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Here's another installment in the ongoing escapades of the Sweet Family, this time centered around Veronica Sweet, with Jack spying on her. Because of Patreon's rules some elements of this story won't be released on here but for the time being you can enjoy her slutty antics!

“What?! Shut the hell up man that's not true!” Jack exclaimed.

“I'm telling you dude, everyone knows it. Your mom's kind of a whore!”

“And how the fuck do they know?”

Seth gave an awkward shrug and looked around guiltily, “It's just one of those things man . . .”

“No it's not. I don't care what anyone says.”

“It's true man!” One of his other friends piped up, “We're not judging or anything. She's a good teacher or whatever . . .”

“I bet if you went home right now she'd be fucking the garbage men or something!” Another added with a grin.

“Come on man that's still his mom! No guy wants to hear that!” Seth interjected, punching one of the guys in the arm.

“Then why'd you tell him in the first place?”

“I dunno, some people wanna know that sort of thing. 'S better than finding out some other way!”

“What kind of weirdo would want to know their mom's a slut?”

“I would!”

“Well you're a fucking weirdo then!”

“Yeah well maybe—hey Jack where ya going?!”

Tired of listening to his friends slander his mother and eager to find out the truth for himself Jack had grabbed his things and left their little hangout spot without a word. His grades were more than good enough for him to skip a day. And since people were still arriving at the high school it was quite easy for him to slip out unnoticed. During the fifteen minute walk back to his house he had plenty of time to think about what he was going to do and how to best go about it. Obviously he couldn't walk in the front door and tell his mother why he was there. Thankfully the side gate was almost never locked and he had a key to the backdoor. All he had to do was slip in and confirm that she wasn't doing up to anything that would confirm what his classmates said. Part of him knew his logic was beyond flawed and that he really couldn't prove anything but Jack was far too determined and irritated to care. 

He made it home a little faster than usual and immediately traipsed into the backyard. As he crept through the bushes he noticed the entire downstairs seemed to be empty but the curtains on his parent's bedroom had been drawn. Deciding to start there he slowly opened the sliding glass door and snuck into the living room. The house was almost eerily quiet, a fact that only bolstered his belief in his mother's integrity. Sliding his backpack off his shoulders and stowing it away in a closet he tiptoed upstairs and towards the master bedroom. The door was left ever so slightly cracked and even from the staircase he could smell the familiar scent of his mother's favorite perfume. Barely thinking anything of it he moved all the way up to her door and peered through the small crack. He couldn't see anyone within the room so he pushed the door open a little wider, as gently as he could, and looked around. His mother was nowhere to be found in the spacious bedroom but the sounds of soft humming echoed from the bathroom.

Jack swallowed nervously and debated simply calling it quits there. He had enough to satisfy his own curiosity and ignore the rumors about his mom for a good while. But for some reason he wasn't quite satisfied with what he'd learned and the pounding of her his heart added an oddly thrilling rush of adrenaline to his illicit actions. Pushing the door open just enough to slip inside Jack quickly returned it to the position he'd found it in before creeping further into the bedroom. He and Sarah had played hide and seek so many times in there as kids he was confident he'd be able to find a spot to sequester himself should it come to that. But for the time being his goal was her bathroom. Until he actually laid eyes on his mother Jack knew he couldn't be completely satisfied. Or at least that's what he told himself as he slinked towards the door. It too had been left ajar, providing him ample room to peek inside and see what was happening. The moment he did Jack's crystal blue eyes went wide and his heart nearly beat out of his chest.

Veronica was standing in the center of the bathroom wearing nothing but a white towel wrapped around her head and idly scrolling through her phone. She had her back to him with one hand resting on her hips and the other holding her phone at a slight angle in front of her. An alluring sheen covered nearly all of her supple tanned body, the tanlines crisscrossing down her back to paint a skimpy triangle across her plump buttocks pulled all Jack's focus without question. Her stance was just wide enough to give him the barest glimpse of her pussy from between her thick thighs. It wasn't nearly enough to get a good look but what little he could see made his mind go wild. He'd never really noticed how fantastic his mother's legs were or how they seemed to simply go on for miles. And even with her back to him he could still see an impressive amount of the soft contours that made up her massive tits. Every little movement made them jiggle and sway and his mind was unable to decide which part to ogle. He could feel his cock starting to perk up, despite the fact that he was spying on his mother, and in the heat of the moment he couldn't care less about the supposed wrongness of it all.

The very distinct sound of a camera shutter clicking filled the room and Jack's mouth fell open in surprise. He watched his mother's hand move away from her chest and her thumb press against the screen. There was no mistaking it, she'd just send someone a picture of her breasts. He could only assume it was his father Henry but the nagging voices of his friends cast more than a little doubt on that belief. As she started to turn towards the door Jack had just enough time to catch a glimpse of one of her swollen pink nipples before darting away from the door and into one of the walk in closets directly across from it. Only when he was crouching down amidst a slew of fur coats and jackets did he realize which of his parent's wardrobes he was hidden inside. He had just enough time to silently curse his luck before the light flicked on and his mother stepped inside. His heart leapt into his throat and he sank back against the wall as far as he could, watching through the gaps in the clothes as she approached. He had never been more scared or more aroused in his entire life. He closed his eyes and sank down as low as he could while she inexplicably paused in the middle of the closet.

“Hey baby!” She said in a very familiar tone, “You're still coming over today right? We need to talk about those negotiations after all . . . Great! I'll be wearing something special for you!”

Jack breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes, his entire body instantly tensing up as he found himself mere inches away from and almost face to face with his mother's neatly shaved pussy. The fluffy mound of carefully trimmed brown hair atop her sex was pleasantly ruffled and still slightly damp from her shower. He couldn't see much in the way of her actual vagina save the puffy outer lips that looked more alluring and soft than most porn stars. It was clear something had turned her on as little drops of arousal clung to the outer edges of her slit, some even falling onto the carpet below or making their way onto her thighs. As Veronica started rummaging through the shelves above the hangars hiding her son she widened her stance just enough to make her tightly pressed lips spread open with the soft schlick. Utterly entranced by the sight and barely able to control himself Jack leaned towards his mother's cunt and licked his lips. He'd never seen a pussy up close before and somehow the fact that it belonged to the woman who gave birth to him only made it more thrilling.

But before he could do anything truly stupid Veronica stepped back and suddenly bent over. Jack stiffened in surprise once more but fortunately her emerald eyes were looking down as she slid a pair of tan panties with white accents up her legs. The lacy fabric hugged her hips perfectly and the pattern of roses and vines that danced across it just barely hid her pussy while leaving nearly all the surrounding skin exposed behind a flimsy, sheer strip. She turned her back to him a second later and he was delighted to see the backside of her thong disappear between her perfect ass cheeks, the thin cord completely swallowed by her buttocks and blending almost perfectly with her tanlines. After a few more seconds of searching she turned back towards Jack and lifted her arms. Suddenly her naked stomach and large tits were covered by a flowing negligee of the same color and pattern as her panties. The bodice did very little to hide or even contain her swelling breasts and the two sheer curtains hanging down only drew attention to her smooth belly. The edge of the lingerie reached just past the middle of her thighs while the top was cut to deliberately expose as much cleavage as possible while still keeping her pert nipples hidden from view. Most of them anyways.

For a few seconds she remained motionless, clearly aware of how good she looked and admiring herself. Eventually she spun on her heel and sauntered out of the closet while Jack let out a pent up breath. His dick was throbbing so hard it actually hurt and all he wanted to do was escape to somewhere he could masturbate. He might have done it then and there if the risk of getting caught hadn't been so high. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a blowdryer turning on. Taking a deep breath and steeling himself Jack slipped out of his cocoon of clothes and crept towards the closet door. His mother was standing in the bathroom drying her hair and smiling at her own reflection. He knew he couldn't make a break for it yet, she'd left the door wide open and no matter how absorbed she was in her own appearance she'd surely notice him trying to leave. So he resigned himself to watching her dry her hair for several minutes, the dullness of her actions mitigated by the attire she was doing it in. She finally stopped after what felt like an hour, though it couldn't have been more than a few minutes, and started brushing her hair instead. Jack was suddenly reminded of all the times he had sat in the bedroom and watched her get ready to go out. 

And much like all those other times she didn't skimp one bit on making herself look as good as possible. Just as she was setting her brush down Veronica's phone buzzed loudly on the countertop and she snatched it up. Jack saw her smile widen in the mirror and she spun around so fast he almost gasped in surprise. She darted out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, with Jack following some distance behind her. He had no idea what was going on but he could only assume she was going downstairs to meet his father for some afternoon fun. Sure enough as he stepped onto the landing he saw him mother, wearing nothing but her lingerie, open the door and greet someone.

“Mr. Hatcher!” Veronica exclaimed, her voice dripping with exaggerated sincerity, “Come in! I've been waiting for you to get here all morning!”