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Now this story is quite a bit different from my usual stock. Entirely on a whim I decided to try my hand at writing something from a first person perspective. I don't think I've ever done that before (with an erotic story) and I hope the end result turned out well enough to justify the effort!

Oh and since this was based on a picture I'll go ahead and share that image right here!

The first thing I heard was the steady beep of a heart monitor somewhere nearby. The first thing I felt was the familiar discomfort of a hospital bed beneath me and a coarse blanket on top of me. My mouth was dry and I felt oddly dizzy. I couldn't remember how I'd ended up there or even what I'd been doing before that point. Everything was a blur of hazy memories and  confusion. But as tempting as it was to fall back asleep and ignore everything else I couldn't. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened my eyes. What I found waiting for me didn't shed much light on anything though. I was in a rather nice hospital room, much larger than anything I'd ever seen or personally experienced. It looked like the sort of place you'd see on a television show or movie. A set built to be more roomy and open than any normal room like it. Were it not for the extremely expensive and authentic looking equipment around me I might've even thought I'd somehow ended up on the set of a show. But everything felt too real, felt to familiar, to be anything else. Or at least it did as I looked around the room still dazed and coming down from whatever medically induced high I'd been given. There was a comfy looking couch directly across from me and a large window with the curtains drawn to the left. With a door to my right and a door directly across from my bed it seemed like I even had an on suite bathroom.

And yet as curious as all that was I found myself fixating on the little details. The fresh flowers sitting on the table beside me. The soft, warm colors of the walls and indeed everything that wasn't the cold steel of medical instruments. The almost overwhelmingly comforting color of the lights, a far cry from the usual cold fluorescent I'd grown used to. The complete lack of any other sounds beyond my own breathing and the monitor keeping track of my heartbeat. The complete lack of a television or anything else like it in a room that seemed more like hospice care than anything else. As my head cleared and my thoughts grew sharper I couldn't stop noticing all those strangely unfamiliar elements. I wasn't in a normal hospital room. That much was certain. But where I was and how I'd ended up there remained a mystery. I tried to sit up again only to fall back down with a groan as my uncooperative body refused to move. It was a sensation I'd grown accustomed to over the years but not one I could ever stop fighting. Despite the diagnoses and despite what I'd been told time and time again I refused to let my weakness stop me. Or I suppose it was more accurate to say I refused to acknowledge my weakness could stop me. Because stop me it did. Without any real way to measure time I don't know how long I was laying there trying to move and only succeeded in adding a constant stream of grunts to the room. Although it felt like hours what little sunlight I could see shining in from beneath the  curtains never darkened or changed. So it probably wasn't much more than a few minutes, maybe an hour or two. Time had always been a cruel mistress to me and I couldn't expect that to change any time soon.

What did change was my solitude. Around the time I was making my tenth or eleventh attempt to sit up or get out of bed entirely the door to my right suddenly opened. As it quickly turned out my ability to rise wasn't quite as universal as I thought, much to my embarrassment as two of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen in my life entered my room. As far as I could tell both were Japanese, although that was a detail that was quickly forgotten among all the others, and both looked quite similar in both physical appearance and outfit, with a few remarkable distinctions. Both had on those odd little nurse caps I only ever saw in period piece films and both were wearing probably the most inappropriate outfits I'd ever seen. Looking like they'd walked straight out of a porno or off the set of some parody film both 'nurses' were wearing what seemed like shirts repurposed into dresses. Aside from a couple straps fastened around their necks their shoulders were completely bare as were the entirety of their arms and pretty much all of their chubby legs. The hem of their white with red trimming or stripes apparel barely reached midway down their thighs and the white heels they'd chose to wear seemed like the most impractical thing ever for anyone actually practicing medicine. And if all that wasn't stunning enough on it's own both women were showing enough cleavage to rival an exotic dancer, although one had considerably more to show off than the other. With the largest breasts I'd ever seen in my entire life the nurse on the left couldn't have looked less like she belonged if she tried.

Her light brown hair was completely unrestrained and falling freely down her likely exposed back with a sweep of bangs partially obscuring her forehead and stopping just above her sparkling brown eyes. While most of her body seemed slender or almost petite her chest was almost absurdly big, so big in fact the clothes she was wearing couldn't begin to support her, though it was abundantly clear she'd gone without a bra for some reason. The second 'nurse' was comparatively less busty, which meant instead of possessing a pair of tits that could smother a grown man with ease she was simply working with breasts that veered more towards impressive large. Had I seen her in isolation I would've been undoubtedly struck by how ample her bosom was too but standing alongside her companion it was difficult to notice that sort of thing. I did however notice she'd tied her dark black hair up into a slightly more professional looking bun, even if multiple locks were still falling across and around her face. A face all at once kind and warm with just a bit of seductiveness that couldn't have been purely in my mind. It was a trait shared by the woman beside her as they smiled at me with soft, smoothly angled jawlines and cheeks that perfectly walked the line between chubby and slender, much like their bodies as a whole. Both had the similarly full lips and similarly kind, dark eyes. The considerably more busty one had noticeably longer and thicker lashes while the other had thicker eyebrows, details I really had no reason to notice except as distractions to keep me from ogling their breasts and adding to the erection already lifting up my sheets and embarrassing me even further. Thankfully neither of them seemed to be bothered by my reaction to their appearance, despite both glancing at my shame as they stopped at the food of my bed. It was a small miracle and one I was enormously grateful for.

“How are you feeling Mr. Kim?” The more 'petite' of the two asked, her Japanese accent so thick it actually caught me off guard for a moment.

“No worse than usual.” I honestly replied.

Both women smiled at each other, then at me, their reactions not at all what I expected. A normal nurse, especially one familiar with my medical history, would've been worried by that statement. But they seemed to be almost . . . happy upon hearing it. My impression was confirmed a few seconds later as the more voluptuous woman asked, “Do you remember how you got here?” in a cheerful tone and with an equally thick accent.

“No . . . is that normal?”

“Very!” The first replied, nodding her head and looking at me with sparkling eyes, “The first stages of the experimental treatment always leave patients groggy and unresponsive. At first.”

“Experimental treatment?”

“Mmhmmm!” The second added. She too nodded her head and both of them moved in closer, “You signed up for it a month ago and last night you were finally admitted into the trial!”

“I was?” I knew how suspicious my tone was but my face must have given away even more than that because both women's cheery expressions faltered for a moment.

Before I could do more than notice their momentarily concerned looks the sentiment vanished from their faces and the excitement just about boiling over returned. “If you don;t believe us we have plenty of proof we can show you!” The first stated. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a cell phone with a bright pink case and typed in a password. After a few seconds she turned the screen towards me and hit play, “Here!”

Leaning in as much as I could I watched the video playing with no small amount of concern. Between the two women who clearly weren't nurses and the strangely unreal hospital room around me I couldn't help being a little dubious of their claims. To my surprise that attitude would quickly change as I watched myself in all my barely functional glory speaking directly to the camera. I was sitting in my doctor's office, with my doctor giving my verbal consent to everything that'd apparently happened between that moment and now. I watched and listened to my doctor outlining the procedure, much of which I only tentatively understood, he went into detail about the side effects of the 'first stage' and neatly explained just about everything I was feeling in that moment, then I watched myself sign the forms to begin the process. I even held up the forms to show my own signature as if to answer any doubts my future self might be having even after all the evidence. Then for a second time I gave my verbal consent and my doctor reassured the camera that everything would be all right. The video ended soon after and the nurse put away her phone while I was left to sit there in stunned silence as I tried to process everything I'd seen. Both women seemed unsurprised by my reaction and neither of them said anything as they stood on either side of my bed. They just smiled at me with oddly reassuring grins, their brown eyes sparkling and their body language giving off a sense of pure exuberance. Whoever these women were they certainly wanted to help. That much I couldn't really deny.

After at least a minute of sitting in silence as I digested everything I'd seen there was only one question my mind could focus on and without really thinking I asked it, “What's the next part of my treatment?”

“Hmm?” The second woman answered, leaning in and almost pressing hee enormous breasts against my shoulder as she did so.

“My doctor only outlined the first part of my treatment. The part that's already happened and the reason I feel so out of it. What's the next part? He made it sound like there'd be more. So did I as a matter of fact . . .”

They smiled at each other for a moment and I felt the entire atmosphere of the room change. What it'd changed to I couldn't figure out at the time but when they looked back at me I felt my heart skip a beat as the monitor beside me beeped a little faster. The 'nurse' closest to it leaned over to shut off the sound before leaning in with a wide smile. Her companion did the same and I couldn't help but lean back as far as I could. Talking to women who weren't medical professionals had never really been my strong suit and as the two most beautiful women I'd ever seen bent down over me I thought about that fact more and more. When I wasn't thinking about how amazingly soft their breasts looked and how difficult it was to avoid staring at their cleavage. That challenge was made a little bit easier when both women reached out at the same time to lay a hand on each of my thighs. Their fingers were much too close to my erection for me to read anything but sexual intent and when I managed to tear my focus away from their hands to look at their faces that notion was all but confirmed. Smiling at me with barely six inches of air separating my face from their own the pair of definitely not nurses slowly licked their lips and laughed. I could feel their breath on my face and smell the faintest hints of perfume and shampoo from their bodies. I knew I was blushing harder than I'd ever blushed in my life but under the circumstances I couldn't really bring myself to care about that. My mind was entirely preoccupied with what they were going to do next. What insane, unbelievable thing would take place? It already felt like I'd woken up in a dream, or in a porno, and everything that happened after would continue that theme for as long as I had the mental faculties to remember it.

“Now we make you feel better.” The more busty of the two said, her words delivering in a hair raising and altogether sensual whisper.

“It's time for the best part of the treatment.” The second added in exactly the same tone and with exactly the same thrilling demeanor.

Really happy the heartbeat monitor had been turned off as mine nearly exploded out of my chest I just stared at the two women in front of me for what seemed like hours. I honestly didn't have the slightest idea what to say and the countless thoughts racing through my mind didn't make it any easier. There were a thousand questions to ask and thousand things to say but none of them could find their way to my mouth no matter how hard I tried. Until I finally blurted out perhaps the dumbest thing I could've said after being told two beautiful women were going to sleep with me, “B-But I don't even know your names . . .”

I wanted to die the moment those words left my mouth. I'd never been more embarrassed or more annoyed with myself and if I'd had the ability to just blink out of existence there's a very good chance I would've taken it without a second thought. The two 'nurses' on either side of my bed didn't seem the least bit bothered my stupidity though. If anything they almost seemed charmed by it. After sharing another look filled with smiles and genuine delight they looked back to me and the incredibly busty one happily gave me another, less perverted way to identify her, “My name is Hitomi . . .”

“And I'm Sakura!” The other 'nurse' exclaimed.

As confused as I was I managed to keep just enough of my wits to not pointlessly tell them my name, instead I just stared with open mouthed confusion. I must've looked like a deer in the headlights as I sat there with two beautiful women stroking my thighs and blatantly offering me sexual favors but that was exactly how I felt. And after just long enough for it to be awkward I said, “I-It's a pleasure to meet you both . . .”

They giggled at my stupid, stupid response and smiled, their eyes staring deep into mine for a moment before looking away to exchange another look, “It's a pleasure to meet you to Mr. Kim!” They said in perfect unison.

More confused and unsure than I'd ever been and would ever be I honestly didn't know how to respond to that. Between their constant enthusiasm and my own nervousness everything felt more like a dream than ever before. And that feeling would only get worse when, a second or two after speaking in sync like they'd rehearsed this entire reaction, both 'nurses' slid their hands down my thighs and wrapped their fingers around my cock. I couldn't even react to the unfamiliar sensation of a woman touching my dick before Sakura leaned forward and pressed her lips against mind. In the blink of an eye I was being overwhelmed by two wholly unusual and unexpected sensations simultaneously as a beautiful woman kissed me while two of them tenderly massaged my erection. Her lips were amazingly soft against my own and the sweetness of her tongue as it slipped into my mouth made my head spin. Without even thinking I returned the kiss as best I could, leaning forward and moaning a little bit louder than I meant to. Somewhere beside use Hitomi let out a quiet giggle but it didn't seem like she was laughing at me, it almost seemed like she was just laughing in delight. I honestly couldn't say for certain thought I wasn't exactly focusing on any of that as their fingers stroked my prick. Even through the blanket, hospital gown, and underwear I had on their touch was incredible. It'd been at least a year since anyone else touched me in a romantic or sexual manner and a good few months since I had the wherewithal to do it myself. Within seconds my heart was racing faster than ever and my head felt like it swimming through a haze of confused, delirious euphoria.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening but as Hitomi pulled the blanket off me and Sakura slid her other hand around the back of my head it was hard to give a shit about that too. There were so many better things to focus on anyways, like how both of them didn't hesitate to lift up my gown and slide their fingers into the waistband of my boxers. Or how the woman kissing me suddenly pulled away only for her softness of her lips to be immediately replaced with Hitomi's. Every bit as warm, passionate, and comforting as her companion she picked up where her fellow 'nurse' had left off and I was pretty much none the wiser in the heat of the moment. Had it not been for the sudden and very welcome pressure of her amazingly large breasts pressing down against my chest I probably would've assumed it was still Sakura. But with that little clue weighing on me it was hard not to shiver and moan into her lips as I enjoyed the warmth of her body against my own. Her touch only seemed to get more sensual as both of their hands brushed against my cock a second or two later and I heard their soft moans. It almost sounded like they were just as excited as I was, a notion that seemed absurd at the time and seems even more absurd thinking back on that first session. Yet they were nothing if not thrilled by the role they were playing and never was that more clear than when they yanked down my underwear a heartbeat later.

Without any hesitation at all Sakura pulled them down my legs and off my body entirely before returning to join Hitomi in softly and slowly stroking my prick. Both of them could just barely wrap all five of their fingers around my dick at the same time without much room to spare. I was nowhere near big enough for them to do much more than caress and tease my length but they didn't seem to have any trouble working with what I had, nor did they seem to have any complaints. In fact they seemed to enjoy holding my cock and milking out the precum constantly leaking from the tip. Every time my shaft pulsed and another trickle would seep out both women moaned my name and shivered a little harder against me. Hitomi pushed more and more of herself against my body while Sakura gently cupped my balls and played with them as softly as she played with my shaft. Not once in my wildest dreams did I ever think such an incredible thing would happen to me, at a hospital or anywhere else. As I continued to kiss a woman so far out of my league it was absurd while a second woman every bit as beautiful as the first happily teased my manhood alongside her I couldn't do much more than lay there kissing the first and wondering what on earth both were doing. I didn't even think to touch them with my own hands. They were much too busy clutching the sheets beneath me and holding on for dear life as what little thoughts I could spare tried to keep me from cumming too quickly. There was no telling how long it would all last or how many times I could even go and I definitely didn't want to squander anything by blowing my load right away.

In what seemed like a lucky twist of fate at the time I was given a moment or two to catch my breath and think about less sexy things when Hitomi and Sakura pulled away from me. They let go of my cock and even stepped away from the end of the bed I was propped up against. For a split second I thought I had somehow done something wrong or offended them in some way. The moment I looked at their expressions and saw how they were smiling I knew I was safe from that embarrassment at least. But the embarrassment of blowing my load too early seemed a million times more likely as I watched them lick their lips and slowly undress for me a second or two later. Acting more like exotic dancers than any sort of nurse they swayed back and forth with a seductive rhythm as their hands slid across their bodies and towards whatever clasps and zippers were keeping their outfits in place. Hitomi looked down to find the zipper  right beside her enormous cleavage while Sakura reached behind her to undo the straps fastened around her neck I don't exactly know what expression I had as I watched them remove their clothes at the exact same time but I know I was instantly and completely overwhelmed by the sight of their naked bodies as they sensually stripped away what little they'd been wearing. Completely lacking bras or panties both women had been nude underneath their uniforms and somehow that unimportant little fact was all my mind could think about as their ensembles fell away and they stepped towards me wearing nothing but those old fashioned hats and identical, blushing smiles.

As massive as they'd looked 'supported' by the stretched white and red fabric around them Hitomi's breasts were well beyond anything I'd ever thought possible on a woman. They seemed to hang down practically to her navel and the weight alone of their smooth, voluptuous contours seemed like it should've broken her back without the help of a brace. Yet there she stood, smiling at me with her bright pink nipples stiffening in the cool air and her rather large areola sitting at the very center of a mountain of soft flesh. An incredibly short distance lower was a curly, almost untamed thicket of dark hair that both hid and drew attention to the puffy lips of her visibly aroused pussy. And since that apparently wasn't enough for my overloaded brain she cupped her massive chest and did a cutesy little spin, showing off her round, juicy ass along with the rest of her supple body before striking that stereotypically Japanese pose as she bend forward with both hands held up beside her face and two fingers extended in a peace sign that wasn't actually a peace sign. As far as I knew. When I tore my gaze away from her I found Sakura striking the same pose and I found myself admiring her body every bit as much as I had Hitomi's. Although her breasts weren't as enormously unfathomably they still managed to look absolutely huge as they hung down from her chest and the dense tuft of hair above her pussy seemed every bit as curly as her companion's. In my distraction I'd missed her little spin but at the angle she was standing I could see her slightly more toned but equally amazing buttocks without too much trouble and I stared without too much hesitation, wholly unable to stop myself. Neither of them seemed to mind my staring and after a second or two of holding that same position they finally stepped forward with an unmistakable look in their eyes.

My heart skipped a beat once more and despite how much I wanted everything they were offering I still leaned back just a little bit as they approached. Sakura gave me a reassuring smile while Hitomi bit her bottom lip and sensually licked her lips. I could feel my cock throbbing out of control as I lay there between two naked woman living a fantasy most people could only ever dream about and for a moment a small pang of embarrassment filled my thoughts. Somehow I was actually ashamed of how excited I was by what was going on, for reasons I truly could not understand. Thankfully I didn't have enough time to say or do anything stupid that might ruin the session for myself. Well before I could find the courage to do something that stupid Sakura climbed onto the bed like it was perfectly normal, straddling my stomach and slowly pushing my dick between her amazingly soft buttocks. Her hands pressed down against my chest and I felt her nails scraping against my skin. Staring up at her with what was definitely a stupid expression I didn't even notice Hitomi reaching towards the controls beside my bed until it suddenly lurched backwards. I let out a gasp as I found myself suddenly horizontal and I gasped again as the woman responsible climbed onto the bed as well. But instead fo straddling me she laid down beside me, her massive tits pressing against me as caressed my face and kissed my neck like a lover.

“Is there anything else you want us to do?” She asked as her lips pushed against my skin over and over again until I was covered in goosebumps.

“W-What? Y-You can do m-more?”

“We can do anything you want.” Sakura added, her hips slowly gyrating as she teased my cock with her soft ass and rubbed her pussy against my belly.

“Oh my God . . .”

“Just tell us what you want Mr. Kim . . . we're here to make you feel better . . .”

“I-I don't—I-I can't—Oh my God!”

My companions laughed again and smiled at me with oddly understanding looks, “Don't worry about it right now!” Hitomi whispered, her lips brushing against my ear, “Just let us take care of you . . . and if you think of something . . .”

“Just say so!” Her partner finished.

I wanted to reply but the warmth of her pussy juice smearing across my stomach alongside the sight of a woman, any woman, straddling me like she was made it downright impossible. And even if I had found the courage to speak up I would've be interrupted by Hitomi a second or two later. Apparently unsatisfied with kissing my neck and stroking my chest she slid a hand onto my cheek and turned my head to look at her. Before I could do more than marvel at how beautiful and beautifully soft she was her lips were pressed against mine and her tongue was slipping into my mouth. I know I must've have moaned as she embraced me again, how could I not have, but it's hard to remember much of anything except how incredible it felt to be kissing her. For the first time since this whole crazy thing started I actually managed to wrap an around around her slender shoulders and pull her closer to me. As awkward and clumsy and weak as I was I couldn't help but crush her against me as much as I possibly could. My other hand left the bundled clump of sheets it'd been holding on to and caressed the rest of her gorgeous body in what I hoped was a tender yet sexual move. The way she shivered against me and moaned as my fingers trailed down her side and across her hips was as good a sign as any. And the way she actually pushed back against me when I took a chance and grabbed a handful of her ass a moment or two later was even better. I could feel her tensing up against me, every breath growing a little more ragged and uncontrollable. Her lips and tongue moved with even greater passion and in no time at all I was swept up in the pleasure of sharing such an intimate moment with another person. For a few heartbeats I actually managed to forget about Sakura even as she sat atop me biting her lip and teasing me until I was ready to burst.

It almost felt like she wanted me to forget about her while I was busy with Hitomi, while I was distracted with the best kiss of my life and the embrace of a woman I had no business at all kissing let alone touching like I was. But she didn't hold back forever. Part of me wanted to believe she couldn't hold back forever but regardless of the reason at some point she stopped teasing my dick with her soft, firm ass. I only noticed what she was doing when the heat of her body and the wetness of her pussy suddenly disappeared from my stomach. I'd grown so used to the sensation it was almost disorienting as soon as it left. Thankfully I didn't have a chance to do anything stupid like stop kissing Hitomi before I felt Sakura's fingers around my shaft again. A split second later I felt the same warmth I was suddenly missing against the tip of my manhood. Every part of me froze and my eyes widened in surprise. Although I tried to look at the woman about to slide down my prick I couldn't unless I wanted to stop making out with her companion. While I was trying to figure out which one I wanted to do more the gorgeous woman now straddling my cock made the choice for me. With a long, whimpering moan she lowered herself onto my prick in a single motion. Every last inch of my wholly unimpressive shaft disappeared into her amazingly warm, amazingly tight pussy faster than I could hope to react. Her body tightened around me so much I'm still amazed she didn't break my dick within seconds and the unbelievable pressure only continued to mount as she sat atop me.

And if the way she gasped and shuddered atop me was anything to go off she somehow enjoyed my remarkably unremarkable length inside her. I could feel her nails scraping against my chest as her fingers curled into fists almost immediately and even if I couldn't see her expression the way she panted and moaned my name was like nothing I'd ever heard. It was all so overwhelming I barely noticed the warmth of her fluids soaking across my hips and thighs as she absolutely drenched me in her arousal. No woman had ever reacted so strongly to me or my body. Not a single one. I honestly didn't have any idea what to do as it was happening, I couldn't even continue to kiss Hitomi anymore. My lips pulled away from hers as I stared into her eyes with out foreheads pressed together and ecstasy crashing down on me. Without my input at all my hips jerked upwards as much as they could, lifting Sakura up just enough to make her body shiver and her breasts bounce while my cock pushed even deeper inside her. She cried out yet again and I was hit by even more amazing sensations as she contracted around me. As her warmth seeped across my skin and soaked the sheets underneath me in a steady trickle. The moment by body returned to the bed I pushed upwards a second time, all of my barely present strength dedicated to making her feel as good as she was making me feel despite how quickly it was draining my pathetic supply of stamina.

For a minute or so it actually seemed like I might be able to control myself regardless of how incredible everything was around me. Focusing my efforts on kissing Hitomi as passionately as I could, groping her ass and coiling my tongue around hers, was exactly the sort of distraction I needed. My hips continued to thrust upwards as often as I could manage but with my mind actively focusing on the woman beside me instead of the one riding me it actually seemed like I might have a chance. Although her pussy felt nothing short of amazing wrapped around my cock and what little I could see of her body while she writhed and shuddered atop me was entrancing with something else, someone else, to pour my intention into I managed to last about forty seconds longer than I had any business lasting. I could hear the wet slap of my body smacking into hers and the creak of the bed beneath us as three people shared a place meant for one. That much I couldn't stop myself from focusing on in much the same way my ears couldn't drown out Sakura's panting and whimpering no matter how hard I tried. Her voice was so shrill and so breathless and yet instead of being annoyed or in any way put off I was enthralled. The only time I had ever heard a woman sound like that was in porn and experiencing it first hand, because of what I was doing no less, wasn't something I could pass up. No matter how it affected my libido or my endurance. And in a different reality I might've been able to continue on like that for another few minutes before hitting my limit. I might've been able to keep thrusting inside the tightest, wettest pussy I'd ever known while kissing one of the two most beautiful women I'd ever seen and fondling her ass to my heart's content. But that just wasn't possible for one, simple reason: Sakura started moving too.

In what should've been an amazing turn of events, and what basically was after it was too late for me to do anything about it, she pushed herself up at the same time I was falling back against the bed. Sliding several inches along my cock she stopped just shy of the tip only to suddenly come slamming back down even faster than before. The frame of the bed and I both groaned as her body smacked against mine and pleasure flooded my senses in an even more overwhelming amount. I finally stopped kissing Hitomi as I turned my head to stare up in amazement at the woman atop me instead. Entirely unfazed and even letting out a little giggle the 'nurse' I'd just abandoned picked up right where she'd left off as if nothing had ever interrupted her. At least, that's what I assumed she was doing as her lips pressed against my neck and worked their way up to my jaw. Too busy watching and gasping as Sakura bounced up and down on my cock faster and faster with every cycle I really had no idea what was going on around me. Hell the entire rest of the world could've vanished completely and I would've been none the wiser as I watched her tits bounce and her face contort as she moaned and gasped for air above me. Seeing her face slowly twisting as her head tilted back and her body hunched forward was yet another experience I'd never been able to enjoy firsthand. Yet another experience I genuinely could not get enough of no matter how long I watched.

Though it felt like several hours I knew without a hint of doubt it hadn't been more than ten or fifteen seconds by the time Hitomi reminded me of her presence in the most unexpected way possible. Letting out a soft whimper I barely heard she sat up next to me and leaned over my face, her unimaginably huge breasts immediately smothering me in an avalanche of soft, jiggling tits. Too startled to even moan I just opened my mouth and stared like a total moron for the half second I had before I was completely drowning in her chest. One of her hands slid beneath my head to gently hold me in place and even pull me tighter against her while the other seemed to squeeze her breasts together around my face. Of course it was impossibly to tell what she was really doing with my head completely covered but between the amazing softness and the subtle pressure created by more than simple gravity it was safe to assume she was doing something. And after a couple seconds of laying there dumbstruck I couldn't help but do something as well. In an act of pure instinct I wrapped my lips around one of her large, puffy areola as it brushed past my lips. There was little else to do and even less to think about and the moment I tasted her nipple I started suckling with all my might in the vain hope of distracting myself from the hurtling towards me. It's hard to imagining how I could've failed any harder in that goal as I listened to both women moan and whimper above me while one cradled my head and the other rode my cock. Beyond the point of no return I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of stopping what was about to happen and I think my body knew that even if my mind didn't. That or I was just too lonely and turned on to keep from thrusting as hard and as fast as I possibly could as I suckled on a beautiful woman's tit. Wrapping an arm around Hitomi's waist I held on tight to her as my other hand jumped to Sakura's hips and did the same.

I groaned as loudly as I could without pulling away from the nipple I was attached to and moved as hard as I could for as long as I could before pleasure finally overwhelmed everything else. I'd like to think I made it another minute or so but there's no chance that actually happened. In what I'm sure was just a few seconds my whole body locked up and my cock stiffened inside her pussy. She slammed down onto me one last time and cried out my name while her companion did the same, both women cooing in such warm and reassuring voices I almost didn't feel bad about how little stamina I actually had. A few heartbeats later I couldn't begin to care about that as pleasure washed over in my aching body in a much needed and altogether perfect wave. My mind went blank and even the warmth and softness of the women around me vanished for a few seconds as everything was simply amazing. Somewhere in the back of my mind I could hear Sakura moaning and I could feel her pussy tightening around me, milking every last drop of cum to spray out as my cock throbbed uncontrollably inside her, but it was so impossibly far away I didn't even realize what I'd heard until after I'd finished some fifteen seconds later. After my almost painfully tense body collapsed and I slumped down against the bed in a sweaty, almost delirious heap of limbs. All the shame I'd been feeling before started to return and I couldn't stop it from coming back, nor could I stop either woman from doing what they did next.

Panting and sighing every bit as hard as I was Sakura slowly flattened her hands against my chest and pushed herself up. I shivered as my cock slid free of her pussy and moaned at how tightly her inner walls still managed to grip my sensitive dick. At the same time Hitomi tit's slid off my face and I was able to take a proper breath for the first time in ages. I was also able to watch the woman still squatting above me reach down with one hand to spread apart her hairy pussy lips and giggle as thick strands of cum oozed out. Amazed by the sight and wholly unable to look away I watched as she held herself open, occasionally rubbing her clit but always keep her vulva spread wide, as my jizz leaked out of her in quantities that continued to amaze me. While I'd never really kept track of how much semen I produced seeing massive streams of it emerging from her cunt made it seem like I'd somehow produced an actually impressive amount. Hearing her softly grunt as she pushed out my seed and watching it bubble and sputter onto my slowly softening cock boggled my still hazy mind, I couldn't believe what she was doing and how long she was able to do it and staring at her cum splattered, amazingly pink pussy was something I never knew I wanted until I had the chance to enjoy it. And by the time she was done squirting out all the sperm I'd emptied inside her both of us were absolutely exhausted. The weary yet radiant smile she flashed me as she slid off the bed with a little trickle of semen running down her thighs sent shivers down my spine and put a blushing smile on my face.

I didn't even care about the mess she'd made all over my body. Both with her own fluids and with mine. How could after what she'd done and what she'd just let me watch? After what I'd just been given? I wasn't even that bothered by the mess despite usually hating such things whenever they happened. But even if I had managed to be annoyed by the experience of a woman squirting my cum out of her pussy and back onto my cock I didn't have to deal with it for much longer. Because while Sakura had slid off the bed Hitomi had taken her place a moment or two later. Of course instead of straddling my limp dick and grinding against it like her companion had she stretched out across the bedding between my legs, lying flat on her stomach and pressing her incomparable breasts down atop my manhood instead. Completely smothered it the same way she'd smothered my face she giggled at me licked her lips. Cupping her tits with both hands she started smearing the cum Sakura had left for her all over the underside of her chest and all over my thighs as well. Her eyes never left mine as she rubbed herself across my body in what should've been a completely absurd situation. Yet as inherently silly as it was to watch a woman using her own tits the same way someone might use a rag to wipe down a counter under the circumstances I really couldn't see anything wrong with it all. Even lacking a raging erection with which to enjoy the whole affair just seeing and being part of something so lewd really worked for me on an almost primal level. In no small part because of how beautiful she looked as she rubbed her tits across my body

No matter how silly or absurd it might've been she never faltered for even a second. At no point did it ever seem like she didn't enjoy herself or want to be there and that genuine interest was infectious. It was impossible not to watch and smile and enjoy the attention, not to mention the softness. And when she was finally done I enjoyed the sight of cum glazed tits bouncing to and for as she straightened and fixed me with a bright smile and an even brighter giggle. Both of us looked down at my cock and while I disappointed to find it every bit as soft as it'd been when she started Hitomi didn't seem to mind at all. Neither did Sakura as she climbed back onto the bed to move beside her companion. Both of them leaned forward again and without a hint of reservation they started licking up all the spunk and pussy juice still clinging to my skin. Despite how tired I felt after cumming and despite how tired I felt at all other times I had to sit up and watch as they ran their tongues across every inch of glistening fluid across my cock, balls, thighs, and just about anywhere else. Pausing only to gulp down what they'd collected and breathlessly moan as they did so they cleaned me off with their tongues like something out of a porno. And exactly like a porno they paid special attention to my dick and my sack, their lips closing around both as they sucked so hard their cheeks inverted and the wet, sloppy sounds of their efforts filled the room. A wet pop rang out whenever they released my loins and a wild shudder ran down my spine near simultaneously. For a second or two their attention would turn towards my thighs and stomach but they always seemed to find their way back to my dick sooner or later.

Which just made it that much more embarrassing when my cock refused to get hard again even after several minutes of being kissed and worshiped by two beautiful women. As good as it felt and as much as I wanted to go again I just couldn't. Whether it was a medical issue or just a weakness I'd been born with I could say but as I fell back against the bed I felt obligated to apologize to them for my shameful inability, “I'm sorry Sakura . . . I'm sorry Hitomi . . .”

Busily sucking on my balls both women released them with a lewd pop, their ensuing breath coming in a wild giggle, “Why are you apologizing Mr. Kim?” The latter asked.

“Because I couldn't . . . I can't . . . you know . . . go again . . .”

“That's silly!” The former cooed, “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Of course!” I sat up as best I could and looked at them, “That was the best sex I've ever had! It might be the best thing I've ever done period!”

“Then your first session was a success! And you should never apologize for that!”

“But I couldn't—”

“If it really matters that much to you we can try again next session! I'm sure you'll do even better than before!”

“Next session?”


“So there's going to be more sessions like this?”

“Of course! We'll have as many sessions as it takes!”

“F-For what?”

“For you to feel better!”

I tried to understand what they were saying as I stared at them but it just seemed so impossible, “Even if that takes . . . months?”

“Even if it takes years Mr. Kim!” Hitomi smiled. Both of them had slid off the bed to stand on either side of me, their hands on my shoulders and their faces impossibly cheerful.

“We're here until you can walk out of the hospital all on your own!” Sakura added, “Every day your medicine will be administered and every day we'll come by to make you feel better.”

Completely floored by what they were saying and still not quite able to believe it I looked from one amazingly beautiful woman to the other several times before finally asking, “A-And when do you have to leave?”

“When do you want us to leave?”

I looked down at the empty bed around me and as embarrassing as it was to admit I couldn't help but speak my mind as I said, “Never . . .”

Hitomi and Sakura's smile faltered for a moment only to return even stronger as they wordlessly climbed into bed on either side of me. Cuddling in nice and close they rested their heads on my shoulders and said at the same time, “Then we won't leave . . .”

I eventually fell asleep cradling those two perfect women and when I woke up they were still right beside me. Every morning of the three years it took me to finally walk out of that hospital all on my own they were right beside me. I still don't know what I did to deserve them but looking back on it now I'd gladly go through it all again just to spend another few nights with Sakura and Hitomi . . .


Sophia Dearden

This was a good read. The first person perspective was a fun change and not as jarring as I might have expected.


That's definitely a relief to hear. I can't pretend I wasn't a little worried how well things would translate when I switched to such a different style.