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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Ash Ketchum (Hybrid/Satyr) 11 inches long/4 fingers thick
Ability: Nature’s Aura – Can change the form of Deerling, unlocking different typings.
Moves: Energy Ball, Sweet Scent, Grass Whistle

Badges Unova: 1; Trio Badge

Pokemon on Hand 4/9

Pikachu | Ability: Static | Size 6 inches | Moves: Thunderbolt (Counter Shield), Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Parabolic Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Oshawott | Ability: Shell Armor | Size 4 Inches |  Moves: Tackle, Water Gun (Counter Shield), Razor Shell, Icy Wind

Summer (Deerling) Ability Serene Grace | Moves: Tackle, Double Kick, Leech Seed |

Tepig | Ability Thick Fat | Moves Tackle, Odor Slueth, Defense Curl, Flame Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Pokemon at Oak’s Lab: Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Tauros x 30 Snorlax, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor
Pokemon In Training: Squirtle, Primeape, Charizard,

Chapter 6 Victory Mating

Ash brought his Pokemon to the center and waited for them to get healed up. Once done he went to his room with them and called them out. “You did great guys!” Ash praised, making them all blush. He showed off the badge, the first of many hopefully. “This is for all your hard work, thank you!”

It was thanks to your training master!” Summer said.

We got so strong, and we’ll get even stronger!” Tepig wagged his tail.

Just leave it to me, and we’ll get all the badges!” Oshawott said confidently.

So long as there are no Grass or Electric Gyms.” Summer teased. Oshawott blushed in anger.

I don’t care I’ll still kick ass for master!” He ranted, the two glaring at each other. “Like you’d handle a Flying, Fire,  Bug, Ice, or Poison type gyms?” Sparks were clashing between them.

Pikachu came over. “Guys, guys, relax, no one monster is an island, we are here to work together. We’ll train together and get stronger together.”The two huffed and looked away. ‘Bulbasaur and Squirtle weren’t like this...well there was that one time Bulbasaur was drunk but...never mind…’

Oh wow!” Tepig gasped. They all looked over and Ash was getting naked.

“I’ve always been really excited during battles, but now…” His penis was standing erect, even his nipples were hard, making his chest look more erotic. The aroma of his musk and arousal filled the room.

They blushed and relaxed, feeling any negative emotions drift away, and arousal blossomed. “I think we can celebrate a great battle together, ya think?” Ash ran a hand over his stomach, up to his chest.

His heart was racing.

A race to the bed began, but Pikachu won out. “Hey no fair, you didn’t even battle!”Oshawott grumbled.

Pikachu glared at him, his cheeks sparking. Oshawott gulped and backed down. It had been Ash’s decision to use the Unova mons in this first battle, he was all ready to have a go at them, but he’d be damned if he was gonna be left out of this. This wasn’t a ground gym where he’d be at the disadvantage situation.

“Guys, this is very new to me, I’m still figuring being a hybrid out. Pikachu is my partner, my first Pokemon ever. This time I want him involved in this...okay?” That seemed reasonable, they all gotten a turn at his ass from training, this was meant to celebrate their first victory in Unova, and he wanted his partner involved.

To be a touch fair, Pikachu wouldn’t have his ass tonight, but he’d be taking a spin on his dick! Also to keep the mons from fighting, Ash let them fuck him in round order, so Tepig, Oshawott, and Summer.

Oshawott snickered, loving that he got to go before Summer. “You are lucky you go before me, my dick is bigger than yours, you’ll likely not satisfy him after me!” He made a move, the equivalent of someone doing a hair flip.

Shut up, when I evolve I’ll be even bigger than you.”

You forget I can also evolve, I’ll still be bigger than you in the end!” The two started another glaring match.

Pikachu and Tepig ignored them and joined Ash in bed. Ketchum buried his face into Pikachu’s ass, using his tongue to play with the monster’s hole. In kind Tepig buried his face between Ash’s cheeks lapping at his entrance.

Just as Ash’s tongue pushed into Pikachu’s tight ring, the hole opened up for him, just as his hole opened up for Tepig. He kissed Pikachu’s ass, tongue fucking him deep, curling and thrusting his tongue inside the monster.

Tepig ate some ass with such gusto. His tail wagged as he slurped and made out with his hole.

Oshawott and Summer stopped their dick measure contest to witness the intense passion. There were benefits of going first and last it seemed.

Ash reached around and fondled Pikachu’s balls, making the mon’s dick twitch and throb, pre-cum leaking out. His tongue churned up Pikachu’s insides, sending pleasurable sparks surging up his spine. “Ohh Arceus this feels so good, so amazing, my ass ohh my ass it’s ahh ahh ahh ohhhh!” He pawed the sheets his orgasm building up before unleashing like a lightning strike. “Ahhh~!”

Spurts rang out and made a mess of the sheets.

They weren’t done as Ash shifted so he was mounting Pikachu, and Tepig was able to mount him. “Here we go…” The tip of his massive satyr cock kissed his hole. Thrust! “Amazing!”

Pikachu’s ass swallowed him up, he sank inch after glorious inch into him. “So big, so good!”

So tight!” Tepig moaned, sinking his cock into Ash’s tight heat. With a fiery passion he began humping Ash, his balls clapping against him.

Ash shivered as pleasure surged up his spine.

Oshawott and Summer watched Pikachu get filled, they expected Ash’s mighty penis to stretch him out like a lewd sex doll, but every inch that sank into him seemed to just vanish, no bulge or anything. One of the many mysteries of Pokemon, their unique biology allowing something akin to a miracle or a supernatural phenomenon.

As soon as Ash buried his dick inside, however, Pikachu arched his back and came. “So full!” He saw stars adding to the mess on the bed.

Ketchum stilled inside Pikachu, allowing the two to have a moment even as Tepig humped and grunted behind them.

Tepig moaned as Ash suddenly got tighter, his hole clenching around him as he pulled back. “Ohhh his ass...his ass is squeezing me so good!” Ash relaxed his hole and suddenly bucked back taking all of Tepig’s dick again at once. “Ohh!”

Ahhh!” Pikachu moaned as his partner’s penis shifted inside him, stirring up his insides in a wild way. His cock twitched and throbbed, his hole squeezing the girthy shaft as it worked him in and out.

The friction was glorious, both for Ash’s front and the back door. Trapped between the two monsters, he was between a cock and a tight place, a wonderful place to be if you asked him.

His bed creaked and groaned taking the fucking of the three Pokemon. Tepig was the first to cum, he still needed to work on his stamina, but with a heated grunt he spilled his seed inside him.

Every spurt sent tingles up Ash’s spine, setting off something inside him as he exploded inside Pikachu. The same thing happened to Pikachu as each spurt made the electric type shudder, his own orgasm hitting him hard. “Anal sex...is awesome…”

Agreed!” Pikachu and Tepig agreed, but for different reasons.

Pikachu climbed off his rod, his hole gaping and full of cum, he moved away a bit before collapsing. Oshawott, Summer, and Tepig gazed at his gaping hole, a strong desire filling them. The tight ring collapsed, sealing his hole tight and locking all the delicious cum inside. Pikachu shuddered in delight.

Tepig moved around and wanted his turn on Ash’s cock, meanwhile Oshawott climbed up. As Ketchum tongue fucked the fire type, Oshawott buried his face in Ash’s massive “pokeballs”, breathing in the natural musk. He nuzzled the orbs and lapped at his sack. “Ohhh~!”

Please master fuck me!” Ash pulled back and wiped his chin. Much like Pikachu’s hole, Tepig’s entrance opened up for him easily. His saliva poured in making the channel nice and wet.

Ketchum lined up his penis, while Oshawott mounted him.

The water type pushed in. “So tight so good!”

Ash pushed into Tepig, and the pig monster began to grunt and moan. No bulging occurred his body taking all of Ash’s cock, pleasure bursting through him. Once Ash was fully seated inside him Tepig came.

So the train began to move again Oshawott began to get squeezed and bucked, Ash’s ass grinding his ass into his pelvis. “Ohhhh~!” The water type was blushing and drooling.

Tepig grunted and groaned, having Ash’s cock thrust in and out of him stirred his loins, making his soft cock stiffen once more. This was some intense training, boosting his stamina and endurance. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!” Tepig squealed and moaned, loving the friction and heat blooming inside him.

Oshawott couldn’t hold back, and he came inside Ash, triggering the domino effect. Ash came into Tepig, who came from the sensation.

He clung to Ash drooling as the trio rode out their orgasm. Tepig couldn’t move, so Ash had to help him off his cock. The pig monster was set down, his body trembling from the anal sensations. His hole was throbbing as it gaped.

As the seconds turned to minutes, Tepig’s hole closed up locking his reward inside.

It was time for musical partners, Oshawott got into position for his rimming. Summer went to Ash’s feet licking his soles as he waited to mount his trainer. Ketchum shivered as his sensitive soles were licked, his tongue dancing across his toes.

Ohhh my ass yes fuck me ass!” Oshawott howled as the tongue darted back and forth. He was enjoying it a bit too much and he made a mess of himself.

“Do you still want me to fuck you?”

Yes…” He whined. “Please use my hole, breed me!” Ketchum had to roll him onto his back.

Ash lined up and Summer mounted him. The mating began again. “You have such a tight ass, you squeezing me so good master fuck!” Deerling howled.

Once the satyr was fully seated inside Oshawott the water type came, making a mess on all over himself.

Ash had prepared everything for this celebration, just one thing he forgot...he forgot to lock the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone to pay him a visit, let alone three someones.

The gym leaders of Striaton opened the door and bared witness to an amazing sight. Ash, their newest challenger was fucking and being fucked by his Pokemon, and that wasn’t the weirdest part, he had monster traits.

Ketchum and Summer were too lost in the matings to notice they had company. Tepig and Pikachu were basking in a post orgasmic glow, and Oshawott was swimming through sub space.

The brothers could see the intense blissed out expression on Oshawott’s cum splattered face. It matched Tepig’s and Pikachu’s so it wasn’t a stretch to know they had just been fucked. The bed was a mess the sheets splattered with different streams of cum.

They watched as the bumping and grinding carried on, the bed creaking, Ash moaning and panting.

Summer came and set off the domino effect. Ash cumming into Oshawott and the water type cumming all over himself.

When Ash pulled his cock out…

“Oh wow!” They’d never seen a cock so large and thick before. It made all three brothers squirm.

The smell of sex and musk spilled out of the room, washing over them, stirring their loins. Their moan caught Ash’s and Summer’s attention and the two froze. It looked like their celebration was about to be interrupted. Given the bulges in their pants Ash had a feeling they could work something out.

To be continued...Companions!


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