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I hope you guys are ready for a slightly out of season Christmas story featuring the ever lovely Veronica Sweet! This little number is actually a sequel to a previous story, though it's not entirely required that you read the first installment. But if you fell so inclined here's a direct link! With all that said, enjoy!

“How many boxes of trash can one garage hold?!”

Even knowing full well how much danger it put him in Henry couldn't stop himself from chuckling at his wife's ire. He laughed even harder when she hurled a dusty old pair of baby shoes at him a moment later and fixed him with a withering stare, “This wouldn't be a problem if you and Jack had cleaned out the garage like you said you would last spring!”

“No, this wouldn't be a problem if you didn't insist on hiding the children's Christmas presents in here every single year!” As she moved another moldy cardboard box filled with nothing of value a plume of dust filled the air and Veronica staggered backwards, frantically waving her hands in front of her face and cursing even louder than ever, “Where on earth did you hide these bloody presents?”

“I wish I could remember.” Her husband honestly replied, “After the kids found my favorite hiding spot a couple years ago I made sure to put them somewhere they'd never be discovered.”

“By anyone it seems!” She tossed a stack of old clothes and foul smelling shoes into one of the many containers strewn about her feet and added, “I don't know why you even bother hiding them in the first place! We all know what you're getting us! And neither of our kids has gone looking for their presents in at least a decade!”

“Because it's part of the fun darling.”

His genuine smile and the amused sparkle in his eyes clashed amusingly with the dark look Veronica was giving him. “If we don't find those presents soon I'm going back inside and making myself an eggnog.”

“You'd really abandon me on Christmas Eve?”

“In a heartbeat!”

Henry laughed at her confidence and turned away to stare at his side of the garage, “We do have a lot of crap don't we? I don't remember having this much when we moved in.” With hands on hips and a pensive look on his face he approached a towering stack of boxes filled with Halloween decorations, “Maybe I hid the presents in here? It's the last place anyone would think to look—”

“I already checked those boxes!” Veronica exclaimed. A little burst of adrenaline surged through her as she stepped away from the mess she'd made and towards her husband, “There's nothing in them. Except Halloween decorations. Of course.”

Too lost in thought to notice the slight distress in her voice or the hastiness of her words Henry nodded and turned his attention elsewhere. Though not before teasing his love a little bit more, “Are you sure you checked them? All the boxes are intact and neatly—ow!”

An old boot collided painfully with his ass and he nearly tumbled over as he grabbed his bruised cheeks for a moment. Looking back to see his wife holding the other over her head he smirked despite the danger. “Keep it up smartarse! I'll leave you all alone with the dust and spiders!”

“Speaking of spiders there's one crawling down your dress.”

Veronica squealed like a girl half her age and dropped the boot to frantically pat at her chest and scream, “OhmyGodgetitoffgetitoffgetitoff!”

Henry rushed across the garage to help her and within a few seconds the crisis was averted, “Maybe you should go inside.” He stated.

Although she'd like nothing more she couldn't leave him alone in the garage. Not without risking him finding the present she'd hidden in there, “Let's just find these damn presents already!” She replied, turning away and stomping towards yet more boxes.

“Yes darling.”

All told in only took a few hours to find the presents hidden at the very bottom of a rather large collection of boxes filled with old clothes and marked 'charity'. After an absolute eternity of keeping an eye on her husband Veronica could finally breath a sigh of relief as she helped him carry everything into the living room and put it all under the tree. The very moment everything was sorted she made a beeline for the kitchen and a bottle of spiced rum she'd been thinking about all day long. Henry joined her and the two of them shared a few cups in front of the fire. Sarah and Jack were still out with friends and probably wouldn't be back for another hour or two at the very least, which left them more than enough time to enjoy the solitude. Watching snow gradually pile higher and higher on the porch outside as they reminisced about past Christmases had become something of a tradition over the years. One even Veronica looked forward to, although she'd never admit such a thing aloud. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when Henry put on the same stupid playlist of Christmas songs he'd been playing as long as she could remember. And she couldn't help but smile a little as he started singing along after a few cups of rum. He'd always been a massive lightweight and watching him drunkenly dance around the living room singing out of tune classics never failed to amuse. Thankfully she wasn't alone in her amusement for very long.

“Uh oh!” Sarah exclaimed from the entryway, her voice barely rising above the music, “Is Dad already drunk?”

“No but this oughta do it!” He said as he drained his cup.

“Yes he is!” Veronica called back. “You'd better hurry upstairs if you don't feel like spending the rest of the night down here with us!”

“Thanks for the warning Mom!”

“Not so fast young lady!”

Stumbling past his wife and towards his daughter with a goofy smile Henry blocked her from getting up the stairs and said, “You spent all of Christmas Eve with your friends and tomorrow you're gonna spend all of Christmas Day with them too! You can spend a little time with us!”

Letting out an only slightly sincere groan Sarah made no effort to fight her father as he draped an arm around her shoulder and guided her into the living room, “All right Dad.”

“There's a good girl! Have some rum!”

Joining her parents for a slightly less traditional burst of family time Sarah sat down next to her mother with a mug of spiced rum and watched her father act like a goofball as he sang his way through song after song without a hint of shame. Within a few minutes Jack returned home and was similarly roped into the fun in much the same way as his sister. While he didn't get his own cup of liquor as he sat down both Sarah and Veronica were happy to give him a few sips over the course of the night. Little by little the atmosphere grew more jovial and conversation flowed more freely. More often than not it was led almost entirely by Henry but as cup after cup was downed it didn't take long for everyone to start acting every bit as boisterous and energetic as the family patriarch. Not even the bottle of rum running dry could stifle the cheery atmosphere that'd settled over them. When Teddy returned home with the last of stocking stuffers and a few hard to find gifts he was met with a veritable wall of sound. Still busily singing along to Christmas music Henry finally had a partner in the form of his equally inebriated daughter. Jack and Veronica were too busy shouting at one another to contribute any singing, but neither were angry or the least bit perturbed. In fact their conversation was about as pleasant and earnest as could be. Were it not for the absolute lack of volume control.

In the festive chaos none of them had noticed the fifth member of the family returning home and Teddy was quick to capitalize on the situation. First by putting away everything he'd brought with him so nobody would find them and then by filling a pitcher with fresh water. As soon as he emerged from the kitchen holding it Henry and Sarah cheered, immediately assuming he'd brought more alcohol to save the 'party'. They were only mildly disappointed by the truth and far too jovial to care when their fuzzy companion insisted they start drinking as much as they could. Now that he was back the family was whole again and the real fun could start. What that 'real fun' actually was nobody could quite say but as long as they were all together none of them were too bothered by specifics. In truth very little changed about the night after Teddy's return, save of course one more voice to join the cacophony. Like always he did his best to care for his family and keep them hydrated to avoid hangovers but more often than not he was roped into every conversation, every song, and every slightest thing they were focusing on that minute. And he was nothing if not eager to join in some good natured fun, when he wasn't ensuring everyone had enough water and covertly stopping any attempts to get more alcohol of course. Had he not come home when he did there was no telling how silly things might've gotten!

But under Teddy's watchful, measured gaze the fun continued well into the night and nobody woke up with hangovers the next morning. Henry had a slight headache and Veronica didn't get anywhere near as much sleep as she preferred but beyond those minor gripes they still managed to rise before their lazy children and head downstairs. Their guardian angle joined them soon afterwards and a good twenty or thirty minutes later Sarah and Jack finally shuffled into the kitchen for breakfast. Though not quite as cheerful as the previous night they were all in good spirits and finally sober enough to thank the person responsible for that first gift. The rest of the gifts were exchanged a little while later and what was left of the morning passed by in the blink of an eye. Christmas might've been a little less fun in a house full of adults but nobody was disappointed or unhappy. With their presents or the company around them. Life was good for the Sweet family and none of them were too spoiled to appreciate that simple, wonderful fact.  Even if that appreciation didn't stop Jack and Sarah from leaving a few minutes after one o'clock to go hang out with their friends again. Or a small argument breaking out as the matter of how exactly they'd leave came up.

“Come on Sarah! It's not that far out of the way!”

“It's like twenty minutes in the opposite direction!”

“It's like ten at most!”

Sarah rolled her eyes as she wrapped a scarf around her neck, “Have your friends pick you up. It's my turn with the car and I'm not paying for the extra gas!”

“I can give you a lift.” Teddy offered as he emerged from the kitchen. “I have business to attend and it wouldn't be any trouble!”

“Really? Thanks Teddy! Are you sure it's not too much trouble though?”

“Oh suddenly you care?”

Jack made a face at Sarah and she rolled her eyes as she walked out the door, “I'll be back in a few hours! Bye Mom! Bye Dad!”

“Goodbye sweetheart!”

“Goodbye darling!”

Sitting on the couch beside his wife with a smile glued to his face Henry listened to Teddy and Jack for a little while longer before finally looking at Veronica and saying, “Looks like we're about to have the house all to ourselves.”

“It looks like it.” She replied. Taking a sip of her tea and very pointedly not looking at him for fear of spoiling the last present she had to give Veronica stared at the slowly dying fire.

Draping an arm around her shoulders and playfully tugging at the edge of the fluffy purple robe she'd been wearing since she woke up he inched a little closer and said, “I didn't forget to buy mistletoe this year . . .”

The corners of her mouth twitched upwards for a moment but she didn't respond. Not until she heard the sound of car doors shutting and an engine turning on outside. “I need to use the lavatory.”

“Oh okay . . . hang on what for?!”

“For things a lady doesn't discuss. Least of all with her husband!” Veronica stood up and scurried away from his touch before he could try anything. Henry watched her go with a mixture of amusement and disappointment. She was very much looking forward to wiping both away with her gift. “I'll be back in a moment! Just stay right there!”

“Sure thing darling . . .”

Half tempted to follow her Henry watched her disappear from sight. On the extremely small chance she actually was going to the bathroom he definitely didn't want to intrude. But he was about as certain as could be that wasn't much more than a flimsy excuse for something else, hopefully something a little more perverted. Exactly what that something might be he really couldn't say. He was more than happy to speculate while he waited though. Especially as the minutes ticked by and he heard nothing from Veronica the entire time. Memories of past Christmases and birthdays flickered through his head faster than he could comprehend. Images of his beautiful partner in all sorts of sexy outfits and lewd positions drowned out every other thought until he was grinning like a fool. The plain white robe he'd been wearing since he rolled out of bed that morning did little to hide his growing excitement and no amount of crossed legs or furtively shifted cloth concealed his arousal. About once a minute he stood up to go find her and maybe see for himself what was going on but he never took more than a step before sitting back down again with an amused sigh. His mind continued to run rampant with speculation throughout and the longer he was left there the more over the top his desires grew. Before long he was all but convinced she had some sexy present in mind for him. Nothing else could explain why she'd taken so long. Nothing else that he could think of at least. And once that notion had sunk it's hooks into his mind Henry couldn't wait to see what Veronica had in store for him.

So much so he preemptively removed his boxers during one of his many failed attempts to leave the couch and join his wife wherever she might've been. The plain t-shirt he'd put on was similarly tossed away along with his socks and just about anything that might get in the way of their fun. Or look decidedly unsexy when she returned dressed in whatever jaw dropping outfit she'd specially picked out for him. Of course after he'd taken off everything except his now barely tied together robe he was left with nothing else to do but wait for her to come back. Unfortunately a racing heart and madly throbbing cock made it almost impossible to sit still and he soon found himself trying to adopt the sexiest poses he could think of. He wanted to make sure he looked good when she came back. Not like some slob sitting on the couch just waiting for pleasure to show up. Which was how he ended up stretched across the couch, love seat, and even the table at one point. Adopting every sultry pose he could think of only to realize how silly he looked a moment or two later Henry bounced around the living room, kitchen, and everywhere in between during the fifteen or so minutes it too Veronica to return. He was so eager to think of and do something sexy he didn't once consider the roaring fire until what turned out to be the last second. Although they didn't exactly have a bearskin rug or anything similar there was probably enough room to lounge and wait with a seductive grin. Or at least there would've been without the coffee table. And while he was trying his best to push that aside his wife finally returned.

Finding her husband awkwardly bent over and grunting quite a bit more than was necessary with his back to her Veronica had to stifle a laugh. She wondered what he was doing and why he might be doing it for all of a second before calling out to him in a throaty whisper, “Uh oh . . . it looks like I forgot one last present . . .”

Standing bolt upright and whirling around to look at her Henry barely managed a single syllable before his eyes widened in surprise and his jaw hit the floor, “I—”

Her luxurious auburn hair was completely unrestrained as it fell all the way down to her shoulders, elegantly framing her face and seductively hiding one of her sparkling green eyes. A tall, bell topped conical hat sat at a jaunty angle above her head. It's fringe was the same bright green as the fit to bursting tights wrapped around her long, plump legs while the red above it perfectly matched the main colors of the tight little tunic barely restraining her massive breasts. What'd once been short sleeves pattered with leaves had shrunk inwards until her top was almost entirely sleeveless and her arms were laid completely bare. The fringed hem that'd once gone well beyond her shapely waist line was now lifted well above her navel by the absurd curvaceousness of her infinitely more buxom body. Leggings that'd similarly covered her from foot to belly button were hanging so low upon her waist he could actually see the edges of her curly lift tuft peeking out above the straining fabric. They fared slightly better around her wide, toned ass than he might've expected but only compared to the absolutely jaw dropping display around the front. Henry could still see the uppermost contours of her beautifully juicy buttocks peeking out over the waistband. One good bounce would send those pale cheeks bursting out in an instant and the distinct lack of any underwear at all left him desperately eager to see it happen as soon as possible.

About the only thing not holding on for dear life to her vastly more buxom frame were the brown, bell lined shoes with the inward curling toe. Somehow they managed to fit her almost exactly the same more than twenty years later. Which only made the rest of her appearance that much more incredible by comparison. He genuinely couldn't understand how she'd squeezed her breasts into such a tiny space, or how the worn out fabric didn't explode off her with every passing second. Even squished and pressed as they were her tits looked absolutely enormous inside that tunic, more so than in her normal clothes. In fact everything about her looked so much bigger and more voluptuous as he stared with utter disbelief for what felt like a good ten minutes. The last time he'd seen her dressed in that outfit they'd just gotten engaged. Over two decades had passed since his one and only stint as a mall Santa and while Veronica had been an absolute bombshell back then her teenage self was nothing compared to the vision of beauty smiling at him now. Henry truly couldn't overstate how amazing she looked. Hell he couldn't state anything as he gawked like a horny teenager. Fortunately for both of them his beautiful wife wasn't quite so limited.

“Mmmm I'd ask what you think but I already have the answer I want!” She cooed.

Following her gaze downward he noticed his cock splitting the edges of his robe and eagerly throbbing away in the cool air. His cheeks flushed and his eyes returned to hers a moment later as he finally found his voice, “You look amazing!”

“I know.” Veronica laughed. Sauntering towards her man she bit her lower lip and flattened her hands on the back of the couch as she bent over, “I found this outfit it some old Christmas stuff . . . I thought you might like to see me in it again . . .”

“I do . . . a lot . . .”

“Yeah? Why don't you show me how much handsome?”

He stood there staring for all of a heartbeat before lunging forward like a wild animal. Tearing at the cord tied around his waist he threw his robe aside and scrambled over the couch while she giggled and stepped back. She barely managed to take two full steps before his arms were wrapped around her waist and his eagerly throbbing cock was pressed against her exposed belly. Their lips met in a wild burst of passion as he kissed her and their tongues coiled around one another almost instantly. Sliding her hands across his back and grabbing onto his tight little ass Veronica let out a hungry moan as she felt him pushing her back. A soft grunt followed soon after as she was slammed against the nearest wall hard enough to send one of the pictures tumbling to the ground. Neither of them paid any attention to the shattering glass. She was much too busy lifting her feet off the ground and coiling her legs around his waist. He was much too busy pushing himself tight against her body and grabbing two massive handfuls of her tightly jiggling ass. Her nails traced long, red marks across his back as she leaned in harder and kissed him every bit as deeply as he kissed her. Passion flooded their senses and the widest smile she could manage had lit up Veronica's face. Of all the many reactions her outfit could've gotten sending Henry into an animalistic fury was without a doubt the one she wanted most. It'd been far too long since he lost all control and just went to town on her. They had a lot of time to make up for and pretty much the rest of the day to do it!

Their kissing ended in a sudden moan as Henry pulled away to kiss and nuzzle all along her neck instead. His cock was throbbing out of control against her stomach and the pungent smell of precum was thick in the air around them. A small but rapidly growing wet spot had formed on the front of her tights and it only spread even faster as she started grinding against him a few seconds later. Long, shuddering moans tumbled from her lips as she felt him plant an endless flurry of kisses across her goosebump riddled skin. His grip on her trembling buttocks loosened for just a moment, just enough to let his fingers slip beneath her tights and grab hold of her ass properly. Before she could even appreciate how hard he was groping her his digits slipped between her soft cheeks to find a tightly clenched little ring he was all too familiar with. In a flash her whole body tensed as his finger tips pushed their way inside her puckered hole without any hesitation and only the tiniest amount of resistance. Veronica's inner walls clamped down hard around the intruders and her nails dug deep into his skin as she held on tight. One hand jumped to the back of his head while the other clawed at his back until it was covered in marks. She didn't know why it felt so good to have her asshole teased and lightly fingered but truly couldn't bring herself to care. As the first third of his fingers slipped inside her quivering entrance only to curl inward and pull her open even further she was absolutely beside herself with excitement. Only one thing could make it better and it was throbbing against her stomach just waiting to be shoved inside every last hole she had.

“Put me down Henry!” Veronica moaned, “Put me down! I need to take off these stupid tights right now!”

Just lucid enough to hear her words and follow her instructions Henry stopped his onslaught of kisses and pulled his fingers free of her ass. A moment later she was standing on her own two feet again, though her knees threatened to buckle with every wild tremor. She'd barely hooked her thumbs into the waistline of her tights before his strong hands found her shoulders and shoved her down even more. A slightly pained but very much startled gasp burst from her lips as she sank down with an almost painful thud. Her eyes glanced downward for a moment, then up at his wild expression as a question formed on her lips. Unfortunately those lips were quickly too busy to ask anything as he wasted no time slamming his prick inside her throat. With both hands on her head and a weighty groan erupting from his mouth he buried every last inch of his impressive cock inside her with a single thrust. In the blink of an eye her neck was bulging outwards around the meaty length stuffed inside it and spit was erupting from her suddenly stretched wide lips. As his balls slapped wetly against her chin she felt him swell even more against the tight wet confines of her esophagus. Thick globs of precum oozed from the tip of his cock to trickle down into her stomach with every ferocious pulse of his manhood. And as his nails scraped against her scalp and his fingers grabbed thick tufts of her hair she watched his whole body tense in unison. Henry might not have been the most muscular man in the world but when he was really excited he wasn't a slouch either. Veronica couldn't help but shiver at the sight of his biceps flexing and she couldn't help but let her hands roam his tightly corded thighs. At least until they drifted around back to find his even firmer ass and hold on for dear life. Because she knew exactly what was coming next and holding on for dear life was about all she could really do.

With his wife pinned between him and the wall behind her there wasn't a damn thing to stop him from fucking her face like a cheap toy until he blew his load all over her throat or she tapped out. So that's exactly what Henry did. His hips lurched backwards faster than she could react and a shower of spit erupted from her mouth to drench them both. By the time she'd truly felt the rapid departure of his cock from her throat he'd slammed it right back inside her again as hard as he could. The wet slap of his sack against her chin was second only to the long, animalistic groan erupting from his lips. Veronica's almost silent squeal was completely drowned out by the wet gurgle of her body being violated and the not so soft thump of her head against the wall. But of course her husband wasn't going to stop at a single back and forth, nor would she have wanted him to! While she was still reeling from that first, wonderful stroke of his dick he was pulling back and thrusting forward all over again. In fact he was pounding away at her face as fast and as hard as humanly possible. Nothing was held back as he reached the absolute peak of what he could manage and remained there for as long as his straining muscles would allow. He might not have been able to fuck her throat like a madman forever but he could easily manage long, ferocious bursts that left his wife gasped for air and slurping on his prick like a good little whore. In less than a minute the entire downstairs echoed with the sound of colliding flesh, of lurid gurgling and throaty gags as he jackhammered his dick in and out of her without restraint.

Even in the moments when he was naturally forced to slow down and recover some of his energy he kept all ten inches of his girthy dick embedded inside her as often as possible. When he did pull back it was with a long, slow temperament that almost gave her a chance to catch her breath and reorient herself. Then his entire prick vanished into her mouth once more so hard even Veronica's long dormant gag reflex couldn't quite handle the assault. Spit and stomach bile erupted from her throat in equal measure as her eyes rolled back in her head and tears formed in the corners of her eyes. But as bad as it might've looked from the outside, her mascara running down her cheeks and her whole body shuddering in wild bursts, she was loving every moment of it. Her grip on his body was tighter than ever while she held herself on his dick and buried her nose in the stubble above his prick. Her tongue constantly swirled around her husband's length whenever it was stuffed balls deep inside her, even darting out of her lips to taste the rest of his musky loins and turn him on that much more. When he inevitably returned to the wild facefucking she expected of him she couldn't do anything more than sit there with her mouth open and the rest of her body aching for the same treatment. All while the man she married abused her throat so ferociously had she not known better she might've thought he didn't actually love her. In short it was pretty much everything she could've wanted from their foreplay and the longer he deprived her of oxygen the more thrilling her lightheadedness became.

As the edges of her vision started to darken and she felt his cock swelling even more inside her she was left to wonder if he'd actually be able to cum before she passed out. And whether or not he'd keep going if she did. Sadly she was never given an answer to that question. Henry pulled out before she could fully lose consciousness, one hand wrapping around his spit soaked dick while the other kept a tight hold on her thoroughly tousled hair. She barely had enough time to look up at him with a bleary eyed smile before he'd dragged over to the couch and bent her over the back, moving her limp body like a sack of potatoes. His hand smacked against her fat ass the instant it was pushed up into the air and even through her tights the impact was painful enough to send a startled squeak bursting from her lips. She recoiled from the blow for all of a moment as her body reflexively tried to pull away. A heartbeat later she was pushing her still quivering cheeks right back out again for another hit. Her husband gladly provided it and a bright red handprint formed across her other cheek. While she was still in the throes of pain tinged ecstasy he yanked down her tights to reveal the soft pink contours of her nicely spanked bottom, as well as the puffy little cunt busily leaking warmth all down her thighs. When his hands closed around her hips she knew what was about to happen and her hands scrambled to find something to hold on to. They just barely managed to close around the edge of the cushion before his cock plunged into her pussy every bit as hard as it'd plunged into her throat.

“OHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Her voice was low and guttural yet explosively loud as pleasure crashed down on her, “FUCK ME HENRY! FUCK ME! FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEE!”

Her first sentence had barely left her mouth before he was doing exactly what she wanted. Exactly what both of them wanted. Pounding away at her cunt with all his strength he slammed his dick inside her pussy so hard and so fast the entire couch was screeching across the hardwood with every meaty impact of his hips against her cheeks. An absolutely delicious rippled spread through her cheeks as his body smashed against hers and it was only made all the more pleasing by the burning red welts his hands had left. The rest of her lurched forward from his unbroken thrusting as well and before long her feet had left the ground entirely as her toes curled inward. With all his often surprising strength he fucked her and with all her insatiable desire she basked in every powerful stroke of his dick inside her cunt and against her most sensitive places. But it still wasn't enough. As tight as her pussy was and as good as it felt to feel her arousal splashing across both of them he wasn't satisfied. Unlike his wife who couldn't have been happier as his prick slammed against her cervix and ecstasy lanced through her system faster than she could comprehend. If he'd fucked her like that for the rest of day she would've been a very happy woman indeed. Thankfully her husband was nothing if not insatiable after she'd riled him up and a simple, if furious, dicking wouldn't suffice. Not when he could so easily lift a hand into the air and bring it down with a ferocious smack against her fat, jiggling ass.

Too caught up in pleasure to think about anything else and too busy moaning to hear the telltale groan that signaled his impending spank Veronica was caught completely off guard by her husband's slap. Pain and pleasure surged through her senses as her back arched and her body instinctively tried to pull away from the sudden burst of discomfort. But no matter how hard she wiggled or how furiously she clawed at the couch she couldn't move anywhere. He'd once again pinned her against something every bit as unyielding as him and she was left with no other option as his hand came down again. The already bright red welts he'd left across her cheeks darkened even more, the outline of his fingers growing muddled as he spanked every inch of her pale cheeks without care or concern. Her already amazingly tight pussy clamped down even harder around him as he struck her over and over and over again, each spasm of her inner walls only encouraging him to keep going. Soon enough little squirts of arousal accompanied each blow as she started to succumb to the pleasure overwhelming her. Little bursts of precum soon joined in the messy torrent as the little globs constantly seeping from his prick were pushed right back out again by her endlessly tightening cunt. It wasn't long before those small rivulets were completely overshadowed by something much thicker and much creamier as Henry barreled unthinkingly towards his own climax.

Unable to hold back and completely unwilling to even try he slammed balls deep into her cunt with all his might, spanking her ass the whole time and practically ensuring he couldn't last more than a few minutes at the very most. Few men could've but even after so many years her pussy was too tight and her body was too incredible for him even when he was lucid enough to exercise some self control. In the state he'd been reduced to he was little more than a rutting stallion and within three minutes of first sliding his prick into her pussy Henry was ready to blow his load. Well before he let out a groan she was all too familiar with Veronica felt her man tense inside her. She felt the sudden onslaught of thick precum basting the entrance to her womb and coating her inner walls. And she loved it. Calling out his name and pushing herself back against him with all her strength she sucked in a ragged breath and let it out in a long, coaxing moan. He grabbed a fistful of her hair a few seconds later and wrenched her head backwards as he buried his cock inside her one last time. His prick throbbed like crazy against all the most sensitive places inside her cunt and the rest of his body tightened like he was being tasered. In the last few heartbeats before he emptied his balls inside her she bounced up and down against his prick and breathlessly panted his name over and over and over again. A few moments later she was too busy moaning along with her husband as hot, gooey spunk erupted into the depths of her pussy.

Henry's cum drenched her inner walls in a thick spray of jizz, completely flooding her cunt and sending thick spurts arcing out almost instantly as she convulsed around him. Every throb of his shaft sent another creamy jet against her cervix and even more gushing out. Thick rivulets trailed down her thighs or splattered across his legs only to be washed away by the messy torrents of pussy juice erupting out of her almost as quickly. It might not have been the strongest orgasm she'd ever had and it certainly wasn't the strongest he'd ever given her but the explosions of pleasure surging through her system and sending her into spasmodic fits was absolutely wonderful nonetheless. Especially when she started grinding against his endlessly pulsing dick and he responded with small but powerful thrusts. Each new load was accompanied by a grunting lurch forward, the couch sliding inch by inch across the ground as her body slammed against it and his slammed against hers. For well over fifteen seconds she was little more than a gushing plaything, a cum sock to be used and discarded by the man fucking her. No other description was more suitable and in the heat of the moment she absolutely adored the thought. Though not quite as much as she adored just how hard her man's dick remained even after dumping such a huge flood of cum inside her pussy. It took her a good while to even realize he'd finished basting her pussy in fresh spunk, the sheer amount swirling around inside her and leaking out in messy spurts completely hiding the truth. And when she finally did notice he wasn't actively pumping more sperm into her already drowning hole she was much too delighted by his rapidly increasing thrusts.

Still outrageously turned on by his wife's appearance and in no position to stop ravishing her Henry did the only thing that made sense: her fucked her sloppy pussy harder and faster with every cycle. Gritting his teeth and groaning like an animal as his post orgasm sensitivity tried to stymie his ferocity he pushed through that inconvenient weakness to clap Veronica's thoroughly spanked cheeks and fuck her the way she deserved to be fucked. The way he always wanted to fuck her underneath his veneer of calm, respectability. Within a minute or two he was nearly back to full strength and the wet slap of his hips smashing against her ass as his cock plunged into her cunt filled the house yet again. Her hoarse, barely coherent screams soon joined the cacophony as she was overwhelmed by the pleasure of a hard dick absolutely demolishing her tight little pussy. After twenty years her man knew what she liked and even in the state he was in he knew exactly how to give it to her. Every thrust sent his prick slamming against or gliding across the most sensitive places inside her cunt and every withdrawal left her no chance at all of catching her breath. She hadn't been able to take a proper breath since he first bent her over the couch and the small but delicious orgasm she'd enjoyed while he drained his balls inside her hadn't gone away. If anything it only seemed to grow the harder he pounded away and the longer he managed to maintain that wild pace. When he inevitably slowed down he resumed the downright vicious spanking that'd made her squeal so hard, all but guaranteeing she was completely at his mercy in every sense of the word. Her burning red cheeks were slapped completely raw and her pussy was utterly devastated for minutes on end all while she screamed like a banshee and begged for more with every ragged cry.

And more is exactly what she got, though it hardly seemed like it at first as her husband abruptly yanked his cock free of her cunt. As pleasurable as his sudden departure felt and as much as she loved the lurid feel of cum gushing from her trembling slit Veronica couldn't help but feel disappointed at the sudden absence of dick ruining her cunt. She'd been hurtling so fast towards an earth shattering climax she couldn't even fathom Henry doing anything else. Luckily for both of them her man wasn't short on imagination or ferocity as he slammed his dick into her asshole without a hint of warning. Pain and pleasure washed over her in a terrifying barrage as her tight little ring was blasted open by a fat prick faster than she could react. A lesser woman might've screamed in agony and begged their husband to stop. A lesser woman wouldn't have been able to handle such a fat pole breaking their anus and stretching them open so wide. But she wasn't a lesser woman. As much as she liked to pretend otherwise she was every bit the unparalleled whore many in Cherry Springs knew her to be and no matter how much that first thrust hurt the ecstasy that followed was nothing short of eye opening. The meaty slap of his balls against her pussy was enough to tinge pain with pleasure in a breathtaking way and what he did soon after all but ensured she was reduced to a drooling cock sleeve in no time at all.

With a throaty groan he lifted her off the couch, sliding his arms beneath her legs and clasping his hands behind her neck as he pinned her knees against her tits. Too overwhelmed to do anything more than let her arms dangle uselessly at her sides Veronica stared down at her cum splattered pussy and watched as jizz gushed out in a messy torrent. Until the flow was suddenly interrupted by her husband's fat balls slapping against her vulva so hard she actually jumped. Some part of her was dimly aware of his feet moving beneath them as he carried her like the fuck doll she was to a different part of the living room but she could do nothing about except drool and squeal in equal measure. Particularly when he came to a stop and resumed the frenetic pace that'd so perfectly destroyed her tight cunt less than a minute earlier. She had no idea he was holding her up in front of the sliding glass door for anyone to see if they glanced over their fence and she had no idea how much the thought was turning him on. She only felt his madly throbbing dick plunging in and out of her asshole as her tight ring distended around his dick. What little spunk was left in her pussy gushed out as she was held above him and the meaty impact of his sack against her trembling folds sent it splashing everywhere. Her already sticky thighs were utterly drenched in spunk and everything from the window she was being fucked in front of to the floor in a several foot radius was soaked in droplets. Before long all that errant spunk was joined by her own arousal as she quickly and wholeheartedly succumbed to the pleasure, pain, and humiliation of being ravished in such an exposed position.

After less than two minutes of being sodomized like a cheap whore by her husband Veronica felt the last dregs of her composure slipping away. As his stance widened and his grip tightened and the unending ferocity of his pace continued she was consumed by her own lust. She could nothing but cry out his name as he pushed her right over the edge into the kind of orgasm she'd been craving from the moment she put on her old costume. “H-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y!”

Warmth exploded out of her trembling pussy as every muscle in her body tightened simultaneously only to suddenly descend into uncontrollable spasms. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head as her mouth hung open. At some point her tongue lolled out but she was much too far gone to notice such an shameful sight. Only her husband was aware of how truly overwhelmed she was as he turned her asshole inside out and sent messy jets of pussy juice squirting all over the living room. Seeing his wife reduced to such a state only fueled the already burning desire inside him and while he couldn't fuck her much harder than he already was he could certainly push through the burning desire to slow down and take a break. Indeed he ignored that momentary weakness entirely as he wrecked her asshole and fucked her stupid throughout her ecstasy and well into the wonderful afterglow that followed. Lasting almost a full, unbroken minute her pleasure was nothing short of devastating as she squirted more than a dozen times and convulsed like she was being electrocuted throughout. Anyone watching them would've been shocked by the vulgar display of pure debauchery she put on. It was so unlike her usual classy and sophisticated demeanor she was practically another woman entirely! With mascara running down her cheeks and lipstick smeared across her face she looked like a slutty parody of herself. Even without the massive cock plunging in and out of her asshole and making her thrash about in utter bliss over and over again. Her wildly disheveled appearance would only grow more absurd as she was carried away from the sliding glass door and towards the couch where her husband could continue to ruin her ass for as long as he wanted.

He didn't care how sensitive she was after such an explosive orgasm. He didn't care how overcome she was by both pleasure and pain in the aftermath of being sodomized so brutally without any chance to prepare herself. Henry wanted his wife and Henry was going to have his wife for as long as he could last. There wasn't a damn thing Veronica could do to stop him from fucking her all over the living room and even in parts of the kitchen. She was well and truly his plaything as he stuck his cock in every last one of her holes over and over and over again. Starting first by making her ride his dick while he shoved three fingers inside her cunt and messily worked her already sensitive hole until she was begging for mercy. There was no telling how long that lasted but when he finally decided to move her into another position the momentary break was nothing short of life saving. Of course she only ended up flat on her back while her tunic rolled up over her tits and both his hands groping her nipples so hard she was screaming until her voice failed her. At some point his dick left her asshole to ravish her pussy for a while but any relief she might've felt was immediately drowned in pleasure and pain as he abused her breasts, biting down on her sensitive buds and soaking the table beneath her in pussy juice as he sent her hurtling towards another orgasm. But it wasn't until he pulled out again and climbed onto that table that she was thrown headlong into a second climax so soon after the first. Feeling his cock sliding down her throat and his balls slapping against her chin as he squatted above her and pounded away at her face was exactly the kind of shameful, humiliating pleasure she was craving.

Her mind descended into another sex crazed haze as he violated her throat for what could've been minutes or hours as far as she knew. And her mind didn't recover from that daze until he'd blown his last load more than an hour after they'd first started. After dumping another fountain of jizz inside her pussy and one in the depths of her nicely gaped asshole. Somehow they'd ended up back in their bedroom with her sprawled across their bed. Her head was hanging off the end and her husband's balls were slapping wetly against her eyes as he buried his cock in her throat over and over and over again until one last eruption of cum managed to burst forth. Though diminished after so many others it was still more than enough to fill her belly and utterly claim her last remaining hole. As if his powerfully throbbing dick hadn't already done so. When he pulled out again a sputtering cough sent a thick wave of slimy jizz and stomach bile splashing over her cross eyed face, instantly coating her in the viscous substance and all but completing her humiliation in the process. She could do nothing but gurgle and swallow what little was left between her lips as she tried to suck in a proper breath for the first time in ages. The bed next to her shifted slightly as Henry sat down but in the state Veronica was in she couldn't begin to notice such minor details. Not while cum was bubbling out every orifice and pleasure wracked shudders were still sending her limbs into fits of twitching.

“That was an amazing present Veronica . . .” Her husband panted, grinning down at the mess of a whore he'd married, “Merry Christmas sweetheart . . .”


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