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In truth I'm not sure there's all that much to say about this one! Despite it's length it's a pretty straightforward romp. I hope y'all enjoy it!

Oh and since it's based on an image here's that picture for your viewing pleasure! 

With the confident strut of a reporter holding one of the best scoops she'd ever found in her already impressive career Rebecca Chang stepped out of the elevator and onto the executive floor of the main Phenotrans office building. Every step towards the CFO's office was marked with an echoing thunk as she walked across the polished wooden floors towards reception. The pretty young woman seated behind an exorbitantly expensive looking desk turned towards the sound with open confusion, clearly taken aback by the unexpected guest sauntering down the hall. And why wouldn't she be? Compared to the rest of the staff and the corrupt management the woman approaching with a thick folder in one hand and a recorder in the other couldn't have looked more out of place in spite of her seemingly professional attire. With a black pencil skirt and cream colored button up blouse she almost looked like she belonged in an office setting. At a casual glance one might even think she worked in that very building upon seeing the little I.D. badge clipped to her waist. But looking any closer revealed her as an outsider beyond a shadow of a doubt. With a slit cut in the left side of her skirt to show off even more of her long, smoothly toned legs and a hem that stopped a good few inches above her knees there was simply no way she could've worked at Phenotrans.

Add to that her partially unbuttoned blouse revealing just a hint of cleavage alongside a pair of sleeves rolled up nearly to her elbows and she looked so blatantly out of place in such a high class environment it was downright comical. Of course Rebecca didn't give a damn about the confused, judgmental look the receptionist was giving her as she strolled up. She knew she looked damn good in just about anything and even better in her favorite outfit for sleuthing or confronting the brazenly corrupt men and women her work so often brought her into contact with. As confident in her wide, shapely hips and tightly sculpted ass as she was her perky breasts and athletic yet curvaceous build her not quite professional yet not quite suitable for work look never failed to throw off and disarm the sexist idiots she was so often exposing. Among the many tools she had in her arsenal that angle always worked perfectly and she had every confidence it would work again as she walked right past reception and into the CFO's office directly. In part because she had no reason to think he was any different from the dozen or so rich, misogynist scumbags that'd been taken down by her reporting but mostly because the mountains of evidence she was holding in her hands all but confirmed his attitudes towards women. Among many, many, many other transgressions and mistakes that'd lead to his resignation and possibly jail time.

“Ma'am you can't go in there!” The receptionist exclaimed.

“Watch me.” Although she stood up and tried to get in Rebecca's path she already one step ahead of the girl. Easily sidestepping her entirely she pushed open the unnecessarily lavish doors and stepped into an office bigger than the average apartment. Three of the four walls were composed entirely of floor to ceiling windows showing off a stunning view of the city all around them. Several couches, tables, and other comfortable pieces of furniture were positioned around the space while bookshelves and similar items lined the only opaque walls on either side of the doors she'd just thrown open.  “You're in trouble Mr. Harrison!” She announced with an unabashed grin.

Seated at his own absurdly large and undoubtedly expensive desk Daniel Harrison slowly stood up with a smile of his own. The very embodiment of the phrase 'tall, dark, and handsome' he was an imposing man dressed in a dark blue  suit more costly than a low end car with rich brown skin and a neatly trimmed beard that perfectly accentuated his bald head. His teeth were almost unnaturally white as he grinned at the woman standing before him and said, “Is that right?”

“I-I'm sorry sir!” His receptionist stammered. “She just barged in here! I-I'll call security right away!”

“There's no need to do that Deidre.” He said, walking around his desk and towards Rebecca without a hint of concern. Still smiling with an almost smug aura he looked at the reporter standing in front of him for a moment, then at his employee, “I can handle this on my own.”

“A-Are you sure sir? I-I don't want you—”

“I appreciate the concern. If I need any help I'll be sure to let you know.”

Seemingly reassured by his confidence Deidre nodded at him, then glared at Rebecca before slowing backing out of the office and shutting the doors. As soon as they were closed Channel 6 Acton News' most dogged reporter let out a derisive laugh, “You're awfully confident for a man with at least a dozen felony charges hanging over his head!”

“Oh is that all you found?” Daniel asked, “I guess rumors of your investigative skills were greatly exaggerated.”

“Oh I think you'll find my skills more than adequate in this instance.” Not at all surprised by his taunting and pushing aside the momentary flash of insecurity she felt upon hearing it Rebecca opened the dossier full of evidence she'd been holding and grabbed a few of the juiciest pieces. Stepping forward and dropping them on the small table positioned between them with the air of someone laying down a winning hand of cards she chuckled at him and added, “I'm sure you never expected anyone to find out about that.”

Smirking as he bent down to pick up one of the photographs Daniel looked at it for a few seconds before tossing it back onto the small pile, “I would've been disappointed if you didn't find out about all that.”

“Oh I'm sure. Would you have been disappointed if I didn't find out about this?”

She revealed even more of the evidence she'd collected and he barely glanced at it before throwing out another quip, “Of course. Any reporter worth the camera they're using would've found that. So far I'm not quite seeing how you've earned your reputation Rebecca.”

“It's Miss Chang to you. And if you want a real scoop I've got plenty in here. Luckily for me it doesn't matter how impressed you are. I'm sure the FBI will find this all riveting.”

“I'm sure they would. If you'd sent any of this to them.”

They'll be receiving it all soon enough.”

“Is that right?” Daniel glanced at the pictures and documents Rebecca was throwing out, his fact still lit up by a smug, unconcerned grin. “Then why haven't you blown the whistle yet?”

Dropping the entire dossier onto the table with an echoing thud Rebecca folded her arms and flashed a cocky grin of her own, “Because I like to give scumbags like you a chance to resign before I turn everything over the the authorities.”

“How generous of you.”

“It's got nothing to do with generosity. If you step down of your own accord all the innocent people working underneath you won't suffer as much. But if you're dragged out of here in handcuffs the fallout would be much worse.”

“Ah, so you're blackmailing me then.”

“Hardly. I'm giving you the chance to do the right thing and save your employees. Either way all this is going right to the FBI.”

“Then why would I bother to resign?”

“To save yourself the humiliation of marched out of your office by the cops while reporters like me snap a thousand pictures of it.”

“Right.” Daniel nodded at her and picked up the dossier she'd dropped, “How noble of you. I fail to see how this isn't blackmail but I suppose intention trumps action right?”

“You're not going to intimidate me Mr. Harrison. Worse men than you have tried.”

“Oh I don't see how anyone could be worse than me.” He laughed, “According to all this evidence I must be the worst person you've ever caught. Maybe even the worst in the world.”

“Getting you thrown in jail will be my crowning achievement. Until another scumbag comes along and I take him down too.”

“Of course. There's no shortage of men like me in the world right?”

“None whatsoever.”

Folding her arms and watching him look through the extensive list of heinous crimes he'd committed over the years Rebecca couldn't help but feel a little put out by his cavalier reaction. Every other piece of shit she'd confronted in a similar manner had been absolutely terrified at the very least. Many had tendered their resignation after just a few photos and none had ever perused the everything she'd gathered like they were looking over a boring earnings report. Although confident in the information she'd gathered and the lifelong sentence he'd get after a conviction was reached the thrill of thoroughly ruining such a corrupt, downright evil person was definitely the cherry on top of the whole process and something she looked forward to quite a bit. Even if it was technically speaking blackmail under the circumstances she was willing to fudge the rules just a little bit. Considering everything else she had to do to get a hold of the evidence she'd gathered throwing in a little gloating was hardly the worst sin she'd committed. It was nowhere near the worst sin Daniel Harrison had committed in his lengthy career of being a monster. It probably wasn't even the worst sin he'd committed that day! And in spite of her own interests her desire to spare the thousands of workers unlucky enough to rely on terrible people like him was entirely genuine. Even if it wasn't the sole reason she liked to confront all the men and women she took down in such a dramatic fashion. They didn't have to know the truth and considering what they were facing down they'd never actually find out the truth. They'd be too busy trying to get themselves out of the legal hellscape they'd created!

“Well that's a shame. I always liked to think of myself as unique.” Closing the dossier and dropping it onto the table Daniel turned away and walked towards his desk.

Rebecca followed him and gleefully threw out another barb, “People like you couldn't be more common in the corporate world.”

“I doubt that very much.” He replied, turning back towards her and folding his arms as he leaned back against his desk he fixed her with a strangely gloating smile.

“And why is that?”

She stepped even closer and folder her arms too, her expression the exact opposite of his as she waited for whatever pathetic attempt at weaseling out of guilt he was about to make. “Because unlike all the others you've 'taken down' I knew you were coming. And I did a little investigating of my own. Well I didn't do it personally, but I certainly have the evidence.”

“What are you talking about? What could you possibly have on me?” Rebecca demanded, her heart skipping a beat despite her derisive tone.

“Quite a lot Miss Chang. I'd say even more than you have on me. Although of course I went back to the very start of your career for all this.”

Looking away from her and to the single folder lying at the center of his meticulously clean desk he picked it up with a chuckle and held it out to Rebecca. Ever so slightly thrown off by his words and the thought of what might be inside she did her best not to show how tilted she was as she took the files he was offering and opened them. Her unconcerned facade took an immediate and crippling hit as soon as she saw the first picture sitting at the top of what had to be dozens of files. Although she did her best to recover and not give her adversary the satisfaction of knowing how much he'd rattled her that much self control was already beyond her. At least while her mind was fixating on the almost categorical evidence of every last shady or outright illegal thing she'd ever done in her pursuit of bringing men like Daniel Harrison to justice. Somehow every lie she'd ever told, every falsified statement she'd ever given, every corner she'd cut or crime she'd committed while hunting for scoops and information had been documented in some form or another. It was even marked by date and organized from oldest to newest! Each page she looked over contained more damning evidence than the last and while his folder wasn't anywhere near as big as the one she'd gathered on him the information it contained would still be the death of her career at the very least. If she was lucky. In all reality it'd likely put her in jail just as easily as she had put so many other men in jail. By the time she was on the final pages detailing all the laws she'd broken to get the evidence she needed on the man now threatening her in much the same way all the color had drained from Rebecca's face. She didn't even try to hide her concern as she slowly looked up from the files to meet Mr. Harrison's unflinching stare. All of a sudden that smug grin spread across his face had a far more sinister undercurrent. Though she tried to keep a stiff upper lip when she eventually spoke her voice still trembled ever so slightly.

“What do you want? Why are you showing this to me? Do you want me to bury the story? Is that it? Is that why you've gone through this much trouble?”




“To which?”

“All of it. To everything you just said.”

More thrown off than ever Rebecca stared at him for several moments before finally asking, “Then what do you want?”

With a thoroughly gloating smile Daniel pushed himself away from his desk and approached with a cocksure swagger. In spite of herself she couldn't help but pull away just a little bit as he came within arm's reach and all the terrible things he'd done flashed through her mind. “Get on your knees.”

“Excuse me?!” Throwing aside the dossier on her and actively stepping backwards with a horrified look on her face Rebecca was torn between disgust, anger, and confusion as she demanded, “What the hell did you just say?!”

“I told you to get on your knees. Like a good little whore.”

“I-I'm not a whore! And—”

“Oh I've seen the pictures. Watched the videos. Listened to the recordings. You aren't shy about using every advantage you can get for a scoop.”

“That's not—I don't—it isn't—fuck you Harrison! I'm not a whore and even if I was I'd never be your whore!”

Daniel smirked at her and let out a snide little chuckle, “If you don't want me sending this file . . .” He bent down to pick up the discarded folder and some of the incriminating evidence that'd fallen out of it, “Then you'll do exactly what I say. Otherwise this goes straight to the same federal agents you were threatening me with earlier. But only after I send the most lascivious materials to your family, friends, coworkers, and just about anyone else who might be interested to know exactly how you get the scoops that gave you so much acclaim.”

“They'd never believe it!”

“Who wouldn't? The federal agents or all the people who thought you were more than some two bit whore who'd do anything for a little big of information?”

Unable to respond but unwilling to give in or let him have the last word Rebecca took another step back and glared at him for a moment, “I'm not a whore . . .”

“No you're not 'a' whore. You're my whore. From now on.”

“I won't do anything you ask. I don't care if you send those files out. I-I don't regret anything I've done or anything I had to do.”

“You know . . .” Turning away and walking towards his desk Daniel leaned over the polished wooden surface to hit a number on his phone, “I almost believe you . . .”

“Yes Mr. Harrison?” His assistant said, her voice echoing through the intercom.

“Deidre do you remember the sealed envelopes I gave to you?”

“The ones marked for the FBI, Channel 6 Acton News, and more than a dozen civilians? Yes sir, I have them all in the third drawer. Why do you ask?”

“I think it's time we send them out like we talked about. I'm tired of sitting on all that juicy evidence. It really should be shared with—”


Smiling at her and pausing mid sentence Daniel tilted his head to the side and coyly said, “Oh?”

“D-Don't send those out.” Rebecca couldn't believe what she was saying. What she was thinking about doing. But the words came out of her mouth before she could stop them, the abject fear of being outed and losing everything overshadowing her pride just long enough. “Don't. I-I'll . . . I'll . . . just don't send them out . . .”

“Is there a problem sir?”

“I'm not sure.” Looking at the intercom for a moment then back to Rebecca his grin widened even more as he licked his lips and asked, “Wasn't there something I told you to do?”

“Yes.” She replied. Pointedly not kneeling or even moving a muscle save to scowl she stared at him for as long as she could bear before stating again, “Yes you did.”

Mr. Harrison looked at her expectantly for a moment but when she continued to stand defiantly before him he said, “Deidre I—”

“W-Wait!” Reaching out towards him Rebecca let out a heavy sigh and slowly stared down at her feet, “Wait . . . I . . . I . . .” Even as her knees bent towards the gloor she refused to give him the satisfaction of repeating his order. She just knelt down as her face turned a furious shade of red.

“Now that's a good girl. On second thought Deidre let's hold onto that evidence a little while longer, who knows how useful it might be?”

“Of course sir. Was there anything else you needed?”

“No, thank you Deidre. Actually . . . cancel the rest of my appointments for the day.”

“Right away sir.”

“Thank you Deidre.”

Ending the call and turning to face his kneeling foe Mr. Harrison sauntered towards her with a look that sent chills down her spine. She did her best not to give him the satisfaction of seeing the dread or the shame welling up inside her with every passing moment. Though she didn't hesitate to show him the anger as he moved closer. “You're a monster.”

“Oh I'm well aware.”

“You're evil.”

“Guilty as charged.”

“You're the worst human being who ever lived.”

“I've done my very best.”


Upon coming withing arm's reach he'd suddenly stopped in his tracks and reached down towards his slacks with both hands. Distracted as she was by both the catharsis of hurling insults and resisting the overwhelming urge to turn away and flee Rebecca hadn't even noticed what he was doing until it was far too late. Until he'd unzipped his pants, pulled down his underwear, and produced what looked like a foot of throbbing cock meat as thick around as her bicep. Bigger than any dick she'd ever seen and bigger than any dick she'd ever imagined his prick was nothing short of absurd in every possibly way such a thing could be absurd. The veins running down it's pulsing length were as thick as many of her fingers and the tip looked to be the size of her clenched fist. Maybe even a little bigger. And while they weren't at all the main focus of her astonishment both of his balls were equally huge and equally deserving of the same dumbstruck terror suddenly infusing every fiber of her being. Recoiling before she could stop herself she covered her mouth with one hand and nervously pulled at her blouse with the other. Shocked beyond all reason and sense but simultaneously overwhelmed by the cloying, musky scent clouding the air around his newly revealed tree trunk of a prick she didn't what to do. Why he was showing off such an inhuman manhood hardly needed to be stated aloud but her thoughts barely even touched that notion as she stared with wide eyed disbelief at his prick. Little shivers ran down her spine in faster and faster bursts but she had no idea if it was revulsion, horror, or just plain old amazement causing them. It hardly mattered as she knelt there staring for what seemed like hours on end, watching as precum beaded on the tip of his member only to fall in long gooey strands to the floor. By all rights he shouldn't have been able to stand with a cock that thick! The blood required to keep it hard should've drained the rest of his body completely! Of course that was the least of her concerns as he moved even closer after a few moments.

“W-What the hell i-is that—that thing?!”

“I think you're well aware of what this is.” He chuckled, “You're just not used to what a real man has between his legs. But you'll learn how to work it eventually. You have more than enough motivation to get properly acquainted.”

“I-I don't—that's not—oh my God!” Rebecca stammered, continuing to lean away as Mr. Harrison stepped even closer and his inhumanly large prick lurched towards her. But there was only so far she could move without actively pulling away entirely and that just wasn't an option. So instead she did her best not to let out how overwhelmed and downright shocked she was by the dick throbbing away in front of her. Firstly by keeping a somewhat neutral expression as she gathered what few thoughts could be coherently formed and second by doing everything in her power to breath through her mouth and not smell more of his musky scent. “I-I can't—I can't do anything—y-you're too big—there's n-no way I could—I j-just couldn't—”

Stepping forward one last time Daniel all but pressed his dick against her cheek as he grabbed a fistful of her hair with one hand and his cock with the other. Rebecca gasped at his sudden dominance, every inch of her body tensing as she felt the heat radiating off his shaft and smelled the precum now oozing directly onto her skin. Seeping down between her heaving breasts and leaving a trail of almost toe curling warmth as it traveled his seed was unexpectedly thick and unexpectedly plentiful It was hard for her to think about anything else as he pushed forward just a little bit more and his throbbing length finally made contact with her body. Another whimper spilled from her lips and she immediately shut her eyes as something other than revulsion or anger flashed through mind for an instant. Though it didn't last more than an instant it was enough to make her that much angrier and when she opened her eyes again a few moments later she fixed Mr. Harrison with a fierce glare. The fiercest she'd ever managed. He responded with an amused, derisive laugh as he lifted his cock only to let it fall with a humiliating slap across her face. Her meager attempt to turn away as that beastly member was hoisted into the air were immediately shut down by his firm grip on her hair and in the split second before he let go he even tilted her backwards so she had no choice but to watch as his manhood plummeted towards her body.  Her whole body shivered as it smacked against her goosebump riddled skin, entirely covering one cheek, blocking out an eye, and draping across so much of her forehead his precum soaked tip was oozing fresh seed into her tousled hair. And if that wasn't enough to make leave her completely frozen with indecision and uncertainty he didn't hesitate at all to push his enormous balls against her slightly opened mouth, their mostly hairless and thoroughly musky texture making her lips tingle from the very instant they made contact. Rebecca couldn't even stop herself from whimpering as her mouth opened just a little bit wider entirely on reflex.

“The longer you fight it the longer you'll be on your knees.” He teased, “I'm sure you have other appointments to keep . . . other people to fuck for scoops . . .”

Rebecca glared at him with her good eye but didn't respond. She wasn't sure she could without giving away the small but increasingly impossible to ignore flashed of arousal flickering through her body while she knelt there being utter humiliated by the worst man she'd ever come across. The thought of doing anything he wanted, especially involving his cock and her mouth, was as revolting as such a thing could be but under the circumstances it seemed like she had little choice. He was blackmailing her after all. That was the one and only reason her lips parted even further and her tongue emerged to slowly lick at the musky sack being offered to her. That was the only reason she tasted every last inch of his balls that should could reach in that first stroke. As long as she told herself that she could, at the very least, get through whatever madness he had planned for her with some shred of dignity intact. Any thoughts beyond anger towards the man standing over her and disgust at his tactics simply weren't entertained even while she licked his balls with more and more faux enthusiasm. While the wet slurp and pop of her not only drenching his sack in saliva but actively wrapping her lips around as much as she could take and suckling on it filled the office she did her best to focus on the end goal. To ignore the sound of his pleasured groans and the look of smug satisfaction on his face as she sat there sucking his balls while precum soaked into her hair and barely stifled shivers tried to work their way down her spine despite her best efforts.

Indeed she was so focused on not giving him anything more to gloat about or betraying what she was feeling beneath her facade of disgust Rebecca fell into an almost instinctive rhythm as she worked his sack and slowly transitioned to the base of his cock. No stranger to oral pleasure and even quite talented at it when she was passionate about the endeavor some of that natural skill and underlying affinity couldn't help but seep through as time went on. No matter how hard she tried to conceal it in some vain attempt to deny her own sexual proclivities and thus deny Mr. Harrison anything else to mock her with she nonetheless slurped and sucked and pleasured his massive prick with a constantly growing dexterity. Although she refused to do anything as humiliating at sucking his cock properly she was more than happy, or perhaps more than able, to do just about everything else she could manage. Including wrapping her fingers around his pulsing member and stroking with long, smooth movements that further milked more precum from his shaft with each and every pass. As embarrassing, shameful, and degrading as it was Rebecca had somehow convinced herself she could get away with simply doing as little as possible. That a despicable man like Daniel Harrison would let her off the hook so long as she made him cum, that the power trip and humiliation involved would suffice. It couldn't have been a more naive thought but the fact that her blackmailer had no qualms allowing her to work uninterrupted for so long only bolstered the baseless conclusion she'd reached.

If anything he seemed to actively enjoy her efforts as she sucked on his balls with loud, wet pops while pleasuring his cock with both hands and panting like a good little whore whenever she had to take a moment to breathe. For a good five, maybe even ten minutes he didn't say a word to her, simply watching and nodding approvingly while she slobbered over his cock and milked out an endless flood of precum onto her half exposed tits or thoroughly messy hair. Sometimes he didn't even do that much as his head tilted back and he seemed to really lose himself in her ministrations, groans tumbling out of his mouth in a constant flow while her wet fingers slicked back and forth on his prick and her even wetter mouth lavished attention on his balls. Occasionally she'd switch tactics and send both her mouth and tongue along the underside of his madly pulsing dick while her hands cupped and groped his enormously weighty sack. But whenever she did so his attention would inevitable return to her in the handful of moments it took to transition and she quickly grew to loathe the feeling of his eyes watching her. So much that she shut her own and focused more completely on his dick, still entirely unaware of her underlying motivations creeping into what she'd told herself was the real cause of everything she did. That naivete wouldn't last forever but it certainly lasted long enough for the man she was unwillingly sucking off to finally say something after such a mercifully long amount of time without his voice.

“No wonder you always get the best scoops.” He remarked, “With talent like this you could've made a fortune as an escort!”

“Fuck you.” Rebecca hissed back, much of the gravitas of her tone and anger in her eyes diminished by the spit and precum glistening on her face. Not to mention the fat cock throbbing away in her hands and the saliva coated balls resting an inch from her lips.

“Oh and you like dirty talk too huh? You must not have much trouble getting anything you want . . . I bet you don't even pay for your apartment!”

She tried not to engage him, tried to be above his jabs and taunts and just continue slurping on his balls while stroking his dick. But even the distraction that humiliation offered wasn't quite enough and after a few moments she couldn't help but reply with, “I'll get my hands on everything you have on me! And when I do you're going down!”

“Maybe. But until then I'm perfectly happy with the way things are now. Well, almost happy.” Looking at her with a crooked grin as his head tilted to the side he licked his lips and said, “Stand up and take off your skirt.”

“That wasn't part of the deal!”

“The deal is whatever I say it is. But don't worry. I'm not going to fuck you yet. That'll come later, after I've tested you properly. Most women can't handle me and I suspect you won't be any different.”

“Fuck you!” As stupid as it was she felt the slightest twinge of resentment at the thought of being unable to take his cock. For reasons she couldn't begin to fathom the thought that he was too much for her was beyond insulting and all she could think about as she let go of his dick and stood up, “I'm not taking my clothes off.”

Mr. Harrison sighed and looked back at his desk, “Do I need to waste both of our time calling Deidre again and threatening to expose you? We both know you'll give in and do what I ask so let's simply cut right to the chase. Take off your skirt, unbutton your blouse, and remove your panties. In that order.”

Angered by his presumptuousness and put off by his domineering attitude Rebecca stood up with every intention of telling him off and maybe even storming out. But her natural pragmatism and deep fear of being revealed to both the police and her work, not to mention her family, stopped her from doing more than rising to her feet. She couldn't pretend he wasn't at least slightly right. Just like she couldn't pretend there wasn't any merit to undressing. If it helped him cum faster it was without a doubt worth it, giving in to his demands and threats notwithstanding. Any other reasons for slowly unzipping her skirt and letting it fall into a pile at her feet were thoroughly ignored. As was the little trickle of arousal leaking down her inner thighs from the damp spot forming across the front of her thong. She similarly ignored the improving smile Mr. Harrison gave as well as the rather brazen when he stroked his cock with one hand while removing his own clothes with the other. Doing her best not to stare at him as he too undressed she unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra, even though he hadn't mentioned that article of clothing. It too joined the growing pile of garments at her feet, her panties joining not long afterwards as she bent down to remove them too. Shame and embarrassment flooded her mind as she stood before him almost completely naked while he did the same without a hint of regret. Her large, tanned areola and puffy nipples were already stiff and though neatly groomed the strip of curly black hair above her plump pussy was soaked with the same arousal trickling down her legs. Beads of that same warmth had already formed across her chubby vulva and though not fully swollen yet the bud at the crest of her slit was well on it's way in spite of how angry she actually felt. The man opposite her noticed every last one of these details and smiled at each in turn before strutting past her and towards a lavish looking couch nearby. He stretched out across it with a contented sigh, one hand holding his dick upright while the other motioned towards her.

“Back to work Miss Chang. And don't hesitate to put that talented throat of yours to use either. I'm eager to see how skilled you really are.”

“Fuck you.” She replied yet again, her voice almost weary as she stepped out of the pile of clothes at her feet and approached him as fast as her legs could carry her. “I'm gonna enjoy taking you down one of these days.”

“Not as much as I've enjoyed and will enjoy your oral pleasures.”

Scowling more fiercely than she ever had in her life Rebecca didn't say another word as she knelt down beside the couch and wrapped her fingers around his cock. She was already giving him enough pleasure, she didn't have to give him the pleasure of turning more of her words around on her. That much she could at least control and without so much as a peep she went back to sucking on his balls and licking his cock just like she'd been doing before. Despite hearing his words and knowing she had no other choice but to listen eventually she did her best to resist for as long as she possibly could. To put off actually putting his dick inside her mouth and giving him the pleasure of not only a world class blowjob but also of ordering her around. And she'd be lying if she pretended there wasn't a certain amount of pleasure in that defiance. In purposefully not listening and doing exactly what she'd been doing all along. She also purposefully ignored the inherent shame of denying his orders while still running her tongue along his shaft and licking up the beads of precum rolling down his length. Of kissing and suckling at his sack while coaxing more jizz out as her hands pumped his length with no small amount of skill. Instead she chose to focus on her own little brand of rebellion while at the same time filling her mouth with the bitterly tart flavor of his cum, a flavor she tried with all her might to hate. Gulping it down as fast as she could she didn't want him to take any pleasure from the sight of her swallowing his seed.

Fortunately he couldn't see her pussy or the little strands of arousal leaking from it as she knelt beside him gulping down precum and working the fattest dick she'd ever know. Withing a minute a nice little puddle had formed before her knees and within two her inner thighs were even more drenched than before. So much so she eventually spread them even further apart to keep as much of her own arousal as possible from trickling down them. Her reflexive movement sent her incredibly tight, incredibly spankable bubble butt rising a little higher into the air and although she didn't know exactly why she certainly felt Mr. Harrison's cock throb in appreciation of the sight. A few seconds after he reached out to grab a handful of her buttocks, squeezing just hard enough to make her gasp and letting his fingers brushed against both her glistening pussy and tightly clenched asshole. Undoubtedly on purpose but Rebecca didn't give in to the obvious provocation as she jerked the upper half of his dick while kissing the lower half and sucking his balls in equal measure. Nothing in the world could've stopped her from crying out in surprise, pain, and the tiniest bit of pleasure when his hand vanished from her ass only to return with a sudden smack as he gave her an unexpectedly hard spank. Tensing up and burying her face in his balls as she gasped in surprised. Her ass jiggled uncontrollably from the force of his swat and a fresh trickle of fluids seeped out of her pussy while she did her best to pretend like she hadn't just enjoyed it. That facade slipped even further away when he spanked her again a few seconds later, just as she was starting to lick a creamy bead of precum rolling down his length.

Gasping for a second time and utterly failing to hide her quivering Rebecca shot him a dirty look as she stopped pleasuring him entirely for a moment. Mr. Harrison responded by grabbing her ass and none too subtly letting a finger slip between her silken folds and push against her tightly clenched ring. Between the unexpected stimulation and the rest of her lingering arousal she couldn't hold her expression anywhere near as long as she wanted. But rather than giving in and letting hims ee how much he was affecting her she promptly hid as much of her face as she could beneath his cock, her lips wrapping around one of his balls while her tongue darted out to caress his sack. Her fingers resumed stroking his dick while the rest of her body continued to tense and squirm as she fought a losing battle against her pleasure. A losing battle that only seemed to grow more hopeless as his other hand jumped to head to grab another fistful of her hair. She felt a little twinge of pain as he pulled on her silky black locks but it vanished quickly enough when he shoved her face even further into his sack. Almost choking on the ball in her mouth she tried to pull away for a second only to feel him holding her there. Realizing she wasn't about to get out she leaned in even more in the vain hope he might relent. To her utter surprise he did, after a second or two of holding on tight at least. But as soon as his grip loosened she released his sack with an incredibly loud pop, her head rising up as she fixed him with another glare. Before she could say a word he cut her off.

“That's enough foreplay Miss Chang. It's time for the real fun to start.”

“You mean sucking your cock.”

“Yes I do. Now stop wasting those lips on talking.”

In what was fast becoming an annoying trend Rebecca fell silent and glared at the man blackmailing her for a moment or two. Whatever response she might've given died in her throat as gripped his cock a little harder and briefly considered doing something drastic. Something violent and entirely brutal. But that urge faded before she could seriously consider anything and with a disgusted huff she looked away from him and towards his throbbing prick. The sight of it leaking copious amounts of precum as she held on tight was more appealing than she cared to admit and watching rivulets of his seed rolling down his shaft until they were interrupted by her fingers even more so. Knowing full well she couldn't delay any longer she let out what would be her last full breath for a good while, then leaned forward and opened her mouth as widely as she could get it. There wasn't enough time to feel foolish about how she must've looked or be irritated by the laughter her actions created. One moment she was hovering over the biggest cock she'd ever seen in her life and the next her lips were wrapping around the swollen tip of that same cock. Precum oozed directly onto her tongue in an instant, slowly filling up what little of her mouth wasn't already occupied by the head of his prick. Doing her best not to panic or worry about the sheer size of the tip she'd taken inside herself Rebecca could only hold herself in place for an unfortunately long moment as her body tried to adjust and her mind tried to rationalize what she was about to attempt.

His cock was inhuman! Just the head alone filled up more of her than any dick she'd ever sucked in her life! Her well trained gag reflex was already starting to protext and the head of his dick wasn't even sliding down her throat yet. Although perched as it was near her uvula and leaking what felt like an endless stream of cum she had more than enough to react to as she sat there trying to figure out how to approach such a monstrosity. Luckily her body was anything but idle, her hands sliding up and down everything she had yet to properly swallow up while her breasts squished against his thighs as she inched closer and closer. But she knew that wouldn't be enough forever and after what seemed like a good half an hour of delaying and fretting she knew it was time for some kind of action no matter what it might be. So with an instinctive and wholly reflexive movement she suddenly pushed herself down onto his prick. A wet, sloppy gurgle filled the office as her throat stretched around the cock she was forcing down it and several inches of throbbing, ungodly thick meat disappeared into her gullet. Nowhere near enough to make any kind of significant dent in the amount of prick still left for her to suck on but unquestionably enough to make tears form in the corners of her eyes and send shudders running down her spine. A lurid mixture of precum and saliva dribbled out of the corners of her over stuffed lips while yet more gurgles and slurps joined the growing cacophony. Once or twice she managed to send her tongue darting out to collect some of the mess gliding down his prick.

Why she even bothered Rebecca couldn't say but the effect on the man she was sucking off couldn't have been more pronounced. Groaning in pleasure and stretching out even further across the couch he let out a sound that was equal parts moan and laugh as she clumsily sucked up what little of the mess she could get, all while her fingers collected the rest and smeared it across his dick as she continued to jerk him off entirely independent of what her throat was doing. Although she barely heard his pleasured sounds she could feel the mad throbbing of his dick like never before as it strained against the tight confines of her throat and filled her mostly empty stomach with no small amount of precum. So much in fact her body reflexively closed up against the flood and sent even more oozing out of her increasingly flooded mouth. For reasons she honestly couldn't fathom Rebecca did her best to clean up or collect the errant spunk and messy saliva drooling from her lips as often as she could, even going as far as sliding another inch or two of his gigantic dick into her throat in the process. But as her neck bulged outwards from the sheer girth of what was inside it and her eyes threatened to roll back into her head completely she knew she had to stop. As much as she hated to admit it trying to take more than the quarter or so of his length that she'd managed wasn't possible. She'd already gone further than ever before. Going any deeper would be the death of her for sure. Or maybe it just felt that way as she nearly choked on a cock big enough to satisfy a horse.

The relief afforded by the thought of pulling back and taking a proper breath free of a massive dick in her throat couldn't have been welcome as Rebecca started to withdraw. In much the same way her sudden dread when Mr. Harrison's fingers suddenly grabbed her hair couldn't have been more frightening. Adrenaline spiked through her body and every muscle that'd just relaxed suddenly tensed once more as she tried to resist whatever was about to happen. Tried to stop him from doing exactly what she should've known he would do. But he was far, far stronger than she expected and although she did her best to fight back there wasn't a damn thing she could do to stop him from suddenly and none too gently forcing her even further onto his cock. As if to really make sure she throated him properly he didn't just settle for pushing her onto his prick either. At the same moment she was forced down his hips sent his pulsing length up in an even more powerful thrust. A loud, echoing squelch reverberated throughout the office and likely into the hall beyond as at least another quarter of his beastly member slammed into her throat. Plunging deeper than any dick had ever gone his manhood stretched her poor little neck to the breaking point, her once dainty throat bulging outwards in a grotesque display matched only by the rest of her reaction. Spit and precum erupted from her trembling lips and flared nostrils, the tawdry mix spraying across much of his body as well as her own as she convulsed and shuddered and strained against the humiliation being forced upon her. Rebecca's eyes had all but disappeared into the back of her skull and only the whites were visible as her eyelids fluttered and her cheeks darkened.

Her hands vanished from his prick to press down against his thigh and stomach in some desperately hopeless attempt to free herself from what was happening. But when his second hand joined the first and she felt the painful twinge of her hair being pulled yet again she knew there wasn't any chance of getting away. That she was utterly and completely subservient to the scumbag blackmailing her until he was finished using her throat. It was a thoroughly unpleasant realization to have but one altered significantly by the arousal she still felt and the unspoken yet wholly impossible to ignore fact that some small, lascivious part of her actually enjoyed being throated by such a piece of shit. Some part of her was actually getting off on the shame and humiliation, especially as he continued to thrust upwards into her overstuffed face. The feel of him sending more and more of his dick sliding into her quivering throat, blasting through her gag reflex and sending endless showers of spittle and cum erupted from her lips. In some small act of mercy, although that seemed entirely unlikely under the circumstances, he didn't continue forcing her head down after the initial push. Instead he simply held her in place to keep her from pulling back while his hips lurched upwards at a constant rate. Which left Rebecca to wallow in the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her trembling throat, pushing deeper and deeper than ever while she gagged and sputtered on it with no end in sight.

Feeling her gullet expanding around his prick as it pushed further inside only to retreat a split second later and leave her with the strange pairing of releif and disappointment would've been enough to make her head spin even without the copious amounts of precum and the ever rising tide of pleasure creeping through the rest of her body. Being forced to experience such a thing for minutes on end with only scraps of air to keep her from passing out was far from the sort of thing she thought would happen when she arrived a short while ago and yet she had a hard time outright despising it after he'd started. Of course she had a hard time doing much of anything except gurgling and sputtering as her throat was violated by an ever increasing amount of cock so thick her lips were stretched open as wide as they could possibly go. But that was only the beginning of the matter. The beginning of the end as it would eventually turn out but in the heat of the moment as she was being violated again and again by his dick there was little chance to appreciate the many warning signs of his impending climax. How could she notice his cock throbbing with a particular ferocity when it always pulsed with such absurd strength? How could she notice his groans getting more labored when he was always grunting like a feral animal? How could she see his balls tensing and tightening when her own vision had long ago gone completely dark as her own pleasure continued to rise?

The first, most dramatic, and only sign her near overloaded brain managed to actually notice was when, after so long without she almost forgot he'd done it at all. Mr. Harrison started shoving her down onto his cock once more. With every bit as much strength and roughness as the first times he'd done so he pushed her deeper onto his cock all while thrusting upwards at the same time in exactly the same fashion as he'd been doing. What little comfort Rebecca had found in the repetition they'd settled into vanished before she could ever truly appreciate it as wet gurgles and lewd slurping echoed throughout the office once again. It was quickly joined by loud gagging and even the occasional retch as more and more of his cock disappeared into her and more and more of her body rebelled against the sheer amount being thrusted into her depths. Before long every inch of her throat had swollen around the cock inside her and although his shaft continued to slide deeper and deeper with every passing thrust her body couldn't even begin to show just how much she was truly taking. Her mind was similarly overwhelmed in much the same way and every reaction she had as cum sprayed from her lips and spittle drooled from every available place it could seep was entirely reactionary. Entirely the result of her own convulsions and instincts as he pushed more and more of his ungodly length inside her. Had she been able to open her eyes and look down she would've been amazed at the sheer amount of cock she'd somehow managed to take.

More than two thirds had vanished inside her already and it seemed like he was actively trying to fit the rest despite how violently she shuddered with every slightest movement he made. It seemed almost inevitable that he'd manage to fit his entire prick inside her throat come hell or high water and there wasn't a damn thing she could do to stop or help him along. A fact that remained one of the only conscious thoughts left in her head as she was impaled inch by inch on his inhumanly thick, unaccountably long prick. Then, as if he'd suddenly grown a conscience, Mr. Harrison stopped with barely a quarter of his length left outside her throat. In a slightly more lucid state Rebecca might've wondered what was going on and what he was planning. But in the cock addled, pleasure soaked shame spiral into which she'd been thrown she couldn't begin to do anything more than shiver while he let out a final, climactic groan. A heartbeat later her shivers turned into uncontrollable spasms as an almost literal flood of cum erupted from Mr. Harrison's swelling cock. Momentarily distracted by his prick somehow growing even thicker than before she was immediately and wholly overwhelmed when a deluge of thick, creamy jizz sprayed into her throat faster than she could've reacted. By the time her mind was processing the first gooey font of spunk to erupt into her stomach and coat much of her esophagus in a gooey layer of semen a second had followed. A third happened an instant later, well and truly before she could do anything except violently tremble at the warmth spreading through her on top of the juicy humiliation of being flooded with what amount to a war criminal's seed.

In just a few spurts he produced more than any man she'd ever been sexually involved with by a wide margin and it was abundantly clear he was far from finished. Every pulse of his cock delivered another massive load into the depths of her throat, flooding her stomach and filling her with a toe curling mixture of shame, arousal, and amazement. But that amazement soon turned to something akin to dread as her belly filled with his jizz but he continued to empty more and more cum inside her all the same. Not stopping after fifteen or even twenty seconds he just kept spraying endless jets of seed inside her entirely without restraint or concern. His groans continued to fill the room and his fingers tightened until they were digging into her scalp as he held her against his endlessly throbbing dick. Shuddering and spasming more than ever Rebecca could feel his spunk filling up her throat as her overflowing stomach sent his loads right back where they'd come from. It was a sensation beyond anything she'd ever felt and when the ever rising tide surpassed the cock delivering every new helping she couldn't stop herself from moaning in equal parts incredulity and terror. Her eyes shut tight as she tried like hell to pull back before she was drowned in cum but his grip remained steadfast and nothing she could do challenged his resolve. She could do nothing but choke and sputter with an increasing sloppiness as cum slowly backed up into her throat and eventually her mouth.

Feeling a rising tide of spunk flooding into her mouth while she was still impaled upon and choking around a dick as fat as her arm was among the most insane experiences Rebecca had ever enjoyed in a rather crazy life. There were no words to describe how it felt and the mixture of pain, pleasure, shame, and amazement proved a perfect accompaniment to her sloppy finale. Especially when her mouth finally overflowed near what would be the tail end of Mr. Harrison's minute long climax. Thick, messy strands of spunk erupted from her trembling lips in much the same way they had since she first started sucking him, only infinitely more gooey and sloppy. Among sputtering gasps and choking gurgles a copious amount of jizz gushed out of not only her mouth but her flared nostrils as well. The pressure had grown too strong and the meager release already sending rivulets of messiness down the remainder of his dick was nowhere near enough. Convulsions of a ferocity and frequency she'd never known before that moment ravished her body as she coughed and sputtered up more cum than she'd taken in a year or more within the span of a few seconds. It streamed from her nostrils to join the strands bursting from her throat while bubbles formed at the edges of her lips as what little air she managed to suck into her lungs was sent rushing back out again. She didn't even notice the hands holding her head down on his cock vanish, nor did she feel his dick slowly begin to soften inside her throat. The utterly shameful, in the best way imaginable, experience of being made to puke up cum after getting pumped full of it like a human balloon was far too intoxicating for Rebecca to notice such trivial things. It was only thanks to reflexive shudders and violent tremors that she even started to retreat off his cock before her mind caught up to events around her. And by the time she was aware of what she was doing and what'd happened more than half of his gooey prick had slid free.

The rest emerged in a sloppy shower of cum and spit as she wasted no time pulling herself off the beast of a cock that'd impaled her for so agonizingly long. It didn't matter how violently her body convulsed as her gag reflex went into overdrive Rebecca could think of nothing else but removing his dick from her body and taking a proper breath. Coughing and sputtering filled the room as she wrenched herself off his ungodly length, entirely unconcerned with the cum spraying across her naked tits and dribbling down her slightly distended belly as she fell back. Her first, full breath in what'd surely been an hour or more of being facefucked was the single greatest breath she'd ever taken. Even if it was accompanied by gurgling belches and no small amount of jizz oozing from her open mouth as her body continued to retch and shudder in the aftermath of everything she'd endured. Indeed she was so distracted by her own belching and shaking she didn't even notice Mr. Harrison rising from the couch. With his only slightly diminished cock swaying back and forth between his legs he approached his desk to make another call. Upon hearing the beep of the intercom Rebecca turned around as fast as she could, another loud burp erupting from her lips and yet more cum drooling down her chin as terror gripped her heart like never before. The irrational fear that he wasn't going to honor their bargain consumed her in the split second it took the receptionist to answer, though she could do nothing about except sit there and wait for the hammer to fall.

“Yes Mr. Harrison?”

“Would you please come in. It's time for another meeting.”

“Right away sir!” Her voice was noticeably higher pitched as she spoke and within a few seconds she'd thrown open the doors and rushed into the office, her face flushed and much of her body trembling as she hurried towards her boss. She barely even looked twice at the cum splattered, half naked reporter sitting beside the couch, her eyes all but glued to the man standing in front of his desk. “What will it be today sir?”

“What would you prefer?”

Undressing as quickly as she could and staring down at his cock while she did so the receptionist bit her lower lip and eventually answered, “Can you fuck my ass today sir? It's been a long time since you destroyed my asshole!”

“Of course Deidre. You don't mind if we have an audience do you?”

“Of course not sir! The more the merrier!”

“Wonderful!” Smiling at his receptionist for a moment then at Rebecca with a knowing smirk he added, “Why don't you watch a real whore work while you recover. You might learn a thing or two.”

“I-I'm not gonna watch you fuck another woman!” Rebecca protested.

“Oh? Very well then, you're free to leave. I'm sure you'll do just fine in federal prison.” As he spoke his receptionist finished undressing and dropped to her knees. Effortlessly lifting his cock with both hands she slid every last inch inside her throat like it was nothing at all.

“Oh my God . . .”

“Yes Deidre's quite remarkable. I'm sure you'll develop your own talents in time. Assuming you decide to make the right choice . . .”

Looking at the door and the false freedom it offered, then back at the scumbag being sucked off by a woman at least twenty years younger than him Rebecca was genuinely torn. Her mind wanted to send her running for the hills consequences be damned but her body refused to move as she watched Deidre throating his cock with almost preposterous ease. She tried to tell him to go fuck himself, that she'd never be his whore and never demean herself again. What actually came out of her cum splattered lips couldn't have been more different, “I-I won't leave . . .”

“Good. In time you'll see you've made the right choice . . .”


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