yet the night wasn't even remotely over. Neither he nor Carrie ever fell asleep soon enough for the others to make a move and with Desiree on the lookout after the texts they'd send to her boyfriend a week earlier she was pretty much off limits too. Which just left Kim and Erin.

“Just don't do anything to my phone . . .” The latter pleaded as she tried and failed to stay awake around one in the morning, “I don't care what you write or draw on my face . . . just leave my phone alone . . . my parents will kill me if anything happens to it . . .”

“We won't touch your phone.” Alex replied.

“Girl scout's honor!” Carrie added.

“You got kicked out of girl scouts . . .” Erin muttered.

“She has a point.” Alex said with a grin.

“Oh shut up!”

Before long their sleepy friend had completely drifted off and Kim wasn't too far behind. “I'm gonna put my phone in my underwear . . .” She mumbled, “You guys can't get it when it's in there . . .”

“Spoilsport!” Desiree chuckled.

“You're one to talk!” Carrie teased.

“At least she didn't have a complete meltdown!” Alex joked.

“You told my boyfriend I wanted to get married! You don't—”

“And that you wanted to have his babies!”

“Can't forget about that!”

“Oh I won't.” Their friend promised. “And neither will he. Or his parents. Or their priest.”

Despite how visibly annoyed Desiree looked Carrie and Alex couldn't help but laugh at the memory of that night. They knew it was all kinds of messed up but they just couldn't help themselves, “Oh come on,” He finally said, “You gotta admit it was pretty funny. I bet you never expected Hector to react like that!”

“Have either of you actually met Hector?”

Alex and Carrie burst into laughter while Desiree just glowered at them, doing her best not to smile and give them even the slightest bit of credit. Fortunately for her it didn't take long for their attention to turn back to Kim and Erin as both girls finally passed out. They might not have been able to get the former's phone without committing a felony but that didn't stop them from having as much fun as they could anyways. The latter got the full treatment like she was dreading and once that was finished Desiree started drifting off too. About as safe as could be she didn't have any reason to fight the exhaustion slowly taking over. If either of her friends so much as thought about messing with her she'd kill both of them in the morning. And they knew it too. Although that still wasn't enough to stay their hands after she'd finally drifted off. There was only one reason why they didn't immediately pounce on her and it didn't have anything to do with fear.

“You think she's really out?” Carrie asked.

“Yeah . . .” Alex nodded.

They looked at each other for a couple of seconds before an all too familiar grin spread across her face as she looked at him, “Then what are we waiting for?”

Neither of them moved as he considered her words for all of a second, an eager little smile lighting up his face. The next moment both of them were on their feet and hurrying out of the living room as quickly and as quietly as they could. Taking the stairs two at a time they reached the second floor and were just about to rush off down the hallway to her bedroom before Carrie stopped dead next to her parent's room. Like something out of a cartoon Alex stumbled headlong into her back, just about knocking her over and waking up the entire house. Fortunately for both of them she managed to catch herself and clap a hand over his mouth before he could ask what the hell she was doing. A tense yet giddy silence filled the air as they stood there listening for several frantic heartbeats. Once they were both certain the softly muted sound of conversation coming from within didn't have anything to do with them, at least not enough to stop them from fooling around, they resumed their wild rush to her bedroom. In no time at all they were hidden away in her fluffy pink room with a locked door to protect them and all night long to enjoy the privacy. Or at the very least a few hours of uninterrupted fun before they had to sneak back down stairs and rejoin the slumber party so no one would notice their absence. And with that time limit very much in mind Carrie didn't waste any time slipping out of the tight little booty shorts and loose t-shirt she'd been wearing all night. Along with the sexy little panties she'd worn just in case they had a chance to hook up. Although she did make a little show of pulling them down her perky bubble butt as teasingly as possible, pushing her ass out towards him and looking back with a sultry smile as she did.

Alex stared at her slender, athletic body with open delight. His eyes roamed the toned yet shapely contours of her beautiful figure over and over again in the handful of seconds it took for her to finish showing off and turn to face him. And he only continued to stare at the gorgeous sight of her small, amazingly perky breasts heaving in the pale moonlight spilling in from her window. He admired every last freckle dotting her alabaster skin and watched her already puffy nipples slowly stiffen right in front of him. But no matter how enticing her rather large areola might've been he couldn't help but follow the trail of freckles dotting her stomach all the way down to the curly tuft of fiery orange hair sitting just above her deliciously plump sex. Every other part of her body was perfectly toned and muscular, practically sculpted like a Greek statue thanks to years of cheerleading, the sight of her fat pussy all but squished between her trembling thighs never failed to put a smile on his face. Or send a shiver of pure exhilaration down his spine. The little droplets of arousal slowly rolling down her legs as she stood naked in front of him for the hundredth time made his head spin like few things could. Before he even knew what he was doing he'd crossed his arms in front of his chest to lift up his shirt and give his friend a little something to ogle.

His shoulder's might've been a little bit wider and his muscles might've been a little more defined thanks to his role as a base he still managed to look every bit as feminine as the woman standing across from him. At least while he was taking off his shirt and revealing his own soft pink nipples. Suddenly it was Carrie's turn to lick her lips and squirm as she watched them stiffen before her eyes, although she didn't admire his smooth, hairless chest for very long. How could she when he pulled down his fluffy blue pajama bottoms a moment later? Glancing at his face for just a moment as he bent over to remove his leggings she immediately turned her attention to the absolutely monstrous cock hanging between his thighs. Just shy of thirteen inches long and so thick around it made her whole body ache just from a glance his dick was, without a doubt, the biggest one she'd ever seen. Probably the biggest in the entire school! And the fat pair of smoothly shaved balls hanging down behind it just added to the downright amazing size. No matter how many times she saw his fat prick it still sent a wild shudder coursing through her body. Especially when he stepped out of his pajamas and kicked them away, giving her a nice little glimpse of his wonderfully round ass. She wasn't the least bit ashamed to admit he had an even better ass than she did, nor was she shy about how much she loved holding on to it while throating his massive dick!

Dropping to her knees at the same moment he stepped closer Carrie wrapped both hands around his throbbing member, greedily lifting it up to her lips and tasting the precum oozing from the tip. “Ohhhh fuck!” She moaned, “I've been thinking about this all day!”

“Me too!” He groaned. Trailing his fingers through her curly orange hair before slowly caressing her freckled cheek he smiled a bit wider and added, “Not that I could help it . . .”

Confused by his words but much too eager to stop and think about them she slid the first few inches of his dick into her mouth with ease, her tongue darting out to taste even more. She stroked the rest of his amazingly hard shaft with her hands for a few moments before finally pulling back with a wet pop to ask, “What do you mean?”

“Think about it . . .”

“Just tell me!” She laughed. Her hands were gliding up and down his prick faster and faster with every passing second and she eagerly lapped up all the bittersweet droplets of precum oozing from his tip while she waited for him to answer. When he just smiled a bit wider she bit her lower lip and stopped jerking him off entirely as she tried to collect her thoughts. Her eyes met his and a flash of comprehension struck her like a bolt of lighting, “You didn't!”

Coyly shrugging his shoulders and grabbing a fistful of her hair he pulled her back onto her dick and simply replied, “Maybe I did . . .”

His feet slid just a little bit further apart as he spoke and without a second thought Carrie slid a hand between his thighs. While the other continued to work every last inch of his shaft not already buried in her mouth and tongue swirled around the rest in an absolute frenzy. Sliding her fingers between his soft yet deliciously toned buttocks she half expected to feel his tight little asshole quivering and winking at her touch. Instead she discovered something that sent a wild shiver tearing through her body. And a messy little deluge of warmth dripping onto the carpet beneath her aching pussy. Nestled between his tightly clenched buttocks and firmly embedded in his ass was the heart shaped end of a butt plug. What felt like the same purple jeweled butt plug she'd bought for his eighteenth birthday. Alex always said he used it and had even sent a picture or two confirming that fact but she'd never had a chance to see it for herself. To feel him quiver as she lightly tugged on the plug just hard enough to make it strain against his tight little hole. Now that she finally had the chance Carrie was honestly at a lost. Her hand slowed to a stop along his cock while her lips and tongue all but completely stopped moving soon after. She stared up at him in amazement while he just grinned down at her with a wild eyed smile.

Carrie pulled away from his cock entirely after a few seconds, a little bit of spit and precum drooling down her chin, to say, “That's so fucking hot!”

“I thought you'd like it.” Alex giggled. “Now you can finally—”

The rest of his sentence was cut short by a girlish moan as she suddenly pulled on the rather massive plug firmly embedded in his asshole. Not quite hard enough to remove it entirely but certainly hard enough to send more than half of it sliding out of his quivering ring. And since she was intimately aware of how big it actually was she knew exactly where to stop if she wanted to leave his tight little hole stretched as wide as it could possibly be. Wide enough to comfortably fit three of her fingers with ease only a hundred times better as the warm metal kept him completely gaped in the most toe curling way possible. When she suddenly wrapped her lips around his cock the pleasure surging through him was almost too much to bear. Crying out even louder and frantically covering his mouth Alex stared down at her in equal parts amazement and ecstasy. Until his head tilted back as another wave of delight crashed down on him as she glided even further along his cock. Carrie was the only girl in school who could actually deepthroat his dick without puking and she took full advantage of that impressive skill as fast as humanly possibly. First by lurching forward until more than half of his ungodly length had vanished into her mouth and her slender throat was messily bulging outward from the sheer amount of cock embedded inside her. Then by shoving his butt plug back into his ass with all her strength at the same moment she glided off his prick.

Another, protracted moan erupted from his lips as pleasure radiated through his body. But before his ecstasy had even finished reverberating through her bedroom Carrie was gliding back onto his furiously twitching length and eagerly tugging on his plug all over again. Only this time she managed to slurp up more than two thirds of his shaft before coming to a stop. All while withdrawing the toy so far it nearly fell out of his quivering hole all on it's own. Alex tried to brace himself for the ensuing wave of ecstasy that was sure to follow but he was still completely unprepared for how amazing it felt when she retreated off his prick while shoving his plug back into his ass. Feeling her lips gliding along his dick at the same moment an amazingly thick plug was shoved into his oversensitive prostate, not to mention stretching open his inner walls, was everything he could've hoped for and more. The handful of rational thoughts still bouncing around his increasingly overwhelmed mind couldn't help but focus on that oh so delicious fact while Carrie started gliding back and forth along his dick with the same frantic rhythm as always. Only now with the added pleasure of sliding a massive plug in and out of his hole instead of her fingers. As much as he loved feeling her massaging his prostate with her soft, manicured digits the lewdness of taking an entire plug was so much better. So, so much better. He could barely keep his knees from buckling after twenty or thirty seconds and within a minute he was hunched over her and holding on for dear life.

“Oh fuck!” He moaned, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, ohhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Pulling her the last few inches onto his cock until her lips were wrapped around the base Alex continued to groan like a wounded animal while her throat spasmed around his dick. Spit and precum sputtered out of her nostrils and the corners of her mouth as Carrie stopped throating his shaft, instead grabbing a handful of his bubble butt and playing with his butt plug even more vigorously. All the while her impossibly overwhelmed companion just kept repeating himself. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!”

For a few, amazingly frantic seconds he used Carrie's throat like a fleshlight as he hurtled towards a much needed orgasm. It'd only been a week since they last hooked up but both of them were feeling so deprived of satisfaction it might as well have been a month! And when Alex finally hit his limit she had a front row seat to how pent up he really was. Slamming every last inch of his dick inside her with one last, shuddering thrust he let out an almost pained groan as his cock swelled and his balls tightened. Her gurgling, sloppy moan quickly joined his as her tightly stretched lips trembled and the rest of her body quickly followed suit. As much as she loved the wet, humiliating slap of his sack against her skin while he fucked her like a plaything the feel of his whole body quivering against her was even better, especially when it was soon followed by an absolutely massive deluge of fresh cum. She might've been the tiniest bit disappointed that she couldn't taste any of it as he pumped load after gooey load so deep into her throat it was practically spraying directly into her stomach.

But that was a small price to pay for the unbridled delight of holding herself tight against him while he spasmodically thrusted and breathlessly whimpered with each spurt. With every wild pulse of his cock. For close to thirty uninterrupted seconds she basked in the warmth of his jizz flooding her belly until she was full to bursting with his cum. All the while her throat was stretched do widely around his dick she couldn't get so much as a single breath around his turgid length. Between the intense, toe curling heat of his jizz drenching her stomach and the oxygen deprivation her head was spinning and her body was covered in goosebumps by the time he'd actually finished emptying his balls for the first time. The carpet beneath her aching pussy was completely soaked in her arousal and the sweet smell of her excitement was already filling his nostrils as Alex took his first proper breath in quite some time. And that oh so enticing aroma only grew more intoxicating as he slowly withdrew his cock to finally give her the same courtesy.

Knowing full well how much she loved the sensation of his massive prick gliding out of her throat after he'd dumped a massive load into her stomach he took his time and really let her wallow in the feeling of his dick gliding out out of her gullet. Although his actions weren't entirely selfish as he enjoyed the increasingly sloppy sight of his spit soaked shaft emerging from her lips, spit and cum sputtering out of her in messy strands with every passing second. Watching his normally composed and in control cheer captain choke and gag and retch as she splattered herself with spittle and jizz had never lost it's appeal no matter how many times he enjoyed the spectacle. Nor did seeing her gasping for breath and drooling all over herself in the aftermath. Indeed it only took a few seconds of watching her shakily 'recover' to get his half hard cock back to full attention. Of course knowing full well what came next certainly provided ample motivation too.

Standing up and staggering towards her bed like a drunk stumbling to their car she practically collapsed onto the sheets in a mindless heap, lifting her ass into the air as she did and moaning his name as she wiggled her hips back and forth. Alex didn't waste any time joining her, immediately pushing his tip against her trembling pussy only to stop for just a second and ask, “Do you have any condoms?”

“No . . .” She replied, her slightly hoarse voice muffled as she buried her face in a pillow, “I forgot to grab some . . .”

“Shit . . .” Pulling back and biting his lip he admired her naked body for a few seconds, “We probably shouldn't risk it then . . . I can go down on you inste—”

“Just fuck my ass!” As she spoke she reached back to grab her perky buttocks with both hands and spread them apart.

He stared at her tightly clenched yet eagerly winking ring for a second or two, more than a little surprised by her suggestion, “Are you sure you can—”

“Get the Hitachi out of my closet and fuck me in the ass.” Carrie said. “Now!”

Not even remotely interested in arguing Alex grabbed their favorite sex toy and returned to the bed after sliding the vibrating massage wand underneath his partner. Grabbing it with both hands and flattening herself against the bed Carrie resisted the urge to turn it on as soon as it touched her incredibly wet cunt. Instead she waited as he squatted over her perk ass, sliding his cock between her buttocks and pressing the sticky tip against her soon to be destroyed hole. She might've only taken him there a few times but she had more than enough experience with his massive dick to know what to expect and how to handle it. Which was exactly why she still didn't turn on her Hitachi even as he slid his ungodly thick cock head into her hole with a soft yet unrelenting push. His tip disappeared inside her amazingly tight ring without too much effort and an explosion of pain tinged pleasure surged through her. She cried out his name and buried her face even deeper in her pillows as thick spurts of precum oozed into her quivering asshole. Despite how incredible her body felt wrapped around his sensitive tip he paused for a handful of seconds. Just long enough to let her adjust to his size before she was wracked by the even thicker parts of his shaft. Though he couldn't wait anywhere near as long as he wanted to and after a few moments his hips were thrusting forward at the same measured pace that'd sent his head slipping into her ass to begin with.

Suddenly it was her turn to cry out and shake like she'd been electrocuted, “Oh fuck!” She whimpered, her voice even more breathless and girly than his had been, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”

Alex did his level best to not go too fast and completely ruin any pleasure she might feel. But the deeper he went and the more her amazingly tight walls wrapped around his cock the harder it was to keep himself under control. Particularly when she started squealing in that high pitched, mindless tone that always drove him absolutely crazy. Around the halfway point Carrie was completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of his dick. With at least seven inches already buried in her ass and close to another seven to go her mind was struggling to comprehend just how massive he actually was. She could feel her stomach distending against the bed as he pushed further and further into her guts and that toe curling sensation only made it harder for her to adequately adjust to everything she was feeling. Nearly all of the pain had faded into a small, background twinge that paled in comparison to the pleasure of almost literally being split open by his dick. But that only made it worse as he subtly quickened his pace to send the last few inches of his dick flying into her ass. When his hips finally smacked into her buttocks and a soft yet somehow thunderous slap of colliding flesh filled the room she finally had a chance to take a breath and gather her wits. Difficult as that might be with thirteen inches of fat, throbbing cock rearranging her colon. Which was exactly why she chose that moment to switch on her Hitachi and press it tight against her swollen clit.

Indescribable pleasure lanced through her body like she'd been struck by lighting, setting fire to her already frazzled nerves and instantly overwhelming what was left of her mind. After waiting the eternity that was a week without any kind of release and getting the best foreplay ever in the form of a sloppy throatfuck she was so unimaginably primed for ecstasy even the lowest setting on her wand was too much for her. And things only got 'worse' as her inner walls tightened around the gigantic cock stuffed deep into her ass, all but forcing Alex to pull out as she squeezed his sensitive prick so tightly it was nothing short of unbearable. He withdrew as fast as humanly possible while she pressed her aching pussy even harder against the toy beneath her. Both of them cried out in a mixture of pleasure and amazement as they basked in the suddenness of her actions. Somehow she managed to be just as surprised as him despite controlling the Hitachi and that surprise only continued as he wasted no time plunging his dick back into her ass with all his strength. Her bed creaked from the force of his stroke and the feverishly loud smack of their bodies reuniting filled the bedroom. Carrie hardly had time to moan before his dick was sliding right back out again and her quivering little ring was messily distending outwards around him.

In a mindless bid to keep his dick embedded in her ass Carrie lifted her hips off the bed, momentarily freeing herself from the  downright unbearable ecstasy of the vibrating wand pressed so tight on her clit. But before she could miss the toe curling sensation or even really process it's absence Alex slammed all thirteen inches back inside of her with even more strength than before. Her trembling body was pushed flat against the bed and her Hitachi in the blink of an eye and another bolt of ecstasy was sent coursing through her so unimaginably fast it defied comprehension. When he pulled out again a moment later she didn't even have the wherewithal to lift her hips up. She couldn't. Her ferociously spasming muscles were too uncontrollable to do anything more than send her frantically grinding against the toy buzzing away against her aching bud. Hell she couldn't even find the energy to cry out in pleasure! There wasn't enough air in her lungs to make a peep and she was far, far too busy biting down on her pillow to stop and take a breath, let alone release it in a protracted squeal. What little air she managed to suck in as Alex thrusted faster and faster while the constant ecstasy of her toy continued to build just barely kept her from passing out. And even that seemed like a losing battle as the second turned to minutes and her orgasmic bliss kept growing and growing to truly unbearable proportions.

By the time he was fucking her as fast and as hard as he could get away with, though unfortunately not as fast or as hard as he was capable of, Carrie was pretty much at her limit. Thanks to the Hitachi buzzing away against her clit she didn't even notice how much he was holding back so they wouldn't get caught by her parents. She just felt the endlessly crashing waves of pleasure hitting her over and over again so fast she couldn't begin to deal with them all. The pleasure simply layered on top of itself in a constant barrage that threatened to absolutely destroy what was left of her sanity if she didn't stop it soon. And against all sense and logic some small part of her did actually try and stop the ecstasy from reaching a boiling point. To settle the churning seas within her out of some misguided notion that she couldn't handle what was about to happen. And if Alex hadn't been intimately familiar with her  amusing little quirks she might've actually succeeded. Fortunately for her the moment she tried to do anything more than squirm against the bed and drown in the ever rising tides of pleasure he pushed her right back down against the sheets. All but pinning her against the bed and holding her there as he went completely wild for a few seconds he threw caution to the wind and absolutely ruined her asshole in a frenzy of mindless thrusts. The amazing feeling of his dick gliding in and out of her hole while his balls slapped against her pussy and her toy broke her clit was exactly the combination she needed to completely lose her mind. She barely lasted ten seconds before unleashing a desperate scream into her pillow and descending wholeheartedly into orgasmic bliss.

A messy little jet of arousal erupted from her cunt as her whole body contracted. Spraying across his balls just before they slapped against her sex she soaked them both in a sweet smelling font of warmth just before losing all control of her muscles. An instant later she was a spasming, quivering mess of the confident woman Alex knew. Little more than a spasmodically twitching wreck of her former self as she was hit by wave after wave of undiluted pleasure. Arousal continued to squirt from her pussy in a constant barrage, each jet arriving as he withdrew his cock only to be sent splashing across their goosebump riddled skin as he plunged back inside her. Sometimes she actually managed to find enough air to moan his name or some other, half formed sentence mindlessly pulled from the overwhelmed depths of her brain. But more often than not she was left completely incapable of anything more than an almost comically animalistic groan. Sounding more like a wounded creature than a human woman lost in the throes of bliss she groaned and grunted and even wheezed in what should've been a wildly unappealing cacophony.

Most guys would've been turned off by the sounds she made as her asshole was split open and her pussy was slapped by a fat pair of balls. But then again most guys couldn't make her sound like that even if they tried all night long. And as had been well established Alex wasn't at all like most guys. The sound of her loud, unladylike moans turned him on all the more, spurring him to keep pounding away as fast and as hard as he could regardless of the consequences. He'd all but forgotten about her parents, the sleepover, and really everything else in the world as he slammed into her again and again and again while she continued to squirt all over them. Knowingly prolonging her orgasm until she couldn't take another second he just kept fucking her for what seemed like hours on end. He only stopped when her deep grunts turned to frantic little whimpers and her trembling changed from uncontrollable, lurching reactions to his cock to something else entirely. Only when he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she couldn't take another second of his dick did he finally see fit to pull out completely. As well as turn off her Hitachi.

Sliding off the bed to stand over her breathing like he'd just run a mile Alex stared down at his devastated partner, watching in pleasure as her sloppily gaped asshole winked and quivered in the pale moonlight. Little spurts of arousal were still squirting from her pussy as she lay there quivering in the afterglow of their fun and at some point she'd turned her head to the side to reveal her bright red face in all it's drooling beauty. Her hips were still moving in uncoordinated little bursts as if he was fucking her or she was grinding against her toy and she showed no signs of stopping any time soon. Nor did she show any signs of collecting her wits or pulling herself out of the afterglow. With her eyes still rolled back in her head and her breath arriving in frantic little gasps it was safe to say she'd need a few minutes at the very least. Not that her companion minded waiting when he had such an enjoyable and arousing spectacle to keep him occupied.

He opened his mouth to make some teasing little quip he hadn't even thought out yet only to be interrupted by a soft knock at the door and a familiar voice, “Did you guys seriously wait until I was asleep?!” Desiree hissed.

Laughing off the sudden swell of adrenaline coursing through his veins Alex turned away from Carrie, leaving her to shakily try and fail to push herself upright, to approach the door. Unlocking and throwing it open he was amused and not the least bit surprised to find Desiree and Maria standing in the hallway beyond. “Sorry about that.” He replied with a chuckle.

Both women glowered at him, their arms folded and their annoyance only slightly marred by the obvious arousal filling their eyes as they stared him up and down. “You just can't help yourselves can you?” Maria asked.

“We knew you'd wake up and join us eventually.”

“Bullshit!” Desiree said with a hint of amusement.

Both women pushed past him to walk inside Carrie's room and Alex shut the door behind them. “Let me guess, no condoms?” Maria stated as she approached the bed to look at their squad leader's still quite sloppily gaped asshole.

“Nope!” Alex cheerfully replied. “I don't suppose you have any?”

“I've got a few.”

“So do I.” Desiree added, “Because some of us come prepared!”

“Fuck . . . you . . .” Carrie moaned back.

All three of the still lucid members of the squad grinned at each other. After a moment or two of silence Alex looked at his companions and asked, “What are we waiting for?”


Keith Rogers

What a great story.

Sophia Dearden

This is fantastic work. You've outdone yourself my friend!


I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! Especially considering how quickly I wrote it and how haphazard it all felt while writing.