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So here's a little fun fact about me: I've never found Princess Leia all that attractive. I dunno why but she'd never quite done it for me (yes even in her slave costume). Of course that doesn't mean I'm above writing a story about her getting gangbanged by a bunch of stormtroopers. This idea wasn't suggested by or voted on by anybody. I just really wanted to write it lol. I hope y'all like it just the same.

“I've reached the base but the disguise isn't at the dead drop. I think something's gone wrong.”

“You'll have to find something on rite or abort the mission.”

“I'll take something from one of scouts. Expect a full report in four hours.”

“Good, then may the force be with you. Over and out.”

Closing her communicator with a sigh Leia looked around the volcanic landscape of Sullust and shook her head. Retrieving a uniform would be easy enough but she was supposed to pose as an intelligence officer to avoid any suspicion. If she couldn't get her hands on the right disguise it could very well be impossible for her to retrieve the necessary data. And without it her entire mission would be little more than an exercise in pushing her luck. Doing her best to keep her thoughts positive despite the circumstances she peeked over the small outcropping she was hiding behind. Imperial patrols had been coming by all day and the later the time got the lazier they would inevitably become. She need only wait for one to fall behind or get separated from the others to make her move. She waited another hour and a half in the arid and desolate wasteland before another pair of troopers finally came by.

The first was a normal white stormtrooper of little use to her. But the second was clearly a female and dressed in armor she'd never seen before. While it was clearly still made by the Empire the entire thing was considerably more sleek and trimmed down. Most of the plates covering the chest, backside, and legs were smaller or separated into multiple pieces as if to allow for modifications. Blue trimming lined much of the actual armor and the helmet was noticeably similar to the regular stormtrooper's save some extra accents. Deciding that was the better option Leia tossed a small rock into a nearby crater. As she hoped the sound drew the attention of only the unique trooper. The armored woman turned and lazily strolled towards the source of the noise, walking right past Leia's hiding spot in the process. She waited until the Imperial was crossing directly in front of her before leaping out of cover and slamming her back against the rocks. 

Leia's enemy only managed to cry out for a second before a swift strike to the throat and another to the side of the helmet knocked her out completely. A quick look back over the top confirmed nobody had heard the brief scuffle. Heaving another sigh she set about the slightly frustrating task of donning the strange armor. She knew she didn't have much time before someone noticed the missing solider and came looking. It took just over fifteen minutes to get out of her own camouflaged gear, strip the stormtrooper, and put on the disguise. When she was finished and certain she'd pass any inspection she looked at the naked woman lying against the rocks. Knowing she couldn't shoot her and unwilling to do anything else that would kill her Leia merely tied the Imperial up and covered her with her discarded clothing. Perhaps when she left she'd bring the trooper along as a prisoner of war. Assuming she was still alive of course. But her mission came first and Leia wasn't going to let anything stop her from completing it.

Readying her weapon she climbed back onto the path and almost ran headlong into a pair of white armored stormtroopers, “Where have you been?” One asked.

“I slipped off the path,” Leia explained, “It took me a while to find a way back.”

“I've done the same thing,” The second trooper chuckled, “This place is a nightmare to get around in.”

“You're telling me!” Leia agreed.

“Alright, let's get back to base then. You can come along with us.”

“Sounds good. Lead the way!”

Leia's heart skipped a beat as the two of them looked her up and down for a moment. She didn't know how they could have figured out she wasn't who she looked to be and without being able to see their faces there was no way to know what was going on inside their head. Luckily after a few tense seconds they turned away and started walking down the narrow road leading towards the base. She followed them with the slightest bit of trepidation. Though her weapon was lowered she made sure to keep it as ready as it could be in case something went wrong. If they were leading her into a trap she couldn't afford to be caught unawares. Aside from the small shuttle lying in wait a few miles away she had no support on Sullust. She watched her escort with wary tension the entire trip back to base but aside from the occasional comment regarding a dangerous part of the landscape neither one paid her any heed. In fact it wasn't until the three of them reached one of the doors that they even looked at her.

“Good luck in there!” One of the soldiers laughed.

:You're gonna need it!”

Leia started to respond to their enigmatic statements when the second stormtrooper suddenly smacked her lightly armored ass. Though she managed to ignore her initial instinct and slap him it she still swore under her breath at his presumption. More confused and concerned than ever she walked into the base and towards her main goal. She passed several more Imperials dressed in white and even a glossy black Shadow Trooper before finally reaching a bay filled with a dozen soldiers of varying armor types. Most of them were standing at consoles, working on the vehicles, or standing guard. A handful had set up a small rest area beside some ammo crates and grey clad officer stood on the catwalks overseeing it all. She took a deep breath and walked into the bay with a purposeful stride. The maps she'd been given of the area were just vague enough to leave her with several locations to check and she didn't have any time to waste. She didn't make it two steps into the hangar before being stopped dead in her tracks by a trio of stormtroopers who'd spotted her across the way and immediately come over.

“It's about time you arrived!” The lead one said.

“Yeah we've been waiting forever!” Another added.

“Who's bright idea was it to send you out on patrols?!” The third grumbled.

“S-sorry,” Leia replied, unsure of what they were so indignant about , “I'm here now and ready to get back to work.”

“Good. Cause you've got plenty of work to do!”

For a split second Leia thought she'd averted a disaster but in reality she'd walked headlong into something arguably worse than being discovered. The three soldiers closed in around her, their weapons dropping to the floor as they grabbed the armor covering her waist. Tearing the plates away as if it were nothing they pulled down the black bodysuit beneath so fast she didn't even have time to think about it. In a flash her plump ass and small tuft of brown pubic hair were exposed for everyone to see. In her haste to cover herself and get away Leia tore her leggings right down the middle, the tattered cloth dangling above her knee pads and all but ensuring her nudity remained. A trio of cocks emerged from beneath their armor and all at once Leia realized what she'd gotten herself into. And there was no way she could possibly get out of it without ruining the entire mission and likely getting herself captured. 

A moment later she didn't even have that option as the soldier behind her suddenly grabbed her waist and hefted her into the air. She felt his throbbing cock press against her for a moment before sliding between her buttocks to press against her asshole. Leia gasped and tried to protest but her words fell on deaf ears. Shoving his dick into her hole with all the gentleness of a raging bantha the stormtrooper buried the entirety of his prick inside her with one powerful thrust. If she hadn't gone through an experimental phase in her teens Leia's ass would have surely broken from the sudden and violent penetration. Even with her prior experience the sensation of suddenly having a man's shaft inside her was enough to make her cry out. Her legs involuntarily lifted and she reached out to the man in front of her in some vain attempt to find help. 

But of course helping her was the last thing on his mind, his hands reaching down to grab the underside of her knees and spread her nice and wide. He rubbed his dick against her pussy for a moment before pushing it in with a comparatively gentle motion. While neither of them were particularly well endowed the combination of having two cocks, two stranger's cocks no less, inside her at the same time was almost too much for her to handle. Leia cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure while her body convulsed and shook around their shafts. Her voice reverberated through her helmet to echo into the entire hangar. Ever trooper that hadn't already been watching looked up and the shafts already inside her throbbed mightily. Their grip on her legs and waist tightened and Leia was given just enough time to wonder how her life had reached this point.

“Oh fuck, she's even tighter than usual!” The first groaned.

“Yeah she is! I like it!” The second added.

With that sentiment hanging in the air like a cloud the two started thrusting in earnest. Leia's back arched as the sudden onslaught of pleasure and pain hit her full on. Whether by intent or happenstance both troopers fucked her such a way that one of their cocks was always balls deep inside her while the other slid out. Every thrust into her pussy sent tremors through the entirety of her body, making both holes tighten around the members gliding in and out of her. Unable to focus on anything save the constant motion of their dicks Leia's arms dangled pointlessly at her sides and her head remained upright only because of the stormtrooper behind her's chest. Her mind filled with memories of her last threesome in an attempt to escape her own reality. But no matter how hard she tried to pretend otherwise the two soldiers using her holes were not Han Solo or Chewbacca. The strange thing was the way they seemed to use and treat her like little more than an object was far better than she could have expected. It was oddly arousing to be bounced back and forth between them like a toy built solely for their enjoyment. It might have actually been enjoyable had it not been for all the onlookers watching her the entire time. Even with her helmet hiding her Leia couldn't push away the shame and embarrassment at being reduced to such a sorry state.

After what felt like an eternity of humiliation Leia felt the telltale swelling of both their dicks accompanied by mutual groans. A moment later any semblance of rhythm and coordination fell away and the two soldiers started thrusting with animalistic urgency. Their dicks plunged into her with such ferocity precum and pussy juice was sent everywhere and she was bounced up and down hard enough to make her neck hurt. Her moans quickly died and much of her body went limp as pleasure and resignation filled her. There was nothing she could do but 'enjoy' the sensations and wait for them to finish. Thankfully that didn't prove to be much longer as they both suddenly went stiff and pushed their cocks balls deep into her holes. Leia managed a breathless whimper before her inner walls were basted in two thick loads of creamy spunk. It swirled around inside her ass and pussy like a hurricane of shame and utter defeat. They poured so much jizz into her she could scarcely believe it had only come from two people. She didn't even know they were finished emptying their balls until they started to pull out with appreciative groans.

The instant their cocks emerged from her ass and pussy cum started to bubble out. The sheer volume of their loads ensured a steady trickle poured from both her slightly gaping holes. The steady plip plop of spunk dripping out of her body served as a humiliating reminder of what she'd endured as Leia was lowered to the ground. For a single, wonderful moment it appeared as though she was free, the two troopers stepping away and leaving her alone, but it faded as quickly as it had come. Another white clad soldier stepped forward and none too gently shoved her towards a large crate. Leia collided hard with the unyielding metal and her body instinctively folded against it. Unwittingly pushing her ass towards her newest abuser she bent over the container and grunted in pain. That same noise quickly shifted into a moan as the stormtrooper unceremoniously shoved his cock into her still slightly open asshole.

Thanks to the cum sloshing about inside her his dick slid in without much resistance. His dick was noticeably bigger than the last and even with the added lubrication her body was forced to the limits in a heartbeat. He pushed her down against the crate with one hand on her head while the other grabbed the back of her chestplate for traction. She felt his feet slide apart, pushing hers wider as he went, before he started fucking her with total abandon. Within seconds he was slamming into her ass with a speed and power that might have been impressive had she been even the least bit involved with the process. But as it was Leia could only grab the edges of the container and hold on for dear life while she was slowly turned into the Empire's cum dumpster. The mere fact that some part of her was enjoying being mercilessly fucked by her enemies while more watched somehow made the entire affair feel even more sleazy and shameful. Which in turn just aroused her even more. 

Before she realized it soft whimpers were escaping her trembling lips. She closed her eyes after a few seconds, her mind pretending it was to avoid the sweat dripping down her face but she knew the real reason. Part of her wanted to open them immediately and look at all the men watching her ass get pounded. She ignored it for as long as she could but in the end her libido won out and Leia gave in.Her heart skipped a beat and a surge of adrenaline filled her as her vision was filled with another cock and a pair of hands closed around her helmet. The greedy stormtrooper started removing the only thing keeping her identity a secret and she was too slow to even begin to stop it. One of the soldiers was sure to recognize her, even with a cock stuffed in her throat!

“Hey! Leave her helmet on!”

“Why? I don't wanna wait any longer!”

“You know we're not supposed to take them off anymore! And that includes her!”

“Fine, but I'm going next!”

As if to gloat about being able to fuck her while his comrade couldn't the man thrusting into Leia's ass slowed considerably. He shoved his cock into her with long, smooth strokes, each one accompanied by a satisfied groan. He gave her already tender and quivering buttocks a few spanks as he pulled out and she couldn't stop herself from whimpering at the sensation. All around her stormtroopers watched from behind their inscrutable helmets, many of them stroking their dicks or sporting noticeable bulges beneath their armor. She couldn't even fathom how she was going to manage fucking them all. But from the way they'd been using her so far it was clear that little detail didn't really matter. If he and the first two were any indication it was clear none of them had cum in quite some time and she was in for one hell of a day. The soldier still inside her ass started moving faster while his grunts became more labored. His balls smacked against her cum stained pussy with increasing frequency and her pulsing hole only made him throb harder. His hands grabbed her hips and pulled onto his dick with every thrust while his entire body stiffened at once. He managed a few more thrusts before sliding the full length of his member inside her and loudly swearing. 

Like the good little whore they believed her to be, and she was unwittingly becoming, Leia was treated to another hot load of cum straight into her asshole. It joined the spunk still inside her and reached even deeper inside her ass. In mere seconds he pumped nearly double the amount the last soldier had produced and by the time he was done she felt fit to bursting. He yanked his dick free almost instantly after finishing, with only one final smack of her plump buttocks to signal his approval. He was replaced before she could even blink, the fourth stormtrooper slipping inside her pussy. Like the others he fucked her without any concern for her own pleasure and for some reason that made Leia wetter than ever. Her gaping ass disgorged thick streams of spunk all over his thrusting dick, the new jizz mixing with the fresh juices streaming out of her slutty little hole. Little by little the resulting concoction was splattered across their thighs, the crate, and the floor each time his hips collided with hers.

With four different men being inside her within fifteen minutes Leia had no reason to be surprised by how unfazed they were by one another's cum but somehow it continued to astonish. Han and Chewbacca hadn't been able to stomach swapping holes during any of their threesomes and for the longest time she'd simply assumed that was how all men were. But if the troopers that had and were waiting to fuck her were any indication her smuggler lovers were in the minority. Such thoughts filled her head as her pussy was turned into a free dumping ground by yet another Imperial looking for a quick release. He emptied his balls deep into her cunt with a satisfied groan as she was left to whimper and tremble. Leia could feel his and the other man's jizz swirling around inside her womb. There was no way she'd walk away from this encounter without getting pregnant and by the looks of the men waiting nearly all of them would be potential fathers. Wondering if the latest one to use her would be responsible for her inevitable child she wasn't the least bit surprised to feel his prick replaced in less than three seconds after leaving. The fifth soldier decided to use her freshly fucked pussy as a convenient cocksleeve for his own, impressively thick member.

For her own sanity Leia stopped counting how many soldiers had fucked her in the mid twenties. She was fairly certain the entire base had come by for a chance to fuck one of her holes and she could do nothing to stop it. A small and very lewd part of her was glad she hadn't been given a chance to. Every inch of her body, armored or otherwise, was glistening with cum. Streaks of drying spunk soaked her back all the way down to her pink ass cheeks. Her inner thighs were dripping with the combined mess of her own fluids and the many, many loads of the stomtroopers. The crate she'd been bent over for the last hour or so was dripping with jizz and the smell filled her helmet so completely it was like she'd submerged herself in a vat of the pungent fluids. But without a doubt the sloppiest and most humiliating area had to be her completely ruined holes. The sheer number of dicks that had been inside her ass and pussy had left both stretched wide enough for all the cum within to simple drip out in a steady stream. 

Somehow they remained just tight enough for any new cocks to slide in and make the Imperial currently fucking her groan. Perhaps it was her imagination or perhaps it was the utterly disheveled look of her limp form but it became readily apparent that they were fucking her harder and faster with each 'new' shaft that slipped inside. The added lubrication in both holes ensured they could use her to their hearts content, as if they weren't already, and they had no qualms adding a fresh helping as soon as they were able. Despite their growing intensity the number of horny soldiers had gone down dramatically and Leia couldn't help but feel an odd sense of pride at that notion. She'd quite literally fucked her way through an entire Imperial base, if the massive puddle of spunk swirling at her feet was any indication. And when the line finally ended and she was left alone amidst her shame and the sensory overload still filling her body she knew what she had to do.

Not even bothering to try and fix her uniform or even wipe off some of the cum Leia pushed herself off the crate. Immediately the jizz still inside her wrecked holes poured out in an even greater quantity, her gaping ass and pussy barely beginning to close at that point. She grabbed everything within arms reach in an effort to keep herself upright as she took her first steps after nearly two hours and a dozen orgasms. She quickly lost her footing on the cum stained floor and landed hard on her ass in the viscous mixture. It splashed across her half naked body, the wet splat accompanying the mocking laughter in a perfect blend of embarrassment. Leia sighed and contemplated admitting defeat and collapsing into the cum puddle where she clearly belonged. It was only a matter of time until more came along to fuck her and she couldn't quite come up with a reason why they shouldn't. She'd enjoyed being used more than she could have ever imagined. Even with her holes left agape from all the anonymous dicks her body was still craving more semen.

“Come on, let's get you up!” A voice from behind said.

Leia turned to see a stormtrooper offering his hand, “Thank you,” She said, taking it and letting him lift her off the ground, “I'm a little sore!”

“I imagine so! No worries though, you're not the first one to need some help afterwards. Where'd you need to go?”

Picking a place at random Leia motioned towards a nearby hallway and said, “That way.”

With a nod the helpful stormtrooper escorted her in the chosen direction and as luck would have it she quickly spotted a small sign that read 'Intelligence Offices' with a little arrow pointing the way they were heading. She could barely imagine the sight she must have made for everyone they passed but if anyone noticed or cared they didn't show it. As they neared the place in question Leia knew she'd have to separate from her companion if she was going to steal their data and make any kind of an escape. A wan smile spread across her face and she straightened as much as her aching body would allow.

”Right here's good.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah . . . I think I can walk on my own now.”

“All right. Make sure to clean yourself up and get some food. The midday day patrols will be getting back soon.”

“Oh no . . .” She thought, “Thank you for the heads up. And the help.”

“Sure thing. Take care.”

The trooper nodded and walked off without a second glance, leaving her to hobble into the main area of operations for Imperial intelligence. The few officers inside were all huddled around a table discussing various plans and not one of them even looked up. Once she was inside it was almost insultingly easy to find the mainframe and download every piece of relevant information she could. When one of the soldiers finally did notice her he didn't pay any attention to what she was doing, merely walking up behind Leia, pulling down his pants, and shoving his cock inside her ass without a second thought. Her tight little hole had closed just enough for his sudden entry to wrack her body with a mix of pain and pleasure. She stiffened in surprise and let out a little moan while he fucked her hard and fast. After a minute or so he finished, giving her ass an approving swat before leaving the center entirely. With a fresh load of cum trickling from her body Leia took her newly stolen data and left the way she'd come.

Even on the short trip out of the base Leia encountered three different stormtroopers who all wanted a chance to get off with her. None of them lasted more than a few minutes by the time the third was emptying his balls into her cunt she was barely able to stay on her feet. Her head was swimming in a cloud of arousal and had it not been for her mission she probably would have collapsed the moment his dick slid free. She had no idea how she made it out of the base and to the rendezvous point but thankfully no other soldiers crossed her path looking for a quick fuck. Not even bothering to retrieve her discarded gear or cover up her lower half as she signaled for her evac. The small, camouflaged shuttle arrived in less than a minute and she boarded it without saying a word. The pilot didn't look at her as she sat down and strapped herself in.

“Did you get what you needed?” The pilot asked, shouting of the roar of the engines as he took off.

“Yeah,” Leia sighed, “Here.”

“Great j—what happened? Did your cover get blown?”

“No . . .”

“Are you hurt?”

“No. I just ran into some trouble towards the end. But it doesn't matter. I got the data.”

“That you did. Is that how . . . is that why you're armor's like that?”

“Yeah . . .”

“I see. Was it rough in there?”

Leia's thought about her response for a moment and smiled to herself, “It wasn't nearly as bad you might think.”


“Mmhmmm. The Empire has a few good ideas actually. We might have to make some changes at our own bases . . .”


Fooled Trooper

Oh wow. Quiet the surprise. I was thinking something in that line too for a story. And no. I didnt read the story yet :P