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Sailor Moon parody : Tier 1 | Hentai

Moon Trained

Usagi is the reincarnation of the Moon Princess. In the distant past there was a time of peace, Queen Serenity wished to train her daughter and prepare her for the future. While the princess didn’t like fighting, there were other things she could learn.

Chapter 1

Long ago there existed a kingdom on the moon, blessed with mystical power the moon kingdom gathered the sailor guardians to protect the royal line. The new princess Serenity had been born and grew up under the care of Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Jupiter.

The Inner Senshi were her protectors, and while she didn’t know them well Usagi was aware of the Outer Senshi. They visited on her birthday over the years. It was a short visit as they needed to get back to their posts to guard from outside threats.

They were just happy to see their princess growing by the day. It was during one of these visits that something managed to slip by and hide in the shadows of the inner planets.

As the years passed the Kingdom on the Moon began to connect with the Kingdom of the Earth, slowly forming an alliance. Potentially something more, as Usagi’s guardians began to form close bonds with the guardians of the prince of the Earth Endymion. Even the prince and princess began to form romantic bonds. It truly was an era of peace

Because of this peace, Queen Serenity wondered if she should train her daughter in the combat style of the moon. Usagi didn’t like fighting but as princess and heir to the throne, there were things she could learn. Healing, Purification, Defense, Support, Binding/Sealing.

Usagi accepted this, not wishing to be a burden in case something happened. If Endymion ever got hurt or if the Senshi ever got hurt she wanted to support them. Plus she would have to learn this EVENTUALLY, and there was a lot to learn so she got started and began getting trained in the ways of the moon.

It was good that she was, as a dark force found someone that could be of use to them. She loved Endymion, but he didn’t love her back, he loved Princess Serenity. This planted a seed of jealousy inside her which the dark force could feed and help it bloom into a flower of hatred.

Beryl unleashed dark magics and corrupted the Kingdom of the Earth turning them against each other. A full assault was raged against the Kingdom of the Moon.

Usagi tried her best to help, but Beryl was being backed by dark forces. If she had the moon rod or silver crystal the odds may have turned. Great destruction befell the Moon Kingdom so Queen Serenity banished the dark forces and saved the people she could, it cost the queen her life but she was able to reincarnate the people to the Earth. ‘It’ll be fine should the dark forces return, they’ll be able to draw on their training to fight back.’


Usagi’s alarm went off, but she was having such a nice dream she didn’t want to wake up. She had this dream of being a princess and dancing with a handsome man. It didn’t feel strange to her, but it didn’t last as her mom got her up. “Usagi!”

“Wah!” She raced around the house, grabbing a shower, getting dressed, grabbing her stuff for school, barely being able to grab a slice of toast for breakfast. “I’m so late!”

Her mother sighed. “That girl

Usagi was gonna make it, but saw a bunch of kids messing with a cat. “Hey what are you doing!?” She snapped, the kids didn’t want to get in trouble so they ran off.

The kitty was picked up and she saw a strange bandage on her forehead. “Did those kids do that to you? So cruel
” She removed the bandage revealing a crescent moon mark. “A moon?”

This cat was Luna, she jumped from Usagi’s grasp. ‘This girl...I sense cosmic power inside her

“I’m late!” Usagi screamed and ran off. She was in time...for a lecture and getting to stand out in the hall. “Aww man!”

At least the teacher let her turn her homework in. If not for her homework scores she’d likely had flunked out of school. When it came to tests she always had a hard time, no matter how much she studied. It was as if everything fell out of her head, then she began to panic, and it felt like even the easy questions were impossible to understand.

With her homework she had time, taking it slow, she was often up all night finishing it, but she did finish it. Miss Haruna found it very frustrating, as she didn’t understand why Usagi was like this or what her issue was. With her homework she was getting 70’s to 80’s but her test scores were in the 30’s.

Not only did Usagi get a lecture about being late, she also got a lecture on her latest test scores. ‘Aww man!’ The blonde girl sulked.

“It’s just one test
” Her friend Naru tried to be supportive.

“But she’s got low scores on all the tests she’s had this month.” Umino interjected. Naru glared at him. “You should just study more! You know you and I could study together?”

Umino had a thing for Usagi, but he was really bad at this. “She needs a break, how about we do some shopping or go to the arcade. I hear there’s a really cute guy working there.”

“That sounds good.” Umino sulked.


Motoki Furuhata was indeed very cute, he was tall had blonde hair and blue eyes. When Motoki met her, he felt she was a sweet girl, and reminded him a lot of his little sister. A bit immature but had a good heart.

Usagi got to try the new Sailor V video game, and was pretty decent at it. Motoki was impressed especially since it was her first time playing.

Playing video games did help Usagi relax. Naru wanted to take her shopping since her mom was offering a sale. A crazy impossible sale...80-90% off
.what the heck?! She wasn’t even caring about the money just trying to give out as much jewelry as possible. Usagi got forced out of the shop by a mob of ladies wanting the fancy jewel she was offered. “Usagi!”

Her friend got surfed out of the shop. “Owww!” She got up and dusted herself off. Because of the fall her test fell out of her bag. It frustrated her, looking over the exam she felt she knew the answers in hindsight. ‘Darn it!’ The paper was crushed in her hand and thrown over her shoulder.

“Hey!” A male voice rang out. “Watch what you are doing bun head.” Usagi turned to see a tall and dark haired man. “Only 30 points
” He sweat dropped and couldn’t help but chuckle.

She snatched the paper. “I suck at tests okay!”

He eyed her, seeing how bad she felt about it. “Do you, maybe have
” She didn’t want to hear it, everyone always teased her about her scores, and he called her bun head.

Usagi ran off. “Hey wait
” The guy groaned feeling bad. He knew a couple of people who were really smart but also struggled on tests. It could be difficult for some people. ‘Aww man
’ He promised himself he’d apologize to the girl later, if he ever saw her again. His focus leaned heavy onto the building of Naru’s family shop, it was giving off an evil aura.


Usagi went home, still sullen about her test scores. What she wasn’t expecting was for the cat from before to sneak into her room let alone start talking to her. “I am Luna, and I believe you are sailor senshi!”

“Sailor what?!” She felt dizzy. “A cat is talking to me?!”

Luna thanked her. “If it wasn’t for you my powers would have been sealed and I’d have been in real trouble.” With a jump and a flip she conjured a magical brooch. “You can use this to transform.”


A man known as Jadeite appeared before Queen Beryl. “The youma is ready, very soon she shall take the energy from the foolish humans!”

“Very good Jadeite, do your best not to fail me or our great ruler, we need the energy to return and claim the Earth as our own!” He bowed.

“Understood!” He messaged the youma to begin.

In a flash every woman that bought jewelry began to get drained. Their energy was sapped away so fast they fainted left and right. Naru heard the groans and went to check it out and found all the bodies. “Mom...what’s going on?”

Her “mom” turned her head around...all the way around looking back at her. “Ahhh!” Naru screamed.

Luna sensed the trouble. “Usagi hurry transform into Sailor Moon!”

“How do I do that?”

“Simply touch the brooch and declare, Moon Prism Power Make Up!” Usagi did and the magical transformation took hold her clothes changing into a sailor outfit.

“Whoa!” She thought she might be dreaming but then her odango covers began to emit sound.

“Someone help me!”

“That’s Naru’s voice!” Sailor Moon raced out of her home and rushed to where Naru was. As she ran, knowledge flowed through her brain, she was Sailor Moon, a hero, and she had abilities to help.

The brown haired girl was dodging her “mom”, only to get caught off guard as she transformed into a vicious monster. “You should have stayed in your room little brat!” Her arm shifted and her nails grew longer.

“Help me!” Morga grabbed her and intended to kill her.

“Moon Tiara Action!” Sailor Moon threw her tiara like a disk, it formed a magical disk and it slashed through Morga’s arm, allowing Naru to fall down and pass out.

“Who are you?”

“I am Sailor Moon! The warrior of the moon and Sailor Guardian! In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!” She struck a pose.

“Punish me...hahaha you must be joking!” Morga regrew her hand, using some of the energy she stole from the humans. “Let the power of darkness corrupt you rise up!”

Dark energy erupted from the jewels and made the collapsed humans rise. “Luna what am I gonna do those people are innocent.”

“Don’t lose hope Sailor Moon there should be a way to free them.” The cat said.

Sailor Moon had to run around and dodge the horde of rabid ladies. The monster was one thing but she didn’t want to hurt innocent people. ‘Think think think there has to be something...anything
’ Her tiara glowed and something came to mind.

She raised her hands into the air. “Lunar Shower!” A magic ring surged into the air, the full moon flashed in it before a shower of rainbow light washed over the room. Morga retreated from it.

As the light washed over the innocent people it expunged the dark energy from them. “I did it!”

“Nice work Sailor Moon!” Luna praised.

“You may have won the battle but not the war, I’m taking this energy back to Queen Beryl!” Morga tried to run only to get stabbed in the forehead with a rose.

“You won’t be going anywhere!” Sailor Moon got hearts in her eyes as she stared at the hunk in a tuxedo.

“Who are you?”

“I am Tuxedo Mask!” He shot her a dashing smirk. “Now Sailor Moon use your tiara!”

“Right!” With another Moon Tiara Action she defeated Morga, the Tiara cutting through her form and reducing her to dust, and causing the energy she stole to be returned to the customers. She wanted to thank Tuxedo Mask for his help but he was already gone.

Naru found her mom tied up in the basement with no idea what happened. Everyone seemed to be confused.

The next day all the girls that got zapped would think it was a dream of a hero who saved them all from a monster. Usagi would have talked about it, but she was really tired. Between fighting a monster and doing her homework she was completely exhausted.

To be continued...Lifted Spirits
Since transforming into Sailor Moon Usagi’s dreams seem to be more clear, she’s feeling a new sense of purpose and strength. Her family sees a change in her, and even her friends notice, there is something about her aura, she really feels lifted up.


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