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So funny story, this was actually supposed to get posted about two months ago when it was fresh and new. But somehow it completely slipped my mind and only after completing the second (of three) chapters did I finally remember to upload it. I'll likely be putting the following chapter out later in the month so I hope y'all enjoy what has unintentionally become Star Wars month on my Patreon lol

“Today's the day!” Ahsoka told herself, “Today's the day . . .”

Even expressing the sentiment aloud made her heart skip a beat. But she'd never been more sure of anything in her entire, admittedly young, life. She watched Anakin working on the various bits and pieces that formed the disassembled cockpit of his fighter and sighed. He was barely two hundred feet from her but he'd never felt farther away. Almost since the moment she'd met him there'd been an instant and powerful attraction. At first it had been merely lust, the timing of her Jedi training coinciding with her budding pubescence. But as the Clone Wars raged on and she spent more time with him carnal desires had turned into so much more. Ahsoka couldn't bring herself to say it aloud but there was no doubt in her mind that she was in love with her master. And though they showed no outward signs of romantic entanglements she couldn't help but worry about Anakin's obvious closeness to Padme.

Her friend and fellow Padawan Bariss certainly seemed to think so. She might not have know who it was the young Togruta woman lusted after but she almost didn't seem to care. It was at her urging that Ahsoka had begun a slightly awkward campaign to get him to notice her as more than just an apprentice. For weeks she'd been acting as sensual and flirty as possible, swaying her hips more, always walking in front of him, touching his arms whenever she can, and on one occasion even flashing him her breasts. Although that was actually an unintentional slip during an attempt to strike a seductive pose near some slightly hostile plant life on Felucia. But despite her intentional and accidental efforts it was nearly impossible to tell if she'd gotten her point across. Thus Bariss had concocted a 'foolproof' plan for her. All it required was the most forward and unambiguous approach ever . . .

Glancing at her reflection in the glossy metal bulkhead beside her Ahsoke nervously checked her outfit for the fifth time since putting it on, despite it being what she always wore. Her body was considerably more developed than when she first started training with Anakin. Wider hips, a plumper bottom, and more pronounced and perky breasts gave her a mature look that was offset by her still very young way of thinking. Tugging on her top in a weak attempt to produce more cleavage, like Bariss had suggested, she smoothed out any crinkles in her leggings and swallowed. Turning back towards her goal she walked as calmly as her fluttering hear would allow towards her Master. He'd been given a small, fairly secluded corner of the hangar to work in and it was just far enough away from the entrance to give her time to think of something to say. Anakin didn't look up as she approached, even when she ascended the ladder up to the cockpit knelt down beside him.

“What're you working on Master?”

Anakin smiled and glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, “Do you really want to know or are you just bored?”

“It can't be both?”

“I suppose not,” He chuckled, “Well I'm trying to get to the . . .”

As he started explaining all the technical aspects of what he was doing Ahsoka did her best to smile and nod, pretending to be engaged even while her thoughts lay in a completely different direction. More than once she caught herself staring at his strong, slightly intimidating features and had to quickly look at something else to keep from blushing. Without even realizing it she was subtly moving closer and closer to him the longer he talked. Anakin didn't seem to notice her actions either. At least not until she was practically hanging into the mostly stripped cockpit with a nervous grin plastered on her face. He set his tools down at looked at her with a single arched eyebrow.

“Are you feeling well?”

“What? Yeah! I-I was just . . . enjoying your explanations!” She stammered.

“Oh really?”

“Mmhmmm! I'd never learn about this stuff otherwise!”

“That's true . . .” Anakin looked at the circuitry around him for a moment and said, “Why don't you come down here then? There's enough room and you get a proper look at what I'm talking about.”

“Okay!” Ahsoka exclaimed, eagerly climbing into the cockpit with her master and thanking the Force for her good luck.

Though there wasn't quite as much room as he'd claimed there was still more than enough space for them to kneel side by side without things being too awkward. Of course for Ahsoka being crammed in a tight space with Anakin was something she'd actively try to make happen! They knelt on either side of the seat that remained in the center of the cockpit, their arms almost touching. Once again Anakin launched into a detailed account of what he was doing, what he'd already done, and what he was planning to do next. She smiled and nodded at his words, smiling with unabashed admiration while she tried to move as close as possible.

At first she simply brushed her hand against his and when he didn't pull away she grew a little more bold. Doing her best to keep her expression neutral Ahsoka furtively slipped a finger beneath his arched digits. She casually slid another, and then another, until nearly the entirety of her hand was hidden beneath his. For a brief, heart pounding moment his palm was resting atop hers and he didn't seem to mind. But just as she was starting to savor the feeling Anakin abruptly pulled away. She glanced at him as calmly as she could, silently worrying he was about to reprimand her. Thankfully his expression remained neutral as he stood up, stretched his back, and plopped down in the chair beside her. He continued to explain the various projects he was working on from his new position while Ahsoka suddenly thought of Bariss recommendation. She knew the kind of bold she wanted to be but actually following through on it seemed . . . insane. 

But just as she was about to give up a little voice in the back of her mind asked, “What's the worst that can happen?” Ahsoka thought about it for a moment and a little ripple of adrenaline surged through her.

Standing up and looking around with an almost exaggerated nonchalance she stepped in front of Anakin and sat down on his lap as though he wasn't even there. “Uhm . . . Ahsoka,” he said in a bemused tone, “What are you doing?”

“Sitting down.” She replied with a slightly apprehensive smile, looking at him from over her shoulder, “You took the only seat.”

Anakin opened his mouth to speak but quickly found himself at a loss, he tilted his head to the side and looked at his strange apprentice for a moment, “And you can't sit on the floor?”

Ahsoka swallowed nervously at his words while a hundred different responses, ranging from coy to outright sexual, flitted through her head. In the end her nerves got the best of her and she just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “I . . . I really like you Master . . .”

“I like you t—”

“No!” Ahsoka shook her head and stared at him with wide, innocent eyes, “I mean I . . . I . . . I want to be with you. You're so important to me and I just . . . I just want . . . us to be together . . . even just once.”

As she took a breath Anakin put a hand on her shoulder and smiled, “I know.”

“You know?”



“Did you really think I couldn't sense your feelings? After all the time we've spent together? You're not as good at hiding them as you think.”

“Oh . . .” Ahsoka's cheeks darkened in embarrassment, “W-why did you play dumb then?”

“I wanted you to finally admit it to me.”

“Oh . . .”

“Then I could tell you that I feel the same way?”

“Y-you . . . you do?”

“I do.”

Ahsoka's heart skipped a beat and her stomach did a little flip. Without even thinking about it she threw her arms around his shoulders and pulled her Master into a passionate and long awaited kiss. His strong hands closed around her slender frame and pulled her tightly against him as he returned her kiss. Stars exploded behind her tightly shut eyes and a dull heat filled her body. She was dimly aware of something hard and throbbing pressing against her buttocks but Ahsoka was too caught up in the moment to give it much thought. Her fingers intertwined themselves in Anakin's auburn hair while soft whimpers and gasps emerged from her lips. Despite their awkward positions they remained locked in their embrace for almost a full minute before she finally pulled away. Kissing him was somehow everything she'd ever hoped for and more but she had so much more she wanted to do with her master.

“I've never done anything like this before,” She murmured.

“Me neither,” Anakin lied, pushing thoughts of his secret wife from his mind. He knew it was wrong to cheat on her but his feelings for Ahsoka were as genuine as hers were for him, “We'll take it slow.”


For the first time since they started kissing Ahsoka properly registered the powerfully throbbing cock struggling against his pants. Unable to help herself she laid a hand against his bulge, moving even closer to his chest to properly feel him. His dick felt absolutely enormous through the dark brown cloth concealing it and the warmth already flooding her only intensified as she felt him. Turning her back to Anakin to more fully focus on his manhood for a moment Ahsoka's hands fumbled with freeing his member from it's confines. After a few seconds of awkwardly pawing at his clothes her fingers finally fell the hot stiffness of his cock for the first time. An immediate full body shiver coursed through her and she couldn't stop herself from letting out a small gasp. Behind her Anakin chuckled and leaned back, his hands gently holding her hips as she pulled his dick out and stared at it. Suddenly unsure of herself upon seeing his cock throbbing powerful in the open air Ahsoka gripped it with both hands and lightly squeezed. 

She marveled at how strong it felt despite being just soft and malleable enough to bend and move. Never in her life did she think she'd actually get to touch a penis, let alone her Master's, and the thrill was almost too much for her to take. Smiling back at Anakin with a youthful and lusty grin she inched a little closer to his member and started moving her hands up his impressive length. She'd only seen a handful of videos on the Holo Net about what do to with a cock and none of them had really focused much on using one's hands. She bit her lower lip and stared at the thick bead of milky white liquid that suddenly appeared on the tip. Moving her index finger through the strange fluid she was delighted to discover how warm and thick it was to her touch. Without really knowing if she should Ahsoka brough her glistening finger up to her lips and tasted the sticky liquid. The moment it touched her tongue she recoiled in surprise, taken aback by how tart and salty it was,

“I guess you don't like it?” Anakin chuckled.

“Not really!” Ahsoka exclaimed, “But I like everything besides that!”

“Well that's good to know.”

As she returned to stroking and squeezing his manhood Anakin's hands wandered up her lithe form, drifting past her hips to caress her taut belly and feel the subtle curves of her body. He paused just long enough to remove his gloves before resuming his tender exploration of her orange skin. Everywhere his fingers touched seemed to tremble and erupt in goosebumps and the closer he got to her chest the more Ahoska squirmed. More encouraged by her reactions than the feel of her hands on his cock Anakin smiled impishly and slid his fingers beneath the edge of her top. She instantly stiffened as his digits brushed against the underside of her budding breasts, her grip on his dick pleasurably tightening as a result. The tight fabric concealing her chest bulged and strained from his probing hands while her breath caught in her throat. He was so close to her puffy, aroused nipples she couldn't stand it. The ache in her body was now a fire and Ahsoka was dying to satiate it anyway she could.

Anakin paused in his advance for a moment, his fingers moving to the sides of her top and curling into fists. Ahsoka registered his movements a second too late and with a startled gasp she felt her bodice unceremoniously yanked up. All at once her heaving tits were exposed to the open air, two large, dark orange nipples practically quivering at being so abruptly exposed. She stared down at her newly bare breasts as though she'd never seen them before, the sight of her master's pale hands moving to cup them feeling strangely surreal. Her own hands continued their movements up and down his cock with an almost absentminded air. Every fiber of her being was focused on Anakin's fingers as they slowly moved across her flesh and towards her incredibly sensitive areola. When his thumb and forefinger finally found her pert buds she couldn't help but let out a pleasured gasp. 

“Master!” Ahsoka gasped. 

“Shhhhhh,” Anakin laughed, “We don't want the whole ship knowing what we're up to!”

“S-sorry! It just—I mean—I've wanted this for so long!”

Smiling at her flushed expression and nodding Anakin tenderly kissed her neck as he started pinching and rolling her nipples between her fingers. Pleasure immediately filled her inexperienced body and Ahoska had to bite her lip to keep from calling out again. She tried her best to pull her attention back to her master's cock, wanting to give him even a fraction of the feelings he was giving her. More precum was dripping out of his cock by the second and as much as she didn't like the taste the sight of his sticky cock was enough to make her mouth water. She was seized with an almost overwhelming desire to wrap her lips around his prick and pleasure him the way those Twi'lek whores had pleasured their masters in the videos she'd watched. But the feeling of his hands on her breasts, his fingers playing with her nipples or cupping her sensitive flesh was too much to handle. Little did she know Anakin had a far more delightful way to satisfy her in mind. Because while she may not have realized it the smell of her wet, nubile pussy filled the air as surely as her pleasured gasps. He could actually feel her juices beginning to soak through her pants and stain his own. And much like her he was all to eager to have a taste.

“Get off me for a second,” He instructed, “I'm gonna make you feel even better!”

“Okay,” Ahsoka answered, wondering how he could possibly make her feel better.

She clumsily extricated herself from the tangle of limbs that was their intertwined bodies and turned towards Anakin.. Anakin looked her up and down for a moment, thrilled by the sight of her half naked body swaying gently in front of him, before sliding off his chair and kneeling down. He hooked his fingers in the waistline of her pants and pulled them down with a single firm tug. Ahsoka gasped at his sudden, unexpected actions and tried to cover herself out of knee-jerk sense of modesty. Chuckling at her sudden embarrassment he pulled her leggings all the way down to her ankles and gently pulled her hands away from her groin. His eyes lit up with desire the moment they fell upon her unsurprisingly hairless pussy. It looked uncannily like a human's with puffy outer lips hiding soft pink inner flesh. He could even see a small pink nub peeking out from the crest of her sex.

As her Master stared at her most private area Ahsoka stepped out of her now useless pants and kicked them aside. She had no idea what he was going to do but the mere act of exposing herself to him in such a manner was enough to make warm juices trickle down her inner thighs. Not even sure why she was doing it her legs slowly widened to reveal even more of herself. Anakin leaned in close as her outer lips parted, the heat of his breath making her heart flutter and her toned thighs tighten. He took her completely by surprise a few moments later when he wordlessly leaned forward and pressed his lips against her pussy. A powerful rush of pleasure surged through her body and unlike the others it didn't have the chance to fade away. His tongue darted across the outermost folds of her slit to collect all the drops of arousal that still clung to her flesh. He pressed himself more completely against her sex, his arms sliding around her waist to grab her ass and hold her in place as he kissed, licked, and sucked her sex.

Ahsoka covered her mouth with one hand while the other grabbed a fistful of Anakin's hair and held on for dear life. Her hips started to grind against him in time with his movements  Sheer, unbridled ecstasy started to fill her body as all the waiting, fantasies, and build up was finally beginning to pay off. Her breath caught in her throat and her mind went blank while the first climax of her life started to build inside her. If she'd been a little more level headed she might have wondered why he was so good at licking her pussy, in the heat of the moment all that mattered was that he kept going. She had no idea how long he teased and played with her slit but after what could have been an hour or mere seconds all the anticipation and pleasure finally came to a head. Squealing into her hand and shutting her eyes as tightly as she could Ahsoka's entire body locked up. Wave after wave of bliss flooded her every sense and thick streams of gooey juices poured of her slit to soak Anakin's face. Her toes curled in her boots, her breath caught in her throat, and the entire world seemed to spin. And while her climax didn't last more than thirty seconds it was enough to leave both her body and mind wracked with a flurry of emotions stronger than anything she'd ever felt. Anakin pulled away and smiled up at her with pussy juice dripping down his face and matting his hair, a sight that only made her love him more.

As her orgasm started to wind down she felt a sudden rush of energy, an incredibly desire to do more, to feel more “My turn!” Ahsoka panted.

She fell to her knees in front of him and grabbed his cock with both hands while he sat down. The moment he stopped moving she wrapped her lips around his manhood and started sucking with all her might. There was no way she could fit all of him inside her at once but that didn't stop her from pushing down as far as she possibly could straight away. Little by little his dick vanished between her lips, it's pulsing length pushing further and further into her mouth until it was pressing against the back of her throat. For a moment she entertained the notion of trying to fit just a little more of his prick into her mouth but her watering eyes and convulsing body forced that notion away. Proud that she managed to get nearly half of his dick inside her on the first try she focused on stroking the part that hadn't made it and swirling her tongue around his swelling tip. She could tell Anakin was enjoying himself from the way his head tilted back and his breathing quickened. Of course with her inexperience she had no idea just how much he was enjoying her inexperienced blowjob until he suddenly spoke up.

“Ahsoka!” Anakin growled, “I'm cumming!”

Though she didn't know the exact meaning of his words the wildly pulsing of his cock between her lips was indication enough that something good was about to happen. Moaning around his dick and slurping up the fresh helping of precum that poured out Ahsoka stared up at him with unadulterated love in her eyes. She took as much of his manhood as she could fit into her mouth and waited for whatever came next. Not two seconds later her curiosity was answered by a powerful jet of creamy fluid erupting straight into the back of her throat. Even thicker than his precum and a thousand times more copious Anakin's spunk filled her mouth in an instant. Ahsoka barely had time to note the strangely delicious taste before her body reflexively swallowed his load. Another jet of gooey cum swiftly joined the first and she drank it down without a second thought. Her once satisfied pussy was starting to ache again, every spurt of jizz making her want him a little more. She had no trouble gulping down everything he had to give her, she was even a little disappointed when the flow of tasty spunk came ot a stop a few seconds later. It was only when she pulled herself off his still hard cock that Ahsoka realized just how dizzy she felt.

“Wow!” Anakin panted, “That was pretty amazing Ahsoka! But I thought you didn't like the taste?”

“I didn't . . .” She said in a dazed voice, swaying gently from side to side, “But that was different . . . that was delicious . . .”

“I'm glad you changed your mind.”

“Me too . . .”

Feeling strangely drunk from her master's cum Ahsoka shakily rose to her feet and climbed back onto his lap. She didn't even bother trying to cover up her naked body, she only wanted to be close to him once more. As his arms slid around her and pulled her in a profound sense of comfort fill her body and mind. Snuggling close and smiling against his chest Ahsoka sighed in contentment and tightly hugged his waist. But as the afterglow of their first time together started to fade reality reared its ugly head. Her mind started to wonder just what their future would hold. Or if there would even be a future for 'them'.

“What . . . what happens now Master?” Ahsoka asked in a slightly nervous voice.

“Well we can't tell anyone about this,” Anakin answered. “But I don't see any reason why we can't do it again.”


“Sure, I mean we both enjoyed it right?”


“Then as long as we keep quiet about it I have no issue with it. But your—”

Anakin was interrupted a split second later when Ahsoka sat up and threw her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a sudden frenzied kiss. After taking a moment to get over his surprise he returned her kiss with just as much passion. His hands roamed her naked body while his tongue drifted into her mouth to lightly press against hers. Ahsoka smiled and trembled against him as his hands found her pert little ass cheeks. She was still a bit sore from earlier but in the wake of what he'd just said she had no issue going again right away. Her mind was already racing with possibilities, all manner of positions, outfits, and places for her and her Master to enjoy each other. And experiment. Ahsoka wanted to find every possible limit with him and then push those boundaries until she couldn't take it anymore.

They remained in their loving embrace for a few more seconds before Anakin finally pulled away and continued, “I was going to say that your training is still a priority.”

“Yeah , , , yeah that makes sense . . .” Ahsoka dreamily replied, “But if I do well . . . could I be rewarded?”

“What kind of rewards did you have in mind?” Ahsoke leaned in close and whispered her ideas into Anakin's ear. She was mortified even suggesting it and saying it any louder than a furtive murmur might make her die of embarrassment. “Well . . .” he cleared his throat and blushed despite himself, “I-I think we could probably make that happen. But you'll have to really show some improvement before then!”

“I can do that!” Ahsoka said with an eager nod, “I guess we should get back to training then huh?”

She started to push herself off her master but was stopped by a sudden tightening of his grip on her buttocks. She grinned down at him, her heart skipping a beat as he returned the smile, “I think we have time for another special lesson,” Anakin remarked, “If you're up for a bit more learning of course . . .”

“I'm always willing to learn from you . . . Master.”


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