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Now this story is about as simple and straightforward as can be. Which definitely isn't the norm for a lot of the stuff I write about the Sweet Universe lol. Hopefully y'all enjoy this little slice of debauchery and perversion!

Nobody at the Cherry Springs Resort and Spa was hotter than Samantha Anderson. She knew it, all the women throwing her dirty looks from every corner of the pool area knew it, and their dumbstruck husbands definitely knew it. From the moment she'd stepped onto the sun baked concrete dressed in her tight, yellow sling bikini all eyes had been on her. And they'd followed her every confident step as she confidently sauntered past each of them without so much as a glance in their direction. Which only made them stare that much harder at her voluptuous figure, particularly her wide, yet perfectly toned ass as each cheek rose and fell with her strutting. Split only by a thin strip of cloth her shapely ass was the object of many a lustful gaze. Especially as those stares naturally drifted down to the the long, full legs beneath her plump cheeks only to jump back up as her rump bounced and jiggled like a scene from their favorite porn flicks. But while most of her admirers, the lustful ones at least, couldn't help staring at her amazingly full booty a few were drawn a bit higher to the vastly more slender curve of her flat stomach and remarkably slender midriff. At least it was slender compared to the sheer width of her voluptuous ass. Compared to what she was working with even her rather perfectly sculpted, beautifully perky breasts seemed almost small in comparison.

The width of her shoulders only added to the daintiness seemingly contrasted by everything below her navel and her long, lithe arms further enhanced that beautiful juxtaposition. Of course nobody was appreciating that disparity when her rosy pink nipples were straining against the thin strips of yellow fabric pressing down tight across her softly bouncing tits. They were too busy hoping her absurdly skimpy sling bikini would shift just a little bit further to the side and reveal even more of her soft areola. Those lucky enough to be near her could already glimpse the barest hint of it as she passed by. Everyone else simply had to enjoy how finely the front of her swimsuit was cut around her plump vulva. Although technically covered by her outfit very little had been left to the imagination beneath her attire, one good stretch would see the fabric disappearing into her plump labia as surely as it'd disappeared between her even plumper buttocks. A fact she'd carefully engineered before stepping out into the open and one that brought a smile to her pouty, pink lips. Her bluish green eyes sparkled with knowing mirth behind the large, gold rimmed sunglasses perched high on her cute button nose as she thought of all the arguments her sexiness would cause among the many couples staying at the resort. With a well practiced flick of her head she tossed the long, silky bangs or her glamour pixie cut back and sat down on the edge of a lounge chair situated perfectly in the center of the pool area.

After spending so much time primping and preening in her air conditioned room stepping out into the seasonable summer heat was such a shock to her system a thin, glistening film of sweat was already coating her tanned body by the time she found her seat. Rivulets were dripping down her voluptuous curves and roaming across the prominent tan lines left over from the far less skimpy two piece she'd been wearing nearly every day up to that point. Compared to what she was wearing that day the outlines of her previous bikini were modest by comparison. It certainly would've covered more of her perky breasts and shapely ass, though not nearly enough hide her cleavage or her juicy buttocks. And under normal circumstances she would've been wearing that very swimsuit to the Cherry Springs Resort. Though under normal circumstances she wouldn't be staying at a resort located in her hometown in the first place. But after a fight with her daughter a couple weeks back and a good bit of snooping in the meantime she was on a mission to give her bratty child a much needed taste of her own medicine. Her sultry grin took on a more mischievous bent as she stretched out across her chair and waited for the one and only reason she was there to arrive. According the clerk at the front desk his shift would bring him outside in five minutes and as soon as it did he'd notice her just like every other guy at the pool. When he did she'd lay on the charm and let things take their natural course. As beautiful as she was her plan was pretty much foolproof. And while she waited she had a chance to think back on why she was there in the first place and rile herself up a little more before she could enjoy her revenge . . .

Knocking on her daughter's door with a sharp tap and opening it before she heard a response Samantha angrily exclaimed, “How many times do I—WHAT THE FUCK?!”

Looking back at her mother without a hint of regret as she straddled Samantha's soon to be ex boyfriend and rode his massive cock like there was no tomorrow Katie smiled and said, “Sorry Mom, I forgot to lock the door!”

Eric tried to sit up only to be pushed back down again by the teenage slut giddily bouncing on his dick, a horrified look on his face as he said, “I-It's not what it it looks like! I-I can—”

“Oh it's exactly what it looks like Mom!” Her daughter interrupted. Moving as fast as she could and twerking her ass she looked back at the guy beneath her and added, “I told you not to leave Eric alone with me!”

Too angry to think and just about ready to castrate her ex and throttle her child Samantha watched them both for another few seconds before lunging forward in a blind, animalistic fury. “Ohhh you're gonna regret this Katie!”  What happened after that she couldn't quite say but there was no doubt Eric would remember his mistake for the rest of his life.

Her daughter on the other hand . . . well her daughter would learn what it felt like soon. Tyrus had just emerged from the employee only door on the far side of the pool and the moment she laid eyes on him Samantha was ready to jump him and go wild. Tall, muscular, and handsome in a cool, collected sort of way he was without a doubt a juicy little treat she would've loved to taste no matter the circumstances. But after reading her daughter's diary and learning first hand how big of a crush she had on a certain 'pool boy stud' the thought of fucking him sent shivers running down her spine. Of course before she stood up she made sure to peek over the rim of her sunglasses at the name sewn into his polo shirt. The moment she saw 'King' she knew he was the right man. Just like she knew he was about to have his world rocked the way her slut daughter could never hope to match! It'd been so long since she fucked a high school boy, too long. After she was done teaching Katie a lesson she'd have to stop by the football field and see how the team was doing. They definitely needed a pick me up after their last few games and none of the whores they spent their time with could give what she did.

Yet no matter how fun those thoughts were Samantha pushed them out of her mind as she strutted across the pool like a model walking the runway. All eyes were back on her again, many having never left in the first place, but Tyrus was too busy cleaning off a table to notice. He turned away from his task with an armful of dishes and walked off well before his seductively smiling companion had a chance to reach him. For a moment she almost considered turning back and letting him come to her instead only to immediately change her mind upon watching him disappear through another employees only door. Biting her lower lip and smiling she made a beeline for that door, subtly quickening her pace and making both ass and tits bounce just a little bit more. With all the confidence of a woman who didn't fear any repercussions whatsoever she turned the handle and stepped inside before anyone could say a word. The faint sound of someone calling out to her filled the air as she shut the door behind her and locked it with a smirk. By the time she reached the end of the long hallway and found Tyrus again in a small kitchen area she'd forgotten all about the person trying to stop her. She'd forgotten about everything except her one and only goal as she approached him with a wide, lascivious smile. He turned around at the sound of her sandals slapping against her feet and just about jumped out of his skin upon seeing who was suddenly standing within arm's reach.

“You can't be back here ma'am!”

“Do I look like a 'ma'am' to you?” She asked as she stepped even closer and clasped her hands behind her back, not so subtly pushing her breasts out as she looked up at him.

“I don't—”

“Shhhhhhhhh . . .” Samantha put a finger up to his lips and smiled, “Don't waste your breath cutie. It's your lucky day and I'd hate if you ruined the fun!”

“What fun?” A faint smile lit up his handsome features as he asked a question he hoped he already knew the answer to.

Licking her lips and letting her hand trail down his chin and across his broad chest she stared deep into his eyes as her finger glided across his body. He met her intense stare without blinking and without looking away, easily standing tall even when he felt her softly cupping his growing bulge through his slacks. Though he did shudder just a bit and his cock throbbed against her he didn't shy away. If anything he seemed to lean further away from the sink he'd been standing over. Her fingers squeezed just a little bit harder and she kneaded his impressively girthy prick with a bright eyed smile. As he swelled more and more she stroked him faster and harder, delighting in just how massive he felt and all too eager to feel that sheer size pounding her silly. Samantha was so eager to have fun she threw caution to the wind and guided his hand beneath one of the straps of her sling bikini. His long fingers immediately groped her heaving tit and she let out a soft gasp as she felt his many callouses against her soft skin. Somehow his cock throbbed even harder against her touch, the rest of his body visibly tensing as he grinned at her and rather skillfully fondled her breast. Both of them looked around for a moment or two before looking back at one another. As soon as her eyes met his she cut right to the chase.

“Let's find somewhere a little more private . . . I want you bad!”

“I get off in an hour.” He replied as his fingers pinched her nipple and sent a bolt of arousal lancing through her body.

“But I want to get off right now . . .” She spoke in a breathy moan, endlessly excited about fucking such a hunk and getting back at her daughter at the same time. His confidence was more than a little arousing too, though not much of a surprise after what she'd read in Katie's diary.

Tyrus looked at her for a few seconds, his smile growing almost as fast as his cock. Samantha smiled right back at him as she cupped his weighty sack and stroked his shaft as best she could through those all too tight slacks, “There's a storage room nobody ever uses . . .”

“Then what are we waiting for handsome?”

In the blink of an eye they were standing in a cramped, musty storage room that looked like it hadn't been used in months or even years. But Samantha didn't give a damn about any of that, she was far too busy kissing Katie's crush. Her tongue pushed into his mouth the moment their lips connected and she pressed her barely covered tits against his chest a second after that. His beefy arms wrapped around her body and crushed her against him as his fingers grabbed two massive handfuls of her ass. He didn't show even an ounce of hesitation as he groped her juicy cheeks nor did he think twice about pressing that massive cock bulge against her pussy. The tiny strip of fabric hiding her pussy all but disappeared into her puffy outer folds as his prick throbbed against her vulva. Wild shudders ran down her spine with every pulse of his dick. Within a few seconds she'd lifted one leg into the air to wrap it around his body. When her arms followed suit a few heartbeats later her bright pink nails scraped across his back, long red trails criss crossing his muscular frame even through his polo shirt. Soon both of their tongues were coiling around one another while the sloppy sound of their passionate making out filled the cramped storeroom. Their lewd sounds were quickly drowned out by a crash as Tyrus pushed Samantha against the nearest shelves hard enough to send all sorts of dishes and pans crashing down around them in a deafening mess. And yet as loud as it was neither of them cared one bit. He was far too busy sliding his hands down her thighs and lifting her off the ground entirely. She was far too busy grinding against his amazingly fat dick and soaking the front of his slacks in her warmth. Their frantic kissing only stopped when he unexpectedly pulled away to grin at her. She let him stare with that handsome smile for a few seconds before her arousal and impatience got the best of her.

“What are you staring at?” She asked, “And why aren't you fucking me right now?!”

“It's my birthday,” He replied, “And I've always wanted to fuck a MILF.”

“Well then happy birthday big boy!” Samantha cooed, eagerly grinding against his dick for a few moments and licking her lips as she did so, “Because you're about to get your wish! Raw and hard and as long as you can last!”

“No condom huh?”

“Not a fucking chance!”

“Fuck yeah!”

In a burst of strength and experience that only made her shiver even harder Tyrus lifted her even higher into the air with one hand while hastily yanking down his pants with the other. All eleven and a half inches of his bicep thick cock sprang into view and Samantha watched it with a wide eyed delight. She thought again of Katie and the months long crush she'd described in her diary. A full body shiver coursed through her spine and a little gush of arousal seeped from her all but naked cunt. A moment later her fat, neatly trimmed pussy really was naked as her lover yanked aside the bikini hiding her slit from view. His finger brushed against her swollen clit as he did so and she couldn't help but moan his name in breathless anticipation. When his fingers wrapped around the thickest part of his dick to lift it into the air she grabbed onto his shoulders as tight as she could. For a second or two she admired just how thick his downright massive balls were, each one easily as big as her clenched fist, but her thoughts were immediately pulled to more pressing matters. She had all of a second to enjoy the feel of his precum slathered tip pressing against the entrance of her sex before Tyrus had slammed every last centimeter inside her cunt with a single, almost brutal thrust.

Her eyes widened in shock and her whole body tensed as she was split open by his amazingly thick shaft. All the air rushed out of her lungs in a single gust the moment his throbbing tip collided with her cervix. A messy torrent of warmth gushed out of her pussy as the rest of her body lurched upward from the sheer force of his body slamming into hers. The sunglasses once perched so delicately on her noes just about fell off her face entirely, revealing the wide and glassy eyed stare she was giving him in full while he just smiled back. At some point her ankles clumsily crossed behind his waist and her head clumsily fell back against the shelves behind her as pleasure surged through her senses. As thrilling as it was to hook up with a complete stranger in a hotel storeroom knowing it was the boy her man stealing slut of a daughter had been after for months really made Samantha shiver. By the time he pulled his cock out again a few seconds later she was panting and moaning like a bitch in heat, her whole body shaking as a wild grin spread across her face. Tyrus was so thick and so long she actually felt her pussy stretching outward as he retreated, her greedy inner walls distending around his fat prick in a way few men could ever manage. Which only made her squirm that much harder as he glided back out inch by toe curling inch. Then, when he suddenly reversed course and buried more than two thirds of his fat dick inside her again, she had the distinct pleasure of feeling him slam against the entrance to her womb for a second time.

Ecstasy and a little bit of pain washed over her and in a delicious burst and before she could think about what she was doing or saying she cried out, “Harder! Fuck me harder birthday boy!”

“You got it baby!” He growled back.

His hands returned to her ass and his grip around her cheeks tightened so suddenly and so completely Samantha actually gasped. His feet slit across the already sticky floor of the storage room as he widened his stance and a strangely fierce look spread across his face. A couple seconds later even something a simple as a gasp was entirely beyond her as Tyrus did exactly as she asked. Harder and faster than she ever dreamed possible for a highschool student he pounded her cunt like there was no tomorrow. In an absolute frenzy of ball slapping, mind blowing thrusts he slammed into her like a human jackhammer. It was all she could do to hold on and not be completely overwhelmed inside of a minute. Not once in the dozens of times they'd fucked had Eric managed to drill her cunt anywhere near as hard as the random teenage boy. Hell she was struggling to think of any lover who'd moved with so much ferocity! Of course with every furious slam of his cock into her pussy and against her aching cervix she struggled to think of anything at all.

With every burst of ecstasy to radiate outwards from her trembling slit a little more of her coherence vanished and a little more of that pleasure induced haze replaced it. Some part of her tried to stay at least mildly respectable and in control while she was fucked like a cheap back alley whore but she just couldn't manage it. The harder she tried to resist those animalistic urges the more her body ached to simply let go and be the slut she clearly was. Every meaty slap of his balls against her flesh and every frantic stroke of his prick as it lurched backwards and distended her pussy just a little bit more weakened whatever resolve she was clinging to. In the span of two minutes she was clawing at his back and unleashing the most unladylike grunts as her grinded her hips against him and bared her teeth. A minute after that sweet smelling juices were sraying out of her cunt with every thrust of his dick. Not long after that the already meaty slap of their colliding flesh took on an even wetter tone as she drenched them both in arousal and filled the storage room with the pungent smell of sex and pussy.

Some five minutes after he'd first buried his dick inside her cunt time lost whatever meaning it'd had, the sheer ferocity and unrelenting pace of his thrusting quite literally fucking her senseless faster than anyone else had ever managed. Samantha forgot just about everything as she shuddered and convulsed against the man furiously pounding away at her sex and battering her cervix with such a brutal, uncompromising strength. She forgot she was in a storage room, she forgot the name of the young man fucking her raw, and she was slowly but surely on the way to forgetting her own name. But no matter how good a dicking he might've given her she never forgot why they were fucking in the first place. As everything else faded into nothingness and she was overwhelmed by pleasure the image of her slut daughter fucking her boyfriend never vanished from her mind. Nor did the overwhelming need to get revenge on Katie for that betrayal. Instead it only enhanced her ecstasy and filled her with a strange, yet thrilling clarity that mingled beautifully with her cock addled haze. Every time his cock hammered the entrance to her womb and sent a bolt of pain tinged pleasure lancing through her body some deep, dark part of her knew it could've been her daughter enjoying such a wild fuck. That she was fucking Katie's man and neither she nor her crush had any idea what was going on. She was the only one who truly understood the situation and the thrill of it matched or even superseded the thrill of taking a stranger's dick raw in some musty storage room.

Even if she'd been completely lucid it would've been hard to imagine how things could get any better than the ecstasy she felt with each and every stroke of his massive cock. Her revenge had gone about as perfectly as she couldn't hoped and all she needed now, aside from a violently messy orgasm, was a few pictures to prove what she'd done. Little did she realize Tyrus had something even better that photographic proof she'd cucked her own daughter. Although it started with him doing the exact opposite of what she wanted and pulling his cock out of her sopping wet cunt she didn't have anywhere near enough time or wherewithal to complain. Especially not in the handful of seconds it took him to set her back down on the soaking wet floor, turn her around, and shove all eleven inches of throbbing meat back into her cunt from behind. His strong hands found her shoulders as he resumed his brutal pace like nothing had changed while her own trembling digits knocked aside anything and everything on the shelf in front of her as she struggled to find something to hold. Before she could he slid the straps of her sling bikini down to reveal her heaving breasts in all their perky, bouncing glory and let her entire swimsuit drop down to her ankles. A moment after that he grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled both arms back as he bounced her entire body on the end of his cock.

Suddenly staring down at the floor as she was pounded from behind like a cheap piece of ass Samantha could only respond with a protracted scream, “Ohhh-hhhhhh-hhhhhh-hhhhhh fuu-uuu-uuu-uuu-uuu-uuu-ck!”

For the first time in a long, storied history of sexual debauchery she could feel her fat, jiggling buttocks clapping together from the sheer force of his thrusts. It was far from something she'd ever thought about and certainly nothing she'd ever sought and yet as it happened again and again and again hearing the wet slap of her ass cheeks alongside the meaty smack of his body against her own was endlessly thrilling. In a way she truly couldn't explain and certainly couldn't comprehend. Her already madly trembling pussy tightened even more around the cock responsible for her ecstasy and both of them let out excited groans. Though it didn't seem possible Tyrus fucked her a little bit harder and a little bit faster as her plump ass bounced like crazy on his dick. Watching with a smug grin and relishing every juicy ripple or flash of her tightly clenched asshole he gave her everything he had. Both the storeroom and the hallway outside of it echoed with the frantic slap of colliding flesh and the endless ring of two pleasure wracked people fast approaching a messy climax. Although unsurprisingly one was approaching much faster than the other. Between the thrill of getting petty revenge on Katie, her lover's massive dick, and the way his balls slapped against her clit with every thrust Samantha didn't have any hope of lasting more than fifteen minutes. Especially with Tyrus making her ass clap so effortlessly over and over again like she was some stupid bimbo in twerking in a music video.

As her legs spread further and further apart until she was supported solely by the hunk of man fucking her so well and her eyes rolled back in her head until only the whites were visible Samantha finally succumbed to the pleasure cascading through her body. Her back arched as much as it possibly could while the rest of her muscles spasmed in uncontrollable bliss. Tyrus groaned as her pussy tightened around his cock and she cried out in breathless ecstasy a moment after him. Warmth gushed out of her cunt in sudden, messy jets, each one arriving just as her body was tensing the fiercest and her mind was struck the hardest by pleasure. She barely even noticed him slowing down or grunting almost as often as she moaned. Well and truly lost in her own world she didn't and couldn't pay any attention to the man making her cum so hard. Everything except the fat dick still throbbing away inside her madly quivering slit and the even fatter balls colliding with her sensitive bud might as well not have existed as far as she was concerned. His rapidly waning endurance and slowly lessening ferocity couldn't have mattered less as she convulsed and panted and squirted in an endless, beautiful loop. He did his best to keep pounding away as she shuddered and squealed against and around him but no matter how hard he tried to keep that same ball slapping pace her body was just too overwhelming.

Watching her fat ass bounce and feeling just how much she was creaming over his dick slowed him way more than he expected, way more than he wanted. Somehow her pussy was even tighter than most of the girls he'd fucked at school and the more he tried to resist his own libido and keep fucking her the harder he wanted to empty his balls in her cunt. Tyrus couldn't remember the last time he'd gone bareback in a girl and the longer he fucked this random MILF who's name he didn't even know the harder it was to resist the urge to give her a fat creampie and finish off his unexpected birthday present right. And the longer he resisted that temptation while she squirted all over both of them and screamed louder and more enthusiastically than any pornstar resisting his insatiable need to cum only made him want it that much more. After a minute of Samantha grunting and crying out and panting like a wild animal the barely legal teen hunk responsible for her bliss could barely think straight. A thick haze clouded his every thought and his hips moved almost on instinct as he thrusted away without any comprehension of what he was doing. Beyond the intense pleasure of a tight, wet cunt wrapped around his dick and a fat, jiggling ass smacking against his waist. BY the time her orgasmic high was coming to an end his was finally starting to happen, ecstasy at long last crashing down on him as his cock swelled like mad inside her pussy. Samantha felt his dick throbbing like never before and his grip around her wrists tighten but in her post climax afterglow she didn't register what any of it meant. Not even his suddenly ferocious pace and downright over the top grunting.

It wasn't until a massive explosion of cum flooded her pussy and basted her inner walls that she finally realized what was happening. Luckily for him she very much wanted a belly full of his jizz, both for her own pleasure and to finish off her revenge, so the toe curling deluge absolutely drenching her cunt was nothing but a delicious surprise. One that sent goosebumps erupting across her body and a bleary eyed smile spreading across her face as she felt him pulse again and again and again. Each throb of his dick saw another massive load of spunk drench her undoubtedly bruised cervix and fill her up more than Eric or any of her most recent lovers could manage. Within ten seconds her pussy was literally overflowing with cum. In the time it took him to finish basting her slit in hot jizz the endless spasms of her inner walls alongside the sheer size of his dick sent thick strands of his warmth cascading down her inner thighs and dripping into the puddle of pussy juice that'd formed between her legs. In less than twenty seconds he'd produced what her last three boyfriends did across three or four orgasms and the comparison only grew more unflattering for them as she noticed how hard his dick still was as he gradually pulled it out of her cunt. When it emerged with a soft squelch all the cum it'd been keeping inside her leaked out in a massive waterfall and she just about collapsed against the shelves. Only her deep, overwhelming need to seal her revenge and teach her bitch daughter a lesson in taking someone else's man kept her upright.

“I need . . . I need to grab my phone . . .” She panted, speaking more to herself than Tyrus.

“Why? Gotta call your girlfriend and tell her how great I was?” He teased.

For a moment Samantha thought about Veronica and how her even sluttier friend might react to hearing about a young stud. There was no chance in hell she'd tell Veronica about him! “No . . . I need to take . . . pictures!”

“Yeah I wouldn't mind a few pictures myself!” Eyeing up her wide, round ass and nicely fucked pussy he very nearly pulled out his phone to do that very thing but was interrupted just as his hand slipped into his pocket.

“I have to send them . . . to someone . . .” She shakily replied, slowly looking back at him.


As their eyes met and she weighed her options Samantha gave up on trying to keep her intentions a secret. She didn't care enough about him to spare his feelings. “My daughter has a crush on you and I want to show her how it feels when someone steals their man!”

“Your daughter has—hang on! Are you Kandi Anderson's mom?” Recognition flashed across his face, followed quickly by an almost gloating smile, “I'm not the one your daughter likes!”

“What?!” A surge of adrenaline sent her standing bolt upright as she whirled around to stare at him with a crazed look, “What the hell are you talking about? I read in her diary she had a crush on—”

“My twin brother. He works here too. I'm actually covering his shift.”


“He said Kandi called him a couple days ago saying her mom wasn't gonna be home and that they had the house to themselves. So I'm covering his shift for him.” Tyrus' grin had just about reached his ears as he spoke.

Samantha was both incensed and frustratingly amused by this sudden turn of events. She was almost impressed with her daughter's stupid luck and the sheer happenstance of her mistake but before she had a chance to decide if she was going to scream or laugh the hunk standing in front of her moved in close with a lascivious grin. He slid his still hard cock between her thighs and bit his lower lip, “How about we pretend I really am Martin and we have a little more fun?”

She smiled at him and shook her head, unable to deny the appeal of that question despite how intensely annoyed she might've been, “You'd better fuck even harder the second time around!”

“I think I can manage that!”

Meanwhile on the other side of Cherry Springs her daughter was experiencing all the same ire as her mother but with none of the amusement to go along with it, “One minute?!” She exclaimed as she rolled out of bed with a hand over her cum filled pussy, “How can you only last one fucking minute?! And I told you not to cum inside me!”

“Sorry babe!” Martin replied, hands clasped behind his head and a satisfied grin spread across his face as he stayed right where he was, “I can probably go again in like . . . half an hour!”

Slamming the bathroom door behind her and jumping in the shower to hopefully clean herself off and out before anything could make the day worse Kandi shouted, “Jesus fucking Christ!”


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