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Full disclosure, this story marks the first time I've ever flat out reused a description. I doubt anyone will care all that much but I felt it necessary to mention. While going back over the chapter this story is a sequel to I couldn't figure out how to describe Veronica's dress without it feeling unsatisfactory and subpar compared to the original description. So I decided to finally take the low road and reuse something. It certainly won't become a trend or anything, I simply wanted to confess my sins before they were called out lol. Anyways, enjoy this extra long helping of smut!

“Hey Mom!” Sarah exclaimed, bursting into the living room with uncontrolled excitement, “Guess what time it is?”

Not looking up from her book or so much as budging from the love seat she was comfortably seated in Veronica said, “Four thirty.”

“No! Well yes but that's not what I'm talking about!”

“You don't say.”

“It's time for the Battle of Ascension!”

“Oh Christ.” Letting the book fall to her lap while she covered her face with one hand and drummed her fingers against the arm of the couch Veronica swore again under her breath before asking, “It's been six months already?”


“Fuck me.”

“Oh come on! You said you had fun last time.”

“A little bit of fun.”

“Well that's enough for me! And you promised you come back.”

“Yes I did.” She shook her head and silently cursed her past self.

“It won't be that bad! This time we just had to defend our kingdom! You don't even have to do anything.”

“I didn't do anything last time.”

“Yeah and now you REALLY don't have to do anything.” Sarah sat on the couch opposite her mother and smiled, “You're the Empress now! You just have to sit around looking regal and we'll defend you.”

Although she quite liked the idea behind that sentiment memories of the last time she attended her daughter's nerd fest were still quite fresh in Veronica's mind. Luckily in the time since then she'd managed to come up with a plan in case she couldn't get out of it. And since she still had no valid excuse it was apparently time to put that plan into action. If everything went smoothly things really would be as simple as Sarah claimed.

“All right.”

“Yay! Thanks so much Mom!” Sliding out of her chair and throwing her arms around her mother Sarah gave Veronica a big, enthusiastic kiss on the cheek, “I'll go get our stuff! Are you good to leave in like twenty minutes?”

“Sure.” Veronica replied, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards. She smiled at her daughter and added, “I just have to make a couple of calls first.”

Thirty minutes later they arrived at Tearstone Memorial Park and parked as close as they could get to the throngs of people dressed in various fantasy outfits. While Sarah was already in the clothes she'd be wearing Veronica once more was dressed in thick brown trench coat that covered up everything but her face, hands, and feet. The two women climbed out of their SUV and made their way to where Gwen, Aurora, and Stacy were seated. But as her daughter ran off ahead Veronica slowed and craned her neck looking for the people she was supposed to meet. They were apparently dressed as something called 'orcs' but she was relying more on simply recognizing them by other, more difficult to hide means. Sure enough among the hordes of skinny, overweight, and just plan average men and women attending the event the five meat heads she'd hired to serve as bodyguards, both in and out of the game, stood out like sore thumbs. Partly because they towered above the rest of the people by more than a foot and partly because they were dressed in little more than rags and what she assumed were fake furs. Green paint covered all of their exposed skin and they were all holding comically oversized axes. Upon spotting her their leader enthusiastically waved, his broad movements just about knocking the head off a pair of women walking by. Once he was finished apologizing to them he and the rest of his group made their way over.

“Hey Mrs. Sweet!” He said in exactly the kind of low, dumb voice his frame and facial expression suggested, “You look really nice today!”

“Thank you Trevor.” She replied with a genuine smile. For all they lacked in the brains and sense department Trevor and his buddies were enthusiastic and loyal. Not unlike puppies. “You look . . . very fierce.”

“Thanks! But in the game I'm actually Gr—”

“If it's all the same to you darling I'll stick with your real names.”

“Oh . . . all right.” 

As he stared down at his feet with an expression like a kid who'd just dropped his ice cream cone Veronica sighed. “All right what's you name?”

“Groth!” He said in a tone like he was unveiling the greatest secret ever told. “And Yuri is Threk, Calvin is Korth, Malik is Felgar, and Xavier is Misk!:

“I see. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.” Their ear to ear smiles made it considerably easier for her to keep from rolling her eyes, even if the urge was nearly overwhelming, “let's introduce you to my daughter and her friends.”

She turned away from the group and walked towards the picnic table Sarah and her friends were seated at with Trevor and company right behind her. Just like last time all of them were dressed in fantasy getups that ranged from modest to wildly inappropriate with Aurora unsurprisingly making up the former and the rest skewing away quite dramatically. Dressed in flowing white robes trimmed with gold that juxtaposed her dark hair and skin rather nicely her 'weapon' was a polished wooden stick with a fake crystal jammed into the top. Stacy was wearing a revealing black mini dress, thigh high black leggings, and a metal sleeve complete with a glove on her right arm. She had a long purple cape matching the streak in her hair and a pouch full of multicolored balls at her side. Gwen and Sarah were both dressed quite similarly with only the coloration and accessories setting them apart. Both had brown knee high boots, leather wristlets, bikini tops, and skirts that were functionally two strips of cloth covering their ass and crotch with modified bikini bottoms covering their skin. Each had pulled their hair into a tight ponytail with Gwen's orange locks falling quite a bit shorter than Sarah's auburn tresses. The former had a pair of daggers strapped to her waist while the latter was holding a bow and quiver filled with foam tipped arrows. Between the four of them was a remarkable amount of ass, cleavage, and thigh on display and it was no wonder everyone nearby, as well as Veronica's cronies, was staring intently at the group.

“Whoa!” Stacy exclaimed, “Who ordered the beefcakes?”

“I hired them.” Veronica clarified.

“For what?” Sarah asked.

“Protection. They're my guards or whatever.”

“But Mom we're supposed to be your guards!”

“Yeah Mrs. Sweet,” Gwen added, “I'm not sure we can just add a bunch of new people to the game like this.”

“We definitely can't.” Aurora stated, “We haven't even—”

“Shut up you guys!” Stacy hissed as she sidled up beside Trevor, “I think we can make an exception. Or five.”

“We're actually already members.” Yuri explained, “Mrs. Sweet just hired us to be on your side this time.”

“Yeah everything's good to go!” Trevor grinned.

“I'm glad to hear it big boy!” Stacy purred, “Maybe before the battle we can go over strategies . . .”

“Well Mrs. Sweet-er-I mean Empress Veronica said we just have to stay near her and make sure nobody tries anything.”

Stacy looked up at him in confusion for a moment, her face slowly breaking into a wide smile as she turned to look back at her friends, “He's perfect!” She cooed.

Gwen rolled her eyes, Aurora giggled, and Sarah slowly shook her head. “I didn't realize you cared so much Mom!”

Veronica smirked and shrugged her shoulders, unable to really fashion a response, “When does this whole thing start?”

“In like twenty minutes.”

“Yeah and I guess we don't really need to worry about guard duty now.” Gwen added, a note of excitement in her voice, “Maybe we should come up with a new plan.”

“Ohhhh we can go after that bitch Anya!” Stacy said, her body now pressed against Trevor's, “She's had it out for us since day one!”

“I dunno, we kind of kicked her ass last time.” Gwen stated, “It seems kind of mean to—”

“Go after her again.” Veronica said with an icy smile.

“Is that an order?” Sarah asked with a gloating tone.


Beaming with pride she nodded and looked at her friends, “You heard the Empress.”

“All right.”

“Sounds good.”

“Hell yeah.”

While they sorted out what they were going to do and discussed in depth plans of attack Veronica amused herself by asking Trevor and the rest of his group questions about everything from math to philosophy. She herself didn't know the answer to many of them but seeing their faces scrunch up in confusion or go completely blank was endlessly entertaining. Even when the horn signaling the start of the event blared she was able to ignore it in favor of getting Yuri to say various tongue twisters through his thick Russian accent. Her fun was spoiled when someone in charge started talking and everyone except her decided to listen to whatever it was he was saying. Veronica simply killed time on her phone until he was finished and their motley crew gathered around her. She looked up from Instagram to see Sarah standing there holding their flag in one hand and a large, plastic crown in the other. It was quite different from the one she'd worn the first time around and was obviously supposed to hold some significance to the game considering how it was sat on a small pillow like a real symbol of royalty.

“I suppose that's my crown then?” She asked.

“Yep! As long as you wear it Ancania is still the ruling kingdom.”

“How wonderful.” Leaning forward and snatching up the crown she laid it upon her head and stood up, “I guess it's time to look the part.”

Unbuttoning her trench coat and tossing it onto the table she stood before them in the same glittering emerald gown she'd worn last time. Completely unmodified, and thoroughly dry cleaned, it looked just as fanciful and regal as ever. Hugging her shapely, mature body as tightly as any cloth could the modified cocktail dress was exactly the kind of flashy, over the top style that spoke to Veronica's inner diva. A long, leg baring slit cut into the side was the sole aspect that'd been part of the original garment but of course she'd extended it just a little higher to really show off her plump thighs and really let the flowing cloth breath as it cascaded all the way down to her ankles. The waist was cut in a soft V shape as the darker fabric gave way to a lighter, sheer green that that exposed most of Veronica's stomach and back but stopped just above her navel to form another V that reached all the way up to her neck. Covering her breasts were two strips of fabric in the same emerald color that reached around her back but stopped only halfway in front of her ample chest to leave a prominent cleavage visible for all to see. The same sheer cloth that covered her bellybutton formed the sleeves that ran all the way down to her hands, stopping just after the gold wristbands that adorned her slender wrists. A gold choker to match her wristlets and a similarly colored chain connected to the top of the fabric barely holding in her massive tits rounded out the ensemble. Although the girls weren't surprised to see it Trevor and his friends were absolutely blown away by the sight. None of them could tear their eyes off her svelte, mature frame for even a second. Including when everyone started to disperse and head towards their various regions.

“Are you boys coming along?” Veronica asked, her voice tinged with amusement as she looked at their slack jawed faces. A chorus of 'huhs' and 'yeahs' greeted her words and she laughed at their amazement, “Then let's go!”

She snapped her fingers and waved them forward with a rather fittingly dismissive yet regal motion. To a man they all fell in line behind her, each trying to avoid staring and each failing horribly at it. Luckily she was quite enjoying the attention from both her cronies and many of the people she passed so Veronica didn't allowed it to continue all the way to the 'castle'. Although as soon as she arrived at what was supposed to be her kingdom a sense of disappointment deflated her nicely swelling ego. In place of anything even remotely castle like there was a large, admittedly nice, tent like structure surrounded by waist high cardboard walls painted to look like stone. In the center of the tent was a throne that actually looked fairly comfortably despite how simple it was and around it sat a few tables and chairs. It was simultaneously way less than she expected and somehow precisely what she knew would be waiting for her. She watched Sarah hang up their banner on the 'wall' outside the entrance and slowly shook her head. At the very least it was a nice, shady place to kill time while her adult daughter ran through the woods playing make believe.

“Here's your throne Empress!” She said, her voice bubbling with excitement, “Do you like it?”

“It's wonderful.” Veronica said. Of course she was lying through her teeth but she'd come too far to ruin it now, “I'll just sit here and . . . wait then?”

“Yep! You can give us orders and stuff if you like! But I kind of figured you wouldn't be interested in doing that . . .”

“You're correct.” Sitting down on her throne and daintily crossing her legs Veronica immediately rested her chin on the palm of her upraised arm as it sat against the painted wood, “How long will this take?”

“Only an hour or two!”

“Maybe less if we can get rid of Anya and a few others!” Gwen added.

“Please do that then.”

“Sure thing Mrs—Empress!” Stacy grinned. She flashed Trevor a sultry grin and he bashfully looked down at his feet in response.

“Where do you want us Empress?” He asked.

“Wherever you like so long as you stay close and look intimidating.”


Sarah, Gwen, Aurora, and Stacy immediately headed out to do follow through on their plans, leaving Veronica alone to mull over her choices. While she sat down and started fantasizing about being anywhere else Trevor and his goons wandered aimlessly around the area. Most remained under the comfortable shade of the tent with only one or two wandering out to stretch their legs or have a mock battle with their weapons. It wasn't until ten or fifteen minutes had passed that another group appeared and things got about as interesting as they could. Clearly intent on taking Veronica's crown they exchanged a few words with her guards and then a 'battle' broke out. In truth it was more like a sanctioned round of bullying as Trevor, Malik, Xavier, Calvin, and Yuri thoroughly demolished the other group. They even went as far as tearing the foam weapons from their opponents hands and smacking them about the chest and ass until they ran off. Veronica couldn't help but chuckle at both the comedy of the situation and the adorable way they looked back at her like puppies that'd properly fetched a stick. Offering them a nod and a short clap in response she was left wondering if the rest of the experience would remain this inoffensively amusing. If by some miracle it did she might actually look forward to coming back again.

Another group showed up not long after the first and they proved slightly more challenging than their predecessors. All of them were still beaten within a few minutes of chaotic, mock fighting but none of her bodyguards were able to go quite as over the top as they did before. But in exchange for the lack of comedy Veronica was treated to the rather enjoyable sight of her sweaty and muscular companions exerting themselves in quite visually pleasing ways. She was reminded of those old sword and sandals movies she'd watched as a blossoming young girl. None of them were quite on par with the bronze gods of those films but they were damn close. Even with all the green body paint and pseudo fantastical babble they were spouting. Once that thought had crept into her mind it was a hard one to push away, especially with her making very little effort to do so. Thinking about and focusing on their well toned muscles proved an incredibly pleasant way to spend her time. Particularly when two more groups showed up at the same time and they really had to exert themselves. For an all too brief moment Veronica was actually caught up in the excitement of it all. She still didn't give a damn about the game itself but watching her boys run around being athletic, masculine, and rather dashing was having the exact same effects as those classic Steve Reeves movies.

Enough that when they were finally done she was feeling quite hot under the collar and very hot between her legs. As most of the group remained outside their leader wandered back into the tent and she saw her opportunity, “Trevor?” Veronica said with an idle glance his direction.

“Yes Empress?” He answered, marching up to her and adopting a salute.

She laughed at his behavior but didn't tell him to stop, “I know we haven't discussed how much you're going to get paid for this—”

“You don't have to pay us that much Empress!” He interrupted, “We're having a lot of fun! Usually we get kinda bored just running around fighting all the time with no break. And people start ganging up on us too!”

“Well I'm glad I could make your experience better. But we both know I have to reward you somehow.”

“Okay . . . uhm . . . would like . . . twenty bucks be all right?”

“Sure . . . that would be fine.” Veronica replied, her eyes widening at the true scope of his stupidity, “But I was thinking something more fun. Something that might help us pass the time while Sarah and the rest are out 'fighting'.”

“Oh okay like a game! I like games.”

“So do I.” She had a moment of doubt about the morality of seducing what was starting to feel like an overgrown child that didn't know about sex. Luckily she quickly remembered how she'd come into contact with them in the first place and that, according to Samantha, he'd been the one to kick things off. “But I was actually thinking something more in line with what you and Mrs. Anderson did . . .”

Although it wasn't clear beneath the green paint from the way his eye's widened and suddenly looked away Veronica could tell Trevor was blushing. “But Mrs. Sweet . . .” He said in a low voice, “You're married!”

“Don't worry about that. My husband and I have an understanding.”


“Mmhmmm!” She smiled innocently at him and trailed her fingers along his jaw, “So what do you say?”

“What about my friends? Are you gonna . . . 'pay' them in the same way?”

“Of course. They're welcome to join us if they want. Or I can simply 'pay' each of you one at a time. I don't mind.”

“Wow . . . you're a really special lady Mrs. Sweet!”

“Thank you dear.”

He swallowed a few times and looked down at her ample cleavage as though noticing it for the first time, “C-can I have my payment first?”

“Of course.” Veronica cooed. She looked him up and down with a hungry smile in her eyes, “Why don't we pretend like I'm still your Empress?”

“But you are my Empress Mrs. Sweet.”

“Exactly. So kneel before your Empress.”

“All right . . .”

Looking confused about how they'd gotten to this point Trevor did as she asked and knelt down in front of her throne. He opened his mouth to say something but whatever he'd planned died in his throat when Veronica coyly spread open her legs. Giving him a nice, long view of the tiny little thong she had on underneath her dress she slowly stood up. Still grinning down at him her hands teasingly lifted up the hem of her gown inch by inch, gradually revealing her long tanned legs in all their tantalizing glory. As soon as there was enough room to properly allow for what she wanted Veronica sat back down. Once more opening her thighs this time she was able to move them much, much further apart and really show him just about everything she had. The lacy black cloth meant to cover her pussy simply accentuated the puffy outer lips. That strip of fabric was cute so finely around her moist slit  he could actually see her swollen clit pressing against it just beneath the brown tuft of hair that sat almost fully exposed above the edge of her panties. Trevor watched in amazement as the stain on her g string widened and the edges disappeared between her plump folds so nicely he felt as though he'd already seen everything despite her still being technically clothed. It was something out of a porno and no matter how much his brain told him it was real he simply couldn't believe what was happening. Of course he was very interested to see more and the words his Empress spoke were perhaps the sweetest ones he'd ever heard.

“You may worship me now . . .” She purred.

Without a word Trevor fell forward and crawled on his hands and knees towards her exposed slit. She smiled at the way he slavishly stared at her naked pussy and whimpered just a little as his breath collided with her thoroughly aroused folds. The next moment she was letting out a far louder moan as his lips pressed against hers and his tongue pushed deep inside her cunt. Both hands jumped down to grab his hair and hold on fear dear life while a surge of pleasure welled up inside her. Like a culmination of all the fantasizing she'd been earlier doing earlier the gratification she felt at finally acting on them was strong and fast. Her lower back arched forward, sending her ample breasts bouncing madly inside her dress. It also pushed her slit even more insistently against his mouth and sent her plump ass sliding across her padded seat. Almost immediately she came to be perched on the edge of it with her pussy offered entirely to him and the rest of her body trembling eagerly. Already she was seeing the 'talent' Samantha had described in such naughty detail. The way his tongue darted across her folds felt wonderfully unpredictable and yet no matter where it went she was always left trembling in delight at it's passing. Before long only the tips of her toes were resting against the ground on either side of him with the rest of her feet curled exactly the same as her back.  Soon even that was too much for her to maintain and they left the earth altogether in favor of rising into the air while her breathless satisfaction continued to grow. At some point he'd started focusing on her clit in such a way that felt almost deliberately planned to make her lose track of herself. His tongue swirled around her sensitive bud just long enough to send a rush of endorphins through her entire body and leave her on the verge of crying out for the entire forest to hear, only to pull back and dance along the rest of her labia. Not only did it leave her unsatisfied and wanting more but it also kept her perched near constantly on the edge of what felt like a fantastic, if small, orgasm.

Veronica started actively grinding against his movements after a minute or so, the trembling of her body simply too much to handle without some kind of outlet. Her fluids dripped down his face and soaked into the fabric of the throne and the sounds accompanying his ministrations grew more sloppy as a result. Between bursts of pleasure and hazy, partially formed thoughts she could only think about how long it would take the others to notice. While she'd prefer to simply seduce all of them at once a one at a time method might be more fun in the long term. She'd have plenty of chances to sample each of their cocks and figure out which was best placed where. Considering how subservient they'd all been it was kind of like deciding which out of a collection of sex toys she most wanted to try out. Because no matter how eagerly he licked and teased her pussy Trevor always carried a sense of trepidation and reservation that she could capitalize on. Somehow it didn't limit his movements so much as constantly remind Veronica that if she wanted she could get him to do just about anything she wanted. Perhaps she'd have him work that tongue across her asshole for a bit. Maybe she'd have him play with her tits and see how good he could be with more than one spot to focus on. Or maybe she'd just throw all of that in the bin and ride his cock to a screaming orgasm while his dimwitted friends slowly clued in to what they were missing.

She let out her loudest moan yet, only a very small portion of it inflated to draw the attention of her companions. But most of them were too lost in conversation or mock fighting to take notice and the wind blowing through the trees wasn't doing her any favors either. But luckily one person heard and was very appreciative of her reactions. Upon looking down Veronica spotted an unmistakable smile spread across Trevor's face, one that the presence of her sopping cunt and gooey juices did little to diminish. Looking both pleased with himself and pleased that she was enjoying his efforts his eyes met hers with only a small hint of the embarrassment and nervousness that'd characterized the start of their affair. It was a subtle but cute transformation that put a wry grin on her face as well. She was uncannily reminded of Henry and Jack any time the pair of them went down on her. Yet rather than make her feel guilty for that infidelity the similarities actually helped her along quite nicely. Within a few seconds of that thought popping into her head she was panting and shaking harder than ever. Goosebumps were spreading all across her body and her gyrations against his mouth and tongue were as frantic as they could be. Despite how counter productive it was her thighs closed around his face as her entire body tightened. A nice, toe curling orgasm washed over and a little spurt of cum sprayed from her pussy as a result. If her partner had any trouble with the sudden deluge of fluids he didn't show it. In fact he didn't seem to be even remotely surprised by the little fountain erupting from her pussy. His slurping certainly grew louder and he definitely leaned in harder against her cunt but otherwise there was no different in how he went about pleasuring her. Which naturally meant she got to enjoy the full brunt of what would hopefully be the first of many, many orgasms that day. But things got even better as her explosive yet much more understated than usual release finally drew the attention of someone besides the man tonguing her pussy.

Although she was very much in the throes of passion thanks to Trevor's expectedly good tongue work Veronica still noticed the sidelong glance Malik gave them. Delighted that they were finally being noticed she grabbed her man's head and pulled him hard against her pussy. Both to encourage him and to prevent any chance of him pulling away when his friend invariably approached. It soon turned out she was giving him a bit too much credit though as he simply stared in open mouthed amazement while the rest were distracted peering out into the forest. But as that soft tongue darted across her folds and played with her clit Veronica found herself entirely too eager to be her usual, cheeky self. The time for coquettish playing had already passed, now she just wanted cock. Keeping one hand buried in Trevor's hair she reached out with the other to call Malik over. Her index fingers seductively curled back against her palm while her back arched and a come hither look filled her half closed green eyes. Since there was no mistaking what they were doing at the distance he was at she assumed there'd be no mistaking her gesture or the intent behind it. But the denseness of the men she'd hired apparently knew no bounds and rather than leaping to his feet and bringing his big, black cock over to her he remained seated with an even more dumbfounded look. Malik even went as far as pointing at himself as though unsure she was addressing him. Moaning at the pleasure flooding her body while simultaneously grumbling in annoyance she dropped the sexy pretense and waved him over, eagerly nodding her head at the same time. Finally understanding the message he stood up and hurried over with a rather cute look of sheer nervousness on his face. Upon reaching the throne he knelt down as though this was all part of the game. Trevor continued lapping up the juices flowing out of her pussy and making her whole body tremble with ever more powerful shivers.

“Y-you called for me Empress?” He said.

“Yes I did . . .” She moaned in a high pitched voice, “It's time to serve your Empress!”

“I-I don't understand—”

Interrupting him with an upraised hand Veronica pushed Trevor off her. She moved him completely out of the way so Malik could get a nice, unabridged few of her sopping cunt and the water soluble green paint clinging to her flushed skin. His eyes went wide and he looked from her face to her slit several times before finally rushing forward. Trevor quickly moved out of the way and watched as his friend buried his face in the sweet, mature pussy he'd been servicing. Although she was definitely going to reward him for his eagerness and talent she let him dangle uncertainly for a moment, the look of disappointment on his face proving quite charming. Having a broad, eager tongue plunging in and out of her sex while she watched him certainly added an extra layer of intrigue to the entire affair. But after a few seconds, during which Malik took to his duties like a madman, Veronica gave him another order.

“Let me see your dick . . .”

“My di—”

“Don't make me ask again!” She warned, her steely eyed glare offset by the way her legs quivered and her back arched. 

Trevor immediately yanked down the front of his loincloth like garment and out popped his long, thick, already erect shaft. “Yes Empress!”

“Oh look at that!” She said with a note of surprise, “You didn't paint your cock green.”

“We ran out . . .” Trevor said in an apologetic tone.

“Of course you did. Well I won't tell anyone if you don't.”

He nodded and she smiled at him while slowly pulling aside the front of her dress to reveal her large, heaving breasts. Both nipples were puffed up and just aching for attention among the landslide of softly jiggling flesh but as much as she wanted him to put that capable tongue to use on them there was something she wanted to do a whole lot more. And thankfully when she beckoned to him Trevor rushed over without a second thought. Wisely moving to the side of her throne he was rewarded for his forethought when she reached out and lightly cupped his balls with her hand. Keeping the other firmly atop Malik's head to guide him as he ate her out Veronica pulled him a few steps closer until he was pressed against the side of her chair. Her eyes locked with his as she slowly bent down to wrap her lips around his twitching cock. His cock was just big enough to keep from pointing straight up but there was still more than enough lift for her to easily slide his head into her mouth and start sucking with all her might. An immediately look of euphoria spread across Trevor's face and it only grew more pronounced with every inch she glided down his prick. Under normal circumstances she'd have teased and coaxed him a bit longer in order to really make him crazy but with another, equally hunky guy working her pussy and the prospect of three others joining in on the fun it was hard for her to exhibit that kind of control. About the closest she came was taking a few seconds to reach the base of his shaft and slobber all over it like cheap hooker. And of course the moment she was there and gagging around his nice, thick pole any thoughts more complicated than repeating the motions that had got her there as much as she could were gone.

She pulled back almost until her mouth had left his prick entirely only to stop and abruptly reverse her direction. Trevor let out a little groan and she responded with a gurgle. Sliding back down his member once more she stopped right at the tip with her tongue swirling around it and happily drinking down the precum. Again he let out a satisfied moan and she rewarded him with another furious bout of deepthroating. That quickly turned into the standard rhythm of their time together, all while Malik was busily working her pussy and enjoying himself immensely. It didn't take long for Trevor's hands to find her head and hold on for dear life while she sucked the soul out of him. He clearly hadn't been expecting the level of skill and enthusiasm Veronica was displaying and his gentle but stiff hold on her hair reflected that quite nicely. Somewhere in the back of her mind she noticed the way he purposefully avoided touching her crown, his desire to honor her imaginary station apparently still very much intact. Once that realization managed to penetrate the rest of her cock gobbling brain she set about trying to push him right over the edge as quickly as possible. For whatever reason corrupting him into a lust fueled animal was intensely erotic. Enough for her to let out a nice little squirt of pussy juice all over Malik's face soon after thinking about it. She fixed him with the same glassy eyed, unfathomably slutty look that'd made Henry and Jack blow many a load. Her lips curled into a smile and she started holding herself at the base of his cock even longer. Each time she'd extend her stay there for another moment or two, her body quivering  and her throat contracting nicely around his entire length. Even when she started to choke and gag around him she refused to pull back until enough time had passed for him to be absolutely certain she was treating him well. 

Their freshly created threesome lasted all of three minutes before the others noticed what was happening. Or at least before Calvin noticed and wisely chose to bring it to Xavier and Yuri's attention with frantic smacking of their shoulders. As soon as the trio realized what was really going on the rushed over to do . . . something. It was clear none of them really had a plan and when Veronica pulled herself off Trevor's dick it was easy to recognize their confusion. But she wasn't interested in explaining herself any further or taking the time to play along with the game they were supposedly part of. She just wanted their dicks and the fastest way to get them just so happened to be her preferred method anyways. Ordering them to undress in the same manner she'd order Trevor Veronica slowly rose from her throne to survey all five of them as they formed a half circle around her. Impressively every single one had a nice, thick cock worthy of being ridden or slobbered over. It was genuinely hard for her to choose where to start. Until she realized her line of thinking was woefully narrow minded and counter intuitive. Why would she have to start with just one or two of them. She was Veronica fucking Sweet and she knew how to handle more than five guys at a time when they were doing whatever they wanted with and to her! Having them all at her beck and call was so easy Aurora could have managed it. Quickly ordering Malik lay down she straddled his broad frame and slid his cock balls deep inside her pussy. She offered her tight asshole to Trevor with a sultry look and one hand spreading her buttocks. He happily pushed inside her hole and the other three rather quickly clued into what their roles would be. As the reason everyone was now involved Calvin was rewarded with the same oral talents that his friend had been enjoying while Yuri and Xavier got to feel her smooth, manicured fingers gliding across their members right afterwards. Almost immediately the astonished and satisfied groans of five men filled the tent accompanied by the backing vocals of one very happy and very busy milf.

With all the troublesome elements out of the way they were free to enjoy themselves with total abandon, Veronica lavishing over the cocks before her as surely as she reveled in the ones stuffed inside her ass and pussy. All five of her playthings were content to let her steer despite how much control they could easily take. Perhaps out of respect, fear, or some goofy notion tied to the game they were playing nobody wrenched control away from her like she was expecting. Trevor and Malik absolutely thrusted away inside her ass and pussy and yet they were still very much following the enthusiastic movements of her hips and the hypnotic way her ass jiggled. Any time she wanted them to move faster she simply had to twerk her plump buttocks and squeeze their shafts with a little more vigor. If she wanted them to slow down it was a simple matter of moving with a more languid and gentle rhythm. Naturally the three she was jerking or sucking off had little choice but to enjoy the eager and sloppy attention they were receiving. Just about every time her mouth wrapped around one of their dicks their expressions melted in looks of surprised satisfaction. And when she pulled away to suck another shaft the feeling of her fingers elicited the exact same response, albeit with a little less amazement. Since she made sure to give each of them plenty of attention with her warm, incredibly soft lips there was hardly any reason to take over. Everyone was absolutely thrilled with the current turn of events, nobody more so than Veronica herself.

After several uninterrupted minutes of fucking and sucking she pulled back just long enough to give them a warning, “Don't you dare cum on this dress!” She said, licking the cock she'd been previously sucking between words, “When you're about to burst you'd better do it inside me or there will be hell to pay! Understand?”

“Yes Empress!” They all groaned.

“Wonderful. Now . . . don't hold back boys!”

At her words the five of them all throbbed inside her body or against her palms. Evidently dirty talk would be quite effective with this group. More than she realized as less than two minutes later some were already announcing their inability to go on. In a true testament to her oral skills the first ones to cum were Xavier, Calvin, and Yuri. Although they were slightly staggered each of their climaxes arrived quickly enough that she almost couldn't keep up with them. Almost. Being the first to reach his limit Calvin had the honor of busting his load nice and deep inside Veronica's throat. More than eight inches of his shaft was stuffed nice and deep inside her mouth and the sudden explosion of cum that followed his groaning, cross eyed release was pumped directly into her waiting belly. She moaned and slurped around his dick, both disappointed and delighted by the sudden turn of events. As much as she wanted to taste his seed she felt confident there'd be plenty of time for that later and the sensation of a fresh stomach full of jizz was unlike anything else in the world. He emptied his weighty balls inside her and pulled out barely ten seconds before his companions reached their limits as well. Yuri was the first and she scarcely had time to pop his tip inside her mouth before his semen was coating her tongue. Absolutely thrilled to have that salty, bitter flavor assaulting her taste buds once more Veronica moaned louder than ever as he unleashed his cum. There was a moment of panic as Xavier, no doubt overwhelmed by it all, announced his own release while she was still guzzling Calvin's spunk. With no other recourse she opened her mouth as wide as she could and balanced both of their dicks on the end of her tongue. Deliberately keeping her lips spread apart she let them both see their cum spray into her throat before being swallowed up with the kind of smile few could genuinely manage. Her glittering emerald eyes darted from one face to another as she wordlessly coaxed out every last drop just from sheer, slutty eagerness alone.

Yet even with that motivator no amount of eagerness could outdo human frailty and soon enough they'd given her every last drop they had to give. The three of them quickly stepped back to watch and recuperate while she turned her attention towards Malik and Trevor. In the momentary haze of jizz swallowing and fellatio she'd quite forgotten to keep grinding against them. Luckily they'd remained at the same steady, ball slapping pace she'd left them at and returning to that point was akin to picking up a favorite book right at the best part. She had no idea how close they must have been but she did everything in her power to hasten their impending climaxes, including called out their names and being as vulgar as possible while she did so. And just as she hoped it only took another minute or so for the desired effect to take place. Suddenly they were buried up to the hilt inside her ass and pussy, both men groaning and their cocks swelling. Cum erupted from their tips and poured deep inside her holes not long after. Once more she was treated to the familiar yet always delicious sensation of hot spunk gushing into her body. This time with the added fun of having a small audience witnessing her dual creampies and growing visibly erect because of it. She made sure to cast each of them a sultry look when she was grinning back at Trevor and down at Malik. They almost certainly had no idea how much more she expected of them beyond a single climax apiece. But that picture was no doubt starting to become clear as her face lit up in a wild grin.

“Oh that was a wonderful start boys!” She exclaimed, “Now it's time to really let loose!”

“Y-you want more?” Trevor asked, his dick slipped out of her puffy, slightly gaped ass.

“Of course I do baby.” Veronica replied as she cast him an innocent look, “I want so much more!”

That proved to be all the coaxing they needed to jump right back into the fun so fast Veronica had enough time to laugh at their eager faces. Only now that they'd all had a turn with a certain part of her body everyone elected to switch things up a little. Calvin was the one she'd be riding this time around with Xavier riding her ass and Yuri making use of her juicy tits in a stroke of unexpected brilliance. The other two chose to stand aside for the time being and recover while their friends pounded away at Veronica's hot, milf body. They still followed her lead for the most part but it was growing more and more clear that the prospect of getting to fuck her to their hearts content was starting to erode the natural gentleness that'd informed their earlier decisions. Not quite to the point she expected but they were certainly slamming into her ass and pussy with quite a lot more vigor no matter how she moved against they. Yuri had both hands on her tits and was thrusting with equal vigor even if he couldn't quite give it to her the way the others could. Before long Trevor and Malik rejoined the fun and it was time for the more creative and Veronica specific fun. Like double stuffing her ass or pussy while swallowed one dick, stroked another, and rode the last. Or sitting her right in the middle of a nice, wet blowbang that allowed her to suck all five of them to her heart's content. As well as some of the more exclusionary but no less fun options like a good old fashioned standing spitroast, reverse cowgirl while deepthroating one or more shafts, and even at a few points a nice conga line of missionary position with the others jerking off and waiting their turn. Undoubtedly her favorite in that manic burst of frantic lovemaking was the double mating press she got to endure. While it certainly took some effort to manage getting face fucked with her pussy was jackhammered felt absolutely divine. The orgasm that'd been building inside her really spiked after that little experience and she was completely unable to last through the next, more mundane round that saw her returning to the same arrangement of cocks and flesh all six of them had started out in.

“Oh fuck!” She squealed, “Oh fuck I'm gonna cum!”

Letting the cock she'd been sucking on fall against her face as she stared up with open mouthed delight at the man it belonged to Veronica's beautiful green eyes rolled back in her face. At least one of them did, the other was already closed and obscured by the massive, slimy dick covering half of her expression. Entirely of it's own accord her body rose off the dick she'd been riding and the fellow enjoying her asshole wisely pulled out.  Both he and the as of yet unannounced newcomer were given a fantastic view of her ravished pussy and gaped, slightly prolapsing asshole as her hips lifted into the air above the man she was straddling. Each hole trembled and pulsed for a split second while she cried out a string of half finished words. A moment later her puffy red doughnut extended outwards and a spray of clear, sweet smelling juices erupted from her pussy. Squirting straight down in a powerful jet Veronica's initial burst lasted only a second but even that was enough time to fill her mind and body with ecstasy. Another moan burst from her lips as the herald of a second jet equally as wet and forceful as the first. It cascaded over the throbbing dick that'd so wonderfully fucked her pussy and pooled on the ground beneath them while her ass reflexively jiggled and bounced in the open air. But there was still more to come as a third, smaller spray gushed out of her a couple of seconds later, the rush of pleasure surging through her unable to be stopped as it struck every sense she had. Her puffy, ruined asshole continued to wink and distend as it too felt the echoes of her orgasmic release yet no matter how appealing her pinkish inner ring looked the sight of Veronica's messy, squirting cunt remained the show stealer even after it was done violently releasing copious amounts of juices. Partly because the man that was previously using her ass had taken it upon himself to slap his erect cock against her slit and partly because of just how intoxicating her once tight, cute hole looked amidst a powerful, mind altering climax. That prick soon slid back into the gooey mess that was her asshole while the other soon followed suit and glided back into her pussy as the more powerful shock waves of her orgasm started to fade.

“Wow!” Stacy exclaimed, her eyes almost as wide as her smile, “I had no idea this was the kind of guarding you wanted them to do!”

Reality came crashing back to her as that familiar voice shattered the privacy of her little harem. Her attempts to turn towards her daughter's friends were foiled by how she was positioned and all she could do was cast her a sidelong glance as she tried to rationalize her behavior, “Stacy!” Veronica gasped, “I-it's not what it looks like!” She cried despite the cocks shoved in her fat ass and pussy along with the third literally pressed against her face. “I can explain!”

“No need Mrs. Sweet! I get it. I was actually coming back here to see if I could take one of these hunks out on 'patrol'. But I think you just saved me the effort.”

“Excuse me?”

“What you thought I wasn't gonna join in?” She laughed and sauntered towards the group, her gaze darting from man to man like she was picking out a piece of meat. Eventually she came to stop fully within Veronica's line of sight so she could coyly point toward one of them not currently fucking or about to fuck Sarah's mom. “How about . . . you!”

“Me?” Malik asked.

“Definitely. And maybe you too . . . if the Empress can spare you.”

Scowling a little but correctly guessing it would buy Stacy's silence Veronica said, “You can have one more. The other three are mine.”

“Awesome! How about Ivan?”

“My name is Yuri.” He said in a confused tone. His cock slowly withdrew from Veronica's ass and she was torn between moaning and swearing as her fun was taken away.

“Oh really? Maybe you should punish my poor mouth for being wrong then.” Stacy whispered. She sauntered up to him and pressed her small breasts against his chest, “Why don't you start right now?”

Before he could think of a way to respond to that Stacy dropped to her knees and stuffed his entire cock into her mouth like it was nothing. She gagged just a little at the sensation of having such a large piece of meat buried in her throat but she was nothing if not a master of making even her weaknesses work for her. While Veronica attempted to retain some amount of dignity while bouncing around on and sucking dick Stacy didn't even put up the flimsiest amount of pretense. Spit oozed from the corners of her mouth and her eyes rolled back in her head while she bobbed up and down Yuri's length. Like always she started with as fast and enthusiastic a rhythm as she could manage. Her dark hair flew every which way from the speed of her motions and the wet, gurgling of her trademark sloppy blowjob filled the air. Both Malik and his more fortunate companion watched the eager younger slut work his dick like she was competing at professional level, neither really sure how to handle the insanity of what was going. Luckily Stacy wasn't the type to wait around and she quickly grabbed her second partner's shaft and started stroking him with just as much enthusiasm. From there she smoothly transitioned into holding both of their cocks and deepthroating them in turn, her small fingers coiled around the base of each one while her lips alternated between them as fast as she was able. Copious amounts of saliva dripped from each prick and no small amount of precum pooled in the watery, grinning mess that was Stacy's mouth. She made sure they each got to see the fruits of her labors for a split second while she transitioned between their cocks and her own reward for that extra bit of effort was a pair of nice, perpetually hard dicks to suck on for several uninterrupted minutes.

Nearby Veronica was similarly enjoying the three boys she'd been left with, her annoyance at being deprived all five of them slowly fading into the background. Three were at least a little easier to managed it they were able to switch between her holes with much, much greater efficiency. As well as doing things previously too distracting to really work like giving her two cocks to work with her mouth at the same time. Of course she was still a little peeved when she looked over to see Stacy already doing the same thing, her tiny yet exuberant face stretched to the breaking point as she endeavored to swallow a pair of cocks as big around as her wrist. That of course didn't stop Veronica from doing the same and taking no small amount of pride in how much deeper she was able to get them. Basic physics prevented her from completely deepthroating them but such things were inevitable when working with such well endowed boys. Luckily the rest of her body wasn't quite so limited and this was a fact she remembered around the time her plucky rival was being lifted into the air. As dicks pushed into Stacy's ass and pussy near simultaneously Veronica pulled herself off the pair she was sucking in favor of encouraging them to go around back and try out her far more enjoyable holes. It took them a moment to realize what she was getting at and a little longer to figure out the actual logistics of it but soon enough she had all three of their lovely pricks stuffed nice and snug inside her pussy. They had just enough freedom to thrust and grind against her and she was able to respond in kind with a little bit of effort. To matters better the angle she hand to move in also pressed her massive, heaving tits against Xavier's face. Like any red blooded, heterosexual man he couldn't stay smothered by those soft, pillowy mounds for long without wrapping his lips around her nipples. Impressively he managed to get both inside his mouth at the same time and soon Veronica was enjoying the kind of stimulation she'd been hoping for all with admittedly juicy sounds of Stacy being fucked a few feet away.

With incredible ease both women managed to settle back into their usual grooves despite their inherent strangeness of that groove being associated with someone they'd never seen in that context before. At least Veronica hadn't. Stacy was more than familiar with how Sarah's slutty mother got up to things but having never seen her with anyone but Henry this was still something of a rare and special treat. She didn't pay the sight of Veronica's tanned, half naked body getting dicked up and down that much heed but she definitely enjoyed the fact that she could at any opportunity. That extra bit of naughtiness was no doubt what had put her in such a lascivious mood. She was certainly down to fuck pretty much night and day but this particular instance saw her eager to do and try things beyond her usual scope. Which was most likely how she ended up flat on her back with Yuri ramming her ass and Malik sitting her her face. Hungrily tonguing his asshole and stroking his long cock she was enormously aroused at the notion of her friend's mom witnessing just how big of a whore she was. Somehow the idea of Veronica knowing and witnessing her giving a rimjob to a man she'd just met sent paroxysms of ecstasy through Stacy's already trembling body.

Little did she know Veronica was already on that same wavelength, only instead of a sloppy rimjob she had two fingers stuffed up Trevor's ass while she gagged on his dick. Xavier and Calvin were giving her pussy a nice double team and the end result was four very happy, very horny adults that barely had time to register what was going on around them. She did managed to cast an idle glance over towards her companion when all that prostate stimulation finally got the better of him and he was spraying jizz into her stomach. And it was with an approving grin that she noticed how slutty Stacy could get. While she'd always had a suspicion it kind of fun to have it confirmed right before her eyes. In face if she hadn't been preoccupied with her trio Veronica might have gone over there and added her own talents into the mix. Working a man's ass and cock with another woman had long been a fun but neglected pleasure of hers. Perhaps next time she'd indulge in that naughtiness, for the time being she was far too enamored with her own cadre of hot, muscular boys. Especially when they all switched positions to cram their dicks back inside her ass and pussy while giving her tits no small amount of attention at the same time. Stacy quickly brought Malik to climax and he coated her taut belly in a nice, creamy layer of jizz while riding her face almost as eagerly as she'd been riding him. Understandably spent he pulled back and she was lifted off her back to bounce up and down Yuri dick for a while instead. An indeterminate amount of time later she found herself rising into the air as both men slid into her nearly turned inside out asshole at the same time. Both held her between them, her body perpendicular to theirs and directly facing Veronica in the process. As they started thrusting Stacy played with her pussy, a wide smile plastered to her face. Eventually her partner in crime noticed the ideal angle and turned to look at her as well. Maybe a minute later Stacy had a nice, gushing orgasm of her own, juices squirting from her pussy in long streams while the mother of her best friend watched and got off to the spectacle.

Eventually both women settled into the respective styles with Stacy acting as lewd and over the top as she possibly could in order to coax Yuri and Malik into using her like a ten dollar whore while Veronica continued to exert her subtle but unmistakable brand of dominance over Calvin, Xavier, and Trevor. It proved a fantastic contrast that all seven of them could enjoy in one way or another. Especially the five incredibly lucky men getting to enjoy two of the sluttiest women in Cherry Springs. Just about every time they managed to make one or both ladies cum it was inevitably accompanied by another round of warm, gushing climaxes from them as well. No matter how many times they'd already drained their balls inside Veronica and Stacy there was always something left in the tank once either girl started trembling and moaning in that telltale way. Maybe it was the way their entire bodies shook and their grinded against whatever dicks were in or around them. Maybe it was that hungry look that dominated their faces despite how overcome their were. Or maybe it was just the fact that each orgasm was accompanied by a torrent of juices from their pussy and the kind of tightness that shouldn't be possible after taking so many dicks. Again and again a chorus of moans and warm, messy orgasms wracked their group with all of them sinking just a little deeper into depravity each time. So much cum was given to them combined Stacy and Veronica could pass for a small sperm bank. Were they able to push even a fraction of the jizz that'd been emptied into them out. Because no matter how loose and cavernous they got their always horny bodies refused to relinquish what was rightfully there. No amount of watery, cum soaked burps and trembling climaxes could change that. So long as they had something nice and hard to stuff them up at least. Any and all thoughts of the outside world, their friends, and even the game itself had faded. Only sex and the unending pursuit of ecstasy remained.

Out in the woods beyond their 'castle' Sarah, Gwen, and Aurora were finishing up yet another skirmish with a rival group. The three of them had barely made it out of the fight alive after the unexpected and continued disappearance of Stacy. Nobody had any idea where she'd gone but her good aim and eagerness to use underhanded tactics was sorely missed when battling larger groups. Luckily they'd managed to track down and eliminate Anya before their friend vanished so everything after that was just good natured warmongering. As Sarah collected her arrows and Gwen took a drink from the canteen she'd brought Aurora sat down on a fallen log to catch her breath. They'd already been out and fighting for more than an hour, if past events were any indication things should definitely be winding down by now. The fact that no horn had been sounded meant that, for now at least, they were still the ruling faction. Whatever Veronica and her band of mercenaries were doing had apparently worked out so far. There was no telling if their adventures would continue down that same trend. Despite how fit she was Gwen was definitely starting to feel the burn of running around a forest for sixty minutes without really stopping and her vastly less in shape friends were about ready to fall asleep. When all three girls looked at one another each could tell what the other was thinking before a single word was spoken.

“Maybe Stacy went back to the castle?” Sarah mused.

“Yeah she was crushin pretty hard on those guys your mom hired.” Gwen agreed.

“I bet she's flirting with them right now.” Aurora laughed.

“God I hope that's all she's doing. We can't really afford for them to get distracted.”



“Why don't we go check on them?” Sarah said in a casual voice.

“That's a good idea.” Aurora stated, rising to her feet and stretching.

“I'm right behind you guys!” Gwen added.

With their minds made up the three of them started the winding trek back to the castle. Along the way they passed a handful of other fights, only one of which they actually jumped in on. After dispatching the remnants of both sides they continued on their way as fast as they could. They avoided any fights after that, even going as far as hiding down by a river bed while another couple of kingdoms had it out with one another. Once they were finished and the survivors were suitably distracted Gwen, Aurora, and Sarah hurried back into familiar territory. The total lack of any fighting, dead bodies, or people in general was a very reassuring sign. Soon the large tent that made up their domain came into view and it didn't take long for the trio to spot just what was going on underneath it's shady coverage. Although none of them could quite believe their eyes the closer they got the more indisputable the evidence became. When they were finally in shouting distance Aurora and Gwen were completely speechless while Sarah was indignant and very much capable of speaking. 

“What the hell?!” She exclaimed, “Is this what you guys have been doing?!”

Entirely wrapped up in their own sexual pleasures nobody had noticed the three newcomers approaching and all seven of them were completely taken aback by the sudden, harsh words interrupting their fun. Everyone froze in place and slowly looked towards Sarah with comically wide eyes. All of them were dripping with sweat and had clearly been going at it for some time if the cum dripping from both women's bodies and at least two of their holes. Veronica was straddling Yuri with her backside partially hidden by Calvin's broad frame as he fucked her from behind. Her dress was still on but had been thoroughly crumpled to expose everything and her crown was resting at a jaunty angle atop her disheveled main of hari. She'd pulled her mouth about halfway off Malik's dick but stopped in favor of staring with wide eyed shock at her daughter and her daughter's friends. Completely mortified about being caught in such a predicament for the second time and completely unable to free herself she had absolutely no idea what to do. Eventually she managed to look at her fellow rule breaker as if some answer would be forthcoming. But Stacy was much too busy being pinned between two men, a cock buried in her ass and pussy. Most of her clothes were strewn about the place and both her ankles were resting on either side of Trevor's head while her arms were holding onto Xavier's broad shoulders. Although she definitely noticed the look Veronica was giving her she didn't really have much to offer but a sly grin. Unsurprisingly she looked the least ashamed out of the group. Which was to say she didn't have any shame whatsoever. In fact she looked downright happy her friends had found them.

“Finally! I was hoping you'd get back before we finished!” She exclaimed in a high pitched, breathy voice, “You really gotta let one of these guys fuck you! I swear if they had brains as big as their cocks we'd be living on Mars right now!”

“What does that even mean?” Gwen asked.

“I think she's saying—” Aurora started to answer.

“Who cares!” Sarah shouted, throwing her arms into the air and stomping to the center of the tent so she could glower at her mother and Stacy, “I can't believe both of you would do something like this! I mean, I can but—well—you could totally get us kicked out!” She glared at her friend first, “I thought you'd at least care enough to not fuck everything up for us!” Her gaze turned towards her mother and her tone wavered just a little bit, “And I know you didn't want to do this Mom . . . but I didn't think you'd go this far to get out of it!”

“Darling that was never my intention!” Veronica clarified, spit and cum dribbling down her chin while a cock throbbed insistently against her cheek, “I was only—”

“Whatever! Just put your damn clothes before someone in charge finds us! Next time we'll find someone else to be Empress.”

“Sarah I'm not—”

Storming off before her mother could say another word Sarah didn't look back at them once as she disappeared into the woods. “Damn.” Stacy remarked, “That shit was real.”

“Yeah just a little bit.” Gwen said.

“I'll go talk to her.” Aurora said. “In the mean time you guys really should get dressed. The Battle of Ascension is gonna end soon.”

Eager to repair the damage that'd been done Veronica removed herself from the trio she'd been enjoying. Stacy did the same with her pair, albeit with far more eye rolling and sighs. Both women did their best to smooth out their appearances and pretend like they hadn't just spent the last few hours getting dicked by five men. Little could be done about the spunk oozing from their slack holes. Neither had worn underwear even remotely capable of stopping that flow and even if they had the sheer amount of cum inside them simply wasn't going to go away. Stacy fared a little bit better than her counterpart thanks to how many loads she'd swallowed over the course of their private orgy. But even with that unexpected benefit there was still fresh jizz leaking out of her costume and seeping down her thighs the moment she pulled on her costume. Veronica was mildly more lucky thanks to her long, green dress and the way it concealed much of her shame. She could still feel her gaped and pulsing holes tremble as her thong returned to her hips but most of the semen gliding down her messy thighs was hidden from view. Nothing could be done about the state of their hair or makeup though. At least not without some professional help or a whole lot of time in front of a mirror. They'd simply have to do with the smeared lipstick, runny mascara, and generally disheveled, whorish looks that formed their appearance. Which wasn't exactly a big deal for Stacy but Veronica was certainly quite put off by the prospect.

Unsurprisingly Trevor and his companions finished getting themselves in order almost immediately with only their still present bulges evidence of anything that'd transpired, “Do you want us to go find Sarah?” He asked of his Empress.

“No darling, I appreciate the offer.” She replied with a terse smile, “This is something better handled personally.”

“All right. Should we stay with you in case—”

“I'll be fine. Why don't you boys go with Stacy and Gwen?”

“Okay Mrs. Sweet. Holler if you need us!”

“I will.”

She gave them all a quick nod and smile before heading off into the wood in the same direction Sarah had gone. More than once she stumbled and nearly tumbled head first down a slope as her uncooperative legs failed to keep her steady on the uneven terrain. The stench of sweat and cum filled the air around her so completely she wouldn't have been surprised to see a literal stink cloud hovering above her as she walked. When paired with the constant trickle of spunk running down her legs and into her slippers she started to wonder if it might not be better to wait until she'd had a chance to clean herself up. Sarah probably need a constant, odorous reminder of what had transpired. Assuming she was even in the mood to talk. Although it rarely came out there were definitely times her temper could rival Veronica's. And this very much seemed like one of those times. It only took a few minutes of wandering in the same general direction to spot her daughter and Aurora seated on a lot overlooking a dry gully. Upon hearing her clumsy, ungainly approach both girls turned to look at her.

“What do you want?” Sarah asked, immediately turning away.

“I wanted to apologize.” Veronica said.


“Give your mom a chance Sarah.” Aurora murmured, “We both know apologies like these are kind of rare from here.”

Sarah shook her head and crossed her arms while her friend laughed softly at the stubbornness on display. She stood up and smiled at Veronica, wordlessly offering her seat. As she sat down the Sweet matriarch winced ever so slightly. Both from the unexpected soreness and the telltale squish of her cum splattered body resting against the rigid wood beneath her. All three of them sat in silence for several seconds, each quietly pretending not to notice how badly she reeked of musk and semen. Eventually Aurora decided to recuse herself from what was unquestionably none of her busy.

“I'll see you guys back at the parking lot.” She said.

“See you later Aurora.”

“Thank you dear.”

A short silence passed between them until it was suddenly broken by a rather astute question, “You did this last time didn't you?” Sarah asked, suddenly recognizing that weird smell that her mother had claimed to be sweat.

“More or less.” Veronica stated, “But I promise you, neither time was because I wanted to sabotage you.”

“I know. I'm sorry I said that. I was just angry and jumping to wild conclusions.”

“It's quite all right sweetheart. Lord knows you don't get that from your father.”

Both women shared a smile and Sarah added, “It's not even the first time Stacy's done something like this.”

“Now there's a surprise!”

“Yeah . . . I guess when I saw what you were doing it seemed like something you'd do because you bored. Like you were just killing time because you don't want to be here . . . and it kinda hurt a little . . .”

“Well I'm sorry.” Veronica said with all sincerity. She wrapped an arm around her daughter's shoulders and pulled her into a soft hug, “I didn't mean for it to come across that way.”

“Thanks . . . you were bored though?”

“A little bit.” Sarah laughed and her mother chuckled, “But even if I hadn't been . . . you saw what those boys looked like! I don't think I could've helped myself!”

“They are pretty cute.” She agreed, “Is that why you hired them?”

“Would you think less of me if I said yes?”

“Only a little.”

“Then no. I hired them purely to keep An . . . An . . .”


“Thank you. I hired them purely to keep Ancania safe.”

Scoffing at her mother's words Sarah shook her head and smiled, “You don't have to come back next time if you don't want to. I understand.”

Feeling a little pang of guilt at the tone in her daughter's voice Veronica heaved a sigh, “I'm sorry darling. I want to like this stuff but it's just so . . . uninteresting to me.”

“I thought you were gonna say pointless.”

“Well that too but—never mind. I just can't get into this sort of thing. I know you and Jack and your father all love it but it's just never been my cup of tea.”

“I know. I just thought you'd be into it if I made you the Queen or something.”

“It was a good try sweetheart. But I'm not sure anything like this will ever be of interest to me.”

“Not without hunky guys to sleep with you mean.” Sarah teased.

“Exactly.” Veronica smiled at her daughter and nodded. The two of them looked out at the forest and all the costumed people slowly working their way through it towards the main bulk of the park, “Are you gonna be okay?”

“Yeah I'm fine. I didn't really think you'd come this many times!”

“It does seem pretty out of character doesn't it?” Veronica joked. She stood up and deliberately ignored the soft squish that accompanied her movement, “How about we make a deal?”

“A deal?” Sarah asked, standing up and looking at her mom.

“Yes. I'll agree to come to this thing every six months. And in return you'll come with me to the bi monthly brunch I host with your Aunt Samantha.”

Sarah's expression went from excitement to dread so quickly it was like a switch had been flipped, “A tea party?! Oh come on that's not even remotely equal!”

“It certainly is!”

“What?! My thing is once every six months!”

“Which should tell you how much I dread going to it!” Veronica said in a her usual, snooty way.

“Ugh! Once a month! And I get to bring Gwen or someone!”

“All right. But make it Aurora. She'd be lovely company.”

“What's wrong with Gwen?”

“Nothing, I adore Gwen. But I know the two of you would be off on your own ignoring everyone else if she came.”

“Dammit.” Sarah cursed, annoyed but not the least bit surprused her mother had seen through her plans. “What about—”

“Stacy can't come.”

“Fine.” She said with a pout that was thoroughly ruined by her smile, “I'll ask Aurora about it tonight.”

“Wonderful. Then we have deal?”

“Yeah . . . but if I can't bring Stacy and Gwen you can't hire hunky boys to guard you.”

“Oh that takes all the fun out of it.”

“Fine but you can't have sex with them while the game is happening.”

Heaving an over dramatic sigh and crossing her arms beneath her breasts Veronica pretended to mull it over, “Fine. But I won't be responsible for what Stacy does.”

“Fair enough.” The two of them started walking back towards the parking lot, both in considerably better moods, “Can we roll the car windows down on the drive home?”

“Of course darling. You smell ghastly.”


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