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Black Clover parody: Patreon Reward

Last of the Fangire
Fangires were an ancient and powerful race, they once rivaled the power of the elves and dwarves, but were seen as mere parasites. They had the ability to drain magic from their prey and even draw in the magic from the very air. Because of their abilities they were hunted down to near extinction. One fell for a human and the two had a child. He was only half fangire but he was the last. He had no magic of his own, but he could drain the magic of others. Once he was charged up, he had some tricks.

Chapter 1 His Father

Asta didn’t know anything about his parents, in order to answer the question we must turn back the clock.

Humans were not the only race on the planet, there were Elves, Dwarves, and more! One of the most powerful races were the Fangires. They were physically strong, even without magical enhancements.

Their strength is said to rival the Dwarves. The Fangire had strong life spans, said to be made even longer by feeding on mana.

This did put them at odds with the Elves, who had strong life spans as well and were blessed by mana. So some Fangire found them delicious, and in kind Elves saw them as parasites.

Not that they had to feed on other’s mana. They could eat as humans do, breaking down all food into mana, they could also feed on the natural mana in the world.

Because of their abilities, to humans who had even less mana than the elves, they were seen as monsters! A fangire could drain a human completely, even sucking away their life force. Though this was seen as a taboo for fangire, but that wasn’t well known.

Over time the Fangire were hunted down. Their once great numbers reduced year by year. A shame as had they been around they could have prevented the fall of the Elf Tribe in Clover. So many lost souls, in a dark and twisted game. Even the royal family was wiped out, leaving only the King. He was strong enough to avoid being slain, he could have rebuilt his kingdom, but didn’t have the heart in him anymore.

One of the last Fangire chose to remain in the land even as a wondering monster. He wasn’t expecting much but came across a woman also seemingly rejected by the world. ‘Is she a fangire? Could she have been cursed by one?’

Lucita was a kind woman, what kind of god put such a power on her. She was naturally able to draw the natural mana from living things around her, and once the mana was taken she took the life force as well. Thanks to the King’s crest he was able to resist her curse/power. The two filled the void of loneliness that had clung to their hearts, even falling in love.

They had a child together, but there was a growing concern, Lucita’s curse. Even if their child was a fangire, the King’s crest wouldn’t pass onto him until the current king’s death. So no matter what Lucita would lose someone she loved.

She had no choice, after he was born, they had to give him up. Her son would live, but she couldn’t see him again.

It wasn’t long after the two found a small demon child. Lucita adopted him and named him Liebe. He was a demon and so lacked natural mana. Liebe had no special skills or magic to speak of, so the fangire taught him a little trick. Anti-Magic, the power to counter, dispel, reflect, and neutralize magic.

Liebe was happy to learn it. King, would check in on Asta, making sure he was safe and being well cared for. He would always come back with stories to tell Lucita and Liebe. Except this last time...

‘This power!’ A chill raced up his spine. ‘Something is coming from the grand magic region.’ It was not some wild creature. ‘This aura...is like Liebe’s…a demon…’

He raced to intercept whatever was coming. “Who are you?”

“A Fangire?” The strange man spoke. “So there is still one of you slinking around, filthy parasite.”

“Oh? Cocky bastard, says the one leaching off a human to even have contact in this world.” His eyes flashed from red to gold. “So, you’re Zenon of the Spade Kingdom and the demon Beelzebub!”

“How did you?” King stuck out his tongue.

“I don’t need to answer that dumb ass!”

“You are annoying!” Bones began to manifest from his form. “I’ll enjoy crushing the last of your filthy kind!”

King danced around  dodging the vast array of bone spears. “You are of the Spade Kingdom, but why are you so far from home?”

‘How is he doing this, is it his magic, but I sense nothing from him?’ Beelzebub thought.

Zenon was focused on attacking but was getting nowhere. The fangire was using his powers to move at high speeds, dodging the bones. ‘You are the one who wished to come out here, you were bored and wanted to see if you could find the lost prince.’

“So that’s it, you two are looking for the lost Prince of the Spade Kingdom!”

Zenon’s eyes widened. ‘How is he doing this?’ the two shared the same thought.

‘It must be that boy...the boy who arrived shortly after we left Asta.’ He chuckled. ‘This guy is seriously twisted, he’ll not only kill Yuno but Asta and everyone else he finds in the church!’

“Hahahaha, the irony you come looking for a prince you found a king!” He boldly declared. ‘This is bad, can I take this guy?’

“I don’t know how you are doing this, but it won’t matter once I kill you.” He unleashed his devil power, combining both spacial magic and bone magic. The bones were tough as is, but he had demon regeneration attached to them.

‘I might be the king of the Fangire but my powers have waned over the years.’  As the fight persisted he noted that the guy had to draw on more of the demon’s power inside him.

‘No one else should know we are out here, is he reading our minds?’ Zenon wondered.

King’s eyes widened. ‘That’s it!’

“Face the power of the Fangire King!” He unleashed a burst of his crest, the power shattering his bones, enough to get in close.

“Die!” A portal opened up behind the king and bones ran him through. “In the end you couldn’t touch me!”

“Hehehe…” King laughed and coughed up blood. His body began to crack, as if he was made of glass. “I didn’t need to touch you, I just needed to get close enough to do this!”

Hijack!”Energy shot from his hands and struck Zenon in the head. “You demons and your possessions, it connects you both, the more you’re connected the more power you can draw out. You must be pretty close!”

“What...are...you...doing…” He couldn’t move.

‘Damn you what is this what have you done?’ Beelzebub was panicking, he couldn’t pull back on their union.

“Hunting after a lost prince, let’s forget all that. As far as you remember, you’ve completed your mission and will never go looking for him again.” The words of the king are law, truly absolute not a single doubt was in their minds.

Since they were connected King’s spell even worked on Beelzebub. Neither one would search out Yuno again.

The bones rescinded and Zenon opened a portal vanishing it inside it. ‘Lucita...I managed to protect our son…’ His body cracked some more. ‘It looks like I won’t be surviving, I just need to tell you, you’ll be able to live with Asta and Liebe will be able to get to know his brother.’ Using his power he held on, making it back to Lucita but…

“What?” He trembled. “What the hell is this?!”

Lucita was dead and Liebe was gone. He rushed over, using his eyes he saw the truth. “Liebe’s in this book...damn it…” His body was starting to crumble. A lesser fangire would have shattered by now.

“AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” He roared in despair.

‘What happened?!’ His tears spilled out of his eyes causing his face to crack more. He was fine with dying, both happy to die to protect his family, but believing Lucita would finally get to have her son back.

Using the last of his strength he created a burial for Lucita, shards of his body forming a coffin for her. ‘This will keep you safe even in death.’ He knew of necromancers so this glass coffin would protect her body for all time.

The more power he used the faster he was gonna die. With a wave of his hand he enchanted the book. ‘This will...make sure you two find each other...Liebe take care of Asta for us.’

His body became like glass. ‘Asta...my son...I won’t be around to teach you anything...my crest will give you power...but...there is just one way…’ He grinned. “My sons...goodbye…” King shattered.

-x-Years Later-x-

Asta wasn’t chosen by a grimoire in the tower, it was heart breaking. For some reason he didn’t seem to have any magic power of his own, he had this weird symbol on him though, it suddenly appeared one day. He thought it was a sign of good things to come.

‘Don’t think I’m giving up fate...I’m not gonna lose!’

Yuno was attracting a lot of attention being chosen by the four leaf clover grimoire. This spurned envy and greed, as he was attacked by two spoiled punks and a dissmissed magic knight.

Revchi the Chain Magic user, he was able to catch Yuno off guard, and with his magic was able to bind and seal his powerful magic. He stole his grimoire when Asta showed up. “Let him go!”

“Ah if it isn’t the magicless brat, not chosen by a single grimoire.” He laughed. Asta rushed in to fight only to be pelted by chains. “These chains can sense even the smallest amount of magic power inside someone, and you have zero, zip, nada!”

Asta refused to give up. “You poor fool, born in a world with no magic at all when magic is everything. Your little friend over there the genius must be dying laughing inside.”

“Shut up!” Yuno snapped. “Asta is my rival!”

Revchi couldn’t help but laugh, but then felt something building up. Asta helped break free of his chains with raw physical power. ‘That’s not possible...his strength...is he not human?’

“Thanks Yuno...don’t worry I’m not giving up!”

“Then die you little brat, Chain Magic: Piercing Serpent Chains!” Chains shot out ready to skewer Asta, a pulse was felt and suddenly the kings crest manifested blocking the attack and destroying the chains. “What the hell?!

‘What is that?’ Yuno’s eyes widened.

They felt power in the air, as if the crest was drawing the mana from the world around them to attack/block. “I was sure you had no magic power before, were you hiding it?” No he was sure, his chains are never wrong.

“I may not have any magic power, but that doesn’t mean I’ll give up! I’m gonna crush you!” His body pulsed.

He’s here...finally…’Suddenly a Grimoire burst from the wall and floated down to Asta. It was a sinister looking five leaf clover grimoire. ‘Bout time!’

Asta took the book and a sword manifested from it. That wasn’t all, Asta’s crest began to glow. ‘This power...I feel it…’ Winds began to twist and turn, and some strange shards began to gather towards Asta, the shards were of all different colors, forming together to form a book.

“A second...grimoire…” Revchi was stunned. “But how, you don’t have any magic...this can’t be real!”

The grimoire looked to be made of glass, even the pages. When Asta touched the book it became tangible like a real grimoire. “That book…” It didn’t have a clover on it, the cover was as colorful as a window pane, but in it’s center where a clover should be, was instead a gold and red bat.

“Asta…” Yuno was stunned.

“I don’t know what you are but those grimoires will make me a killing on the black market.” He attacked Asta with chains, but Asta cut them down with the strange black sword. ‘He severed my spell?’

“WHAT ARE YOU?!” Revchi pulled out everything he had. ‘I just need to stag him once, no matter what power he has I’ll seal it.’ Asta caught his chain. ‘Got you!’ It snaked around his wrist.

The second grimoire opened up. Asta’s eyes widened. “Drain Touch!”

“Give it up no spell can be used once I get my chains on them...ugh...what...is...happening…” He felt his mana being drained away. “This can’t be...this isn’t possible…”

So he’s got dad’s power...then our abilities come from the same place.’

His magic was drained away causing the chain to vanish. Asta charged in. Using the last of his strength Revchi tried to put up a defense spell, but Asta slashed right through it. He got knocked the heck out. “I’m gonna become the Wizard King!”

To be continued...


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