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Trapped in a Dating Sim parody: Tier 1

From Mob to Jedi Knight
Leon has memories of the Otome Game, he records all the knowledge he has on the game. He knows about all the best items, the best skills, and abilities to obtain. The game had both Fantasy Classes and Sci-Fi Classes, each one having their own perks and bonuses to combat. He works hard for 10 years to upgrade his class to a powerful Jedi Knight.

Chapter 1 Sci-Fi Class

Leon had reincarnated into an Otome Game World. This world was nuts with serious balancing issues. Women had a ton of power in this world, there was a weird mix of sci-fi and fantasy.

At the academy you can learn magic, learn how to drive speeder bikes, learn how to pilot mechs, learn how to fight with a sword. With each stage of the game unlocking more and more stuff. The end game classes were amazing, but you had almost no time to train them up to be useful for the final battle.

Each of the rare classes had a ton of requirements to unlock them. So even when they became available you didn’t have enough time to build a team with the best classes.

The developers put in pay to win options, ships, mechs, beastmen, and even classes. In order to beat the game at a 100% full reverse harem ending he spent money to get the best gear, classes, and it was still a pain in the ass. He started to hate this world from how much of a pain it was, so it was a terror to find he reincarnated into this world. Not as the conquerable characters, the protagonist, or the antagonist, he was reborn as a mob!

He was Leon Fou Bartfort, from what he could remember he never saw the Bartfort Family in the game, so he was just a background mob. Knowing the dangers and bad ends, he wanted to avoid death at all costs. With his memories intact he recorded all the game knowledge

Since he paid to unlock the rare classes, he knew all the requirements to unlock them. He had 10 years before the game events began, so he busted his ass all those years to unlock what he believed to be the best class. Jedi Knight!

This class had the unique ability Force, it granted Telekinesis, Force Speed, Mind Tricks, Energy Manipulation/Magic Enhancement, Danger Sense, Astral Projection, and Life Force Charge. It was a seriously hardcore class, and they were the only class allowed to use light sabers. A bad ass weapon that could cut through armors and enemies with ease.

Leon worked really hard, slowly but surely meeting the requirements unlocking everything he needed to become one. His elder brother Nicks was amazed at his ability, Leon did hold back some, not wanting to reveal all his cards yet. His brother Colin thought he was so cool, admiring his big brother a whole lot.

His sisters Jenna and Finley didn’t care so much, they had already become pretty twisted. Zola not helping matters every time she visited for the families tribute. She was the reason Leon had to keep his full abilities on the down low, or she’d send him off to war/the battlefield.

Rutart was Zola’s son, but not be Leon’s father Balcus. She showed him favoritism over Leon and his brothers, but Leon knew she treated Rutart cruelly, demanding him be useful to the family by increasing their standing. She only treated him nicely in front of them because he was her “true” son, and superior to Balcus’s offspring.

He had one job, get to a position where he could be rubbing elbows with the finest, earning political favors, and marrying a high class woman. It was almost sad, he was turning his nose up at family who’d at least care and love him, to be with his mother and sister who didn’t love him at all, all because of his gender.

Merce was a piece of work, just like her mother, who viewed all men even Rutart as disposable tools. They gave the poor blonde boy quite the complex, he had a noble’s ego and sense of entitlement, but also an inferiority complex that his worth was only in his accomplishments.

Rutart was actually jealous of Leon, who had a warm family, strength, and had some impressive endowments. This jealousy would only grow as Leon obtained wealth and fame.

Because of one of his mother’s schemes, Leon rejected a suicidal marriage offer and went off to make his fortune. Indeed he did, obtaining vast amounts of riches, discovering and claiming an island for his own, and he returned with a fine ship. His mother tried to claim it, but thanks to Adventurer Laws she couldn’t touch it. She’d take it out on Rutart.

Leon would enjoy the look of anger on Zola’s face when he came back with Luxion. He risked his life for this special item, Luxion being an in game purchase item. Leon had paid money for it in the game, so felt this was his to use. Plus he had nearly died obtaining it.

Luxion was tough, even designed with anti magic defenses, but funny thing is, Force wasn’t magic, even if it could be used to enhance magic. There was a few rare classes in the game that could dance around anti magic enemies.

Even if Luxion was meant for the protagonist, but he promised he’d make it up to her one day. ‘Sorry protagonist, but I need this to survive.’ From playing the game multiple times Leon had a deep hatred for the characters, but those feelings faded with time. All his ambitions boiled down to living a good life as a Baronette, having enough strength to avoid any bad endings, and living a simple mob life.

Luxion pointed out that, this might not be possible.

“What I’m a Baron!” Leon hadn’t realized he’d get promoted from his conquest. Now he’d have to go to the Academy and find a high class woman, which was terrifying as a lot of them were like Zola and Merce. Even his own sisters were becoming spoiled rotten by Zola’s influence.

Leon had given his family money, so they could hire more staff, which would help take care of the house and they could prepare the tribute for Zola a lot easier. Jenna had demanded that Leon buy her a demi-human servant. So he did, for himself!

The look on her face was priceless, he had pretended to do as she says, but after she picked out the demi-human she wanted, he bought him for himself/household. Miauler was a feline demi-human and with Leon’s contract he was paid handsomely.

Demi-humans were used to having female masters, often getting to be their paramours as a bonus. Mistreatment of demi-humans weren’t allowed as a canceled contract made it look bad on the household/contractor. It was very rare for them to have male masters. Many of them preferred servitude over risking their lives fighting in arenas for entertainment.


Zola was pissed, she hated all the male children Balcus had, but Leon she seemed more drawn to in wrath. “Rutart, do what you have to, but make sure you get some of the brat’s money!” She sent him to collect the tribute for the year.

“But mother…” Slap! She struck him.

“Don’t talk back to me boy!” He looked to his sister for help but she just smirked at his pain.

“Yes mother...” Rutart didn’t know what to do, he had very little fighting experience and Leon had enough skill to capture a dungeon on his own. Plus he’d spent his whole life looking down on Leon, taking out his familial frustrations out on him, so they weren’t exactly close. He had only one card to play, and that was the big brother card. ‘I’m doomed!’



Leon was gushing about what he found, traversing the dangerous dungeon he found a special stone using the force. It was typically the only way to find these crystals, he gave Luxion the instructions for the mechanism and voila Leon had crafted his own personal Lightsaber! “This is totally awesome!” Not only were the blades top of the line, able to cut through nearly anything, one could apply their magical affinity to it for even much punch. Leon’s affinity was lightning so the color of his lightsaber was orange.

Red: Fire, Orange: Lightning, Yellow: Earth, Green: Wind, Blue: Water, Indigo: Ice, Purple: Multi, White: Light, Black: Darkness.

“Master, Rutart is here, and he’s looking for you.” Luxion informed him.

“And did you scan him?” The little metal ball nodded.

“Indeed, it was as you suspected you two share no blood between you.” It wasn’t a surprise, Zola used men often. His father believed Rutart to be his son but it was a lie.

“Well let’s see what he wants.” Luxion hid as Rutart found Leon.


“Hey big brother, what do you want?” He said in a flippant tone.

“How dare you speak to me that way!” He growled, trembling with anger. Rutart reminded Leon much of his sister in his previous life, spoiled, mean, using the people around her for their own personal gain.

Rutart calmed down. “I’m here for the tribute.”

“It’s already been assembled, you can take it and go.”

Rutart got in his face. “With your wealth you should give more!”

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t be selfish, with your spoils you can easily give us more, as you should after all our family has done for yours.” Leon fought hard not to snap.

‘This arrogant bastard. He can’t be serious.’ Whenever Zola visited Bachus, his mother, and brothers had to sleep in a shed, while her side and his sisters had the run of the estate.

Leon tried to keep his cool. Rutart may have been older, but he’d become lazy not knowing the value of hard work or wanting to. “You are the eldest son, you should provide income for the family.”

Rutart glared at him. “How insolent!”

“Maybe, but we’ve prepared the tribute as required, if Zola wants more she needs to petition the court.” Leon knew the court wouldn’t give Zola more money without cause, Leon’s increase in wealth wasn’t cause, given his promotion having her go after their family would be frowned upon. Zola was many things, but she prided herself on her family’s status and position in the capitol.

She couldn’t do this legally so she sent Rutart to try and shake them down off the books. “As your big brother I’m ordering you to increase the tribute!” Leon fought back a laugh.

If Nicks or his father came to him for money, he’d gladly give it up, within reason. Leon lost the fight to hold back his laughter. “Hahahaha!”

Rutart glared at him. “I’m serious! I’m ordering you as the eldest son to…”

Be quiet!” Rutart was silenced. “You won’t get a thing pulling that card with me. Why don’t you just admit the truth.” He used a mind trick on the blonde.

“Please…” He began to tear up. “If I don’t get more money, mother will punish me. I can’t fail, I can’t!” Rutart was brought to his knees, both shocked and horrified at the truth.

“Fine, you can have a small increase to the tribute, but you are gonna have to work for it.”

“Me work? You can’t…”

Be quiet!” Again Rutart was silenced. “You really don’t get the position you’re in, that woman treats you like shit just like us. You’ve lorded your status over me and my brothers for years, not once have you showed us familial kindness. Why should I show you any kindness now?”

“Please...I can’t go back a failure…”

“You can, even if I do give you the money your mother isn’t gonna treat you any better.”

“You don’t know that!” Rutart snapped. “She...she will...I just…” It was hard to deny, as it was a deeply rooted fear compounded by years of his mother’s abuse.

She won’t, you will accept the truth!”

“I will accept the truth!” His eyes widened.

You will work for this money!”

“I will work for this money!” A hand clapped over his mouth. ‘What am I saying...but it’s true...I should work for this money…’

You’ll earn it with your body!”

“I’ll earn it with my body…” Rutart shivered. The words sounded so strange, but he couldn’t deny the truth of them.

“Take off your clothes.” The blonde blushed, but obeyed.

‘Why...why am I getting hard?’ He stripped down and his penis stood erect. His expensive clothing was removed, his cheeks growing redder as he exposed himself before Leon. This wasn’t part of the Mind Trick, there was just something about this situation and being commanded by a stronger male that stirred Rutart’s loins.

So when he took off the last bit of clothing, his tiny tool sprang up. “Wow is that what you are working with, oh man, whoever Zola slept with must not have had much going for him. Even Colin is bigger than you.”

“Stop…” He shuddered, his penis starting to weep.

Zola had set him up with potential marriage prospects but because of his endowments the girls weren’t interested unless he paid for her paramours. Zola would have forced the issue except it was her pocket book that’d be drained since her son had no fortune of his own.

Rutart covered himself. He knew...he knew he’d never find a bride at this rate, he was almost 20. While he had a strong position, it wasn’t that high, he had looks but not much else going for him.

“Ah ah none of that!” He slapped his hands away.

“Are you gonna humiliate me, is that what I must do to earn the increase?” Leon stepped up and grabbed him by the cock. “Ahhh~!”

“Just relax, I’m gonna show you more love and attention in one day then Zola probably has in your whole life.” He started jerking off Rutart’s cock.

“Ahh ahh ahh ahh~!” It didn’t take him long to cum, but Leon said nothing he just kept going. Luxion gave Leon some very unique info about New Humans, and he wanted to test some things.

Rutart had his nipple played with, much to his embarrassment he was made to cum from them. Leon toyed with his body, playing with his cock and balls. A new human’s libido could be stimulated by magic, so Rutart got hard again and again, cumming swift as his sensitivity increased.

At first Rutart was humiliated, cumming so fast and easily, he’d be mocked for sure, but instead Leon just whispered words of love into his ear. He encouraged him and gave him tips on how to use his magic to extend his endurance.

Leon whispered praise, admiring the blonde’s physique and beauty. It had Rutart’s heart fluttering. What drove him nuts was when Leon began playing with his ass, one finger alone had him cumming dry.

New humans had special nerve endings in their ass, to fuel their magic new humans broke down all food and converted it to mana, so the ass existed only for mating. Some women used this to their advantage pegging their husbands as a way of gaining more control over them, or enjoyed watching demi-humans fuck them. Never knowing or understanding why this was.

The anal stimulus sent Rutart’s heart racing. One finger became two, and not long after three, but between then and now were many orgasms. Rutart felt his family jewels be drained, his “precious lineage” spilled. He didn’t care, he wanted more, more of this, more praise, more affection.

This was an Otome Game world and Rutart was about to be conquered. All his hatred and jealousy for Leon was overwhelmed by feelings of love and desire. His pretty face was twisted up by heat and lust.

The blonde’s stamina was completely drained. His body glistened with sweat, flushed, and his cock lay spent. “Well that’s a good start!” Leon brought him to the bed, slowly he tied Rutart’s arms and legs to the posts.

“What are you doing?” Rutart panted out.

“You didn’t think this was over right? If you want that tribute money you’ll be paying me with your body, but you don’t have any experience in sex, so I’ll be having Miauler train you.”

“Miauler?!” The demi-human entered the room buck naked and his massive cock standing erect. ‘He’s huge!’

“At your service Master Leon!”

“You have one week before Zola expects you back with the tribute, I’ll have Miauler train your body, so you’ll know how to pleasure a man, then you can earn the extra tribute money.”

“But Leon…I…” Leon silenced him.

“You came here as Zola’s pawn, so long as you stay as her puppet I can’t love you. Show me you have strength, show me you have the spirit to grow, show me you have the capability to be better!” If Rutart continued down this road, he’d likely end up dead, or end up cucked for the rest of his life.

Rutart blushed, he understood. Miauler crawled into bed and mounted him, thrusting his thick demi-human cock into his tight no longer virgin ass. “Ahhhh!” It was all pleasure, the special nerve endings lighting up as his walls were stretched with dick.

“I leave him in your hands,” Leon said, turning to leave.

“Leave it to me!” Miauler said and began to hump Rutart. The bed creaking and the blonde’s moans followed Leon out.

Love was a powerful thing, especially in an otome game world. Leon didn’t know if he could save him, but he decided to try.

To be continued.


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