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Ranma 1/2 parody | Tier 1

Hentai/Mix Warning

Snake 1/2
After kicking Genma into the Spring of Drowned Panda, his father knocks him into the Spring of Drowned Snake, so now when he’s splashed with cold water he’s turned into a snake. He trains with the amazons learning to control his ki and learning to talk even in his animal form. Mix Two Dicks Ranma/Harem

Chapter 1

The Tendo House was a buzz as Soun received a post card that Genma was finally bringing his son to honor their deal and bring their houses together. “Finally after all these years the Tendo School and the Saotome School shall be united.”

Little did he know Genma left out some things.

Soun was so excited, their Training Hall was having some issues lately. Since his wife died, Kasumi had taken over the household, Nabiki ran the finances, and he spent his time training Akane.

Akane seemed to be the most interested in martial arts, but...she had issues. Her anti-man mentality was driving away students one after another. She tried to get girls to join, but they weren’t interested.

His plan was blowing up in his face.

The guys who were serious about martial arts she broke them physically, often sending them to the hospital. The guys who wanted to have a “cute girl” instructor were ran off. They were in serious trouble, if things didn’t turn around, they’d not only lose the dojo but the house as well.

He couldn’t even change anything as he trained his daughter too well, and when she got mad she was a raging beast that couldn’t be stopped. Plus she was his daughter, so he couldn’t help but hold back.

His new plan was to have Ranma marry one of his daughters, unite the schools, and breathe new life into the dojo.

Kasumi was a bit concerned, she typically had no interest in young men, since they were so young.

Nabiki was gung ho about it, even putting on a kimono to try and be more presentable.

Akane...was Akane. ‘I’ll kill him!’

What they weren’t expecting was for a panda to show up, carrying a massive snake...with a pig tail braid? “This is your old friend Daddy?” Soun shook his head no violently.

“Where is Ranma?” Kasumi asked.

The panda pulled out a kettle and poured hot water on the snake. Poof! Before their eyes the snake turned into a boy...a very hot boy...a very hot and NAKED boy!

Ranma Saotome was a stallion, he was tall and fit, having an athletic body from years of training. Kasumi, Nabiki, and even Akane eyed their naked guest. “I’m Ranma Saotome, sorry about this.” He bowed his head politely.

‘He’s so polite.’ Kasumi’s eyes roamed over his form. ‘Oh my!’

“Oh ho!” Nabiki’s eyes sparkled. She knelt down and got a closer look. “Daddy, he’s got two dicks!”

Ranma blushed. “Yeah...I do…”

“Do they both work?”

“Nabiki!” Kasumi scolded, though she mildly wondered that herself.

“Yeah...they do…” Ranma rubbed the back of his head. “Umm can I have some pants?”

“Why?” Nabiki asked, admiring the stud.


“What!?” She waved her arms at Ranma. “When a guy’s that hot who cares if he’s naked, he’s got nothing to be shy about.” She winked at Ranma. “Does this have to do with you turning into a snake thing?”


“He’s a freak!” Akane snapped.


“No way, fuck this arranged marriage, we should throw this freak out now!” Akane huffed. “We don’t need a boy of any kind around here.”

Kasumi sighed and went and got Ranma some pants.

“Now son, please forgive my daughter, let’s sit down and chat. Is your father coming?” Without underwear, his cobra cannons, made a prominent bulge in the crotch.

“He’s right here.” Ranma gestured to the panda.

“Saotome?” The panda nodded. Genma went and got a bath allowing him to return to his human form.

The two shared their story, going to a Chinese training ground of Cursed Springs. Fall in and wham bam pow, you are cursed, a splash of cold water changes you, but hot water changes you back. Genma had no idea cause he didn’t read a lick of Chinese, all he translated was “training grounds” so he dragged Ranma all the way to China.

“So as you saw ladies, my son might be cursed but he has plenty to offer a girl.” Ranma twitched in annoyance.

“No way!” Akane snapped. “Leave!”

“Akane stop being so rude to our guests.” Kasumi chided.

“They aren’t guests they are potential freeloaders, and we don’t need them here.”

Ranma stood up. “I’m not gonna stay where I’m not wanted. I’m out of here.” Soun grabbed him.

“Please son, don’t go!”

“Dad!” Akane hissed.

“We need you, if you don’t stay and marry one of my daughters, the Tendo School will crumble.”

“Way to negotiate daddy.” Nabiki face palmed.

“The school is fine!” Akane snapped.

“It’s really not, you’re practically just using it as your own personal work out space.”

Akane folded her arms. “So?”

Oh yeah the Tendo School was in trouble. Ranma sighed. “Okay, how about this, we’ll put a pin in the whole arranged marriage thing, give me a place to stay, we can get to know each other and I can work on improving the school.”

‘That’s very mature.’ Kasumi thought.

“Sounds good to me.” Nabiki said.

“Well it doesn’t for me!” Akane snapped. “We don’t need this...this...boy living here!”

Ranma had enough. “What’s your problem? You don’t even know me.”

“I don’t need to know you, you guys are all the same. If you want my dojo you’ll have to take it from me.” She challenged him and a part of the Saotome School Anything Goes Martial Arts was to take on all challenges.

They went to the dojo to fight and Akane charged. Ranma didn’t throw a punch or a kick, he just dodged. She couldn’t touch him, the way Saotome moved was as fluid as a snake. The more she missed the angrier she got, but the more mad she was the easier it was for Ranma to read her movements.

With her rage burning Akane’s energy was drained fast. Her usual opponents were knocked out fast, so this weakness wasn’t known. Ranma read her like a book, and let her burn out. “Amazing Saotome, it seems Ranma has really come along with your training.”

Genma chuckled nervously. “Right...my training...right…” Kasumi noticed the man was acting shifty, but held her tongue.


Akane fell back. “Ranma wins!”

“No...I can still fight I can…” She tried to get up but found she couldn’t move her legs anymore.

“Give it up Akane, Ranma won fair and square. He’s in charge of the dojo now.” She folded her arms and pouted.

Kasumi was rather impressed by Ranma.

So the matter was settled Ranma and Genma would stay in their guest room, and he would be in charge of the dojo. He laid down the law real fast, Akane wouldn’t be using it as her own personal gym anymore, if she wanted to use the dojo she’d have to pay.

“Where am I supposed to train then?” Ranma pointed to different areas outside. “Ugh I hate you!”

He didn’t really care, someone who judged him before knowing him, purely on his gender alone wasn’t someone who’s opinion was worth caring about.

It was decided that Ranma would go to school with Akane and Nabiki, but he was given time to settle in first. Kasumi was rather impressed with Ranma. He woke up early to train, Nabiki would watch him work out, usually shirtless watching, him break a sweat in the early morning.

She’d scold her, except Kasumi was taking peeks herself. Plus do to splash accidents Ranma would end up a snake, and with a splash of hot water he’d poof back to normal...very, VERY naked!

Akane often kept turning Ranma into a snake, as she didn’t want to hear him talk. They also learned that Ranma, unlike Genma can still talk while in animal form. “Some crafty old amazons taught me.”

Also unlike Genma, Ranma was very helpful around the house, both helping with chores and the cooking. “Some amazons taught me.”

Kasumi found the snake boy slithering into her thoughts and warming her body and soul. ‘I’m really gonna miss having him around the house, when he goes to school tomorrow.’ Just as she was gonna delve into those fantasies. Knock Knock! ‘Shoot…’ She shivered and answered the door. “Oh Ranma…”

He had been turned into a snake again. “Sorry to bother you Kasumi can I trouble you for some hot water.”

“Oh no trouble at all.” She went and got some, forgetting in the moment that. Poof! ‘Oh my!’ Ranma was back in human form, in all his naked glory. Kasumi squirmed.

“Thanks Kasumi.” He saw her fidget, and could sense heat coming from her body. “Can I help you in kind?”

She blushed. “I uhh…”

Ranma took hold of her hand and kissed the back of it. “I promise to take good care of you.” Her heart fluttered.

“Okay!” Kasumi would never regret this decision, as she let Ranma into her room and tend to her awakening libido. “Oh god, oh god, ohh Ranma ohhhh ohhh ohhh ohhh!”

The things he did with his mouth, his fingers, his tongue, his hands, his mouth~! Ranma knew his way around a woman’s body, that was for sure. Kasumi was mildly jealous, but quickly melted as she reaped the benefits from it.

Ranma groped her breasts, teased and sucked on her nipples, fingered her to completion, licked and sucked on her clit, and eating her out with such gusto. His attention was always on her, his strong hands, the way he caressed and touched her made her feel loved and wanted.

He also was able to find both her erogenous zones and potential ones, stimulating them to help them develop. By the time Ranma was done with her, she was flushed, panting, and had climaxed nine times. She felt like jelly, her body trembling as she rode the waves of orgasmic bliss. “Do you want me to help you…” She eyed Ranma’s erections two powerful and hard dicks.

Ranma yawned. “Nah, this was about me helping you after all. Plus it’s late, if we go down that road I’ll be a zombie on my first day of school.” Kasumi blushed. “But um...do you mind if I stay here tonight?” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

‘So cute!’ She smiled. “Sure, I don’t mind at all.” Ranma slipped under her covers and she climbed in as well. The snake boy was knocked out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Kasumi couldn’t help herself, she pulled him in and held him to her chest. Ranma shifted and soon was cuddling with the larger woman. She ran her fingers through his hair. ‘Careful Ranma, I may just fall for you!’

To be continued...Akane’s Revenge

Akane is furious to learn that Ranma and Kasumi slept together, she gets mad and starts accusing him of things. Even though nothing happened, on Ranma’s end. Akane decides to get revenge on Ranma by tricking an idiot boy to deal with him. Kuno is very naive and easily manipulated especially by women, so he believes Akane’s story without question picking a fight with Ranma on the first day.


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