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Sorry this took me so long to finish y'all. I had the hardest time coming up with an idea after the poll concluded. Hopefully I managed to do the various ideas some degree of justice. Be sure to let me know either way!

“That's it! That's it! That's it! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh thaaaaaaatssssssss iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!”

Queen Enara's ample breasts heaved from the force of her lover's blows, beads of sweat rolling down her golden bronze skin. Yet no matter how long she lay on her back with her newest consort between her legs she felt nothing but dissatisfaction. Her every moan and whimper was a calculated act and the sweat rolling seductively across her body wasn't even her own. Rather it constantly dripped from the forehead of the Human trying so admirably hard to satisfy a woman he'd never truly be able to please. Not in the confines of their bedroom. Some part of him surely knew as much after nearly three hours of trying only to hear the same sounds spilling from her lips regardless of his efforts. And of course such a lengthy amount of time was taking it's toll on his admittedly impressive libido. As was her unfathomably tight pussy and the simple, elegant beauty of her softly angled face. Indeed everything about her proved a constant challenge to his endurance, regardless of how enthused she might be. Of all the Elven Queens none were more fiercely beautiful than Enara. Her body was voluptuous and her curves were beyond even the most skilled artisan's attempt to duplicate. Even a glance from her dark eyes could make a grown man swoon and when a smile crested those plump, gold lips all the rest of the world seemed to stop existing. If only for a moment. Like so many others before him, indeed like nearly everyone to have ever met the Queen, Drevan of Irlstaad would've gladly died for a chance to be in her presence for but a moment longer than the rest. When she'd chosen him as her newest consort the joy he'd felt had been immeasurable.

Countless death threats were sent to his home and he even weathered a single, ill fated assassination attempt all because of his impossible luck. Yet no matter what he tried or how long he tried it nothing could make her cry out in pleasure. No amount of thrusting nor teasing her swollen but nor suckling at her large, puffy nipples seemed to alter her beautiful but sadly unchanging expression. Though she'd complimented the size of his manhood upon first seeing it and even praised the talents of his tongue when it darted across her sex he still felt like an unabashed failure as cum erupted from his cock to flood her pussy. His last, desperate hope was eliciting some sort of reaction to the amount of seed he emptied into her womanhood. Each throb of his prick sent a jet more than thrice the size of what a normal man might produce splashing across the entrance to her womb or soaking her innermost walls. For half a minute or more his length pulsed with wanton abandon and her sex was absolutely drowned in cum. Thick strands of it leaked out onto the silken sheets beneath them long before he'd even withdrawn and there wasn't an inch of her pussy not coated in his warmth. A fact Enara certainly enjoyed as she lay there in the aftermath of it all. But hardly one that made her cry out in rapturous ecstasy like her partner wanted. Indeed she barely made a sound as he finally withdrew from her sex. The wet pop of his half hard cock emerging and cum bubbling out in a gooey waterfall remained proved louder than her soft exhale. Rolling onto the bed beside her feeling simultaneously exhausted and disappointed in himself Drevan couldn't bring himself to look at the Queen he'd so perfectly let down. Until she spoke and he turned towards her with a hopeful eye.

“Thank you for the pleasant evening.” Enara said, her deep and husky voice entirely unchanged in spite of all they'd done. She didn't even sound the tiniest bit out of breath. “If you so desire we can try again tomorrow evening.”

“We can?”

“Of course. You're my consort. It's only fair you have a chance to redeem yourself.”

“I see . . .”

Sitting up and looking at him for a moment Enara laid a hand on her lover's shoulder and offered a tender smile. As saddened as he was by his inadequacy his heart still swelled with joy as her radiance washed over him. “Don't allow yourself to despair. You've done better than most.”

“I have?”

“Oh yes. Many a consort struggles to last even a fraction of the time you did. Some never make it out of their breeches.”

“Then what did I do wrong?”

“I cannot say . . . perhaps we can learn together in the coming days.”

“And if we can't?” He asked, both elated at the prospect yet terrified of continuing to disappoint the woman he revered.

“Then we will part ways and knowing we tried our best. There's no shame in failing when you've held nothing back and given your all.”

“Are you certain? I feel a great deal of shame at the moment.”

Smiling a bit wider as she slid off the bed and rose to her feet Queen Enara looked at Drevan for a moment, then down at the cum running down her thighs in creamy rivulets, “If nothing else take solace in what you accomplished.”

He watched her turn away and his heart skipped a beat upon seeing her wide, plump buttocks in the soft glow of candlelight. Everything about her was so soft and curvaceous he couldn't help but stare. Plump in all the most alluring ways and taller than many a man or woman by a head or more she commanded respect and exuded beauty no matter what she did. “W-What have I-I accomplished?” He stammered.

“You allowed me to forget my troubles for a time.” Enara said, looking back at him through a curtain of wavy golden tresses, “And for that you'll always have my gratitude.”

“It was my honor my Lady.” Drevan replied. Sensing their time was concluded he sat up and moved to the edge of her spacious bed, “Was there . . . was there anything else you needed?”

“Not tonight. But tomorrow I should like us to share a morning meal. If you have no objections.”

“None my Lady! It would be an honor!”

Smiling to herself as she sauntered towards the wash basin on the far side of her room Enara nodded and said, “Then I shall see you in the morning. Sleep well Drevan of Irlstaad.”

“Sleep well my Lady. I look forward to the morning.”

“As do I.”

Gathering his furs and giving a polite bow Drevan departed the Queen's bedchambers without another word. His mind was still reeling from everything that'd happened and it took several minutes of idly wandering the palace halls before he remembered he had yet to actually dress himself. He did so in a shadowy nook where none of the patrolling guards might see him and hastened back to his room with a furious blush lighting up his face. All the while he wondered how Enara was occupying herself after he'd departed. Part of him worried she was doing what he'd been able to accomplish, perhaps with the aid of magic or even some absurd Goblin invention. Those fears only continued to grow with ever step he took away from her chambers and by the time he reached his own room he was all but convinced she was pleasuring herself like he could only dream of. That she was writhing in satisfaction and calling out to the nonexistent lover she hoped to someday find. But as he removed his clothes yet again and slipped beneath the covers of his own lavish bedding he remembered the words she'd spoke to him and the smile she'd given as she said them. In seconds his fears had slipped away and in their place was a profound sense of happiness. Tomorrow evening he would do everything he could to pleasure the Queen. Until then he could rest easy in the knowledge of what he'd accomplished and the sincerity of the words she'd spoken to him. His eyes fluttered shut as his mind replayed those tenderly spoke reassurances over and over again like a lullaby.

Drevan might not have worried at all had he known the truth of what Enara did after his departure. Her first concern was cleaning the seed from her legs and from within her body. Though she had little fear of pregnancy thanks to a few carefully crafted spells from her court sorceress she loathed soiling her sheets in so vulgar a fashion. Not unless they were soiled after a night so intense she truly couldn't leave her bed no matter how hard she tried. Since that had yet to happen after she took the throne it was a simple matter of cleaning herself and anywhere his fluids might've fallen. Once that matter was taken care of she donned a comfortable robe and adjourned to the balcony to spend a few moments gazing up at the stars and moon. Though she meant to simply enjoy the solitude and bask in the pale comfort of their glow her thoughts invariably turned towards the many woes all monarchs shared. Though hers were far lesser than many she couldn't ignore what troubles there were. Not even for a few seconds. So much needed to be done and so many needed to be helped. More than a dozen ambassadors for neighboring kingdoms would be arriving soon. A war in the southern isles was threatening to land on her shores. Her court whispered about the children she'd yet to sire. Old roads needed repair. New bridges needed to be built. All of these worries and more flitted through her mind in a messy jumble of disconnected thoughts and meandering concerns. Enara could do nothing about them save reminding herself ot the solutions she'd already concocted and trusting that each would solve the matters in turn when she finally enacted them.

It was a cycle she'd engaged in every day since she was crowned and many a day before then. One she neither relished nor hated. Though when a distraction arrived to break her from her reverie she was more than happy to focus herself entirely on that for a time. Especially when that distraction was her body double hurrying across the grounds in the dead of night. “Vetra?” She called out to the figure surreptitiously walking through the courtyard beneath her, “What rouses you at such a late hour? And why do your hide your face?”

Stopping dead in her tracks the moment she heard the Queen speak Vetra quickly lowered her hood and cast her eyes skyward to meet Enara's gaze, “Forgive me Lady, I did not wish to be spotted!”

“That much I gathered.” She replied with a laugh, “But you have yet to answer my question.”

Her servant's cheeks darkened and she looked away for just a moment. When she looked back to see concern on her Lady's face she couldn't help but say, “I-It's not a matter I would discuss so openly. But I am no trouble nor danger.”

“Very well. Come to my chambers and tell me in private.”

“Of course my Lady. As you wish.”

Though she very much didn't want to explain herself Vetra could neither lie to the Queen nor ignore her summons. Even beyond the weight of such words spoken by her monarch. She hurried through the palace and to Enara's chambers where her Lady was waiting for her with the same concern etched on her face and sincerity in her eyes, “Why do you skulk about the palace so late?”

Vetra's cheeks darkened even further and she looked down at her feet in shame, “My Lady . . . it isn't something I ever wanted to admit aloud . . . indeed it isn't something I ever imagined myself doing again . . .”

“What is it? What have you done?”

Hearing the tone of her Queen's voice she lifted her gaze and immediately answered, “N-Nothing terrible my Lady! Though I suppose you may not believe the same when I tell you . . .”

Both concerned for her companion and amused by her nervous reticence Queen Enara approached the woman who was a mirror image of herself and laid her hands on her shoulders. “I cannot believe anything until you tell me what it is you've done. And what you were doing . . .”

Reassured by her Queen's touch and unable to keep her secret a moment longer Vetra admitted the truth in a jumbled, overeager mess, “Menpaymetoactasyouwhenwemakelove!”

“Slow down.” Enara stated, still smiling even as her eyes subtly widened. She'd caught just enough of what'd been said to understand the gist but she found herself needing to hear it said plainly. “Take a deep breath . . . there we are . . . now . . . what did you just say?”

“Men pay me to act as you when we make love!”

“I see.” Her hands fell away from Vetra's shoulders as she mulled over what she'd just heard from her servant. “You pretend to be me, and men pay you for it?”

“Y-Yes . . . because we look identical . . . b-but it's not solely men . . .”

Enara nodded along with the words being spoken but didn't immediately respond. Her mind was racing with thoughts and reactions and she could scarcely follow a single thread before it spiraled off into another and then another. “For how long have you done this?”

“I-I don't know . . . a few years . . . perhaps more . . . I-I never planned to do a-anything of the sort! I-It simply . . . happened . . .”


“A woman down in the Trade Quarter wanted to impress her family . . . s-so I impersonated you for a short while . . . it wasn't long after I-I was first employed as y-your body double . . . I-I thought it might help me better portray you . . . if there w-was ever an attempt on y-your life . . .”

“You were hired by my sorceress more than five years ago.” Enara mused. “You've done this for quite some time.”

“I've only done it a great deal within the last two years my Lady!” Vetra was quick to clarify. “B-Before then it was only the rare occasion . . . to help out someone in need or make an extra bit of coin . . .”

“Do we not pay you well enough?” The Queen asked. Her tone was full of sincere concern, “We've more than enough coffers to see you comfortable.”

“I-It's not a matter of money my Lady. Although I accept payment for my services . . . in truth . . . well I never asked for the money in the first place . . .”

“You didn't?”

“No . . . they simply assumed I would require payment and I never refused it . . .”

“I see.” A smile returned to her face as she looked at her surprising companion for a moment or two before asking, “How does impersonating me to impress a woman's family lead to having sex with men and women alike?”

“I can't illustrate the entire process my Lady. Like everything else it simply . . . happened . . .”

Leaving those words to hang in the air Enara took a deep breath and considered everything she'd heard thus far. So many questions filled her mind it was impossible to choose a single one. Until she looked back at her servant and thoughtlessly said, “You must enjoy it a great deal then?”

“My Lady?”

“The sex. Pretending to be me and having sex with whomever you like. If you've no need of money you must enjoy the sex a great deal.”

Vetra's cheeks darkened and she looked away from her Queen. After a moment or two a small yet unapologetic smile lit up her face, “I do enjoy it . . . I enjoy it a great deal . . . none of them truly think I'm you but . . .”


“But they're more than happy to act as if I am when we're alone. It's very . . . exciting . . . and almost a little . . . liberating . . .”

“I think I understand what you mean.”

“You do?!”

“I believe I do. You can be someone else. You can do things you might never have had the courage to do. And you're treated like someone else at the same time.”

“Yes! T-That's exactly it!”

Vetra's smile just about reached her ears as she looked at her Queen. But when Enara's face remained pensive her expression slowly faltered until her Lady spoke again, “What do you do with these men and women?”

“What do I do with them?”

“Yes. When you depart the palace to meet with them what do you do?”

“W-We have sex my Lady.”

“That much as been established.” She said with a smirk, “I'd like to know the details. Since you pretend to be me I'd like to know what you do while you pretend. How do you comport yourself?”

“M-My Lady I never meant any disrespect nor—”

“I never claimed you did. Nor did I think you would. I don't ask this because I wish to punish you. I ask because you've piqued my curiosity.”

Though in her heart Vetra knew Queen Enara was too kind and forgiving to punish her for such a thing her mind couldn't help but worry about that outcome. Few other monarchs would've tolerated so grave a slight to their reputation and it was far too easy to forget how special her Lady truly was. She did her best to settle herself and think back across the many, many, many liasons she'd enjoyed over the last two years. “I-I cannot recall everything . . . but I can share with you everything that remains in my thoughts . . .”

“I would like that very much. Join me on the balcony.”

“Of course My Lady!”

Departing her bedchambers and sitting beneath the starry night sky the pair lapsed into a comfortable silence as Vetra tried to decide where best to start. Speaking of the most perverse and lewd things first made a certain degree of sense and yet she wasn't sure she could begin so brazenly. But beginning with the most unremarkable stories she could still recall would surely leave her Queen bored and—

“Start at the beginning and continue until you've reached tonight.” Enara stated with a laugh, very much aware of what was stopping her companion.

Giving a quick nod and taking a deep breath Vetra began her long, sordid tale, “The first time I was ever offered money for such I think I refused. I couldn't imagine doing anything so crass . . . it wasn't until a short while later that another approached me with a similar offer . . .”

For the next hour Vetra regaled her Queen with every sexual adventure she went on. Every sordid tale and sloppy encounter was described in as vivid detail as she could remember. At first she felt impossibly awkward describing such things to her Lady but Enara never once caused those feelings through word or reaction and before long she'd overcome the bulk of her nervousness. Some still remained as the lewdness of her actions were stated aloud and she started to realize just how depraved she'd been in some of her more lascivious encounters. But even that paled in comparison to the strange sense of excitement she felt as she finally told another living soul what she'd been doing. Up until that evening only the men and women she shared herself with knew what happened when she snuck away from the palace night after night. Letting in another person, letting in the Queen no less, was thrilling in a manner she'd never anticipated. As she reached her most vulgar, eye opening stories she started telling them with a breathless excitement far removed from the meek tone she'd given. Of course none of her growing enthusiasm would've been even remotely possible had she not watched the flicker of intrigue slowly ignite within her Lady's eyes. Although she remained quite and dignified throughout the stories, even the most perverted and debauchery laden ones she'd ever heard, Enara couldn't keep herself from feeling a rush of adrenaline as she imagined them all taking place. As she quite effortlessly put herself in those situations time and time again until the last story had been shared and another quiet reverie fell over them both. Once again she broke the stillness with a remark, though the tone of her words were far more jovial and excited than before.

“I don't say this lightly but I truly believe you are the most lewd, perverted woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.” She stated, “The things you've done while masquerading as me . . . I doubt there's a bard alive who could write something more profane.”


“Vetra, were I standing at the start of all this I would've dropped into the nearest seat the moment you spoke of your adventures aboard the Broken Crescent.”

“But that was near the start of my tale!”

“Yes it was.”

Absolutely astonished by that praise and looking faintly impressed with herself Vetra beamed like never before, “Then you aren't mad! Truly?”

“No, I'm not mad at all. At the very beginning I was amused and perhaps a touch curious. Now I'm both impressed at the scope of your adventures and amazed you're seated before me in the first place!”

“Thank you my Lady.”

“You're quite welcome my friend.” Letting out a breath and looking out across the courtyard Enara had a sudden thought, “Only now do I realize I've just kept you from another wild adventure with my selfishness.”

“There was nothing selfish about it my Lady!” Vetra immediately replied, “I'm glad I finally told you, even if it means a few dozen sailors from Accania will go without my company for the night.”

Masking the little burst of excitement she felt upon hearing where her lovers hailed from the Queen slowly rose to her feet and said, “Nonetheless, I feel indebted to you. These stories were a wonderful accompaniment to my evening.”

“Thank you my Lady! That's truly an honor to hear! Though in truth it's only thanks to your reputation that I'm able to behave as I have.”

“Then I suppose we're both to blame!” They shared a genuine, heartfelt laugh as they stood bathed in starlight, the warm glow of the moon illuminating their faces as their giggling faded into smiles. “i believe I've kept you long enough Vetra. You're welcome to remain if you like but you're free to return to your quarters if you wish.”

“I think I'll take my leave. In truth I'm still quite weary from my last adventure—”

“The Orcish warband?”

“Yes!” Vetra nodded, “I might not have made it home tonight! Not of my own accord at least.”

“Well then we might consider my interference a blessing!”

“Indeed we might!” They returned to her bedchambers and her servant approached the door only to stop and turn back, “I nearly forgot my cloak!”

“Allow me to keep it for a time!” Enara replied, picking up the slightly ragged garment and examining it for a moment, “I'm certain my tailors could do wonders with it. If you'll allow me?”

“Of course! Thank you my Lady!” Bowing low before turning away she pulled the door open and paused for just a moment, “Thank you for everything.”

“You are forever welcome Vetra. We'll speak again in the morning.”

“I look forward to it. Goodnight my Lady!”


Queen Enara watcher her companion leave and listened to her footsteps slowly retreated down the hall, an overwhelming sense of excitement growing within her like a flame. The very moment she was certain her servant was out of earshot she turned away from the door and hurried to her dresser, “Surely I still have it in here—yes!”

Retrieving the most unremarkable articles of clothing she owned from the very depths of her vast collection Enara slipped out of her robe and donned her disguise. Though her garb still wasn't quite to the same standards as Vetra's such a discrepancy could be explained away quite easily. At least that's what she hoped as she wrapped her body double's cloak around her shoulders and examined herself in the mirror. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and the widest smile she'd displayed in years spread across her face. What she was considering seemed absolutely crazy. In every imaginable way a ludicrous idea could be crazy. Yet as she strutted towards her balcony to look out across the capitol city spread all around the palace the Queen couldn't think of a single reason not to do it. Entirely for her own amusement she even tried to come up with a reason to turn around and go to sleep like she'd planned before spotting her servant. But nothing sprang into her mind. Instead she could only think of all the stories she'd been told and the wild debauchery awaiting her with the men and women of Accania. She knew where they were staying for the evening, she knew what they liked to do to Vetra whenever they were in town, and she knew how exciting that prospect was. No amount of sense nor reason could dissuade her from climbing over the railing and jumping from the balcony to land on the ground some thirty feet below.

Rolling across the grassy courtyard for a moment she sprang back to her feet in an instant and rushed away every bit as quickly as her companion had before she was caught. Slipping past the guards was a remarkably easy feat, so much so she'd need to have a word with the watch captain when she returned, and once she had the entire city was open to her. Which meant very little when she had only one place to be and only one place worth being at. Without a care in the world she broke into a wild spring, running down the cobblestone path leading from the palace to the Noble Quarter. She must've made for quite an odd sight at so late an hour but she paid little heed to the few people she passed along the all but empty streets. Though she did take care to avoid any patrolling guards just in case they recognized their Queen and saw fit to make an ordeal out of it. Fortunately they never patrolled the area with any great force and she was able to depart the district without any trouble whatsoever. A relatively short trip through the stretch of city bridging the gap between Noble and Trade Quarter passed by in the blink of an eye. Her mind was far too overwhelmed by the prospect of wild, passionate sex to notice silly things like how long she was rushing through nearly empty city streets. As foolish as it was to let her hopes soar so high she couldn't help but tell herself she'd finally found the solution to her problem. A solution she'd already explored many, many years ago but a solution nonetheless!

In what felt like a few heartbeats but in actuality was more than half an hour of ceaseless running the disguised Queen arrived at the seediest tavern closest to the docks.  Exactly where Vetra would've been not so long ago and exactly where she needed to be. More than a few heads turned her way as she approached the doors and she saw flashes of recognition in nearly every eye to fall upon her. The respect she had for her body double only grew when she stepped inside to find the entire place filled with men and women who greeted her like an old friend. Or something even more familiar. Enara could hardly take a single step without someone pinching or spanking her rump, making a thoroughly perverse remark, or otherwise indicating a very intimate familiarity with the woman they thought her to be. And she loved every moment of it. Thanks to the colorful descriptions she'd been given many of the faces around her were quite familiar but even the ones that weren't still sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. By the time she reached the barkeep at the far end of the room something warm was trickling down her inner thighs and her heart was beating so fast she worried she might faint. Luckily she managed to control herself just enough to approach the surly looking woman and sit down on one of the only available stools. Without missing a beat the stranger poured a hearty mug of some jet black liquid and slid it cross the pockmarked wood. More than happy to fit in the Queen scooped it up, threw her head back, and drained the entire glass. It was absolutely revolting.

“You're late . . . 'your highness'.” The barkeep said with a grin, “The boys almost left an hour ago.”

“But they didn't leave?” Enara asked in her best impersonation of Vetra.

“No, I reminded em how long they'd have to wait if they missed you this time around.”

“Thank you. They're upstairs?”

“Mmhmmm.” She took the emptied mug being offered to her and watched 'Vetra' slide off her stool, only to add, “Try to keep it down this time. Some of us get a little sick of all the moanin!”

“I'll do my best!”

So excited she wanted to scream Enara hurried up to the second floor two steps at a time, much to the amusement and jealousy of those watching. Although she paid them little attention as she headed for her real prize a voice in the back of her mind suggested she pay them a visit when she was finished with the Accanians. If she still had the wherewithal of course. That voice and indeed all her other thoughts were completely and utterly silenced when she entered the only room on the otherwise open floor to find close to three dozen men and women waiting for her in a room so cramped the stench of musk and arousal hit her like a wave the instant she opened the door. Every last one towered above her, not a single sailor standing less than seven feet tall at the bare minimum. Some were already naked, some were barely clothed, and some were midway through pulling their garb back on but no matter what state of dress they were in Enara couldn't help but stare with wide eyed delight. Nearly all of them stared right back at her with even more excitement. A hush had fallen over the room and in the wonderfully tense silence to follow nobody seemed willing to speak aloud. The disguised Queen certainly had no interest in doing or saying anything. Not when she had muscles upon muscles to stare at. Like every other ship she'd encountered sailing out of Accania the menagerie of races spread out before her was truly stunning. Humans, Elves, Orcs, and Beastmen alike rubbed shoulders with each other without a care in the world. All of them were there for a single reason and when an enormous tower of equine muscle and flesh approached everyone knew it was time for the fun to begin.

“You kept us waiting Lady.” He rumbled, “We feared you might not arrive.”

“I was waylaid by other duties.” 'Vetra' replied. “But I'm here now. And I'm more than happy to make up for my absence.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. A true Queen never hesitates to take care of her subjects!”

Laughter filled the room and Enara smiled a bit wider. Several more men and women stood up as clothing was shed all around her. “Too right Lady.” The mountain of strength before her agreed, “Then what are we waiting for lads?!”

“Nothing at all!” She gasped, shedding her cloak and fumbling with the laces of her blouse.

“Don't worry about all that your Highness.” A beautifully fierce woman said, pushing her hands away from her clothes, “We'll sort it out for you.”

The Queen in disguise scarcely had time to look at the Orcish beauty speaking to her before several hands grabbed her from every direction. Her startled gasp was immediately drowned out by the sound of tearing fabric as her clothes were effortlessly ripped from her body. As easily as one might tear a leaf they shredded the cloth hiding her voluptuous figure, reducing a once fine ensemble to tatters and leaving her standing naked in a room full of strangers. Appreciative looks surrounded her as surely as amorous lovers and the same hands that'd stripped her bare wasted not time groping and fondling at her newly revealed body. Strong, calloused fingers pushed between her slick, tightly clenched thighs to wriggle inside her soaking wet cunt faster than she could react. Flattening the thicket of hair above and around her sex that first hand went mad inside her and she could only quiver in surprise as it did. And while she was shuddering at the rush of pleasure coursing through her another pair of digits were stuffed knuckle deep into her ass. For just a moment she felt their saliva coated lengths slipping between her buttocks. In the next they were plunging into her quivering ring like it was the most unremarkable thing in the world. Both sets of fingers wasted no time moving inside her, pressing down against places that hadn't been touched in a decade or more and immediately sending her into fits of shuddering delight.

Two more people grabbed hold of her wrists to lift her arms above her head and hold them just high enough to bring her to the tips of her fingers and toes. Completely immobilized even before they restrained her hands with their own Enara gasped loud enough to send her voice echoing throughout the room, her promise to the barkeep all but completely forgotten. The sounds of her pleasure only continued to grow as yet more rough digits found their way to the rest of her trembling body. Some groped her buttocks with a wild abandon, eagerly squeezing her trembling cheeks or even spanking them hard enough to make her yelp, while the rest focused their attention solely on her tits. Pinching and playing with her amazingly sensitive nipples they sent little jets of milk squirting out almost immediately and for a moment she feared they might question why she was suddenly lactating. But rather than asking questions those nearest to her cried out in delight and teased her that much harder. One or two even opened their mouths to taste the fruits of their labors. The rest cupped the underside of her rather massive breasts  or even let their fingers trail across her soft belly in a way that made her squirm so deliciously hard. Pleasure washed through her as she was fondled from seemingly every angle at once. It was followed by a faint sense of jealousy as she thought again of Vetra enjoying this very thing so many times before. Thankfully her envy faded rather quickly when the gorgeous equine man still standing in front of her leaned in to run his own fingers through her tousled hair.

She gave him a glassy eyed stare as she struggled to do or so anything beyond whimpering in delight and writhing against all the hands having their way with her. The stranger grinned at her silly reaction and swooped in for a sudden kiss. But it wasn't the sort of kiss she'd grown accustomed to, it wasn't something gentle and caring but still passionate. Instead it was nothing short of a sloppy, wild affair to match everything else she was being subjected to. His enormous tongue plunged inside her mouth the instant her lips opened for even a moment and nearly wriggled down her throat as he continued to kiss her. Another frantic moan filled the room, though slightly stifled by the embrace she was sharing, and it would be last proper sound she made for quite some time. Between the fingers buried in her cunt, the fingers buried in her ass, and the hands groping what felt like every other part of her body she couldn't take so much as single breath. In less than a minute her mind was racing and her golden bronze skin was covered in goosebumps. Instincts quickly took over as she reacted to the pleasure all around her in the only way she had left. That potent smell of sex that'd washed over her when she first entered only grew thicker with every passing moment. She could practically taste the musky aroma of the men and women around her whenever the beast kissing her relented for even a second. Her head was swimming in the tantalizing bouquet and had she any thoughts left she would've wondered where to start first. Fortunately she needed neither thoughts nor concern. Her many new lovers were more than happy to take charge and guide the sexual odyssey she was about to embark upon.

Starting first by manhandling her until she couldn't stand of her own accord and couldn't think beyond the haze clouding her every sense. The fingers buried in her pussy and ass moved faster and faster by the moment, stirring her up and never giving her a chance to recollect her fragmented mind. Already perched on the tips of her toes by hands holding her arms in the air Enara rose even higher as they fingered her so roughly she truly wondered if she could bear their attention for much longer. It'd been so incredibly long since she enjoyed anything quite so vulgar as their treatment and the longer she was subjected to that wonderful torment the less likely it seemed. Hearing the wet squelch of her cunt being stirred up and feeling the way those massive digits stretched open her ass was pure bliss. Every slightest twitch of those fingers sending pleasure surging through her. Years and years of pent up and wholly unsatisfied pleasure. Her inner walls tightened like never before around each intruding appendage yet no matter how hard her body clenched the continued to move unabated. If anything her spasmodic clenching only seemed to fuel them even more. To make them respond with greater and greater force. Although she couldn't see anyone around her save the beastly man she was kissing had she been able to she might've seen their already muscular limbs bulging outward as they moved with so much vigor. She would've seen how mightily they strained as they all but lifted her off the ground and soon enough quite literally did so. Just as she would've seen the dozens upon dozens of cocks waiting to have their way with her once that first group was finished warming her up. Thankfully in the state she was quickly reduced to by so much enthusiastic attention the Queen was abjectly incapable of anything like that. Everything that followed was an endless, wonderful surprise.

The fingers so ferociously stretching open her ass were the first to withdraw as their owner let out a groan and wrapped them around his cock. Her once tight little ring winked in the stuffy air, entirely revealed by yet more hands spreading open her chubby buttocks, and for all of a heartbeat she lamented the sudden loss of pleasure. A moment later she was crying out in ecstasy as a thick, flat headed prick pushed into her depths with a firm yet tempered thrust. Coated in some slick fluid that instantly made her inner walls tingle and the rest of her body shake it had no trouble at all widening her even further as it glided deep into her. Even so many years after her wild days as a carefree princess her body still recalled the hours upon hours she'd spent training it for pleasure. She felt a small twinge of discomfort at the very beginning, then nothing but pleasure afterwards as the stranger plunged some eight inches of beautifully thick meat into her body. A lengthy shudder tore through her the moment she felt their waist slam against her rump. Her already madly quivering holes squeezed the fingers and cock shoved so wonderfully deep inside her like never before. A distinctly feminine gasp filled he air behind her and in an instant Enara was slumped back against a pair of soft, perky breasts. Or rather she was allowed to slump back against them so the equine man in front of her could bring his own massive cock to bear. In a flash the digits inside her pussy withdrew and they too were replaced by a swollen, flat tipped prick big enough to make any normal woman weak at the knees. Several more hands closed around her legs and her feet were finally lifted off the ground entirely as her legs were draped across the chest of the beast about to ravish her.

Sucking in a proper breath for the first time in ages the disguised Queen released in a long, throaty moan as her second lover pushed his dick into her quivering slit. Once more she was stretched open so deliciously wide around an enormous shaft. A torrent of warmth cascaded out of her sex the moment she felt herself stretching around him and it only continued to flow with every inch to pass through her plump outer folds. Finally culminating in a breathy wheeze when his tip slammed against the entrance to her womb a short while later. She looked down with a delirious smile to see only half of his mottled dick within her and, lacking the sense to understand what would surely come next, lament that he couldn't fit the entire thing. Her laughably incorrect assumption only seemed to be reinforced when the man withdrew a few seconds later. The woman behind her did the same and she basked in the thrill of their cocks sliding out of her simultaneously. Their uniquely shaped contours felt incredible against her inner walls and she absolutely adored the sensation of them rubbing against one another through the thin separation between her holes. But when they both slammed back inside her once more even harder than they'd first entered only one was accompanied by the wet slap of balls against her skin. The other brought with it something far more surprising and far less familiar: an enormous, mind shattering blow against her cervix.

Hitting her tender entrance like a blacksmith struck a sword upon the anvil the equine man laughed at her stunned look and immediately pulled back again. Enara was still reeling from the shock of his initial impact when he rammed his cock against her tender entrance yet again. What little air was left in her lungs erupted out in a sudden gust as she convulsed against the two beasts she was so tightly squeezed between. Only when her hands were clawing at the man's bare chest did she finally realize they'd been released from whoever was holding them. Although that information did her no good when the flat, unyielding head of a massive cock slammed into her cervix for a third time. Though it'd taken him a few seconds to accomplish that feat it felt near instantaneous in her barely functional mind. She was still recovering from the first by the time the third had arrived and she would only continue to fall further and further behind as he moved faster and harder with every thrust. The woman behind her did much the same and the pleasure of having her ass so roughly violated couldn't have been overstated but in the heat of the moment it was hard to focus on anything else. His battering ram of a cock was battering against the entrance to her womb and if she'd been able to think of such things she would've known beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would succeed. Not even the pleasure addled stupor taking hold of her could fully shroud that certainty and the longer he continued to thrust away the more she adored every subsequent attempt.

Enara's voluptuous, sweat soaked body lurched upward with every impact of that prick against her cervix. And with every stroke of the meaty length gliding in and out of her ass. Though it wasn't long before the two fell out of time with one another as the latter had no barrier stopping her from truly letting loose while the former remained focused on fully opening her up. Trading speed for strength he swooped in for another kiss as he assaulted her womb over and over and over again without hesitation or delay. Indeed had she not known he was flesh and blood she might've thought him some strange Goblin or Gnomish contraption. Especially as she felt herself opening up like the petals of a newly blooming flower. Little by little his inhuman strength and endurance outlasted her body's natural state, gradually awakening the unapologetic slut she used to be in the most wonderful of ways. In reality it only took him a few minutes to full strip away her defenses and gain entry to the most sacred place within her body but to the Queen it seemed like an eternity. An eternity of being sodomized from behind while a stranger she didn't know ravished her pussy with his enormous dick. And when he did finally push open her cervix and send the entirety of his prick gliding inside her that eternity made it all the sweeter.

Too overwhelmed to scream, gasp, or react in any way beyond completely freezing Enara momentarily became a statue of her former self. Some lewdly vibrating yet almost paralyzed replica of a woman utterly devastated by pleasure. Her stomach bulged outward around the enormous prick now pushing hard against her womb and ecstasy the likes of which she'd been craving for decades washed over her in an unending barrage. It might not have been a true orgasm but compared to what'd passed for such a thing in recent memory she couldn't begin to complain. She couldn't begin to do much of anything, not even when the man responsible suddenly pulled back out again to fuck her properly. His flared tip passing back through her cervix and gently tugging upon it for a moment as it did so was enough to finally send her into the fit of spasming bliss all of them were waiting for. Slumping against the woman behind her and holding on for dear life to the man in front she changed from a pleasure soaked yet perceptibly functional Elven woman into a shuddering, uncontrollable mass of limbs and pure excitement. Her breasts heaved with every attempted breath while all of her muscles seemed to react independently of one another. Warmth gushed out of her sex while milk squirted from her unattended nipples. And most enticingly of all her eyes rolled back in her head until those wonderfully dark pupils couldn't be seen at all. And that was only the beginning of her night.

What followed directly afterward was the most relentless and uncompromising sexual encounter she'd known in close to a century. With his cock now fully capable of enjoying every last inch of her pussy and womb the man before her didn't hesitate to do exactly that. Nor did the woman behind her hesitate to give her ass exactly the same treatment. Their grip around her convulsing body tightened as they held in her place while their cocks noticeably swelled with excitement. Her already straining inner walls were opened even wider in the moments before they fully let loose and she adored every maddening twinge. Then they started truly ravishing her a heartbeat later and Enara was well and truly gone until they were done. Thrusting with all the strength and ferocity they were capable of their cocks were a blur as they flew in and out of her holes. Precum and pussy juice splattered the ground beneath her as they fucked her with completely and utter abandon. The room echoed with the feverish slap of their balls hitting her flesh again and again. Before long it was joined by their loud, enthusiastic groans as she continued to spasm around them in wildly unpredictable bursts. Her nails dug furrows in the smooth coat of the man before her while she struggled to find even a single gasp of breath amidst their toe curling flurry. The most she ever found was tiny little scraps among the ever heightening pleasure, little scraps that barely lasted a moment before disappearing as surely as any regret she might've had about lying to Vetra. Squeezed between two massive lovers utterly wrecking her holes was exactly where the Queen belonged. She understood that now even if she didn't understand her own name.

Descending into the ecstasy cascading through her body as she was ravished from both sides proved as easy as opening a door. She scarcely had to do anything at all as those massive, equine cocks glided in and out of her body with such furor. Letting herself be consumed by the wonderful exhilaration of being taken like a common whore in front of so many strangers felt incredible. Even if she'd been lucid Enara would've struggled to recall anything so thrilling. But in the lust addled stupor suffusing her very soul she simply grunted like a beast of burden and writhed against those first two lovers. Though it held little meaning before time lost whatever semblance of relevance it'd had as those throbbing shafts slammed into her ass and pussy. Nothing else could penetrate the fog shrouding her mind and nothing else could overcome the sheer bliss of those frantic movements. Not until it was eventually beaten by the abject delight of both her companions reaching the limit of their endurance. After what could've been hours or even days for all she knew the woman behind her slammed her madly twitching cock into the Queen's ass with a final gasp. A moment later a fountain of thick, almost painfully hot seed erupted into the depths of her body. Arriving as a single geyser it flooded her inner walls and sent her already round belly stretching outwards almost immediately. What felt like buckets worth of fresh cum drenched her guts and send her into fits of spasmodic glee. Her ass tightened around the cock flooding it with jizz and her pussy quickly followed suit as she was wracked with shudders.

The man before her let out a startled cry and for the first time his ferociously rhythmic movements actually faltered. Just for a moment and just long enough to bring a faint smile to her previously dumbstruck face. A few seconds later that grin vanished as pleasure sent her mouth falling open and her tongue lolling out. While the woman behind her was still flooding her ass with her seed the man reached his own limits and basted her womb in a tidal wave of toe curling spunk. In the blink of an eye her stomach swelled even more as she was pumped full to bursting with their fluids and for nearly a minute straight each of them unleashed such an absurd amount Enara couldn't comprehend the sheer amount inside of her. Massive, strands sputtered out of her trembling holes long before they'd even finished, pushed out by her endlessly trembling inner walls, to splatter across the soiled floor beneath them. But among all the groans and cries filling the room the wet slop of cum and pussy juice pooling between their feet went all but completely unnoticed. Far more interesting sights were unfolding as the first pair finally withdrew their cocks. Though the disguised Queen would've preferred they remained inside her for a while longer neither of the Accanians were selfish enough to grant that unspoken wish. Not when so many of their fellows were still waiting for a turn. Instead they yanked their softening lengths from her greedily convulsing holes with enough force to fill the room with two wet squelches as their flared tips collided hard with her entrances. For a brief moment the cherry red innards of her nicely gaped ass along with the bright pink contours of her equally cavernous pussy were on full display.

At least when jets of cum weren't squirting out as she continued to shake and tremble in the arms of anything holding her. But as pleasing as that sight might've been there were so many others waiting to have their turn with her and nobody wanted to wait any longer than they had to. Another pair of dicks plunged inside her holes before she could truly miss the previous ones while a third made liberal use of her mouth soon after. Barely noticing the change in position as she lay atop the person sodomizing her Enara was much too busy eagerly throating the long shaft stretching out her throat and making her neck bulge outwards. Of all the many wonderful ways to enjoy oneself with a lovely dick sucking it dry like some kind of cum addicted vampire had always been among her favorites. No matter how stunned she might've been or how scattered her mind was she could still work a shaft better than just about anyone in the kingdom, a fact her lover appreciated almost immediately. Spit drooled down her chin as her tongue darted out of her lips to taste every inch of his dick when she was retreating or run across his musky balls whenever she'd reached the base. The beautifully salty taste of his unwashed loins made her head spin and the pungent scent of his curly hairs as they tickled her nostrils sent shivers down her spine almost as often as the cocks pounding away at her cunt and ass. Whenever she could she locked eyes with the fellow she was slurping on, the intensity of her state never failing to make him gasp.

And it didn't take long for those around her to notice how feverishly she worked his dick. “I think the Queen missed us lads!”

“Maybe we should give her a little somethin special this time?”

“Ya sure you've got the coin fer it?”

“I'm good for it ya layabout!”

“I'll believe it when I see it!”

“Quite flirtin with each other and get in there! She's still got two hands free don't she?”

“She does!”

“Good thinkin mate!”

Enara heard every word spoken yet understood none of it until her arms were pulled outward and two more cocks were slid between her trembling fingers. Solely on instinct her digits closer around the distinctly not Human or Elven shafts and she started stroking without delay, “She really missed us!”

“Course she did! Nobody fucks like sailors!”

A hearty cheer filled the room and when it died down another, feminine voice rang out, “How's about we share that tight cunt for a while boyo?”

“Yeah! We ain't done that in a good while!”

“Not since the last time this slut of a Queen graced our presence!”

“Then what're ya waitin fer? We already know she can take it!”

Giddy laughter and more cheering filled the room but just as before the Queen in disguise was far too overwhelmed by pleasure to notice anything happening around her. So when another cock slammed into her pussy a few moments after those around her stopped talking it was nothing but the most wonderful surprise imaginable. Her already gaping hole was stretched even wider around to rather large pricks and the ecstasy cascading through her surged to new heights. By themselves neither of them were as big as their predecessor but together they managed to outshine that massive dick by a wide margin. Wide enough that she almost feared she could take it when they started fucking her in earnest a second or two after both were firmly shoved inside her. But Enara wasn't about to reveal herself or even worse admit defeat and she stifled that momentary surge of fear. Mostly by focusing what was left of her mind on throating the cock in her mouth and frantically stroking the ones in her hands. Pleasuring all three of them with a single minded fury she pushed right past that momentary weakness and allowed herself to descend into an all new realm of pleasure. One the was able to sink down into without any trouble and one she remained inside of for so much longer. Not even the explosive eruptions of the men and woman around her could fully rouse 'Vetra' from her miasmic bliss. Instead it merely added to her all consuming ecstasy. Indeed everything they did only seemed to add yet more layers as any inhibitions that might've been present vanished completely and her body became their all purpose plaything for as long as their was cum left in their balls.

The absolute sexual depravity they'd eventually reach started off simple and almost understated compared to what it would eventually become. She might've been taking two cocks inside her pussy, asshole, or even mouth but that was the extent of it for quite some time. Everyone seemed much more preoccupied with dumping all the cum they'd clearly been saving inside whatever hole they could reach as they hit their limit. Be it her throat, cunt, or rump nobody wasted so much as a single drop for a good long while. Long enough to leave her so completely bloated with sperm it was drooling out of every orifice any time there wasn't a dick slamming in and out of it. And sometimes even when there was. It only went to waste in the few seconds between rampant fucking as men and women switched out or she was passed around like the cheap toy she'd become. In those wonderful moments massive fonts of jizz erupted from her in gooey waterfalls, her utterly devastated body incapable of closing for even a second and her endless shuddering all but guaranteeing huge geysers of semen squirted out whenever they could. Though none sprayed from her mouth in quite the same way after taking more than a dozen loads into her stomach as every lover she sucked off her stroked to completion emptied themselves inside her throat she was about as bloated and full as a woman could be. Loud, unseemly belches erupted from her lips any time they weren't wrapped around a dick and thick bubbles of cum and spittle formed with increasing frequency. If anybody was disgusted or offended by such a grotesque display they made no mention of it as the minutes wore on and she slowly but surely worked her way through every last sailor present in that heady room.

If anything her three dozen lovers seemed to bask in how sloppily enthusiastic she was, almost as much as Enara herself at times. Their shafts throbbed with uncontrollable ferocity between her fingers, inside her mouth, or in the depths of her ass and pussy. Soon enough simply burying two pricks inside her at a time wasn't good enough for those waiting. After seeing what a cum addled, pleasure craving mess she'd become they needed to have their turn with her and they needed to have it now. The first time she felt three cocks plunge inside her ass simultaneously the disguised Queen was nothing short of overjoyed. The wave of bliss rising up inside her finally crested and she succumbed to her first orgasm of the night as her once tight ring was stretched open even wider than before. Convulsions ravished her already spasming muscles and cum sputtered out of every hole like she'd sprung three separate leaks at the same time. But nobody cared one bit about the gooey mess that was 'Vetra'. They kept thrusting with absolutely wild abandon regardless of how messily she squirted or puked up jizz, entirely unconcerned with anything but their own pleasure. Which in turn only served to enhance and prolong her bliss. What might've lasted a couple of minutes at the very most was stretched to an ungodly length, all but drowning her in ecstasy and letting her sink even lower into the unbridled carnal bliss already taking over. If she'd been fading before after her first climax Enara was well and truly lost to the unending joy crashing down upon her. Nothing short of divine intervention could save her and fortunately for all of them the Gods had no interest in their sex crazed affairs.

It was truly impossible to tell when her orgasm even concluded. Or if it ever truly did. How could she ever identify such a thing when three cocks were pounding away at her cunt, another was slamming balls deep into her ass, two more were using her mouth, and she was desperately stroking another pair with all her strength? Any sense of reality had long ago faded and it would only continue to grow ever more meaningless as trios of dicks ravished her every hole over and over again. On occasion she'd receive a small amount of 'respite' when a pair of dicks did the work of three on whatever gaping cavern they chose like ravishing in that moment. But such instances were rare and they only became more uncommon as the night wore on. Eventually even the biggest dicks started to share her holes like all the rest. Regardless of how truly massive they were. Shafts so enormous a normal woman couldn't dream of taking such a thing split her open as they shared the tight, wet spaces with two others and all three fucked away without concern. Her womb was battered senseless and her guts were completely rearranged by literal feet of  cock stretching her open and dumping enormous fountains of jizz into her again and again and again. Looking back at the start of her evening with them it was downright laughable how much a single dick had managed to stretch open each of her holes. By the time she was capable of handling three of the most well endowed Accanians present simultaneously her asshole and cunt were gaped so wide she could've fit both hands inside either without actually touching the cum slicked walls! Only her throat was left relatively unchanged by the endless succession of prick given to her.

But the cavernous gaping of her asshole and cunt weren't the only effects of so many cocks pounding away at her. Or rather that was merely the prelude to the real spectacle. As the wildness continued to grow in direct proportion to the amount of time she'd spent slurping down cum only to send it spewing right back out again soon after the roughness of every lover she had only increased alongside. While the first pair hadn't been particularly gentle compared to the ball slapping frenzy many of the Accanians exhibited they were downright timid by comparison. Massive, throbbing dicks plunged inside her with an almost unhinged abandon no matter how many other's might've been sharing the same space. Indeed the more she took the harder they all seemed to move. Her every hole was violated more and more ferociously while she squealed for more and gurgled around however many pricks were sloppily thrusting into her mouth at any given moment. When those wantonly throbbing lengths inevitably unleashed yet more cum into the depths of her body they'd invariably retreat just as roughly as they'd fucked her. Perhaps even more roughly as they grunted and lurched backwards with an animalistic pleasure. And as she continued taking cock after cock without any chance to recuperate or the slightest hope of recovery her stretched inner walls could help but start to distend around the enormous pricks so messily using her. Be it when they suddenly and forcefully withdrew after draining their balls, many for the second or even third time, or when she was wracked with spasmodic shuddering during and in the aftermath of another orgasm.

Some part of her could feel the many uniquely shaped dicks pulling against her devastated cervix or the trembling ring of her asshole whenever they thrusted inside her and yet it wasn't until they pulled out again that she truly noticed her body stretching and distending around their pricks. If another arrived quickly enough everything was put right again by yet more cock busily slamming away at her cunt but in the rare few moments they held back just long enough to watch her send another geyser of spunk erupting from her womb some vague part of Enara actually noticed the second entrance within her shifting lower and lower inside her. Like it was being pulled and pushed out of her cunt little by little. In much the same way she felt the jizz splattered inner walls of her ass slowly emerging from her trembling ring as she released another torrent of cum from her depths. What'd once been a cutely puckered little ring of dark golden flesh was gradually turning into a fleshy red tail emerging from between her buttocks. Though it was sucked back up inside her once more after she stopped convulsing or whenever someone buried their length inside her that increasingly lewd effect never quite diminished. As time went on the 'damage' only seemed to accelerate alongside the equally messy but comparatively more hidden devastation being wrought on her pussy. The disguised Queen was much too overwhelmed by pleasure to wonder why that might be but had she looked at the grinning faces of those around her she would've understood in an instant. Slowly but surely the endless variety of differently sized and shaped cocks ravaging her pussy and ass changed into a more singular, deliberate collection.

Without her ever realizing what was happening or why it might be happening the biggest and most powerful dicks were send driving into whichever hole they felt like stretching out until it fully distended. Sometimes it was her asshole and sometimes it was her cunt but no matter where their efforts might've led the effect was the same. Cum flooded her depths and their absolutely enormous lengths were yanked from her body as hard and as abruptly as they could manage. She was wracked by more orgasms as the pleasure of being treated so roughly compounded and what'd been a wonderful chaos of sexual depravity slowly became a coordinated assault on her weakening body. And Enara loved it more than life itself. Even knowing nothing about what they were doing or why they might be doing it she adored the feel of their dicks wrecking her holes almost as much as she savored those same holes being stretched outward. It wasn't an unfamiliar sensation but few had ever been able to cause such a massive, sloppy reaction. They certainly hadn't been able to do it alone and with so many working her over for so long it was nothing short of inevitable. She did her best to enjoy every single moment leading up to what would be the explosive finale of their passionate night, barely able to keep herself conscious as exhaustion mixed with ecstasy in a potent maelstrom. Thankfully when her many, many lovers finally accomplished what they sought adrenaline brushed away the cobwebs. If only for a moment.

Her big moment finally arrived without warning far sooner than she expected and long before she had a chance of composing herself. Two cocks as thick as her biceps plunged out of her pussy while another another pair just as thick flew from her asshole. In a gooey explosion of cum her asshole violently prolapsed into a foot long, reddish pink tail. At the same time her cervix and several inches of her womb erupted from her cunt amidst it's own shower of spunk. Enara screamed until her voice was hoarse and her lungs were bereft of air, pleasure crashing down upon her while she collapsed against the stranger beneath her. Her impossibly devastated holes slapped wetly together as they sprayed jizz in every direction. Uncontrollable spasms tore through her muscles as she convulsed like she'd been electrocuted. Every last shred of sense or comprehension vanished from her mind as her messily distended holes trembled in the heady air for all to see. Though her truly wrecked ass shrouded much of the mess that was made of her pussy it was impossible to miss how completely eah had prolapsed out of her body. Especially as she rolled off the woman beneath her to lay sprawled across the ground in an ever growing puddle of fluids.

Bucking her hips like an unbroken steed 'Vetra' thrashed against the increasingly sticky wood while her lewdly ravished holes flopped to and for. Every slightest tremor or frantic shake sent some of the absurd amount of cum left inside her gushing right back out again. Her once swollen belly slowly started to shrink back to it's normal plumpness as her final and most all consuming orgasm yet sent it all squirting across the room. At times her shuddering was so dramatic her ruined asshole actually managed to flop upwards just enough to send a fair bit of that jizz streaking across the rest of her naked body. It never happened anywhere near enough for the Queen or those watching and yet it still occurred so regularly she was dripping with spunk by the time her strength completely failed her. A few fresh loads were added on top of the ones rolling across her goosebump riddled flesh by those close enough to deliver but that was the extent of the Accanian involvement after she was turned inside out by their cocks. They were much too busy watching the most beautiful woman in the realm thrash against the floor and soak herself in jizz until she finally stopped moving, a single whimpering groan spilling from her lips. Jizz continued to bubble out of her prolapsed asshole and womb but compared to the onslaught she'd been unleashing it was little more than a dribble.

Her consciousness quickly faded as darkness encroached upon the edges of her vision but she remained just aware enough to see the amused and impressed looks being shared and hear the short but enjoyable conversation that followed, “I think we finally broke her lads!”

“She'll be fine! We did the same thing to her last time!”

“It wasn't anywhere near as bad the last time!”

“She'll still be fine!”

“And if she ain't?”

“Then we'll deal with it later yeah?”

“What're we gonna do with her until then?”

“I don't suppose you're can keep going Vetra—I mean your Highness?”

Mumbling incoherent gibberish and limply twitching for several moments Enara couldn't begin to fashion a response to the question. She barely even registered it as a question in the first place. “She's done for the night.”


“Yeah . . . I guess we can take her back in the morning . . .”

“Assumin she doesn't wanna go again!”

“I wouldn't mind goin again!”

“You couldn't afford to go again!”

“Don't bring that shite up! I've got the coin!”

“That's not what I heard!”

“And what'd you hear?”

The disguised Queen passed out before she could hear any more of the conversation. She didn't wake again until the wee hours of the morning and when she did she found herself in a modestly comfortable bed surrounded by Accanians sleeping all across the floor or on what few beds were available in the otherwise spacious room. Someone had taken the time to fix her massively prolapsed holes and even find her some ill fitting clothes. An absolutely massive coin purse sat on the small table beside her bedding. When she tried to sit up her entire body cried out in protest and she fell back against the sheets with a soft groan. Some of the sailors nearest to her stirred but nobody seemed to wake. Enara made another attempt to sit up and managed it the second time around. A few seconds later she was able to set her feet upon the ground and shakily stand up. She sank back onto the bed a second later and let out an amused sigh. The soft click of a key turning in a lock pulled her attention to the only door present and it swung open to reveal a hulking brute of an Orcish woman. Followed by a meaty thud as the wood collided hard with someone lying on the floor nearby. They smiled at one another as the latter approached with a mug of the same black liquid from the night before and a plate of torn up bread.

“I thought you might need somethin to fill yer belly.” She stated.

“Aside from your seed you mean?” 'Vetra' replied.


“Thank you.”

“Of course.” Eating in silence for a few moments Enara eventually broke the stillness when she said, “I must return to the palace before long. I've another breakfast to attend.”

“Can you make it there on yer own?”

“No I don't believe I can.”

The Orc nodded and folded her arms, “I can carry you back, if you don't mind the embarrassment.”

“I daresay last night proved how little I care about such things.”

“True enough.” They shared another smile and the Accanian woman asked, “What's so important about this breakfast?”

“I'm meeting someone. And I've quite a revelation to share with him.”


“Oh yes . . .” Enara smiled. “I've no doubt he'll be quite eager to hear the solution I've found to our, to my, problem . . . And if he isn't . . . well I'll simply return here and spend a few more hours in the company of like minded fellows!”

Cracking an ever wider smile her Orcish companion said, “I hope he doesn't appreciate it one bit.”

Looking up at her with a sardonically arched eyebrow and a knowing grin the disguised Queen softly replied, “We'll see, won't we?”


Keith Rogers

Fantastic, what a amazing story.


As always it's both a relief and enormously flattering to hear positive feedback. I'm thrilled you liked the story!