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And here's the second story for the end of the month. This one wasn't so much based on the attached reference image as inspired by it. Hopefully that minor distinction won't get in the way of some good old fashioned sapphic romance!

A refreshingly cool wind blew across the desert sands as the sun finally dipped behind the horizon. The sky was filled with a radiant orange glow and for one, brief moment all the world seemed to be awash in it's color. Urbosa and Princess Zelda watched this beautiful display from a balcony on the Divine Beast Vah Naboris, the latter staring in awe as the former grinned. Both two women were exhausted after a day spend preparing for Ganon's return and the battle that would take place. Link had departed to visit the other Champions and while the two of them could ill afford to waste any time they were simply too tired to dwell on such things. At Urbosa's insistence they would stop long enough to enjoy the sunset before returning to work. Or passing out as Princess Zelda was prone to doing. They watched the sun's light wane as orange turned to purple and purple slowly faded into black. Stars appeared in the sky and constellations formed while the pale glow of a rising moon formed behind them. Had they been so inclined the pair might've stood up and made their way to the opposite side of the Divine Beast to witness the equally beautiful sight. But neither of them had the wherewithal to do such a thing. In fact Zelda was so content simply being beside her friend she'd already sidled up beside Urbosa and rested her head against the towering Gerudo woman's lap. She let out an adorable yawn as she curled up like a cat against her partner.

“The sunsets are beautiful in the desert.” She remarked.

“There's nothing like them in the world.” Urbosa commented as she rested a hand against Zelda's arm and slowly stroked her with her thumb, “Should we continue our work?”

“Yes . . . but I'm not sure I can . . .”

The Gerudo Champion laughed and caressed her friend's golden hair, “Nor am I . . . perhaps we should retire for the evening . . . we'll need our strength in the morning . . “

“We will . . .”

“But that's not what you want, is it?”

Slowly turning to look up at Urbosa with a quiet smile Zelda bit her lip and shook her head, “No it isn't . . .”

Once more her tall, copper skinned companion laughed, “And what is it you want Princess?” She asked as she bent over her Hylian partner.

Zelda's pale cheeks turned a brilliant shade of red and she stared up at Urbosa and said in a meek yet somehow resolute voice, “I want you.”

Urbosa didn't even try to hide the elation that coursed through her body. Only a short while ago neither Zelda no Link would ever express their desires so plainly. She felt no small amount of pride in helping both of them come out their shell. Along with a mild amount of disappointment that their stoic companion wasn't present to enjoy the moment alongside her. But he was no doubt enjoying Mipha's company at that very moment so it was hard to feel too sorry for him. Having the Princess all to herself was a pleasure Urbosa enjoyed almost as much as having both Hylians  at once. That much was clear the instant both women had returned to their feet. Zelda had a handful of moment sto smile up at her tall, beautifully muscled companion before she was quite literally swept off her feet. As effortlessly as ever Urbosa lifted her petite lover and carried her like a brushing bride into the belly of the Divine Beast. The two stared adoringly at one another as the Gerudo Champion made her way to the top of Vah Naboris.

Bathed in moonlight and standing at the highest point on the great mechanical beast with the beauty of Hyrule spread out all around them Urbosa and Zelda wasted no time enjoying one another's company. The latter threw her arms around the broad shoulders of the former and their lips met in a tender yet passionate embrace. They kissed lie it was the last time they'd ever have the pleasure and their tongues joined in almost immediately. Soft moans and the quiet smacking of lips filled the peaceful night air with the rustling of clothes soon joining the medley as they squirmed against each other. Urbosa slowly dropped to her knees and tenderly lowered Zelda onto the cool metal beneath them without ever breaking the kiss. It only ended when she pulled away to grin at her demure lover with a look that told the young Hylian exactly how things were going to go. And the smile she got in return was just as arousing, in it's own nervously eager way. But before they could start enjoying themselves there was one last matter to attend to: their wholly unnecessary garments. In unison the two women started undressing as swiftly as they could with Urbosa managing her task far more easily than Zelda thanks to the flowing, loose nature of her attire. 

By the time she was standing fully naked above her companion the Princess was still in the process of removing her undershirt after sliding out of her jacket. That attempt was momentarily halted upon seeing Urbosa above her lit by the glow of the mood. No matter how many times she witnessed the beauty that was her Gerudo friend it never failed to leave her awestruck. Her wide, muscled yet undeniably feminine contours looked so breathtaking under any circumstances it was almost surreal every time they were together. Getting to see those massive, softly jiggling breasts and the equally large nipples pierced with golden bars and let her gaze trail past the tight wall of abdominal muscles down to a well groomed tuft of curly red hairs above her wonderfully fat outer lips should've been illegal. When Urbosa wordlessly knelt beside her and reached out Zelda almost wanted to recoil just from the sheer intimidation of being with a woman as amazing as her. Of course good sense and an intense need overwhelmed that instinctive response and her naturally tanned lover eagerly helped her finish undressing.

As soon as her blushing, pale skinned Princess was fully naked it was Urbosa's turn to admire the beauty of the woman she was lucky enough to lie with. Everything about her from the way her eyes were as wide as they could be to the manner in which she ineptly covered her naked form was simply cute. Goosebumps had already spread across the entirety of her body and although she couldn't see it with Zelda's hand in the way Urbosa could certainly smell the arousal wafting off the blushing Hylian woman's body. The way her small, perfectly rounded and fittingly perky breasts bounced as she tried and failed not to breath too quickly was almost hypnotic. And despite having done all manner of perverted things with and to her there was still no small amount of thrill at seeing the next ruler of Hyrule splayed out naked just waiting for her to make the next move. Her slender, athletic yet plump in all the right places body was so delightful in it's innocence she almost felt bad for the lust swelling up inside her. Almost. Luckily for both of them this was all a dance they'd enjoyed before and they knew exactly where it was headed as Urbosa moved into place.

Kneeling in front of her partner's tightly coiled legs and resting her hands on Zelda's knees she offered a comforting smile. “It's a shame your Champion isn't here to distract you. I'd already have my face buried between your thighs.”

Turning redder than a blood moon the Princess averted his gaze and said, “It's so embarrassing . . .”

“And yet you never once fail to enjoy every second of it when Link or I taste you.”

“I didn't say it didn't feel good . . .”

“Then why aren't your legs parting for me?”

With a soft giggle she glanced at Urbosa for a moment, then slowly relaxed her posture. Offering one last, reassuring smile she laid down before her, pressed her hands against Zelda's thighs, and tenderly pushed open her legs. Blushing furiously as her most secret place was again revealed to the fierce yet loving gaze of a woman like her the Princess of Hyrule still couldn't believe that sort of thing was part of her life. She even covered her face with her hands and let out a quiet whimper as her companion drew ever closer. When her lips finally made contact it sent a bold of pleasure surging through her like lightning. But as wonderful as it felt that initial, wonderful surge couldn't compare to what followed afterwards. Because for all Urbosa's many talents none were more impressive than her ability to make her partners swoon in pleasure. Her tongue was gentle and restrained in it's movements and the Hylian flower it was coaxing blossomed all the more sweetly as a result. Those silky smooth and beautifully pale outer lips slowly peeled apart beneath her ministrations as the glistening pink folds beneath were revealed. Her sensitive bud gradually stiffed at the crest of her sex as the Gerudo Queen passed it by time and time again on her inexorable path across every inch of the Princess' womanhood. The alabaster skin all around her sex erupted in goosebumps as pleasure suffused her body and gradually eroded the timid reservations she always had about being so intimate with another person. Especially another person that wasn't Link. And through it all Urbosa was there guiding her beautiful lover deeper into the throes of passion with a radiant smile and a deft tongue.

Fluids started trickling from her sex in earnest as the feeling of Urbosa's affection grew stronger with every movement. It was harder and harder for Zelda to feel embarrassed as the pleasure and intimacy of the moment drowned out everything else. She started to make all the usual soft, nervous sounds that signaled her growing pleasure. And like the sweetest music those little moans and whimpers only spurred Urbosa to greater heights. Within a minute her face was pressed as tightly as possible against the Princess' sweet cunt as her tongue swirled around inside her with abandon. Normally she'd have taken much longer to build to that point, with plenty more teasing and a gradual increase in ferocity, but something about the way Zelda looked in the moonlight was stirring something inside the Gerudo Champion. With no idea what it was or where it'd come from she could only let it take over her thoughts and actions as both of them reaped the reward of this newfound lust. 

Around the time Urbosa's chin was dripping with pussy juice and Zelda's body was started to quiver uncontrollably something special happened. Entirely without thinking Urbosa slid her hands beneath her partner's waist and hoisted her into the air. At the same time she rose into a kneeling position as well and in the blink of an eye the Princess was staring up at her companion as she feasted on her pussy like it was her final meal in this life. That sudden shift in both positioning and power, not that she'd had all that much to begin with, sent a rush of ecstasy coursing through the already flustered Hylian woman. Her whole body tensed as if to try and stop what was happening but nothing could stop her voracious Gerudo lover now that she had completely control. And that was exactly where the two of them wanted to be.

Zelda's expression took on an adorably distraught appearance as the pleasure continued to fill her body and she had no way to handle it properly. Even though she and her Gerudo Queen had made love dozens of times, often with Link present and focusing his attention on her as well, it couldn't overshadow a lifetime of sexual inexperience. She could already feel a climax welling up inside her and somehow she feared it was too soon. That for whatever reason her ecstasy was ill timed and inconvenient. As though Urbosa would be dissatisfied by how easily she'd sank into the maelstrom trying to consume her. And the fact that she wanted to cry out loud enough to pierce the heavens and let all of Hyrule know how good she felt clashed mightily with her natural restraint. But her companion was nothing if not familiar with the silly little inhibitions that came with bedding the Princess and Urbosa was quite a fan of watching all of them fade away. 

It was one of the many things she adored about making love to Zelda and Link, not to mention most Hylians. They were all so reserved and often repressed seeing them come out of their shells and truly embrace the bliss that sex could cause never failed to make her own body ache. Her thighs were already soaked with her arousal and new rivulets were seeping out every second her tongue continued to lap of the sweet taste of her lover's pussy. All the while her eyes feasted on the many subtle ways the Princess of Hyrule's face changed as the inevitability of her orgasm was made clear to her. For what seemed like an eternity she was locked in that heady, unpredictable place between the building pleasure and it's release, her breath caught in her throat and her mind reeling from the sensations flooding her senses. In reality it lasted only a few seconds but to her it might as well have been a century. And when it finally came crashing down she was utterly swept up in the maelstrom. 

Urbosa felt every shiver and convulsion that heralded her companion's orgasm and she basked in them as surely as she basked in the actual climax itself. Everything from the feel of Zelda's pussy as it quivered around her tongue to the way she squirmed and stared through her fingers with hazy eyes made the moment absolutely perfect. Then it somehow transcended that perfection as a fountain of delicious juices squirted from her pussy and directly into the Gerudo Champion's mouth. Not at all surprised by the sudden deluge but every bit as aroused as the first time it'd happened she didn't think twice about gulping down that amazing font of sweet arousal. Almost simultaneously both women's eyes rolled back in their heads with Zelda losing all control as her lover effortlessly continued her ministrations without slowing while Urbosa let the sheer perversity of the situation wash over her. Only two people in Hyrule knew just how wet and explosive the Princess's orgasm was and being one of them was like knowing the greatest secret in the world. 

Rivulets of Zelda's crystal clear fluids started dripping down Urbosa's chin in long, gooey strands as the thoroughly overwhelmed young Hylian continuously unloaded jet after messy jet. It started trickling down her bare stomach soon after as her partner let some fall from her lips in an effort to let things get as sloppy and wet as they had the last few times. Admittedly they'd be missing the added pleasure of some nice jizz but she was reasonably confident they could make up for that deficit. Zelda was already doing an admirable job of that without any help. Her wildly arching back and spasming legs told Urbosa she wasn't going to be finished any time soon as the almost pained look on her face as ecstasy washed over her all but confirmed it. And for nearly two minutes that was their entire world: the Princess of Hyrule messily squirting into the Queen of the Gerudo's mouth over and over again as both of them reveled in the unabashed lust and love that'd brought them there. Even when her ecstasy started to fade and the real world slowly returned to her the utterly lewd, disheveled state of her body left Zelda in a near permanent state of euphoria. One that couldn't be diminished by Urbosa's tongue slowly retreated from her pussy and her body returning to the sticky, wet metal beneath her.

“You continue to impress Princess.” She cooed, slowly crawling over her prostrate loved and swooping in for a kiss.

Their lips reunited and the Princess was smothered beneath Urbosa's large and impossibly soft tits while the taste of her own pussy filled her mouth. It wasn't a flavor she'd ever really enjoyed but the eroticism of sharing it with whoever had just finished kissing her between her legs always sent shivers down her spine. At some point she threw her arms around her lover's shoulders and pulled her deeper into their kiss, just as the Gerudo Champion was about to break away. Sensing how vulnerable and needy her partner was she happily continued their embrace for as long as necessary, her tongue dancing around Zelda's while her hands slowly caressed her face and hair. Neither of them had any idea how long they remained there with their wet, naked bodies pressed together and all the unspoken passion of their relationship being shared through a single, endless kiss. All they could be certain of was when it finally ended the two of them were more aroused than ever. The smell of sex hung thick in the air and it clouded their minds as surely as any magic or drug. Although it didn't prevent he young Hylian woman from expressing her deep affections before they descended into debauchery once more.

“I love you!” She moaned, staring deep into her companion's eyes.

“I love you too Zelda.” Urbosa replied. She stroked her adorable lover's face, her broad hand caressing every inch of her blushing cheek. The Princess immediately nuzzled against that welcome touch and when her companion's thumb slowly drifted across her lips she didn't hesitate to wrap them around that soft digit. Suddenly it was the Gerudo's turn to shiver as her lover's soft lips sent little ripples of pleasure through her body. She let her indulge in what was for her a very brazen act of lewdness before pulling her hand away and sitting up, “I have something better in mind for those lips.”

“What?” Her partner asked. 

She started to sit up only for Urbosa to stop her with an outstretched hand. Rising to her feet with a lascivious smile she stepped over her companion's body until she was standing with her feet planted on either side of Zelda's head. After sliding them apart a little further for good measure Urbosa reached down between her thighs and spread apart the plump outer lips of her slit to reveal the creamy pink folds within. A soft laugh escaped her lips as the Princess stared up in awe, her mouth hanging open just as a few droplets formed on the Gerudo Queen's slit. They swelled for a moment and then fell away like the first signs of a coming rainstorm. One splashed against Zelda's cheek and the other fell directly onto her tongue where ti was greeted with a whimper. Urbosa laughed once more and slowly rubbed her pussy as she squatted over her companion.

“I saw how jealous you were when I sat on Link's face two nights ago.” She commented, “Perhaps this will help balance the scales . . .”

Staring as if she was facing down some terrible monster Zelda's eyes widened in utter shock. As much as she wanted her beautiful companion to sit on her face until the end of time suddenly being confronted with that experience was altogether terrifying. And yet she did nothing to stop it from happening and the moment that amazing pussy was close enough her mouth opened and her tongue emerged. It slid inside Urbosa's slit without a second though and she le tout an appreciative moan. She knew full well her nervous bunny of a lover wouldn't be able to handle anything to wild so for the first minute or so she simply squatted above her face and let Zelda's nervous tongue work it's way across her silky folds. It didn't take long for pleasure to start rippling through her body as even the most timid of movements was made better just from who was doing them. Once those efforts had found a little more conviction she felt comfortable gently grinding against her partner's mouth, the motion of her hips slow and tender despite how badly she wanted to just let loose.

This lasted for quite some time with Urbosa steadily increasing the speed of her movements while Zelda did and admirable job of keeping pace with her. But no matter how skillfully she moved her natural uncertainty was always going to limit things and they knew it. The obvious solution was to keep riding her face until that hesitation had vanished but as appealing as that was it wasn't enough. Not for the ever perverted mind of the Gerudo's most famous deviant. Instead she had something vastly more enjoyable, hopefully for both of them, forming inside her head. But she'd need to be good and wet before than point which meant the Princess got to keep licking her pussy and drinking her juices for a good while longer. It wasn't until she felt the first rumblings of an orgasm flickering through her body that Urbosa finally dismounted her lover's mouth. Rising up with a small laugh she casually reclined on the metal floor and spread open her legs in a near perfect splits. Zelda rolled over to witness this display, pussy juice dripping down her face and a smile on her lips.

She was about to ask what her companion had in mind by the incredibly lewd grin spread across her tanned features answered that question rather succinctly. And while the prospect still made her heart skip a beat it was still something she had vastly more familiarity with. Crawling on her hands and knees towards Urbosa the Princess of Hyrule wasted no time pushing her middle and ring fingers inside that gorgeous cunt. They slid in effortlessly and were met with a nice moan from the woman she adored. For a couple of seconds she pumped them in and out while curling both back towards the palm of her hands. Then she added her index followed soon after by her pinky. All for digits continued the motions started by the first two while Urbosa's moans continued to rise. But it was until Zelda's thumb joined the fun and her entire hand started pushing against the Gerudo Queen's entrance that pleasure really gripped her body. Gasping loud enough for it to echo across the desert she threw her head back and a little deluge of fluids seeped out of her.

Like every other time they engaged in that kind of debauchery Zelda capitalized on the sudden stream of juices by pushing the entirety of her hand inside Urbosa's pussy with a gently thrust. The moment it was swallowed up by her cunt and she was staring at her wrist while feeling those inner walls quivering around her was the last one either of them could consciously recall. Everything that followed was simply a haze of love, lust, and lewd desires all mixing together like a well crafted stew. Since the rest of her arm was so dainty, by Gerudo standards anyways, the Princess had no trouble at all pushing it inside her lover at a slow but consistent pace. Inch by inch it disappeared deeper inside Urbosa's pussy while she writhed in abject delight. Although it wasn't quite on the same level as a nice thick cock having a fist slowly pushing towards the entrance of her womb still felt absolutely incredible under any circumstances. And being afforded the chance to look down and see her slowly distending belly along with her lover's growing smile whenever she wanted was simply perfect. 

It only took about thirty seconds for Zelda to push her arm inside Urbosa's slit up to the elbow and by the time she'd reached that threshold both of them were so wrapped up in each other Ganon could've returned and they wouldn't care. She wanted to keep going, to push even deeper and feeling every inch that she could. But she also wanted to start moving in the opposite direction and start pleasuring her love in the same way she so often pleasured her and Link. Just like every other time this uncertainty was face the Princess opted for the latter and her fist began to withdraw from her partner's cunt. It did so at a far quicker pace that when it had entered and she watched in delight as the puffy folds of Urbosa's cunt stretched outwards in a weak attempt to keep her arm inside them. They only distended a short distance but the force with which they squeezed her was incredible. It genuinely made her wish she had a cock. Because it felt this amazing somewhere not particularly sensitive like her arm it had to feel amazing around a penis. Those thoughts and all the others she always thought about when fisting her companion filled Zelda's head with a comfortable reliability that couldn't be matched by anything else.

Urbosa meanwhile was simply basking in the pleasure of knowing she'd been the one to push her once timid lover into the kind of woman that could and would slide her fist inside her partner. When she'd first started a sexual relationship with Link and Zelda the two had been so nervous and milquetoast it was almost not worth the effort. But she'd persevered and now both of them were almost as big of perverts as she was. Although they'd probably never hit the same heights as her. Now that she could freely and happily reap the rewards of all that time and energy the sex had gone from great to amazing on a near universal level. Just feeling the Princess' fist scraping against the walls of her pussy and straining against her tight entrance for a few seconds was enough to make her quiver. When it pushed right back inside at an even greater speed all her breath seemed to escape her lungs. That slowly rising back and forth was everything she could've ever wanted and more. And she made sure to let her companion know it every chance she had. Partly to demonstrate her appreciate and partly to spur her into really stirring up her pussy. Both aspects were wildly successful and the minutes blended together in a perfectly endless ebb and flow of carnal and emotional satisfaction.

After significantly longer than it'd taken her partner it was finally time for Urbosa to lose control. Grunting like a beast and slamming her fists against the metal beneath her the Gerudo Champion succumbed to her ecstasy. Her inner walls clamped down hard around the hand stuffed elbow deep inside her while her back arched and her muscles spasmed uncontrollably. Zelda had all of a second to realize what was happening before she was showered in a spray of impossibly sweet juices. The initial burst was so plentiful and so sudden she actually shielded her face from the jet at first. But as the potent smell of Urbosa's cunt filled the Princess' nostrils and gave her that same, fuzzy feeling she had right after an orgasm her free hand fell away. Leaning in and opening her mouth wide she caught the next eruption and even laughed a little as much it of splashed across her face and chest instead. Swallowing what she could and pushing her hand in and out of her partner's slit in little bursts Zelda was overjoyed to have made her cum so violently.

Making Urbosa squirt buckets of fluids all over herself and anyone around wasn't strictly speaking difficult but Link had always been better at it than her. Usually she needed far longer to reach the same level and when she did it was usually with some assistance. So being quite literally drenched in the fruits of her labors as her lover's pussy nearly broke her arm from the sheer force of it's spasms was the kind of rewarding experience few things could match. Zelda continued to move closer and closer to her companion's gushing slit as the force of each blast slowly lessened but her need to wallow in those juices only grew. Every inch of her body from the waist up was glistening with those fluids and her blonde hair was plastered to her face and still she continued to bask in every spasmodic twitch that gave her another chance to drink down the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted. But as Urbosa's pleasure slowly faded into the comfortable baseline she always felt when doing anything perverse with her Hylian lovers Zelda was denied her cravings more and more often.

Without even realizing she was doing it her hand was slowly withdrawing from her lover's cunt out of pure necessity. Although neither of them really realized it was happening because the Princess' lips suddenly connecting with Urbosa's pussy overshadowed everything else. Enjoying a sharp spike in pleasure and looking down to see her lover happily suckling at her clit the Gerudo Champion could only moan and smile. Her nearly vanished orgasm suddenly resurfaced and another creamy jet of arousal launched out of her. Zelda moaned while her companion panted like a dog in heat as, for a moment, it looked as if they might be enjoying a sudden resurgence. Sadly the labors of the day combined with the passions of their night couldn't be ignored and no matter how badly she wanted the Princess to ram her fist back inside and fuck her silly Urbosa simply didn't have it in her. Accepting the limitations of her body she fell back against the roof of the Divine Beast in wet, shuddering heap.

Feeling her mighty lover slowly relax and seeing the contented smile spread across her beautiful features was exactly what Zelda needed to finally acknowledge her own exhaustion. With the adrenaline pumping through her and the sheer depravity of what she'd been doing it'd been so easy to ignore just how tired she was. But now that face couldn't possibly be set aside. Suddenly finding it hard to keep her eyes open she pulled her hand from Urbosa's cunt and paused just long enough to enjoy the sight of it's puffy, gaped contours winking at her in the moonlight. After that it was all she could do not to slump forward and fall asleep. She used the last of her strength to crawl atop her lover and collapse against her instead. The feeling of those massive, soft tits against her face and the rest of her strong body beneath her was the most comforting thing in the world. When Urbosa started gently stroking her hair and hugging her she didn't have any hope of moving.

“Goodnight Zelda.” She murmured as her companion curled up against her and fell asleep.

“Goodnight Urbosa . . .” Zelda managed to say in the last moments before consciousness faded.

The Princess drifted off to the pleasant sound of her partner's quiet laugh and she was already fast asleep when Urbosa said, “I love you . . .” nodding off herself.



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