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Ranma 1/2 parody | Patreon Reward

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 Tanuki vs Blue Thunder

As much as Kuno wanted to race out and enact his vengeance on Ranma or Ryoga, he was still in class and already got one lecture today already. ‘It’ll be fine Ranma and Ryoga can handle themselves. I’m almost worried about Kuno.’

By lunch the school was already buzzing about the new transfer students. The girls were swooning. “They are both so handsome!” Having gym they were able to show off their athletic capabilities. “They are so cool!”

“They are so hot!” Since the two were often close with each other, some girls couldn’t help but feel something between them.

Ranma did give Ryoga space, letting him chat and connect with other guys, since he was more comfortable with boys then girls. When girls swarmed him, Ranma was there at his side, in an instant to support him and keep him at ease.

-x-At Lunch-x-

“Those girls were intense!” Ryoga said.

Ranma chuckled. “They just like you, it’s not a bad thing.”

“I just...I don’t know if I like them that way…” Ranma kissed his forehead.

“It’ll be okay, you don’t need to worry about that stuff right now, just keep an open mind and I’ll always be here to support you!” Ryoga pulled Ranma in for a kiss, the two were enjoying their make out session when…

“RANMA SAOTOME!” They heard Kuno shouting. “RYOGA HIBIKI!”

“What’s his problem?” Kuno had changed out of his student garb and back into his kendo uniform.

The two finished their lunch before Kuno found them. “Hey Kuno-Sempai.”

“What’s up?” Ryoga waved.

Kuno was taken aback by the politeness and respect. “Oh hello...what’s up is, I’m gonna challenge you!”

The two shared a look. “Why?”

“You deceived me, so I must make you pay!” With no further explanation Kuno charged at them. The two dodged him. “I can fight you both at the same time or one on one!”

“Why is he attacking us?!” Ryoga gasped.

“I don’t know. Kuno what the hell?!” Ranma was annoyed now.

“Fight me you cur!” He swung his sword at Ranma, but Saotome was quick to dip and dodge. ‘He’s good!’

“Why do I need to fight you? You aren’t making sense!”

“An opening!” Kuno went for an opening, unaware of a trap.

Ranma intentionally left an opening for Kuno to strike. Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow! While it only looked like one kick, Ryoga saw all seven. The swordsman was knocked out and laid out. Ranma grabbed a marker and wrote idiot on his forehead. “Let’s go!”

“What was that about?” Ryoga asked.

Ranma rubbed the back of his head in confusion. “No clue, he wasn’t making sense.”

The bell rang and Ranma and Ryoga went back to class. Kuno came to some time later and had to stand in the hall for being. “Ranma Saotome was quite strong. He might be a worthy rival for me!” Kuno was getting excited.

After class Nabiki tried to talk to Kuno. He needed information and Nabiki gave it for a price. “Listen Kuno-babe, if you wanna challenge Ranma or Ryoga you need to do so properly, and they’ll fight you.” She pocketed his money. “But I highly recommend you let this go, you’re barking up the wrong tree, and you’re only gonna get your ass kicked.”

“Oh dear Nabiki Tendo, you think so little of me, now that I know how to get them to fight me, I’m sure to win!”

“Wow Kuno I didn’t know you were a masochist.”

“Shut up!” He blushed.

For the rest of the day Kuno kept challenging Ranma to a duel between classes, which got him swiftly bodied. He still hadn’t explained why he was challenging Ranma, so Ranma wrote on Kuno’s face each time he lost. He had Idiot on his forehead, Moron on his cheek, Dummy on his right cheek.

These duels caught Akane’s attention.

Nabiki tried to talk to Kuno one last time. “Kuno, you should really try talking to Ranma or Ryoga, if you just listen to them this madness can stop.”

“I don’t know what madness you speak of, but perhaps I should speak to them and make my intentions known.” Kuno left to talk to them but bumped into Akane and all good common sense fell right out of his head.

“Oh Kuno, I saw you fighting Ranma earlier.”

“If you’ve come to beseech me to stop, even for you my sweet Akane Tendo I cannot.”

“Actually, I’m not!” Kuno blinked. “Ranma and Ryoga are terrible perverts!” She was wracked with pain, but Kuno caught her. ‘I can use this!’ She clutched onto him. “Please, I want you to defeat them, if they lose maybe my father will see they are no good and kick them out of the house.”

“For you Akane I can do anything, consider it done!” He raced off and Akane smirked.

Ranma and Ryoga were about to leave for home, when Kuno crossed them. “Not again.”

“Haven’t you had enough?” Ryoga asked.

“Silence Hibiki!” He pointed his sword at him. “I’ll defeat you, after I defeat Ranma Saotome!”

“Kuno seriously, what is your deal? What do you want?” Ranma folded his arms.

“What do I want? Well besides my beloved Akane as my bride.” Ryoga gagged at the thought. “I wish to defeat you and have you vacate the Tendo home.”

‘That’s what this is about?’ Ryoga thought.

Ranma rubbed his temples. “Listen Kuno, the Tendo’s and I have a contract, we have a deal in place.” He tried to spell it out for the thick headed fool.

“So you like making deals then, then shall we put a wager on this duel.” Saotome twitched.

‘Uh oh!’ Ryoga thought.

“Oh?” Ranma smirked. “You want to make a bet?” If Ranma was in his tanuki form Ryoga was sure his tail would be wagging.

A wager or a bet was no different than making a deal for a tanuki just with a challenge involved. Kuno was playing with fire and he had no idea. Ranma had been going easy on him so far, if Kuno did this, it’d flip that switch and Ranma would play for keeps.

Kuno pointed his sword at Ranma. “If I win you leave the Tendo house, I’m sure you can find some way to honor the contract you’ve made with them.” That was true, they didn’t HAVE to live there for Ranma to turn the dojo around. Though the Tendos would lose out on his rent money.

“And what if I win?” Ranma asked.

“Well I don’t plan to lose!” Kuno said and charged at Ranma. He didn’t move, instead he caught Kuno’s sword.

“I said...what if I win?” His aura flared and Kuno for a moment was frozen. “We haven’t finished setting up the terms of our wager. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Kuno gulped.

“Anything you want, just name it!” Ryoga facepalmed. Never hand a blank check to a tanuki.

“Very well, if I win, you have to join the Tendo Dojo as a student!”

“What?!” Kuno and Ryoga gasped.

Saotome released Kuno’s sword allowing him to move again. “Think about it hard, I take wagers very seriously.”

‘If I join the Tendo Dojo that means Ranma Saotome will be my instructor, that also means I can see more of my dear Akane! Though I must win, if I beat him they’ll have to move out and Akane will be happy with me and we can finally date.’ She hadn’t said the last part but he was jumping to conclusions. He felt this was a win win situation for him. “Alright!”

“So it’s a deal then!” Ranma offered his hand, this was Kuno’s last chance to back out. Tatewaki took Ranma’s hand and shook it.

‘Welp, he’s fucked!’ Ryoga thought, he sat down to watch the show. This would be quick, he kinda wished he had some popcorn.

They parted and took fighting stances. “For my dear Akane Tendo I shall not lose!”

Ranma removed his belt. “You have skills, it is a shame you dull your blade for an unworthy master!” Saotome poured his chi through the belt making it as hard and sharp as steel.

“Ehh!” In a flash this was over.

The two clashed and Ranma was the victor, Kuno’s sword was cut through, and his clothes were shredded. Ryoga whistled. Tatewaki Kuno had a nice ass, and surprisingly he was quite hung. He was 11 inches long, bigger than Ranma’s human dick but not as big as his tanuki cock. “Gah!” Kuno blushed and tried to cover himself. “Saotome!”

“Do you wish to continue or do you submit?” Kuno was trembling, he had neither weapon nor armor, he was as defenseless as a newborn babe.

“You...I…” Ranma was strong. Maybe he could learn to get as strong at the dojo. He hung his head in defeat. “I submit.” He dropped to his knees.

Ranma walked over to him and patted his head. “Good boy!” The praise made Kuno’s blush grow and his body tingle. “I’ll work up a signing contract. Just know at the Saotome School, we don’t just train the body, we train you mind, body, and spirit!” Kuno was only lacking two of these things.

In the battle of Blue Thunder vs the Tanuki, the Tanuki won in a flawless victory.

To be continued...New Student

Akane is pissed Kuno lost, Nabiki knows what she tried to do, and thus lets the consequences of her actions unfold as Kuno was now gonna be visiting the dojo as a student. Kuno gets to experience Ranma and Ryoga’s training methods.


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