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Ben 10/Gen Rex parody: Bad Day Fic

AN: Born on the phone, worked on this while i could between chores and bouts of pain i hope you enjoy and bear with me as i deal with irl things

Anodite Advanced

After the greatest summer ever Ben’s spark has awakened and stimulated by the use of charms and spell books. Grandma Verdona comes for a visit and sensing the spark offers Ben a chance to learn about his anodite heritage. He goes and learns a lot in 7 years, when he returns to pay his family a visit, only to learn that something is happening on Earth. With his powers and some new friends they work to stop this threat and save the world. Ben/Rex/Kevin/Harem

Chapter 1

After the Greatest Summer Ever, Gwen found the omnitrix and became a secret hero, busting up both local and intergalactic threats. Ben found his own way to help, his spark manifesting and he came down the path of magic, finding charms, totems, magic bags, and a spell book or two.

Grandma Verdona paid a visit, and found the budding anodite. She offered Ben knowledge, to get in touch with his anodite roots and learn so much. She said it’d take about 70 years to master his powers. Ben refused the seventy but asked if he could go for seven?

His parents were pretty cool about it, wanting Ben to be happy, healthy, and make good choices. This was a good opportunity for Ben so they agreed. There was some heartfelt goodbyes, but it wasn’t forever, he’d be back he promised.

-x-7 Years Later-x-

Ben flew back to earth in anodite form, zipping through space like a green meteorite. ‘I can’t wait to see everybody again, woohoo!’ It was gonna be easy seeing as everyone was at Gwen’s Karate Tournament, everyone except Grandpa Max that is.

Tennyson made good time, arriving on earth, crafting a new body, clothes, and conjuring his stuff from his magical storage. The outfit was spun out of mana thread, becoming a black and green hoody, brown baggy pants, and some firm sneakers and socks. He pulled out his magic bag he called Buttons, it had green button eyes, and a zipper mouth, buttons became attached to his belt and they were off.

Using his powers he tracked his cousin’s mana and arrived just in time to see her kick all kinds of ass. ‘Where’s the omnitrix?’ Ben wondered.

Her parents were taking pictures and his parents were cheering her on. After the awards were handed out, Ben made himself known. “Sup dweeb!”

“Shut up doofus!” Gwen snapped on reflex. “Ben? Ben!” She rushed over and gave her cousin a hug.

“Ben!” His parents came in and joined in the hug session. “You look great.”

“Thanks!” Ben said proudly, rather proud of his handiwork. He had crafted a soccer player’s body, it was the one sport he actually enjoyed before he left for Anodyne. “You were awesome Gwen!”

“Thanks doofus, I missed you!”

“I missed you too, say Gwen, where’s the omnitrix.” She touched her wrist where the alien watch once stuck to her.

“A lot has happened while you’ve been away.”

“Can we catch up, I’d love to share what’s been going with me to!” He looked around. “Where’s Grandpa Max?”

“I don’t know he should’ve been here.”

“Dad’s always been iffy on things, something probably came up.” Frank said. Ben and Gwen shared a look of concern. If something came up it could be trouble.

“Why don’t we treat you both to a celebration dinner. We can celebrate Gwen’s victory and Ben’s return!” Carl said.

The parents began to argue back and forth on where to go, Sandra wanted a healthy place, Lili wanted a nice fancy place, Frank and Carl were okay with anything really, Frank opted for Gwen’s favorite place, and Carl wanted to try something new, things began to go back and forth.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Gwen pulled Ben to the side.

“That we should check on Grandpa Max, absolutely.”

They turned to their bickering parents. “Why don’t you guys figure it out, text me the place and we’ll go check on Grandpa.”

“Fine,” Was chorused as the parents went back to fighting over the place they eat.

“Are you glad you’re back?” Gwen asked.

Ben smiled. “So glad!” He had missed this, yes even the family bickering.

They go to the Rustbucket. “I can’t believe Grandpa’s still using this thing.”

“It’s full of treasured memories.”

“And plumber tech.” Ben recalled.

“Ben…” The lock was broken. “Really wish I had the omnitrix right now.”

With a snap of his fingers Ben conjured a bat for Gwen to use. “Just don’t hit me by accident.”

“Does that mean I can bop you on purpose?” She teased.

The two entered the RV and found the place trashed, there was weird goo all over the place. “Was someone looking for something in here?” Gwen wondered.

“I definitely sense some strange mana, Grandpa’s...and something else…” He was able to detect a couple of foreign mana signatures but they were odd. They checked the plumber’s tech and it was all there, so seemingly nothing was stolen.

“What’s this?” Gwen found a strange disk, it activated to reveal a small hologram of Max.

“Gwen if you’ve found this, just know I’m okay, a friend asked me for a favor so I got some Plumber business to take care of. I have the omnitrix and it’s safe, so don’t worry.”

“Grandpa Max has the omnitrix?” Ben wondered. He found it mildly ironic as the person who sent the omnitrix to Earth originally tried to send it to Max for safe keeping.

Gwen had a strange look on her face. “That’s the thing...he doesn’t…” They leave the Rustbucket and Ben uses some mana to carry them to Gwen’s house. Little did they know someone was nearby and watching, swiftly following after them.

The omnitrix was in a strange safe Gwen designed in her closet, putting in the code, it opened and there it was. “Why would Grandpa lie about that?”

“Maybe it’s a clue, he wanted you to know something was wrong.” He crossed his arms. “Looks like I didn’t get back fast enough.”

“I’m glad you’re here Ben, do you think Grandpa is in trouble?” He nodded. “Could he want me to put the omnitrix back on again…”

“Why did you take it off in the first place, I almost wanna ask how, it was near impossible for us to get it off years ago.”

“I...It’s complicated, a lot happened and I decided I wanted to have a go at a normal life, so I asked Azmuth and he agreed.”

“It’s your choice Gwen, Hero Time?”

She smiled. “Hero time!” She slipped it on and not a moment too soon, as someone came bashing through the wall with giant robot arms. “My room!”

“Gwen focus!” Ben blasted him back with mana, but the strange young man was able to hold his ground.

“Sorry amigo, but that’s not gonna beat me.” He began swinging the giant mechanical arms around trashing Gwen’s room.

“Oh that’s it, I’m gonna give you a smack down with Four Arms!” She tried to activate the omnitrix, but it wasn’t working. “Come on!”

The guy with robot arms reeled back to lay a smack down on Ben. He erected a barrier of mana, and while the barrier held the floor didn’t. The anodite was smacked through the floor leaving a massive hole in it. “Ben!”

“Now it’s your turn, I don’t like to fight girls, so tell me what I want to know or else!”

Suddenly mana flew from the hole grabbing the strange boy and hauled his ass down stairs. “Ben don’t wreck the house!”

“Don’t worry about it figure out the stupid watch already!” Ben and the mystery guy clashed, wrecking the rooms they were in, floors getting cracked, walls getting holes punched through them, furniture getting destroyed. Gwen was trying not to have a freak out.

“Please, please, please!” After fiddling with the watch, it began to re-calibrate shifting forms and unlocking a whole different playlist. “Whoa!”

Tennyson was holding his own against the stranger, dodging his attacks, or countering them with mana enhanced blows.

“Who the heck are you?” Ben asked.

“That’s not how this works amigo, I ask the questions you give the answers.”

“Then start asking questions, instead of wrecking the house!” He blushed.

“Hey shut up, I don’t have to justify my actions to a bunch of suspicious criminals.” His arms shifted. “Taste my big fat sword!”

Ben face palmed. “Okay, I’ve had enough of this.” Snap!

In a flash of green light the young man’s clothes were ripped off him leaving him butt naked. His focus waned causing his construct to fall apart. “Anam Gnidnib Sebor!” Ben cast a spell, quickly typing up the attacker.

His wrists were bound, as were his ankles, the limbs were pulled back and he was hod tied with more mana. “You think this can hold me!” He had trouble focusing, his powers flaring before fizzling out.

“I may not know what your abilities are, but you don’t seem to have the best grasp on them, but just to be sure.” Ben walked over to him and placed a power dampening rune on his forehead.

The guy calmed down, trying to activate his powers again only to find out it wasn’t happening. “Hey! What did you do to me?”

“Hush for a second.” Ben gagged him with mana. “You okay up there?”

Gwen came down, and tried not to have a panic attack at the destroyed house. “Ben, if you could beat this guy so easily why didn’t you, the house is a mess, my parents are gonna be so pissed.”

Ben couldn’t help but chuckle. “Relax cousin, I got this.” With a snap of Ben’s fingers the whole house was fixed, all the damage was reversed in seconds.

“How did you do that?” Gwen was amazed.

“I learned a lot while I was away.” He shrugged. “Now, who are you?”

The bound male glared at them, he was trying to act tough despite his naked and vulnerable situation. With a wave of his hand the mana over his mouth vanished. “You two are in serious trouble now, attacking a plumber is a serious crime!”

“A plumber? You?”

“That’s right, I’m Rex Salazar, a high ranking Agent of the Plumbers. If you two don’t let me go right now and tell me what you did with Max Tennyson, you two will be in so much trouble.”

“You know our Grandpa?” Ben wondered.


“Yes, we are Max’s grand kids, Gwen and Ben Tennyson.” She introduced them.

Rex had an “oh shit” look on his face. “What was your mana doing at our Grandpa’s RV?” Ben asked. Tennyson had clashed with this guy, recognizing his mana as one of the strange ones he had picked up before.

“I checked out the place, and found it trashed. So I waited to see if either Max or the culprit showed up. Then I saw you guys go in and come out of the RV with the tech, and you had powers, so I thought you did something.” If Rex could move he’d face palm. “Oh man Magister Labrid is gonna kill me.”

“Who’s Magister Labrid?”

“He’s...not important…” He struggled. “Can you just untie me now!?”

Ben couldn’t help but smirk. “I’ll do it, if you be a good boy and say please.” Rex blushed.

“You...ugh...please untie me!”

“And I think you should apologize for attacking us.”

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, please untie me.”

“Good boy!” Ben waved his hand and removed the bonds and the sealing rune. “I wouldn’t try anything or next time you’ll find yourself 6 inches tall!”

Gwen who was fighting a massive blush and was staring anywhere but the naked man in her living room. “Can you really do that?”

Rex got up, flashing more of his goods. Gwen yelped and turned around. “Can...can I have some pants please…” Salazar used his hands to cover himself.

“I dunno, I kinda like you like this.” Rex’s blush grew.

‘Is he messing with me.’ He shook his head. “Please I need my clothes back, it has my communicator and everything else.” Ben snapped his fingers and the plumber uniform returned and not too soon.

A ringing was heard. “Crap!” Rex answered it and a hologram of Labrid appeared.

“Salazar where are you?”

“Sir, I was just following a lead on the case you gave to Magister Tennison.”

“You were what?!” Rex flinched. “Ugh, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, don’t you move, or I’ll be dragging your ass back to the academy!”

Labrid hung up and Rex began to sweat. “So you aren’t an agent of the plumbers.”

“Cadet...cadet in training Rex Salazar…” He twiddled his fingers.

“We were jumped by a rookie.” Gwen facepalmed.

“I’m in so much trouble!” Rex panicked. “I was just trying to show initiative, Max hadn’t reported in, so I went to check on him is all.”

Ben felt sorry for the guy, so they decided/agreed to start over. The house was fixed so no one needed to know what happened. Rex couldn’t help but smile, but it fell when Labrid showed up.

To be continued...The Mission


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