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Welcome back to another installment of this series. I sincerely hope you guys are enjoying this because it's proving to be a lot more fun than I anticipated. I've been writing significantly more than usual and it feels really good. But regardless, I hope you enjoy some sweet lesbianism this time around!

Anna finished patting down the dirt around the last of the flowers she was planted and heaved a contented sigh. If someone had told her a couple months ago she'd not only be gardening but actually enjoying it at the same time she'd have called them an idiot. Yet there she was kneeling in the dirt and dripping with sweat with a newly planted flowerbed in her yard. It was nearly impossibly not to look at the neatly placed rows of blossoming buds and not feel a sense of satisfaction. Not just in what she'd accomplished despite the continued heat wave but also at how good it would look should everything manage to survive. She admired her handiwork until the sweat dripping down her face managed to reach her eyes and the sudden sting distracted her from what she was doing. Hissing a little and squinting she did her best to wipe her face with her forearm without smearing more dirt across her body. Lord knows she didn't mind getting a little dirty but usually that wasn't in such a literal sense.

After a few seconds she managed to clear her vision enough to see her neighbor of three houses down approaching with an impressed smile spread across her face. Feeling all at once proud of herself and a little delighted to have the approval of a woman who's garden was the envy of the suburb Anna rose to her feet, brushing some of the dirt from her knees and legs as she did so. Among all the other items she'd have to buy if she planned on continuing her adventures in gardening a pair of ratty jeans that could get soiled without concern were high on the list. Shorts were perfect attire when out and about on a hot day but when kneeling down in the dirt they made for poor covering. Almost as poor as a white, loose fitting shirt that was now pretty much ruined. Luckily she had the presence of mind to not wear anything she genuinely cared about so it wasn't any great loss. But even luckier than that Mrs. Xiong had been kind enough lend her all the tools she needed after the smattering of random items she'd picked up had proven wildly ineffective for the task at hand.

“Thank you so much for letting me borrow these.” Anna said as her neighbor approached, “I just need a second to wash them off and they're all yours again.”

“That's quite all right.” Mrs. Xiong replied, “They're gardening tools. I expect them to be a little dirty when I put them away. I'm impressed you managed to finish so quickly.”

“Me too. How does it look?”

She stepped aside so her companion and pseudo mentor could examine the work she'd done. Although they'd only met a couple days prior and Anna had only been gardening for less than forty eight hours she felt a strong connection with Mrs. Xiong. The two of them had talked quite a but about life, but surprisingly little about gardening, and it was clear they were cut from the same cloth. In more ways than personality. That was most obvious in their near identical heights and builds. Her dark haired and lovely tanned skinned companion was a bit more plump than her but she was within a couple centimeters in stature and even possessed the same small, perky bust that Anna had. Her face was naturally more slender and angular while her eyes were a lovely shade of deep brown. She also had a more prominent and striking nose, though her lips were just as sultry and full as her fair skinned pupil's. And unlike her pupil she was dressed more appropriately for gardening despite not doing any herself. A pair of loose 'mom jeans' covered her lower half while a floral patterned blouse covered her chest and left her arms completely uninhibited. On her head was the same sort of wide brimmed hat that Anna was wearing.

“You did a wonderful job.” She said after a few seconds, “If I didn't know any better I'd say you've been doing this for years.”


“Absolutely. I may have to send one of my nephews over here in the middle of the night to destroy your garden so I don't lose my title.”

Anna immediately laughed at the absurdity of Mrs. Xiong's statement and the momentarily serious way she delivered it. Her neighbor's composure broke almost instantly and her face lit up with a wide grin soon after, “Maybe I should keep to planting in the backyard!” Anna joked.

“That would be wise. Unless you want to wake up with a dozen flower stems in your bed.”

“Is that a Godfather reference?”

Mrs. Xiong's smile widened considerably and she let out a delighted chuckle, “It was! I didn't expect you to get it!”

“The movie's not that old!” Anna scoffed.

“It came out the year I was born.”

“Yeah, and I'll say again it's not that old.”

“Now you're just flattering me so I'll keep letting you use my tools.”

“I am. Is it working?”

“Tremendously.” Anna laughed once more while Mrs. Xiong smiled and the two glanced at the newly planted garden before them, “On a related note I just finished making iced tea. Why don't you come over and have a cup? You can bring my tools with you.”

"That sounds perfect, I'd love that!”

A couple minutes later Anna was seated at a small, cozy table in her neighbor's kitchen enjoying the best homemade tea she'd ever had in her life. All around her were signs of Mrs. Xiong's Laotian heritage and alongside the woman herself they gave her many visual treats to enjoy as the two chatted. For the better part of half an hour they talked about whatever popped into their heads while drinking glass after glass of utterly incomparable tea. More than once Anna had to stop the conversation dead to remark on how good it was. Every time she did her charming older companion simply acknowledged her words with an unexpected bout of humility and their discussion would resume where it'd left off. Eventually things started to slow down as the two women grew more relaxed and what they talked about gradually became less and less important until they were sitting in a relatively comfortable silence. Right around the time they were polishing off the first pitched Mrs. Xiong spoke up in her usual blunt manner.

“So I watched a couple of your videos last night.”

Midway through taking a drink Anna had to stop and cover her mouth as her surprise nearly caused her to spit tea all over the table, “You know what I do for a living?” Her heartbeat quickened but not from fear or concern but rather excitement. Something about Mrs. Xiong knowing what she did, about her seeing it was oddly thrilling, “How did you find out?”

“I do now. Beatrice told me.”

“Really? Huh . . . I was under the impression she hadn't told anyone in the neighborhood.”

“Oh she hasn't. I had to coerce her into sharing that information with me. When I mentioned I was talking to you about gardening Beatrice turned bright red and barely said a word. At first I thought she was having an affair with you.”

Anna laughed and leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs and considering that prospect for a moment, “I'm not sure Beatrice could handle an affair with me. Even if I was the kind of woman who'd do that sort of thing.”

“Oh you'd eat her alive.” Mrs. Xiong laughed, “I love that woman dearly but she's not equipped to handle that kind of excitement.”

“No she's not.” A short silence stretched out between them as they thought about Mrs. Keller, “So what did you think of my videos?”

“You're quite the performer. I can see why you're able to afford a house already.”

“Thank you!”

“You're welcome.”

Anna took another sip of tea and looked at Mrs. Xiong. Unless she was mistaken there was definitely something going on behind those deep, dark eyes. It was impossible not to feel the subtle shift in body language that'd accompanied her not so casual change in conversation topics. But even more than that it was impossible not to notice a certain energy filling the air. One that Anna had felt many times before and one that she was more than happy to experience with someone as beautiful and exotic as Mrs. Xiong. Though as the silence between them continued she couldn't help but feel an impish desire to be more coy than usual. Something about her companion's more dominant and straightforward style made her want to play hard to get. If only for a little but. And if it turned out her perceptions were entirely wrong and there was no ulterior motive she'd have an easy out to avoid damaging what was turning into a rather lovely friendship.

“I should probably get going. I need to take a shower and wash all this sweat off me.” She stated, rising from her chair.

Without missing a beat Mrs. Xiong answered with, “Why don't you shower here?”

“Oh I wouldn't want to impose.”

“You'd be doing nothing of the sort. In fact,” She stood up and laid a hand on her guest's cheek, “I insist.”

Smiling wide enough to flash a dozen sparkling white teeth at once Anna slowly nodded, “Well it would be rude to say no . . .”

“Yes it would.”

Lightly rubbing her companion's cheek for a moment Mrs. Xiong turned away and sauntered out of the kitchen with Anna following close behind. The two walked through the living room and into the master bedroom without saying a word to each other. When they stepped into the bathroom and her host slowly started to undress the young pornstar couldn't help but smile. She watched with unabashed delight as her partner stripped naked and turned towards her as though it were perfectly natural. Her completely hairless sex was already glistening with arousal and even as she watched little beads formed across her delicious looking lips. Much like the rest of her body Mrs. Xiong's pussy was incredibly soft and supple. Anna almost couldn't wait to press her lips against those folds and bury her tongue in what was surely a sumptuous cunt. But first she had to get naked, something that only occurred to her when her companion arched an eyebrow. 

With a laugh she peeled off what little clothing she had on and in the blink of an eye was standing just as naked as her partner. The approving and lusty stare her nudity earned from the gorgeous woman in front of her was simply exhilarating. Anna thought about stepping forward to kiss her only for Mrs. Xiong to beat her to the punch. Their lips met in a passionate and wholly unrepentant burst of lust and arousal. In no time at all their tongues were coiled around one another as they eagerly leaned in deeper and moaned. While Anna's hands had slid around her companion's waist almost as an afterthought Mrs. Xiong's were roaming her lover's tight young body. They started at her firm ass, groping and squeezing with aplomb, before shifting around to feel the fat, puffy folds of her pussy and her small, perky breasts in quick succession. It was clear she had more than a few things in mind for the young pornstar but what those things were or when she'd be enacting them remained a mystery.

Before long their kiss was broken when Mrs. Xiong pulled away to turn on the shower. It rumbled to life and cold water was soon blasting the tub beneath it. After a few seconds it started to warm up and the two women stepped under the cascading droplets with eager smiles. Anna expected them to resume kissing but instead she found herself being turned around to face the shower head. Mrs. Xiong's soft, wet body pressed against her back as her hands moved across her stomach. One found her softly heaving breasts while the other slid over the curly thicket of hair above her sex to find the swelling nub at the crest of her pussy. Both started to work almost immediately with the added pleasure of her mouth planting kisses all along Anna's neck and shoulder. In the blink of an eye she was putty in the older woman's hands, shivers dancing up and down her spine while whimpering moans burst from her lips at a steady rate. Everything about the way her partner's fingers moved against her clit and across her chest was simply divine.

It was beyond apparent Mrs. Xiong knew her way around a woman's body and while that realization spawned more than a few questions none were pressing enough to warrant any sort of focus. Instead all of her attention was devoted to skillful woman playing with her pussy like it was the most simple thing in the world. Anna didn't even realize her hips were moving in time with Mrs. Xiong's fingers until a shuddering moan forced her to momentarily stop. Nor did she fully acknowledge the way her partner's hand was lightly pinching her nipples and groping her breasts in a way that felt all at once purposeful and random. What she did feel was the pleasure rushing through her body with every passing second, the way her legs tensed and quivered every time a bolt of ecstasy lanced through her, and how much fluid was trickling from her pussy every second they remained in that position. It wasn't long before she needed to brace herself against something before she collapsed against her partner and brought both of them down. One hand jumped to Mrs. Xiong's wrist while the other reached back to tangle itself in her thick black hair. As soon as both had found their place she was free let herself be played with like a sex toy, any thoughts of participating vanishing as soon as they appeared.

“Mrs. Xiong!” She gasped as particularly sharp spike of pleasure arced through her.

“Call me Joy.” Came the sultry reply.

“Joy! Oh my God that feels so good Joy!”

Her exclamation was met with a soft laugh and even more enthusiastic movements. Joy's fingers were a blur across Anna's cunt, their ever so slightly calloused tips feeling utterly amazing as they rubbed not only her clit but the whole of her cunt too. They moved so fast and with such talented efficiency it took her more than a minute to realize her partner had dedicated both hands to the endeavor. Only when her own hand had reflexively jumped to her now untouched breasts that she realized what her companion was doing. A quick, wide eyed look down confirmed it. With one hand resting atop her pubic hair and furiously working her clit the other had reached underneath to emerge from between her thighs and stuff two fingers into her pussy at once. Those digits moved with a ferocity and gusto that lifted Anna onto the tips of her toes and sent waves of pleasure crashing down on her long before she realized what happened. At some point she felt Joy kneel down behind her and for a moment the sudden absence of that support was downright terrifying.

Her momentary flash of uncertainty passed quickly enough though, aided in no small part by the orgasm welling up inside her. It felt amazing to have her climax be so efficiently and effortlessly coaxed into being by a woman that clearly had no issues at all with such things. Anna's body was like an instrument being played by a master musician and every passing second that mastery was demonstrated more and more completely. All while she moaned and gasped for air. The warm water splashing across her face and running down her body added a strangely erotic undercurrent to what was already a pretty erotic experience. Something about standing beneath the stream of droplets and feeling them collide with her flushed, burning skin while Joy teased her pussy like it was nothing just made her want to scream. In the best possibly way. Unfortunately that level of vocal control was well beyond anything she could manage and all that emerged from her lips was a breathy whimper. But even if she'd managed to bray as loudly as a donkey that wouldn't have changed the tidal wave of ecstasy rising up inside her.

Practically able to chart it's progress like a hurricane approaching the coast Anna could feel her body losing control as her mind went blank. The edges of her vision started to fade and an overwhelming sense of anticipation hit her. For maybe another minute she was kept in that state of perpetual limbo, her body desperately seeking the release it was promised as Joy's fingers worked her cunt over like she was being paid to do so. By the time her climax had finally arrived she was wearing a delirious smile and staring up at the ceiling while a long, moaning laugh spilled from her lips. It soon transitioned into a protracted squeal as a torrent of hot, creamy juices erupted from her pussy to soak her partner's already glistening digits. The walls of her pussy clamped down around the fingers stuffed inside it while the rest of her body shook like all of her bones had been turned to jelly. Were it not for Joy's presence behind her and the special friction providing mat at the bottom of the tub she almost certainly would've collapsed in the wake of her gushing orgasm. Even her hands pressed against the sides of the shower were ultimately meaningless in the wake of her pleasure.

And through it all Joy continued to do exactly what had brought her mewling partner to such a spectacular release. Her movements remained impossibly consistent and the only knew addition she added was a playful bite on the softest and fleshiest part of Anna's buttocks. While enormously silly and more than a little weird in the heat of the moment that added spike of pleasure was everything she wanted it to be and more. Another, albeit smaller, jet of fluid squirted out of her as soon as she felt Joy's teeth against her skin. Her fading orgasm was given new life for a split second and that only made the resulting comedown even more draining. She continued to moan and squirm long after her climax had faded but it was such a weak, breathless version of what it'd once been she seemed ready to pass out.

Thankfully Joy had apparently planned for such a thing because not only did she help Anna sink to her knees but she did so without removing her fingers until the last second. She knelt there beneath the shower for what seemed like an eternity, her eyes closed and her body still shivering from the aftershocks. When the flow of water was suddenly blocked her eyes wearily opened to see Joy's shaved pussy mere inches from her face. A moment later she felt her partner's hands on the back of her head and her lips curled into a smile. Not a second after that they were pressed against the gooey folds of her lover's cunt. Her tongue instinctively emerged to slide deep inside her slit and start pleasuring her with the same skill that she'd been given. Anna might not have done many lesbian scenes and she might not have had many lesbian experiences outside of work, compared to those with men, but she knew how to eat pussy like a pro. Something her partner quickly and happily discovered as her tired yet eager pornstar companion got to work.

Visually her efforts weren't nearly as over the top or enthusiastic as might be expected. Since she didn't have to play for a camera Anna didn't bother with any of the normal theatrics involved with going down on a woman. She just focused entirely on the actual movements of her tongue and the pleasure she wanted to give her companion. Which was no doubt why Joy immediately started to gasp and shake as soon as her lover began. Within a minute she was gripping fistfuls of Anna's hair and grinding against her mouth in a way that smeared pussy juice all across her pale skin. One of her legs rose from the floor of the tub so her foot could rest against the edge and provide even better leverage for the gyrations and tongue fucking that were occurring. It wasn't long before her moans were echoing through the bathroom the same way her partner's had a short while ago. But unlike before the sloppy, lewd sounds of a pussy being eagerly devoured were far louder than those of a pussy getting fingered and even with the sounds of the shower Anna's cunnilingus was growing more audible with every passing second. But if either of them thought that was loud they had no idea what Joy was capable of until she managed to gasp out something that sent adrenaline pumping through both of them.

“Stick your fingers in my ass!” She exclaimed, “Oh God stick your fingers in my fucking ass!”

Despite how taken aback she was by the suddenness of that command Anna was following Joy's instructions before she could even think twice about it. With practiced ease she shoved the middle and ring fingers of her left hand inside her partner's fantastically tight asshole, correctly assuming she was no strange to such things. Although she had to push with quite a bit of confidence her digits slid inside without much trouble while Joy practically screamed in ecstasy. Utterly delighted by how much tighter her lover's pussy had grown along with the sheer amount of fluids now gushing out of it Anna started working both her holes with every ounce of skill and knowledge she'd acquired over the years. Her tongue and fingers pushed against one another through the thin lining separating her ass and pussy while at the same time expertly pleasuring their respective orifices in a way that no visual medium could ever truly capture. Joy's cried rattled the windows and filled the rooms beyond as her whole body seemed to tighten all at once. She bared her teeth and threw her head back but no sounds emerged from her lips. 

Instead a powerful deluge of warm, sweet tasting fluids sprayed from her pussy and straight into Anna's throat. Wholly expected such a wild display of arousal she gulped them down like it was nothing and continued licking every inch of pussy she could get her tongue against. At the same time her fingers stretched and strained against the incredibly tight confines of Joy's asshole in a way that was almost certainly the cause of her sudden spasms. Hunching over and clutching Anna's head like she was drowning she weakly thrusted and gyrated against her lover's mouth while staring with half lidded eyes at the opposite wall. Her breathing grew more labored and ragged by the moment and despite the sheer volume of juices still seeping out of her it was abundantly clear she was just as spent as her partner had been. Perhaps even more so, though it was nearly impossibly to tell. Either way Anna continued slurping, licking, and fingering until she felt Joy's hands relax. By that point she knew beyond any doubt that her companion was done.

The two of them stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed and satisfied. Anna was quite literally beaming as she handed a towel to Joy and then grabbed one of her own. It'd been so long since she hooked up with another woman outside of a video. Maybe two or three years in fact and even when such a thing had been more common none of her partners had been quite as . . . dominant. There was something intensely thrilling about finding herself subject to whims of a lewd older woman. It was a thrill she hadn't been able to fully appreciate in the heat of the moment but looking back on it with a more clear head she could safely say it was an experience she planned on trying to recapture as many times as humanly possible. Wrapping a towel around her body and grinning lasciviously at Joy she walked out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom. Her companion followed her with a confident smile spread across her face.

“That was a lot of fun.” Anna said as she sat down on the edge of her partner's bed and crossed her legs, “We should do it again soon.”

“I agree. And next time you should bring some of your toys with you.”

“How do you know I have toys?”

“I might have watched more than just your professionally shot videos.”

“Is that right?” Anna pushed herself off the bed and clasped her hands behind her back as she sauntered towards Joy, “What toys should I bring?”

Mrs. Xiong smiled at her but didn't respond for several seconds. She swooped in for a sudden, lustful kiss that her fair skinned companion was more than happy to share. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths for a little while and when she pulled back Joy's eyes were sparkling, “Why don't we meet at your house next time? You can give me a little showcase of all your favorites and I can find a few favorites of my own . . .”

As she spoke she caressed Anna's cheek with one hand while subtly sliding the other around her lover's waist. Upon finishing she rubbed her thumb across the full, soft lips she'd just been kissing while simultaneously pulling her blonde haired partner's body against hers. Anna didn't think twice about wrapping her arms around her exotic companion's hips as she kissed her thumb. A couple seconds later her mouth slowly opened and she none too subtly began to suck on that soft digit. Her eyes sparkled with the kind of innocent facade that couldn't have been more at odds with what she was doing and what she'd already done. But it had exactly the effect she intended as Joy let out a shuddering gasp and grabbed her ass with an almost wild hunger in her eyes. Without really thinking about it the two women moved back towards the bed, their hands never leaving one another's bodies. For a handful of seconds they remained perched on the edge of another bout of uninhibited sapphic love until Anna finally, and quite literally, pulled them over the edge.

Gripping her lover's ass and giggling she pulled them backwards onto the bed. Though the two landed quite hard against the mattress neither had any complaints about their current situation. “You don't really do much acting when you're filming a video, do you?”

“Not really,” Anna cooed, “I do more acting when I'm not on set . . .”

“Is that so? Maybe we shouldn't wait to test out those toys of yours . . .”

“Maybe not . . .”

Simultaneously they leaned in for another kiss and this time it was filled with so much passion and lust both women were left panting and squirming when it ended just a couple seconds later, “We're not going to wait.” Joy stated.

“Fuck yes.” Anna replied.

“Put some clothes on Anna West,” Mrs. Xiong said in a quiet yet authoritative tone, “I want to peel them off you again.”

She shivered and smiled up at her companion, goosebumps spreading across her skin as she quietly replied with the only two words that made sense, “Yes ma'am.”


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