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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Blue Fire Demon Slayer

Natsu is a Fire Demon Slayer, his strong magic can burn and purify dark magic. Over use of this power causes demonification. So to balance this he's learned other fire magic to use and fight with in combat. He's the most popular host in Blue Pegasus, out ranking Ichiya in both looks and personality.

Chapter 1

Gray Fullbuster is the famous/infamous ice wizard of Fairy Tail. Famous as he was a skilled Ice Make wizard, and on the list of top 63 Hottest Wizards. He was infamous as many were in Fairy Tail for causing trouble. Gray’s bad habit always got him into trouble, he inherited his master’s bad habit of stripping to embrace the cold and deepen one’s connection with ice magic.

So often without thinking Gray would strip, when he fights, when he walks, even when he eats. If he was lucky he’d strip down to only his boxers and quickly collect his clothes after a fight. He did lose his garments, sometimes ending up streaking and having guards called on him. Since he did lose his clothes he also stole clothes having stolen boxers, briefs, even panties, he wasn’t picky as long as he covered up.

Still...despite his quirks, he was a talented wizard and had a high success rate and had quite a few high ranked missions under his...belt? He made quite a bit of money, even after paying fines he got from complaints at the Magic Counsel. So what did a guy like Gray Fullbuster spend his money on?

First guess would be clothes, as he lost plenty and needed to buy replacements. Because of his habit of losing clothes Gray didn’t buy expensive outfits, he bought cheap clothing that felt nice and wasn’t too restrictive for combat reasons.

Second guess would be food and rent, along with other daily necessities. The food, clothes, rent, etc weren’t fun guesses. One often wondered what a wizard spends their money on. What one does in their leisure time or free time said a lot about someone.

Fullbuster had just collected his pay and went off, leaving the question hanging in the air.

Macao joked and said. “He’s a healthy young man, he probably has stacks of lewd magazines!”

Wakaba piled on. “Maybe he tours the red light district!” The older men laughed.

“Knock it off you two.” Mira said.

“If he was a real man, he’d buy weights and train up his body!” Elfman yelled.

“Oi vey!” Mira facepalmed.

“Maybe he buys lots of sex toys!” Laki suggested.

“Not you too!” Of course they’d never ask Gray, it wasn’t any of their business what he spent his money on, this was just playful bantering/wondering.

Makarov was one of the few who knew, Gray spent his money at Blue Pegasus!


Gray arrived at the Blue Pegasus Guild the place was a wizard guild and a host club/bar. Master Bob employs beautiful wizards to go both ways, working as wizards and hosts. He took a deep breath and entered. “Welcome!” He was greeted.

His cheeks burned. “Yeah hi…” He was sweating bullets as he walked through the club and took a seat in a booth with a lacrima orb on the table. “I umm...I’d like to request Natsu!”

Their were some squeals of delight from both the lady wizards and female guests. Natsu walked in, dressed slicked in a jet black suit with a red tie. The pinkette had a dazzling aura, he drew attention like a moth to a flame. Guys and gals alike were caught off guard and squirmed in their seats.

“Back again Gray? You are looking well.” He was carrying a single shot glass.

“Thanks...umm can we start please.” His face got redder.

Natsu grinned and chuckled, the noise making Gray’s heart flutter. “Yes we can.” Natsu touched the lacrima and the two were gone.

Fullbuster paid for a private room every time, the lacrima brought them to a special room where the two could be alone.  Each host wore a ring that was like a key to their own private room if so requested.

Natsu set the shot glass on the table and the two switched places, the pinkette taking a seat while Gray stood up. The ice wizard was flushed. Without missing a beat he began to strip, shedding his clothes bit by bit, doing a little strip tease for Natsu. He could feel the host’s eyes on him, burning into him as he revealed himself.

Gray finished, using his hands to cover himself. “Hey now, none of that!” Natsu said, and after taking a deep breath Gray moved his hands away, showing off his hard 6 inch penis. Fullbuster had a chiseled physique, honed from years of training, missions, and battles; his body was smooth, arms, legs, crotch, pits, chest, one couldn’t see a single hair except on his head. The male’s nipples were hard and perky, perfect little peeks from the desire and heat pumping through his veins. He blushed from ear to ear. “Hehe, no matter how many times we do this, you are still so shy!”

“Shut up!” He snapped.

“It’s okay, I think it’s cute, but you need not be shy, not here, not with me, I see you Gray, all of you and you are so beautiful.” His words may as well have been like warm oils, poured over his body, he physically relaxed.

Gray felt his heart flutter, feeling empowered by the words, he felt as if he could walk right out of this club and walk the streets buck naked with all the confidence of a king.

Natsu patted his lap. He didn’t wait, Gray got into the host’s lap and sank into his warmth. The closeness allowed the warmth Natsu emitted to wrap him up like a blanket. An arm wrapped around him. “How long has it been Gray, a week?”

“Two!” He whined, as if it was more like two years than two weeks.

“Ah yes, we must catch up then.” The two engaged in small talk, Natsu mostly listening as Gray talked about his guild, his friends, his missions, all while lovingly touching Gray. Nothing he shared was a secret or would be harmful to clients or Fairy Tail. The ice wizard moaning and shaking at his touches. His cock twitched and began to leak pre-cum. “And this?” Natsu’s hand wondered over his crotch, fingers brushing across where his pubes would be.

“Ahh!” Gray’s hips bucked. “I...I touched myself...only a few times.”

Natsu drew close, his warm breath tickling the wizard’s ear. “Such a naughty boy you are, what I would give to keep you locked up, you’d be even cuter with your dick caged up!”

“Fuck!” The idea was so tantalizing.

“Tell me what did you do, who did you think about?” His hand slid over his penis, lazily caressing him. The touch made him feel hot, his pre-cum overflowed and when it came into contact with the hand it sizzled and evaporated.

“You...you I thought about you!” He moaned. “I used my fingers to play with my ass while jerking off my cock, but it wasn’t enough so I used my magic to create a dildo to fuck myself!”

“Hoho, you really are naughty boy my sweet Gray, should I punish you?” Gray squirmed in Natsu’s lap.

“I...I...I...I don’t know…” He was feeling dizzy.

“You are just too cute Gray, I couldn’t be mad at you if I tried.” Fullbuster hated being called cute, but he was too horny to care. “I think today I’ll have you cum from your nipples this time.”

“You can do that?”

“We are gonna try!” Natsu’s hands found his chest, and began to work his nipples.

“Ahh ahh ahh ah ah ohh!!” His toes curled and he bucked slightly, his cock wagging in the air. He wanted to touch himself, his hand inching towards his cock.

“No touching Gray, leave your release to me.”

“Okay…” He relaxed and let Natsu work. His nipples slowly blossomed as heat poured in and helped them grow into strong erogenous zones. “Ahhh~!” Gray howled as he came, his seed launch into the air.

The shot glass glowed, and all the semen was pulled into it, filling up the tiny glass far more than it’s size would allow. This was enchanted glass blown by Natsu’s fire magic, it would catch every drop of cum Gray had to offer.

Natsu took the glass and drank it’s contents. “Delicious…”

Gray gulped.

The host got to work, continuing to give Gray pleasure. The wizard bucked and moaned, cumming again and again. Even as his cock softened, a single touch from the pinkette caused his penis to spring back to life. Each orgasm was collected and the two had shots.

Sometimes Natsu would feed Gray his own cum, making him drink the shot, sometimes he drank it, but Gray’s favorite was when Natsu took the shot in his mouth and shared it with him. Their lips meshed together and Natsu’s tongue played with his own.

“You are getting stronger and stronger, you last longer than you used to.” A wizard could be a beast in bed, using magic to enhance their size, stamina, endurance, even recovery.

Gray’s been coming to this club for two years, at first he had disliked Natsu, the initial animosity ice wizards and fire wizards had, and yet like a moth to the flame he kept coming back. He made him laugh, relax, and damn near feel refreshed after every visit. Absence had made his heart grow fonder, he missed Natsu and looked forward to each new visit.

When the wizard was gone away on mission it was a heavy blow to Fullbuster. Natsu had opened the door to this and Gray had been hesitant at first but hasn’t regretted walking through that door since. The icy walls he put up were melted down and Dragneel found things out about him, different sides Gray had that he found embarrassing and accepted him.  He was a popular guy, but the fire wizard always did his best to make time for him.

In this room he belonged to Natsu, in a deep and intimate way that always left Gray craving more, but more had things attached. Despite two years of passionate intimacy and many Many MANY orgasms, Natsu hadn’t fucked him, outside of fingers or tongue his hole had been untouched by the pinkette.

Natsu had a harem, it wasn’t a secret, he posed with them each time he gained a new member. Because of this he had rules given his job. He wasn’t allowed to fuck his clients, anything that fell under foreplay was fair game, at least for them. Dragneel kept his clothes on, at all times, so now blowjobs or hand jobs for him, but that was fine he loved to give pleasure.

Many have wanted the pinkette, but not as many were willing to accept his harem. Weirdly enough they didn’t stop coming to him as a host, happy with the host and customer relationship. For some that was enough, for Gray it wasn’t...not anymore…

He had doubts before but had kept an open mind about it and after a lot of thinking… “I’m ready!”


Gray clung to Natsu’s suit. “I’m ready, I...I want to join your harem.”

The host was quiet, and for a second Fullbuster thought he had fucked up. “Natsu?” Smooch!

Dragneel kissed Gray, in a way that he’d not been kissed before. He came! His legs felt like jelly and if he was to stand up, he’d likely collapse. “Oh Gray!” After being kissed breathless, Natsu peppered his cheeks and face with kisses. “I’m so happy, I had hoped you’d open that door!”

Happy tears fell from Gray’s eyes, for so long he kept those walls up, trying not to get close people out of fear they’d disappear. Natsu scooped him up, carrying him bridal style. “Let me show you, my mates. I’m sure they are gonna love you!” His ring glowed and a door appeared.

“Wait!” Gray wiggled not ready to meet his future harem mates butt naked like this but… “Oh wow!”

He gulped as Natsu’s mates approached. Ren, Eve, and Hibiki were practically naked, a thong was being used to cover their balls, as for their dicks they were caged. Ren was the biggest have a massive 9 incher but the mighty beast was locked up.

Eve was close to his size a solid 5.5 incher, Hibiki was the smallest at 2 inches, both of them were caged. They each approached and bowed. “Welcome back Master!”

To be continued


Degenerate Dino

Slutty Gray is the best Gray. Knowing he's letting himself get teased like this for Natsu and he's done it multiple times at this point is hot. He's made an ice dildo to tease his hole, and can cum without touching his dick? This has already stolen my heart, Paper. Knowing that Ren, Eve, and Hibiki are also going to be a part of this has me hyped. Hibiki is my favorite underrated guy from Fairy Tail. I can't wait to see him used, and the fact he's caged means he will get fucked. Mega excited for that!