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And here's my token acknowledgement of Valentine's Day: a fantasy story that features a facsimile of the holiday thought up by someone else entirely. I tried to make it a nice, breezy read and I think I've done that fairly well. Anyone interested in something light, fun, and simple should enjoy this quite a bit!

Emerging from the small room she'd rented the previous night wearing little more than a wry smile Indira readied herself for the most important celebration of her year. Although the she called it Holidussatri the locals simply referred to it as the Festival of Blossoms. But regardless of what the even was called it served as the biggest day honoring her patron Gods in the form of a dawn til dusk bout of revelry, passion, sex, and love. The previous years had been some of her most memorable experiences in a life already filled with more adventures than many. And up until yesterday that was supposed to be the case this year as well. Instead a forgotten promise made to a lifelong companion and lover named Visala had completely shattered Indira's plans. Which only the made the month of purposeful celibacy leading up to this point feel even more silly. Before she'd left Green Hollow to attend the Festival the temptation of breaking her vow and consorting with the many wonderful people there had been almost unbearable. Colette alone had nearly broken her willpower after a few days. Now it was looking as though she'd have to wait even longer to finally satisfy the untapped swirling about inside her body and clouding her mind. All so she could assist a companion in serving special wines and potions to the other revelers in aid of their own passionate lovemaking. The prospect was downright tortuous but no matter how badly she wished to renege on her promise Indira loved her High Elf friend dearly and she couldn't abandon her friend on such an important day. She might have been one of many merchants offering that service but Visala was the only one on that side of the glittering lake around which the entire Festival was organized. Which meant both of them would be inundated with hundreds of customers looking for the kind of potions and drinks that would leave them in a state of euphoria for days after.

Perhaps the only saving grace of her promise, aside from spending the day with a dear friend and helping others enjoy themselves, was another consequence of where she'd be working. In order to allow truly uninhibited celebration and honoring of the Gods some areas of the Festival were set aside for those wishing to revel in a more sexual fashion. Hidden from sight by illusory barriers that would prevent anyone not of age for entering such places would slowly devolve into temples of carnal delight as those within could indulge their ever want and need with those willing. Which meant that while she couldn't actively participate Indira would at least get to witness the fun and beauty of so many people worshiping the Goddess of Love and her son the God of Sex and Passion. To many others such an experience would be abject torture but in her mind it was a wonderful reaffirmation of her faith and of the tenets she'd lived her life by all these years. That was part of the reason why she'd elected to wear such a revealing 'outfit'. The inn she'd been resting at was already within the protected area and as such walking around dressed in glittering jewelry that did absolutely nothing to hide her naked body wasn't out of place. In fact it wasn't even notable. As she descended the stairs into a crowded pub full of patrons eager for the sun to rise Indira was actually over dressed compared to many of the men and women present. Quite a few had no clothing on at all save the flower crowns that served as a token of their willingness to partake in the sexual festivities of the holiday. Those that were clothed had elected for a multitude of revealing, loose flowing ensembles that wouldn't limit their fun or could be easily torn off when the time came. She only spotted a single, nervous looking Halfling woman wearing a normal gown. Once more Indira felt a pang of disappointment in how she'd be spending the day. Being the one to coax that timid, young woman into the realm of sexual freedom she'd long occupied would have been the perfect way to start her day.

Instead she left the inn entirely, after giving the Halfling a tender smile, and walked through the grassy fields toward Visala's wagons. The entire area was awash in the orange glow of a rising sun and it gave the festival a surreal, beautiful quality that was matched by decorations. Long strands of intertwined flowers crisscrossed above every pathway with blooming hedges and plants forming a multitude of small, partially isolated gardens all around. Large, circular glades filled with cooks preparing food, artisans crafting elaborate effigies, rings for competitions of all shapes and size, bards tuning their instruments for rows of currently empty chairs, and all manner of other experiences dotted the landscape. All of formed around the contours of a crystal blue lake. Even at a glance Indira could see the smiling faces of mermaids and mermen preparing their own underwater celebrations just beneath the surface. Many would come up into the pools magically connected to their domains so they could participate with the surface dwellers just as many of those same surface dwellers would imbibe special drinks to join them beneath the gentle currents. It was among the only places merfolk gathered in such large quantities so close to the land.

Stepping into the small clearing that would be her home for the rest of the day Indira weaved between the chairs, tables, and benches dotted around the area and made her way towards the small bar. Visala was already hard at work behind it, a trio of wagons laden with supplies circled around her. Two were already open and displaying the many casks and brewing stands that would be needed over the course of the celebration with only one left covered to protect the ingredients within. Stopping at the polished wood that separated her from her friend Indira smiled at the beautiful, completely naked woman before her. With regards to appearance she and Visala made for wonderfully complimentary and contrasting sights. As a high elf she was the picture of willowy, athletic beauty. Standing head and shoulders above the other races she towered above Indira's much shorter stature and the difference in their bodies only furthered the disparity. The size of her small, perky breasts and equally petite nipples standing as one of the more immediate distinctions. In many ways her human counterpart embodied the word voluptuous, with wide hips plump thighs, and the kind of curves that drew looks from men and woman alike. Her ample breasts and large, puffy nipples were similarly appealing. Almost as much as the unshaven thicket of neat but overgrown hair above and around her womanhood. Especially compared to the totally shaved and hairless sight of Visala's cute sex. Both had the same kind of flowing hair left free to cascade about their features but where Indira's was black as midnight her companion's was a radiant gold. Her almost translucently pale skin glowed in the light and looked all the more beautiful alongside the smooth, brown warmth that marked her barmaid's rich complexion. Each had a soft, heart shaped behind and the kind of smile that could melt a frozen heart to pair with their kind gray eyes. Although Visala's more angular features gave her a seductively haughty appearance compared to Indira's more rounded and immediately welcoming look.

“Indira!” Her friend exclaimed, eagerly jumping over the bar to embrace her, “I wasn't sure you'd come!”

“What?! You know me better than that Visala!” She laughed, hugging her friend tightly, “I always keep my word!”

“That you do! But if anything were to make you break it I'd guess Holidussatri.”

Amused by how spot on her companion was Indira pulled back and dismissively waved her hand, “Oh hush! Just tell me what my duties are and cease your prattling!”

Visala made a face and her and hopped back over the counter, “It's quite simple really. You're going to deliver drinks and take orders.”

“So I really will be a barmaid.”

“In essence.”

“And here I foolishly thought you were exaggerating.”

“Not even slightly!” She laughed. “That's not going to be an issue is it?” Visala added in a taunting voice.

“Not even slightly!” Indira replied as she leaned against the counter, “I know the name of every drink you serve and every potion you can brew.”

“Oh really? Why don't you enlighten me, what's this called?” She produced a tall, bubbling glass of purple liquid that smelled faintly of berries.

Offering Visala a wide smile Indira snatched the drink from her hand and downed it in a single, practiced gulp. Moments before the ensuing belch she answered her friend in the most sardonic way she possibly could. Her companion scoffed and immediately produced another drink, this one a foaming silver concoction that reeked of sage. Once more Indira answered correctly, but she wisely avoided imbibing it. She hardly needed to be more aroused than she already was. Still undeterred Visala grabbed yet another drink and their little game continued. It was a favorite past time of theirs and one that both women would readily admit was little more than an excuse for them to drink copious amounts of magical and non magical elixirs under the guise of competition. Which was precisely why the grinning High Elf across from her proceeded to down each beverage without a thought. Sadly their little game was cut short by the arrival of their first customers for the day. With the sun now drifting above the horizon the Festival was in full swing and Indira would have to occupy herself with serving drinks instead of serving herself. Initially she had little trouble making the transition as few of the newcomers were overly amorous with one another. All were wearing the same flower crowns as most of the people she'd spotted in the inn but only two or three were actively engaged in anything sexual with each other. But that soon changed as the drinks started flowing and many of them ordered concoctions that would enhance their senses, increase their endurance, or just make everything feel warm and fuzzy. For a time they would collect their drinks and wander off to the more open areas and the sounds of their enthusiastic lovemaking filtered back to Indira on a gentle breeze. If that had remained the case she might have been able to get through the day without any issue. Unfortunately as more patrons filtered in and less found the energy to leave things grew rather lewd rather fast. By midday the entire area was packed full of couples from every conceivable race and just about every single one was enjoying some sort of debauchery with their partners. Or even other couples entirely.

In what felt like the blink of an eye Indira was surrounded by a sea of writhing flesh, of naked bodies wracked with pleasure as moans filled the air and the pungent aroma of sex filled her nostrils. It was impossible to look anywhere but at their beautiful forms locked in passionate embraces. The only respite available was when she was called back to Visala to fetch more drinks. And like a drowning woman momentarily breaking the water's surface those brief scraps of freedom were all she could hope for. Although even that was tainted by the constant sound of wet slapping, lustful groans, and powerful climaxes. When she turned back towards it all that brief absence made everything seem so much . . . more. Resisting the urge to join any number of them was without a doubt the hardest thing she'd done in her life. Each and every time there was a lull in drink orders she'd naturally drift towards whichever pairing or group had caught her eye. Once it was a group of Dwarves eager fucking a pleasure soaked Elf woman. Another time it was an Orc and a Human woman hungrily licking one another's pussies while several others watched. At least twice she was pulled towards a handsome pair of Half Dragons working their way through any and all women that approached them. Yet every single time without fail Visala would call to her and the spell would be broken just enough for Indira to stop herself and return to her duties. But the cracks forming in her resolve always widened just a little more afterwards. In much the same the juices cascading down her inner thighs flowed a bit thicker. Whether by accident ot design her friend was teasing and denying her more efficiently than any other being in the known world. Including the Moon Elves that had once teased her for six days straight until she climaxed so hard she had to be looked after for a full week. At least those mistresses had allowed her something to tide her over!

When night finally arrived Indira was literally trembling with anticipation. The festivities would go on for many more hours but for the common good drinks and potions could no longer be served. Which meant her debt to Visala had been paid and she could finally satisfy the month long anticipation burning her loins. Unfortunately walking to any of the nearby conclaves of moaning, passionate lovers was a feat her trembling legs couldn't accomplish. She could scarcely walk back to the bar to hand her companion a  tray of empty mugs. But it seemed her patron Gods were in a generous mood because when she turned around to look over the nearly empty seating area she spotted a hulking Orc dozing contentedly not twenty feet from her. His flower crown had been knocked askew and a not insignificant collection of mugs were spread out across the table before him. With a frame as wide as it was tall and a rough, handsome face he was exactly what Indira needed in that moment. She stumbled over to him with a hunger in her eyes and a rapacious smile spread across her face. The closer she got the more she could smell his musk and the harder her body ached for the release he would give her. Sat with both legs propped up on another chair and his chin resting against his bare chest the Orc was dressed only in a loose pair of breeches that did little to obscure the bulge nestled between his toned thighs. In fact they seemed almost deliberately designed to draw attention to his cock. Although that very well could have been Indira's mind. There was no way to tell and she wasn't exactly preoccupied with figuring it out as she knelt down beside him. Her eyes darted from his peaceful face to the toe curling erection just waiting to be enjoyed. She reached out towards the latter with both hands, her fingers visibly shaking as they drew near. Before she could finally touch a nice, hard dick for the first time in thirty days she was interrupted by her friend.

“Let him rest Indira. He's not in the way.” Visala called from behind the bar.

“Oh I wasn't going to wake him.” She replied in a husky voice. Glancing back at her companion with a lascivious smile she laid her hands on the Orc's cock. An immediate and powerful shiver coursed up her spine as his manhood throbbed at her touch. A long strand of arousal dripped from her bare pussy and it took all of her willpower not to simply pounce on him like a feral animal, “But if he does wake up I doubt he'll be unhappy with the reason why . . .”

“I don't think—oh my!”

Seemingly without any movement whatsoever Indira was suddenly holding a thick green cock in her hands. Although certainly not the longest either of them had ever seen it possessed the kind of girth that made their bodies tremble and their pussies ache just from looking at it. Precum beaded on the tip and his balls repeatedly tensed as the shaft pulsed again and again between Indira's soft fingers. No longer concerned with anything else her lips wrapped around the tip and she swallowed it's entire length in a single motion. Unable to stop herself as the taste and feel of a nice, rigid dick finally returned to her body she started bobbing up and down his length as fast as she possibly could. Visala stared in amazement for several seconds, both delighted and impressed by the reminder of just how talented her friend was. A short while later she found herself kneeling on the other side of the Orc without knowing how she'd come to be there. Her eyes were as round as dinner plates and her mouth was curled into an envious grin. Indira soon noticed her companion's presence and although it took all her self control to accomplish she pulled herself off the delicious cock she'd been servicing and started playing with his sack instead. While she was busy tonguing and worshiping his balls Visala had free reign to inhale that juicy shaft and give it the same treatment. Albeit with just a little less enthusiasm since she hadn't been bound by any celibacy vows in the previous month.

They quickly found a nice, steady rhythm that kept both of them happily slurping on cock for quite a long time. Neither woman noticed when the Orc woke up shortly after, partly because they were so enamored with his member and partly because he wisely kept his mouth shut and simply let his good fortune continue without comment. But it wouldn't have mattered even if he said anything. Between the flowers on their head and their own eagerness Indira and Visala were going to have their fun regardless. Nothing short of him outright telling them no would've stopped the frantic, spit swapping blowjob from progressing to it's logical conclusion. In the state she was in being denied might have actually killed Indira. At the very least she would have leapt on her friend for the most vigorous bout of sapphic lovemaking in history. Luckily it didn't come to that as they repeatedly deepthroated the lovely cock between them and swallowed no small amount of precum in the process. They were spurred on not only by their own libidos but also by the presence of one another. Just about any time she wanted Indira could look up and see her friend eagerly fellating a nice dick. Visala had the same pleasure and it wasn't long before both of them couldn't wait their turn anymore. Once they hit that point the pair wordlessly started to share their green treasure in the same way they'd done so many other times. Each would lick, kiss, and nuzzle their side of the Orc's cock while simultaneously groping his sack and running their fingers along his chest. Starting at the base and working their way up Visala and Indira's lips would meet more and more often the further up they went until they reached the very tip where they passionately kissed one another around his pulsing tip. The two of them would stay there for several breathy seconds as the precum and spit swirled between their mouths. Eventually one would start drifting back down and the other would follow suit until they reached the base and the cycle started all over.

More than a dozen times they made that slow, wonderful trip up and down his length while Indira's pussy dripped with jealousy wanting and Visala's heightened senses drank in the musky odor of the Orc's dick and the much sweeter aroma of her friend's sex. At some point the Orc had started audibly groaning and his large, calloused hands had come to rest on the backs of their heads. But his awareness did little to change the mood. If anything it was kind of nice knowing he was truly enjoying himself and not simply dreaming it all away. That knowledge was taken to an extreme around the time their lips had returned to his tip for the fourteenth pass. Lingering there just as long as always both women were interrupted by a long, groan from the man they'd been pleasuring. Their eyes darted up to his face just in time to see his dark eyes close and a grimace spread across his tusked visage. Immediately they started kissing and slobbering over his dick with all the eagerness they could muster. After a few seconds breathless anticipation their efforts were rewarded when a gooey jet of Orcish spunk exploded into their mouths. Thanks to the position of their lips and each woman's respective talents Indira and Visala were able to catch nearly all of his initial load, much of it going to the High Elf but plenty still being shared with her Human friend. Another spurt followed an instant later and that one was given almost entirely to Indira with only a few droplets left over for Visala. But if either of them felt any discontent about being forced to share and trade off it was buried so deep below their arousal and happiness it didn't really exist. It was abundantly clear their Orc lover had imbibed at least one potion that would increase the quantity and quality of his seed. Which meant they had more than enough to go around and by the time he was done they'd actually been forced to swallow most of his cum in order to keep it from going to waste. Even when they pulled themselves off him their cheeks were noticeably bulging and both absolutely reeked of jizz.

Letting some of the cum she'd been playing with drip from the corners of her mouth Visala looked to Indira and smiled. Her dark skinned lover returned the gesture and both women soon moved closer to one another. Their Orc companion watched in amusement and delight as the still extremely aroused females leaned in for a long, sloppy kiss. Eagerly swapping the cum they'd claimed for themselves with one another both Indira and Visala all but forgot about the man they'd been celebrating with. For a moment at least. The taste, texture, and thrill of one another's lips was simply too intoxicating. Both of them were astonished by just how long it'd been since they were together in such a way. And neither could believe how they'd let it get to that point. Just that simple act of kissing, their cum splattered tongues swirling and intertwining while they softly moaned, brought back countless memories. They pushed even harder against each other, their arms coiling around the companion's shoulders as things quickly evolved from a simple, celebratory kiss into something else entirely. When their softly heaving breasts connected and a mutual shudder coursed through them Visala and Indira let out identical whimpers. They broke apart a few moments later to stare lovingly into one another's eyes as what little jizz they hadn't swallowed dripped from their chins. It was a sight so arousing they could've stared for hours without hesitation. Much like the Orc standing above them with a now fully erect cock and a slightly amazed grin. As he stepped forward the heat radiating from his member caught their attention and pulled both women back to the presence of their momentarily ignored lover. Their cheeks darkened in embarrassment and they laughed at themselves and one another.

“I guess we still tend to get carried away . . .” Indira remarked.

“I don't mind.” The Orc replied, “You make for a charming pair.”

“Thank you.” Visala said, kissing her friend on the cheek before pulling back, “But I'd much rather it be a trio.”

“As would I!” The two of them stood up and moved closer to their burly companion, each reaching out to grab a different part of his member, “Which of us would you like to be with first?”

He looked from one smiling, eager face to the other while a wide grin gradually spread across his own, “Why limit ourselves?”

Though they had no idea what he was getting at the meaning of his words was soon made clear as Visala was made to lie flat on her back while Indira rested atop her. Both women were pressed tightly against one another, their pussies barely an inch apart and their breasts squished together again. Visala's legs were lifted up and back so her ankles rested beside her ears while Indira was left half squatting, half resting against her pale body. Both women were completely exposed to their Orc companion's eyes and more importantly his cock. Their plump, gooey folds parted like budding flowers and the soft pink flesh within shimmered in the dancing lights. He took a moment to not only admire their slits but also the puffy and tightly winking holes just above, or in Visala's case below, their womanhoods. With the absolute freedom to ram his cock wherever he liked it was nothing short of a miracle he started with Indira and her unfathomably aroused pussy. A triumphant moan burst from her lips the instant she felt his dick brush against her sex and the actual penetration that followed felt so good noises simply failed to do it justice. The walls of her pussy stretched wide to accept him and bursts of ecstasy flooded every facet of her being. In the blink of an eye he was as deep as he could be within her and it felt for all the world like he'd entered some secret, unknown area. One connected to the very core of her being. As he throbbed against her madly twitching pussy Indira practically fainted atop her companion. She slumped forward, her head nestled against Visala's milky breasts. Rational thoughts slipped away one after another and their departure was hastened considerably when the Orc started thrusting. All the teasing, build up, and denial that'd led to this moment came screaming back in a torrent of uncontrollable emotions as Indira was hit by an all encompassing wave of sexual bliss.

Indira didn't last thirty seconds before her first orgasm was crashing down around her. Her partner had barely settled into a consistent rhythm when her entire body stiffened and a torrent of juices cascaded out of her pussy. Almost instantly she, the Orc, and her Elven lover were drenched in the sweet juices gushing out of her slit. Every muscle in her body started to tremble at once and she shook so hard both he and Visala had to grab hold of her. The corners of her visions darkened and the shadows continued to spread across her eyes until only tiny little pinpoints of light remained. All while her mouth hung open and her tongue lolled out like a bitch in heat. Indescribable emotions and sensations wracked her body, many arriving in waves that folded in on each other faster and faster. The Orc at least partly responsible for putting her in such a state continued to thrust despite how tight her body had become and how furiously her seizure like shaking had overtaken her. Although no stranger to her friend's climaxes even Visala was amazed at what she was seeing. Amazed and beyond aroused by it. Before the could stop herself she was grabbing Indira's jiggling ass and pushing the index fingers of both hands inside her quivering, untouched asshole. There was no way of knowing if that little addition was even being felt amidst the chaos that was her senses but the incredible tightness of her puffy ring felt amazing around her digits all the same. She slowly teased both middle fingers in as well and the Orc subtly increased the speed of his thrusts a result. How could he not with such an appealing sight unfolding right in front of him? His cock throbbed a little harder against her wildly contracting inner walls which only made the myriad of reactions she was having a little more powerful. It reached some sort of crescendo after a minute and once she hit that peak Indira lost what little composure had managed to stick around. Her body went limp atop Visala and the moans that spilled out of her took on a decidedly more whimpering tone. 

For a little while longer the Orc remained inside her unbelievably tight and inviting pussy, his body seemingly unable to resist it's allure. But when Indira's whimpers faded entirely and every thrust made her tense in a way that almost seemed pained he couldn't help but pull back. Wanting to give her time to recuperate he instead buried his dick inside Visala. Only instead of taking her warm little cunt he instead slammed his entire prick inside her asshole. She gasped and cursed at the heavens, not because she felt any pain but simply from how taken aback she was by his boldness. Her entire body was hit by a nice surge of arousal and she stared up at him with a wry smile. He responded to her with fantastically insincere apologetic look and started thrusting away. Instead of building to the point he'd reached with Indira he simply picked up where he'd left off completely heedless of the notion that he was fucking a different woman entirely. Her lust filled moans and pulsing hole told him everything he needed to know about how his actions were being received. Along with the way Visala continued to tease and stretch her companion's ass in a fashion that seemed downright inviting. Wet, feverish slaps filled the area, some of them belonging to their little threesome and others coming from other groups that'd filtered in for one reason or another. The presence of other groups or even an audience didn't register at all to Visala or her Orc lover and there wasn't much in existence that could pierce Indira's clouded mind. Save perhaps more pleasure when the male they'd been taking advantage of flipped the tables yet again. Pulling out of Visala just as she was started to tremble from a small climax of her own his dick plunged back inside the dark skinned Human he'd started with. Except now he made use of the stretching and teasing their High Elf companion had done and pushed his way inside her well trained ass. She cried out with renewed vigor, that sudden burst of unique pleasure bringing her back from the brink. If only for a moment.

Smiling down at Visala with rapturous abandon Indira swooped in for a kiss that was met with a radiant small and as much energy as her Elven lover could manage. As they hungrily kissed and pawed at one another the Orc behind them grinned and began to thrust with real power. Much like the two of them during the early portion of their blowjob he switched back and forth with remarkable ease, little attention going towards which hole he was fucking so long as his dick ended up in the other woman whenever he pulled out. Holding on to whoever he was fucking his cock absolutely hammered their holes and made the lucky woman of the moment's entire body jump from the force of each impact. It wasn't long before all that ferocity started to build up inside their bodies and leave whichever woman being dicked completely useless in the process. They couldn't even keep their eyes open much less continue to eager kisses the other one always wanted to indulge in. When it was Indira she nuzzled against her lover's neck and instead kissed up and down her prominent jawline. When it was Visala she lightly bit and toyed with her partner's parted lips while basking in the feel of her breathy gasps. And of course the Orc giving it to them got to enjoy all of this while also feeling four of the tightest and more inviting holes he'd ever experienced.

That rhythmic give and take became their whole word for a time. None of them were capable of keeping track of just how long it went on and in the end what finally made them change was Indira's second mind shattering orgasm and Visala's first climax of the same caliber. Around the time both women were screaming and squirting all over one another their third lover took charge. Displaying just enough gentleness to avoid any injury but still being as rough as he could the Orc lifted and pushed both women into whatever position he wanted. Or whatever position was the most convenient way for him to drain his balls. Because not longer after witnessing two of the messiest climaxes he'd ever seen he was unable to keep his libido under control As the instigator of it all Indira had the honor of taking his second orgasm deep inside her pussy. Draining an astonishing amount of jizz directly into her womb the Orc didn't relent for a moment even while his seed was gushing out of him. In fact his eagerness was so great he didn't even wait until it was finished flowing to pull out and give Visala's mouth a nice, thorough fucking as well. Which was how she ended up tasting both his spunk and Indira's cunt at the same time and realizing how wonderfully the two paired together. After that all three of them changed positions as freely as they possibly could with any thoughts of practicality thrown to the wayside. Sometimes Indira was riding him while Visala tongued her asshole. Other times she squatted over the Orc's face while her friend bounced on his dick. Once or twice they went back to the blowjobs that started the whole thing off or he responded in kind by going down on them. Time slipped away faster and faster with only whatever acrobatic or indecent position they found themselves in serving to mark any significant advancement. But with how many times all of them came even that was a shaky and inadequate measurement of anything. Except their own pleasure.

Several hours and multiple orgasms later Indira was finally spent. While her body wanted to go on her mind simply couldn't handle any further stimulation. Undoubtedly as a consequence of her celibacy and how hard she'd climaxed in such a short time. It was with a disappointed whimper that she pulled herself off the thick green cock that'd given her so much bliss. Collapsing onto the ground in a wet, trembling heap she just barely managed to roll over and look up at him with an apologetic smile. He chuckled at her and gave a small wink. Since she was apparently still very much capable of continuing Visala eagerly took her companion's place. With her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms draped across his shoulders she was fucked rough and hard while Indira watched. It was a wonderful sight that she and anyone else not too preoccupied with their own affairs greatly enjoyed. Nothing if not a beautiful and performative lover Visala made quite a spectacle as she was brought to orgasm twice more in quick succession. In fact it happened so fast only Indira knew they were in fact two, separate bursts of ecstasy instead of one. To the average person it simply appeared as a prolonged and especially gushing climax. One that drenched her, the Orc, and Indira in a creamy layer of warm, female cum. And while she was still coming down from that wonderful explosion of euphoria her partner reached the end of his rope as well. Despite his release not being quite as visually arresting he still managed to bring their little celebration to a warm close. Pounding away at her pussy for a few seconds he shoved his entire length inside her and groaned while cum spurted deep into her belly. It quickly started gushing out of her, much of it carried by the torrents still oozing out of Visala with every contraction of her body.

Fittingly that proved to be the end of their celebration as Visala was gently lowered onto the ground beside her friend while the Orc sat cross legged in front of them. “I hope you had a wonderful Holidussatri . . .” Visala murmured as she snuggled up beside Indira, “I know it wasn't what you planned . . .”

“This was better.” She stated without hesitation, “I'll cherish the memory of this night more than any other Festival of Blossoms.”

“I'm overjoyed to hear that!”

“It seems your plan worked.” The Orc commented.


Throwing him a glare that was quite undermined by her smile Visala sighed and said, “Morkath and I planned this from the beginning. Right after you said you'd honor your promise.”

“What?!” Indira exclaimed, sitting up and wincing at how sore she was.

:”It's true.” Morkath laughed. “Visala wanted to make sure you didn't miss out of the celebration because of her.”

“Really?” She looked down at her friend, a disbelieving smile spreading across her face.

“Of course.” Visala answered. Idly running her fingers along her friends skin she added, “I love you Indira.”

“I love you too Visala!” Unable to help herself she swooped down for a long, tender kiss with the woman that meant so much to her. “Next year, skip the subterfuge.”

“Of course. Next year we'll both celebrate your way.”

“Wonderful.” Indira looked to Morkath and added, “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” He replied with a nod of his head, “I'd do anything for Visala.”

“So would I . . .”


Sophia Dearden

This was a really fun read, I enjoyed it a whole lot. You definitely hit the mark with making something light and breezy. Great job my friend!


Thanks! It's definitely fun to take a break with something like this after the massive undertaking that was my last story lol