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One Piece parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3

Luffy and Coby had arrived at Shell Town, the rubber man used a transponder snail to call ahead, letting them know they would be arriving in a pirate vessel, so please don’t shoot them.

Thanks to awakening Coby’s biofeedback potential the two were able to get a lot of training in, even in a few days. Their bodies could break down all food, converting it into energy, if they weren’t training they’d have been able to go days without sleeping or eating. Since they were working their bodies out, they needed four hours of sleep, the rest of the time was training.

The biofeedback also helped stimulate the bodies muscles allowing the nutrition to go to where it needed to be. Coby’s muscles were able to grow and enhance naturally. Plus having Luffy as a sparring partner was great, a strong opponent to help him push past his limits.

In just seven days Coby looked like he’d been training for seven months. He was taller, not as tall as Luffy but they were close. His once scrawny and malnourished body, had some meat on his bones, fat was burned away to lean muscle, he had toned arms, sturdy legs, firm pecs, rock hard abs, powerful hips, firm glutes, and a sexy back!

To say nothing of what training naked did to his manhood!

He still had a bit of a twink look to him, but he had more power than a 500 pound man of muscle. Coby could literally pick up a fully grown man and toss him one handed. His old clothes didn’t fit him anymore, luckily they were able to find a replacement, he was now rocking a white vest and some blue pants, he almost looked like a marine.

The pinkette was amazed. “Thank you so much Luffy-san!” He bowed aggressively. “I don’t know how I can repay you!”

“We could have sex, that’s always fun!” He said without missing a beat.

Coby’s face got beet red. He began to stutter and fumble, fiddling with his fingers. Coby was a virgin and despite his growth in the last week, the boy still needed confidence.

Luffy patted his shoulder. “Relax, we can start with a drink on me.” They had arrived at Shell Town. “Pick out a good place and I’ll collect the bounty on these guys and meet you there.”

“Okay!” His loins were still tingling from the idea of having sex with Luffy.

“Coby!” The pinkette tensed and Luffy tossed him the devil fruit. “Hold onto that, if you want you can eat it. I think you deserve it!”

“The devil fruit?!” Coby was surprised, even if Luffy couldn’t eat it, he could sell it. ‘If I eat it, I’ll gain devil fruit powers like Luffy-san!’

Monkey walked through town with a marine escort. Helmeppo was in town, drinking a fancy drink. ‘Hm?’ He raised his shades to look at Luffy. ‘Who does he think he is, walking around with his tits out like that. Cover them up you slut!’ He thought while lewdly palming himself.

His eyes roamed Luffy’s form, his open vest showed off his firm abs and pecs, his lack of sleeves showed strong arms and broad shoulders. His shorts were barely containing his impressive assets, both the bountiful booty and the prominent bulge in the front.

Helmeppo’s gaze followed the rubber man as he marched through town, even leaning back in his chair to watch Luffy go from behind. He leaned too far back and ended up causing the chair to fall over. “Gah!”

By the time he corrected himself the mystery man was long gone.


Luffy handed over Alvida and her men to the marines and went to the base to collect his bounty. He took a detour when he spotted Zoro in the yard. “Hi!”

Roronoa looked at Luffy. His instincts were strong, he could tell this guy was powerful. Monkey’s stance had an air of confidence to it, despite standing there casually Zoro couldn’t see any openings to attack him. His lust addled mind, took in Luffy’s physique and he couldn’t help but get hard, and when he laid eyes on Luffy’s bulge his hole twitched in want. “Aahhnnn!”

“Well hello!” Luffy noticed his arousal.

“Wait...just get away!” Zoro hissed.


“Are you crazy or stupid? This is a marine base, I’m tied up here. I’m a criminal, a bad guy, a filthy pervert, a dirty slut, you don’t want anything to do with me.” Zoro didn’t even realize he had repeated things the marines had been calling him.

Luffy cupped his cheek. “You aren’t a bad guy, I can tell!” Zoro blushed.

Monkey took hold of his hard cock. “Ohh fuck!”

“And, there is nothing dirty or filthy about you!” He started jerking Zoro off, making the greenette squirm. The swordsman was so sensitive just this little touch had him leaking and oozing pre-cum.

Luffy squeezed him firmly, creating just the right friction. “I’m cumming!” He couldn’t hold back, but Luffy seemed ready for him. His hand covered Zoro’s tip, and he filled the palm of Luffy’s hand with his thick seed. Luffy caught it all his hand shifting to hold the bounty like a used condom.

Roronoa watched as Luffy downed the contents. ‘Oh wow!’ He drank every drop, even licking his palm clean.

“See, not dirty at all!” Zoro’s heart fluttered. “The name is Monkey D. Luffy, what’s your name big guy?”

‘Monkey?’ Zoro felt like he’d heard that name before, but he was so tired and dazed he couldn’t remember. “Roronoa Zoro!”

“Wait, you’re Pirate Hunter Zoro?”

“People call me that.”

“So why’s a tough guy like you doing here all tied up?” He leaned in close. “This some kind of kink you have going?”

Zoro blushed. “No!” He shook his head, but his cock twitched.

Luffy raised a brow at him. “Hm?”

“I don’t know...listen, I don’t know who you are but you gotta get out of here. The captain of this base is insane, and his son is even worse. I just need to last a week here and they’ll let me go.”

‘If they are that bad...will they really let him go?’ It seemed Zoro was holding onto some kind of hope to keep from going insane. ‘But he’s a bounty hunter like me, why’s he tied up like this?’

“How long have you been tied up here?” Luffy examined him.

“Just three weeks, one more and I’m scot-free.” Monkey could see Zoro trembling, while the rubber boy believed Zoro could survive another week, but not sure he would with his sanity intact.

“I’m free for a week, how about I stick around? I can treat you to a nice meal and some fun.” Luffy made a not so subtle hand gesture when he said fun. Zoro blushed and looked away.

“Do what you want.”

Luffy went to see Morgan to collect his bounty. “Ah you are…” He checked the paperwork. “Monkey? You uh...wouldn’t happen to be related to Monkey D. Garp, the Marine Hero?”

“So you’ve heard of my Grandpa.” Morgan gulped.

“Why isn’t a proud legacy man like yourself in the marines.”

Luffy shrugged. “I’m kinda doing my own thing.” Monkey looked around the room to see that Morgan had a lot of pictures of himself, it was frankly creepy. “But if I see him I’ll tell him what a good job you’re doing.”

Morgan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got Luffy’s payment ready. “With my compliments.” He didn’t want to fuck with Luffy, fearing he’d run off and tell his Grandpa what happened, not that Luffy would.

He took the money in a briefcase. “Tell me, why is Pirate Hunter Zoro, tied up in your yard?”

‘Shit?’ Morgan tensed. “Well you see, he was short on his bill, tried to say he’d go off and catch a big bounty to pay off his tab but we couldn’t allow that.”

“Strung up for a month is the punishment for a minor charge?” He could have listed the other issues, he witnessed but he was getting to the point.

“Well you see…” Morgan thought Luffy was stupid. “Yes, I run a tight outfit here, be strict with the smaller crimes people won’t dare to think about trying the bigger ones.”

“Uh huh…” Luffy wasn’t buying it. “I see, well I’ll be in town for awhile, take care.” He left Morgan’s office.

‘Shit, shit, shit, shit…’ Bounty hunters didn’t have the power or authority to defy marines, but Monkey wasn’t like Roronoa a wanderer with no friends or family to his name as far as Morgan could tell.

Monkey went out to check on Zoro, the swordsman was still hard and wanting. “Suck!” Luffy offered his fingers.

“I don’t need your pity.”

“It’s not pity, be a good boy and get my fingers nice and wet.” Zoro shivered. It may have been Luffy’s tone or his smile that did it, but the swordsman obeyed.

Monkey played with Zoro’s ass, using his fingers to churn up his insides. “These marines haven’t been taking very good care of you have they.” He twisted his digits and sent pleasure shooting up Zoro’s spine.

“So what...one more week and it’s over…” Luffy could see Zoro’s been telling himself that a lot. He found the swordsman’s sweet spot and brushed it, rubbing good and deep! “Ohhh!”

His hole clenched around Luffy’s fingers, as soon as Luffy started pumping him he came. The pressure in his balls were released again, helping the fog of lust in his mind lift. His body jerked and his toes curled. “Ahhh~!”

Luffy kept up the pressure, rubbing and massing his sweet spot, causing the orgasm last, milking a few more spurts from him. “Fuck!”

“Maybe after you’re free.”  Luffy winked at him.

“Why are you doing this? You don’t even know me.”

“Does that matter?”

“I didn’t ask you to save me!” His pride forced him to get defensive. “I’m not asking you to rescue me.”

“You didn’t have to.” Luffy worked both ends, and Zoro came again. “I’m just helping you get off!”

“Why do this for me?” Luffy pondered for a moment.

“We are both bounty hunters.” He said with a shrug. It was a good a reason as any. There was definitely something more to it. He cupped Zoro’s cheek and went in for a wild kiss.

Zoro can honestly say he’s never been kissed like this, it made his body feel light, his legs, feel like jelly and before he knew it he came again! Helmeppo had returned just in time to see the kiss and he burned with jealousy.

“Who are you?” Zoro asked, panting and had a bit of drool running down his chin.

“People call me the Rubber Hunter!” He said with a big grin.

‘Wait...THE Rubber Hunter?!’ Johnny and Yosaku had told him about this hunter with devil fruit power. He was told stories of how he could walk on air, and other crazy things. They always wanted to meet the guy, Zoro at the time thought he might be interesting to fight. ‘I just made out with him…’ He couldn’t help but smile, he hadn’t smiled in so long he almost forgot how. There it was a pure and genuine smile.

Helmeppo rushed to Morgan’s office. “Daddy! There is someone I want you to execute for me!”

“Not now Helmeppo, we got trouble.”

“But Daddy he was touching my pet.”

“Shit…” Morgan banged his axe on the table. He was smart enough to put two and two together. “This one is different, we can’t go at him like normal.”

“Even if he’s someone important can’t we spin a story in our favor?” Helmeppo asked.

“Hehe, so you are my son after all. Not a bad idea.” He pointed at Helmeppo. “You better get your pet to heel or we are gonna have to put him down today!” The blonde’s eyes widened.

“Well...do I get to keep his swords?”

“Sure whatever.” Morgan rolled his eyes.

Luffy was doing some digging and found out the real reason why Zoro was tied up. He was annoyed but Zoro didn’t want his help. ‘Well I can watch his back at least.’

To his surprise Helmeppo showed up with some marines. “Monkey D. Luffy, you are under arrest!”

“Excuse me?”

“You were caught messing around with a criminal, he was on a strict punishment and you interfered.”

“Luffy…” Coby was nervous.

“Surrender or further add charges to your record.”

“I don’t think so.” Luffy was just smiling, acting completely chill.

“Don’t think your grandfather’s influence will save you.”

Luffy busted out laughing. “You think I need my grandpa to help me?”

“Take him!” The soldiers went at Luffy with swords.

“Iron Body!” Crack! The swords broke on his form.

“You see my grandpa made me strong, so I can fight my own battles.” He grabbed the two marine and slammed their heads together, knocking them out.

“Luffy those are marines, you can’t just…”

“You can’t put your hands on marines you fool, we’ll arrest you!”

Luffy cracked his knuckles. “You can try!” Coby was trying not to freak out. “Coby, tell me what does a criminal look like?”

“I uh...I don’t know…”

“Exactly, anyone can be criminal, a pirate, a bandit, even a marine.” Luffy knew all too well there were people with souls more rotten then so called criminals. That bandits can have more honor than a guard. “Marines can look down on Bounty Hunters seeing us as no different than pirates, but we put our lives on the line to do our job, willing to get our hands dirty, so they can keep their white coats clean.”

Monkey stood up. “There are also those who put on those white coats to cover up the filth they have inside. You and your daddy, have been illegally taxing the people of Shell Town and spending the money on a luxurious life style!”

The blonde began to sweat. “You...you can’t prove that…”

Luffy glared at Helmeppo. “Zoro has way more honor than you, it should be you and your Daddy that should be strung up not him.”

“Ugh, damn you!” Helmeppo swung at Luffy, and the rubber man happily punched him out and bodied him. “You hit me!”

“Yep, I defended myself.” Luffy grinned.

Helmeppo scrambled away from Luffy. “You think you’re so tough, you’ll see, I’ll have Zoro cut you down! We’ll wipe that stupid grin off your face!” He ran off.

Luffy sat down and took a drink. “Luffy aren’t you gonna go after him?”

“Nah, Zoro’s not gonna do what that prick tells him, he’s not that kind of guy.”

“Ugh...he may not have a choice.” One of the marines sat up. “I overheard what Captain Morgan said, if Roronoa doesn’t fall in line, he’ll be executed.”



Helmeppo got a firing squad together and went to confront Zoro. “What is this?”

“This is your last chance. Submit to me now, or you won’t see tomorrow.”

“Not a chance in hell.”

“You think you’re so tough, you think that little slut can save you, he’s as good as dead.”

Zoro’s first thought was ‘Don’t you touch him!’ But seeing how Helmeppo was shaking he laughed. “You can try but you won’t beat him.”

“But you can?” Helmeppo smirked. “That’s the only other way you get out of this, become my pet or kill that slut!”

“As much as I’d love to fight him, I’m not doing anything for you.”

“You had your chance, you know what happens to pets who won’t obey their masters, they get put down!” Helmeppo had his men ready their weapons.

Zoro’s eyes widened. ‘Shit!’


“Fire!” Luffy got in the way and the bullets, his rubber body taking them only to bounce them back. “What the hell?”

“Still smiling!” Luffy said.

“What are you?” Monkey turned to Zoro and stretched his mouth.

“I’m a rubber man, everything stretches, everything~” He said the last part in a way that made Zoro blush.

Helmeppo was furious. “Get him!”

Coby watched as Luffy bounced and stretched knocking the marines around. ‘Maybe if I…’

Morgan saw the commotion going on and decided to come bring back up. This didn’t go well as with Luffy’s devil fruit and six powers, no one stood a chance. Zoro watched Luffy fight, getting filled with a sense of awe.

Helmeppo saw the swordsmen get hard and he lost it. ‘I’ll kill him with his own swords!’ He ran and got them, only to see when he returned a pink haired boy trying to untie him. ‘Who the fuck is he?!’

“Look out!” Zoro saw Helmeppo pull out a gun.


The bullet it Coby’s cheek, only for it to slide off him. “What the hell?” The blonde thought he missed.

“Alright then, attention marines. I intend to capture Morgan and bring him in as a criminal, right now I’ve simply been defending myself, and right now you’ve been forced to follow his orders. If you don’t want to be charged and taken down with him stand down and back off!”

“That how you spinning this, you little punk!” Morgan glared at him. “Men, this criminal is to be captured and executed along with Roronoa Zoro. Seize him now!”

For the first time in a long time Morgan’s men openly defied his orders. His years of ruling by fear was biting him in the ass now. “I’m surrounded by traitors. All traitors will die!” He went off swinging, but Luffy clashed with him.

Helmeppo tried to stop him by taking Coby hostage, but when he tried to grab hold of him, the pinkette slipped through his grasp. “What the hell, he’s another freak!”

“I ate the smooth smooth fruit, I’m a smooth human!” Coby hit Helmeppo hard and knocked his ass to the ground.

‘What a man!!’ Helmeppo couldn’t help but swoon.

“Quick those are my swords, give me one!” Coby did and Zoro cut himself free.

Luffy beat Morgan’s ass and laid him out flat. Roronoa collapsed but Luffy caught him. With everything calmed down the swordsman relaxed and he dropped. The bounty hunter was scooped up into Luffy’s arms. “I think someone has earned themselves a meal or ten!”

“Does that also go for rounds in the sheets?”

Luffy’s grin grew.

-x-Syrup Village-x-

“Guys!” Tamanegi came running down the road. “You gotta see this!!” He raced towards the group of Usopp, Ninjin and Piiman.

“What’s up!?” Usopp asked.

“There’s a pervert on the beach!”

“A pervert?” They all questioned.

“He’s naked and jerking off on the beach, he’s even playing with his ass!”


“That’s weird no way!”

“Well...let’s go see.” Usopp said.


“Well we are the Usopp Pirates, we can handle one pervert, if he’s a threat we can chase him off.”


Usopp had been “playing pirate” unaware of the danger that game could bring, he was also known as the town liar. Through his tall tales he’d roped three boys into his game. Pepper Piiman, Carrot Ninjin, and Onion Tamanegi.

The Usopp Pirates went down to the beach to find All Hunt Grount there. “Ohhh Ahhhh!” He was fingering his ass, working three digits inside him. His other hand was vigorously working his cock. “Ahhh!”

Grount came and covered himself in semen. Despite his orgasm, his libido was still raging. “Cock...give me cock…” He humped the air.

“Whoa!” The boys blushed and starred. Feeling a surge in their loins at the erotic performance Grount was doing. It may have been an effect Zoans had of a mating call.

“What should we do Captain?”

“Well he’s asking for cock let’s give it to him.” He didn’t believe if he told anyone in town the truth they’d believe him.


“Just watch me boys, I’m a serious pro!” Lied the virgin. He always told himself he was saving his pussy virginity for Kaya but could give away his anal virginity to practice and train up his cock.

“Careful Captain!” Pepper warned.

Usopp wasn’t listening he was thinking with his dick. He whipped out his hard 4incher. Weirdly enough his nose was longer than his dick. Grount could smell his arousal.

“Ohhh!” He stopped fingering himself and held his legs open. Usopp could see his hole winking at him.

‘Ohh fuck this is really happening.’ Grount’s hole was well stretches so Usopp used spit as lube and lined himself up. ‘Amazing!’ He pushed in and the zoan’s heat clenched around him. “Oh oh oh oh!”

As soon as he buried his length inside Grount he came. ‘Lame!’ He mentally groaned.

Not that Grount seemed to care, he had cum squirting inside him and he wanted more. “More!”

“Oh um, ahem I’ve warmed him up for you guys!” His spent cock left Grount’s hole. The boys all shared a look before nodding. They dropped their pants and freed their hard cocks. Carrot was the biggest at 6.5 inches, Pepper was second at 6 inches, while Onion was the smallest at 5 but he had serious girth to him.

Much to Usopp’s shock they were all bigger than him.

Carrot mirrored what Usopp did, using spit as lube and thrust his cock into Grount’s hole. “Fuck yes!” Grount moaned.

“Ohhhh now what?” Ninjin shuddered.

“Did you cum?” Usopp asked.

“I don’t think so.”

“Well uhh just keep moving your hips till you do!” Carrot obeyed and started humping Grount making the zoan moan.

He eyed Pepper and gestured him over. The young man moved over and swiftly got his dick sucked. “Ohhhh!” Grount slurped and sucked on his cock with such gusto.

“Ohh wow!”

“This is awesome!” The two moaned.

They were still virgins so it didn’t take long for Grount’s clenching heat and hungry sucks to make them spill their seed. Much to Usopp’s surprise the boys were still stiff after their orgasms.

“More...give me more…” Pepper and Onion began to argue over who took his ass next. “Both give me both at once!”

So they did, Onion crawled under Grount while Pepper got behind him, they lined their cocks up and pushed them inside.  “Ohhh!”

“Yes!” Grount moaned, enjoying being double stuffed.

Carrot came around and offered his dick to the zoan. The bounty hunter went wild, slurping and sucking his cock. “Ohhhh!”

Usopp was stunned as his men out fucked him. Bringing Grount to climax together as they filled him with seed. He kept going, sucking on Onion’s penis as his hole spasmed and squirted out a mix of their seed.

“He still wants more?” With the way he was wagging his ass, it sure seemed like it.

Onion came and Grount sucked it all down. With all the boys spent he went back to jerking off and fingering himself. “Let’s keep this guy a secret, we can visit him and help feed him cock if he likes it so much.”

“Yeah this is really fun!”

The Usopp Pirates took it to a vote with a unanimous outcome. These boys would help Grount but they lacked the gusto to help satisfy the horny zoan.

To be continued


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