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I don't really have all that much to say about this one. It's a fun little romp between two fantasy creatures and I hope y'all enjoy it!

Though there were many great and magical forests in the world none were greater than the Hypomidese Woodlands. Stretching all the way across the continent from the Patagean Expanse to the Sapphire Ocean it's seemingly endless breadth was home to every being the Gods had created, save humans. It was perhaps the last bastion of true wilderness in a realm caught in the march of civilization. Untold numbers of creatures called the leafy undergrowth their home with countless more claiming the towering trunks that held up the canopy where all manner of winged beings lived. From afar the woods looked like a great, emerald and gold sea as the branches swayed in the idyllic breeze. A scattered collection of mountains pierced the rolling, tree covered hills like islands from which all manner of gargantuan beings could be seen taking roost. No mortal creature had ever set foot inside and returned to tell of what lay beyond the arcadian outer limits. Once they passed out of sight of the fields beyond they were lost forever in the last true wild place left. Many thought those brave souls were devoured by the beasts lurking beneath every root and behind every bush. Others thought they were beguiled by spirits and led to a doom more wonderful than any afterlife. Some even thought it was within those woods that the Gods lived and it was their splendid visage that kept men from ever returning. But whatever the truth was humans would never learn of the mystery.

From across the Patagean Expanse a boat drifted towards the bucolic shores of the Hypomidese Woodlands. Carved from the trunk of a towering cypress tree and steered by a paddle made from the branch of a mighty pine it was the vessel of Kleon, the first and only Satyr to ever venture beyond the woods and across the seas. Stricken by a wanderlust in his youth he had defied the unspoken rules of the forest and departed to see what lay beyond. And yet despite the nature of his departure his return was met with jubilation from creatures large and small. The moment his boat ran ashore and his cloven hooves touched the sand birds chirped in elation and all manner of small woodland beings emerged from the undergrowth. They swarmed around him chittering and squeaking and scampering in delight as knelt down among them. Those that could climbed up the fuzzy brown hair covering his goat legs or onto his outstretched hands. A number of cheerfully cawing birds landed atop the long, curly mess of black hair adorning his head with a handful taking roost atop the small horns protruding from his tangled locks. Any who managed to climb their way onto his bronzed shoulders nuzzled against his beaming face with the smallest among them even climbing into his beard. For hours his furred, clawed, and feathered friends celebrated his return with Kleon greeting all of them one by one, his blue eyes sparkling in glee.

When he eventually rose to his feet and returned to his boat it looked, for a moment, as if he was about to return to the ocean and once more leave them alone. But to their continued delight he instead produced a hand carved flute from within the vessel. He raised it to his lips and blew a single, perfect note into the instrument. It hung in the air for what might as well have been an eternity and every creature within earshot sat with bated breath for the next. Smiling impishly at them and the looks of wonder on their faces Kleon lowered his flute as if to end his coming performance before it'd even begun. Greeted by a sea of crestfallen faces all across the beach his lips returned to the mouthpiece and another note filled the air just as the first was dying. Before the second could join it another followed soon afterwards. Then another. Then another. A merry, joyful song lit up the world around them as Kleon bounded towards the woods with his multitude of companions following behind him. Moving slow enough for even a turtle to follow in his wake yet somehow fast enough to carry them deep into the woods he played his song and pranced through the brush. More and more animals heard his approach and joined in the carousing, some adding their own music while the rest simply enjoyed the growing medley.

As he danced through the woods playing his flute to the music of the woods Kleon heard a voice accompany his tune. It was a voice he hadn't heard in a hundred years and one that spread an even wider smile across his bearded face the moment it's sound graced his ears. He immediately lowered his flute to hear the lovely song with many of the animals following him falling silent as well. All of them listened to Penelope's voice as they had so many times before. An utter sense of peace and serenity filled the air, one Kleon's joyful tune could never hope to match. He felt another surge of happiness flood through him followed soon after by a pang of melancholy. For an entire century he'd denied himself the beauty of her singing and upon returning he couldn't imagine why. While his court of chattering animals remained behind to bask in the contentment of her music he pushed on deeper into the forest. If she didn't already know of his return she soon would and he could only hope her delight would be as great as his. But even if it wasn't he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would rejoice in his presence just as he was rejoicing in her song.

No longer concerned with outpacing his friends Kleon bounded through the woods as fast as his legs would carry him, the sound of Penelope's happiness growing louder with every leaping step her took towards her. Vast swathes of woodlands vanished in the blink of an eye as he rushed with an ever greater speed and yet upon reaching the serene pond where he knew she'd be he stopped dead in his tracks. Creeping to the edge of the glade and peering through the leaves his smile took on a mischievous bent as he finally beheld the woman he'd been seeking. She was standing ankle deep in water at the edge of a crystal clear pool as her own court of cheerful animals joined her in song. Unlike the ones he'd left near the beach Penelope's retinue was also filled with fairies and fish and all manner of creatures of the water. Most were still within the tranquil lagoon, their heads breaking the surface as they admired the beauty standing above them. A good deal more could be seen swimming all across the modest pool that spanned most of the dale. Entire schools of fish were swirling around the large rock jutting up from the center of the pond with countless frogs and similar creatures squatting on the pockmarked surface formed by the spring water constantly bubbling from the top. Although Kleon had seen the sight many times before he'd been away long enough for the familiar tableau to become enchanting once more. Although nothing was more enchanting than the woman at the center of it all.

Outwardly Penelope seemed like little more than an inhumanly beautiful human woman. Her long, voluptuous legs slowly led into a pair of wide and perfectly sculpted buttocks shaped like the plumpest and most succulent peach. Curving inward at a soft but noticeable angle her waist nonetheless blossomed outwards a short distance beyond her hips as the presence of her ample, rounded breasts and full shoulders further added to the curvaceous shape of her body. Both arms had the same naturally buxom width as her legs and Kleon knew from experience she possessed a similarly soft and slightly protruding belly. Of course as beautiful as the rest of her body was it would've been all for naught without the breathtaking sight that was her face. With large, green eyes and curly blonde tresses that fell about her head and shoulders like a waterfall she was a beauty in the eyes of any beholder. She had a large nose that gave her a rather striking profile when she turned her head but did nothing to detract from the cute, almost innocent air of her full and constantly smiling lips. Or even the slightly upturned tip of her nose itself. And with cheeks always blushing in a rosy hue and lacking the haughty, angular nature many considered superior she was every bit as entrancing as the other nymphs of  Hypomidese Woodlands. By his reckoning she was the most beautiful.

Eventually her song ended and the normal sounds of the forest returned. He watched as Penelope bade her companions goodbye and then started to bathe in the lagoon as she had many times before. Kleon spied on her for a little while longer, waiting for the right moment to announce himself. When she bent down to scoop up two handfuls of water he was given a glimpse of her gorgeous womanhood. Peeking out between her thighs it was every bit as spectacular as he remembered. The outer lips were coated in a fine dusting of curly blonde hairs while the soft pink inner folds perpetually glistened with little drops of dew just ready to fall away. Staring for all of a few heartbeats he silently leapt out of his hiding place to bound towards her as swift as the wind. She couldn't hear him over the sound of splashing water and by the time it'd quieted he was already upon her.

Penelope's contented sigh as cool, refreshing water splashed across her face was replaced by a sudden, high pitched moan as something rough, firm, and familiar slipped inside her sex. Instantly straightening with a wild grin she recognized the fingers buried deep inside her almost instantly. Not only from the way they immediately pressed against her most sensitive area but also from how forcefully they pumped in and out of her slit in the split second it took her to turn her head. Or rather attempt to because before she could a second hand closed around her throat and kept her face pointed towards the rock at the center of the pond. Her eyes nonetheless darted to the side to see Kleon's smiling face. She felt his breath against her neck and a shiver of excitement reverberated through her body. His fingers continued to slid back and forth inside her pussy while his other hand relaxed it's grip in favor of reaching down to cup one of her breasts. Hefting her soft mount and running his thumb up and down across her puffy pink nipple the amorous Satyr couldn't help but smile. He felt her juices trickling down his digits and heard the steady drip of their passage from his hand into the water below. Penelope had instinctively spread her legs the moment she felt him and they would only open further with time. But until then she had to at least keep up some semblance of pretending she wasn't ready for his manhood.

“You've returned already?” She asked in a voice so low and sultry it made Kleon ache, “I expected you to be gone at least sixty years.”

“I was gone for a century.” He replied in a deep, husky tone. His words were delivered right into her ear as he leaned in close, “I'm sure you missed me every moment I was gone. In fact . . . I can feel it!”

He emphasized his words by pushing his fingers inside her pussy so suddenly and with such force she was lifted to the tips of her toes by it. Penelope moaned in delight and laughed as a cascade of juices leaked from her sex. She allowed him to wriggle his digits against her wildly pulsing inner walls while she savored his roughness. It'd been quite a long time since she had the pleasure of a male's company and she was certainly feeling that absence more than she let on. But that didn't mean Kleon had to be made completely aware of it. At least not until she was screaming his name to the heavens and every being in the Hypomidese Woodlands knew of his return from her pleasure alone. Though if the way he continued to pull back and thrust inside her with his wonderfully strong digits was any indication that moment might arrive sooner than she thought. In an effort to tip the scales back in her favor she reached down with her left hand to find his groin and the massive, throbbing cock hanging between his legs. Her fingers closed around the base and she gave it a soft but firm squeeze, relishing in the effect it had on every part of his body. 

From the corner of her eye she watched his back stiffen, his smile falter, and his nostrils flare. She felt his fingers tense and his cock swell followed by the musky smell of his seed leaking from the tip to join her fluids in the water beneath them, “It feels like my body wasn't the only one missing something . . . I hope you weren't without company in your travels . . .”

“Oh I had plenty of companionship,” Kleon murmured, “But none like you . . .”

“Spare me that silver tongue of yours unless you mean to use it properly!”

Laughing at her blunt request Kleon slowly pulled his fingers from her pussy and moved to face Penelope directly. He knelt down in front of her and slid his hands around her waist to grab those plump, sumptuous buttocks he'd missed so much. She moaned and reflexively tried to pull away from that firm, calloused grip. Her movement sent her pussy right towards his waiting mouth and his lips met her glistening folds with an eager grin. Another, far more enthusiastic whimper burst out of her as he slid his tongue inside her womanhood and started moving it in the same way he always did. But rather than find it dull and repetitive Penelope was nothing but enthused by his skill. After centuries enjoying one another's bodies he knew hers better than he knew the forest around them. His tongue danced to every sensitive spot within her in a graceful rhythm while her senses tried to catch up to the flurry of toe curling sensations. But by the time her mind had focused on one he'd already moved to another and she was left struggling beneath the weight of constant, overlapping pleasure. All within the first minute or so of his oral escapade. It didn't take long for her hands to jump to his wild mane and grab hold of his locks. One even wrapped around his horn in an effort to brace herself for what would arrive soon. Because no matter how many times she felt his lips against her folds he never failed to make her climax within two minutes. Less if he spent more time properly teasing her.

Penelope's juices tricking down his chin as readily as they seeped from the rock behind him and his chest was quickly glistening from her arousal. It started dripping into the water beneath them and the once clear pond grew cloudy from her sopping wet pussy. She could sense the animals and even the woodland itself growing excited, her connection to all of it giving them the smallest semblance of what she was feeling. All around the pair things seemed to come alive and yet it was little more than a background detail so long as he continued to lap at her pussy with almost ruthless efficiency. Kleon all but attacked her inner walls, his tongue pushed against them whenever they tried to clamp down and it relented the moment they gained any traction. It formed a wonderful back and forth that paired wonderfully with his extensive knowledge of how to render her an absolute mess. The moans spilling from her mouth almost matched the quantity of fluids leaking from her pussy and the way her breasts heaved as she gasped for air was hypnotic. Or rather it would've been had he not been so intensely focused on pleasuring her that his eyes had closed almost the minute he started. After a century away from women like Penelope he was doing everything in his power to remember what truly made her scream. If the breathy cadence of her cries was any indication his memory remained as reliable as ever.

He felt her fingers tighten against his head and heard the climactic gasp burst out of her lips. He had a moment to open his mouth and prepare himself for the incredible even that was a nymph's orgasm. In the next second he was nearly drowned by a flood of unbelievably sweet and incredibly potent juices as they squirted out of her pussy. The first gushing release arrived hot on the heels of a full body shiver and it sprayed into the back of his throat to be gulped down like the most delicious elixir. Kleon managed to drink nearly every drop of that initial blast while Penelope soared high above the world on a cloud made of pure ecstasy. But the second jet arrived so quickly after the first he was still in the process of swallowing. Which meant that when her fluids filled up his mouth they had nowhere to go but right back out. In a shower of droplets that caught the sunlight and filled the air with little rainbows Penelope's arousal splashed all across both her and the man responsible for it. He managed to drink down the third, admittedly lesser, fountain that erupted from her but not the fourth. The two were again splashed with the warm, pungent aroma of arousal as the forest around them celebrated the pleasure of their beloved nymph. Back and forth they went with Kleon drinking as much of her fluids as he could and Penelope simply crying out in various states of bliss regardless of whether or not her fluids ended up in his belly or smeared across their bodies. 

She didn't even begin to descend from her paradise for several minutes and even then it took quite a bit longer for true coherence to return to her. All the while her satyr lover continued licking her folds and teasing her in a way that few could, “By the Gods!” She finally gasped, “By the Gods!”

“You haven't called to them in quite some time.” He remarked, his fingers slipping inside her while his tongue was occupied. It quickly returned to it's duties when his lips met her clit and his digits remained buried inside her.

“I haven't had a reason to before now! I suppose your journey wasn't as selfish as I thought!”

“It would appear so!”

Penelope let him lavish her pussy with attention for a little while longer but as her arousal returned to what it had once been the urges she felt took on a different bent. For all Kleon's talent with his tongue he was unquestionably well equipped in other areas as well, “Stand up.” She bade him, “Stand up and fuck me properly you beast.”

Once more chuckling with naked appreciation Kleon rose out of the water to do as she asked yet again, his eagerness apparent with every movement. But Penelope wasn't watching the rest of his body. Her eyes were focused solely on that long, girthy member rising out of the water alongside his legs. It'd been submerged in the pool since he knelt down and as a result she'd missed watching it hungrily swell as she succumbed to his talents. Not that she would've been able to do much more than glance at it while being wracked with pleasure. But now she was getting a little surprise treat as she watched his dick slowly emerge from the depths like some great monster. As long as her forearm and thicker around than her bicep it was every bit as masculine as she remembered. Shaped not unlike a horse's member but colored entirely in a mottled brown that matched the tones of his fur and skin it was far, far more appealing than any equine shaft she'd been acquainted with. The water hadn't done anything to diminish that powerfully musky smell that always wafted not only from his cock but also the thick, hairy balls hanging behind it. She inhaled that manly scent with gusto and relished in the way it stung her nostrils and sent her whole body into fits of shivers. When the flared and completely flat tip emerged it did so trailing a thick strand of precum alongside the droplets of water.

“I've been looking forward to this for decades.” He growled.

“Then cease your prattling and do it!” Penelope laughed.

He offered a sardonic bow in response to her command and held it just long enough to hear that amusing huff she always did at his antics. The moment it was ringing in his ears Kleon straightened and pounced on his beautiful companion. Lunging forward with inhuman speed he grabbed her waist and effortlessly hoisted her into the air. As she had so many times before Penelope wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. She grinned wildly at him and sucked in a ragged breath while he reached down to heft his cock. A moment later she felt it's tip press against her outer folds and a powerful shiver coursed through her body. In the time it took her to suck in a breath his hands returned to her waist and his grip solidified against her alabaster skin. The two of them locked eyes and she trembled in anticipation at the impish gleam in his. Before there was any time to properly gauge what he was going to do she was given an answer when he suddenly plunged her down onto his dick with frightening force. Any mortal woman would've been split in half by the strength of that motion and while she was certainly no mortal even Penelope felt a little flicker of pain at how fast her inner walls were pushed open. But whatever discomfort she experienced absolutely paled in comparison to the flood of pleasure that cascaded through her body. Pleasure at being with her favorite lover, pleasure at being with any man at all, and pleasure at being taken in the place she felt the most safe.

There was something primal and wild about feeling his meaty cock sliding so deep inside her it kissed the entrance to her womb while in her sanctuary. When she threw her head back and moaned to the clouds above she did so surrounded by all the creatures that looked to her for guidance. When she felt his sack collide wetly with her flesh it was inside the place that held all her power. And when he started to pull back and her greedy pussy stretched outwards around his shaft the lewdness of her body was witnessed by all. Long strands of arousal seeped out of her excited slit and it was soon joined by precum as her always eager satyr companion started what was sure to be a very messy process. Already she could feel his fluids sloshing about inside her. As soon as he thrusted upwards upon pulling nearly two thirds of his prick free that lovely substance was smeared across even more of her pussy. Alongside the juices already liberally coating and leaking out of her sex it formed quite a gooey mixture. One that would only grow more viscous as he started churning up her insides. Because while she might have looked human she had none of their limitations and Kleon knew this better than anyone. Which meant he didn't have to waste any time letting her adjust to the sheer size of his cock. Her pussy was already clamped down around him tighter than any human woman and he knew once he started thrusting in earnest that enormously pleasurable sensation would only grow.

Of course that knowledge in no way prevented him from making one last quip before he reminded her why she and many other nymphs looked forward to his visits, “I wonder how quickly I can make you soil this lovely pond of yours?”

“Shut up and fuck me!”

Her lips pressed against his at the same time his hands grabbed her buttocks. Spreading apart her cheeks and revealing her cute little asshole in the process he lifted her up and slammed her back down with a beastly amount of strength. The echoing smack of their reuniting bodies filled the glade and actually sent ripples through the water beneath them. It was immediately followed by another, even faster motion and Penelope let her pleasure be known far and wide. On the third instance he thrusted upwards at the same time she was gliding downwards and the true pleasure began. No longer able to kiss him she tried to pull back only for Kleon to push forward and keep his lips snugly against hers while he at long last fucked her in earnest. She felt his always uncharacteristically tender kisses juxtapose with the ferocious nature of his thrusting, felt the wild disconnect between those two states flood her body with ecstasy. But even more than that she felt a powerful force welling up inside her body. Never quite fading after her first climax another quickly reared it's head in an eager bid to come crashing down on her even harder than the first. Penelope knew it would arrive soon and some small part of her almost wanted to deny it just out of a childish need to avoid proving him right. But such a thing was much too foolish and short of physically pushing him away she could do nothing to stop his cock as it plunged in and out of her. So she didn't even try.

Instead she focused the bulk of her attention on not going limp and sliding off his dick by accident as she had the first few times they'd be together. It was still a 'danger' even all these years later and she always hated the way it stopped their fun for a while. Partly because of the effort of getting back up and partly because Kleon couldn't stop laughing. A small degree of her focus was also dedicated to retaining a firm grip on her shoulders with one hand while the other slid down between her legs to rub the sensitive and swollen button at the crest of her pussy. It'd been rubbing pleasurably against his hairy loins since he started thrusting but that'd been little more than teasing. She wanted something far more enjoyable than teasing while her cunt was being pounded hard enough to send waves across the pond and disturb the forest for miles around. The moment her fingers touched her clit the ecstasy she was already feeling seemed to multiply beyond comprehension. Her whole body stiffened and she let out a deep, guttural sound unlike her usual noises. But it was one Kleon knew all to well.

He knew it meant she was close and he knew it meant he needed to keep thrusting if he wanted to see that dumbstruck, vacant stare that marked one of her truly incredibly orgasms. It was simultaneously adorable, hilarious, charming, and arousing. He wasn't ashamed to admit seeing that look was one of the things he most looked forward to about having sex with Penelope. And luckily for them both the long break the two of them had taken from one another made his efforts so much easier. Without any trouble at all he hammered her pussy like a wild animal, his cock and balls slamming into her what felt like a dozen times per second. His lower half was a blur as messy little eruptions of cum and pussy juice splashed out of her sex at any opportunity. All around them the water was stirred up from the force of his motions and the constant addition of ever flowing liquids raining down into it. Penelope could barely touch her clit as her body was violently bounced up and down atop his length. Even when she managed to properly massage her button the movements were so erratic they couldn't truly accentuate what he was doing. But that hardly mattered when she was wracked by an all encompassing orgasm barely a minute after he started moving at that speed. Few things did as she sank into an endless sea of ecstasy that surrounded her on all sides and shattered any semblance of self she might've retained.

Her vision faded into blackness and every other sense was overwhelmed by pleasure. The last thing she consciously noticed was the explosion of cum erupting from the tip of Kleon's cock. It was a lovely thing to fade out on and it would surely be a lovely experience to return to when lucidity found her again. Until then she was simply a quivering mass of flesh slumped against his chest moaning limply while he fucked her so mercilessly one could almost mistake it for a vendetta. But her satyr companion felt nothing but admiration for the woman violently squirting atop his cock. No one else in the forest could take him like she did. Every other nymph would've begged him to slow down or hold something back if he tried to completely let loose. But not Penelope. Everything about her utter acceptance and delight made him want to give her everything he had. It was the reason he continued thrusting even as bucketfuls of spunk blasted out of his cock. It was the reason why he started carrying her towards the edge of the pond even as he drained an ungodly amount of semen directly into her pussy. And it was the reason for his staggering towards the nearest tree. Because if he was going to truly give her everything she could've wanted there was one position above all else that would allow that. 

Upon reaching the tree he resumed the frenetic pace of his thrusting as the last of his spunk blasted into her body. The walls of her pussy were so tight around him barely a drop could escape despite how vigorously his shaft was moving. Part of that could also be the result of just how greedily a nymph held on to semen once it was given to them. While they couldn't produce offspring without the blessing of their patron Gods their bodies were nonetheless eager for every slightest globule they could get. In just about any place that could accept it. Kleon made good use of that fact by relentlessly fucking her pussy without concern while Penelope slowly pulled herself together enough to understand what'd happened and where they were. Around the time he felt her head rise from his chest and saw the faintest flicker of cognition in her eyes he knew it was time. With remarkably he spun her atop his cock and she found herself suddenly facing outwards with her back against him and his hands beneath her knees. A moment later her feet were touching the grassy floor. Dimly realizing what he was doing she reached out to brace her hands against the firm contours of the oak in front of her. She smiled down at the ground, unable to lift her head to show him her delight. Knowing full well what was about to happen she managed a small giggle of anticipation and even a few words.

“It's about time.”

For once Kleon didn't respond to her words. He would let his actions do all the talking. Because what followed was the kind of wild, completely unrestrained rutting that was spoken of in legends. Without any fear or any hesitation he absolutely ravished her pussy for hours on end as the constant sound of wet slapping and ecstatic moans filled the clearing. Not even a volcano erupting could've drowned out Penelope's constant screams of the downright vicious smacking of his hips against her ass. Another orgasm surged through her almost instantly but unlike the other two it didn't fade after a time. Instead it continued to engulf her like a fire constantly being fed wood. Every time he pulled back that split second of relief threatened to bring her down from the mountain she'd been thrown onto. But she was spared such a boring fate when he thrusted inside her and all the bliss she was feeling returned in full force. Over and over and over and over this happened with her fractured mind never able to see the pattern and her body constantly surprised each time it occurred. That constant surprise alongside the bliss of being taken so roughly and so completely was the main cause of her endless moaning. As well as the especially piercing cries that often arrived when he angled himself to hit a sensitive spot while pushing forward or pulling out. Had any beings within several kilometers been sick of hearing what a nymph in utter carnal bliss sounded like they wouldn't be getting a reprieve from that cacophony for quite a while.

Although they never deviated from that position they didn't need to. With his massive dick utterly destroying her pussy and load after load of cum being emptied inside her Penelope didn't need anything more than that. Neither did Kleon. The two were as content as a male and female could be with their situation. Perhaps even more so considering the powerful emotions they enjoyed as beings of pure magic. But regardless of how it was gauged their pleasure was apparent time and time again as he made up for every day he'd been gone and every passionate rutting they'd missed out on as a result. He used her pussy in every way a man could and she begged him to continue until the end of time. Veritable fountains of clear, beautiful juices sprayed out of her at a near constant rate as convulsions wracked her entire frame. Her stomach was gorged with his seed as the sheer volume of it finally pushed through the entrance to her womb and flooded the deepest place inside her in a waterfall of jizz. And once her cervix had been properly opened the head of his cock no longer had anything stopping it while her violated every inch of her cunt. Which only meant he could continue doing so until his superhuman endurance finally started to wane. After several hours of sex that could make Gods envious and terrify mortals. Just as she was beginning to feel the early pangs of a body so devoid of sense it was beginning to lose all understanding of time and space he slammed his dick inside her one final time. It blasted into the opening to her womb and released a final, creamy blast of seed inside the maelstrom swirling around within Penelope. Then he was finished.

Kleon's beastly shaft emerged from Penelope's gooey pussy and all the cum he'd pumped inside her started leaked out the moment his tip fell away. She let out a satisfied moan and shivered at the pleasurable sensation. Some of his seed dribbled down her thighs but the bulk of it fell in thick dollops straight from her nicely fucked slit. It was a feeling she enjoyed to no end and as she rubbed her swollen belly she knew it was one she'd be able to enjoy for quite a while. Upon turning her head to smile back at her furry lover she saw that smugly satisfied expression he always wore after being with her and it only made her giggle. Knowing how much he loved seeing the fruits of his labors Penelope leaned forward and grabbed her pert buttocks with both hands. Pulling them apart to show off not only her cum glazed cunt but also the cutely puckered little hole no man had ever enjoyed she let out a little grunt of exertion. A moment later the spunk that'd been drooling out of her suddenly squirted out in a thick jet. It was accompanied by an indecent squelch and another laugh as she launched his jizz all over the grass beneath their feet. Everywhere it landed seemed to glow with energy and when it was joined by the juices from her pussy one could practically see the ancient magic at work on the land. Of course that would require paying any attention to something other than a beautiful nymph's messy slit and the copious amounts of satyr cum erupting from it every time she tensed.

In less than a minute she'd loudly expelled most of his semen and the grass all around her was coated in a fine layer of their mixed fluids. Kleon's once softening dick had returned to full mast and he was idly stroking it with one hand. Penelope watched him, toying with the notion of encouraging him to fuck her again. She'd gone quite a while without male attention and few were better at satisfying her than satyrs. The fact that he was perhaps the best of an already exemplary lot made quite a compelling case for more sex. As did the lascivious gleam in his eyes and that little trickle of arousal seeping down her cum drenched legs. He stepped forward and laid a hand on her waist the moment she let go of her ass cheeks but before she could straighten. Her hands returned to the tree and for a second the words 'do it' formed on her lips. Yet they failed to actually emerge and Kleon sensed that hesitation. Though he continued stroking his cock he stepped back and looked at her with a curious expression. She turned to face him, pressing her back against the mighty oak and clasping her hands in front of her puffy slit. She had other responsibilities elsewhere in the woodlands and both of them knew it. Their wild bout of passionate rutting had made for a lovely interlude but she couldn't stay away from those that needed her for long.

“Perhaps you should visit Elinore,”She suggested with an impish grin, “It's been quite some time since you last saw here . . .”

“I don't think she's forgiven me yet.” Kleon replied. He stopped masturbating and grinned at his companion, “Nor has Harmonia if memory serves.”

“Perhaps you shouldn't have told them they were the only nymphs you were laying with.”

“I never told them any such thing. I simply let them assume it.”

“Ah yes. I'm sure they'll appreciate that distinction.”

“I think I'll visit Esmerelda.” He decided after weighing his options for a moment and deciding he didn't want the wrath of either nymph, “Does she still live beneath the eaves of tallest tree in Hypomidese?”

“She does.”


Kleon stepped towards his companion and gave her a long, lustful kiss, “If I'm not finished with her by the time you're duties are fulfilled come find us.”

“You couldn't handle two nymphs at once.” Penelope laughed.

“No but I'd love to attempt it all the same.”

She laughed at him and shook her head. Both of them knew she'd find them beneath that tree as soon as she could. Esmerelda was beautiful and nobody turned down a chance to lay with her, “Maybe . . . but I'll never join you if you keep me here all day . . .”

Kleon shuddered in exaggerated horror and stepped aside. He extended an arm towards the poind and offered a little bow, “Hurry my lady. Your subjects need you.”

“Not as much as you do.” She taunted, lightly swatting at his cock as she passed by, “Welcome back Kleon. It's good to see the world didn't change you.”

“It certainly didn't!” He remarked as he watched her ass sway and the remnants of his cum drip out of her, “It certainly didn't . . .”


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