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Overlord parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 Apprentice and Cocoon of Darkness

The mission was almost complete, they had killed some monsters, and escorted Nfirea to Carne Village. Ninya apologized if they upset Momon with their questions the night before. They were forgiven and they shared with Momon information about the mighty creatures in the surrounding area.

The Demon Snake of the West, The Great Giant of the East, The Demon Tree of the North, and the Wise King of the Forest who ruled the South. Each of them ruled the territory that was The Great Forest of Tob, the four of them held command and dominion of the monsters.

Ninya also spoke of the dragons, mighty ones who lived up in the mountains that had all manner of powers. Momon thanked Ninya for the information. They smiled.

“Ehh?” The group had arrived at Carne Village, but...

A large and sturdy fence had been built. “This wasn’t here before.”

‘Did they build this after the attack by the Sunlight Scripture?’ He wondered.

The adventurers felt eyes on them, without realizing it they were surrounded by Goblins. “Don’t move, lower your weapons!” Arrows were drawn and aimed at them.

Greed was ready to slaughter them, easily. “Wait Gered…”

The Goblin leader got bat vibes at the sight of Momon. “Go get the boss, this could be trouble.” A Goblin runs off.

‘These goblins...they are…’

Sure enough out comes “the boss”. “Enri!” Nfirea called out happily.

“Stand down boys, these are guests.” To the adventurer’s surprise the goblins obeyed. They were invited in, the goblins were working with the humans trying to teach them basics in fighting.

Enri and Nfirea went off to catch up, she brought him up to speed on what happened. “That’s awful…” His hand balled into a fist. “You know…I…” He wanted to comfort her, to tell her he can be there for her, if she wanted him to be.

“But it’s okay…” He blinked. “I have my sister, so I can’t be sad forever. I gotta be strong for her and the village!”

‘She’s so cute!’ Nfirea blushed.

“What about the goblins?”

“Oh, I summoned them with the item master Ainz Ooal Gown gave me.” She smiled and waved at some of them. “They’ve been a big help!”


She clapped her hands together. “Do you know him Nfirea?”

“Well um…”

“He was so amazing and strong, he gave me this bright red potion that healed my wounds.”

‘A bright red potion…’ He was a bit distracted at the praised Enri was giving this mystery man. ‘Who is this guy?’

“He was so powerful he cast magic to protect me and my sister, and he was also able to turn one of those awful knights into a soldier to protect the village. I heard he left the village and took on all the invaders himself!”

Nfirea hadn’t heard of any recent magic casters with such skill outside of the big names but they wouldn’t be around her, even using a fake name. “Was he with anyone?”

“Oh yes! Lord Demiurge, he was such a striking man, so handsome!” That name, it couldn’t be coincidence.

‘Gered said it before...so it must be...Momon is really Ainz!’ He rushed off leaving Enri confused.


Fate could be a funny thing, he wondered if it was because of his Luck stat that such things happened in his favor like this. He had saved Carne village because as Touch Me said, it was the right thing to do. The goblin summoning tool was but a cheap gacha drop, he had given it to Enri on a whim, but it seemed to be working out.

Nfirea was getting all twisted up inside, if Momon was truly Ainz Ooal Gown, then he was a high tier warrior capable of using magic as well, he also saved Enri and Carne Village. ‘And here I’ve been sneaking around trying to steal his secrets.’

Things were about to take another turn as Nfirea came to him. “Mr. Momon...are you Ainz Ooal Gown?”

He tensed in his armor. ‘What...how did he find out?’ Ainz fumbled over his response. “No...you’re mistaken...I’m not…”

“You saved Carne Village and Enri, I’m forever grateful.” He bowed his head. “Thank you so very much!”

“How...how did you find out about this?”

“You gave an adventurer a rare red potion, such a rare and valuable item that’s not easily made by known methods. You had used a similar potion to save Enri.” That would certainly be suspicious. “Enri told me you had traveled with a male companion named Demiurge, and Gered mentioned such a man at camp.”

Greed tensed, his slip had put Ainz’s identity in danger. Momon sighed. He patted Greed’s shoulder. “Greed, will you give us a moment.”

“Yes sir!” He walked off, but staying close enough to act if there was trouble. Greed just hoped Ainz wouldn’t be too angry or disappointed with him.

“Have you told anyone this?” Nfirea shook his head.

“I don’t know why you are concealing your identity, but I’m very much in your debt, so I’ll tell no one.”

Ainz was kicking himself, he had been too careless. Yes Greed slipped up but Nfirea would have come across this discovery from the potion. “I see...is there anything else?”

“Well sir, I owe you an apology.”

“What for?” Nfirea rubbed his arm in guilt.

“You see, I requested this mission with you specifically. When the adventurer told me who it was who gave them that rare item. I lost myself, I requested you for this mission so I could get close to you and learn your secrets.” He bowed his head. “I’m sorry!”

Ainz couldn’t help himself, he laughed. “You are quite the naughty boy Nfirea!” The blonde blushed. “That was indeed the devious trick, but I can’t help but commend you.” Ainz raised a hand. “You were curious, you saw an opportunity to learn and you took it, I don’t dislike that spirit!”

“Oh…” Nfirea squirmed.

“But you did deceive me, seeking to steal my secrets, I think some light punishment is in order.” He went over and sat on a boulder. “Drop your pants boy, I’m gonna punish you right here and now.”

Nfirea’s blush grew going from ear to ear. “You mean...you’re going to…”

“Spank you yes, now come here!” The boy shivered but couldn’t disobey. He undid his pants, dropping them and what passed in this world as underwear.

“If you I do this, you’ll forgive me?”

“Absolutely!” Nfirea nodded and laid across his lap.

Ainz brought his hand down with a heavy smack. “Ahh!” Ainz’s big hands came down across both cheeks, with a force that shook the blonde to his core. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!”

‘What is this feeling, it hurts but...it also…’ His face burned hotter as the spanking continued, his loins stirring. Greed watched in a mix of fascination, lust, and a bit of jealousy.

After fifty swats Nfirea was left panting, his body trembling, his butt cheeks had a red tint to them from the heavy slaps. “Rise.”

“I...I can’t…”

‘Did I go to hard on him...oh!’ Ainz rubbed his back. “Rise!” His tone was firm and commanding and Nfirea obeyed, revealing his hard penis. He couldn’t help himself, using his shirt he tried to cover his front, which only showed off his backside more. “Do not be ashamed, this kind of reaction happens for some.” One of his friends was a kinky fucker, and loved to share explicit details with him.

“Do you forgive me?”

“All is forgiven.” Nfirea couldn’t help but smile. “Tell me, what did you plan on doing with the information once you acquired it?”

“I...I hadn’t thought that far ahead, the knowledge was tantalizing enough. How I went about this is wrong, but with your knowledge of combat and magic, I know now…” He took off his clothes and prostrated himself before Ainz. “Please...make me your apprentice!”

Nfirea was a skilled pharmacist, he could do magic, plus he was a unique with the ability to be able to use any magic item without penalty. Such a person who could very valuable to him, and to Nazarick. ‘He’s eager to learn, a drive that could lead him to danger, but if I take him under my wing…’

“I’ll think about it.” Nfirea was grateful, he gathered his clothes and redressed, the sting of his ass giving him a mild discomfort.

Greed came out, apologizing for his mistake, he’d have gladly paid with his life, but Momon felt a spanking would suffice. The demon fought back a squeal as he was led away for punishment.

The rest of the job was carried out as they went to the Forest of tob to gather herbs, the Swords of Darkness would provide extra security and assistance. The area near Carne Village was under the dominion of the Wise King of the Forest. Such a beast peaked Ainz’s interest.

He went to check it out, with Aura showing up. With her help they were able to draw out the beast which...Ainz recognized…

“Would you be...a Djugarian hamster?” They were a large four legged silver furred beast. They had a snake like tail, and magical markings on their body.

“You know of my kind?!” His friend had a pet, collecting them, but they weren’t so large.

The two have a “battle” but Ainz easily dominates the giant hamster. ‘Wise King of the Forest my boney ass!’

Not wanting to die, the hamster swore loyalty to Ainz/Momon.

They brought him back to the others and they were amazed, stunned by the magnificence of the Wise King. ‘Seriously?! Am I missing something?’

Even Greed claimed to see a form of power in their eyes. ‘Really?’ It was fast, strong, and some skills. It even tried to use Charm Creature, not a bad plan if they weren’t demons and undead. Aura was a higher level than them.

Nfirea was a bit worried, once the Beast of the South was taken, it might cause monsters to get more active. The giant hamster confirmed this would happen, but it would take time. The Demon Tree was slow to take action, and the Kings of the West and East were at war with each other for years. “It’ll work out, do not worry.” He wasn’t gonna let Carne village fall.

The goblins would be able to handle the beasts and monsters for now. With Momon’s help they were able to collect a lot of high quality herbs.

They brought the Wise King back with them, Momon would have to register him to their team at the guild. Peter and his squad would go with Nfirea and help them unload. It was a fine adventure. “There’s some chilled fruit water, I’ll get you some.”

“Thanks, we can hang here while we wait for Mr. Momon.” The group wanted to ask him something important.

There was just one problem…

“Hey there little one, I’m here to kidnap you!” Clementine was waiting for them, with Khaji even erecting a barrier to mask any noise from the slaughter. “Oh let me take my time with just one of them.”

“Ugh very well.” This was bad, for all of them.

‘Momon...help us…’ Ninya was freaking out.

They had no escape, and even as a team they were no match for her.


Ainz had finished his business at the guild, registering Hamsuke to their team. He bumped into Nfirea’s grandmother and walked her back to the shop where…



“I know these men!” Ainz was pissed, for many reasons. A quick scan he learned fast that Nfirea wasn’t among the corpses. ‘So he was kidnapped.’

From the zombies there had to be a necromancer among them. ‘Not a very skilled one at that.’

When killing someone there were different ways, one could become Mostly Dead, which can be revived in numerous ways, Death which required divine magics to reverse, True Death which depending on the caster made it impossible to revive someone.

Creating an undead was seen as a means to stop any chance of resurrection. Undeath makes one an undead creature, typically once one is made into an undead it’s over, all you can do is kill them to put them to rest. Ainz was not just anyone.

He was an OVERLORD one of the highest levels of undead in Yggdrasil. Taking the class of Eclipse, his title of master of life and death. The dark magics he wielded were on a whole other level, the one who zombified these men was a novice in comparison. Ainz or Momonga could create undead of a higher level and skill on a whim and a spell.

There was one trick he learned for dealing with necromancers and undead enemies. Cocoon of Darkness, a powerful Super Tier Spell or as some might call it Eleventh Tier. It had the power to dominate and take over another caster’s zombie spell.

As an Overlord he was a master of death, and undead/zombies were still a class. Had they been stripped of their flesh and made into skeleton warriors there were fewer options he’d have been able to do, but zombies...ohhh he could work with that. ‘I’m sorry, I can’t make you human again...but you shall live again...if you come to hate me...I’ll understand, forgive this selfish fool!’

Cocoon of Darkness!

To be Continued



I'm glad this series is back