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For those wondering about the title I've decided to try something different with this idea. Rather than writing one big story I'm writing several smaller ones centered around the same protagonist. I'll be releasing one of them a day for as long as l feel like writing about the subject with a mind towards something more anthology based. This first chapter is more setup and as such lacks any real sex but hopefully y'all are still interested enough to check back in tomorrow when things get naughty again!

As the movers set down the last box Anna West couldn't help but smile. After years of renting an apartment in the city it was such a breath of fresh air to move into a sleepy little suburb outside of Los Angeles. She'd been saving for ages for a down payment on a modest little one story house and it felt incredible to actually be standing in a living room she unambiguously owned. Even if it was filled with boxes and still had the smell of whatever air freshener the real estate agent had used during the open house. She took a few moments to enjoy the satisfaction that came with finally being a house owner before turning towards the trio burly men that'd helped her move. All three were milling around the entryway talking quietly to one another. As she approached they immediately fell silent and turned to face her, clearly expecting their 'boss' to suddenly have more tasks for them. One even went as far as to ask what else they needed to do.

“You're all done!” Anna said in her characteristically cheerful, high pitched voice, “Thank you so much for your help!”

“Sure thing Ms. West.”

“It was our pleasure.”

“You're welcome.”

She took a moment to flash each of them with a beaming smile before reaching into the back pocket of her shorts to retrieve some money for them, “Here's a little tip for being so efficient. I thought it was gonna take way longer!”

The movers took the small wad of bills offered to them, identical looks of surprise on their face, “Thank you Ms. West!” They said in unison, like schoolboys thanking their mother.

“Thank you for all your help!” Anna replied, “I'll be sure to leave you guys a great review online.”

Nodding at her words as they stuffed their tips into their pockets and walked out the door the movers thanked her one more time. She gave them a charming smile in return and waved as they trundled down the driveway. The three men drove off soon after and Anna remained standing on her porch enjoying the brisk morning air. It was supposed to get quite warm later in the day but for the time being it was simply lovely outside. So lovely she almost didn't want to go back in and start unpacking. Had she owned a little more stuff she probably would've put it off but since she'd spent so much of her life in a relatively small apartment there was barely anything to unpack. If she really put her mind to it she could almost certainly get it all done by mid afternoon. Or at the very latest early evening. So with a slightly amused sigh she turned away from the pleasant sight of her new neighborhood and stepped back into the house to unload her comparatively meager amount of belongings.

All the furniture she'd brought with her from her apartment had already been placed where she wanted it by the extremely helpful movers and with that hassle negated it was easy to unload the rest of her stuff. Dishes were put away, books were organized on shelves, clothes were folded and hung on hangars, paintings and posters were secured to the walls, and all the toiletries were placed in the appropriate rooms. All told it took even less time than she anticipated and once she'd slid her large black trunk full of sex toys beneath the bed everything was pretty much in order. Barring the large stack of now empty boxes she had to break down and store in the garage for later. Anna had just retrieved a knife to cut the duct tape when the doorbell rang. Wholly unused to having such a thing she actually jumped a little as the chime rang through the entire house. An immediate grin spread across her face as she set her blade down and practically bounced into the entryway. She'd never really interacted with her neighbors before and she couldn't wait to change that in her new home.

Reaching the door and pulling it open with an eager giggle Anna was greeted by a couple maybe fifteen years her senior. The man was near six feet tall with the kind of average build one so often saw from men living comfortable lives in the suburbs. His brown hair was just starting to recede and he was dressed in a sweater and slacks despite the heat. The woman beside him was considerably shorter with a mousy look about her but a sincere smile spread across her face. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun and she had a string of pearls around her neck along with a modest blouse and skirt covering her slightly plump body. She was also holding a large, foil covered tray in both hands. In more ways than one the two couldn't have been more stereotypical if they'd greeted her with a boisterous 'howdy neighbor' as soon as she opened the door. Instead their greeting was slightly more innocuous but not less eager. Undoubtedly they were surprised to find a woman like Anna answering the door.

Standing at five feet three inches with platinum blonde hair and the alabaster skinned face of a cherubic teenager always breaking into a smile she didn't look a day over sixteen. Possessing sparkling green eyes, dark and delicately plucked eyebrows, a cute button nose, and the kind of sultry lips that betrayed a bit of perversity she looked every bit like the prom queen archetype seen in most high school movies. Her naturally petite shape further reinforced this appearance thanks to her slender shoulders and tiny waist with only a tight, round ass to contrast her dainty upper body. Although from the waist down she was considerably more buxom, her relatively long legs showing off a hint of the same plumpness that gave her rump such a pleasing shape. The cute little cleft in her chin and her small, incredibly perky breasts nicely rounded out the teenage girl next door look that'd made her such a sought after talent in the porn industry. The fact that she was actually twenty four years old almost never came up and certainly didn't matter to anyone hoping to suspend disbelief for the sake of a fantasy. Even standing in her own doorway wearing her favorite cut off jean shorts and a short sleeved white t shirt she looked more like someone's daughter answering the door than a homeowner.

“Hello neighbor!” The man greeted, “We're your neighbors from across the street! I'm Mark Keller and this is my wife Beatrice!”

“It's lovely to meet you!” Beatrice said, “I made you brownies as a welcome to the neighborhood gift!”

“I love brownies!” Anna remarked, “Thank you so much, that's really sweet of you guys. I'm Anna West.”

As she extended her hand and Mark shook it Anna noticed a subtle change come over Beatrice. Her eyes widened ever so slightly and her cheeks darkened just a little bit. It was a reaction she'd seen many times in her life and one that never failed to make her inwardly laugh. Although she was far more used to spotting those flashes of recognition with men it wasn't rare for a woman to be familiar with her work either. In fact it'd been happening more and more often in the last few years. When she finished shaking Mark's hand she cast a quick glance at Beatrice, her eyes sparkling and her head ever so slightly nodding in confirmation. Her neighbor's cheeks immediately flushed red and the corners of her lips started to curl upwards in an astonished grin. But before anything else could be said or done Anna invited the couple inside for a glass of water. They happily accepted with one of them looking downright faint as she stepped into the entryway.

“I'm glad someone finally bought this house!” Mark exclaimed as he strolled confidently into the living room, “It's been vacant for almost a year now and we were starting to worry it'd never get sold!”

“I can't imagine why it took so long to sell!” Anna remarked as she shut the door and led Beatrice into the kitchen so she could relieve herself of the heavy tray. “As soon as I saw it I was in love!”

“That's how we felt about our house when we moved in, right dear?”

“A-absolutely.” Beatrice agreed, nodding her head and looking from Anna to Mark with a slightly nervous smile.

“So are you here all by yourself?”

“For now. I just had to get out of the city and since this neighborhood is so affordably I couldn't say no!”

“Yeah it's a great area!” Mark said, his voice echoing in the relatively empty kitchen, “If you don't mind my asking what line of work are you in Anna? We don't see many young'uns like you moving in around here.”

Beatrice's whole body tensed and she sucked in a breath sharp enough to pull her husband's attention to her for a split second. When he was done quizzically eyeing his wife he turned back towards Anna and she answered him with a smile, “I work in online entertainment.” She replied. 

“Oh like Netflix and stuff?”

“Yeah along those lines.”

“That's really nifty! I've never met anyone who does that sorta thing!”

Out of the corner of her eye Anna could see Beatrice watching her with equal parts excitement and dread. “It's really very dull. You just do the same sort of thing day in day out. I meet a lot of fun people but that's really the only thing worth mentioning. What do you do Mark?”

“Oh don't even get me started!” He exclaimed, “I used to be in textiles but that was just too plain so I went back to school a few years ago and learned a little more about computers . . .”

For the better part of twenty minutes Mark talked about his work while Anna played the part of an attentive new neighbor. Both she and Beatrice were seated on opposite sides of the small island that formed the centerpiece of the kitchen while he stood in front of them wildly gesturing with every punch line or anecdote. In truth she didn't give a shit about anything he was saying but the more he talked the more parched he became. And the more parched he became the more water her drank. Every time she refilled his glass her smile grew a little more impish, though Beatrice was the only one to actually notice. By the time he'd finished off his third tall glass of water he was visibly squirming. He managed to get all the way through a rambling story about the last office Christmas Party before he was forced to stop talking and relieve himself.

“I hate to be a bother but I need to use the facilities.” He said.

“Oh it's no bother at all!” Anna replied, “Just go through the living room and down the hall. You can't miss it!”

“Thank you so much, I'll be back in a jiff!”

Anna smiled at him and nodded, watching like a hawk as he disappeared into the bathroom. As soon as the door was shut she turned towards Beatrice and bluntly asked, “You know what I really do don't you?”

“Yes . . .” She breathed. Her embarrassment was just as apparent as her excitement, “I've been watching your videos since you first started . . “

“Wow, I don't get to meet many die hard fans.” Leaning in closer and biting her lip Anna posed another question, “Which video is your favorite?”

Beatrice turned a deep, brilliant shade of red and shook her head. “It's too embarrassing.”

“Oh don't be silly! How often do you get to have this sort of conversation with an actual pornstar? I'm sure there's plenty you wanna talk about and we don't exactly have a lot of time.”

“Well actually Mark has a little bit of an issue with his prostate so . . .”

“Then what are you waiting for?!” Anna wondered with a jubilant grin, “I love hearing which videos my fans really enjoy!”

“You do?”

“Yes! So tell me already!”

“Well . . . I really love the first time you did anal . . . with that tall . . . muscular guy . . .”

“That was a fun shoot.” Anna agreed, “And he was a really fun partner outside of studio too.”

“You had sex with him after the shoot?”

“Absolutely. We went back to his place after getting dinner. I sucked his cock a little and he ate my pussy a lot. I had no idea how much he liked going down on women but oh my God did he like going down on women . . .”

“Oh my!” Turning even more red than before and fanning her face Beatrice leaned in as well, “Did you . . . did you have sex?”

“Absolutely.” Anna said with a smile, thoroughly delighted by how eager her neighbor was to hear the story. And that she'd picked a favorite video that had a story to follow, “There's no way I wasn't gonna ride that big dick of his again. Especially without the cameras rolling.”

“Why do the cameras matter?”

“Well when you're filming for a video you usually have to stop to get directions or maybe change positions. But when it just a booty call there's nothing getting in the way of a good, hard fuck.”

“Oh . . .”

“Mmhmmm. First I was on top and I rode that big cock of his nice and slow. Eventually he started moving too and things got a little faster. And a whole lot wetter. He even rubbed my clit and played with my nipples which is always a huge turn on. Then he fucked my doggystyle and oh God did he really let loose!”

“Wow . . .”

“Wow is exactly the right word! He fucked me so hard and so fast I'm pretty sure I went cross eyed. It was a little bit like the video but since he didn't have to worry about looking good or making sure the camera could see everything he could just fuck me. I rubbed my clit and he pounded me from behind until we both came.”

Looking like she was ready to faint Beatrice was emphatically fanning her face, “W-where did he . . . what happened to his . . . what did you do with . . .”

“His cum?”

“Yes . . .”

Absolutely delighted by how eagerly her companion was hanging on her every word Anna was reminded of how fun it was talking about her sex life with people outside of the industry, “Well after I finished cumming all over his dick he pulled out and absolutely covered my ass. I couldn't believe how much he had left after the shoot earlier. You remember how big the facial he gave me in that video was right?”

“Of course!”

“It was even bigger than that.”

“Wow . . .”


The two women looked at one another for several seconds, Beatrice was utterly floored by what she was imagining and the simple fact that she was seated across from the incomparable Anna West. “Do you do that sort of thing a lot?” She eventually asked.

“It depends. I've got a few guys I like to meet up with and most of them work in the industry. But that's only when I don't have a boyfriend.”

“That makes sense . . . when you have a boyfriend do you—” the rest of her question was cut short by the sound of a flushing toilet followed by the click of a door opening, “Mark's done!” Beatrice unnecessarily announced.

“Don't worry, I won't say anything.”

“Thank you! He doesn't know I watch porn, he's very traditional and I don't think—hello dear!”

“Are you feeling okay Beatrice?” Mark asked upon reentering the kitchen, “You're awfully flushed.”

“A-actually I do feel a little lightheaded.” She said with a small glance towards Anna.

“Did you want a glass of water?” Her host offered.

“Oh no I don't want to be any trouble. I think I'll just go home and lie down for a little while.”

“Are you sure?” Her husband asked, a note of disappointment in his voice, “I didn't get a chance to tell Anna about the company picnic last year!”

“She's our neighbor dear, you'll have plenty of time to tell her all your stories.”

“I suppose your right. Thank you for having us Anna and welcome to the neighborhood.”

“Thank you for the brownies and the lovely stories!” Anna replied, “I already feel right at home!” She walked the two of them to the entryway and added, “I'll bring your tray back to you as soon as I've had a chance to wash it!”

“Thank you.” Beatrice said in a voice loaded with subtext, “We'll talk to you soon I'm sure!”

“I look forward to it! Have a good afternoon!”

“You too!”

Anna waved cheerfully at them and when Beatrice inevitably glanced back at her before crossing the street she gave her a coy wink. The Kellers returned to their home while she stepped onto the porch to look at the neighborhood with fresh eyes. There was no telling how much fun she could have once a couple more people learned who she was and what she did. Her apartment complex had been an endless source of enjoyment but most of those people had been around her age. As a woman who's interests leaned older than herself the idea of hooking up with a couple suburban dads was definitely an appealing one. Especially if they were recently divorced and just looking for a quick nut to celebrate their newfound freedom. In her experience those were the best guys to have around on a boring Sunday afternoon. Anna watched a few cars drive by and ogled a couple of middle aged women as they jogged by, her eyes sparkling and her mind racing with ideas.

“It's good to be home.” She thought to herself. A few minutes later she went back inside, her thoughts occupied by those brownies and the melon soda she'd bought while driving through Little Tokyo. “It's good to be home.”


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