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One Piece parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Strength and Bonds

The Sea wasn’t a safe place to go alone, it is said those who traveled alone were either very powerful or fools. Luffy had been sailing around alone by choice, he wasn’t opposed to having a team, he just wanted the right people on his side.

It was too easy for the sea to devour those who traveled alone, crazy or wild weather, violent waves, and all manner of sea beasts. It was also easy for those who were alone to get tricked, especially when traveling to unfamiliar islands, or crossing paths with all manner of pirates. With devil fruits and strange abilities, the world could be a dangerous place.

Koby had been alone, and he got snatched up by pirates, was one such example. All Hunt Grount was about to learn this lesson the hard way.

There was sadly another example, the corrupt marines. Because of the vast reaches of the sea, a marine stationed at a marine base on an island had to be trusted to govern the island fairly. It may be coincidence but many of the marines who sought status and power landed themselves such jobs in order to be a big fish in a little pond.

In the events that followed and began the Great Pirate Era, the marines got sloppy on those they enlisted and were able to rise through the ranks to gain power. These were not the noblest of people.

Zoro was about to learn this lesson the hard way as well.


Roronoa Zoro had just “captured” Mr. 7, bringing his head in for the bounty. He arrived at Shell Town and brought him in for the reward. Axe-Hand Morgan was in charge of this base.

He had made a name for himself having captured and executed the notorious pirate Captain Kuro. Those that only heard of him believed he was a great man, those that met him knew that man was arrogant and cruel. He was even harsh on his own son, seeing the fool as an extension of himself. With his men, if they disobeyed or failed to follow his orders they got his axe as punishment with Helmeppo he got his fist.

Morgan’s ego was so great he spent tax payer money on a giant statue of himself. ‘I am awesome!’

Helmeppo trained hard in order to keep a lavish life style his father provided, and to avoid being hit by him. The training granted him a toned body, which seemed to only inflate his ego. He started every morning posing naked in front of a full length mirror. ‘I’m so hot!’ Plus the fear both his fellow marines and the people of Shell Town had of his father allowed him to do as he pleased.

Zoro had no idea what he was walking into.

Morgan’s was impressed with Zoro’s strength and reputation. “Why don’t you drop this rogue bounty hunter thing and enlist in the marines, with your abilities I can promise you a high rank, and if you serve under my command I can grant you so much more.” The offer wasn’t without strings, Morgan wanted to use Zoro to bolster his own reputation.

“I’m doing my own thing, I just want my money.”

“Well this bounty is quite sizable, I won’t be able to pay you right now.” Zoro didn’t like the sound of that, shooting the man a glare. “I just need to put in a request with HQ, I can have your money by the end of the day.”

“Whatever.” Roronoa said, seemingly calming down.

“For the inconvenience why don’t you enjoy some food and drinks in town, on me.” Zoro’s stomach growled at the offer, plus the promise of free booze had him sold.

“Fine.” He left.

‘That man is dangerous, if I come at him directly I could lose my head, but there’s ways of getting a wild beast to submit, with the right amount of pressure he’ll break.’

Zoro was enjoying some food and some booze at a local tavern, when Helmeppo came in with some men and his “precious doggy” which was actually a crazy wolf. It ran around stealing food and causing a mess.

When the tavern owner’s daughter tried to stop him, it lunged at her. Zoro cut the beast down without a second thought. “You there!” Helmeppo got pissed. “How dare you do that to my precious doggy!”

“You should have taught your pet some manners, now get lost I’m eating.”

Helmeppo trembled with rage. “I’ll teach you some manners!” He lunged at Zoro with a sword, but Roronoa trounced him easily.

A sword was pointed at his face. “I said get lost!”

Helmeppo was panicking but got an idea. “You just attacked a marine you know.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m not just any marine either, my father is Axe Hand Morgan.” Zoro moved the sword closer.

“I don’t care!”

“You’re that bounty hunter guy right, you’ll leave as soon as you collect your bounty, but what about them.” Zoro looked to the girl and her mother, who were quite scared. “Do you not care what’s gonna happen to them, I’ll have them pay for your crimes.”

Zoro glared at him. “You dirty!”

“Ah ah ah!” Helmeppo moved the sword out of his face. “But tell you what, I’ll make you a deal, you survive one month trussed up, and I’ll wipe the sleight clean, for you and for them.”

“One month huh?” He sheathed his sword. “Fine one month!”

His one day trip turned into one month stay.

Zoro wanted to focus so he put on his bandana. This was all he was allowed to have as Helmeppo had Zoro stripped bare. “What? This wasn’t part of the deal!”

“Wasn’t it? Right now you are a criminal, and all criminal’s property can be confiscated.” Helmeppo snapped his fingers and the marines stripped him, removing his shoes, his pants, his shirt, his belly warmer, even his fundoshi. “I’ll be taking these!” Helmeppo took his swords.

Roronoa was tied to a post tight, left fully exposed. He glared at the blonde. “Glare at me all you want, you don’t scare me!” His glare intensified causing him to flinch. The swordsman smirked. “Don’t get cocky!”

“One month...I’ll survive, and when this is over I’ll be teaching you a lesson.”

“We’ll just see!” Helmeppo had plans for Zoro.

The first week Zoro was pelted by the elements, the blonde expecting Roronoa to give up after a day or two but the man held out for a week. Morgan was proud of his son’s little trick. “Nice work boy, if you want him to break then you gotta apply more pressure.”

On the second week Helmeppo came out to mess with the swordsman. “I must admit you are pretty tough.”

“Tougher than you’ll ever be!” Zoro grunted out.

“Hey now, I’m complimenting you. You have a really tough body, a fine body!” Helmeppo got close. “I mean look at these tits!” His hands grasped Zoro’s pecs and squeezed.

“Hey!” His cheeks burned and his body trembled. “S-Stop that!”

“You can’t order me around, I’m the marine and you’re the criminal!” He continued to grope Roronoa’s pecs.

“I’m...not...ugh...ahh!” Helmeppo’s fingers brushed his nips causing a spark of pleasure to shoot through him.

“Oh, have I found a weak spot in the great Roronoa Zoro’s armor?” The blonde was loving this.

“No…” Zoro said but his heated tone, revealed his bad lie.

Helmeppo toyed with his pecs and nipples, while Zoro struggled to keep quiet, but one part of him wouldn’t. “Oh? Look it here, I’ve found your hidden weapon!” Zoro’s sword stood at attention.

Roronoa’s cheeks burned. “You bastard!” He had a pretty nice size of 7 inches.

“Look at these family jewels of yours, pretty big, have you been saving up?”

“Shut...shut up!” Helmeppo’s hands found their way to his crotch playing with his cock and balls. “Ahhh!” He was pumped and squeezed, his libido surging higher and higher. ‘Fuck...I’m gonna…’

“Oops, would you look at the time. I gotta go train!” Helmeppo stopped touching him and Zoro managed to fight back a whine at the loss. “See you around!”

“You bastard!” Zoro cursed. He was hard as a rock, his nipples standing as perfect little peaks. His balls were aching. ‘Shit!’

The salt in the wound was the men would jog by, seeing in his aroused state. “Pervert!” “Slut!” “Pervert!” “Slut!” They jeered at him.

Zoro tried to calm down but he was struggling to keep his strength up to survive the trial. His focus had to be on that, so he stayed hard, feeling the eyes on him, their words cutting deep. Roronoa’s cock twitched and throbbed, cooling off only with time.

That’s when Helmeppo would come back and drive him wild again. “You bastard!” His nipples were teased, his cock was teased, his balls were fondled, just when he was about to cum Helmeppo stopped.

“What is there something you want?”

“Fuck you!”

“That’s not nice, if you beg me sweetly I’ll might just give it to you.”

“As if I’d come begging for anything from a guy like you?” Zoro was sweating, despite his state he was really on edge.

“A guy like me huh?” Helmeppo had the men torment Zoro until afternoon training, tickling his pits, feet, and sides. Helmeppo said they could touch him wherever except his penis and ass, they could do whatever but keep him from cumming.

Roronoa was losing it, his mental focus was being attacked making this trial all the harder. Afternoon training came and the men would spar with each other. “You boys did well, why don’t you relieve some stress on him!”

“You…” A few men gathered around Zoro and pulled out their dicks, Roronoa was hot and seeing him tied up was even hotter. They jerked off and came on him.

He was left covered in cum and hard until evening training. The smell of semen stirring his soul and keeping him harder longer. Someone would come and wash him, and then Helmeppo would drive him wild again. “Good night Roronoa Zoro!”

“You bastard!”

The days passed like this, with more guys joining in on showering him in semen. The life of a marine could build up the sexual frustration, those that were hesitant at first caved by weeks end. With Zoro’s will focused on keeping him alive, he struggled to resist Helmeppo’s little game and as they entered the third week it got even worse.

“Why don’t you give in, if you submit to me and become my pet, this little trial could end right now.”

“The hell are you talking about?”

“You killed my precious pet, if you replace him we can call it even.” He said while toying with Zoro’s nipples.


“Let’s see!” He played with Zoro’s cock, getting him to leak a lot of pre-cum. Using the essence as lube, he began to knock at Roronoa’s back door.

“You...you bastard...fuck!” His hips bucked and his cock throbbed.

“Such a fine sword, and a lewd sheath.” Only two men knew about this “weakness”, and Zoro was not in the best position to defend. “Are you secretly a slut Roronoa Zoro!”

“If I am...what does that say about you that I won’t spread my legs for you huh?” He shot back with a smirk.

“We’ll just see, before the month ends, you’ll either be dead or be my pet!” Helmeppo cranked up the pressure, toying with his ass with his fingers to drive Zoro wild but never letting him cum.

Then at night, after a long day of training and tormenting Zoro, Helmeppo would drape his underwear over the swordsman’s face, so his musk would flood Zoro’s senses.

He’s come this far...he didn’t want to die...but he’d rather die than become Helmeppo’s pet. The pressure was getting to him, his balls were itching like crazy, his libido was being stimulated and cranked up without any release. He was a healthy young man so he tried to satisfy his urges at least once a week, considering it part of his training, but this...this was nuts…

‘Someone...anyone...I need...I need…’

“Hi!” Zoro’s eyes opened and there was Monkey D. Luffy.

-x-Luffy and Coby-x-

Luffy had started Koby’s training to help the boy get stronger. “First we’ll start you with Bio-Feedback!”

“Why am I naked!?” The pinkette gasped.

“Because I need to strike specific pressure points, be lucky most people have to go through a serious ordeal to tap into this.”

“What ordeal did you go through?”

“My Grandpa tossed me in the jungle for a week alone, cast me into a ravine, and sent me flying, I was without food for so long and survived hell, I thought I was gonna die lots of times, but I survived!” The prolonged hunger caused his body to evolve in a life or death situation...several...Garp wanted to be thorough.

Luffy figured out an easier way to do it, by striking pressure points in the body in an order one can safely activate bio-feedback. “Okay…” Koby was nervous but he trusted Luffy.


All Hunt Grount was a famous Bounty Hunter in the East Blue, normally Bounty Hunters chased after big bounty heads, not bothering with small fry as they weren’t worth it. Grount didn’t stop, he hauled all the crew in.

When Captain Kuro was captured and executed, he left behind a full crew. Something didn’t sit right with him, the crew was still a problem. He thought the marines were being too sloppy, waiting for pirates to make a name for themselves before giving them a bounty, and when they handed out bounties their crews often got zip. Maybe he’s not impartial given his line of work, but as he saw it having every crew member should receive a bounty after their captain gets one, it should deter people from joining up with a pirate crew to avoid getting a price on their head.

Even after Kuro was executed his crew carried on and worse yet they’ve been killing. It’s possible they got a new captain, or… Grount had a feeling the “Master of a 1000 Plans” was still alive. He had no evidence, but it was a strong feeling in his gut.

So he’s been hunting the pirates down. All his efforts led him close to a certain island. ‘There it is!’ He spotted the ship of the Black Cat Pirates. ‘Just you wait you pirates, I’m gonna take you all down!’ He brought his fists together and channeled his devil fruit causing his arms to transform. “Kong Knuckle!”

Grount attacked the ship. “Knock Knock!”

“A bounty hunter!” The men called.

Shing! The guard cats of the ship Sham and Buchi came out to clash with Grount. Their animal fighting style made the back and forth against Grount intense. The issue became there was two of them, even with his Four Fist fighting style. They had synergy and were used to fighting together.

‘I just need to take down one of them, and the rest will be easy.’ He saw an opening with Buchi. “Kong Knock!”

Grount hit Buchi hard he believed he had knocked the large guy out. “Now for you!” He turned his sights on Sham who began to panic and freak out.

“No please...spare me…”

“Not a chance, I’m hauling all of you in!” He cracked his knuckles.

“Oh well too bad!” Buchi got up and caught Grount off guard.

“What?!” His large body suddenly grabbed him from behind, his mass made it hard for him to shake off. “Damn it!”

“Captain! We got him!” Sham called dancing around happily.

‘Is it Kuro?’ From the ship came a strange guy walking backwards. ‘Who’s this weirdo...wait...isn’t this the first mate?’

“So you did, nice work boys. Now what shall we do with him.”

“Let’s kill him, I wanna see the color of his insides!” Sham said and licked his claws.

“Now now, Sham this lad managed to track us down, and had the balls to attack us alone.” He spun around. “We can come up with a more unique punishment.” This was Jango acting captain of the Black Cat pirates. “I do believe you are the famed All Hunt Grount, I wasn’t aware you had devil fruit powers.”

Jango had done research into abnormal powers since he got some of his own after eating a mushroom. Many believed devil fruits were a legend, but not Jango. “Why don’t you give up the life of a bounty hunter and join us?”

“What?!” Grount growled.

“With your wild nature you’d fit right in, what do you say?”

“Hell no!” He hissed. “Listen up pirates, you better kill me, or I swear I’ll hunt you all down to the ends of the earth.”

“Man kid, you need to get laid, there’s more to life than chasing pirates.” He snapped his fingers. “Watch out I got an idea!”

‘What’s he doing?’ Jango pulled out a weird pendulum. “Are you trying to hypnotize me what a joke!?”

The pendulum began to swing. “You are a young man, surely you think about other things than chasing pirates.”

‘What is he…’ His eyes began to follow the swinging pendulum. “No...I hate pirates...I’ll get them all…”

Pirates destroyed his village, and left him fighting to survive. All he thought about was training, getting stronger, and taking down pirates. “All that running around, you must not have been taking care of yourself, satisfying those deep primal needs.”

Grount blushed. “What...no...I…”

“So deep they are, those desires you pushed into the back of your mind, but even an angry runt like you is a young man, having those wicked thoughts.”

“Wicked thoughts…” He gulped and his heart began to race, his blood rushing south. “No...I can’t...no…”

“Let him go Buchi I got him.” The cat man let him go.

“You...bastards…” He transformed his arm. “I’ll get…”

Instead of throwing a punch his beast arm grabbed his dick through his pants. “Gah...ahhhh ahhh!” He began to lewdly play with his dick. ‘Shit when did I get hard...fuck...fuck...fuck…’

“Can’t control yourself can you, that’s because I got you under my power little beast.” Jango had done his research into devil fruits, so he knew a thing or two about zoans.

He couldn’t stop, jerking off until he came in his pants. Despite the powerful orgasm he was still hard and wanting. “Let go, let your desire flow, from a trickle into a raging river!”

“Ahhh!” Grount moaned.

“Forget about chasing pirates and start chasing ass instead!”

“Chasing ass?” He panted and began to drool.

“Yes! You won’t be able to think of anything else until you are satisfied.”

“Can’t think of anything else...chase ass...fuck...mate...breed!” With a growl he ripped off his pants, causing his hefty dick to spring up, he started jerking off, grunting and growling in delight.

“Let your libido flow, fuck and get fucked, dick and ass if what you hunt for now. You won’t stop until you are satsified, all the pent up desire will burst on One, Two, Jango!”

“AHHH!” Grount came hard.

The Black Cat pirates sent him off. “Are you sure about letting him go Captain, won’t your spell wear off soon and he be super pissed?”

Jango was pitching a massive tent. “That’s the thing Sham, that boy’s a zoan, they have crazy strong libidos. It’d take nothing short of an absolute monster to satisfy a pent up virgin like him. That boy will be out of our hair. We can wait for the Captain’s order.”

To be continued


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