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That Time I Got Reincarnated As Slime Parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 29 

Chapter 30 Town of Monsters

Souei had gotten tuckered out from mating with Rimuru and the evolved Benimaru, while the Crimson Oni had received a double helping. Rimuru had to carry the naked oni back to their home. Souei went into a hibernation state to go through his transformation.

He left them with a kiss on their cheeks. “Rest well, and Souei when you wake up go easy on Benimaru.” He wished them both sweet dreams and left them.

There were lizardmen patrolling and providing aide. Everyone had been busy round the clock, the goblins in the morning, the orcs in the afternoon and the lizardmen at night. They’d hammer things out later, he wanted all the monsters working together. Seeing the lizardmen reminded the slime of something. ‘I wonder how Gabiru is doing?’ He had forgotten to ask Abiru about his decision.

-x- Inside Rimuru-x-

Veldora was observing everything. He was so glad Rimuru saved the lizardmen, in his heart he felt they were kin, but Gabiru was...odd…

Ifrit had a theory, that Gelmud corrupted him giving him his name. The demon’s ego and arrogance filling Gabiru’s spirit and twisted his mind.

The two were not trying to judge Gabiru too harshly, Ifrit had made Shizu’s life a nightmare, and once he was free he caused trouble in the forest. Veldora had caused many disasters, made his own mistakes. The trouble was he hadn’t learned from them until recently.

The holy texts Rimuru held in his memory was prime reading material for Veldora and Ifrit. Reading so many tales allowed them to reflect on their own actions a bit.

“Do you think his father will have him executed?”

“It’s not the lizardman way, he’ll likely order his son to hard labor to repay the debt he’s made. We can be young and brash in our youth, but death is not the answer, by living we have a chance to learn from our mistakes and be better.”

“So there is hope for him?”

“Hopefully yes.” Even if the cards were stacked against him, those with dragon blood have the potential to soar for new heights!


Abiru had put his son into solitary confinement, the others who followed him were locked up as well. they were getting a serious lecture from their parents. It was a painful choice, their youth and inexperience had cost them their friends and for some...family.

Gabiru had to face that reality, and it ate him up inside. He had led the charge, his fellow lizardmen had been killed and eaten, and it was his fault. If anything he had shown some strong leadership and responsibility, refusing to abandon the goblins they had recruited, even when his plan fell through.

He had let his ego get to his head and let demon whispers turn him against his family, his king, the elders, and he led his people into danger. ‘I’m sorry...I’m sorry…’ He was expecting the death penalty.

The after war conference had completed and he had heard his father had gone to visit the slime’s village. ‘When he returns, no doubt my sentence will be given.’ He mentally prepared himself for what was to come.

“The chief has summoned you.” It was his sister who came to fetch him.

“Sister...I…” She looked away from him.

“Save your words...get out…” He rose up and his hands bound behind his back. The march to the throne room was quiet. Gabiru’s heart was broken. “I’ve brought Gabiru the traitor.” Her words stabbed deep into Gabiru’s heart.

He walked in, eyes closed when he got before the throne. “Kneel!” He did.

“Hmm…” Abiru eyed his son. He could see the lad had been plagued with his actions. “Gabiru, do you have anything to say for your actions.”

Gabiru didn’t look up, he just spoke. “My actions are not forgivable. All I ask is that my men are spared, they acted on my orders, so I will take full responsibility for them.”

“I see, I will consider it.” He had already planned on pardoning the young fools. “Do you have any regrets to voice.”

“Where is the slime gentleman?”

“Lord Rimuru is quite busy, he’s been handling matters in his village.” He rest his chin on his knuckles. “Do you need him for something?”

“I…” Memories of it all came flooding back, his men’s sacrifice, Gelmud’s verbal lashing and attack against, and Rimuru stepping in to save him. “I wanted to know why he saved me?”


Gabiru hung his head low. “I visited his village, and looked down on him, disrespecting him, showing my arrogance!” He grits his teeth. “He had no reason to save me, but he did.”

The lizardman shook his head. “Before my execution, I wish to not only apologize to him, but also thank him for saving my life, and the lives of my men.”

“I cannot summon him from his duties, I doubt he’ll visit for some time.” Gabiru trembled with regret.

“Then please, give him my message after my end.”

“If you wish to speak with Lord Rimuru you can go and visit him yourself.” Gabiru’s eyes widened. “I have decided your punishment. Exile!”

Gabiru looked up finally gazing upon his father. ‘Huh?’

“You will no longer be heir to the throne, you cannot call yourself a member of our tribe again. Now leave this place!” His tone was firm and commanding.

“F-Father…” He stuttered. ‘Did I really think I could hold a candle to this man...simply because I had a name…’ His father had this aura of command, his stance stoic and he oozed power. ‘I was a fool!’

A name had made him arrogant, he turned his back on his father’s wisdom and took his tactics as weakness. ‘Is it my imagination or does he look younger?’ Before he could ask, he was escorted out.

Guards led him out and to the edge of their territory. Gabiru was ready to leave but a guard stopped him. “Don’t forget this!” The guard handed him a wrapped parcel.

“Ehh!” It was the Vortex Spear, the item he took from his father and used in battle. “But this weapon is only to be wielded by the village chief!”

“This was the chief’s decision, so accept it!” The guard turned and left.

‘Father…’ His hands tightened around the spear, tears spilled from his eyes. ‘Thank you!’

‘Gabiru, my son, so long as I am Abiru, the name bestowed upon me by Lord Rimuru, the lizardmen shall survive and carry on. You must live as you see fit, no more half measures and idle whims, become your own man, my son!’ He smiled. ‘If the gods are willing may you find a good mate that will drive you to be better.’

Abiru never said it, but he was a lot like Gabiru in his youth. His mate, his children’s mother, had made him a better man, a better monster, and helped him grow to being the chief he was today. She was no longer in this world, but she was with him in spirit, he had sworn to never love another woman and has kept his word.

‘Father, Mother, please watch over your foolish son, as he starts from nothing, I swear I’ll work hard to become a man worthy of wielding this spear, and if the gods are willing I would like to serve that man…’

“Gabiru-sama!” Gabiru stopped and turned to see one of his loyal subordinates racing towards him.

“Ehh? Why are you here?!”

He wasn’t the only one, his other two closest friends/subordinates were with him, and a bunch of the other young lizardmen had chosen to follow Gabiru. “You guys…” Their loyalty brought tears to his eyes. They wanted to follow him, then he’d be a good leader for them! “You guys are hopeless without me, follow me!”




The exiled prince would lead his men, and by fate’s grace he’d find his way back to Rimuru.


The orcs had evolved into High Orcs, and were proving to be a very valuable work force. They were highly adaptable, the dwarves were impressed. The goblins had an impressive learning curve, but when it came to labor the orcs were on a whole other level. Now that they were properly fed they had stamina to burn.

Laying bricks, building wood frames, spinning straw into thread. It reminded Rimuru of the tale of the three little pigs. Their construction skills were superb, Rimuru wished he could have had them in his old life, projects that’d have taken months would be done in weeks. Not only with their numbers and stamina they got things done fast, they didn’t skip on the details. Quality, quality, quality, the stuff they built was built to last.

Given they were building a town, and had plenty of residents to fill, the more homes the better. The dwarves were able to imagine and plan, with the high orcs making it happen. The goblins weren’t slacking either, those that enjoyed construction combined their talents. Those that had other passions moved into the farming groups. The female orcs joined the goblinas and Shuna in making clothes, from day to day gear, work clothes, training clothes, and even battle attire.

The town was really coming along, with everyone working together things were going full speed ahead. They were having a construction boom, the areas that once were lagging were getting a jump start. They weren’t able to get every house with indoor plumbing, but they were able to establish water wells at key points through the town.

Rigurd was overseeing the town’s development handling the different needs and planning them out. Riguru was overseeing the town’s projects keeping record of their status. Ranga was keeping record of their food stores. Kaijin was very busy with projects, but him and the dwarf brothers were handling their respective businesses. Kurobe was joining him in the assistance of forging. Souei and Benimaru were….having a honey moon of sorts. (Rimuru was finding time to get with his mates for some well deserved loving)

Shuna was taking charge of the cloth stores, keeping record of all their clothes, blankets, cots, and beds. Hakurou was teaching how to fight and the art of the sword, though his training was terrifying! Shion was his secretary, and was doing her best to keep him informed, all the reports kept coming to her and she might be getting overwhelmed. Geld was overseeing the labor forces.

Rimuru was so pleased, they had the works of farm going, so they could have fresh produce and veggies year round. The slime wanted to avoid another food shortage that the orcs went through again. Plus they had to avoid overwhelming any one food option, be it the fish the lizardmen were providing or the hunting the hobgoblins and tempest wolves were bringing in.

His three needs for Food, Clothing, and Shelter had evolved as they had all the races working together.

Farming, Fishing, Hunting, Foraging, Home Construction, Town Construction, Heavy Construction, Clothing, Forging, Crafting, Education, Security, and Leadership

It would be awhile before some of these efforts would bare fruit but Treyni was keeping them cover with the bounty/blessing of the forest. If there was one problem it may be overworking.

Geld was now the Orc King, even mightier than the High Orcs, so he was a ferocious worker. The other orcs were taking breaks outside of clocking out for work. “I’m doing fine Lord Rimuru, I’m eating my meals, and a place to sleep. I don’t need more or a “break”.”

Rimuru didn’t want to see Geld get burnt out. ‘If we had a proper bar or restaurant I’d treat him to a drink, a soak in a hot spring, a meal, or something.’ His sense of responsibility was out of control.

Geld was the type to not only take on extra work without complaint, but work himself to death with a smile. Rimuru remembered those types, and he did his best as a boss to make sure they got the rest they deserved, while sometimes fantasizing about how he could show his appreciation for their hard work, but sadly that didn’t happen. So that gave him an idea of how to help Geld. “Follow me, let’s have a break, together.”


“That’s an order!”

“Okay!” Geld followed Rimuru to an area still in development. The slime picked out a small shack.

“In here!” They went in and the slime turned to him with a wicked glint. “Strip!”

Geld blushed, he was a bit hesitant but obeyed.

Rimuru marveled at Geld’s big thick body. He looked positively hug able, with a girth that a sumo wrestler would crave to have. Truly the physique of the Orc King! All his hard work had given him a strong and manly musk. “What are we doing Lord Rimuru?”

“I’m gonna reward you for all your hard work, you deserve a break and I’m gonna make it a very wonderful one.” He had Geld rest on his hands and knees. Rimuru hopped onto his back. “Slime Tentacles!”

Slime tendrils reached out, encircling Geld’s body. “Ohhh!”

“You are quite sensitive big guy!” His fat cock started to stir, he wasn’t the longest by far his penis reaching 8 inches, but his girth was on a whole other level. The thickness was that of a full fist, it curved along his big belly, his heavy balls dangling beneath him.

“I want...I wanted…” It was hard for him to say.

Geld’s beefy pecs grew more lewd as his nipples stood out lewdly. The slime tentacles curled around his tits, squeezing his muscles as the tips latched onto his nipples. “Sqqqquuuueeeee!” Geld cried out from the pleasure.

Rimuru started a non stop suction on his nipples, while rhythmically squeezing his chest. “Lord...ohhh….Lord Rimuru!” He began to drool and his cock began to weep.

The tentacles worked around his butt, giving his plump rear a similar treatment to his breast. Another tentacle encircled his nuts, squeezing and jostling his sac. His eyes fluttered his large body shaking in delight.

Geld was squealing loudly as another tentacle encased his penis and proceeded to milk his dick with non stop suction. He grunted and howled in pleasure, his body trembling and jiggling. Humping the air unable to escape the suctions and tender squeezing.

The Orc King came hard, spilling his milk and the slime slurped it away. His slime body absorbing the thick and potent cum awakening new skills. Rimuru didn’t stop, for the next hour, the slime worked his body, massaging him intimately, draining his balls again and again and AGAIN!

Geld wouldn’t be skipping another break again.

To be continued Oni Honeymoon and Name Overwriting

Please vote for Geld's Future

Milking Break: Rimuru discovers the high protein and nutritious value of high orc semen, eager to gain a special food source and get the orcs to take breaks properly he has the orcs milked. Geld + Orc Milking

Happy to Serve Happy to be Filled: Geld takes a lesson from Rimuru and offers his body up for his orcs, who take pride drilling him and getting sucked by him. Geld x Mob

no matter the option Geld will be joining Rimuru's harem. Cast your vote by commenting below either Milking Break or Happy to Serve



Great chapter Milking Break has my vote


My vote goes to “Happy to Serve Happy to be Filled”. Seems like a very fun idea.


Milking Break for my vote ^_^