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And here we have another installment of the ongoing series. This time featuring some good honest sex! I hope y'all like this steady build up because I'm actually enjoying it a fair bit!

Another sweltering day had arrived bringing with it a triple digit temperature and all the other annoyances of a heat wave. But rather than being put off by the weather or hiding inside her air conditioned house Anna was capitalizing on it by doing a little tanning. Or more accurately by laying on a chair in her backyard in the smallest bikini she owned. In the most technical sense of the word it was a swimsuit but by anyone else' definition it was three strips of red cloth barely connected by tiny little cords. So much of her slender, vivacious body was left on display she was basically naked. It was the kind of outfit a woman put on to draw attention to herself and that was precisely what she was hoping to do. For about a week the man who owned the house directly behind hers had been working in his yard around the same time of day. After catching a glimpse of his rugged features and big, calloused hands she knew right away she wanted to see more of him. Apparently some higher power was more than happy to oblige because the day after she thought that he started cutting branches off the trees, cleaning out the gutters, and pretty much everything else that put him in an elevated position. And once he was able to see over the wooden fence separating his house from hers it was incredibly easy to give him something worth seeing.

By all outwards appearance she was merely tanning, yet another woman trying to add a little color to her alabaster skin. In reality Anna didn't give a single damn about tanning. She was more the type to burn than to tan yet she was still lounging on her patio the moment her neighbor started his work. And with a large pair of sunglasses covering her face it was beyond easy to pretend like she was sleeping, in the the most sultry and languid poses she could adopt, while she was really watching the object of her desire work. She saw every time he cast a furtive glance in her direction and she noticed how those looks grew more frequent with every day their little back and forth continued. By the end of the week he was outright staring at her with an eager look on his bronzed face. He had no idea that she was doing pretty much the same thing, albeit without any hesitation or restrain whatsoever. Watching his bulky frame glistening with sweat, his arm muscles bulging as he cut down branches or climbed ladders was nothing short of pornographic. Even if she hadn't already been in a lascivious mood watching her hunky neighbor inadvertently strut his stuff would've put her in that mindset inside ten minutes. Most days she had several hours worth of eye candy to feast on and that number was only growing in direct proportion to the number of times he stopped to stare at her almost naked body glowing in the sun.

But as much fun as it was to be ogled and do a little ogled she was hardly one for passivity. Especially after learning that he lived alone and supposedly wasn't in a relationship from some of her more nosy neighbors. Apparently he was something of a fantasy for most of the women in the neighborhood except unlike them Anna could actually do something about her desires. Since neither of them would be cheating there was no reason she could think of not to go after him. With that in mind and a coquettish grin on her face she waited until he broke one of his prolonged staring sessions to remove her sunglasses and looked directly at him with the most seductive look she had in her repertoire. It was one she'd used about a hundred times in her videos and as was so often the case it worked impossibly well in real life too. The moment her neighbor glanced back at her and saw not only the expression on her face but the sultry way she was posed while making that expression his jaw literally dropped. He was too far away to see fine details but she liked to imagine his flushed cheeks darkened a little. His body language certainly changed and in a rather comical turn of events he even dropped the hammer he was using to fix the shingles on his roof.

Now confident she had him on the hook Anna let him flounder for a couple of seconds before reeling him in. Slowly rising from her chair and standing up she momentarily turned her gaze away from him as she stretched in a provocative manner. Her arms lifted high above her head and the tiny little straps keeping her two piece in place shifted. Before her top could slip high enough to expose her perky breasts or her bottoms could ride high enough to expose her sex she returned to a normal position. Still without looking at her neighbor she walked towards the sliding glass door leading to her living room. It opened with a soft whoosh of cold air and just as she was about to step inside she paused. She turned her head towards him, delighted and not the least bit surprised to see him still watching with the same expression as before, and offered a come hither look. For good measure she paired the look with an outstretched hand a single finger seductively curling backwards. 

When she was certain he'd gotten the message she stepped inside and sauntered into her living room to wait for him. Still keeping up her sultry atmosphere she did so by half bending over the love seat she bought a few days prior, her ass sticking out and the rest of her body curved over the dark blue upholstery. Less than two minutes after she vanished from the backyard she heard the sound of the back door opening. Anna turned towards the noise to see her neighbor standing there with an eager look on his face and his hunky frame glistening with sweat. She visibly licked her lips as she eyed him up but before he could say or do anything she turned her back to him once more. Whatever confusion he was likely experiencing immediately faded when she bent over even further and reached back. Her index finger slid beneath the cord of her bikini bottoms to slowly pull it from between the warm confines of her buttocks. Tugging it aside to reveal not only her pert ass but also the incredibly plump and deliciously fat contours of her pussy Anna softly giggle. Her outer lips were already dripping with arousal and the soft pink folds between them were gradually parting before her neighbor's eyes. When her stance unambiguously widened and she finally looked back at him as if to ask 'what are you waiting for' he finally responded.

Hurriedly unzipping his pants he rushed forward like he'd just won a prize. Anna barely had a chance to see his cock before he was behind her and the head was pressed against her puffy folds. She moaned as his member slid between her swollen lips to enter her sex in a single thrust. Both surprised and appreciative of how gentle he was she looked back at him with a grin. His dick was by no means the longest she'd ever seen, even among non pornstars, but it was definitely thick. Thick enough to stretch her out in a really satisfying way and definitely thick enough to make her squirm by the time he was balls deep inside her. Another moan escaped her lips as his muscular waist collided with her ass. The coarse fabric of his tool belt scraped against her skin and did wonders for the spur of the moment feeling she was going for. When she noticed him starting to remove it Anna immediately stopped him with a look. He paused midway through unfastening his belt and she slowly shook her head. A moment later she reached out and brushed her hands against his chest both as a way to reinforce what she was saying and to feel his pecs through the white tank top he was wearing. Her partner eventually got the message he even offered a quick nod. Instead he let his jeans and boxers drop to the floor and kicked off his boots. Following that his attention returned to where it should've been the whole time.

Anna gasped as his hands found their way to her waist and the calloused roughness of his fingers scraped against her soft skin. It was an altogether wonderful feeling and one that immediately sent shivers through her body. Her suddenly tightening pussy squeezed his cock even harder than before and as expected his dick responded by throbbing wildly inside her. A lovely little back and forth was created in the couple of seconds before he started moving, one that was simply added to the immediate pleasure of his dick sliding back out of her cunt. Anna could feel her pussy stretched outward around his shaft, partly because of how thick it was and partly because of how horny she was. But regardless of the reason the effect it created was one everybody loved to see. Be it in video or real life. She only had to glance back and witness the wide eyed look on her partner's face to confirm that he too was a fan of seeing her folds distend as her body greedily tried to keep his shaft inside her as long as it possibly could. Maybe that was why he didn't pull back more than a few inches before thrusting back inside of her quite a bit harder. Although she liked to think the general tightness of her body had at least a little to do with it.

Thoughts like those didn't stick around long though, not once her companion started thrusting in earnest. Seemingly just as eager as her to get to the frenetic, ball slapping part of a hookup he wasted very little time finding a good rhythm and then building on it. Initially Anna was left with no other responsibility but moaning and gasping as the wet smacks of his body colliding with hers gradually climbed in both volume and frequency. She alternated between biting her lip and simply letting her pleasure be known while her hands gripped the back of the couch and her toes curled inwards and refused to uncurl. But it wasn't long before she started to participate in a few, subtle ways purely because she'd never been one to simply lay there and take a dick. First she lifted her leg off the ground to rest her knee against the couch. His cock slid a little deeper inside her thanks to that position and it wasn't hard to notice an immediate increase in the speed of his thrusts as soon as she did so. After that she started pushing herself backwards against him, her hips moving in time with his motions to really send his dick sliding inside her at a delicious speed. From there it was easy enough slowly grind against his waist every time his dick plunged into her cunt, especially once he started holding himself against her for a split second to enjoy the waves of pleasure coursing through both of them.

Her last, notable contribution before he started fucking her like it was the last time he'd ever have sex was to start talking dirty. Although a little bit of a risk she found that most men enjoyed a woman gasping and moaning about their cocks while being fucked. Particularly when they did so in the kind of breathless, high pitched whimper that characterized her voice when she was really enjoying a good dick. Anna's neighbor was no exception is seemed and the wild throbbing of his shaft as she encouraged him to fuck her tight pussy and moaned about how good his cock felt inside her was unmistakable. In what felt like the blink of an eye he was absolutely pounding her, the whole house echoed with the sounds of his waist smacking against her ass and her entirely sincere moans added a lovely backing track to that main chorus. Time rather quickly lost any meaning as the only measurement she had was the ferocity of his thrusting along with the occasional break where he traded speed for power and really stirred up her pussy right. It was clear he knew his way around a pussy and once more Anna couldn't believe how lucky she'd gotten with her new living situation. Her smile nearly reached her ears as he slammed his dick inside her and let out a guttural sound that fit perfectly with his bulky, mountain man look.

This went on quite a bit longer than she expected and just as she was wondering if he might last long enough for her to cum without any extra help he groaned. But it wasn't the kind of groan that usually signaled an impending climax. Instead it was the sort of sound a wild animal made when claiming their mate. Anna reflexively shivered at the sound, a little stream of arousal squirting out of her pussy as his dick was driven inside her with a delightful amount of force. But when it retreated it didn't stop at the usual spot, instead pulling out entirely and leaving her suddenly bereft of satisfaction in a very unexpected way. She turned to look at him with a questioning stare but was stopped from actually speaking when he suddenly lifted her off her feet. Hoisting her up like she was nothing he carried her into the dining room and laid her with admirable restraint on the table. Thanks to his rather impressive height he was almost perfectly situated to keep fucking her in that new spot, a fact that he took full advantage of immediately. Lying flat on her back with her legs splayed wide and his dick sliding back inside of her was exactly the position Anna didn't realize she wanted until it was happening. And she made sure her pleasure was known.

He picked up exactly where he'd left off, this time with his hands wrapped around the other side of her waist and his chiseled features starting directly at her in the most intense way. She smiled up at his handsome face as she ran her fingers through her hair and moaned in a long, quavering manner. While their new position wasn't inherently better getting to see his bulging muscles and rugged physique at work above her added a whole different experience to her pleasure. She could smell the sweat and manly musk clouding around him more than ever just as he could no doubt smell the lotion and perfume she'd applied before going outside. But even if he couldn't the sight of a petite, half naked woman writhing and bouncing atop his dick was almost certainly enough to motivate him even without her pussy wildly gripping his cock every nanosecond it was inside her.

Once again any sense of time and space immediately faded into meaninglessness but this time Anna was given considerably less to do. As much as she enjoyed laying there being fucked it just wasn't in her nature. Both as a performer and just as a woman. But since she was left with few options she went with the only one that made any sense. Reaching down between her thighs and past the neatly groomed thicket of hair above her slit she pressed two fingers against her sensitive bud. A bolt of pleasure arced through her body as soon as she touched her clit and that sensation only grew more pronounced when she started rubbing it in earnest. Her man let out a nice, low groan as soon as she began playing with herself and his reaction was almost as much of a motivation to continue as her own. Of course that would change the longer she kept playing with her pussy and flooding her body with ecstasy but initially his reaction definitely added no small amount of encouragement. Especially his throbbing cock and balls. When he suddenly removed his tank top to reveal the muscles she'd been ogling in all their sweat soaked glory she actually gasped. Not in surprise but rather abject delight. Were she not busy clutching the side of the table with one hand and massaging her clit with the other she would've pressed both against his abs and never removed them.

At least until a much sought after and very welcome orgasm started to rear it's head. With no idea how long they'd been at it and her mind already awash in the haze of a good, uninhibited fuck Anna had no idea if she was cumming faster than usual. Part of her was certain the combination of his girthy cock, gorgeous body, and unrelenting pace had absolutely brought her to climax faster than normal. The rest didn't give a single fuck about that sort of thing and was just eagerly awaiting the crashing waves of carnal bliss that accompanied a nice orgasm. It wasn't long before all of her was on the same page and her breathy moans had ceased entirely. She stared up at her neighbor with the kind of look that almost seemed like she was in pain. Her brow was furrowed and her face was contorted in a somewhat silly look while the rest of her body trembled liked crazy. All of her muscles seemed to move independently of one another as a nice deluge of fluids gushed from her pussy. As her back arched as high as it could go and her eyes rolled back in her head everything else faded into nothingness with only the pleasure of the moment left. Even her fingers were unable to continue their movements atop her clit in the wake of her toe curling release. Each breath came in ragged heaves that sent her perky breasts jiggling like made while the faintest of smiles found it's way onto her lips. For some thirty seconds Anna was truly a sight to behold, no small feat considering her normally beautiful appearance.

And like with any red blooded man the sight of a breathtaking woman enthusiastically cumming all over his cock spurred her partner to even greater heights. He absolutely devastated her tight, wet cunt in the moments immediately following her climax. His movements were so forceful and so fast the table they were fucking on top of was actually sliding across the hardwood floor despite being a rather large and very heavy piece of furniture. Had she been anywhere close to lucid Anna would've realized what that kind of reaction was an indication of. She might have know he was about to join her in orgasmic pleasure. But she was far too caught up in her own release to think about such things. Though she wasn't so far gone that she didn't notice him suddenly pull out. Nor did she fail to witness him grunting as he furiously pumped his cock for a few seconds. When cum finally erupted from his dick to splash all across her smooth tummy she felt every last drop and reveled in the sensation of being basted in his seed. He didn't have an incredible amount to give her but that hardly mattered. Every jet was greeted by the same level of appreciation as the last as she haphazardly rubbed her clit and moaned for him to continue. He dumped load after hot, smelly load onto her skin until it was little more than a trickle and even once he was finished she continued to whimper in delight. The feeling of fresh semen on her skin was one she'd never grow tired of.

His cum pooled on her stomach and inside her belly button as his cock smacked wetly against her matted tuft of pubic hair. Both of them panted as if they'd just run a marathon while the post coitus afterglow hung over them like a cloud. Anna smiled up at her hunky fling, thoroughly satisfied with his performance and already making plays to repeat it the next time she wanted a hot, sweaty fuck. She had no idea what he was thinking but if the weary grin on his face and the jizz slowly drying against her skin were any indications he was just as happy as she was. After a few seconds of silence he slowly pulled away and she lifted herself up off the table. Sitting upright just enough to grin at him but no so high that she caused any of his spunk to drip off her body and onto the floor Anna let out a cute little giggle. Something about the sight of her partner standing there naked save for a tool belt with his flaccid cock hanging between his thighs was quite amusing now that she'd cum. It perfectly walked the line between silly and stupid. He seemed to pick up on what she was laughing at pretty quickly. After a glance down at himself he let out a chuckle and jokingly covered himself as though he were embarrassed. She grinned a little wider and averted her eyes as though she were trying not to stare at his nudity. 

When she looked back at him a couple seconds later he was bending down to pick up the few bits of clothing that'd made it from the living room and Anna finally spoke her first word to him, “Next time don't be afraid to cum inside me.”

“All right.” He said in a voice as cool and rugged as his appearance, “I'll see you around neighbor.”

“Yes you will.” Anna fell back against the table and closed her eyes. Her face lit up in a wide smile as she took several long, deep breaths. “I wonder if his friends are as cute as him . . .”


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