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I hope you guys are ready for another long one! Apparently stories over 10,000 words are my new thing lol. Hopefully ya'll enjoy this glut of extra long stories!

“Divided as it was by a great and treacherous mushroom forest the island of Starsea had long been a place of barely contained unrest. For countless generations only the Elven clan within the forest was capable of navigating it's dangers and guiding others through for a price. The expansionist tribes of Men to the south and the battle hardened Orc bands to the north had little choice but to accept this arrangement. Or risk the equally dangerous oceans to make their raids by sea. And for a time this kept a relative peace between the three factions. Neither side could attack the other in force without the aid of the Elves and they were always reluctant to play a role in the fighting. Until the Humans massed their forces for a full scale invasion. Having biding their time for a quarter of a century, little more than a blink of the eye to Elves and Orcs, the united tribes attacked  They set fire to the Ashvedai's home and carved a bloody path through the mushrooms towards their lifelong enemies. In a panic the Elves turned to the Orcish bands for aid against their common foe. All but one refused the call, their bitterness staying their hands. But the small Warmaw clan answered the summons. With the aid of Elven scouts and weaponry they drove the Humans back at the cost of many warriors. In honor of that sacrifice the Ashvedai aided the nearly crippled Orc band in rebuilding. First by carving them out a permanent home outside the towering stalks of Sur'faldi and then by helping them overthrow the clans that had turned their backs on the plight of the Elves.”

“For the first time in centuries Elves marched from their ancestral home side by side with the Orcs that had saved them from extinction. While the Humans licked their wounds in the North a bloody, decades long battle was raged in the South. One by one the tribes were brought under the Warmaw banner as the two Queens sealed their alliance in blood and battle. By the end of the campaign thousands had perished but the Orcish population was at last united under a single banner. But rather than turning on their still weakened Elven compatriots as many doomsayers predicted the invigorated Warmaw instead set their sights on finally purging the island of their ancient foes. Once more armed and guided by the Ashvedai they marshaled the greatest army ever seen on Starsea and swept through the tribes of Men. They drove their enemies back to the mainland with stories of terror and strength so potent only death awaited those seeking retribution. After nearly a century of battle the Elves and Orcs finally achieved a peace many thought were impossible. But the the bonds forged in the fires of war remained long after the dust had settled and the dead were buried. Ashvedai left Sur'faldi to settle in the North and South alongside their Warmaw blood brothers and brave Orcish settlers made their homes in the mushroom forest that had long denied them. Before long the two races were living in harmony and new generations prospered under their unification.”

“And every year we gather to celebrate the victories our ancestors fought and died for! “ Queen Irvella exclaimed to the delighted cheers of Elf and Orc alike, “Here among the scars of that first great battle with the Humans were remember all we've gained together and look forward to all we might still accomplish together!”  

Raising a mug of foaming ale above her head she looked to the Orc King Faltreth seated beside her. He grinned and rose his own tankard, “Warmaw!” He roared.

“Warmaw!” The revelers called back.

“Ashvedai!” Irvella shouted.

“Ashvedai!” Their peoples cried.

King and Queen smashed their flagons together hard enough to send much of their contents splashing messily all across the table. While their subjects stamped their feet and slammed their fists on the table Irvella and Faltreth drained what little ale was left inside their tankards. The Elves and Orcs all around them followed suit and the celebration was officially underway. For as long as there was food, drink, and pleasant company the Warmaw and Ashvedai would make merry and rejoice. Although healed of it's most obvious scars the once fire scorched clearing near the center of Sur'faldi had evolved from a place of mourning and sorrow to the largest gathering of Elves and Orcs on Starsea. Hundreds of tables were dotted across the miles long glade with numerous areas set aside for drinking, archery,feats of strength, dancing, and lovemaking. Legacies of both cultures were displayed proudly with banners of both clans flying high above the festivities while Orcish distilleries poured drink into Elvish cups, Ashvedai craftsmen shared secrets with Warmaw artisans, and everyone mingled together with little thought of race or creed. And with centuries of intermingling and trade their garb had a distinctly hybrid flair to it, a combination of pragmatic but well made leathers and hides paired with a more lavish flowing silks and sheer cloth.

Seated at the center of it all were the King Faltreth and Queen Irvella along with their families. They watched with delight as their peoples celebrated. Though they'd soon be joining the fun for the time being they were content to simply observe and bask in the satisfaction of their accomplishments. As the grandchildren of the original Queens responsible for all they had and the first rulers to live without the guidance of those aged monarchs theirs was a heavy burden. As harmonious as things were among the Orcs and Elves the island remained a harsh and dangerous place to live. Monsters roamed the lands and there were whispers of raiders from across the sea making landfall on the archipelago to the north. But now was not the time for the worries of state. For perhaps the only point in the year it was time for unmitigated cheer and happiness.

“Where is young Kovst?” Irvella asked of her companion, “I don't see him among the revelers.”

“I suspect he's attending the visitors from elsewhere on Starsea.” Faltreth smirked, “He loathes the task but I gave him little choice in the matter.”

“Oh? Did you threaten him with duel again?”

“I did indeed. So long as he remembers how easily I claimed victory over him five years ago I have little fear of insubordination.”

“Indeed.” The Elf Queen laughed, the memory of that impressive fight still fresh in her own mind, “I sent Lyvra to do the same. Though I had little need for threats.”

“Is that a hint of gloating I hear?” The Orc King asked.

“You're imagining things.” She stated with a barely concealed smile, “I'm simply overjoyed my daughter has taken to diplomacy as well as she has.”

“Of course.” He chuckled, “Perhaps her enthusiasm will persuade Kovst to take his position more seriously.”

“Oh I have little faith that will ever happen. Kovst is too much like his father to be swayed by a simple maiden.”

“Then I consider us both lucky Lyvra takes so strongly after her mother. Without her strong will my son would no doubt corrupt her with thoughts of battle and other pursuits.”

Irvella smiled at her companion, his flattery making her heart skip a beat as it always did. Faltreth met her gaze with a familiar glimmer in his eyes. Their silence enjoyment was interrupted when his mate suddenly tugged at his arm and said, “Come husband, we must dance!”

“Of course my Queen.” Faltreth replied after a lingering stare at his unrequited soul mate, “Lead the way.”

Watching him go with a slightly melancholy smile Irvella turned towards her own husband and said, “I'm famished my darling, join me for a meal?”

“I'd love nothing more.” He said with a bow. Both them rose from the table and made their way towards one of the many fire pits dotted across the clearing. Unable to see one another through the crowds of people Irvella and Faltreth nonetheless cast one last glance in the other's direction before turning their attention to the ones they married.

Those that couldn't or were unwilling to attend gathered in their own villages to enjoy the festivities but it was customary for an envoy from every town no matter how small to attend the main celebration for at least a day. Because of how dangerous travel across Starsea was royal guards and military escorts often journeyed alongside the enjoys, their ever expanding caravans collecting more and more wagons until the seemed to stretch all the way to the horizon. Visitors were then greeted either by the smiling countenance of Princess Lyvra or the scowling but good natured visage of Warlord Kovst. The pair stood side by side at the main entrance to the festival with other, lesser nobles greeting those arriving from different places. To many the sight of their eventual rulers was almost as welcoming as that of the celebration itself. Partly thanks to their fairly renowned skills with blade and bow and partly because of their undeniably attractive features. Much like their parents each was something of a pinnacle for their race. Both were quite tall with Kovst standing more than seven feet and Lyvra only half a dozen inches below him. Evidence of their martial skills was evident in everything from their naturally toned muscles to the subtle way each stood even when not fighting. He was just a bit more bulky thanks to a preference for sword and shield while her fondness for paired weapons gave her a slightly leaner silhouette. Even lacking weapons at their waist or on their back the two looked every bit like the warrior  leaders they were. Those unaware of their prowess by reputation only had to look at the pair to know what they were capable of. And once all the arrivals had been greeted and the celebration was under way they'd soon have a first hand look at those abilities. Although only one of them actively displayed it both were eager to join the revelry.

“Oh dammit!” Lyvra swore as a wizened Orc climbed out of a wagon not far from her, “I've forgotten his name!”

“Grakk the Wise.” Kovst whispered to her.

“Thank you!”

As he approached Lyvra bowed, holding one hand against her chest while extending the other out parallel to her body. Her untamed mane of dark purple hair fell across her face as she did so, momentarily hiding her brilliant silver eyes and shrouding her golden skinned features. She brushed the errant locks behind her ears as she straightened and a genuine smile spread across her sultry lips. The slight flush that'd crept across her angular cheeks and strong nose slowly receded now that she knew how best to address him. Stopping a few feet away Grakk made the same motion while the coterie behind him did the same. They made pleasant small talk for a moment with her asking about his journey and him asking after her family. Once the pleasantries had been exchanged he rather unabashedly looked past her towards the festivities beyond and Lyvra smiled at his intrigued look.

“I'm certain you'll enjoy the festivities my lord,” She said with a note of amusement, “On behalf of everyone here welcome to Sur'faldi!”

“You honor us Princess,” Grakk replied, bowing his head, “We're thrilled to be here.”

Walking past Lyvra with his entourage of Elven students he passed by Kovst giving what should have been a similar greeting, “Food's over there. Sex is over there. Help yourself to both.” He stated, jerking his thumb over his shoulder as he pointed towards the respective areas.

His dark, almost black eyes barely paid attention to them and everything about his body language spoke to his apathy. Although possessing the same broad flat features of his father and lineage he had only a few of the scars and much deeper shade of green in his skin. About the only acknowledgment he'd made for this role was braiding his short onyx colored hair in a particular fashion customary with his unwanted role. Too lazy to even pick the meat from his tusks or wipe the food from his slightly pursed lips Kovst did everything he could to steer people away from himself and towards the vastly more comely woman beside him. Fittingly his efforts only earned him a reprieve from the men who would no doubt have turned towards Lyvra regardless with the many eligible women pouring in often heading straight towards him in a comical fashion.

“T-thank you Warlord!” The Elf and Orc attendees said, many of them looking visibly taken aback by his brusque nature.

“You're welcome.”

As the second group trickled past him Kovst looked to his companion and rolled his eyes while she suppressed a smirk. “When did you start saying 'you're welcome'?” She asked.

“Shut up.” He grinned.

“And just like that his manners are gone!”

“You're a few quips away from doing this yourself.”

“Well I can always tell your father you abandoned me. Like I did last year.”

“You told me father?!” Sidling up beside her with an amused and amazed look on his face Kovst remarked, “I thought we were friends!”

“We are.” Lyvra replied, glancing up at him, “Which is why I let several others tell him before me.”

“If that's the kind of loyalty I've earned it's a good thing we've never gone into battle!”

“For many reasons.”

Continuing to taunt and tease one another for the remainder of their time on the outskirts of the glad Lyvra and Kovst greeted every last visitor in their own, unique way until none were left. Once all the caravans were accounted for and the sun was beginning it's descent towards the horizon they finally left their post to attend the celebration together. The pair was stopped a handful of times by friends and courtiers but they managed to reach a modestly empty table beside a large mead distillery. Each collected four tankards overflowing with amber liquid and sat down side by side. For a short while they said nothing and simply enjoyed their drinks and one another's company. After draining a pair of tankards and uttering a long, impressive belch Lyvra looked to her lifelong friend with a smile.

“Where will you go now that you're free from the horrors of cordiality?”

“I hadn't given it much thought.” He answered as soon as he was done with his own drink.

“Oh really?” Following his gaze towards the large cluster of tents and the faint but present sounds of moaning and colliding flesh echoing out from it, “Perhaps you should tell your cock that.”

Starting slightly and looking down at his groin Kovst threw her a dirty look and furtively crossed his legs, “I needn't ask what's on your mind!”

“No but I'll tell you anyways.”

“Of course you will.”

“First I'm going to have a shank of roast manticore. Then one of those delicious cakes Madam Laracue makes.”

“That's not a bad idea.”

“I rarely have bad ideas.”

“Remind me again how your expedition into the caves—”

“Keep talking and I'll set your hair alight.”

“It didn't stop me last time.” 

“I wasn't talking about the hair upon your head.”

Kovst shifted uncomfortably for a moment and playfully retorted, “You seem quite interested in my manhood today. What's the matter, are none of your Elven bedfellows satisfying you?”

“They satisfy me in ways you couldn't even dream!”

Allowing the bravado he always kept while around her to slip for a moment in an attempt to disarm her Kovst said, “I envy you then.”

Taking the bait Lyvra quickly asked, “What do you mean?” A hint of concern in her voice.

“The women that court me care for lineage and bloodlines above all else.” He remarked, “Few spare a thought to the pleasures of it.”

“What a pity.” She replied with blushing smile, “I'd long heard stories of Orcish lovers and their . . . prowess. It saddens me to learn they were simply bawdy tales.”

“Where would you hear stories like those?”

“From my mother and her companions.”

Kovst snorted, not surprised but still a little embarrassed by the thought of Queen Irvella saying such things. In many ways she was akin to family. Much like Lyvra herself. “Well there's some truth to the stories.” He commented with a slight defensiveness.

“Is that so?” Lyvra asked of him, moving in a bit close and looking into his eyes until he couldn't hold her gaze, “I trust that's not your wounded pride talking.”

“Maybe a little. But we Orcs know how to love just as well as any elf.”

“Well I'm glad to hear it. Perhaps I'll test that for myself tonight.”

Choosing the wrong moment to take a drink Kovst choked and sputtered on the mead he'd been drinking, “What?” He coughed.

“You heard me.”

“Are you not spoken for? My father seemed to think you had—”

“I have no man to keep me warm.” She said with a smile. “I didn't think such a thing concerned you.”

“It shouldn't,” He stated, grinning down at her, “But if you're going to bed one of my people it seems only right that I make sure you lie with the best Orc on the island.”

“Oh? And why is that?”

“Because you deserve the best.”

Lyvra blushed while he drained his tankard, a little smile spreading across her lips. By the time he was finished she managed to hide both reactions and return to her confidence, “Well if you're going to find a companion for me it only seems fair I get to find one for you.”

“You mean an Elf?” He asked.

“Of course. Unless you find the idea objectionable?”

“Of course not. I've always wanted to be with an Elf—I mean, the idea has always appealed to me.”

“Well said.” She smiled, “If that's true I already have someone in mind.”

“You do?”

“Of course.”

“Well I have someone in mind for you too.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I said I'd get you the very best and I meant it.”

“Is it your father?”

Kovst fixed her with the most exaggeratedly offended look he could muster, “You're disgusting!”

“I am. Any Orc would be lucky to have me.”

“They would . . .”

Looking at one another for a moment Lyvra and Kovst stood up and awkwardly cleared their throats, “Let's meet at my tent with the ones we've chosen for each other.”

“All right . . . will you need long to find her?”

“No. I won't need any time at all.” Lyvra replied in a hopeful voice.

“Good. It won't take long to find my man either.”

“Wonderful. We'll reconvene in say . . . five minutes?”

“I look forward to it.”

They turned away from one another with identical grins on their faces, each quietly hoping the other had gleaned the other's true meaning. She headed directly toward her small tent on the outskirts of the clearing while he collected another tankard of mead to bulk up his courage. While most guests and attendants would simply sleep out under the stars and enjoy the pleasantly warm summer air Lyvra had always preferred the privacy of a tent. Both for lovemaking and simple resting. She wasn't alone in her desires but it was certainly unusual compared to most. Not that she had much issue being unusual when it came to comfort. And now it was looking as if her preference was finally paying off. Should Kovst return in the manner she hoped the lack of prying eyes would make everything go much, much more smoothly. Stepping inside her cozy little pavilion she was exceedingly grateful she'd taken the time to magically summon her large bed from it's place in the keep. Although it filled up most of the shelter she'd almost certainly need the added space. Stepping to one side and idly smoothing out the sheets she thought about so many different things, not the least of which being what she'd do if her hopes proved false. Those thoughts were haphazardly pushed away in favor of more enjoyable fantasies to indulge in.

As she folded her arms and trembled with excitement at what would soon come to pass, three of Lyvra's handmaidens slipped in behind her. Moving behind their mistress and taking their usual place next to her bed they waited a moment for her to respond.. “Did you wish to change Princess?” one of them finally asked.

Her pulse quickened at the unexpected voice but Lyvra otherwise betrayed no sign of her surprise as she turned to face her ladies in waiting, “Nothing quite so dramatic.” She lied, “I was thinking I might perhaps wear the amulet my mother gave me. But you needn't be here for—” 

The rest of her statement was cut off when Kovst burst into her tent, his cheeks flushed and a determined look on his face, “This is a long time coming!” He exclaimed.

“Kovst!” Lyvra cried out, “We—”

Once more she was cut off but this time she didn't quite mind the interruption. With two long strides he reached his companion, threw his arms around her waist, and lifted her off the ground. The next moment theirs lips were pressed together in a passionate, whirlwind embrace. Any thoughts of the three women watching them faded from her mind as she eagerly kissed him. Although it had indeed been a long time coming neither of them were even remotely prepared for the kind of emotions well up inside them at that moment. Indescribable feelings swelled in their chests while goosebumps spread across their bodies. Coiling her legs around his waist and holding on tight to his broad shoulders Lyvra moaned with more enthusiasm than ever before. After a lifetime of build up and uncertainty she was finally with the man she loved. Even if she rarely ever acknowledged those feelings they'd remained buried deep inside her. It was becoming increasingly clear with every passing second that he felt the same way about her. He might have been more conscious of his feelings but Kovst never imagined he'd be able to act on them. Something had always held him back and now that it was gone he couldn't believe he'd wasted so much time without her. Kissing Lyvra like she was the only woman in the world he shuffled forward a couple of steps and sank onto the bed before them. She felt the familiar padding collide with her back and what little air had been in her lungs rushed out. 

But that didn't matter so long as his body remained pressed against her own. So long as she felt that wonderfully stiff bulge straining against both of their clothes. He didn't need to move an inch for the sensation of his cock grinding against her sex to send shivers down his spine. Yet he did and the subtle thrusting motions that soon accompanied his continued assault on her lips made it much sweeter. Her moans rose in volume and pitch while the three flustered and dumbstruck women watching it all stood rooted in place, entirely unsure of what to do or even how to recuse themselves without being noticed. Pulling back from the kiss Kovst lifted his head and slowly looked behind them to the trio of blushing and extremely nervous handmaidens still present. Something in the back of his mind had finally alerted him to their presence and much like them he had little idea what to do. His movements gradually slowed but his cock remained just as stiff as ever pressed against his friend's womanhood. It wasn't long before she noticed that uncertainty and commented on it in her usual way, despite the intensity and passion of the moment.

“What's wrong” Lyvra teased, “You can fight before an audience but not fuck? Should I send them away?”

“No.” He said in a low voice. Determined to finally be with her come what may he repeated himself with even more conviction, “No!”

Her smile was buried beneath another passionate kiss, his strong hands tearing at her clothes without hesitation. With the same practiced skill that made him such a formidable opponent on the battlefield Kovst cast aside the hides and silks covering her small, round breasts. For a brief moment he was distracted by those trembling mounds, both hands jumping to them and teasing the large bronze areola at their center. She gasped at the touch of his calloused fingers. Somehow as great as it'd felt to kiss him none of it had felt quite real until that point. But now with his hands cupping her tits and playing her unexpectedly sensitive nipples there was no pretending they were doing anything else. Hearing the subtle yet pronounced reactions of her ladies in waiting made all the more thrilling. As though their passions were finally be witnessed by others. Lyvra pushed herself harder against his lips and smiled at the rather talented way he teased her body. The thought of him being with all the women it would take to acquire that amount of skill was oddly arousing. Like they'd all been training up until her. It gave both a sense of warmth and debauchery to the entire affair. One she was happy to bask in. Before long she was actively pushing herself against his hands and further grinding against his loins.

Little did Kovst know her reaction, while very much genuine, was actually a distraction. While he was preoccupied with her trembling breasts Lyvra was getting into the ideal position to pounce. The time came soon after when he was so fixated on her chest his lips slowed their progress against hers. She smiled and threw her arms around his shoulders. For a split second it looked as if she was merely hugging him, then suddenly the two of them were rolling to the left. Barely understanding what transpired Kovst found himself suddenly staring up at his companion while she slowly straightened above him. With her tits laid bare to his searching gaze and her buttocks pressed snugly against his pulsing cock there was little to complain about with the sudden role reversal. In fact after a moment of confusion his large hands resumed their ministrations without hesitation. All three ladies in waiting gasped at the sudden shift in perceived control and Lyvra smiled down at Kovst. He gave her a cocky look at she rolled her eyes. Both of them were unquestionably nervous and even a little shy about making love with three handmaidens watching. But neither of them were quite able to voice that concern to one another and they'd be lying if they claimed there wasn't a certain element of pleasure at the thought of their first time together being witnessed in such a fashion. A few moments of silent stares and wordless exchanges passed by only for Lyvra to wordlessly grab his wrists. Pulling his fingers from her chest she slid them down to the skirt draped across her shapely hips. She lifted herself up off his groin and timidly nodded upon seeing his inquisitive look. He returned the gesture and unfastened the belt preserving her last scraps of modesty.

With a simple flick of the wrist her clothing fell away and she tossed it off the bed entirely a moment later. She bent back over his prostrate form almost close enough to kiss him but still tantalizingly far away at the same time. This time the handmaidens had no audible reaction, they'd seen Lyvra naked plenty of times and although the context was certainly unique the sight of her toned, hear shaped ass wasn't unique. Though their eyes did widen a little when Kovst's hands grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. When he pulled them apart and they glimpsed not only their mistress' glistening folds but also a flicker of her tight second hole one did inhale rather sharply. The sound made him smile and feel the slightest pangs of envy at what they were able to witness. He almost considered telling them to fetch a mirror in an attempt to both embarrass his lover and enjoy the sight of her breathtaking body. Unfortunately that kind of thing was still beyond him at the moment and there were much more interesting routes to explore. Like tearing his gaze away from her blushing countenance to stare at the wonderfully thick tuft of hair resting above and hiding her womanhood from his gaze. There was no reason to be surprised by that curly thicket of dark purple and yet as he looked Kovst was momentarily taken aback. Then the smell of her arousal reached his nose, unfettered as it was by any clothing. As soon as he drank in the sweet, incredible aroma that was her pussy any thoughts about what he expected her grooming habits to be like melted away. He gripped her ass even harder with one hand and pulled the other away. She didn't need to wonder what he was doing as it was quickly brought down with an echoing slap against her golden flesh. All four women in the tent gasped but none harder than Lyvra, her entire body shivering from the impact. Her delighted and encouraging smile was promptly met with another spank, this time on her other cheek. 

Two large, pink hand prints slowly appeared on her ass and the sight of them was so distracting none of the handmaidens noticed Lyvra reaching down for a helping of Orcish cock. Similarly unfastening his belt she didn't bother removing his clothes. Instead she merely pushed them aside and wrapped her fingers around the thick green member she'd secretly fantasized about for years. The moment her fingers brushed against it's rigid length both of them gasped. Their eyes met and they smiled identical, embarrassed grins. Kovst blushed at the look on her face and his bashfulness made her shiver. A little strand of arousal dripped from her waiting slit to fall directly against his cock. Although he barely felt it the collection of small noises from her ladies in waiting added just enough to make him chuckle. Lyvra bit her lower lip and held his member with one hand, slowly lifting it up while she herself rose a few inches as well. In the process she not only revealed the depths of her arousal to everyone present but also the size and thickness of the dick she'd soon be riding. Maybe eight inches in length and as thick around in the middle as her fist it was unquestionably a nice, satisfying cock. Easily the biggest the handmaidens had seen and definitely among the larger the Princess had experienced. Though even if it hadn't the man it belonged to was so special to her she would've enjoyed lower herself onto it no matter what. But since he was nice and big in just about every way feeling his tip slide inside her pussy and her inner walls gradually stretch to accommodate him was just . . . wonderful. Letting go of his shaft and closing her eyes she sank down on his girth. Around the midpoint her gasping breaths grew more feverish than ever as she was suddenly spread open even wider. Her whole body trembled and her breasts heaved with every labored gasp. She ran her fingers through her hair and moaned his name again and again. Kovst stared up at her with complete adoration, amazed by how beautiful she looked and how powerfully his manhood ached even as it glided into her.

He didn't even think to look down at their connected bodies until the last moment. Watching the remaining inch or so of his dick vanish and a trickle of clear juices seep out was nothing short of incredible. That final little impact as she reached the base and sat there was like a thunderclap. In the silence that followed both of them as well as her ladies in waiting simply basked in what they'd been part of. Feeling very much like the culmination of many, many years actually being inside her was little overwhelming at first. For absolutely no reason at all he never expected her to be so amazingly tight around his cock. The sheer amount of pressure her womanhood exerted was almost too much when combined with all the other, emotional elements. Lyvra was experiencing much the same thing, in her own way of course. Because despite him not being her biggest partner by a very provable metric he somehow managed to feel that way as she remained there. It felt almost like she was losing her maidenhood all over again. Only this time there was no pain and just an incredible amount of rising pleasure. When she finally looked down at him she was delighted to see his expression mirroring her own. The two of them nodded at one another and her hands returned to his chest. He took hold of her waist and she started the long process of rising up his cock. As she did the true depth of her arousal was revealed with long, gooey strands of pussy juice stretching out from where their bodies had first collided. Rivulets of her fluids trickled down his dick while much larger strings were stretched until they broke between golden and green flesh. No longer able to help themselves the ladies in waiting actually inched a little closer at the tantalizing sight. Their movement also gave them a proper look at Kovst large, now quite sticky balls, in a manner that felt somehow even more indecent. Perhaps it was the sight of their Princess' thoroughly stuffed cunt stretching and clamping down around his member at the same time. Torn between turning away and kneeling down to watch it as close as they possibly could the three, sexually inexperienced women halted after one step.

Feeling three pairs of eyes glued to her backside Lyvra glanced back at her attendants with a coquettish smile. Only one of them noticed her glance and as luck would have it she was the one the Princess had hoped for. Offering a cheeky wink she stopped midway up Kovst member and slammed herself back down with as much force as she could muster. He moaned, the three women inhaled, and the one she'd been staring at furtively licked her lips. Lyvra turned away to look back down at her man, unaware of how madly her pussy had been trembling around him but thrilled to see how much he was enjoying her body all the same. She quickly repeated the motion, this time rising a bit higher before plunging downward. The bed groaned at the impact of their bodies while little flecks of her juices were sent flying across the bed. Some even reached as far as the three handmaidens, droplets splashing across their clothes and filling their nostrils with the pungent smell of their charge's womanhood. Oddly being sprayed by Lyvra's juices as they watched her ride Kovst didn't have nearly as powerful an effect as the trio expected. If anything it was almost sobering. Like a reminder they were witnessing something not only above their station but also something entirely outside of their business. They greatly enjoyed watching her glide up and down his length while a steady rhythm was established but the discontent at being there remained no matter how much they might have otherwise enjoyed it. Each looked at one another for a moment, identical thoughts passing through their heads. Maybe if they were given permission to stay or finally told to leave their feelings might be a touch less murky.

“Perhaps we should leave . . .” one of them said as she tried and failed to look away.

“We haven't been dismissed!” Another insisted.

“But it's not our place to witness such a—”

“Don't you dare!” Lyvra moaned.

“Yes Princess!”

She looked back at them and was greeted by three demure, almost hidden smiles. Confident she'd made the right choice Lyvra closed her eyes and focused on riding Kovst until one of them broke. Her hips bounced along his shaft in an ever increasing speed, her pert ass jiggling from every impact and fluids seeping from her slit at a constant rate. The wet, slapping of their bodies filled the tent with the discordant moans and gasps bursting from their lips adding an extra layer to the cacophony. Had there been any concern about staying quite it was steadily being eradicated as she completely let loose atop his prick. Finally able to indulge in every girlish fantasy and lewd desire Lyvra was enjoying herself with absolute abandon. Although he couldn't quite participate as much as he'd like Kovst made his eagerness known whenever he could. First by grabbing and spanking her buttocks like he had at their start of their little affair. Each meaty smack of his palms against her cheeks brought a suddenly fit of trembling over the Princess which only made him feel better. That renewed throbbing of his cock in turn gave her a nice motive to grind a little harder and the whole thing fed into itself in a perfect medley of desires and instincts. 

He kept that up for a time but soon found his hands uncooperative as the mounting pleasure gradually overtook him. Just as overcome by the little bursts of ecstasy exploding inside Lyvra's body as she was he was forced to grab hold of her waist like a drowning man grabbing a log. But he was determined to make both of them feel as good as possible, and to avoid the inevitable jokes about her doing all the work. With only one option left he started pushing his cock upwards at the same time she was sliding back down. This drove his prick wonderfully fast inside her slit, faster than she'd anticipated and certainly faster than she was going. The first couple of times it happened she was actually struck dumb by the sudden sensation of being stuffed to the brim by his length so quickly. Her ladies in waiting actually recoiled a little, taken aback and momentarily fearful of the force behind his thrusting. When the Princess recovered and started thoroughly enjoying his addition they were able to set aside their amazement in favor of enjoying the sight for as long as it could possibly go. Which was quite an impressive amount even if he did eventually succumb to his waning endurance.

Groaning in a very telling fashion Kovst thrusted a few more times and slid his cock deep into Lyvra's pussy while she asked, “So soon?” in a voice meant to be teasing. Instead her tone only revealed the eagerness felt by the rest of her body.

“Shut up!” He retorted, a strained smile on his face.

Kovst groaned in appreciation as his hands slid around her waist. Unsure of how to handle what would happen next is first and most logical instinct was to simply pull out. As badly as he wanted to remain inside her the fear that she might not want to bear his child remained quite strong. It was a silly, spur of the moment concern that had no rationality behind it and yet he found himself pulling her off his dick all the same. Lyvra soon realized what was happening and hurriedly knocked his hands away like she was disarming him. Slamming down particularly hard she giggled and bent down to kiss him. Her lips brushed against his for a few seconds and then smoothly transitioned along his strong jaw. From there they moved down his neck until she was lightly kissing his chest. Once she was unable to go any further she pulled back and grinded against him with renewed vigor. As confident as he could possibly be about what she wanted Kovst's hands returned to her buttocks and held on tight as he thrusted a few more times in quick succession. She moaned and bounced atop him, her fingers curling into fists against his chest. On a whim and moments before he climaxed she glanced back at the three women still dutifully watching their coupling. Each was blushing furiously and unable to meet her gaze even with shrouded behind a curtain of wild hair. But it didn't matter if they couldn't look her in the eye because all three were much too focused on other areas to try very hard anyways. Namely the sight of Kovst's hairy loins tensing beneath her ass. All but one seemed transfixed by it and she was rather unabashedly looking a few inches higher. Content they were enjoying themselves Lyvra turned her attention towards the man that deserved it most just in time to witness his teeth baring, eyes closed visage. Oddly charmed by the comically over the top way he looked in that moment Lyvra closed her own eyes and let that image stay burned in her memory as his cum exploded inside her.

For the first time in her life she felt the warm, toe curling sensation of a man's seed pouring into her body. Despite having a modest number of partners throughout her life never before had she allowed them to finish inside her. In the back of her mind none had been worthy enough to serve as the father of her children and even if she hadn't been impregnated the risk simply wasn't worth it. That thought hadn't crossed her mind at all with Kovst. The moment she knew he was going to climax all she could think about was experiencing his warm, gushing orgasm. And she was not disappointed. His cum flooded the deepest reaches of her sex, that first jet spraying so wonderfully far. It splashed across her inner walls and into her womb as though mandated by the gods. When she moaned in rapturous celebration of the feeling his shaft tensed even harder within her. Straining and throbbing against he confines of her pussy his cock busily emptied out what seemed like every last drop it had. Again and again it throbbed while thick strands of cum gushed into her body. Every single one was welcomed gladly by the quivering and suddenly baby crazy Princess. She gradually slowed all other movements in favor of relishing in the sensations assaulting her senses. The feel of his body beneath her, the smell of his musk, the way his nails dug into her flesh. Most of all the sheer pleasure of knowing he was the first, and maybe only, man to ever enjoy such an experience alongside her.

While she bent down to cuddle against him and share a soft kiss with her man Lyvra's hips were inadvertently lifted an inch or two. This not only gave her ladies in waiting another glimpse of the wet green cock buried inside her gooey pink cunt but also the long, creamy white strands of cum now leaking out of her. They only saw two emerging from the tight confines of her pussy but the sight of his seed oozing down his length alongside the juices ever trickling from her slit was truly something to behold. Now having witnessed to what might be the most private element of their union the three women were all but consumed by the passion of the moment. They stared with unblinking amazement as his cum dripped out, the tableau before them occupying every corner of their minds. It was such an incredible sight they couldn't stand idly by and watch it happen. Of course neither could they join the couple as the most obvious path dictated. Even in the state they were in such a thing seemed well beyond their place. Instead each girl settled on furtively touching themselves in as subtle a way as they could. Nothing outright sexual but still unquestionably not innocent either. One started rubbing her bare collarbone with slow, deliberate movements, another cupped her cheeks and gently dragged her fingers across them, and the third tightly folded her arms beneath her breasts to caress the sides of her biceps with her nails.

“That was wonderful . . .” Lyvra murmured, speaking quietly enough that only Kovst heard her.

“Did you finish too?” He asked in a dazed voice.

“No . . . but it was still—”

“Then stop talking like we're done.” He stated with slightly more conviction, “I still have a duty to fulfill!”

“You don't have to do that!” Lyvra smiled, “I enjoyed every moment of it!”

“Well then you won't mind enjoying it some more!” Opening his eyes and looking at her Kovst flashed his lover an intense smile, “Now it's my turn!”

“I think you just had your tuUURN!”

Caught between a laugh and a squeal Lyvra was rolled onto her back in the blink of an eye. Suddenly staring up at her man with his cock still buried inside her and his strong frame looming above she knew what was next before he could follow through on his promise. She started to wrap her legs around his waist only for him to push them away, lifting and moving them until her thighs were pressed against his chest and her ankles were resting on either side of his head. With a manic grin he pressed his hands on the bed beside her smiling face and slowly pushed forward with his hips. This not only drove his cock back as deep as it could go inside her gooey pussy but it also lifted her lower half off the bed entirely at the same time. Feeling her body bend and her pleasure mount Lyvra moaned at him. Her arms slid around his shoulders and held on tight while he pulled his feet underneath himself. Now squatting atop her upraised hips with both of their asses in the air and just about every ounce of control denied to her Kovst was able to make good on his promise. While his people called it a mating press the Elves had no name for it because few if any had actually experienced the act. The Princess was far too overwhelmed to grasp the full weight of the scenario but her ladies in waiting were under no such limitation. In fact they were so uniquely able to appreciate the full scope they could only watch with open mouths and wide eyes as his dick gradually retreated from her pussy. Getting to see everything in such an uncompromising and downright vulgar fashion was almost too much for them. It was like they were attending some sort of depraved sexual performance only with the future Queen and King of the Elves and Orcs. Which just made it all the more breathtaking when he plunged back inside her and the tent was filled with Lyvra's passionate moan and the wet smack of flesh against flesh.

Since there was little need to worry if she could handle it Kovst wasted no time trying to pound her into submission. Thanks to his own prodigious strength and the ideal angle in which he was thrusting his cock absolutely hammered her in a way few others had managed. Either because they weren't able or because they'd feared injuring her. But nobody knew Lyvra's limits better than her lifelong friend and it was beyond clear he intended to push her to them. Finding a wonderful mix between power and speed he slammed her body against the bed at a pace that all but forced her right up to the edge in a matter of moments. She'd already been hovering there thanks to his messy climax and now being treated like a common Orcish whore was working in ways that took Lyvra by surprise. Each impact of his hips against hers sent a shockwave of pleasure through her body. The weight of his entire body bearing down on her along with the wet impact of his balls against her flesh was absolutely divine. And it wasn't long before his tempo started bouncing her against the bed in a way that sent her sliding right back up his cock just as he was coming back down. Realizing that had been his intention all along the Princess could only smile as his efforts steadily turned her into his plaything. A plaything he was dead set on pleasuring to the best of his not insubstantial abilities. Something that really made her squirm beneath him more than any skillful movements ever could. Her toes curled back against her feet and her gasps came at increasingly higher pitches as he maintained his rhythm far, far longer than either she or her ladies in waiting expected. Minutes passed by with only the steady and powerful slap of his body serving to mark the passing time. But even that was a fickle and unhelpful metric thanks to his fondness for suddenly and unexpectedly speeding up whenever she seemed most vulnerable. Almost literally attacking her poor cunt with his furious thrusts Kovst took every chance to catch her off guard in a flurry of movement. She had no idea his assaults were timed with a particular, open mouthed and hazy eyes stare she flashed whenever a bolt of ecstasy lanced through her body. 

Unable to see their mistress' face or indeed any other part of her besides her feet, ass, and pussy the three handmaidens were embarrassed and aroused by the display unfolding before them. Having never seen a woman taken in such a manner would have been enough to leave them faint but witnessing it happen to Lyvra of all people was nothing short of incredible. None of them could believe how long she endured his furious assault. Every time he launched into a burst of wild thrusting they expected her to lose consciousness. That's undoubtedly what would happen if any of them were given that kind of uncompromising power. And yet she not only bore the brunt of his attacks but screamed his name in abject pleasure. Again and again it happened and she only seemed to enjoy it more. There was a definite crescendo in her voice as the time between bursts lessened and her ecstasy climbed higher and higher. Soon there were no breaks between Kovst' madcap thrusting. It was in that boundless furry that he finally made good on his pledge. Sinking into the roiling sea of pleasure rising up around her Lyvra's eyes widened in and her mouth hung open in a silent scream. 

As her vision momentarily went black the last thing she witnessed was her friend turned lover's face smiling down at her. After that the only part of her reality to remain was his relentless cock. It's unending hammering formed the basis of all she knew and all she could ever knew in those moments. Her nails scraped so hard against his back she almost drew blood while every muscle not controlling her fingers spasmed like she'd been struck by lightning. Fluids gushed from her pussy and the weighty impact of his body sent them splashing outwards in long jets. Her man was forced to slow his movements in the wake of such an incredible reaction, so he could enjoy the sight and because the incredible tightness of her body made it nearly impossible to maintain. He continued to thrust as best he could despite this, returning to a slower and more gentle pace that usually marked his sexual exploits with Elves. With no idea how long she'd remain in that amazing state he did everything in his power to keep it going. Wanting to give her the best experience possible and make up for all that wasted time he did everything in his power short of magical spells to keep her quivering body at the height of orgasmic satisfaction. And she loved every single moment of it as surely as she loved him.  But no matter how fervent his devotion her pleasure started to wane. Lasting just long enough to leave her completely drained in the aftermath Lyvra's orgasm faded into a comfortable bliss while her mind and body rebuilt themselves. 

Although he knew the answer he couldn't help but teasingly ask, “Did that do it?”

Tempted to try and play it off like she hadn't completely lost it Lyvra turned away from him and quietly scoffed. It was the best she could do with her body still violently trembling and her voice unable to extend beyond a breathy whisper. Before long she looked back at him with a quiet smile. He nodded and buried her in another kiss while his hips gradually returned to the speed that'd brought her to such a peak. She moaned into his lips and braced herself for the almost uncomfortable surge of pleasure that followed his renewed movements. Even though it'd only be a minute, perhaps less, she'd grown accustomed to the feeling of his dick stuffed deep inside her. Suddenly experiencing it gliding back and forth in the manner it was proved almost too much to handle. It certainly left her already sore and trembling pussy with little time to recuperate. The rest of her body was quickly following suite despite how gently he was thrusting. Gently compared to the earlier frenzy at least. Kovst motions were still quite forceful to those less experienced with the ferocity of Orcs. Like Lyvra's awestruck ladies in waiting. Each had an identical look of astonishment plastered on her face, the heat between theirs legs long ago bursting into a roaring fire. Barely able to keep up the veneer of composure that'd held them to that point all three were staring intently at the union with theirs finally brushing against their bodies in a blatantly sexual fashion. One was pushing two fingers against her sex and hoping the others wouldn't notice, another was doing the same but with a hand cupping her breasts at the same time. The third simply had both hands tucked between her thighs softly kneading the outer folds of her sex. None could fully commit to pleasuring themselves but there was no doubt in their minds if the Princess and her Warlord continued they'd reach that point eventually. His cock powerfully sliding into her pussy with a wet slap and a shower of juices all but guaranteed it. Which just made his admission a few seconds later even more tragic.

“I can't last much longer . . .” He growled. Having gritted his teeth and kept himself in check during her climax there was little more he could do to stem his impending release.

“Then don't.” She whispered.

As if all he needed was her permission those words spoken so simply and so sincerely pushed him right over the edge. Barely managing to slide back inside her Kovst groaned and another flood of creamy Orc spunk gushed into the Princess' cunt. She reveled in the feeling, all but certain she'd bear his child and absolutely delighted by that. Not to mention aroused to the point of incoherence. Lyvra wanted to gasp sweet nothings into his ear, to tell him how wet the thought of having his children made her, to speak of how many times she'd thought about this very thing. But all that emerged was a series of garbled moans barely different from the ones that'd marked her orgasm. Some of what she intended wasn't lost on her man though, due in no small part because he felt it himself. As his cum erupted deep into her already filled belly all he could think about was the many wasted years they'd spent dancing around their feelings. When he was able to think at all of course, more often than not the tightness of her body and beauty of the moment compounded his natural inability to function during climax. But serving as a convenient and willing dispenser of warm seed had it's uses as well. Particularly around the time his hips started grinding back and forth in small movements and the head of his shaft momentarily kissed the entrance to her womb. The first time it happened both of them tensed, Lyvra's body jumping at the unexpected sensation. When it was repeated she felt a thrilling surge of pleasure that hadn't been there before followed by a thick spray of cum directly against her entrance. With his dick pressed snugly against her second opening his spunk was able to pour directly into the furthest reaches of her body. A fact that wasn't lost on either of them. The young couple basked in the sensation for as long as they possibly could. Neither of them wanted it to end. Though they knew it would have too and quite soon if the weariness creeping into their bodies was any indication. Staying inside her as long as he possibly could Kovst only started to pull back when the pressure of her trembling pussy grew too much for his sensitive manhood to take. But only several minutes of tender kissing and mutual adoration.

At long last his cock emerged from her pussy, a soft moan escaping both their lips as their lovemaking finally came to an end. It was immediately followed by a trio of gasps as Lyvra's handmaidens finally understood just how much Kovst had pumped into her. As he rolled onto the bed beside her his spunk bubbled out of her well fucked slit in long, creamy strands. Thanks to the amount of seed swirling around inside her womb and the rest of her cunt she didn't have to do a thing besides lay there and bask in the afterglow while it was naturally pushed from her body. When she did subtly help it along a little jet of his seed spurted out, the bulk of it launching into the air only to splash wetly across her golden thighs a moment later. Although their gaze was quite focused on their Princess' body it was impossible not to notice the presence of Kovst's member siting only a few inches nearby. Lying on his side and looking directly at them the sight of his still somehow turgid shaft made them even more lightheaded and nervous. As if they were being further reminded with every little twitch and throb what had just transpired in front of them. The cocksure grin on his face and the rather unsubtle way Lyvra kept her legs spread apart didn't help matters either. At least that was the impression given by the looks on their faces. Inside each handmaiden felt a strange yet thrilling rush of emotions. For one the desire to climb onto that bed and finally embrace her beloved Princess was nearly overwhelming. For another the jealousy she felt at not having an Orc like Kovst of her own was palpable. And for the third fantasies of being a plaything for the pair of them flickered unbidden through her mind. But in keeping with their roles they managed to hide those powerful urges under a mask of incredulity. Eventually she'd had her fill of being ogled and with a smile she said the four words her attendants had expected to hear the moment it all started.

“You may leave us.” Lyvra said.

“Thank you Princess!” All three women said in the same high pitched voice. They remained in place for a few seconds as though the command hadn't quite reached hit them yet. When it finally did each one blushed and hurried out of the room without a second glance while the Princess and her lover chuckled, “I almost feel insulted.”

“As well you should. Any self respecting handmaiden would have offered to cradle my balls.” Kovst joked.

“Gods you're funny!” She sardonically replied.

“After what I just did I'll settle for that.”

“Oh? And what is it you just did?”

In a moment of surprising emotion he laid a hand upon her stomach and stared into her eyes with a wonderfully sincere look. It was ruined the moment he opened his mouth and said, “I ruined all other men for you.”

Lyvra giggled at his juvenile response, her hand covering his while she smiled at him, “Well at least there are plenty of eligible women in Sur'faldi.”

“Lucky you.” His cock twitched a little at the thought of her with another woman and she felt it brush against her leg.

“Ready so soon?” She asked, misinterpreting his reaction, “Consider me impressed.”

Leaning over her and kissing those soft, sarcastic lips for a moment Kovst said, “As much as I love that I'm not sure we have the time.”

“Why wouldn't we?”

“Your mother requested we be at the high table during sunset. Did she not tell you?”

“No she didn't, but your father did . . .”

“He did?”

“Yes. I thought it odd as well.”

The two of them looked at one another for a few seconds, “You don't think . . .”

“Are they trying to play matchmaker for us?”

Lyvra scoffed while Kovst laughed. “Well if they are it seems we'll have interesting news for them!” He chortled.

“You intend to tell them about this?” She asked. “About us?”

“Well I thought I'd omit a few details but yes, this seems like something they should know. Unless you don't agree.”

Offering him a noncommittal shrug Lyvra idly stroked his hand with her thumb, “I'm not sure . . .”

“What aren't you sure about?”

She sat up a little straighter and looked at him with a decidedly less romantic expression, “I know our families have always been close . . . but this might be stepping too far.”

“Why?” He questioned, sitting up as well and sliding an arm around her shoulders, “I'm certain they'll be thrilled!”

“Why are you so certain?”

Kovst shrugged and said, “It's just a feeling.” A short silence followed his oddly reassuring words before he added, “And we both know our people will love it.”

“That's true. Many already claim we've been secretly married.”

“I've heard those rumors. I always liked them.”

“You did? I thought they were dreadful!”


Looking away from him even as she snuggled a bit closer Lyvra simply responded, “I thought it would affect our abilities to find mates of our own.”

“I never had any trouble with that—ow!” Suppressing her smile Lyvra punched him in the chest and he promptly added, “I never married any of them!”

“Obviously!” She laughed.

Another silence overtook their musings. “I'd marry you . . .” Kovst murmured, “If that's what you wish . . .”

Lyvra's heart skipped a bit and she barely managed to keep her voice normal as she asked, “Is that what you wish?”

“Do all Elves grow up learning how best to dodge questions?”

“We learn as well as Orcs it seems!”

They grinned at one another and Kovst eventually admitted, “It's what I want . . . I confess I've wanted it for some time . . .”

Unable to keep up her usual facade at those words she tenderly slid her arms around his neck and kissed him, “What's taken you so long to admit it?” She murmured, “I've been waiting since we were children!”

“Y-you have?”

“Of course!”

A buffoonish grin spread across his face and he looked around the room for a moment, excitement radiating out from him, “Hang on . . . why were you waiting for me? You could've told me how you felt!”

“I suppose . . . but would that warrior pride of yours have let you say yes if I did?”

“Of course! My mother asked my father and her mother asked my grandfather before him!”

“Oh . . . I didn't know that . . .” Lyvra admitted with a faint blush, “Well now I feel foolish.”

“Perfect!” Kovst laughed, “That's the best present you could ever give me!”

“I wonder if that will hold true in the coming months?”

“What do you—oh . . . perhaps I spoke too soon.”

“Perhaps you did.” She remarked. Pulling away from him brushing her hair behind her ears Lyvra said, “I think we've dawdled here long enough. Our families should be informed before my belly starts to swell.”

“Indeed.” He slid to the opposite of the bed and rose, stretching his arms above his head and groaning as he did so. When Kovst looked back at his mate he found her gaze unrepentantly fixed on his firm, toned buttocks. “Still haven't had enough?”

“Quiet husband, you'll ruin the moment if you're not careful.”

Slowly bending over and sticking his ass out while grinning at her Kovst said in as casual a voice as possible, “I have no idea what you mean.”

Lyvra immediately covered her mouth with both hands, her ensuing laugh barely stifled despite her best efforts, “Put your clothes on you buffoon!”

“Yes my love.”

“Oh Gods what have I done?”

One year later the Orcs and Elves of Starsea returned to that clearing in Sur'faldi to celebrate their peace once more. But for the first time in their history they were commemorating something else as well. Something new but just as wonderful. Queen Irvella and King Faltreth welcomed the incredible influx of guests arriving from all corners of the island while their newly married children sat at the high table in the center of the clearing. Looking as radiant as ever Princess Lyvra bounced her infant son on one knee while Warlord Kovst played with their twin daughters. They greeted the throngs of people coming by to pay their respects with as much enthusiasm as they could muster. As expected Lyvra was the picture of grace and charm while her husband responded with little more than grunts. Which satisfied many of the Orcish courtiers and even some of the more wild Elves. Those looking for civility looked to Kovst's wife as they always had, a knowing grin spread across their face as they passed him by or witnessed his unique version of courtly manners. The moment there was a lull in the visiting subjects she turned towards him with a grin stretched across her face. He spotted her out of the corner of his eye and subtly shook his head.

“If you'd told me I would greet more people because of our marriage I would've kept it secret until the end of my days!” He grumbled as their girls tugged on his hair.

“I'm inclined to agree with you my love.” Lyvra remarked, their son clumsily pawing at her milk swollen breasts, “We'd have a hard time concealing the little ones though.”

They exchanged a pair of smiles that were quickly forced a bit wider, in Lyvra's case at least, as another group of delegates arrived to honor the couple and their children. Once they'd left Kovst said, “I don't think any of them really give a damn about us. They're far more interested in our children.”

“Why wouldn't they be? I only know of two other times Orcs and Elves have produced children in the history of Starsea.”


Something in his tone made her eyebrow arch and put an inquisitive grin on her face, “What going on in that strange head of yours?”

“Perhaps we let the babes stay with their grandparents,” He said, a sly look spreading across his features, “While we do a little celebrating of our own . . .”

“I'll send word to my ladies in waiting.”


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