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And here's the second part of my little series. I hope y'all are enjoying this indulgence on my part. Be sure to let me know if you have any thoughts on this method one way or another!

Anna rolled into her driveway around seven o'clock, her sporty little hatchback scraping against the sharp incline. She turned the car off and gathered her purse before stepping out letting out a long, contented sigh. The drive into the city was a bit of a pain in the ass but having somewhere quiet to come back to after a busy day of filming was absolutely worth it. Although she hadn't really interacted with all her neighbors to the same degree as the Kellers she had spoken to them enough to offer a wave upon seeing Mrs. Greenberg returning home with groceries next door or Mr. Lopez mowing his lawn on the opposite side of the street. They happily waved back and a noticeable sense of contentment filled her chest. As she walked down to the mailbox her brilliantly white heels thunked loudly against the pavement. Anna was well aware of how strange she must have looked dressed in strapless ivory dress that hugged her body like a loved and barely reached the midpoint of her thighs. On a Thursday night no less. But the furtive stares she earned for wearing such a flashy, by her neighborhood's standards at least, outfit were just icing on the cake. At that moment in time none of them had any idea she'd just come back from a marathon gangbang followed by a similar, all girl scene that featured no small amount of watersports. Hell most of them probably couldn't even comprehend her doing something like that!

Except Beatrice of course but surprisingly Mrs. Keller had been quite tight lipped about what the newest homeowner on Kennedy Road actually did for her money. Based on how Mark acted she hadn't even told her husband. It was both impressive and a little thrilling to have an instant 'secret' with one of her neighbors. Of course Anna had absolutely no issue with anyone finding out about her job. She wasn't ashamed of it and they were almost certainly going to find out anyways. But for the time being she had fun knowing only a single, flustered housewife was aware she was a pornstar. And because she found that shared knowledge so much fun she'd taken every opportunity to share behind the scenes pictures and clips with the adorable Mrs. Keller. They'd exchanged numbers a couple days after Anna had moved in and up until now had barely made use of it. Then, out of the blue, Beatrice opened a text that simply read 'make sure you're alone'. When she responded with 'I am' the next message received was a picture of her favorite pornstar and new neighbor swallowing a massive cock while another one was resting against her forehead and two more were draped over her shoulders. The pictures only grew more lewd from there.

In fact Anna was still sending them even as she collected her mail. Pausing with a small cluster of letters in one hand she smiled impishly as she shared a video of her being drenched in pussy juice by a costar. She was so enamored with what she was doing she didn't pay any attention to the college aged boy walking by. At least not until he let out a watery sniffle and cleared his throat. Incorrectly assuming he was trying to get her attention she slowly looked up from her phone only to find him not paying her the slightest heed. In fact he didn't even seem to notice her as he slowly walked by. Which, along with his tear stained face, only inspired more curiosity than ever. Anna typed out a quick message to Beatrice without even looking and tucked her phone into her purse along with her mail. While it was certainly no business of hers why he was trying and failing not to cry she couldn't help but approach him and ask. Partly because she was genuinely concerned and partly because he was definitely cute and it seemed like a rather easy opportunity to ingratiate herself with a possible companion. But the former was definitely the bulk of her motivation. Of that she was almost one hundred percent certain.

“Excuse me?” She said, approaching him with her head tilted to the side and a reassuring smile on her face, “Are you all right?”

“It's nothing.” He immediately replied in a voice thick with emotion. “Don't worry about it.”

“Oh come on, you don't expect me to buy that do you?”

“What does it matter?”

“I suppose it doesn't.” Anna admitted, “But that doesn't mean I can't be concerned.”

Nodding at her words and furtively rubbing his eyes he let out a little sigh and said, “My girlfriend broke up with me . . .”

“Oh my God, I'm so sorry!”

“Yeah. She just . . . she just . . . ended it. Didn't even tell me why.”

“That's horrible sweetie.” Anna took a couple steps closer and reached up to lay a hand on his naturally broad shoulder, “I know it hurts right now but we've all been there.”

“Yeah right.” He replied, “How many times have you been dumped by text message?”



“Mmhmmm. Another time a guy just flat out stopped talking to me entirely.”

“That's . . . that's crazy!”

“Some people are dicks.” She said with a laugh, “Once you accept that it's a lot easier to deal with the shitheads. And to enjoy the nice people.”

“Yeah . . . I guess that makes sense . . . I still feel like shit though.”

“And that's totally normal. Breakups are never easy.”

“I've never had one before.”

“You mean she was your first girlfriend?”

“Yeah . . . we've been together—we were together for six years.”

“Ouch. I'm really sorry sweetie.” She started stroking his well muscled shoulder with her thumb, a sincere smile spread across her face. 

“My name's Anthony.” He said after glancing down at her hand and then at her.

“It's nice to meet you Anthony, I'm Anna. Sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances.”

“Yeah . . .” They stood there for a couple seconds before he cleared his throat and awkwardly said, “I should probably get going. My parent's house is still a couple of blocks away and I wanna get back before they hear about the breakup.”

“Do you want a ride?” She asked, “There's no reason you have to walk all that way when you're feeling so miserable.”

“I-I don't wanna be an inconvenience.”

“I wouldn't have offered if it was an inconvenience.”

“Oh . . . that makes sense . . .”

“Yes it does.” Anna laughed, charmed by the flush creeping over his tanned face and by the way he ran his fingers through his tousled brown hair, “So let's go!”

Patting him on the shoulder and sauntering back up her driveway she didn't even look back as unlocked her car and stepped inside. Although she could feel his eyes following her and could easily picture the look on his face it was far more enjoyable to hear the click of the passenger side door as he opened it. A moment later he sat down, her car sagging a little as his bulky frame strained the suspension, and promptly buckled his seat belt. Immediately thanking her before they'd even started moving Anthony offered a smile that was equal parts gratitude and relief. No doubt the latter was from the air conditioning suddenly blasting his sweat and tear covered face. Anna told him not to worry about it and they pulled out of the driveway soon after.

The trip didn't take more than five minutes but they managed to talk quite a lot throughout. Mostly about shitty relationships and breakups with her doing most of the actual talking. “And if you can believe it he still thinks he didn't do anything wrong.”

“Wow . . . that's just . . . that's just . . .”


“Yeah . . . I can't believe anyone would treat you like that!”

“Men can be assholes sometimes.” Anna remarked as her car rolled to a stop in front of Anthony's parent's house, “So can women. It's just how things are.”

“Yeah but you're so nice a-and pretty! Those guys should be worshiping y-you . . .”

He faltered a little as Anna's smile widened and she arched an eyebrow. What he'd just said started to sink in but before he could back track she interjected, “Worshiping me huh? You're the first one to ever think that highly of me.”

“I don't—I mean I do but I—it was just a—that's not how—”

She cut his adorable stammering short by reaching out and resting a hand against his nicely shaved cheek, “You're very sweet.”

“T-thank you . . .”

Although she couldn't feel his heart flutter as she touched him Anna could certainly sense the nervous excitement coming from her companion. The way his dark eyes widened and a small shiver crept down his spine were as dead a giveaway as the rather hard to miss bulge in his jeans. She noticed his swelling cock almost immediately and he noticed her glance at it out of the corner of her eye. A couple moments of tense, uncertain silence passed by. Or more accurately it was tense and uncertain for Anthony because Anna knew exactly what she wanted. She kept her hand on his cheek while the other unbuckled her seat belt and slowly reached towards his thigh. As soon as it made contact he sucked in a sharp breath and apparently found his voice.

“I-I should be going.” He said.

“Why?” She asked.

“B-because . . . because I . . .”

“Do you want to stay?”

“I mean . . . I don't . . .”

“Do you want to stay?” 

“I . . . yes . . . I-want to stay . . .”

“Then stay . . .”

Sliding her hand across his nicely rigid bulge Anna slowly unzipped his jeans without ever breaking eye contact with her nervous partner. She slowly licked her lips and offered the kind of smile that could melt a glacier as her fingers slipped into his boxers. Upon finding his nicely proportioned cock she couldn't help but let out a little gasp. While slightly exaggerated there was definitely a good amount of sincerity in her reaction. Like it was nothing she freed his member from it's cloth prison and even reached into his boxers to do the same with his sack. Only once it was all sitting exposed in the dull amber light did she finally look down with wide eyes and an even wider smile. Maybe about seven inches in length with a good thickness and a beautiful overall shape his cock was almost perfect for what she had in mind. Anything bigger and it might have been a serious ordeal, anything less and it might have been a challenge. But just looking at it in the couple of seconds before she acted Anna knew she'd have no trouble swallowing that lovely dick. And hopefully his cum not long afterwards.

Her fingers immediately wrapped around his cock and started stroking it while Anna smiled impishly at her dumbstruck companion. Anthony was clearly unable to process everything that was happening but that was perfectly fine. She moved the center console out of the way and slowly leaned across the seat, her breath hot on the tip of his member. His whole body tensed as her lips came tantalizingly close to his shaft. Instead of just burying the whole thing in her mouth and sucking the life out of him she decided to start off slow and build to that eventual payoff. Namely by extending her tongue and swirling it around his wildly twitching head for several seconds. Her efforts were immediately met with a groan and a little spurt of precum. Anna happily licked up the precum and giggled at his pleasured reaction. Since she couldn't exactly see his face bent over as she was she closed her eyes and let instinct take over. Her tongue slid a little further down his shaft while her hand continued stroking it at the same time. More cum beaded on the head of his shaft and it was quickly scooped up while she lathered his member in saliva.

Anthony groaned even louder as Anna's soft lips finally started to envelop his shaft, the movement of her tongue naturally bringing them closer with every pass around his dick. One of his hands found it's way to her shimmering blonde hair but rather than pushing her down or doing anything in line with what she might have expected he simply pulled her locks out of the way. Anna couldn't help but smile as she felt her hair tucked behind her ear followed shortly by the sensation of his appreciably gentle touch on the back of her head. She almost wanted to stop and give him a nice, wet kiss in response to that sincere show of affection. But since she was much to busy working her way onto his cock she resolved to bring across her approval in another way. Her hand vanished from his dick and she effortlessly gobbled up the entirety of his shaft in a single push. His protracted groan was met with an equally pleasured moan from her as well, although her sounds were far more muffled thanks to the cock now stuffed into the back of her throat.

She held herself against his dick for several uninterrupted seconds, her well trained gag reflex barely offering any resistance as spit and precum drooled from her mouth. Normally she wasn't quite this sloppy with her oral sex, for men anyways, but since he was clearly inexperienced with women she decided to have a little fun embellishing things a bit. There was no harm in playing to a common fantasy and giving him a nice, wet blowjob. Her efforts quickly saw spit dripping down his balls and they afforded her a perfect chance to loudly slurp up some of the fluids leaking from her throat and mouth. Both the sensation of her sucking and the sound it caused made Anthony shiver but it was his wildly throbbing shaft that really drew Anna's attention. Unless she'd completely misjudged how much sexual experience he had there was no way he wouldn't be blowing his load within a minute. Maybe two or three if he was really committed to lasting as long as he could. Part of her wanted to drag it out and really savor both the thrill of blowing a guy she just met and the fun of knowing hers was the best blowjob he'd ever had. But the rest didn't want to increase the risk of being caught anymore than she had to. Plus the thought of gulping down his jizz made her already wet pussy ache so it was hardly a surprise when she opted from making him cum as quickly as she could.

With that new goal in mind and a messy smile on her lips Anna cupped Anthony's balls and slowly pulled back. A long, watery gurgle accompanied her retreat while her fingers lightly fondled his sack in a way that all but begged him to cum. Her mouth glided up the entire length of his dick in one smooth motion only to stop with nothing but the tip inside. She licked and played with his head for a few seconds before pushing right back down considerably faster than before. So fast in fact that by the time he'd started to moan she was already bouncing right back up his prick again. The subtle tightening of his grip on her hair along with the mad twitching of his shaft told Anna she was on the right track. Not that she really needed any sort of confirmation. Letting out a sloppy laugh as her lips temporarily left his cock entirely she started stroking his prick with her free hand. Lifting her head enough to smile at him, the precum and saliva dripping down her cute little cleft chin making her look like some kind of sex fantasy. He watched in amazement as she flashed him a smile that made lesser men blow their loads almost instantly, licked her lips, and said perhaps the most arousing thing he'd ever heard in his young life.

“Just lie back and enjoy cutie.” Anna cooed, “And when you have to cum . . . I want every last drop in my throat . . .”

“Okay . . .”

Anthony reached down to let the seat recline as far as it could go and the moment he did Anna inhaled his dick as if it were her sole purpose in life. She decided to let him glimpse the cock slobbering whore that so many men fantasized about, thoroughly aroused by the thought of a perfect stranger seeing that side of her and wondering just who the hell she really was. Her head bobbed up and down his length with a passion and skill that only a true professional could accomplish. A constant stream of sloppy gurgles, loud slurps, and eager moans filled the car and likely echoed into the mostly empty street beyond. Although he was just as vocal as Anna there was no way Anthony could begin to match the sheer cacophony of lewd noises bursting from her lips. It was absolutely deafening in the best possible way and it was still secondary to the actual feeling of her mouth and throat repeatedly engulfing his shaft.

In thirty seconds he was panting harder than he ever had in his life, shivers running through his entire body as his cock spasmed wildly inside her mouth. Precum was oozing into her throat at a steady rate and the fact that she effortlessly swallowed it all up while slobbering over his prick and making it very clear how much she loved it was simply divine. In a minute he couldn't see straight and his entire body felt like it was floating on a cloud. For all he knew he'd died and gone to some kind of strange, incredibly lewd heaven. And if that was the case he couldn't imagine what he'd done to earn such an incredible afterlife. Anna's passionate and just a little bit over the top movements were the stuff of fantasies yet he was somehow lucky enough to experience them firsthand. All because he'd been broken up with by a woman he thought loved him. By the time they were nearing their second minute of nonstop oral pleasure Anthony was ready to blow. On pure instinct he almost tried to warn the woman bouncing up and down on his dick or even pull her away. But then he remember what she'd said and his words came out as a choked gasp. There was no telling if she got the message and there was no way he could do anything to stop himself even if she hadn't.

Luckily for both of them Anna was more than prepared for the frankly astonishing amount of cum that exploded into her mouth. Had she been less experienced with such things she might've choked and it almost certainly would've exploded out of her nose. But she was ever the consummate professional and with a practiced ease she managed to gulp down that first eruption like it was nothing at all. His astonished and wholly pleasured moaning was music to her ears while the bitter taste of his cum was a lovely garnish. Keeping her lips pressed snugly against the base of his cock she let out a throaty moan each time a new creamy jet blasted into her mouth. Her fingers continued to tease and fondle his sack as her lips sucked the spunk from his member almost faster than he could give it to her. While he still had no idea what she did for a living Anthony was all but convinced he'd happened across some kind of cock sucking demon taking the guise of a beautiful young woman. That was the only explanation for the sheer amount of force with which she blew him. 

It felt for all the world like he wasn't cumming into her mouth so much as she was literally vacuuming up his jizz. All at once draining and exhilarating he was utterly astonished by the warmth and tightness of her mouth throughout his orgasm. And when she continued sucking on his cock well after he had nothing left to give he genuinely couldn't believe his life had led to such a point. She continued licking, sucking, and fondling him for a good minute after he was finished dumping his load into her mouth, just in case he ended up finding a second wind. When it was clear he was spent she happily pulled away with a little trail of spunk hanging from her lips. Her companion slowly returned to an upright position and stared at her like she'd just performed some sort of miracle. 

“That was amazing . . .” Anthony panted, “I've never . . . I've never experienced anything like that before!”

“Your ex didn't suck cock like that?” Anna asked as she licked cum from her lips and smiled at him.

“No . . . not even close . . .”


As she sat upright he clumsily pushed his softening dick back into his pants and asked, “Sh-should I do you now?”

“You want to go down on me?”

“Of course! I mean it's only fair right? A-and I wanna make you . . . make you . . .”

“Cum?” Anna supplied, leaning in close as she spoke and really drawing out the word in a seductive manner.

“Yeah . . .”

Her eyes met his and for a brief moment she genuinely considered taking him up on his offer, “Maybe next time cutie.”

“Next time?”

Anna shrugged and bit her lip, “Yeah, maybe . . . who knows?” She slowly leaned away from him and added, “But you should definitely keep that attitude regardless. Women love a man willing to give as much as he recieves.”

“O-okay.” Anthony blushed and smiled, his goofy expression nearly making her rethink her decision, “Thank you.”

“For the ride or the blowjob?”

“B-both. But especially the ride.” Anna arched an eyebrow and he immediately clarified, “T-the blowjob was great too! I-I really liked that!”

“I know you did cutie.” She laughed. “Now get inside before people really start to wonder what we're doing.”

“All right. Thank you again Anna!” He said as he opened the door and started to climb out.

“You're welcome Anthony.” She replied. He shut the door and walked inside the house they were parked in front of with a noticeable spring in his step. Anna knew a blowjob wasn't gonna fix much of anything but at the very least she'd made him feel good and given herself something to think about while she was enjoying her shower head later that evening. “I think next time I'll let him go down on me.” She thought to herself as she drove away, “I bet he'd do everything I say . . .”


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