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Ben 10 parody | Redux/Tier 1

Lucky Boy

Set in the Gwen 10 Universe where Ben is an anodite, and becomes a hero using the charms of bezel and his mana.

Chap 1 Birth of Lucky Boy

Gwen had acquired the omnitrix, and she used its power to be a hero. Ben had felt useless but tried to be involved by naming Gwen’s aliens. Still all summer while Gwen did her hero thing Ben was often on the sidelines. Ben had a lot of different interests; soccer, magic tricks, and comics.

Then a chance of fate when the group bumped into a man called Hex and the charms of Bezel. The boy had read a few things about myths, magic and lore probably the most time he openly focused himself, sure he paid attention though not a lot of people knew it.

When the Charm of Luck fell into his hands, he donned a mask and a name, Lucky Boy. Gwen was a little ticked, all her training and karate lessons had her a formidable foe and hero, she was able to get used to her alien bodies. Ben’s power came from magic, with the charm of luck everything went his way with her getting caught in the crossfire.

When Hex tried to get his charm back Ben proved too much and he ended up losing the rest of his charms to the boy. “I’m more than just lucky now, I’m a hero.”

-x- From Hero to Super –x-

News spread around of the alien heroes fighting crime, and beating down the bad guys. There was also news of Lucky Boy, despite the hero's popularity nobody knew who they were.

That didn’t keep them from having enemies. Hex was a big one for Ben, his niece Charmcaster busted him out of prison, and they were going after more than the charms, he wanted the key stone.

Ben found the key stone among a variety of objects but the bracelet felt different. With the key stone along with the charms of bezel he felt super charged; not only the strength of his charms but his physical strength and speed.

Hex was still a master magician and Charmcaster was a conniving witch. Lucky Boy may not have been a master but he was a fast learner. Even with the key stone stolen, and Ben being summoned along with the charms, Hex planned to drain his magic and the charms into him, essentially becoming all powerful.

Charmcaster betrayed him, so she could take the power. “Now all your power will be mine.”

“That’s where you're wrong, you betrayed your family, while mine sticks together.” Gwen and Grandpa Max came in and knocked her down, freeing Ben from his magical bonds. Ben got his hands on Hex’s staff.

“Ha that only works in the hands of a master magician.” The staff came to life in Ben’s hands and he blasted her.

“Well that’s new.”

“What are you gonna do now?” Gwen asked him, and the boy looked at them.

“I got this.” Raising the staff he broke it over his leg, their magic along with the staff's magic went off somewhere, Ben’s magic stayed intact.

Grandpa Max however thought having the Key Stone was too much power for Ben to wield. He understood, and was happy practicing with his powers he had. The key stone was locked in a vault, and for added measure special runes were placed on it so no disappearing acts.

-x- Magical Bag –x-

The Tennyson family was visiting Salem, but they weren’t the only ones. Charmcaster was back and making trouble and from the looks of it she’d gotten her powers back. Her and her rock creatures were causing trouble.

Little did our heroes know she was after Gwen’s watch, even after gaining her magic she still wanted more power, and Gwen’s aliens would super charge hers.

It was a regular freaky Friday with body swapping all around, but something good did come out of it. Ben got his hands on Charmcaster’s spellbook and rock creatures, a noticeable change was that they were charged with green mana instead of pink.

It was ironic that Charmcaster wanted to steal Gwen’s power and ended up losing more of hers. Ben found the animation spell she used on that bag of hers, getting the ingredients together Ben created his own magical bag, it was green with a dark green trim with blue button eyes.

-x- Hanging Up the Magic-x-

Kicking butt and being a hero was a blast but sadly the summer ended and Ben had to hang up his hero mask, he kept his charms, rock creatures, and his mask inside his bag. It sucked to go from hero to normal kid, but the summer did change him for the better. He joined the soccer team, and became the star player be it on the field or as the goalie Ben Tennyson could not be stopped.

His life was pretty much normal over the next six years, except for one thing. Every day after practice or a big game Ben found a rose either on his bike or in his locker. There was no note or anything, but it was just a rose, nothing more or less, it was kinda nice having a secret admirer.

He had just won a big soccer tournament and he was looking forward to sharing his medal with his family. ‘I wonder if my secret admirer showed up today.’ He was surprised when he found Gwen instead of a rose. “Don’t tell me you're my secret admirer.”

“No time for jokes Ben.” She held out an item, it was a virtual message from Grandpa Max. He said he had the omnitrix but that made no sense since Gwen still had it. “His place was trashed Ben, I need…”

“I’m with you Gwen, no need to ask.” He whistled for his bag and it hopped over to him, its mouth unzipped and in a flash of green light Ben was wearing his mask, and wearing a skin tight body suit, the charms of bezel embedded in his sleeve. “Let’s do this.”

The end up bumping into Magister Labrid, the plumber thought they had something to do with Max’s disappearance and had tried to steal the omnitrix. Apologizing for his mistake he agrees to help them find Max. Gwen wears the omnitrix and it recalibrates.

The three head to an abandoned station, the Magister had received a report from Max about an illegal alien tech delivery. It seems the knights were after this tech. A green muscle car comes in next to the suppliers. “Let’s take care of this quickly, I have some place I need to be.”

“That’s Kevin!” Gwen hisses.

“We have history with him, he and Gwen used to fight a lot when we were younger.”

“He’s got super powers, I thought I tossed his ass in the null void for good.”

The suppliers of the alien tech was another alien Gwen recognized, the same ones who trashed Max’s R.V. and attacked her. Upon seeing the level 5 technology the magister freaked and went in for the arrest.

The DNAliens begin their attack, and now they have to deal with the aliens and the knights. “I got the knights, you deal with the aliens.” Ben says and summons his mana, he blasts them away. He fires lightning and blasts their weapons, destroying them.

Magister Labrid gets caught, while Gwen goes Swampfire to fight the aliens, they seem to be scared of fire. Kevin stepped up to fight with Gwen but she proved to be too tough for him. The knights and the aliens ran for it leaving Kevin unpaid.

He gets knocked out and wakes up in energy cuffs. “Kevin help us, it’s not too late to do the right thing.” The raven stares at Lucky Boy, a few seconds before his eyes widen.

“Ben?” he looks him over, his eyes changing to one of lust. He removed his mask, and smiled at the raven.

“Yeah it’s me.” Kevin blushed at the sight of him. “Grandpa Max is missing and it has something to do with those guys you were dealing with. Can you help us out?”

“Do something right for once Kevin.” Gwen snipped, he glared at her but smiled.

“Well they are no friends of mine, they ran off without paying me I’ll help you get those deadbeats.” They free him and they ride Kevin’s car, with Ben riding shotgun.

“Don’t try anything, Levin I got my eye on you.” She glared.

“Oh I’m so scared!” He replied mockingly.

Gwen activated the omnitrix. “You should be!”

“Knock it off Gwen.”

“So what’s up with the mask, trying to hide from your fanboys?”

“Just a fan of heroes, it’s my secret identity.” Kevin smiled at him, which had Ben smiling back. ‘Cute.’ Kevin thought. Ben’s outfit was skin tight and the osmosian was certainly enjoying the view. Tennyson had an athletic body, and the suit showed it off, along with his assets. He casually adjusted himself in his tight pants.

Magister Labrid looked to Gwen. “Is there something going on between those two?”

“I hope not.”

They arrive at one of the forever knight castles, and Kevin begins pilfering some of their jewels as payment. “Once a thief always a thief.” Gwen snips, but Kevin doesn’t stop especially when he finds this beautiful necklace with an emerald, that sparkled just like Ben’s eyes.

Apparently the knights had a robotic dragon guard dog and the fight was on. Gwen changed into Echo Echo and managed to take out the dragon, while Ben and Kevin dealt with the knights. Using her powers she destroyed every last one of the laser lances.

However, Magister Labrid was dying, he had taken a hit, and while seemingly just a flesh wound for him it was fatal. “There is nothing you can do.” He gives Kevin his badge. “Complete the mission.”

“I think not.” Using the charm of resurrection he used its power to heal the alien, but he remained unconscious. “He’ll be okay but he’ll be asleep for a few days.” He changed him into a totem and placed him safely in his bag.

Apparently Kevin kept a laser lance as a souvenir, so Ben was able to use it to track the DNAliens, Lucky Boy floated ahead and the older teen loved the view. “Are you staring at his ass?”

“Maybe.” He grins as they reach their hideout. Gwen wanted to punch him. They break in but Ben can’t sense Grandpa Max in the base.

“Let’s stop this now, Grandpa Max would want us to.” They begin fighting the aliens after Ben blasts all the laser lances. Gwen fights the Highbreed while getting back up from Lucky Boy.

The thing was too strong and they got thrown out of their ship. They had to bring it down. They were going after the nearby towns, Ben summoned his rock creatures to assist Gwen and by tearing out some wires the ship came crashing down. The rock creatures shielded Gwen from the impact and explosion.

Ben freed the magister and he was coherent enough to call for his ship, he’d still need more rest. “You three did good work today.” He boards his ship. “I’m giving you three, a field deputation, you’ll have to investigate this on your own. Even if the plumbers approved back up it would take months to get rounded up and sent out here.”

“I think we can handle it.” He flies off, and Kevin looks to Ben.

“So it’s cool if I hang with you?” He asks, offering his hand to him.

“No!” Gwen slaps his hand away. “We don’t need his help. We can find Grandpa Max on our own.”

“That’s not true.” He gives her a stern look. “Look Gwen what happened in the past is the past, we’ve all grown up. I’ve forgiven Kevin can’t you?”

“Fine, but I got my eye on you, any sign of trouble and you're gone.” She gave him the “I’m watching you” gesture.

“Thanks,” they put their hands in, it was a sign of their new bond. Gwen was taken home first.


“I can’t believe he forgave Kevin after what he did.” What happened when they met Kevin in the past? The first time they met, the boy whisked Ben away to somewhere he was crashing. She had come looking for him, and tried to bring Ben back by force.

Kevin changed and went mad with power. He ended up hurting Ben pretty badly, and things didn’t get better with passing encounters. The brunette kept trying to help him but often Kevin was too mad to let him or maybe it was guilt after what he had done.

Ben had been in the hospital for a full week, and he was lucky to make it out in that time. Perhaps the only other surprising thing was that someone had sent Ben some roses with a get well card, but no name attached. “Wait…”


Ben got dropped off, in a flash changing back to his normal clothes. Levin getting to see a reverse magical boy transformation. “Thanks for the ride Kevin.”

“Yeah anytime, hey Ben? About what you said before about forgiving me? Did you mean it?”

“Yeah I did, I forgave you a long time ago. After I started studying my powers I learned what absorbing energy can do to people.” He opened the door. “It wasn’t you Kev, it was the power.” He gave him a quick peck on the cheek before slipping out of the car. “Don’t be a stranger okay?”

The raven touched his cheek feeling a tingling sensation, his stunned expression turned to one of joy. He went inside and Kevin had plans for more, but he had another apology he had to make. Levin went home and made amends with his mom.

Later that night…

Kevin snuck back over to Ben’s house and came in through the window. Only to get knocked out by a mana blast. “Ahh!”

“Kevin?” the boy ran over to him. “What are you doing here?”

“I guess I deserved that.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I’m sorry I missed your big game but wanted to give you this.” He pulled out a rose.

“You?” he said and the raven haired teen smiled. “All this time it was you.”

“Yeah, I wanted to see you but figured you hated me.” He was pulled into a kiss. Tennyson had kissed him and the boy moaned into the kiss. His heart fluttered.

“I didn’t hate you, I couldn’t…” To think Kevin was his secret admirer, Ben was positively overflowing with happiness. The two kissed again, this time going deeper as their tongues met and started a heated tango. Kevin scooped him up and brought him to the bed. He pulled off Ben’s black shirt, and began feeling up his body, as the kissing continued. Seconds, Minutes, their lips met only separating for air. “Kevin, too many clothes take them off.”

He smirked at Ben. “Make me!” he says challengingly.

Tennyson smirked back at him. “Okay!” glowing green tentacles reached out and grabbed him and lifted him up. The raven gulped as his clothing was yanked off him, the tentacles moved swiftly peeling off his clothing and exposing his manly physique. Ben watched below admiring the show, he had Kevin in his grasp, naked and bound by mana tentacles. His hard seven incher was twitching in the open air.

He felt the osmosian twitching, he was lowered closer to the bed, and Ben slid between his spread legs, his hard bulge rubbing against his sensitive manhood.

“Ohh ahh!” he groans as Ben teases his body, his hands wander up to his chest, caressing his muscles while Ben nibbles on his neck. Levin arched his back, unable to move in the mana tentacle’s hold, but he didn’t want Ben to stop, the super hero was touching him all over, feeling up his muscles, exploring every inch of him. His expression was one of pure blissful joy. He was oozing like crazy. “Now your wearing to many clothes.”

“You're right,” he snapped his fingers and his night pants and boxers came off. It was time for some hot skin on skin contact. Ben’s hard 9 inch dick slid along Kevin’s, their balls pressed and rubbed together as Ben ground their hips. Kevin lost to Tennyson in length but not in girth, his balls were heavier his sac weighed down by them while Ben’s were closer and held tighter to his crotch.

Ben humped against him, letting his hands focus on Levin’s hard nipples. The skin on skin contact was driving Levin wild, he wanted to touch Ben to. “Benji please!”

“Well since you said please.” He kissed Kevin on the cheek, letting his mana wash over him, and the two were able to float above Ben’s bed.

Kevin ran his hands over his body moving down to grip his plump ass. “Oh babe you have a nice ass.” He squeezed and groped him, loving it as Ben moaned.

“Yeah? So do you.” A green mana tentacle came down and began caressing his ass.

“Oh fuck!” the energy tentacle slipped in and Kevin moaned, his hips bucking, their groins grinding! Ben let the mana tentacles have at Kevin’s body, two teasing his nipples. With his hands now free to cup and grope Kevin’s fantastic ass.

He kneaded Levin’s cheeks as the tentacle wiggled inside his channel. His faces were absolutely priceless, as he was overcome with raw pleasure. The friction between their cocks increased and they climaxed together, their seed spilling between their bodies. “Wow that was…wow!”

With the release Ben lost focused and the two plopped into Ben’s bed, heatedly panting.

Ben snapped his fingers and his mana washed over them cleaning them up. “Yeah, it was.” He hugged Kevin and he pulled a blanket over their bodies.

“I know it’s late but will you go out with me?” Kevin asked, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

As if Ben was gonna say no.

“Sure,” he rested his head on the male’s chest. Kevin’s hand wandered up Ben’s back and there was a tiny scar on his shoulder, from when he had hurt him.

‘I’m never gonna hurt you again, I promise!’ the two fall asleep in the warmth of each other. Kevin had left the roses back then, a moment of clarity in his power mad mind. ’I love you Ben!’ He thought, closing his eyes and drifting into a peaceful slumber.

To be continued


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