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Overlord Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 10 

Chapter 11 Wrath of the Undead

The Cocoon of Darkness, a super tier spell he picked up in the game. His friends thought it was a waste of a spell slot. In practice you could use it on either your opponent’s undead or your undead, to do a class upgrade in the middle of combat. There were different ways to do a class change in the game, some more difficult than others.

This one as seen by the players wasn’t really the best, as the spell could be broken by destroying the cocoon. Momonga was capable of summoning high level undead, even fellow Overlords at least once a day. Nazarick had so many options to do class upgrades and summon forces, so it seemed a little silly to waste a spell slot on a spell that could fail.

He was glad he kept this spell, it was one he could cast six times a day, so reviving the party was an easy task, for a price. This was a big risk for him, but with what he saw…

Clementine killed them, people he fought along side, people who offered him companionship, information, and kindness. These people who reminded him of his old friends, remembering the good times, they had helped him. While other adventurers looked down on them, they had invited them go on a quest, get some experience. ‘This shouldn’t have happened...this isn’t right…’

They were good people, and had he been there this could have been prevented, of that he was sure. He had allowed innocent life to slip through his fingers and it angered him.

Ainz blamed himself, had he handled things differently he could have properly guarded Nfirea and they’d be off on a different job, or had he turned down Nfirea’s request he’d have traveled with them and they’d not been caught up in this mess. He had suggested they all work together, he had split from the party to handle other business, the job wasn’t over and he failed...

Even as their undead bodies charged at him, he couldn’t bring himself to destroy them, they were too weak to hurt him anyway. They clawed and struck at his armor, unable to leave a scratch. They weren’t targeting him specifically, undead had a habit of targeting life, they were simply trying to get passed him to go after Greed and Lizzie.

They had potential, they had dreams, and goals, and their lives were snuffed out. Ninya...she had potential, she was a unique able to learn any spell upon seeing it once. He didn’t know why she was hiding her gender, but the attacker took their time tormenting her.

He cast the Cocoon of Darkness, binding each of their corpses and trapping them in the corners of the room. So long as they weren’t disturbed, they would be brought back as monsters.

Whoever did this had taken Nfirea, but something else as well. ‘Their plates are missing.’

Greed came in and noticed the powerful spell. “A...Momon sir, are you sure about this?”

“I am...I’ll take full responsibility…” Greed nodded.

“As you wish sir.”

Lizzie had searched the home and shop, not finding a sign of Nfirea. “They’ve taken him for something.”

“These poor souls, they died trying to protect my grandson didn’t they.”

“You need not worry about them, I’ve seen to them.” She looked at the strange cocoons.

‘What magic is this?’

“Whoever took your grandson left these zombies out in the open, they aren’t covering their tracks so they aren’t seeking to buy time. What will you do?”


“Yes, shall you make a request?”

She nodded. “Yes of course!”

“I shall take everything!”


“Everything, in exchange I will guarantee the safe return of your grandson.”

“How cruel of you taking advantage of an old woman in need.” She glared at him. “They say devils can grant any wish for one’s soul, be you devils?”

“Even if we are, we are devils who can save your grandson, what will it be?”

“Fine...we have a deal…”


There was a bigger plan at work here, a scheme that had dragged Nfirea and Ainz into it. He was angry, almost giving into emotion and acting rashly but something caused him to calm down. Ainz knew that learning anything by magic had a price, a skilled magic caster could detect such things. He didn’t know the skill of the magic caster, but a part of him wished to be cautious.

Greed brought out the scrolls they’d need and it was a lot. “Maybe there is a faster way, they stole from the dead that means we can call in a favor.”

Summon Gravedigger’s Compass!” Greedsummoned a tiny purple imp, clad in green, and carrying graverobber tools.

“Shihihi, you wish to find a grave, or was something stolen from a tomb, ask and I will find it, for more payment I’ll take you to the thief!”

Ainz used some Nazarick gold to pay for the cost. This was a demon summon, a creature capable of finding anything stolen from a tomb or the dead, for a price. Players used him after PK-ers took them out to try and get their gear back. He was quite the handy summon, but typically only a demon or majin could summon him easy. ‘I’m so glad I brought Greed along.’

“Well done Greed!” The demon blushed at the praise.

The imp brought his shovel and pick axe together magically creating a compass arrow that pointed. Towards the stolen item.

They were in the graveyard, and someone was building an army of undead. A massive number of bone soldiers appeared and began attacking the city gate. Momon, Gered, and Hamsuke showed up to deal with them.

The soldiers refused to open the gate because of the undead, so Momon jumped over and began to quell the forces.

“Is he crazy a couple of adventurers can’t beat an army that size.” The once might roar of the undead became deathly quiet. These low level undead were a cakewalk for Greed and Ainz, with Hamsuke’s speed and tail attack they were mowing the bones down easy.

Once they got to the zombies, they had to change tactics. Hamsuke was alive, so the once shuffling and slow zombies activated growing wild and violent.

Greed had to life the giant hamster into the air. “Honestly…”

“I’m sorry for this master, I am truly!”

“Just quit moving around so much, you are big and fluffy so you’re hard to hold.”

Getting out of their range the zombies calmed down, but there were still so many of them. ‘Should I call Nazarick for back up? No, this is Momon’s mission and I shall finish it!’

People will speak of this night, where a knight in dark armor would battle against the undead. The men at the gate would spread the story. As they vanished into the night silencing the undead.

Once they were out of sight Ainz summoned back up. “Create Middle Tier Undead, Corpse Collector! Jack the Ripper!” He summoned the two undead soldiers. “Get ‘em!”

They went to town, easily ripping apart the zombies. “Deal with thee undead pests, scare off any guards or adventurers that try to interfere.” He didn’t want anyone stealing credit or getting in his way.

Greed was a bit confused, if Ainz wanted to increase their reputation, would it have not been better to let the zombies siege the gate and cause more trouble. “No, these opponents have been sneaking about, we don’t know what they are up to or their over all goal. Plus they have a potential hostage it’s better we handle this now.”

He left Hamsuke in a tree, Ainz summoned two more undead to protect him, lower tier. Bone Vulture, it’d sweep and take out undead that got too close. “Let’s do this!”

“This is the location, they are in the tomb, I’ll be on my way!” The imp vanished.

A group of necromancers were chanting using a relic to infect the graveyard with dark magic to raise more and more undead. Momon approached. “Hello there…” He greeted. “Nice night isn’t it?”

The necromancers eyed him confused. Khajit saw his copper plate. “How did a mere copper plate get passed my bones and zombies?”

“Simple...I walked…”

Khajit gripped the orb in his hand tightly, it pulsed in his rage.  “Who the hell are you?!”

“I am Momon, an adventurer. This is my partner Gered. We’re looking for a boy who was taken, have you seen him?” One of the men shifted, looking towards the tomb entrance. ‘Back there huh?’

“Are there more of you?”

‘As if I’d answer that honestly, is this guy some kind of pawn?’

“No it’s just us.”

“Liar! No way only two adventurers could get through my undead army.”

Momon shrugged. “It’s your choice if you believe me or not.”

“How did you find this place?”

“You can thank the one with the stabbing weapon.”

“That little wench…” Khajit cursed.

“Oh so you checked their corpses huh?” She came out, and with very little prompting raised her cloak revealing armor she’d fashioned with the plates of adventurer’s she killed. “So your name is Momon huh, I’ve never heard of you, but that’s some fancy armor you got there.”

“Clementine your bad habits got us in trouble, I warned you!”

“Relax, it’s just two of them, even if there’s more we’ll just kill them to!” She eyed Momon and Gered. “How did the two of you find us so fast?”

“The plates told us.”

“The plates?” She giggled. “You’re a weird one.”

“Gered take the necromancer and his men.”

“Yes sir.” Greed cracked his knuckles.

“Keep your eye on the sky.”


Momon pointed at Clementine. “Let us go kill each other over there.”

“Okay!” She licked her lips. The two walked off. “So were those dudes I killed your buddies or something?” He didn’t respond to her. “I just can’t get excited for those types. That caster chick kept saying someone would show up and save them but never did. Poor thing no one did come save her, can you believe she was pretending to be a guy?”

“Do you want me to apologize, do you hate me? Will saying sorry make you feel better?” She teased and taunted trying to get a rise out of him.

“There is no need to apologize. They are fine.”

“Excuse me?”

“Those people you killed, your necromancer friend did a poor job corrupting their bodies, it was easy to fix.”

“You must be crazy, you can’t undo zombification?” That wasn’t true, Ainz knew of divine arts that could have done a much better job, but as an undead he couldn’t learn them, but he did fine with items and dark arts.

“You do need to worry about them, you’ll never see them again, and as for you I’m gonna put you so deep in the ground no manner of resurrection will be enough to revive you!”

“You must be crazy, you think some copper plate newbie can beat me?” She listed off the people she believed could put up a good fight against her, which Ainz took note of for later. “In the hero world, Clementine can’t be beat!”

“That’s why I’m giving you a handicap.”

“Excuse me?”

“I refuse to take you seriously, so shut up and let’s get this started.”

“Oh, I get it, you think that pretty boy is gonna beat Khajit and come help you, too bad you made a mistake sending him against Khajit alone.”

“Gered could finish off him and you, and it wouldn’t even be much of a work out.”

“Man...you are really starting to piss me off.”

“I don’t care, you see you crossed my path, made a mess of my plans, so I’m gonna break you slowly if possible.” He planned to use her to study and understand martial art skills in this world.

Their fight began!


Greed was dealing with Khajit and his followers, the others weren’t much. “Twin Max: Nova Flare!” He conjured two massive balls of fire and launched them at the group. They managed to defend Khajit but collapsed dead. “So you survived, you are more of a cockroach than a worm.”

“Fool!” He snapped. “You underestimate me, a mere magic caster couldn’t help to stand up to my power!”

His orb absorbed the negative energy and bodies of his fallen men. ‘He can’t possibly be that strong, it must be the item he’s holding.’ That is correct. ‘What is he up to?’

Lord Ainz’s words shined in his mined, and he managed to dodge out of the way as a bone claw came down. Greed rolled out of the way. “A…”

“Skeletal Dragon!” Khajit laughed. “The enemy of magic casters, this beast is absolutely resistant to magic!”

“I guess I’ll just have to…” He wrapped his hands. “Clobber it to death!” He punched the heck out of the dragon.



The noise of the battle drew Momon’s attention. “A skeletal dragon?”

“You know your stuff, the enemy to magic casters.”

‘I mean it could be worse, it’s just a skeletal dragon, it’ll take time but Greed can handle it, it’s not like a Death Dragon, that’d be some real trouble.’ Clementine attacked Momon believing he was distracted.

She charged at him, Momon swung at her and she used a Martial Art Skill to dodge in mid air. He attacked and she blocked it with another martial art. She went at his arm trying to break his shoulder.

Clementine charged forward and went at his eye. Had he been a living person he’d have lost it. ‘Hmm too shallow…’ Her weapons were odd as well. “That’s some pretty good armor you got there.”

‘Good she thinks it’s the armor protecting me.’


Greed was boxing with the skeletal dragon, causing it the shatter and crack. Khajit used dark magic to cause the dragon to regenerate/heal. “How annoying!”

That item was the key, this jewel of death was giving off waves of negative energy, which could mend the dragon no matter how many times he smashed it. ‘Doing this as an adventurer is gonna be rough.’

Khajit had no idea he was holding back, the mighty demon power he was restraining for Ainz/Momon’s plan.

So the necromancer thought he could win with two skeletal dragons. Burning the remainder of his negative energy he summoned another one. “Great...now there’s two of them…”

“Ha fool, meet your death, once I kill you and your friend my dragons will invade the city, my precious jewel of death will be recharged in no time!”

They swiped at Greed, causing the demon to dodge and duck, avoiding the claws and fangs. ‘This could be worse, at least they aren’t death dragons.’ Death Dragons being a higher tier undead dragon, one resistant to actual death, to destroy one you either had to kill the summoner, or destroy the body and soul at the same time.

“Why don’t you give up now, I might spare you and have you join my ranks seeing as you have some talent in magic.”

“You human scum...don’t try that shit with me, I’d never serve trash like you.”

“Kill him!” Khajit shouted and the dragons attacked.


Ainz had learned enough from Clementine, he acknowledged he was still a novice as a warrior. “The hour grows late.”

“Are you expecting help to come save you.”

“No...it is time to finish this!” Ainz took a deep breath. “GREED!” He shouted. “SHOW THEM THE MIGHT OF NAZARICK!”


Greed smirked. ‘So I can go all out?’ He chuckled. “As my lord wishes!”

The dragons went to strike him only for him to vanish. “Where did he go?” He looked around. “Did he cast Fly?”

His gaze turned to the air and his jaw dropped. Before him was no longer a human adventurer, but a demon.

“Rejoice human, you no longer face the adventurer Gered, now you face Evil Lord Greed!” His human features were replaced with more demonic traits, he had horns and wings. The simple adventurer garb was now replaced with full plate armor, his eyes held a deep unending desire in them. His weapon was a mighty scythe. “I am one of the three Lords of Evil, guardians of Lord Demiurge, we who serve Nazarick, and the great Ainz Ooal Gown!”

“What nonsense are you speaking? Could this be disguise magic? You think pretending to be a demon will scare me?”

“Pretending?” Greed laughed.

“Allow me to give you a lesson.” In a flash he appeared behind Khajit and severed his arm.

“AAAAAHHHH!” He freaked out. “MY ARM!” He had to cling to his staff to collapse.

“I could have taken your head, but I want you to bare witness to how truly week you are!” His scythe floated beside him, his hands came together and he began to charge up his magic.

“Do what you want, my dragons are resistant to magic, no matter what spell you cast it will do you no good.”

“This will be a good learning experience for you, the price will be your life. First resistance is not immunity, second your dragons are only resistant to magic tier 6 and lower. I can cast greater magic.”


Twin Maximize Magic, Magma Burst Dragons!”The spell unleashed to dragons made of magma, they destroyed the skeletal dragons and reduced the necromancer to ash. He had taken the arm with the orb in it to keep it safe from his attack.

“I’m sure Lord Ainz will praise me” His wings fluttered happily.

Speaking of…

Clementine and Ainz’s fight was reaching it’s end, had Clementine knew what he was she’d have used different tactics, but she wasn’t facing a human. So when she stabbed him in the eyes and unleashed the magic stored inside she thought it was over. “Wait...why won’t you die!?” Momon dropped his disguise revealing the truth. “You...you’re an elder lich…”

“I’m an Overlord…” He removed the weapons from his eyes. “These were quite unique weapons, I’ll have to study them later.”

“What? How?”

“How did it feel Miss Clementine, to face a magic caster with a sword, how did you like my skills? Hahaha!”

“You bastard!” She struggled, but Ainz’s grip was too strong.

“How does it feel to know, a mage fought you without a single spell.”

“You piece of shit!” She struggled more and thrashed, but her attacks did nothing.

“You took your time killing them didn’t you, especially little Ninya?” He tightened his hold on her.


“You made the mistake of angering an undead, you shall face my wrath, take it, down to your bones!”


The look of horror on her face in the end was priceless. Ainz recalled the undead he conjured, and raided the tomb finding Nfirea inside, he had been tortured to, he was clad in a see through robe and a strange magic item on his head. ‘So this is what they needed him for, what a waste.’ He broke the magic item.

Nfirea was healed with magic. He was carried out bridal style in Momon’s arms. “Mr...Momon…”

“You are safe now.”

“Wait the others...they’re all dead...I couldn’t protect them...I was too weak...it’s all my fault…” He clung to Momon and cried.

“Easy…” Momon held him tenderly. “They will be fine, I think, hopefully…”


“You want to get stronger yes?”

“Yes so much!”

“Then become mine, and I’ll have you as my apprentice. I’ll train you and make you stronger.” Nfirea blushed.

“I...I...yes...I’ll be yours…”

“Good boy, now rest!”

To be continued


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