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Now this story is a bit of an odd duck. There's not much I can say about it without giving away the small twist/reveal midway through. So if you're at all curious about what that might be or intrigued by the tags read on and hopefully enjoy!

Thomas and Carrie Washington weren't remarkable people. They weren't the sort to make waves or even make much of a fuss. At work they weren't much more than cogs in the machine. At home most of the neighborhood liked them but few, if any of their neighbors thought about them much if they weren't around. All told they were about as inoffensive as two human beings could be, the very definition of a white, middle class couple. All they needed was a pair of children to round out the 'traditional' nuclear family and they could've walked right out of a Norman Rockwell painting. And it was because of that plain, goodhearted nature that they'd become the officially unofficial ambassadors for the entire block whenever anyone new moved in. There'd never been a neighborhood meeting establishing that fact nor any kind of verbal agreement between them and the rest of their peers. It was simply understood that anytime a new person moved Thomas and Carrie Washington would be the first ones to welcome them to the area. Like a pleasant, if unadventurous appetizer before the main course that was everyone else living nearby. Which meant they were all sorts of excited when a totally unknown woman bought the house across the street from them and moved in seemingly overnight. The house had barely been on the market before she bought it pretty much sight unseen and within a few days she appeared to move in right under everyone's noses. 

None of the neighbors could say they'd ever seen moving trucks, vans, or even regular cars. Except of course the sporty little thing parked in the driveway. Yet despite that apparent discrepancy the curtains had been changed, lights were on every night, and plenty of little touches of personality could be seen across the outside of the home. The entire block was abuzz with speculation and intrigue as everyone wondered who'd moved in and how exactly they'd managed to do so in such a secretive fashion. So after baking the same blend of pastries and sweets they always brought to any housewarming meet and greet the washingtons put on their Sunday best and headed across the street. He was dressed in a relatively nice suit that fit his average build quite well considering it'd been bought right off the rack. His brown hair was neatly combed and his kind if wholly unremarkable face was free of any stubble. She was wearing her nicest, most respectable dress, a flowing floral print little number that did a great job of slimming her plumpness without being too obvious about it. Her dark brown hair was done up in an elegant bun that'd taken longer than the food to get right and her soft features were dotted with a nice layer of makeup. All told they looked rather nice, certainly nice enough to make a good impression on whoever they might encounter. The eyes of the entire neighborhood followed them across the street and up the path to the front door but neither Thomas nor Carrie paid them any mind. They were too excited about meeting and making friends with a new neighbor. The last two people who'd lived in that house hadn't been very neighborly at all! 

In fact they'd been the very definition of un-neighborly! One had slammed the door in their face not a minute after they'd introduced themselves, another had taken their tray without so much as a thank you, and all of them hadn't even invited the couple inside for a cup of coffee or a bit of tea. So when Mr. Washington knocked on the door it was with no small amount of apprehension. He glanced at his wife with a nervous smile and she gave him a quick little nod. For want of something to do Mrs. Washington was nervously smoothing out her dress and staring down at the plastic wrap covered tray of treats in her hands. After a good thirty seconds of waiting and fidgeting the two looked at one another again, then slowly leaned back and craned their necks to make sure the car they'd seen earlier was still sitting in the driveway. It was and after a soft bout of laughter he knocked on the door a second, just a bit harder than the first. Again there was no response and for a moment the two worried they might've found themselves stuck with another bad neighbor. But before they jumped to any conclusions they made one more attempt, this time by ringing the doorbell and holding their breath like they were going through a long tunnel. For several tense moments they didn't hear anything at all and the balloon that was their excitement started to deflate. Then the sound of a door being shut echoed from somewhere in the house and the sound of footsteps soon followed it. A figured appeared in the frosted glass panes in the front door and the handle turned.

In perfect unison and with entirely sincere smiles both Washingtons exclaimed, “Welcome to the neighborhood!” as soon as the door was opened.

Visibly surprised by the greeting but nonetheless charmed and elated by their antics the tall, exotic looking woman standing in the door way immediately replied, “Thank you!” in a thick Japanese accent.

Dressed in some sort of beautifully intricate Kimono the woman before them was nothing short of gorgeous. Taller than either of them by a head or more and voluptuous in every sense of the word she looked like she'd walked right off the pages of a fashion magazine and into real life. Plump in all the right places with wide, curvy hips and an ample bust she had a certain allure about her curvaceousness that demanded attention and refused to let it go. All while dressed in the least revealing clothes either of her admirers could've imagined. Her face was beautifully angular, all at once severe and intimidating yet warm and kind, in no small part thanks to her dark yet sparkling eyes and full, smiling lips. From head to to she was beautiful beyond measure, with more curves than a winding mountain road, and not at all what they'd expected when imagining who'd bought the house. Were it not for their well honed rituals and habits they might've froze up entirely upon seeing such a gorgeous woman. She certainly wasn't like anyone else in the neighborhood! Or indeed anyone else in the whole suburb!

Only barely keeping their jaws from hitting the floor Thomas and Carrie were entirely on autopilot as the latter held out her tray while the former introduced them, “I'm Thomas Washington and this is my wife Carrie! We're you're neighbors across the street!”

“And we made these for you! Just in case you've got any allergies all these ones on the right here are individually wrapped and made without any nuts or peanut butter or anything like that!”

“Thank you!” Their neighbor said again, this time with a chuckle, “I'm Yua. Yua Ashai.”

She took the tray from Carrie with a small bow and the flustered housewife very nearly bowed back, just barely stopping herself and instead nodding, “I-I wasn't sure what to make so I went ahead and made a little bit of everything! I hope you like it!”

“It looks delicious, thank you very much.” Ms. Ashai looked down at the tray for a moment and smiled at the collection, “Would you like to come inside?”

Completely taken aback by her invitation after their last few neighbors Thomas and Carrie looked at one another for a moment before he managed to stammer out, “That w-would be wonderful! Thank you very much!”

Yua smiled a bit wider as she stepped aside and gestured into her home with an ever so slightly over the top wave. Beyond elated the couple from across the street stepped inside as casually as they could in spite of their excitement, beyond eager to see her home and maybe even make a new friend. Although Ms. Ashai's entryway was fairly unremarkable as soon as they stepped into the first proper room of the house they couldn't stop themselves from staring with open mouthed amazement. While the overall layout of the rooms and structure of the building was  like many other homes in the area what was inside proved truly astonishing to their middle class, decidedly American sensibilities. Decorated less like any kind of house they'd ever seen and more like some sort of beautifully curated museum to Japanese culture her home was nothing short of awe inspiring. Painting and scrolls hung from seemingly every wall, ornate pottery was carefully arranged on wonderfully carved furniture, and plants they'd never seen before were spaced throughout to give a lush breathable warmth. All within a single room! A single room that somehow wasn't the least bit cluttered despite the sheer amount of things within it. That fact alone was absolutely mind boggling to Carrie and Thomas. Neither of them wanted to actually step inside the room for fear of breaking or even touching many of the incredibly valuable looking items. 

Fortunately for them Yua seemed to expect that response and with a soft laugh she guided them through the living room and into the kitchen where she opened the sweets that'd been made for her. After taking a bite out of a cupcake and letting out a wholly contented moan she offered to give them a tour of the rest of her home. The Washingtons couldn't accept her offer fast enough. In the blink of an eye they were enjoying the most unique, fascinating house tour they'd ever experienced, an accolade they never expected to award anyone else after Mr. Kapernick moved in down the street a few years back. But as incredible as his paintings and watercolors were the sheer variety of things within Ms. Ashai's house was nothing short of mind boggling. Every item they were shown looked more beautiful than the last and the little stories she told about their origins were remarkable. They never wanted the tour to end and yet when it finally did they couldn't help but ask a hundred questions about every single thing they'd been shown. To their everlasting delight Yua proved more than happy to answer every single one. She even put on a pot of tea and brought the treats her guests had so lovingly baked into the living room so they could sit in comfort and talk at length. Something the Washingtons were more than happy to do. For the better part of an hour they asked questions and listened to the countless, fascinating responses given by the enigmatic woman sitting across from them. The more she spoke the more they wanted to listen and by the time they were truly out of questions the couple was actively trying to think up more. Just to keep the conversation going. Luckily for them Ms. Ashai had a little surprise waiting in the wings for them.

“I wasn't being entirely honest with you when I said that was everything.” Yua remarked.

“There's more?!” Carrie excitedly asked.

“Is it another suit of armor?” Thomas added.

“No, this is something of a . . . personal project . . . join us Kim.”

“Kim?” Her guests said in unison.

“Do you have a daughter—oh my goodness!” Midway through trying to guess who Kim could be Mrs. Washington was given her answer as a young woman stepped into the living room. The flicker of movement had drawn Carrie and Thomas' eyes towards the kitchen and what they saw approaching had sent them looking anywhere else as a flush crept over their faces. “I-It's nice to see—I-I mean m-meet you Kim!”

Standing in the doorway dressed in the most scandalous attire either of them had ever seen was a young woman no older than eighteen or nineteen. A tight black miniskirt so short it didn't even cover her buttocks was wrapped around her waist while a tight little crop top was all but resting atop her breasts, barely even hiding the upper most portions while leaving much of her puffy areola entirely visible to anyone looking at her. As if that wasn't enough her pert little buttocks weren't the only thing visible beneath the hem of her skirt, though both Thomas and Carrie did their best not to look at her soft, hairless vulva as it peeked out. She had a slender, athletic build that juxtaposed nicely with her softer, more rounded facial features while at the same time enhancing her youthful appearance all the more. Neither her bust nor her hips were particularly wide but what she lacked in buxom curves she made up for it petite, toned shapeliness. As much as they tried not to notice her round bubble butt and softly muscular thighs were particularly juicy in appearance, although her modest bust and equally strong looking arms certainly didn't go unappreciated either. Nor did her flat, smooth stomach and comparatively slender waist. The way her face was framed yet slightly covered by her shock of light brown hair was another detail neither of them could help notice. Though compared to staring at the rest of her half naked body it was certainly something they were glad to focus on instead. Half covering a single green eye while leaving the other free to stare with a certain blankness her silken locks tumbled down her back into a finely tapered point. Her eyebrows were the same color as her hair and perfectly plucked to accentuate her large eyes and cutely dainty nose. Neither her full, rounded cheeks nor even more full lips were adorned with any makeup at all. Indeed there didn't seem to be a single ounce of makeup anywhere on her body. And considering what she was wearing both of the Washingtons could say that with a fair degree of confidence.

“Thank you.” She replied in a slightly monotone, dazed sounding voice.

“This is Kim Possible.” Yua explained, “She's an old acquaintance of mine. I've taken her under mu wing so to speak.”

Completely floored by what they were seeing and not at all sure how to respond Carrie and Thomas did their best to stay composed as they looked from Kim to Mrs. Ashai. But their attempts to remain kind and neighborly in the face of such an unexpected turn were only struggling more and more as a familiar yet shocking scent filled the room. It was a scent both Washingtons knew all to well but one they'd never encountered beyond their own bedroom. The pungent, musky aroma of sex and arousal clouded their nostrils and sent their heads spinning no matter how hard they tried to resist. It was impossible not to breath in the heady bouquet as Kim stood there all but naked and absolutely dripping with a smell that simultaneously put the flustered couple at ease and entirely on edge. An edge no amount of nervous fidgeting or shy squirming could begin to settle. They tried their best not to look at the young woman standing beside them nor think about her body but they might as well have been trying to change the rotation of the earth. They realized that before long and sought out the only other source of distraction they could think of, though it was every bit as fruitless as anything else they'd tried.

“W-What's going on?” Thomas asked. “Why are you showing us this—h-her?”

“Kim likes to be shown off. Don't you darling?”

“Yes mistress.” Came the stoic reply.

“Mistress?” Carrie repeated. “W-What does that mean?”

“It means I am her master. And she'll do whatever I command, whenever I command it.” Yua flashed her guests a strange sort of smile and asked, “Would you like a demonstration?”

“I-I don't think that's necessary!” Thomas immediately replied.

“We're happy to take your word for it Mrs. Ashai!” Carrie agreed.

“Don't be silly!” She replied as she stood up and unfastened her kimono, “Kim would love to show how well she's adapted to my training program. Wouldn't you dear?”

“Gladly.” Kim replied. Her tone remained unenthusiastic and her movements seemed tinged with reluctance as she approached her mistress. Yet in spite of that she sauntered into the living room and knelt down in front of Yua without any objections. “Please allow me to show my training to your guests mistress.”

“Since you asked so nicely . . .”

Throwing her kimono open with a little flourish Yua revealed every inch of her voluptuous, naked body to both the Washingtons and her kneeling pet. Carrie and Thomas gasped in utter shock and did their best to cover their eyes but curiosity and amazement stopped them dead in their tracks. As massive and voluptuous as her breasts were, as pronounced and curvy as her hips were, as buxom and shapely as her silhouette proved to be nothing could quite stop her flabbergasted guests in the tracks like the throbbing cock and weighty, hairless balls hanging between her thighs. It was such an unexpected and wholly fascinating sight neither could even think about looking away as soon as her nearly foot long member was revealed to them. Nor could they imagine what a petite little thing like Kim could ever do with such a beastly shaft. Easily as big around as one of her forearms and just about as long the prick she'd been offered should've by all rights broken her without the slightest bit of trouble. It should've broken just about anyone except perhaps the most determined and sexually experienced women on the planet, and even then it should've given them quite a run for their money! And yet depsite it's impossible size and incredible girth Kim didn't seem the least bit fazed by the cock she was being offered. Her comparatively dainty hands wrapped around it without any hesitation and although her lips parted at a snail's pace her tongue emerged to lick the tip and slurp up the precum oozing from it in a single quick, expert movement. Carrie gasped and covered her mouth, unable to truly believe what was happening right in front of her eyes. 

Her hand found her husbands and she squeezed it tight, though out of fear or excitement she couldn't say. He squeezed her back with the same uncertainty, his eyes glued to the unfolding show as the auburn haired teen kneeling in front of their hostess leaned in with a noticeable amount of reluctance. But no matter how much she seemed to resist or fight back against whatever was happening inside her mind she still wrapped her lips around the head of Yua's dick. Mrs. Ashai let out a satisfied moan and whispered soft encouragements to her pet. Even going as far as stroking her hair and smiling at the dumbfounded couple watching. After a moment or two she sat back down on the love seat and opened her legs nice and wide so everyone could see exactly what was happening. In spite of themselves the Washingtons couldn't help but crane their necks a little and stare with open mouthed amazement as Kim, seemingly effortlessly, slid inch after inch of her mistress cock down her throat until her mouth was snugly wrapped around the base and her neck was thoroughly distended by the sheer size of the monstrosity inside her. Neither of the wide eyed, wholly taken aback pair had ever seen anything so lewd in person. They'd never seen anything so lewd in their entire lives! Aroused and horrified in equal measure they could only watch as she held herself on that enormous dick for what seemed like minutes on end before finally pulling back with a sloppy gurgle. Spit and precum dripped from every centimeter of dick revealed by her retreating lips and by the time she was back at Yua's pulsing cock head her entire length was a slimy, gooey mess. 

For maybe a second or two both the Washingtons stared in awe of the lewdness they were witnessing, both entirely thunderstruck by it all and unable to react in any way. That quickly changed when Kim calmly yet ferociously plunged back down onto Yua's cock, inhaling every last inch with ease and sloppily squelching every inch of the way back down. The woman she was so skillfully deepthroating moaned and laid a hand upon her head, both stroking her hair and subtly guiding her as she bobbed up and down her length without the slightest bit of trouble. With an almost hypnotic rhythm and the sort of effortless skill even a world class pornstar might struggle with she throated her mistress' cock again and again and again like it was the simplest thing in the world. Her pace even seemed to increase as time passed and a messy rhythm was established.  Staring as if hypnotized by her movements Thomas and Carrie watched every second of Kim deepthroating Mrs. Ashai, their bodies shivering and their mouths hanging open throughout as their minds reeled at what they were seeing. The urge to leave and never return clashed with a need to stay and watch every mesmerizing second but no matter how hard the former strained the latter always managed to win out. Neither so much as shifted off the couch they might as well have been glued to, not even when Yua let out a particularly climactic moan.

“That's it darling! Just like that!” She gasped, both hands holding Kim's head as she started thrusting into her mouth, “it's time for your treat!”

“H-her treat . . .” Carrie whispered.

Her barely audible question was answered a moment later when Yua slammed her cock inside Kim's throat and held her there while throwing her own head back and gasping until there was no air left in her lungs. Resisting for a moment or two the auburn haired teen impaled on her dick stopped moving a second or two later, but the madly pulsing dick stretching open her lips was anything but stationary. It raged and throbbed like a thing possessed as her balls tensed and the rest of her body tightened in what was unmistakably an incredible orgasm. Easily the most profoundly satisfying orgasm either of her guests had ever witnessed and without a doubt the most embarrassing yet erotic thing they'd ever seen in their lives. Although they couldn't see the cum flooding Kim's mouth they could see her throat tensing as she gulped down load after load. Indeed they could even track each messy spurt flooding into her body as the member delivering them twitched and a split second later her neck followed suit. Paired with the lurid sounds of her gulping and the endless panting and moaning of the woman giving her such a voluminous amount of cum and they couldn't have looked away if they wanted to. For nearly twenty uninterrupted seconds they watched their neighbor spray a seemingly endless fountain of cum into a young woman old enough to be any of their daughters. All while that same young woman knelt there with her ass exposed and long strands of pussy juice dripping from her bare cunt to form a puddle across the carpet. Their minds truly couldn't fathom what they were witnessing and the more they tried the less sense it all made. Especially when Yua's glistening shaft emerged form Kim's lips as the latter finally pulled away. A few errant jets of cum erupted from her tip as it slid with a squelching gurgle from the hole it'd been stuffed inside and those messy strands fell squarely upon the teen's passive face like icing on a cake. Both her and Ms. Ashai stood up a moment later, Ms. Possible stepping away while her mistress donned her kimono once more.

“And what do we say after we've been given a treat?”

“Thank you mistress!”

“Oh my God!” Thomas gasped.

“I-I need to use the restroom!” Carried stammered. She too rose to her feet, both hands fanning her face as she tried to stay calm.

“It's down the hall, first door on the left!” Yua replied with a smile.

“I-I'll join you!” Her husband mindlessly said.

“Nonsense!” Their hostess laughed, “I'm sure your wife can manage just fine on her own! Besides, I need your help making tea!”

Thomas looked at his wife with a pleading expression but she was already rushing away as fast as her barely functioning legs could take her. “I-I really don't think—”

“Come now, it'll be a delight!” Yua added, taking his hand and pulling him from the couch with an unexpected strength. “You know what to do now.” She added with a look to Kim.

“Yes mistress.”

The young woman turned away and headed in the opposite direction without another word, leaving Thomas alone with their frightfully unknown hostess. “Oh my God . . .”

In the bathroom Carrie was busy splashing water on her face and doing everything in her power to push away the image of Kim deepthroating Yua's cock. Her efforts were, of course, laughably weak and no amount of cold water or staring into the mirror could banish those images from her mind. Or get rid of the fire burning between her legs. But that didn't stop her from trying again and again and again. She tried with all her might to clear her head and spare herself the flustered uncertainty of examining what'd just happened with any rational thoughts. And she might have succeeded with enough time and enough willpower, it was impossible to truly know for certain. Unfortunately she wasn't allowed either as Kim quietly slipped inside the bathroom and approached with same saunter that'd preceded her going down on Ms. Ashai. Gasping and whirling around to face the young woman Mrs. Washington did her best to speak but the flustered jumble of half formed words and syllables vomiting out of her mouth didn't even approach human speech. In spite of the utter nonsense spilling from her lips she still did everything she could to rebuke the approaching teenager and prevent whatever was about to happen. Or at least that's what she told herself as she leaned back and unconsciously spread her legs, half sitting upon the counter while Ms. Possible knelt down in front of her with that same passive expression she always seemed to have. A frightened little squeal erupted from her lips when Kim suddenly but not unexpectedly lifted up her dress and disappeared beneath it. 

An entirely different sound spilled from her mouth when she felt another woman's breath hot on her aching sex. Even through the modest panties she'd worn that warm rush of air was nothing short of divine after everything else she'd seen that tumultuous day. Although her mind screamed at her to put a stop to what was about to happen, to remain faithful to her husband and run from that strange place Carrie just didn't have the strenght to do it. With one hand fanning her face and the other clutching the edges of the counter she was leaning so hard against she couldn't begin to stop Kim from pressing her lips against the soaking wet fabric clinging to her pussy so tightly. Nor could she stop the startled gasp that erupted from her trembling lips or the wild shudder that coursed through her body. From a single tender kiss her knees very nearly buckled entirely and a warm deluge of arousal seeped from her sensitive cunt. When she felt her companion's tongue push against her outermost folds she had to clap a hand over her mouth to stifle the cry bursting from it. Her other hand quickly followed suit an instant later as Kim repeated the motion with even greater force. Somehow pleasuring her more than her husband ever had through her entirely useless panties that placid faced teen was sending waves of ecstasy crashing down upon her faster and harder than anything she'd ever known. Every flick of her tongue and kiss of her lips was like a maelstrom of pleasure for the terrified housewife she was pleasing and the longer she found herself subjected to it the less she was able to resist the rising tides inside her. 

Within a minute her thighs were tightly clenched around her unexpected lover's head and her back was arched as she hunched forward in a reflexive burst of pleasured shivers. Without missing a beat Kim's hands pushed her legs apart once more and her mouth continued the effortless ministrations that'd already proved so effective. In no time at all Carrie felt like she was about to explode, like her whole body was poised on the edge of a cliff and she was staring down at a churning sea of ecstasy below. Doing her best to resist it and the woman teasing her pussy she made one last attempt to push away from the counter and flee. One last effort to save herself and end her shameful infidelity. Before she could do more than tense Kim ripped away her panties and slid her tongue inside Mrs. Washington's pussy. Like it was nothing at all she shredded those white cotton undergarments and assaulted her quivering sex like it'd never been assaulted before, a fiery blaze of arousal consuming her the very instant she felt another woman's mouth upon her most private area. In the blink of an eye any resistance she might've given vanished completely as pleasure surged through her body. It felt as if every nerve inside her was set alight at the same time. Kim's expertly trained tongue swirled about inside her while her lips kissed and caressed her outermost folds just as skillfully. And when one of her soft digits found Carrie's swollen clit it was all over for the frazzled housewife. 

Unleashing an almost pained scream she apologized to her husband in a final burst of lucidity before her mind, body, and soul were overwhelmed by ecstasy. Both hands leapt to the bump in her dress that was Kim's head and held on tight as fluids squirted from her pussy for the first time in her entire life while wave after wave of pleasure crashed down upon her. Violent shudders surged through ever muscle in her body as once feminine, almost girly squeals gave way to downright guttural moans and grunting. In a flash the composure she'd tried so hard to keep intact vanished and she was reduced to little more than a gasping, panting bitch in heat. Her mind was in complete and utter disarray as she convulsed against the young woman so wonderfully going down on her and the longer Kim remained between her thighs the more powerful her ecstasy grew. What was normally a few wonderful moments of bliss shared with the man she loved turned into an endless ebb and flow of toe curling, earth shattering satisfaction with a complete and total stranger. All while her husband had been left in the company of strange, perverted woman. But of course Carrie couldn't and didn't think of any of that until her climax had finally subsided some minutes after it started. Wholly incapable of self reflection or introspection she was a gasping, writhing mess of her former self. Pussy juice continued to spray from her madly quivering sex with every wild shiver and each eruption was accompanied by a sort of pleasure she'd never felt in her life. The sort of pleasure she'd only ever read about it romance novels when she was much, much younger. It eroded her sense of self and shattered any comprehension of time long into the shuddering afterglow, every facet guided by the tongue and lips and fingers of the young, brainwashed woman working her pussy so well. Even when she finally pulled away and stood up Mrs. Washington couldn't begin to pull herself together for another few minutes. Long after a sopping wet Kim Possible had wordlessly left the bathroom.

When she finally did emerge from the restroom Carrie staggered down the hall and towards the sounds of voices in the kitchen. Although she took a moment to gather what little composure she could find nothing could be done about her soiled gown nor the disheveled look ruining jer once elegant hair. But she truly couldn't bring herself to care about any of that. “D-Darling?” She called out as she stepped into the kitchen.

“And here's your blushing bride now!” Yua exclaimed with a knowing smile. She was standing on the far side of the room beside her emotionless 'project' while Thomas stood across from her looking both ashamed and excited. “I was just telling your husband about the services my little Kim offers!”


“Oh yes! For a modest fee you can hire her as a maid. She's very good at cleaning a home. Any order you give will be followed to the letter.”

“Any order?” Thomas asked with a strange look on his face.

“Any order.”

Terrified by the prospect being offered to them and by how eager her husband seemed to be about it, though in no place at all to chastise him after what'd happened Carrie was at a loss, “I-I'm not sure w-we really need a maid . . .”

As she awkwardly approached her man he looked from Kim's empty face to Yua's with a growing sense of excitement, “I don't think it would hurt to give her a chance . . .” He said.

“Not at all!” Mrs. Ashai exclaimed. “In fact, I'll even let you put her to the test for free! Consider it a trial run. What do you say?”

More than anything Carrie wanted to say know. In the clarity following her orgasm she wanted nothing to do with anything that was happening. But her husband didn't have that same clarity and she didn't have the courage to speak up after allowing herself to be pleasured by Yua's 'project'. “I-Is this something you want darling?”

“I mean . . . if it's free . . . we'd be . . . we'd be fools not to take advantage of the deal . . . right?” 

He looked at her with a conflicted expression and she very nearly found the strength to shut the whole thing down and storm away with her marriage intact. Then she glanced at their neighbor and all that strength vanished, “O-Okay . . . we can . . . we can give her a test run . . .”

“Wonderful!” Yua cried, clapping her hands together and startling her guests. “We can discuss the details over tea. Kim dear, fetch the cups please.”

“Yes mistress.”

As the young woman turned away and Ms. Ashai busied herself with the kettle the Washingtons looked at one another, neither fully able to believe what they'd gotten themselves into.