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Fans of the excellent video game Hades (which should be all of you quite frankly because that game is a masterpiece) should hopefully enjoy this short little bit of Rule 34. There's not much to say about it beyond that so I won't waste any more of your time!

With a deafening crack Megaera's whip wrapped around Zagreus' throat as he tried to dash away from her attack. She slammed him down against the ground with an echoing thud and triumphantly called out “Too slow Zag!”

As all the air rushed out of his lungs in a single gasp and he stared dazedly up at the ceiling the Prince of the Underworld could only offer a wheezing, “Damn . . .” as he lay against the stone.

His foe's confident footsteps rang out as she sauntered towards him, slowly rolling her whip in one arm to keep the pressure tight around his throat, “Your winning streak is finally over . . .”

A faint smile lit up his face and he sucked in what little breath he could through his nearly crushed windpipe, “Well I've been beating you so often lately I only thought it fair to let you win!”

“You just can't help running your mouth. Even when I beat you.” Megaera appeared above him, a smug grin spreading across her fiercely beautiful face. Her once immaculate outfit was all but in shreds after their most recent battle but as much as he might've enjoyed the sight of her bare breasts and almost entirely naked sex in the warm glow Zagreus had trouble focusing on much as she deliberately throttled him. Slowly raising her hand into the air she choked him for a few moments without an ounce of hesitation, only to relent before he could actually succumb to his wounds, “Let's put those lips to better use!”

Before he could respond or indeed do much of anything beyond smirk she slammed the full weight of her body down against him, instantly dropping to her knees and smothering him between her muscular thighs and beneath her barely covered pussy. In the blink of an eye he was overwhelmed by the familiar taste of her arousal as her puffy outer folds pressed down tight on his mouth. Both taken aback and delighted by her sudden lack of professionalism Zagreus didn't hesitate to push his tongue out between those silky lips like he'd done countless times before. An immediate and satisfied moan erupted from his lover's mouth as she tossed her head back and smiled with unapologetic satisfaction. Like the petals of a blossoming flower her womanhood parted around his skilled approach long before he'd done anything more than simply plunging as deep as he could reach inside her. As soon as he started to move against all her most sensitive places the faint trembling that'd consumed so much of her battle weary body melted into outright shivering. Within seconds her back was arching and her fingers were tightening around whip as she held on for dear life. Among her breathless cries and lingering moans were the soft, wet sounds of her increasingly aroused sex being teased by his efforts. Darting back and forth in the same unpredictable manner that made him such a difficult foe he never gave her even a moment to gather her thoughts or grow accustomed to what he was doing.

Every time she thought she might've guessed where he'd press his tongue next it darted somewhere else, finding yet another place in the depths of her sex that her squirm. All while she trembled atop his face and pushed herself even harder against his head. Had he been anything less than a God she would've crushed him in seconds beneath her toned, shapely body. Even with his incredible resilience and strength the intensity of her passion was almost more than the young Prince could handle. Though he had no intention of admitting defeat for a second time that day. Instead he did the only thing that made sense as her warmth cascaded into his mouth and dribbled down his cheeks: he fought back. Pushing himself against her trembling pussy with all the force his weary muscles could muster Zagreus went on the offensive. His tongue swirled like mad within her sex while his lips pressed tight against her outermost lips. For a single, impressive moment he actually managed to catch her off guard. Entirely too caught up in herself and her pleasure Megaera instinctively recoiled just a little bit as he assaulted her with pleasure. Nowhere near enough to afford him any chance of escaping but certainly enough to rise a few inches above him faster than she could react. Naturally he took full advantage of that momentary weakness and pressed his advantage even more fiercely. His tongue emerged from her sopping wet folds to find the intensely sensitive bud at the crest of her womanhood and playfully flick it the way she always loved. Ecstasy lanced through her body like a lightning bolt as she cried out loudly enough to send her voice echoing throughout the chamber.

Near identical smiles crested their faces but only would one remain as she slammed herself down against his mouth with all her might. Plunging them both downward in a furious burst of movement she sent his tongue gliding back into the depths of her pussy while the rest of his head practically bounced off the stone beneath them. Stunned by the impact and completely thrown off by how quickly she'd recovered Zagreus could do little but react with purely instinctive movements, all of his usual tricks and surprises falling away for just a moment. Nowhere near long enough to leave his lover dissatisfied but certainly long enough to see her grinding against his lips in short, erratic bursts of pleasure. Guided as much by her own urges as he was Megaera leaned back even further as she gyrated atop her princely companion. The sound of her breathless laughter quickly joined the cacophony of moans still echoing all around them as she smothered him beneath her pussy. Warmth seeped out of her in a constant stream while she rocked back and forth against him, an ever growing puddled rapidly coalescing beneath his head as he struggled to gulp it all down. And if that wasn't enough the soft yet wonderfully toned contours of her tight buttocks completely enveloped the rest of his head. Indeed with every wild thrust of her hips he was completely overwhelmed by the suppleness of her body, and not for the first time. Though as she continued to ride him without the slightest bit of concern for anything beyond her own satisfaction he couldn't help but smirk at her greediness. When he wasn't reveling in the sweet taste of her body and the illicit thrill of doing something so lascivious when they were supposed to be working.

Even more excited by their transgressions than he was Megaera couldn't help herself as the seconds slowly turned into minutes and her pleasure only climbed higher like a soon to be cresting wave. Her once impressively focused mind grew more and more scattered with every stroke of his tongue within her sex or against her swollen clit. Between the thrill of victory and the thrill of a much needed orgasm she was about as happy as she could be. And yet as good as she felt and as furiously as her hips grinded against him her free hand still glided up her half naked body and towards her endlessly heaving breasts without a second thought. Shivers coursed down her spine as she felt her nails scraping along her stomach and a long, enthusiastic moan tumbled from her lips the moment her fingers brushed against her dark purple areola. Beneath her Zagreus was treated to a messy deluge of warmth as she roughly pinched her aching nipple between thumb and forefinger. Although he didn't know exactly what'd caused the onslaught of warmth or the sudden tightening of her already tight inner walls around him he still grinned like a fool all the same. While simultaneously taking full advantage of her distraction yet again, this time pushing hard against her most sensitive spot in a sudden burst of force that sent her back arching even further. Beyond the expected reward of another, warm font of arousal gushing into his mouth and across his face he was rewarded with a laugh that sounded almost impressed.

Megaera did her best to hide how much she was enjoying his ministrations despite knowing full well he could feel every slightest spasm and shudder as surely as she could. Something about pretending she wasn't fast approaching a teeth clenching eruption only hastened the inevitable surge of bliss. So much so she actually let go of her whip for the first time since he'd walked into her chambers and reached back to tangle her newly freed fingers in his hair. Clutching as much as she could hold and gripping even more tightly than she'd held her weapon she pulled him against her trembling slit, her hips moving even faster as she completely dominated him. She heard him let out a watery chuckle as she pressed down upon him even more and though her lips curled into a wider grin she nonetheless slammed herself against his face with renewed vigor. If he had time to laugh he had time to lick her pussy. It was a notion he learned quickly enough and one he took to heart rather easily as she straddled his face and clutched his head. All the while her other hand darted back and forth between her breasts, teasing both nipples and cupping her perky contours vaguely in time with the strokes of his tongue and the bursts of pleasure cascading through her body. Of course the better she felt the harder it was for her to retain any semblance of self control. At no point did she expect the excitement of mounting her lover and riding him like an unbroken stallion to feel as incredible as it did. A lesser woman likely would've succumbed to her pleasure long before she did and while Megaera liked to think of herself as above such weaknesses the relentless stroke of Zagreus' tongue quickly and effectively proved otherwise.

Little by little he was breaking down her resolve and pushing her closer to the ecstasy she'd been craving in the first place. Even when he wasn't assaulting all the most tender places inside her pussy the simple act of his tongue straining against her trembling inner walls was enough to leave her smiling with a dazed, foolish grin upon her face. It was only when she felt his hands against her forearms that the fog around her mind cleared and a sense of purpose returned to her thoughts. Quickly realizing what he was trying to do and in no mood to give him even a modicum of control she grabbed his wrists and pushed his hands away from her breasts before he could even brush against them. Slamming his hands down at his sides and leaning forward to pin them there she let out a smug laugh as she grinded against his face and smothered his head beneath her lightly bouncing rump. This time she heard nothing but the wet, enthusiastic slurp of his lips against her folds and felt nothing but a sudden surge of pleasure as it swiftly overtook her temporary bout of composure. In only continued to surge through her in greater and greater waves as she finally let herself be swept up in her pleasure. With every passing second her movements grew more erratic, the flood of arousal seeping from her slit grew more pronounced, and her breathing grew more labored. When her eyes finally rolled back in her head and she sucked in a final, ragged breath Zagreus knew it was all over. Megaera was much too overwhelmed to know anything but her own ecstasy.

She cried out his name in delirious exultation as fluids erupted from her sex and every fiber of her being seemed to tremble simultaneously. All of her muscles tensed at the same time, only to suddenly descend into wild spasms a moment later as she lost whatever self control remained. Her hips continued to buck and grind with wild enthusiasm but any semblance of rhythm or purpose vanished entirely, utterly replaced with an insatiable need that drove everything else. Over and over and over again she was struck with bolts of ecstasy, each one arriving long before the last had faded. Not even the tiny instances between each new surge was enough to let her recover, she was simply bombarded by ecstasy for what felt like an eternity. In reality it was only a handful of minutes at the very most but thanks to Zagreus' endlessly moving tongue and his remarkably extensive knowledge of what made her squirm he managed to extend that far, far longer than she expected. Long enough that she very nearly pulled away from him as he continued to tease her clit and push against every sensitive place within her trembling pussy.

Only the same stubborn resolve that saw her facing him time after time despite his victories kept her from giving in. No matter how overwhelming the pleasure might've been she couldn't let herself be beaten by him. Not even when it was nearly unbearable and her toes were curled tight against the balls of her feet. With a furious, single minded passion she basked in every moment of bliss setting fire to her very being, completely incapable of letting up for a moment. Her reward was the most intoxicating afterglow she could've imagined. Although the pleasure flooding her senses hadn't ceased her body still managed to relax against the God she was straddling and her eyes still managed to drift shut as a contended smile lit up her face. Little bursts of excitement still send shudders through her body but none were powerful enough to reignite that same fury and little by little she managed to descend from the high that'd so beautifully overwhelmed her. She hardly even noticed her companion's tongue slowing in it's movements. Not until it stopped altogether and she felt a rush of warm air against her sex accompanied by the muffled, unintelligible sounds of him trying to talk.

Slowly lifting herself off his sticky face and letting out a weighty sigh she stood up in spite of her trembling legs and looked down at him with an arched eyebrow. Making no effort to move her lover grinned up at her and said, “Now that you've had your fun . . . why don't you return the favor?”

Megaera followed his gaze to the rather unmistakable bulge straining against his breeches and all but completely visible beneath his damaged clothes. After a moment she looked back at his smiling face with an inscrutable look before suddenly bending down to pick up her whip. She flashed him a wicked grin and said, “Oh I'll return the favor Zag . . .”

An instant later Zagreus was emerging from the pool of blood at his father's house. As he ascended the steps with an amused scowl on his face Hypnos greeted him like always, “You're back!” He exclaimed, his sleepy eyes immediately darting down to his clipboard, “How'd you die this time?”

“It's not—”

“Let's see here! It says . . . oh . . .” Trailing off as he read the description of what happened Hypnos slowly looked back to Zagreus. The Prince stared right back at him without a word and watched as his friend slowly lowered his ledge down in front of his groin. “We . . . uhm . . . we don't need to go over the details this time . . .”

“No we don't.” Turning away from his companion and walking through the house without so much as a word to anyone Zagreus made a beeline for his room and the balcony beyond it. He had a score to settle with a certain Fury.


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