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Ben 10 parody: Redux/Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chap 2 Alien Force

-x- Talking about the Weather-x-

Kevin was driving Ben and Gwen home. “Can’t you go faster?” Gwen huffed from the back seat.

“Can yes, will no.” He was trying to be on his best behavior for Ben’s sake.

“If I’m late for curfew there will be no hero time.” Kevin smiled.

“Then I guess it’ll just be me and Ben.” Said male was meditating; he was trying to locate Max’s mana but so far wasn’t having any luck.

“What makes you think Ben would go anywhere alone with you?” She asked with her arms crossed.

“Cause I’m dripping with rugged charm.” He says, and Gwen gags.

Ben’s eyes stop glowing. “Any luck Ben?” he shook his head.

“Maybe if my powers were better.” His hand balled into a fist, frustration brewing inside him. The raven put his hand on his.

“We’ll find him together.” Ben smiled, and gave Kevin’s hand a squeeze. Max was a smart guy, if he didn’t want to be found he’d have ways of covering his tracks, even from Ben. Gwen was not pleased but before she could say anything an alarm went off.

It was a tracker of some kind, and it was detecting something. “It’s a badge detector, now that’s worth breaking some laws.” He turned up the speed and headed towards the location.

It wasn’t Grandpa Max, it was a young Pyronite boy named Alan Albright. He’d been arrested by local police and just barely managed to escape. Lucky Boy managed to catch him in a mana field. “Let me out!” The fire alien banged on the mana wall but it wasn’t breaking.

“Hold on, I got some questions for you.”

“Who are you? Why are you dressed like that?”

Ben struck a pose. “I’m Lucky Boy, a hero of justice.”


“That’s funny, I have questions for both of you.” The sheriff stepped out and they soon were surrounded. “I knew you couldn’t have caused all that damage yourself, I see you got yourself a partner.” They had their guns trained on them.

“Umm Excuse me, I’m no villain, I'm a hero. Surely you’ve heard of Lucky Boy?” The cops shared a confused look. “I think I need a publicist.”

“Yeah sure, arrest them both.” His people began moving in.

“Looks like we gotta fly.” He grabbed Alan and took off flying, much to the boy’s shock and fear, he was scared of heights.

“Ahhhhh!” Alan screamed. “High we are very high!”

Ben noticed something when flying but made it to an abandoned/destroyed building. “Please, I’ll answer your questions just don’t do that again.” He was trembling.

“Sorry about that, but I figured it was better than getting hauled off to jail.” He gave back Alan’s badge, and had a nice talk with him. He didn’t know anything about Grandpa Max.

The kid was just scared, one day his powers manifested and things have been crazy ever since. Sure he had powers but he was getting blamed for the weird things going on. Every time there was a fire, they’d come knocking on his grandma’s door. “But come on, having powers is fun; you can fly and bust bad guys.” Ben floated in the air, and threw some punches for emphasis.

“Actually I’m scared of heights, the fire powers are cool, but…” He shifted back and forth between his human and alien form. “I’m not normal who’d ever want to be with a freak like me.”

“You aren’t a freak.”

“Tell that to my class, I got so mad once I flamed up without even trying. Everyone saw, they called me a monster.” He got so frustrated and began to vent. “I can hardly control my powers, if I get too angry or excited I just flame on. Try explaining to your grandma why your bed caught fire, when you were jerking off and erupted like a volcano.”

Ben laughed. “Hey, it's not funny.”

“Sorry I don’t mean to laugh,” he cupped Alan’s cheek. “But don’t sell yourself short, you’re a cutie.” The boy blushed, heat spilling up inside him causing him to go “Heatblast”. His flames were pink from the blushing.

“Oh um thank you.” He says.

“I know another guy who thought he was a freak because of his powers. He was really sweet but got messed up because of a bad deal life tossed his way. You don’t have to do this alone.” Ben let his Charm of Pyrokenisis glow, coating himself in an aura, with it he was able to touch Alan even in flame form. “I can tell you things worked out for him, these powers don’t have to be a deal breaker when looking for love.”

Alan shivered at the touch.

Kevin and Gwen show up, they had been distracting the Sheriff with a high speed chase. Ben’s bag led them back to the hero and Ben showed them the strange symbols he saw etched into the crop field. “Ben take us up.” He created steps of mana and they headed up to the sky. Alan clung to Ben on the way up. Kevin and Gwen noticed this. “I see it now, these aren’t crop circles, it's a big circuit board.”

In the distance they could see lights, someone was working on the circuit.

“Let’s get down there and put a stop to this.”

“Good let’s crack some heads.” Kevin said, cracking his knuckles.

“Down is good!”

“Ben this has nothing to do with Grandpa Max, we should leave this to local authorities and keep going.” Gwen said.

“Come on Gwen he’s a Heatblast, which makes him family in my book. We gotta help.”

“Fine,” They head down and find these strange people using some ray guns to blast the field. They said something in alien and everything went crazy.

True enough, whoever was behind this must have finished as the circuit was activated, a huge machine rose up to the sky and it began to snow. It was the DNAliens behind this; they had just managed to fight them off when the police showed up. Jumping to the wrong conclusion again they provided the perfect distraction for the DNAliens to attack.

Gwen turned into Swampfire and Alan aliened up. Lucky Boy used pyrokinesis to fight back but the alien guns soon turned the cops, Kevin and Gwen into petrified statues. Alan’s heat shielded him and Ben had his mana and flames to protect him. “There’s too many of them!”

“Good thing I always come with backup!” He whistled and the magic bag opened up and out came some rock creatures. They provided support, giving Gwen time to recover.

Swampfire snapped out of it, and they managed to push the aliens back. It was clear what they had to do to stop the weather machine. Ben got Kevin out of his petrification while Alan got the cops out. “Let’s not do that again.”

Gwen told Alan a trick she used to do when she was a Heatblast. “Okay this is kinda cool.” He was surfing on a rock, controlling it with his powers. Lucky Boy and Alan attacked from the sky while Gwen and the Rock Creatures attacked from below. Kevin had to defend the cops from any sneak attacks. They took down the tower and the aliens retreated.

The sheriff had to apologize to Alan for the whole mess.

“Alan, why don’t you come with us? We could use a powerhouse like you?” Ben asked, offering his hand to the lad.

“Sorry but we need him here,” the sheriff said. “With these alien attacks we’ll need his help.”

“But if you need me, give me a call.” He blushed as he looked at Ben. “For anything!” he says happily.

“Okay!” The two shake hands.

Gwen smiles, “Now they would make a great couple, don’t you think so Kevin?”

He knew she was trying to taunt him but he smiled back. “Yeah seeing those two going at it would be hot.” She was shocked. Kevin walked up to Ben and whispered something in his ear.

“Thanks for all your help Alan, here a thank you.” He kissed Alan right on the lips. The boy moaned into the kiss, his legs quivered he couldn’t stand and when the kiss broke he fell back.

“Wow,” he says. The lad was pitching a massive tent in his pants. To his surprise he managed to keep his heat under control. It was likely instinctual since Ben didn’t have his aura up if he flamed on, he’d have burned him. Kevin gives him a thumbs up and Ben winks at him. “Double wow!”

For some added security Ben left some of his rock creatures with Alan for support and back up.

“Take care Alan!” They drove off.

Gwen was too stunned to say anything, so the car ride was quiet.

Later that night

Alan stripped off his clothes and lay in his bed; he couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss. His hard 11 inch cock throbbed in need. He wrapped a hand around his length and began pumping himself. “Ben, oh Ben!” he moaned, his hips bucking up into his grasp. His penis began drooling pre and he used it to work himself faster. “Hmmm ohhh!”

He normally lost control by now, but after meeting Ben he had more confidence, he felt more stable and less like a freak. Accepting his powers gave him a better control of them.

His cock wept and drooled, Alan raised a hand to play with one of his nipples. “Nnnnhhh!” Alan pumped his cock faster, squeezing his penis firm and tight, the force of his strokes making his balls jostle and jiggle.

He lost it and came shooting his load all over himself. Two spurts erupted and splashed his face, and five spurts came from his dick and splattered his chest and stomach. His cock twitched and some essence overflowed, soaking his crotch. “Guess I’ll grab a shower.” He got out of bed, only for his control to slip in his post orgasm high.

Good news was his semen evaporated from his molten body, bad news was he was hard again.

“Ben, I hope to see you again.”

“Urrr!” The rock creatures came in, eyeing his horny and enflamed body.

“Ohh fuck!” They pounced on him, one sucking his cock down, the other eating his ass, their mana tongues swiping along his tender body. The third focused on groping Alan’s pecs. “Ahhh ahh ahh ahh ahhh!” His whole body went pink as pleasure surged through him. This form had remained untouched. He had no idea how sensitive he was. “This fuck…is ohhh….so…ahhh…hot!”

Meanwhile at Ben’s Household

Once again Kevin snuck into Ben’s room. Kevin was between Ben’s legs sucking his massive cock, while he stroked his own. “I’m shocked about what you said back there, never knew you were such a voyeur but I guess it explains a lot.” He ran his fingers through Levin’s dark locks.

Kevin pulled off his penis and fondled his balls. “Don’t get me wrong I can get jealous, like that Cash dick who’s always trying to flirt with you, I was ready to punch him into next week. I don’t think three’s a crowd though and if you fuck Alan maybe I could…” his finger moved down to caress his hole.

Ben shivered. “Easy tiger, it’s too early to be thinking about going all the way yet, we haven’t even had our first official date.”

“Doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun right?”

“Right!” Kevin went back to sucking Ben’s penis and the boy moaned. “Oh yeah fun,” Levin deep throated him, burying his nose in Ben’s pubes. Ben pointed and channeled his mana a long tendril reached out and beneath Kevin, the energy slipped into Kevin’s dick and the raven moaned in pleasure.

‘Man he’s creative!’ he thought as his pipe was fucked by the energy. Another tentacle came up and began playing with his ass, he had his sweet spot jabbed from both ends. His moans were muffled by cock.

“But you aren’t wrong, once we cross that line, I wanna fuck and be fucked! I wanna feel you around my dick as I breed you, I want you to pound me with your cock and fill me with your seed.” As he spoke the mana tentacles fucked his ass and pipe swifter.

‘Fuck he’s attacking with words!’ Kevin’s eyes fluttered and rolled up.

Even as pleasure wracked his body he focused on pleasuring Ben. It was hard though! All his holes were stuffed at once. He doubled his efforts trying to end this quickly, he reached up and began to fondle Ben’s balls and fingered his hole, they came. Kevin drank Ben’s cum, as his seed vanished into the mana. They went to sleep pressing their naked bodies together.

-x- Kevin’s Big Score-x-

Kevin’s old buddy Argit had some intel on a piece of tech. Trouble was Kevin had no collateral, then it hit him the Rust Bucket. He stole it while Gwen gave chase, she was pissed off, but Kevin escaped with the treasure trove of alien tech.

Argit of course double crossed him, and stripped the RV of every scrap of alien tech and device. Ben and Gwen backed him up as they cornered Argit. “Listen to me you can’t trust this guy, he’ll stab you in the back.” Argit shouts.

“He’s right Ben, we can’t trust him, and because of him Grandpa Max doesn’t have a home anymore.” Kevin said nothing, he knew he was a bad guy, he’d done a lot of bad, he couldn’t expect forgiveness and trust to just be handed to him.

“You guys are wrong,” Kevin looked at Ben in shock. “People mess up, it happens, it's life but I know Kevin had a good reason.” Kevin clenched his fist.

‘I can’t get him involved in this, Vulkanus is a bad guy, he'll hurt Ben.’ He looked at them. “I don’t need to explain myself, I’m out of here.” He stomped off.

“See I told you.” Lucky Boy turned and zapped Argit, knocking him out.

Kevin went to Vulkanus trying to get that piece of tech, but it cost him. The minions stripped Kevin, shredding his clothes. “Hey!”

“Kneel!” Kevin blushed but obeyed. The villain forced him to absorb Taydenite, and had his minions pick at his back and take it from his hide. “Fine, do what you want with me, but make sure the Tennyson’s get that holo viewer.” It hurt as they took their pick axes and hit his body over and over, sending shards of the expensive mineral flying.

“This thing, fine I don’t need it now that I got you.”

Some came up with some kind of device and rammed it against his cock and balls. “Ahhh!” Kevin came, his semen being altered with the rest of his body, his crystalized dick spat out pearls, high quality ones at that.

“I’m gonna take what you owe me from your body, it’s gonna be fun tormenting you and making me money!” One of his minions came forward with a giant drill aimed right for Kevin’s ass.

Levin braced himself, but it didn’t come.

Suddenly Vulkanus was sent flying and Big Chill swooped in and froze the minions on his back. Ben’s rock creatures burst in and began taking on Vulkanus’s gremlins.

Lucky Boy and Big Chill were on the scene. Using the Electrokenisis Charm Ben fried their weapons and tech. “You came for me?” He couldn’t believe it.

They got Kevin free and beat Vulkanus. “You wouldn’t be protecting him if you knew what he did to me?”

“He stole, he ran, that’s Kevin.” Big Chill says with a shrug. Gwen was just accepting this at this point. Kevin is who he is.

“Doesn’t mean we won’t help him when he needs us.” The masked hero sent the minions flying.

His suit was frozen and broken but Vulkanus escaped in his odd body. He splashed around in his shards of Taydenite.

Kevin stood up and Gwen covered her eyes. “Put on some pants!”

Ben had him covered, with a snap of his fingers Kevin was fully dressed.

They got the hollo viewer and left. “You went through all that for this?” Gwen asked.

“Next time tell us, you’re dealing with a crazy villain. We can handle it.” Ben held his hand.

“I just…didn’t want to put you in danger…” Ben gave him some Mana Paper, enchanted paper that would help them communicate, even if he had to play the tough guy, he could be honest with Ben.

It was a message from Grandpa Max. He told them about the plumber kids, and said they couldn’t do this alone; they had to build a team. Gwen played it over and over again.

“Hey Ben, thanks for believing in me.” He rubbed the back of his head.

“Grandpa Max is right, we can’t do this alone, so don’t try.” He pulled him in for a hug. “I’m here for you.”

“And I’ll be here for you.” He replies and hugs him back.

-x- All that Glitters-x- Kevin’s POV

Ok something was wrong with Ben, ever since we met up with that pretty boy Michael Morningstar he was acting strange. His powers were shorting out and he seemed to go with whatever Michael was saying.

Gwen wasn’t much help either, she was so caught up in Max’s message she wasn’t seeing things clearly. Michael was another Plumber’s Kid.He came from a rich family, and he used money and tech to build a home base for himself. “Oh come on Kevin aren’t you just jealous? I mean I can see why, Michael is smarter, richer, and better looking than you, plus he might even be stronger.” She may have been right. I was jealous. That doesn’t mean I’m wrong about the pretty boy creep.

Ben was making goo goo eyes at this guy, acting like I didn’t exist. It hurt, but it felt weird too. He wasn’t acting like himself, plus Michael was sus as hell too. We’d been coming across these weird zombie girls, with strange marks on their arms. We fought them a few times but Michael kept letting them get away. Plus one of the girls seemed hyper obsessed with him, almost like a drug addict needing their fix.

Okay I need to get Ben back, with or without Gwen. “Do you have any proof Ben’s in trouble?”

I pulled out a piece of paper, it wasn't normal paper. “This!”

“A piece of paper?”

“It's a special mana paper that Ben made for me, if we were separated or needed to communicate in private the mana paper would transfer our thoughts to the other.”

Come on Ben; please let me know you’re okay. My eyes closed and I reached out to him. The paper pulsed, and something was written on it. My eyes widened. “Still think I’m just being jealous.” I held up the paper and Gwen’s eyes widened.


End Pov

Michael was like a vampire; he sucked out one’s energy and can enchant them. The girls he preyed on would seek to recharge their energy by stealing power from others, coming back to Michael to give him what they collected. They craved him, needed him, and if they didn’t have power to give, he cast them aside, which made them want him more.

He thought he had Ben wrapped around his finger. Just a few touches he had Ben craving him, yearning for his touch and hanging on his every word. “Never have I met someone so sweet and delicious, I’m gonna make you mine and feed on you every day.” He took him to a warehouse where he’d taken all his victims before.

There was a bed there and everything. Michael used his powers to force Ben’s outfit to unravel, leaving him naked and bare. “Mmm~!” He pushed Ben onto the bed, tying him to the mattress. “Oh you look so sweet, lovely Ben.”

Tennyson groaned. “You aren’t like those girls, you’re so strong, so full of mana. Your power alone makes you more delicious than any of them.” He trailed a hand along Ben’s form. “I never thought of getting with a guy before, but you’ve changed my mind.”

Michael got naked, showing off his pretty body, but he wasn’t packing much below the belt. A simple three inches. His girls were addicted to him because of his powers, not his endowments. “Now you're mine!” He dove at Ben.

“No!” Ben’s eyes glowed green as he came to, he didn’t know what was happening to him, but a part of him remained conscious. Using mana he forced Michael away and sent his message.

“Don’t resist me!” Michael snapped and grabbed Ben roughly; he began sucking away his strength. “Lovely Ben or Lucky Boy, you’ll forget everything else once you're mine.” He released Ben and settled himself between Ben’s legs. “I’m gonna fuck you, you’ll love it, you won’t remember that brute or your own name once you get a taste of my golden rod!” Ben’s mana supercharged Michael making him glow gold.

“Take your hands off him.” Kevin had snuck in, Ben’s magic bag helping them find him, he was trying to be stealthy but seeing Ben in that state he saw red and punched Michael hard in the face. Gwen came in as Jetray. Seeing Ben drained, stripped, and bound, like that she was furious and let loose a barrage of blasts pummeling Michael into the earth. It wasn’t enough Michael had fed on Ben’s energy as well he was surging with power.

“You fools, Ben’s mine now, I don’t need those weak girls anymore.” He blasted energy blasts at Kevin and Jetray.

“Like hell he is!” Kevin went to punch him but Michael dodged. Able to float in the air. “I won’t let you touch him!”

“Are you gonna do to Ben what you did to those girls?” Gwen shouted.

“Those girls were meaningless and weak. They adored me, but I never cared about them. All I need is power. As for Ben, I won't take his loveliness; he's the only one as beautiful as me.” Kevin gagged.

“Ewww!” Gwen tried not to hurl.

“Once I fuck him, Ben will be mine forever, once he takes my divine rod he’ll love no other!” He was able to have balls of energy swirl around him like sparks of glitter, before they unleashed a barrage of blasts.

The bag snuck over to Ben, giving him his charms. His rock creatures helped snap his binds and free him. Michael was too focused on defeating Gwen and Kevin to notice. “I love who I want to love!” Ben was super charged by the key stone.

Michael tried to defeat him but with the key stone Ben’s powers easily dwarfed Michael’s he blasted his power back and drained the mana.

“What are you ahhhhhh!” Ben took back all of his power. Leaving Michael very much naked and weak, to make things worse his zombie girls came in and took back their energy to. Michael was reduced to an ugly mug, his “mighty rod” shriveled up even further being reduced to a 1 incher, he now looked like a ghoul, but now his outside matched his insides. The girls were back to normal and no longer dazzled by Morningstar.

Kevin breaks Michael’s plumber’s badge. “You don’t deserve it.” He went over to Ben. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” he hugs the male close. Ben snaps his fingers and restores his outfit. Gwen apologized; she had made a huge mistake trusting Michael. He had a pretty face but twisted on the inside.

‘Maybe Kevin isn’t so bad.’ Ben and Kevin started making out. ‘Never mind!’

Back at Ben’s place

Kevin found himself tied to Ben’s bed. “So you are into bondage?” Levin shivered.

“I don’t mind being tied up by someone I trust, though if I’m honest I prefer to be the one doing the tying.” Kevin gulped, he was so hard right now. “Remember you safe word?”

“Hero Time!”

“Good boy!” Ben praised. He had his mana bind the base of Kevin’s penis, locking his release.

Ben teased his tits, groping his pecs, teasing his nipples, sometimes he’d lick or suck on them letting the free hand drift down to work his shaft. “Ohhh ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh ohhh ohhhh!”

Kevin’s pecs and nipples were a work of art, thick and beefy, sexy and sensitive. Ben nipped his nipple and Levin arched off the bed. “Ohh Benji!”


“Green baby green!” He drooled.

Ben drove him wild, teasing him and edging him for a long time. His nipples had gotten swollen and tender from all the flicking, licking, and nibbling~! As he teased him Ben kept whispering sweet things in his ear, praising his endurance, praising his body, praising him. Fuck he wanted dick so bad, he wanted Ben to fuck him right here and now.

“Hero Time!” Snap!

The bonds and cock ring vanished and Kevin came hard. “Ahhh ahh~!” He came on his face, pecs, abs, and crotch.

“Anything else Kev?”

Levin panted and licked his cum splattered lips. “Tits…”


“Use my tits and cum on me!” Ben did, humping and grinding on Levin’s pecs, smooshing the muscles around his penis. He came on Kevin’s face. Not caring that his face was a mess Ben kissed the raven haired stud, and the two made out.

-x- Max Out-x- Ben’s Pov

It hurt, it hurt so much. We were right there and we couldn’t do anything. First Ken gets captured and turned into a DNAlien then Grandpa Max got caught. Gwen used the omnitrix to heal Ken, but we weren’t able to save Grandpa Max.

He had a null void grenade and up against a Highbreed. I run it through my head over and over, maybe if we were stronger, maybe if I had sensed him sooner, but all the couldas, shouldas, and wouldas in the world would change anything.

I managed to shield us as the grenade went off. All that was left was a huge crater, my barrier fell and I cried. The tears wouldn’t stop, I felt Kevin wrap his arms around me and I cried into his chest.

Gwen and Ken hugged and cried on their own. As much as it hurt, as much as we wanted to change things it wasn’t over. We had to pick ourselves up and carry on; we had to finish Grandpa’s work. I didn’t want to go home, so I stayed in Kevin’s car. He held me all night long, and in the morning I saw he hadn’t slept a wink. He stayed up watching over me. “I’ll always be here; I won’t leave you Benji I promise.”

Ben tightened his grip on Kevin. “Thank you.”

To be continued


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