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Sailor Moon parody | Tier 1

Moonlight Knight
In the ancient days of the Moon Kingdom there was both a Prince and Princess of the Moon. The prince was the heir to the throne, and was given the Crescent Moon Saber. Wanting to protect his kingdom and little sister, he trained to be a mighty warrior. When the battle against the enemy begins he fights hard but because of the dark magic the witch Beryl uses friend was turned foe, he gets reincarnated as Motoki.

Chapter 1

In the Ancient days of the Moon Kingdom Queen Serenity had two children, her son Andrew, and her daughter Serenity the Second. As prince of the moon Andrew was given the Crescent Moon Saber a powerful weapon in the protection of the moon, and one day his sister would inherit the Crescent Moon Rod.

Wishing to protect his sister and his kingdom, Andrew trained as a warrior for years, earning the respect of the Guardian Senshi. Over time the Kingdom of the Moon brokered an alliance with the Kingdom of the Earth. Andrew met Prince Endymion, and the two...hit it off...to say the least.

-x-Andrew’s Private Room-x-

Endymion’s armor lay scattered across the room, a silk sash was binding his wrists and holding them above his head. “Andrew...ohhh Andrew!” He moaned.

The prince was naked and bound, his body flushed with arousal, glistening with sweat. His toes curled as his body bucked. Endymion’s hard 7 incher was throbbing, already leaking pre-cum. The dick twitched every time Prince Andrew buried his full length inside him.

His abs bulged, making the prince feel every inch of his impressive length, his hole tightened, just as he pulled back increasing the friction, before the next thrust rocked his body.

“Your insides are so soft today, did you play with yourself before meeting me?” Andrew pondered. He drilled his hard 10 incher into the man again and again, loving how Endymion moaned and bucked.

“No…” His cheeks burned.

A brow was raised. “Have you been training with those guards of yours?” Endymion gasped, his blush reach from ear to ear. ‘He’s so easy to read.’

The earth prince tried to deny it, but Andrew wasn’t listening, he’d ask Endymion’s body. He pinched his nipples and the man let out a cry as he came, squirting his seed all over his abs and pecs. Andrew smirked as the handsome face melted into one of lewd pleasure. “To think the great prince of the Earth was such a slut.” With a playful growl Andrew began fucking him harder and faster.

“Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh Andrew ahh ahh ahh ahh please!” The bed creaked from the greater force.

Andrew had one hand pinching his nipple, the other on his cock, working it as he fucked him hard and fast. “Please I just came...I can’t...ahhhh!” Endymion came again, his dick sputtering and his seed overflowing and soaking his crotch.

The clenching heat pulled the moon prince over the edge and he came, pumping his seed into his ass. As each spurt hit, Endymion made a delighted face, his body trembling.

He whined at the loss, as Andrew pulled out of him, his hole twitched and throbbed as it tried to close, causing some of the semen to leak out of him. Andrew untied him.

The raven haired man looked at the blonde. “Are you angry with me...or upset?”

At a party for Serena’s birthday, the two had hooked up, some passionate kissing and erotic sword crossing, but nothing beyond that. Then the next time they met, they had sparred and had some steamy fun in the showers. On the next time after that they had fucked and Andrew had completely overwhelmed him.

He was still hard after they fucked while Endymion had become spent. Andrew didn’t say anything about it, but the earth prince felt off about it, as if he couldn’t satisfy the moon prince.

He was inexperienced in pleasing a man, and Andrew was setting the flow. He hated being clueless as he was, and didn’t just want to be pleasured he wanted to give as good as he got.

So he asked his guardians about it, Kunzite and Zoisite were already in a relationship and knew all about sex between men.

They tried to explain it, but all the information seemed to overwhelm the prince. There were so many positions, kinks, toys, all the different erogenous zones, it made his head spin. So his guardians agreed to give him hands on experience. Jadeite and Nephrite helped, but they didn’t have much time before the two princes saw each other again.

With his training he felt more prepared when Andrew took him this time, he sucked his dick and managed to get him off, with the blonde still hard he offered bondage and Andrew was prepared to play. The thought didn’t cross his mind that Andrew might be angry with him.

Andrew chuckled. “I’m not mad, I’d say I’m disappointed, I’d have loved to watch you go at it with them!” Endymion blushed. “You always make the cutest faces with me, I’d have loved to see what faces you’d make with them.”

Men from the moon were really something else. The fact he was still hard and throbbing still...he was just built different.

“I wonder what kind of faces I can make them make, how do we compare?” He wagged his cock.

Endymion blushed. “You are definitely bigger!” The biggest.

Kunzite was 8 inches long, Zoisite was 6 inches long, Nephrite matched his length but he was thicker than the prince, while Jadeite was the smallest at 5 inches.

“You wouldn’t mind if I fucked them would you?” Endymion gulped, the idea of Andrew fucking his guards made his heart flutter. The idea crossed his mind of them doing stuff all together. “You were just thinking of us having an orgy weren’t you?”

Endymion’s face burned. Andrew wasn’t a mind reader he just had good instincts. “Such a little slut you are, I wonder if your guards are as slutty as you?” Endymion shivered. “I can’t wait to find out!”

Another round had the earth prince moaning as he was fucked doggy style.


Andrew took a trip to Earth, and secretly fucked Endymion’s guardians, taking Kunzite and Zoisite together. It was even hotter than Endymion imagined. The men took a journey down the rabbit hole.

His four guardians watched their prince unravel on the moon prince’s cock, knowing all too well how that monster rearranged their insides. Andrew’s stamina was insane, it took at least four orgasms before he needed to recharge. Even if his dick was spent his mouth and hands weren’t.

He was willing to even take a spin on a dick if they could handle it. Zoisite, Jadeite, and Endymion couldn’t handle it, cumming as soon as they entered the blonde. Nephrite and Kunzite could handle his tight ass, but Andrew was a power bottom, he took them for a ride!

It was clear to everyone why Endymion was so overwhelmed by the stud from the moon. He was falling for him, and the gem guardians were falling for the both of them.

They maybe got a little too lax, forgetting to check in for lunch the sorceress Beryl went looking for them. Oh she found them…

Andrew and Kunzite were fucking Endymion together, while Nephrite and Jadeite were jerked off by the prince, and Zoisite got his dick sucked. Endymion was in absolute heaven being fucked by his love and his trusted guardians. He wanted this to last forever…

Beryl saw it differently. To her eyes they were taking advantage of him, using him. She believed it was all the moon prince’s fault, that he corrupted the guardians and the prince. ‘I have to save him...I have to fix this…’ The truth couldn’t penetrate what she believed.

Her mind twisted the facts and the more she ran the image through her mind the more twisted it got. Now the “memory” was Endymion crying and begging for help before he was forced to suck cock and the men forced themselves on him. She loved the prince and to protect her image of Endymion she had in her mind she rejected reality.

Beryl began to hate Andrew and hate the moon kingdom, this malice drew Queen Metalia to her, who gave the sorceress the power she needed to enact a terrible plan. Once Andrew left, she began to conjure youma, creating a vast army and she showed “mercy” to the four guardians.

“It’s not your fault, you were corrupted by the moon prince, I’ll show you the light!” Using her dark sorcery she brainwashed them and turned them on their people. “Attack!”

Beryl launched a full assault on the moon kingdom, Endymion had barely arrived to warn them before the attack came.

Andrew wasn’t gonna let Beryl have her way, he fought drawing the Crescent Moon Saber to battle and slay the Youma, but when the four guardians clashed with him he hesitated. He had learned to fight but hadn’t learned any of the healing spells the moon kingdom had to offer.

In his hesitation the four guardians turned dark generals attacked him wounding him. “No!” Endymion was furious.

“Now sweet Endymion you are free from that monster’s spell, come, come into my arms and we’ll be together forever!” In a flash of rage Endymion stabbed Beryl, wounding her.

Queen Metalia had enough and unleashed a wave of darkness that brought the Kingdom of the moon to ruin. Endymion was killed as was Princess Serenity and the Sailor Senshi.

It was seemingly over...

Queen Serenity had been busy dealing with Beryl’s 7 Shadow Warriors, trapping them inside the Silver Crystal. She used the power of the crystal and moon rod together, to seal Metalia away and banish the dark army into sub space. They couldn’t bring more harm to the Earth.

With everything that had been done Queen Serenity was too weak to save anyone. So, using the last of her life energy she cast a powerful spell that allowed the people of the moon and Endymion to be reborn in another time on Earth. The silver crystal shattered into seven rainbow crystals following the reincarnations to find new homes to reside in. Luna and Artemis were tasked with awakening the warriors of the moon should the enemy ever return.

Artemis was Andrew’s guide and Luna was Princess Serenity’s guide.

The Moon Prince was reborn given a new life and a new name Motoki!

To be continued


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